
Abbreviations Search
Abbreviation Fullform Type Publication
BoHa Bogazköy-Hattusha. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (1-8 in WVDOG, Stuttgart/Berlin 1952ff.)
Boissier Choix A. Boissier, Choix de textes relatifs à la divination assyro-babylonienne (1905)
BOR Babylonian and Oriental Record, (London 1886-1901)
Borger Rykle Borger, Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste (Kevelaer 1978)
Bork, Zeughausurkungen Ferdinand Bork, Die Zeughausurkunden von Susa, Teil I ( = Altkaukasische Studien, Heft III, Leipzig 1941)
BoSt Boghazköi-Studien (Leipzig 1917 ff.)
BoTU Boghazköi-Texte in Umschrift (Leipzig 1922-1926)
Boyer Contribution Contribution a L'histoire Juridique
BPO Babylonian Planetary Omens (1975 onwards)
BPOA Biblioteca del Proximo Oriente Antiguo (Madrid, 2006ff.)
Br R.E. Brunnow, A Classified List of Cuneiform ideographs (Leyden, 1887)
BRAD J. Augapfel, Babylonische Rechtsurkunden aus der Regierungszeit Artaxerxes l. u. Darius II. (Vienna 1917)
BRM Babylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan (New Haven 1917 ff.)
Brockmon R. Kutscher, The Brockmon Tablets at the Univ. of Haifa Royal Inscriptions
BSA Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture (Cambridge, England, 1984 ff.)
BSL Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris (Paris)
BSOAS (aka BSOS) Bulletin of the School of Oriental (and African) Studies (London 1917 ff.)
BSWSAS Sejnen Aja Kenkyû (Bulletin of the Society for Western and Southern Asiatic Studies, Kyoto University (Kyoto 1958ff.)
BT Brockman Tablets
BTL (aka BT) Babylonische Texte (Leipzig 1889-1897)
BTT Babylonian Topographical Texts (George)
Bu (aka Bu.) museum siglum of the British Museum (Budge)
BuA B. Meissner, Babylonien und Assyrien (Heidelberg 1920/25)
Buccellati Amorites G. Buccellati, The Amorites of the Ur III Period
Buffalo SNS Hussey, M. 1915
Bursin 1 (StOr 49, 26)
Bursin 2 (StOr 49, 26)
Bursin 3 (StOr 49, 27)
Bursin 4 (RIME 4 Bursin 2001)
Bursin lff. royal inscr.
Bursin seals a-e (StOr49,27f.;RIME4 Bursin 2002-2006)
BVW Erich Ebeling, Bruchstücke einer mittelassyrischen Vorschriftensammlung für die Akklimatisierung und Trainierung von Wagenpferden, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut für Orientforschung Veröffentlichung No. 7. (Berlin 1951 Akademie Verlag)
BWL W.G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature (Oxford 1959)
BzN Beiträge zur Namenforschung (Heidelberg)
bzw. respectively (beziehungsweise)
C consonant
CA Current Anthropology (Chicago 1960 ff.)
CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the University of Chicago (Chicago 1956 ff.)
CAH The Cambridge Ancient History (Cambridge, England 1970 ff.3)
CahDAFI Cahiers de la Délégation archéologique française en Iran
Calendars M.E. Cohen, The Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East
Camb. J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Cambyses, König von Babylon (= BT 8-9, 1890)
CANE Sasson, Jack M. et al. (eds.) 2000 Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers.
CANES E. Porada, Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Collections, I The Collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library (Washington 1948)
CanLam M. E. Cohen, The Canonical Lamentations of Ancient Mesopotamia (Potomac, Maryland 1988)
CAT A. F. Rainey, Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets, HdO I 25, 1-4, Leiden 1996
Cat RSM 1907.690-50 5 Dalley, S. 1979
Cat. L. de Clerq/J. Ménamt, Collection de Clerq, catalogue …, I (Paris 1885/ 1888), II (1890/1903)
Cat. K. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection
Catalogue 3 Auction nd
Catalogue Louvre L. Heuzey, Musée National du Louvre, Catalogue des Antiquités Chaldéenes, sculpture et gravure à; la pointe (Paris 1902)
CatBM H.H. Figulla, Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum
CB C.E. Keiser, Cuneiform Bullae of the Third Millennium B.C. Bab. Records in the Library of J.P. Morgan, part III. (New York, 1914)
CBCT Chiera, E., Catalogue of the Babylonian Cuneiform Tablets in the Princeton University Library (Princeton 1921)
CBCY Beckman, G. et al, Catalogue of the Babylonian collections at Yale
CBI C. B. F. Walker, Cuneiform Brick Inscriptions in The British Museum, the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, the City of Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, the City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery (London 1981)
CBII Un calendrier babylonien des traveaux des signes et des mois (séries iqqur īpuš) Book CBII
CBS Museum siglum of the University Museum in Philadelphia (Catalogue of the Babylonian Section)
CCL (aka Cat., CCO) L. Delaporte, Musée du Louvre, Catalogue des cylindres orientaux, cachets et pierres gravées de style oriental, I Fouilles et missions (Paris 1920); II Acquisitions (1923)
CCR 2 Corpus des Cylindres de Ras Shamra-Ougarit II: Sceaux-Cylindres en Hématite et Pierres Diverses book CCR 2
CCT Cuneiform Texts from Cappadocian Tablets in the British Museum (London 1921-75)
CCTM (aka CTMMA; CTM; CT Metropolitan) Corpus of Cuneiform Texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (3 of 4 volumes have appeared as of June 2010)
CDA Concise Dictionary of Akkadian
CdC II L. de Clercq/J. Menant, Collection de Clercq, Bd. II (Cachets, briques, bronces, bas-reliefs) (Paris 1903)
CDCPP R. H. Sack, Cuneiform documents from the Chaldean and Persian period (London/Toronto 1994)
CDLB Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin <http //> (Los Angeles/Berlin 2002ff.) Journal
CDLI Cuneiform Digital LIbrary Initiative <http //> (Los Angeles/Berlin) Journal
CDLJ Cuneiform Digital Library Journal <http //> (Los Angeles/Berlin 2002ff.) Journal
CDLN Cuneiform Digital Library Notes <http //> (Los Angeles/Berlin 2003ff.) Journal
CDLP Cuneiform Digital Library Preprint
CE Codex Eshnunna
cf. confer
CGSL S. Moscati, A. Spitaler, E. Ullendorff and W. von Soden, An Introduction to the Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages, Wiesbaden 1964; 3d edition, 1980
CH Codex Hammurabi
CHANE Culture and history of the ancient Near East
Chantre E. Chantre (ed.), Mission en Cappadoce 1893-1894 (Paris, 1898)
CHD The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (Chicago 1980 ff.)
CHEU (aka Contenau Contribution, HEU) G. Contenau, Contribution à; I'histoire économique d'Umma (= Bibliothèque de l'école des Hautes Études, sciences philologiques et historiques 119, Paris 1915)
CHJ G. Boyer, Contribution à; I'histoire juridique de la 1re Dynastie Babylonienne (Paris 1928)
Chronicles L.W King, Chronicles Concerning Early Babylonian Kings
ChS Corpus der hurritischen Sprachdenkmäler (Rome 1984 ff.)
CICh C. F. Lehmann-Haupt, Corpus inscriptionum chaldaicarum (Berlin 1928/1935)
CII (aka CIIran) Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum (London 1955 ff.)
Circulation of Goods A. Archi (ed.), Circulation of Goods in Non-palatial Context in the Ancient Near East (Rome 1984)
CIRPL (aka Sollberger Corpus) E. Sollberger, Corpus des inscriptions "royales" présargoniques de Lagash (Geneva 1956)
CKU P. Michalowski, Correspondence of the Kings of Ur (2011)
CL Codex Lipit-Ishtar
Clerge D. Charpin, Le clerge d'Ur
CM Cuneiform Monographs (Groningen 1992 ff.)
CMH Museum sigla Série H du Cabinet des Médailles
CNIP Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications
CNRS Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris
col(s). column(s)
coll. collated, collation
Colloquium Anatolicum Colloquium Anatolicum (Istanbul 2002ff.) Journal
com. Comitative
comm. commentary (texts)
Commentaires R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les presages
comp. composition(s)
Comptabilité Virolleaud, Charles, Comptabilité Chaldéenne 1903

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CDLI contributors. 2024. “Abbreviations.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. October 12, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, October 12). Abbreviations. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Abbreviations, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: October 12, 2024).
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