
Abbreviations Search
Abbreviation Fullform Type Publication
I & C Iran and the Caucasus (1997 ff.) Journal
i.e. that is
IAK E. Ebeling, B. Meissner, E. F. Weidner, Die Inschriften der Altassyrischen Könige (Leipzig, Verlag Von Quelle & Meyer, 1926)
IAR Iraq Archaeological Reports (Warminster/Oxford 1988ff.). Series
IAS R. D. Biggs, Inscriptions from Tell Abu Salabikh (= OIP 99, 1974)
IB Ishan Bahriyat, Isin excavation sigla
Ibbisin lff. royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 279ff.
Ibbisin to Ishbierra letter; S. N. Kramer, OECT 5, 15f.
Ibbisin to Puzurnumushda letter; A. Falkenstein, ZA 49, 59ff.
IBK Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft 1/2–30 (Innsbruck 1953/1954–1999); NF (2010ff); Sonderheft (1954ff.). Series
IBoT Istanbul Arkeoloji Müzelerinde bulunan Bogazköy tabletleri (Istanbul 1944 ff.)
ICC H. A. Layard, lnscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from Assyrian Monuments (London 1852)
ICDOG Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft
ICK Inscriptions cunéiformes du Kultépé, I B. Hrozny; II L. Matous (Prag 1952/1962)
Iddatum to Sumutarra letter; P. Michalowski, JCS 30, 118
Iddindagan 1 (RIME 4,22 Iddindagan 1)
Iddindagan 2 (StOr 49, Sf.)
Iddindagan 3 (StOr 49,7)
Iddindagan Hymn B lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 209ff.
Iddindagan lff. royal inscr.; I. Karki, StOr 49, 5ff.
Iddindagan seal a (StOr 49, 5; RIME 4 Iddindagan 2001)
Iddindagan to Sinillatum letter; Ali Letters 67ff. B 3
Ideogramme B. Meissner, Seltene assyrische Ideogramme
IEJ Israel Exploration Journal (Jerusalem 1950 ff.)
IES tablets in the collections of the Institute of Egyptian Studies (Univ. of Cambridge)
IF Indogermanische Forschungen (Straßburg/Leipzig/Berlin 1892 ff.)
Igituh lex. series igi-du8 = tamartu
Igituh Short Version lex. series; B. Landsberger, AfO 18, 81ff.
Igmilsin to Nudimmudsiga letter; PBS 12, 32
IHH B. Hrozny, Les inscriptions hittites hiéroglyphiques (Prague 1933)
IHJ International Journal of Humanities (2015 ff.) Journal
IJAS Iranian Journal of Archaeological Studies (Iran 2011 ff.) Journal
ILN Illustrated London News (London 1842 ff.)
Ilumgamll 1 royal mscr.; I. Kärkl, StOr 49, 189f.
IM Museum siglum of the Iraq Museum in Baghdad
IMGULA Walter Sommerfeld, ed.
imp. Imperative
IMT Donbaz, Veysel & Matthew W. Stolper, Istanbul Murašû texts. Istanbul 1997 Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul
Inanna and Bilulu lit. comp.; Th. Jacobsen and S.N. Kramer, JNES 12, 160ff.
Inanna and Ebih lit. comp.; ms. B. Eichler
Inanna and Enki lit. comp.; G. Farber-Flugge, Studia Pohl 10
Inanna and Iddindagan lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 128ff; D. Reisman, JCS 25, 185ff.
Inanna and Shukalletuda lit. comp.; K. Volk, Inanna und Sukaletuda
Inanna's Descent lit. comp.; W.R. Sladek, Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld (diss., Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Inannaka to Nintinugga letter-prayer; Ali Letters 137ff. B 17
incant. incantation(s)
Incantation against Gall lit. comp.; P. Mlchalowski, ZA 71, lff.
Incantation to Utu lit. comp., B. Alster, Acta Sum 13 27ff
inf. Infinitive
Inimenlilla to a King letter; UET 6/2, 173 i 5ff.
Iniminanna to Enlilmassu letter; Ali Letters 149ff. B l9
Iniminanna to Lugalibila letter; Ali Letters 153ff. B 20
Inninshagurra lit. comp.; A. Sjöberg, ZA 65, 161ff.
inscr. inscription(s)
Inscriptions / Inscriptions sémitiques H. Pognon, Inscriptions sémitiques de la Syrie, de la Mésopotamie et de la région de Mossoul, 1–2 (Paris 1907–1908; Nachdruck: Piscataway 2010).
Instructions of Shuruppak lit. comp.; B. Alster, Mesopotamia 2, and dupls. see B. Alster, Mesopotamia 3, 137ff.; Civil, JNES 43 , 281ff.
Instructions of Urninurta lit comp.; B. Alster, OrNS 60, 141ff.
interlin. Interlinear
IOS Israel oriental studies. [Tel Aviv] Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University
Iran Iran. Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies (London 1963 ff.)
IrAnt Iranica Antiqua (Leiden 1961 ff.)
Iraq Iraq (British School of Archaeology in Iraq) (London 1934 ff.)
IRS F. Malbran-Labat (préface de A. Caubet), Les inscriptions royales de Suse: briques de l’époque paléo-élamite à l’empire néo-élamite (Paris 1995). Book
IRSA E. Sollberger/J. R. Kupper, Inscriptions royales sumériennes et akkadiennes (Paris 1971)
ISET S. Kramer/M. Çig/H. Kizilyay, Istanbul Arkeoloji Müzelerinde bulunan Sumer edebi tablet ve parcalari (Sumerian Literary Tablets and Fragments in the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul), I/Il, (Ankara 1969/1976)
Ishbierra 2 royal inscr.; StOr 49, 2; RIME 4 Isbierra 1
Ishbierra and Kindattu lit. comp., J. van Dijk, JCS, 30, 189ff.
Ishbierra to Ibbisin 1 letter, Michalowski Correspondence 243ff.
Ishbierra to Ibbisin 2 letter, S.N. Kramer, OECT 5 17ff.
IshbierraA lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, Studies Hallo 211ff.
Ishme Dagan M.-C. Ludwig, Untersuchungen zu den Hymnen des Ishme-Dagan von Isin
Ishmedagan 01 (StOr 49, 8), RIME 4 Ismedagan 1)
Ishmedagan 02 (StOr 49, 8), RIME 4 Ismedagan 2)
Ishmedagan 03 (StOr 49, 9; RIME 4 Ismedagan 7)
Ishmedagan 04 (StOr 49, 9, RIME 4 Ismedagan 3)
Ishmedagan 05 (StOr 49, 10; RIME 4 Ismedagan 4)
Ishmedagan 06 (StOr 49, 10; RIME 4 Ismedagan 11)
Ishmedagan 07 (StOr 49, 10f.; RIME 4 Ismedagan 5)
Ishmedagan 08 (StOr 49, 11; RIME 4 Ismedagan 13)
Ishmedagan 09 (StOr 49, 12; RIME 4 Ismedagan 12)
Ishmedagan 10 (StOr 49, 12; RIME 4 Ismedagan 2001)
Ishmedagan 11 (StOr 49, 13; RIME 4 Ismedagan 10)
Ishmedagan 12 (StOr 49, 13; RIME 4 Ismedagan 6)
Ishmedagan lff. royal inscr.
Ishmedagan S lit. comp.; Ludwig Isme-Dagan 87ff.
Ishmedagan seal a (StOr 49, 13; RIME 4 Ismedagan 14)
Ishmedagan Z lit. comp.; ms. P. Michalowski
Ishtar W.F. Leemans, Ishtar of Lagaba and her Dress (= SLB 1/1)
Isin B. Hrouda, Isin-Išān Baḥrīyāt die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen (4 vols. 1977-1992)
Isin crafts Marc van de Mieroop, Crafts in the Early Isin Period A Study of the Isin Craft Archive from the Reigns of Isbi-Erra and Su-Illisu. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta - OLA 24 (Peeters Publishers, 1987)
ISINJournal ISIN Journal (Al-Qadisiyah University 2011ff.) Journal
ISL Innsbrucker Sumerisches Lexikon des Instituts für Sprachen und Kulturen des Alten Orients an der Universität Innsbruck, Abt. I Sumerisches Lexikon zu den zweisprachigen literarischen Texten; Band 1 Sumerisches Lexikon zu G. Reisner SBH
IsMEO (Reports and Memoirs/Serie Orientale Roma) Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Rom; ab 1995 zusammen mit dem Istituto Italo-Africano di Roma zu IsIAO vereinigt), Reports and Memoirs 1–28 (1962–2001; 27/1997 noch unter IsMEO veröffentlicht; 28/2001 schon unter IsIAO veröffentlicht). Serie Orientale Roma (= Rome Oriental Series) (4/1952ff.).
IstF (aka IstForsch.) Istanbuler Forschungen (Berlin/Tübingen 1932 ff.)
IstM (aka IstMitt.) Istanbuler Mitteilungen (Istanbul 1933 ff.); Beih. = Beiheft (1966 ff.)
ITT (aka FYI) Inventaire des tablettes de Tello
IUP Ser. Minor Istituto Universitario Orientale, Seminario di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor (Neapel 1974ff.) Series
Izi lex. series izi = ishtu; MSL 13, 154ff.

Total 98 record(s)

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CDLI contributors. 2024. “Abbreviations.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. October 12, 2024.
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CDLI contributors (2024) Abbreviations, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: October 12, 2024).
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