Encyclopedic articles related to Assyriological studies.
List of main categories in documentation.
Information about cuneiform artifacts have been published in numerous peer-reviewed books and articles. This CDLI feature provides search and browse capabilities into this precious resource that was compiled by a multitude of scholars over a three decades period.
Seals, mostly cylindrical, engraved with scenes and text, were rolled onto fresh clay to leave their imprint, an ingenious administrative tool.
Numerous cuneiform artifacts were inscribed with witnesses of compositions. In order to study these compositions, scholars align witnesses so they can see the variations and similarities between exemplars. There are composites of various genres of texts but mostly Royal inscriptions, literary compositions and lexical texts.
Powerful figures of Mesopotamia of all periods have disseminated their accomplishements using varied mediums.
List of abbreviations used in Mesopotamian Studies.
Convention of sign values to use when submitting transliterations to the CDLI.
Published cuneifom sign lists for all periods.
Sign and word lists for all periods, generated from CDLI data.
A correspondance table showing months vs month number, period, ruler and rulership year.
A list of composite year names.
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Employ the COCO converter to convert annotations from COCO format to W3C.JSON format.
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Compare word and sign frequencies in an ATF file to the auto-generated word and sign lists from a period.
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Merge CoNLL files.
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