
Abbreviations Search
Abbreviation Fullform Type Publication
U Find siglum, Ur (London/Philadelphia/Baghdad)
UAVA Untersuchtungen zur Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Ergänzuingsbände zu ZA (Berlin 196o ff.)
UCLM tablets in the collection of the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology of the Univ. of California at Berkeley
UCP University of California Publications in Semitic Philology (Berkeley 1907 ff.); s. NESt.
UCP 9/2 (aka STR) H. E. Lutz, Sumerian Temple Records of the Late Ur Dynasty (= UCP 9/2, 1928)
UCU M. Widell, The Administrative and Economic Ur III Texts from the City of Ur (Piscataway 2003)
UDT J. Nies, Ur Dynasty Tablets (= AB 25, 1920)
Udughul OB incantation series; M. Geller, FAOS 12
UE Ur Excavations. Publications of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania to Mesopotamie (Oxford/Philadelphia 1927 ff.)
UET Ur Excavations. Texts (London 1928 ff.)
UET 2 supp (aka UET 2 Sp) Amedeo Alberti and Francesco Pomponio, Pre-Sargonic and Sargonic texts from Ur edited in UET 2, Supplement (= Studia Pohl SM 13)
UF (aka UgaritForsch) Ugarit-Forschungen (Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1969 ff.)
Ugaritica (aka Ug) Ugaritica. Mission de Ras Shamra (Paris 1939-1978)
UGASL (aka G.J. Selz, UGASL) G. J. Selz, Untersuchungen zur Götterwelt des altsumerischen Stadtstaates von Lagash, OPSNKF 13 (Philadelphia 1995)
Ugumu lex. series ugu-mu; MSL 9, 51ff.
UHF M.J. Geller, Forerunners to Udug-hul (= FAOS 12)
UIOM tablets in the collections of the Univ. of Illinois Oriental Museum
UKN O. Melikishvili, Urartskie klinoobraznye nadpisi (Moskau 1960); II (= VDI 3, 1971, pp. 229-255)
UM Tablet siglum of the University Museum, Philadelphia
UMM University Museum Monograph. University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Philadelphia 1949 ff.). Series
Umma G. Contenau, Umma sous la dynaste d'Ur 1916
UMT (aka Unger Mem. Vol.) In Memoriam Eckhard Unger Beitrage zu Geschichte, Kultur und Religion des alten Orient
unil. unilingual
Unity and Diversity H. Goedicke and J.J.M. Roberts, eds., Essays in the History, Literature and Religion of the Ancient Near East
Univ. university
UNL G. Pettinato, Untersuchungen zur neusumerischen Landwirtschaft I, 1. und 2. Teil (Naples 1967)
unpubl. unpublished
UNT (aka Waetzoldt Textilindustrie, Textilindustrie) H. Waetzoldt, Untersuchtungen zur neusumerischen Textilindustrie (Rom 1972)
Ur III Ur III period
Ur III Temple R. Zettler, The Ur III Temple of Inanna at Nippur (= BBVO 11)
Ur III-Fischerei (aka R.K. Englund, Fischerei) R. Englund, Organisation und Verwaltung der Ur III-Fischerei (= BBVO 10)
Ur, Assur und Babylon H. Schmökel, Ur, Assur und Babylon, drei Jahrtausende im Zweistromland (Stuttgart 1955)
Urbaba lff'. royal inscr.; Steible NBW 1, 134ff.
Urdukuga royal mscr.
Urdukuga 1 (StOr 49,34f.)
Urdukuga 2 (RIME 4,95 Urdukuga 2)
Urdukuga 3 (RIME 4,96 Urdukuga 3)
Urdun to Shulgi letter; Michalowski Correspondence 216ff.
Urenlilla to Ensi and Sanga letter; Ali Letters 105ff. B 10
Urnammu lff. royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 93ff
Urnanshe lff. royal inscr.; Steible ABW 1, 79ff
Urningirsu I lf'f. royal inscr.; Steible NBW 1, 123ff.
Urningirsu II lff. royal inscr.; Steible NBW 1, 360ff.
Urninmarki lf. royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 338
Urninurta 1 (StOr49,23)
Urninurta 2 (StOr 49,24)
Urninurta lff. royal inscr.,
Ursaga to a King letter; A. Falkenstein, ZA 44, lff.;Ali Letters 80ff. B 6
Uruammairabi lit. comp.; K. Volk, FAOS 18; M. Civil, Aula Or 1, 45ff.
Uruanna pharmaceutical series u2-uru-an-na = mashtakal
Uruinimgina lff. royal inscr.; Steible ABW 1, 278ff.
Uruk Lament lit. comp.; M.W. Green, JAOS 104, 253ff.
USC (aka USCARC) Museum siglum of the Archaeological Research Collection, University of Southern California
USP (aka UmmaSP) B. Foster, Umma in the Sargonic Period (= MCAAS 20)
UT C. Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook (= AnOr. 38, 1965, Reprint 1967)
Utah Owen, David 2000
UTI 3 (aka Umma Ist. 3,Ylldlz-Gomi Umma, UTAMI 3) F.Yildiz/T.Gomi Die Umma-Texte aus den Archäologischen Museen zu Istanbul, Ill (CDL Press 1993)
UTI 4 (aka Umma Ist. 4,Gomi-Yildlz Umma, UTAMI 4) T. Gomi and F. Ylldlz Die Umma-Texte aus den Archaologischen Museen zu Istanbul, IV
UTI 5 (aka Umma Ist. 5, UTAMI 5) Gomi, T. and Yildiz, F. 2000
UTI 6 (aka Umma Ist. 6, UTAMI 6) Gomi, T. and Yildiz, F. 2000
Utudug to Ilakniid letter, Ali Letters 124ff. B 15
Utuhegal Inscr. royal inscr.; RA 9, 113ff and dupl., W. Römer, OrNS 54 274ff.
Utukku lemnutu incant. series; mss. M. Geller, M.W. Green
UVB Vorläufiger Bericht über die . . . Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka (1-11 in ABAW, 1930-1940; 12 ff. in ADOG 1956 ff.)

Total 64 record(s)

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CDLI contributors. 2024. “Abbreviations.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. October 12, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, October 12). Abbreviations. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Abbreviations, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: October 12, 2024).
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AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2024/10/12/
PY  - 2024
ID  - temp_id_214194799944
M1  - 2024/10/12/
TI  - Abbreviations
UR  -
ER  - 
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