
Abbreviations Search
Abbreviation Fullform Type Publication
N Museum siglum of the University Museum, Philadelphia (Nippur) Collection siglum
N-T field numbers of tablets excavated at Nippur (In Chicago and Baghdad)
NA Neo-Assyrian
Nabienlil to a King letter; ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Nabienlil to his Colleagues letter; ISET 2, 121 Ni.4491
Nabienlil to Sillieshtar letter; ISET 1, 126 Ni.972 and dupls. VAS 17, 44 ii 28'-iii 1 and UM 29-13-520; ms. M. Civil
NABU Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires (Paris 1987 ff.); cf. Mémoires de NABU (1992 ff.), Cahiers de NABU (1990 ff.)
NALK Th. Kwasman, Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum (= StPohl SM 14, 1988)
Nammahm of Lagas lff. roval mscr., Stelble NBW 1, 374ff.
Nanna-Suen lit. comp.; A. Sjöberg, Der Mondgott Nanna-Suen …, I (Stockholm 1960)
Nanna's Journey to Nippur lit. comp.; A.J. Ferrara, Studia Pohl SM 2
Nannakiag to Lipiteshtar letter; Ali Letters 71ff. B 4
Nannamansum to Nininsina letter-prayer; TCL 16, 60 and dupl.
Nannamansum to Rimsin letter; OECT 5, 31
Nanshe and the Birds lit. comp.; ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Nanshe Hymn lit. comp.; W. Heimpel, JCS 33 65ff.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg,
NAPR Northern Akkad Project Reports (= Mesopotamian History and Environment, Series I; Ghent)
NARGD J. N. Postgate, Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 1, Rome 1969)
Nasha Diss. Nelson, S.B., Nasha A Study of Administrative Texts of the Third Dynasty of Ur, Ph. D. Diss. University of Minnesota 1972
NAT S. Parpola, Neo-Assyrian Toponyms (= AOAT 6, 1970)
NATN D. l. Owen, Neo-Sumerian Archival Texts primarily from Nippur (Winona Lake 1982)
NatPhen D.J.W. Meijer (ed.), Natural Phenomena (= Fs. M.N. van Loon, Amsterdam 1992)
Nautica (aka A. Salonen, Nautica) A. Salonen, Nautica Babyloniaca. Eine lexikalische und kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung (Helsinki 1942), (= StOr 11.1)
NAWG Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Phil-hist. Klasse (Göttingen)
NB Neo-Babylonian
NB Stone List lex. text, MSL 10, 65ff.
NBC Nies Babylonian Collection, siglum of the Yale Babylonian Collection, New Haven
NBDM Neo-Babylonian Documents in the University of Michigan Collection (Ellen Moore)
NBGT lex. series, Neo-Babylonian Grammatical Texts; MSL 4,
Nbk. J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Nabuchodonosor, König von Babylon (= BT 5-6, Leipzig 1889)
Nbn. J. N. Strassmaier, Inschriften von Nabonidus, König von Babylon (= BT 1-4, Leipzig 1889)
NBW (aka Steible NBW) H. Steible, Die neusumerischen Bau- und Weihinschriften (=FAOS 9)
NCBT Siglum of the Newell Collection of Babylonian Tablets (now Yale University, New Haven)
NCJRNS Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society (London 1904-1965) Journal
nd no (publication) date
ND field numbers of tablets excavated at Nimrud
NE P. Haupt, Das babylonische Nimrodepos (Assyriologische Bibliothek 3, Leipzig 1891)
NEA Near Eastern Archaeology, ASOR (Atlanta 61/1998ff.) Journal
Nebraska N. Forde, Nebraska Cuneiform Texts of the Sumerian Ur III Dynasty
Nergal J. Bollenrucher, Gebete und Hymnen an Nergal
Nergal Hymn lit. comp.; H. Zimmern, ZA 31, 111ff.; rev. ms. M. Roth
Nergal's Ax lit. comp., TMH NF 4, 45 and dupls.; H. Behrens, Studies Sachs 27ff.
NESt. University of California Publications. Near Eastern Studies (Berkeley)
NF Neue Folge
NFT (aka Tello) G. Cros et al., Nouvelles fouilles de Tello (Paris 1910)
NG (aka Gerichtsurkunden, NGU, NSGU) A. Falkenstein, Die neusumerischen Gerichtsurkunden (= ABAW NF 39, 40, 54, 1956-57)
NH (aka Noms) E.Laroche, Les noms des Hittites (Paris 1966)
Ni. Museum siglum of the Archaeological Museum, Istanbul (Nippur)
Nigga lex. series nig2-GA = makkuru, MSL 13, 91ff.
Nik (aka DV 3/II) M.V. Nikol'skij, Drevnosti Vostocnyja, III/2 (St. Petersburg 1908), Dokumenty . . .iz sobraniia N.P. LiLhacheva, (= Nik 1); collations by M. Powell, Acta Sum 3, 125ff.; G. Selz, FAOS 15/1; Drevnosti Vostocnyja, V (Moskau 1915), Dokumenty . . . iz sobraniia N.P. Likhacheva, (= Nik 2)
Ninegalla Hymn lit. comp.; H. Behrens, FAOS 21, 1998
Ningishzida Hymn A lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, StOr 46, 301ff.
Ningishzida Hymn B lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, StOr 46, 305ff.
Ningishzida Hymn C lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, StOr 129ff.
Ninkasi Hymn lit. comp., M. Civil, Studies Oppenheim 67ff.
Ninmesharra lit. comp.; W.W. Hallo and J. van Dijk, YNER 3; rev. ms. H. Behrens; Zgoll, AOAT 246
NINO Annual Report Netherlands Institute for the Near East, Leiden, Annual Report Journal
Ninshatapada to Rimsin letter; W.W. Hallo, Etudes Garelli 377ff.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Nintinugga's Dog lit. comp.; Ali Letters 144ff. B 18
Ninurta and the Turtle lit. comp.; B. Alster, JCS 24, 120ff.
Ninurta's Fields lit. comp.; ms. A.J. Ferrara
Ninurta's Journey to Eridu lit. comp.; Reisman, JCS 24, 3ff.; lines quoted according to copy in STVC 34
Nippur Lament lit. comp.; S.J. Tinney, The Nippur Lament (= 0PBF 16)
Nippur Neighborhoods E. Stone, Nippur Neighborhoods (= SAOC 44)
NippurTrial lit. comp.; Th. Jacobsen, AnBibl 12, 130ff.; ms. S.J. Lieberman
Nisaba Studi Assiriologici Messinesi (Messina 2002ff.)
Nisaba and Enki lit. comp.; W.W. Hallo, Rencontre 17, 116ff., rev. ms. P. Michalowski
Nisaba Hymn lit. comp.; D. Reisman, AOAT 25, 357ff.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
no(s). number(s)
Nomades J.-R. Kupper, Les nomades en Mésopotamie au temps des rois Mari (Paris 1957)
NP (aka NBPf.) H. Petschow, Neubabylonisches Pfandrecht (Berlin 1956)
NPN I. Gelb/P. Purves/A. MacRae, Nuzi Personal Names (= OIP 57, 1943)
NRV San Nicolo/A. Ungnad, Neubabylonische Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden (Leipzig 1935/ 1937; Gl. = Glossar)
NRVN M. Çig/H. Kizilyay, Neusumerische Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden aus Nippur, I (Ankara 1965)
NS new series; Nova Series
NTSS (aka NTS[shin]) R. Jestin, Nouveaux textes sumériens de Shuruppak (Paris 1957)
Nungal Hymn lit. comp.; Å.W. Sjöberg, AfO 24, 19f.; Å.W. Sjöberg, JCS 29, 3ff.
Nuradad 1 (StOr 49, 50; RIME 4 Nuradad 5)
Nuradad 2 (StOr 49, 50)
Nuradad 3 (StOr 49, 51)
Nuradad 4 (StOr 49, 53)
Nuradad 5 (RIME 4, 144f. Nuradad 7)
Nuradad 6 (RIME 4, 146 Nuradad 6)
Nuradad 7 (StOr 49, 56; RIME 4 Nuradad 1)
Nuradad lff. royal inscr.
Nuradad seals a-m (StOr 49, 54-56; RIME 4 Nuradad 2001-2013)
NYPL (aka New York Library; TCNY; PIOL 19) H. Sauren, Les Tablettes Cuneiformes de l'Epoque d'Ur de la New York Public Library

Total 87 record(s)

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CDLI contributors. 2024. “Abbreviations.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. October 12, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, October 12). Abbreviations. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Abbreviations, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: October 12, 2024).
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