
We are currently working on rewriting and improving our documentation. In the meantime, please see below for general guidelines for contributing. Please click on an item in the list to be directed to the proper section.

Contribute quick links

Contribute content

The reliability and completeness of our data are dependent on you. You can improve our online resources in many ways described below. To submit your entries or texts, you need to register a user account and to contact our team to activate your crowdsourcing privilege. For this, you can simply write to cdli-support (at) For more details on registering an account, see our documentation. To see who has contributed what, you can see our index of "update events".


After logging in, you can submit individual new artifact entries or lists of them, using either our single artifact add form, or our "bulk upload" form.

To edit existing entries, you can upload a list of changes, again using the "bulk upload" form, or you can visit the page of the artifact you wish to edit eg., and click on the edit metadata button. 

See our documentation for detailed instructions on how to format the entries and how to operate the forms. 

Transliterations, transcriptions, translations and annotations

Transliterations transcriptions and translations can be contributed in a similar way as metadata. Before submitting any text, an associated metadata entry must exist. After logging in, you can submit individual new texts or groups of them, our submit text and annotation page.

To edit existing text, you can upload a file containing all the texts, again using the "bulk upload" form, or you can visit the page of the artifact you wish to edit eg., and click on the edit text button. 

See our documentation for detailed instructions on formatting text, transliterations, and annotations, and how to operate the forms to submit them. 


CDLI is happy to safe keep the original capture of images used to create archival and web images of artifacts displayed on the website. This is also the case for line art, either scanned from publications or produced as vector images. In the case of 3D models and RTI renders, we only always preserve and display a web-ready version of the images, except in the case of RTI images, where we decide on a case-by-case basis if we can also ingest the original capture version of the images.

See our documentation for detailed instructions on capture, post-processing of images, and including the images in cdli.

Contribute code

Before jumping into code contribution, please fill our Contributor License Agreement. We can then give you developer access to our repositories. 

The codebase for the CDLI framework is on Gitlab: 

The codebase for our standalone projects is on Github:

All of our code is open-source and released under the most open licenses; generally, the MIT license but also under other permissive licenses.

Financial contribution

The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative is supported through occasional funded projects, by the affiliated institutions (servers and some IT support) and by numerous volunteers who add and curate data and work on the codebase of our framework.

We appreciate monetary support, which will help us maintain and improve this resource. For donations of an amount less than 2000 $/£/€, please use our Open Collective Project (anonymous donation available) which can provide you with a charity receipt.

We also have a merchandise store for which the small margin of profit made is sent back to our Open Collective account.

For larger donations, please reach out to co-director Jacob Dahl (, or if you would like to remain anonymous, please contact, Huw David (, Development Director at Wolfson College, University of Oxford.

Cite this Posting
CDLI contributors. 2025. “Contribute.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. March 30, 2025.
CDLI contributors. (2025, March 30). Contribute. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2025) Contribute, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: March 30, 2025).
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