Allred, Lance


This profile was last modified on 2024-06-14 at 08:46:23


Allred, Lance. 2006. Phdthesis. Cooks and Kitchens: Centralized Food Production in Late Third Millennium Mesopotamia. Phdthesis, Johns Hopkins University. [Cooks and Kitchens (Allred2006diss)]

Allred, Lance, and Alhena Gadotti. 2007. “The Cuneiform Collection of the Clinton Historical Society.” Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin 2007 (002). [CDLB 2007/002 (Allred2007Clinton)]

Allred, Lance. 2008. “Labor Assignments from the City of Girsu.” In On the Third Dynasty of Ur: Studies in Honor of Marcel Sigrist, edited by Piotr Michalowski, 1:11–19. The Journal of Cuneiform Studies Supplemental Series. The American Schools of Oriental Research. [Girsu Labor (Allred2008-5)]

Allred, Lance. 2008. “Labor Assignments from the City of Girsu.” Edited by Piotr Michalowski. On the Third Dynasty of Ur: Studies in Honor of Marcel Sigrist, 11–19. [Fs Sigrist p. 11-19, (Allred2008FsSigrist)]

Allred, Lance. 2010. “Getting the Word out. Letter-Orders and the Administration of the Third Dynasty of Ur.” In Why Should Someone Who Know Something Conceal It? Cuneiform Studies in Honor of David I. Owen on His 70th Birthday, edited by Alexandra Kleinerman and Jack M. Sasson, 9–13. Bethesda: CDL Press. [Fs Owen p.9-13 (Allred2010letter-orders)]

Allred, Lance. 2011. “The Kitchen at Garšana.” In Garšana Studies, edited by David I. Owen, 11–29. Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS), Volume 6. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press. [CUSAS 6, p.11-29 (Allred2011Garšana)]

Brumfield, Sara, and Lance Allred. 2016. “The Cuneiform Tablet Collection of the Los Angeles Unified School District.” Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin 2016 (001). [CDLB 2016/001 (Brumfield2016UnifiedSchool)]

Total 7 record(s)

Created Type Description Role Status
2019-05-05 at 11:28:57 Atf Author approved
2019-05-05 at 09:53:54 Atf Creator approved
2015-10-21 at 07:47:11 Atf Author approved
2013-07-05 at 09:14:09 Atf Creator approved
2013-07-05 at 08:41:04 Atf Creator approved
2013-06-27 at 10:50:20 Atf Creator approved
2013-05-17 at 07:31:46 Atf Creator approved
2013-03-19 at 07:42:41 Atf Creator approved
2012-12-27 at 00:00:00 Artifact 201227 cdliadmin_allred translation from: Andersson, Jakob Author approved
2012-12-07 at 09:08:10 Atf Author approved

Page 1 of 4, showing 10 record(s) out of 40 total

Page 1 of 4, showing 10 record(s) out of 40 total

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CDLI contributors. 2024. “Allred, Lance - Authors.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. July 27, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, July 27). Allred, Lance - Authors. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Allred, Lance - Authors, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: July 27, 2024).
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