Q000351 CDLI Literary 000351 (Ninurta's Exploits [Lugale]) composite
1'. [...] gu2#-en# bara2#-[...]
P258539 obv.
1'. [...] gu2#-en# bara2#-[...]
2'. {d#}nin#-urta du11-ga-zu nu#-[kur2-ra] nam-tar-ra-zu szu zi-de3-esz gar#
P258539 obv.
2'. {d#}nin#-urta du11-ga-zu nu#-[kur2-ra] nam-tar-ra-zu szu zi-de3-esz gar#
3'. lugal-gu10 an-ne2 ki-sig7-ga gisz3 im-ma-du11
P258539 obv.
3'. lugal-gu10 an-ne2 ki-sig7-ga gisz3 im-ma-du11
4'. {d}nin-urta ur-sag ni2 nu-zu a2-sag3 mu-un-szi-ib-tu-ud
P258539 obv.
4'. {d}nin-urta ur-sag ni2 nu-zu a2-sag3 mu-un-szi-ib-tu-ud
5'. dumu um-me nu-tusz-a ne3-ga gu7-a
P258539 obv.
5'. dumu um-me nu-tusz-a ne3-ga gu7-a
6'. lugal-gu10 bulug3-a-a nu-zu |KAB.GAZ|-kur-ra-ka#
P258539 obv.
6'. lugal-gu10 bulug3-a-a nu-zu |KAB.GAZ|-kur-ra-ka#
7'. szul# ir-ta-a igi tesz2 nu-gal2#-[la]
P258539 obv.
7'. szul# ir-ta-a igi tesz2 nu-gal2#-[la]
8'. [{d}]nin#-urta nita ni2-il2-il2-i alan-da [hul2-la]
P258539 obv.
8'. [{d}]nin#-urta nita ni2-il2-il2-i alan-da [hul2-la]
9'. [ur]-sag#-gu10# gu4#-dam# [...] x [...]
P258539 obv.
9'. [ur]-sag#-gu10# gu4#-dam# [...] x [...]
- : lang sux
1. x [...]
- en: ...
P346088 obv.
7'. [...]-x-NE
- n
1. [...]-un#-ur4-ur4 {i7#}idigna im-ma-an-si
- en: He gathered up (that which had been destroyed in the mountain) and placed it (in) the Tigris
P346088 rev.
1. [...]-un#-ur4-ur4 {i7#}idigna im-ma-an-si
- 358
2. [...]{ku6#} a-gar3#-ra mi-ni-in-de2-de2
- en: He irrigated the meadow with the carp flood
P346088 rev.
2. [...]{ku6#} a-gar3#-ra mi-ni-in-de2-de2
- 359
3. [i3]-ne-esz2 u4-da#? nig2-ki-szar2-ra-ke4
- en: Now, today(?) that of the horizon/entire earth (everything?),
P346088 rev.
3. [i3]-ne-esz2 u4-da#? nig2-ki-szar2-ra-ke4
- 360
4. lugal#? kalam-ma en {d}nin-urta-ra su3-u4-bi mu-un-hul2-e-esz
- en: The kings of the homeland profoundly rejoiced for Ninurta
P346088 rev.
4. lugal#? kalam-ma en {d}nin-urta-ra su3-u4-bi mu-un-hul2-e-esz
- 361
5. GAN2-ne2 sze gu-nu-a mi-ni-in-si
- en: The field ripened with/placed barley
P346088 rev.
5. GAN2-ne2 sze gu-nu-a mi-ni-in-si
- 362
6. [...] pu2# {gesz}kiri6-ke4 szu im-mi-in-il2
- en: The harvest of the irrigated orchard yielded (fruit)
P346088 rev.
6. [...] pu2# {gesz}kiri6-ke4 szu im-mi-in-il2
- 363
7. guru7# du6-de3 gu2 im-mi-in-gur-gur
- en: He heaped up the grain piles
P346088 rev.
7. guru7# du6-de3 gu2 im-mi-in-gur-gur
- 364
8. en-e kalam-x kar? im-ta-an-e11
- en: The lord brought up harbors/trading colonies from within the land
P346088 rev.
8. en-e kalam-x kar? im-ta-an-e11
- 365
9. dingir-re-e-ne ur5-bi mu-un-sa6
- en: He made the mood of the gods pleasant
P346088 rev.
9. dingir-re-e-ne ur5-bi mu-un-sa6
- 366
10. {d}nin-urta a-a-ni {d}en-lil2-le me-tesz2 me-i-i-ne
- en: And they were praising Ninurta and his father Enlil(?)
P346088 rev.
0. {d}nin-urta a-a-ni {d}en-lil2-le me-tesz2 me-i-i-ne
- 367
11. u4-bi-a munus-ra arhusz-a sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib2-du11
- en: At that time he also reached (a) compassion(ate state) for the woman
P346088 rev.
1. u4-bi-a munus-ra arhusz-a sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib2-du11
- 368
12. {d}nin-mah-e ki gesz3 du11-ga-ni-sze3 u3 nu-um-szi-ku-ku
- en: Ninmah because of the place where ... had sex with her was not sleeping
P346088 rev.
2. {d}nin-mah-e ki gesz3 du11-ga-ni-sze3 u3 nu-um-szi-ku-ku
- 369
13. siki# u8 dugud-gin7 bar-ra bi2-in-dul
- en: She made her hair cover her back like a heavy (i.e. unshorn?) ewe(?)
P346088 rev.
3. siki# u8 dugud-gin7 bar-ra bi2-in-dul
- 370
14. i-lu kur giri3# nu-gal2-la-ba gal-gal-bi mi-ni-ib2-be2#
- en: She was greatly intoning a lament in the mountain that had not been stepped on/had no trails
P346088 rev.
4. i-lu kur giri3# nu-gal2-la-ba gal-gal-bi mi-ni-ib2-be2#
- 371
15. u3-mu-un a2# mah-a-ni kur-re# nu#-u8-il2#-[...]
- en: The mountain does not bear the supreme strength of the lord
P346088 rev.
5. u3-mu-un a2# mah-a-ni kur-re# nu#-u8-il2#-[...]
- 372
16. ur-sag gal an-gin7 [...]
- en: The hero who, like An in his anger, his might no one approaches
P346088 rev.
6. ur-sag gal an-gin7 [...]
- 373
17. u4 sur2 ki-a gen usz11# [...]
- en: The furious storm that moves upon the earth, depositing(?) poison on its “chest”
P346088 rev.
7. u4 sur2 ki-a gen usz11# [...]
- 374
18. en szi {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2# [...]
- en: Lord, the “life”(?) of Enlil, of whom the crown is appropriate upon his head
P346088 rev.
8. en szi {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2# [...]
- : lang sux
1. kur#-[...]
- en: The mountain shall make the livestock teem for you
P346089 obv.
1. kur#-[...]
- 404
2. hur-sag-e nig2-ur2-limmu2-e#? numun# ha#-ra#?-[...]
- en: The mountain range shall make the quadrupeds proliferate for you
P346089 obv.
2. hur-sag-e nig2-ur2-limmu2-e#? numun# ha#-ra#?-[...]
- 405
3. za-e# nin me-ni-da me nu-sa2#-a#-[...] an-gin7 ni2 husz gur3-ru#?
- en: You, a lady with whose cosmic powers no other cosmic powers compare, who wears a furious/reddish aura like heaven
P346089 obv.
3. za-e# nin me-ni-da me nu-sa2#-a#-[...] an-gin7 ni2 husz gur3-ru#?
- 406
4. dingir-mah inim# diri-ga hul gig
- en: Digirmah, who hates excessive speech
P346089 obv.
4. dingir-mah inim# diri-ga hul gig
- 407
5. munus zi nin-hur#-sag# ki#-sikil#
- en: The true lady, Ninhursag, the young woman
P346089 obv.
5. munus zi nin-hur#-sag# ki#-sikil#
- 408
6. {d}nin#-tur5# a2#? MUSZ3#-bi#?-sze3? x-bi-x-ba!?-a
- en: Nintur, who ... when it cools (in the evening?)
P346089 obv.
6. {d}nin#-tur5# a2#? MUSZ3#-bi#?-sze3? x-bi-x-ba!?-a
- 409
7. te-mu-da nin me mah ma-ra-an-szum2 za-e he2-em-il2-e
- en: Draw near(?), lady, I(!) have given you supreme cosmic powers so that you shall be exalted/shall wield them
P346089 obv.
7. te-mu-da nin me mah ma-ra-an-szum2 za-e he2-em-il2-e
- 410
8. munus! zi me-ni me diri-ga nin nagar-sza3-ga
- en: True lady(!?), her cosmic powers surpass (other) cosmic powers, lady, “carpenter of the womb”
P346089 obv.
8. munus! zi me-ni me diri-ga nin nagar-sza3-ga
- 412
9. {d#}a-ru-ru nin gal {d}en-lil2-la2 gaba-na ba-e-gub
- en: Aruru, the elder sister of Enlil, stood at his front
P346089 obv.
9. {d#}a-ru-ru nin gal {d}en-lil2-la2 gaba-na ba-e-gub
- 413
10. ur-sag gal ur-sag ug5-ga-za
- en: "Great hero, when you killed the hero
P346089 obv.
0. ur-sag gal ur-sag ug5-ga-za
- 414
11. u3-mu-un a-a-ni-gin7 du11-ga-ni nu-kur2-ru na-ag2 nu-um-mi-tar
- en: Lord, who like his father his utterance cannot be changed, you have not (yet) decreed a fate”
P346089 obv.
1. u3-mu-un a-a-ni-gin7 du11-ga-ni nu-kur2-ru na-ag2 nu-um-mi-tar
- 415
12. [...]-e {na4}u2-e gu3 ba-de2-e in-ti bi2-ib2-ku-kur
- en: The lord was speaking to the emery stone, he was wishing for/observing (its) path(?)
P346089 obv.
2. [...]-e {na4}u2-e gu3 ba-de2-e in-ti bi2-ib2-ku-kur
- 416
$ double ruling
13. en#? ib2-ba kalam-ma inim mu-na-ni-ib-be2
- en: In the homeland, the angry lord(?) spoke a word to him
P346089 obv.
3. en#? ib2-ba kalam-ma inim mu-na-ni-ib-be2
- 417
14. [{d}]nin-urta en dumu {d#}en-lil2-la2-ke4 asz2? im-mi-ib2-sar-re
- en: Ninurta, lord, son of Enlil was cursing him
P346089 obv.
4. [{d}]nin-urta en dumu {d#}en-lil2-la2-ke4 asz2? im-mi-ib2-sar-re
- 418
15. {na4#}u2 kur-ra ma#-an#?-zi-ge#-en-na-gin7
- en: Emery stone, you who (the Asag) mustered against me in the mountain
P346089 obv.
5. {na4#}u2 kur-ra ma#-an#?-zi-ge#-en-na-gin7
- 419
1. [...]-gu10-sze3 mu-e-dab5-ba-gin7
- en: As one who seized ... in order to render/place my hands(?) ...
P346089 rev.
1. [...]-gu10-sze3 mu-e-dab5-ba-gin7
- 420
2. nam# ug5-ge-gu10 ba-e-ku5-da-gin7
- en: As one who swore to commit(?) my murder
P346089 rev.
2. nam# ug5-ge-gu10 ba-e-ku5-da-gin7
- 421
3. en {d}nin-urta-me-en ki-tusz mah-ga2 ba-e-hu-luh-en-na-gin7
- en: As one who terrified me, lord Ninurta, in my own supreme dwelling
P346089 rev.
3. en {d}nin-urta-me-en ki-tusz mah-ga2 ba-e-hu-luh-en-na-gin7
- 422
4. kal-ga# sul e2-gar8 tuku diri-ga-zu alan-zu he2-em-ta-be4
- en: Mighty one, youth possessed of form, your surpassing(ness) and you stature shall be diminished
P346089 rev.
4. kal-ga# sul e2-gar8 tuku diri-ga-zu alan-zu he2-em-ta-be4
- 423
5. nemur# usu-bi-ta nir gal2-la-am3 he2-me-zi-ir-zi-re-ne
- en: Leopards that rely on their strength shall tear you up
P346089 rev.
5. nemur# usu-bi-ta nir gal2-la-am3 he2-me-zi-ir-zi-re-ne
- 424
6. usu tuku a-gar5-re szu he2-gid2-de3
- en: The powerful one shall accept a test of strength(?) (with you)
P346089 rev.
6. usu tuku a-gar5-re szu he2-gid2-de3
- 425
7. gurusz {na4}u2 szesz-zu zi3!-gin7 he2-me-dub-bu-ne
- en: Young man emery, your brother(s) shall heap you like flour
P346089 rev.
7. gurusz {na4}u2 szesz-zu zi3!-gin7 he2-me-dub-bu-ne
- 426
8. gurusz-me-en gu3 de2-zu he2-gal2 he2-dub2?-x he2!?-til!?-e
- en: You, young man, your shout shall be present and tremble(!?), (but) it shall end(?)
P346089 rev.
8. gurusz-me-en gu3 de2-zu he2-gal2 he2-dub2?-x he2!?-til!?-e
- 428
9. li-li-zu szu#? ha-ba-ab-zi-ge-en adda-ba zu2 e3-ni-ib
- en: You shall raise a hand (violently) against your offspring, show the teeth against their corpses!
P346089 rev.
9. li-li-zu szu#? ha-ba-ab-zi-ge-en adda-ba zu2 e3-ni-ib
- 427
10. am gal lu2 szar2-ra gaz#-za-gin7 nig2 ba-ta gar-ra
- en: Like a great bull killed by many men/a slaughterer(?), make (yourself) into/set (yourself) apart as(!?) something divided into shares(?)
P346089 rev.
0. am gal lu2 szar2-ra gaz#-za-gin7 nig2 ba-ta gar-ra
- 429
11. {na4}u2 {gesz}tukul-ta ur-gir15 me3-ta
- en: Emery, by means of(?) the weapon dog, away from battle,
P346089 rev.
1. {na4}u2 {gesz}tukul-ta ur-gir15 me3-ta
- 430
12. nig2 sipa# tur-re al-sar-re-gin7
- en: like something chased away by the junior shepherd
P346089 rev.
2. nig2 sipa# tur-re al-sar-re-gin7
- 431
13. en#-me-en# {na4}gug me-re-kul-la-za mu-bi he2-sze21
- en: I am the lord, (you) shall be named according to(?) your having pecked at/demolished(?) carnelian
P346089 rev.
3. en#-me-en# {na4}gug me-re-kul-la-za mu-bi he2-sze21
- 432
14. i3#-ne-esz nam tar-ra {d}nin-urta-ka
- en: Now, (this) is the decreed fate of Ninurta
P346089 rev.
4. i3#-ne-esz nam tar-ra {d}nin-urta-ka
- 433
15. u4-da {na4}u2 ub-tag {na4}gug buru3-da ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma
- en: Today (and henceforth), when emery touches (another stone), it will be in order to perforate carnelian, thus it is so!
P346089 rev.
5. u4-da {na4}u2 ub-tag {na4}gug buru3-da ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma
- 434
$ double ruling
16. ur#-sag#-e {na4}szu-u {na4}ka-sur#-ra-ke4# gu3 im-ma-de2-e#
- en: The hero was speaking to the šu'u and gasura stones
P346089 rev.
6. ur#-sag#-e {na4}szu-u {na4}ka-sur#-ra-ke4# gu3 im-ma-de2-e#
- : lang sux
1. lugal-gu10 {na4}e-le-li im-ma-gub#
- en: My king attended to the eleli stone
P346091 obv.
1. lugal-gu10 {na4}e-le-li im-ma-gub#
- 487
2. {d}nin-urta dumu {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam# am3-ib-tar-re
- en: Ninurta, the son of Enlil, was decreeing (its) fate
P346091 obv.
2. {d}nin-urta dumu {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam# am3-ib-tar-re
- 488
3-4. {na4}e-le-li gesztu2 tuku kur dux(LU2) mu2-a-ba ni2-gu10# he2-me-ni-ri
- en: eleli stone, possessed of wisdom, when the mountain sows discord, I shall cast down my aura upon you
P346091 obv.
4. {na4}e-le-li gesztu2 tuku kur dux(LU2) mu2-a-ba ni2-gu10# he2-me-ni-ri
- 489
5. ki-bala ug3 tesz2-ba ri-a-ga2 mu-gu10# hu-mu-ni-pa3#
- en: Upon my rebel land (whose) people confront together, you(?) shall invoke my name
P346091 obv.
5. ki-bala ug3 tesz2-ba ri-a-ga2 mu-gu10# hu-mu-ni-pa3#
- 490
6. silim-ma-zu-ta nam-ba#-e-re-be4
- en: You shall not diminish from your healthy/intact state
P346091 obv.
6. silim-ma-zu-ta nam-ba#-e-re-be4
- 491
7. gur4-ra-zu tur-e-bi he2-gig
- en: The reduction of your thickness shall be difficult(?)
P346091 obv.
7. gur4-ra-zu tur-e-bi he2-gig
- 492
8. me!-gu10 mar-za si ha-ba-ni-ib2-sa2
- en: My cosmic powers shall regulate (your) rites(!?)
P346091 obv.
8. me!-gu10 mar-za si ha-ba-ni-ib2-sa2
- 493
9. {gesz}tukul!(TUG2) sag3-ge ur-sag ug5-ga-ga2 szu gal-bi? he2-ni!-du7
- en: You shall be greatly suited for my smiting weapon which kills the hero
P346091 obv.
9. {gesz}tukul!(TUG2) sag3-ge ur-sag ug5-ga-ga2 szu gal-bi? he2-ni!-du7
- 494
10. x-mah-ga2-a ki-gal ha-ra-an-ri
- en: In my supreme courtyard(!?) a pedestal shall be set down for you
P346091 obv.
0. x-mah-ga2-a ki-gal ha-ra-an-ri
- 495
11. kalam-e u6# du10-ge-esz mu-e kur-kur he2-il2-i
- en: (May) the land(?) admire (you) sweetly, the (foreign) lands shall raise (you)
P346091 obv.
1. kalam-e u6# du10-ge-esz mu-e kur-kur he2-il2-i
- 496
$ double ruling
12. ur-sag {na4#}ka-gin6-e ba-gub
- en: The hero attended to the kagina stone
P346091 obv.
2. ur-sag {na4#}ka-gin6-e ba-gub
- 497
13. nam-kal-ga-bi#-sze3# gu3# ba-de2-e
- en: He spoke (to it) because of its might
P346091 obv.
3. nam-kal-ga-bi#-sze3# gu3# ba-de2-e
- 498
14. {d}nin-urta dumu {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-ib-tar-re
- en: Ninurta, the son of Enlil, was decreeing (its) fate
P346091 obv.
4. {d}nin-urta dumu {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-ib-tar-re
- 499
15. sul ni2-tuku gesz#-nu11 bar-sze3 gal2
- en: Reverent youth who sets (saturated) light to the outside
P346091 obv.
5. sul ni2-tuku gesz#-nu11 bar-sze3 gal2
- 500
16. {na4#}ka#-gin6-na ki-bala-ta gu3# mu-e-re-gal2-la
- en: kagina stone, you who put down a shout for me in the rebel land
P346091 obv.
6. {na4#}ka#-gin6-na ki-bala-ta gu3# mu-e-re-gal2-la
- 501
17. [...]-gu10# sa2 mu-ri-ib2-du11#
- en: My hand did not conquer you (as) an arrogant one(?)
P346091 obv.
7. [...]-gu10# sa2 mu-ri-ib2-du11#
- 502
18. [...] ba#-ra#?-[...]
- en: And therefore(?) I did not bind you(?) together with the hostile ones
P346091 obv.
8. [...] ba#-ra#?-[...]
- 1'. {na4#}za#?-[...]
- en: ...
P346091 rev.
1'. {na4#}za#?-[...]
- 2'. {na4#}x-[...]
- en: ...
P346091 rev.
2'. {na4#}x-[...]
- 3'. {na4}gug-x [...]
- en: The guggazi and marhali stones
P346091 rev.
3'. {na4}gug-x [...]
- 4'. {na4}e-gi-za3#?-ga# {na4#}gi-rin#?-[...] {na4}an-zu2#!?-[... {na4}]nir2#?-musz#-gir2
- en: The egizaga, girinhiliba, anzugulme and nirmušir stones
P346091 rev.
4'. {na4}e-gi-za3#?-ga# {na4#}gi-rin#?-[...] {na4}an-zu2#!?-[... {na4}]nir2#?-musz#-gir2
- 5'. en-e zi# [...]-e#
- en: The lord, ...
P346091 rev.
5'. en-e zi# [...]-e#
- 6'. {d}nin-urta dumu {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-ib2-tar-re
- en: Ninurta, the son of Enlil, was decreeing (its) fate
P346091 rev.
6'. {d}nin-urta dumu {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-ib2-tar-re
- 7'. a#?-[...] ba#-du nita# munus dim2#-ma u3# za-e-gin7 ki-gu10-usz
- en: Whatever(?) ... you go, (whether) formed as(?) male and female, you thus(?) “towards my place”
P346091 rev.
7'. a#?-[...] ba#-du nita# munus dim2#-ma u3# za-e-gin7 ki-gu10-usz
- 8'. nam-tag#? [...]-tuku szu-zu e2-gar8-am3 ba-da-x-x-en
- en: You possessed no sin, your hand “pushes"(?) that which is a wall (demonstrating solidarity or inactivity as a conspirator?)
P346091 rev.
8'. nam-tag#? [...]-tuku szu-zu e2-gar8-am3 ba-da-x-x-en
- 9'. ki-inim#?-ma#?-ka# ni2# mu-e-ni-bulug5
- en: As a witness(?), (you) boasted about me/yourself(?)
P346091 rev.
9'. ki-inim#?-ma#?-ka# ni2# mu-e-ni-bulug5
- 0'. ad gi4-gi4-da ga2-e mi-ni-ib2-bulug5-en
- en: I will rear you(!) in/on (my lap, etc.) together with “an adviser"(?)
P346091 rev.
0'. ad gi4-gi4-da ga2-e mi-ni-ib2-bulug5-en
- 1'. pu#-uh2#-ru-ma szagina-me-en inim#? gar-ra-gin7
- en: Like one who made the claim(?) “I am the general” in the assembly(?)
P346091 rev.
1'. pu#-uh2#-ru-ma szagina-me-en inim#? gar-ra-gin7
- 2'. {na4}nir2# gesztin lal3-e ha-ma-pa3-de3#
- en: nir stone(?), (you) shall chose among(?) the wine and syrup for me(?)
P346091 rev.
2'. {na4}nir2# gesztin lal3-e ha-ma-pa3-de3#
- 3'. ku3-sig17 zi-de3-esz mi2# he2#-[...]-en-ze2-en
- en: You (pl.) shall faithfully care for gold (which you are inlaid with?)
P346091 rev.
3'. ku3-sig17 zi-de3-esz mi2# he2#-[...]-en-ze2-en
- 4'. u2-sag# dingir-re-e-ne#-ka
- en: Among(?) the ... of the gods
P346091 rev.
4'. u2-sag# dingir-re-e-ne#-ka
- 5'. kur-kur-re giri17 ki szu2-szu2-zu giri17 szu ha#-ba-ab-tag#-ge
- en: The lands shall touch the nose in submission when you(?) grovel(?)
P346091 rev.
5'. kur-kur-re giri17 ki szu2-szu2-zu giri17 szu ha#-ba-ab-tag#-ge
- 6'. lugal-gu10 {na4}gir2-zu2-gal-la#-ke4 ba-gub igi dul2? ba#-an-ak
- en: My king attended to the flint, he looked at it angrily
P346091 rev.
6'. lugal-gu10 {na4}gir2-zu2-gal-la#-ke4 ba-gub igi dul2? ba#-an-ak