&P203171 = BM 022315
#atf: lang sux
1. pisan dub-ba
#tr.en: Basket-of-tablets:
2. gurum2-ak sipa# unu3#
#tr.en: inspections of the shepherds and cowherds
4. sza3 ki-nu-nir{ki}
#tr.en: within Kinunir,
5. ki-es3-sa2{ki#}
#tr.en: Kiessa,
1. e2-dingir-re-ne#
#tr.en: the temples,
2. sza3 esz3 sa2-du11#
#tr.en: within the shrine offerings
3. {d}szul-gi ki-nu-nir{ki}
#tr.en: of Shulgi in Kinunir
#tr.en: of Šulgi in Kinunir
4. i3-gal2
#tr.en: are here;
5. mu# ur-bi-lum# [...] ba-hul
#tr.en: year: "Urbilum was destroyed".