
OIP 092, 0048 (P382734)

Update made on 2014-03-23 at 19:19:11 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P382734 = OIP 092, 0048
#atf: lang elx
@surface a
1. 3(u) ma-ri!-isz _{gesz}gesztin-mesz_ kur-min2 {hal}u2-sza2-ia-na {hal}ti-isz-sza2-an-tam5-ma du-isz {asz}par2-nu!-ma-ti-isz ku-ti-isz uk-be-ia-tasz _{hal}eszszana_-na-ma
#tr.en: 30 marrisz (of) wine, supplied by Ušaya, Tiszszantamma received, (and) took (it to the place) Parnamatisz, for the royal food supply(?).
2. {hal}mar-da-um {hal}na-ri-ia-pi-ik-na
#tr.en: (He is?) a mardam (of) Nariyapikna.
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2024. “Text of OIP 092, 0048, Revision 2224377.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. June 26, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, June 26). Text of OIP 092, 0048, revision 2224377. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Text of OIP 092, 0048, revision 2224377, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: June 26, 2024).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2024-06-26]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2024},
	month = {jun 26},
	title = {Text of {OIP} 092, 0048, revision 2224377},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2024/6/26/
PY  - 2024
ID  - temp_id_643464791141
M1  - 2024/6/26/
TI  - Text of OIP 092, 0048, revision 2224377
UR  -
ER  - 
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