&P448496 = RIME composite
#atf: lang akk
@object composite
@surface a
1. [sa]-am-su-i-lu-na
#tr.en: Samsu-iluna,
2. _lugal_ da-num2
#tr.en: the mighty king,
3. _lugal ka2-dingir-ra{ki}_
3. _lugal_ babila2{ki}
#tr.en: king of Babylon
4. _lugal_ ki-ib-ra-tim ar-ba-im
#tr.en: and king of the four world quaters -
5. i3-nu {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: when Enlil
6. ki-ib-ra-at ar-ba-im
#tr.en: the four quarters
7. a-na be-li-im
#tr.en: to rule
8. id-di-nu-szum
#tr.en: he gave to him,
9. s,e-ra-as-si-na
#tr.en: and their nose-rope
10. a-na qa3-ti-szu
#tr.en: into his hands
11. u2-ma-al-li-ma
#tr.en: he put fully,
12. i3-nu-[u2-mi]-szu
#tr.en: at that time,
13. [sa]-am-su-i-lu-na
#tr.en: Samsu-iluna,
14. [_sipa_] mu-t,i-ib
#tr.en: the shepherd who pleases
15. [lib3]-bi {d}amar-utu
15. [lib3]-bi {d}marduk
#tr.en: the heart of Marduk,
16. [in] e-mu-qi2-in
#tr.en: by the power
17. s,i-ra-tim
#tr.en: exalted
18. sza _dingir gal-gal_
#tr.en: which the great gods
19. id-di-nu-szum
#tr.en: gave to him,
20. in ne-me-qi2-im
#tr.en: by the wisdom
21. sza e2-a
#tr.en: which Ea
22. [u2]-sza-at-li-mu-szum
#tr.en: bestowed upon him,
23. _bad3 nibru{ki}_
23. _bad3_ nibru{ki}
#tr.en: the wall of Nippur,
24. [sza {d}suen]-mu-ba-li2-it,
#tr.en: that of Sîn-muballiț
25. a-bi a-bi-szu
#tr.en: his grandfather,
26. e-li sza pa-na
#tr.en: more than previously
27. szu-ba-as-[su]
#tr.en: its emplacement
28. u2-ra-ap-pi2-isz
#tr.en: he widened
29. _bad3_-szu ki-ma
#tr.en: and his wall like
30. _sa-tu_-im ra-bi2-im
#tr.en: a great mountain
31. u2-ul-li
#tr.en: he raised up.
32. ap-pa-ra-am
#tr.en: With a marsh
33. usz-ta-as2-hir-[szu]
#tr.en: he caused it to be surrounded.
34. {i7}buranun
#tr.en: The Euphrates
35. ih-ri-a-am-[ma]
#tr.en: he dug, and
36. _gu2_ {i7}buranun
#tr.en: the banks of the Euphrates
37. u2-um-mi-su
#tr.en: he laid next to it.
38. _bad3_ szu-a-ti
#tr.en: That wall:
39. mar-kas ma-ta-tim
#tr.en: The Link of the Lands
40. [a]-na szu-mi-im ib-bi
#tr.en: he named it.
41. ni-szi _kalam_ szu-me-ri-im
#tr.en: The people of the land of Sumer
42. u3 ak-ka-di-im
#tr.en: and Akkad
43. szu-ba-at ne-eh-tim
#tr.en: peaceful residences
44. u2-sze-szi-ib
#tr.en: he caused to inhabit,
45. a-bur-ri
#tr.en: and in riverine meadows
46. u-szar-bi2-is,
#tr.en: he caused them to lie down.
47. zi-kir {d}suen-mu-ba-li2-it,
#tr.en: The name of Sîn-muballiț,
48. a-bi a-bi-szu
#tr.en: his grandfather,
49. in ki-ib-ra-tim
#tr.en: throughout the world quarters
50. u2-sze-pi2
#tr.en: he made famous.