&P392639 = AA 080
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(gesz'u) 9(gesz2) 1(u) gu2 gi
#tr.en: 2,350 talents of reeds
2. sze-ta sa10-a
#tr.en: exchanged with grain
#tr.en: bartered for with barley,
3. ki lugal-iti-da-ta
#tr.en: from Lugal-itida
4. dumu giri3-ne2
#tr.en: son of Girine
4. dumu giri3-ni
#tr.en: the son of Girine
5. ugu2 lu2-kal-la ba-a#-gar
#tr.en: placed into the debit account of Lu-kala
#tr.en: placed into the account of Lukalla
1. kiszib3 ur-{d}szara2 sza13-dub-ba
#tr.en: sealed by Ur-shara, archivist;
#tr.en: sealed by Ur-shara, an archivist
$ seal impression
2. mu ku3 gu-za {d}en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
#tr.en: year: "A shining throne for the god Enlil was built."
#tr.en: (recorded in) the year a shining throne for the god Enlil was built
@seal 1
1. ur-{d}szara2
#tr.en: Ur-shara
2. dub-sar
#tr.en: scribe
3. dumu lugal-uszur3
#tr.en: son of Lugal-ushur
#tr.en: a scribe
3. dumu lugal-uszur3?
#tr.en: the son of Lugal-ushur