Arbøll, Troels Pank


This profile was last modified on 2024-07-07 at 09:00:23


Arbøll, Troels Pank. 2020. “Magical and Medical Knowledge on the Fringe of the Neo-Assyrian Empire: The Cuneiform Tablets from the Danish Excavations of Ḥamа̄ in Syria (1931-1938).” State Archives of Assyria Bulletin XXVI: 1–22. [Arbøll, SAAB XXVI (2020) (Arbøll2020-QY5DKYAW)]

Arbøll, Troels Pank. 2020. SAAB. [Arbøll SAAB 26 (Arbøll2020AAAB26)]

Rattenborg, Rune, and Troels Pank Arbøll. 2014. “Further on NABU 2001/7: An Administrative Tablet from the 3rd Dynasty of Ur.” NABU, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2014 (2): 17–19. [Rattenborg & Arbøll NABU 2014/010 (Rattenborg_Arbøll2014)]

Total 3 record(s)

Created Type Description Role Status
2024-05-23 at 21:36:12 Artifact Initial catalogue upload as part of catalogue of Hidden Treasures. Author approved
2024-05-13 at 17:18:45 Artifact Upload of primary identifiers for new artifact records from the National Museum of Denmark on behalf of T.P. Arbøll. Not public until further metadata is added. Author approved
2022-06-28 at 09:53:00 Atf Author approved
2015-04-03 at 16:51:44 Atf Author approved

Total 4 record(s)

Cite this Author
CDLI contributors. 2024. “Arbøll, Troels Pank - Authors.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. July 26, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, July 26). Arbøll, Troels Pank - Authors. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Arbøll, Troels Pank - Authors, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: July 26, 2024).
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TI  - Arbøll, Troels Pank - Authors
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