&P469690 = CDLI Literary 000388 (Ur-Namma C) composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. iri me du10-du10-ga bara2 mah nam-lugal-la #tr.en: City of the finest divine powers, lofty royal throne-dais! >>Q000388 0012. esz3 uri5{ki} gu2-gal ki#-en-gi-ra ki ku3-ga du3-a2. esz3 uri5{ki} gu2-gal ki-en-gi-ra ki ku3-ga du3-a #tr.en: Shrine Urim, pre-eminent in Sumer, built in a pure place! >>Q000388 0023. iri bad3 gal ki gar-ra-zu! abzu-ta mu2-a3. iri bad3 gal ki gar-ra-zu abzu-ta mu2-a #tr.en: City, your well-founded great wall has grown out of the abzu! >>Q000388 003 4. iri an-gin7 sig7-ga hi-li gur3-ru ki gal-la gun3-gun3 #tr.en: City, beautiful as the sky, endowed with beauty, colourfully decorated in a great place! >>Q000388 004 5. esz3 uri5{ki} ge6-par4 ki gar-ra ki-tusz an {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: Shrine Urim, well-founded ĝipar, dwelling of An and Enlil! >>Q000388 0056. e2-gal mah-zu! e2-kisz-nu-gal2 sza3-ga nam tar-ra6. e2-gal mah-zu e2-kisz-nu-gal2 sza3-ga nam tar-ra #tr.en: Your lofty palace is the E-kiš-nu-ĝal, in which the fates are determined! >>Q000388 006 7. dub-la2-zu me-lem4 du8-du8-a kur-kur-ra diri-ga #tr.en: Your pilasters heavy with radiance tower over all the countries! >>Q000388 007 8. gi-gun4-na-bi dungu babbar-gin7 an-sza3-ga u6 di #tr.en: Its terrace like a white cloud is a spectacle in the midst of heaven. >>Q000388 008 9. {gesz}RU-bi nim gir2-gir2-e-gin7 esz3 sza3-ga kumx(PA)-kumx(PA)-mu #tr.en: Its ... like flashing lightning shines (?) inside a shrine. >>Q000388 009 10. 1(disz) gu4 {gesz}szudul4-a-gin7 ur2 gur-ra x ku3 da-ra-ga #tr.en: Like a single bull under the yoke, .... >>Q000388 01011. {gesz}banszur sikil#-la# ki ag2 {d}suen-na#tr.en: Suen's beloved pure table;11. {gesz}banszur sikil-la ki ag2 {d}suen-na #tr.en: Suen's beloved pure table; >>Q000388 01112. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 {gesz}banszur sikil#-la ki ag2 {d}suen-na12. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 {gesz}banszur sikil-la ki ag2 {d}suen-na #tr.en: E-kiš-nu-ĝal, Suen's beloved pure table. >>Q000388 01213. lugal |KI.LUGAL.GUB|-la he2-du7-bi kisal# mah-e si-a13. lugal |KI.LUGAL.GUB|-la he2-du7-bi kisal mah-e si-a #tr.en: The king, ornament of the royal offering place, occupies the august courtyard; >>Q000388 01314. ur!#-{d}namma uru16 a2 nun gi4-a {d}en#-x x x-ma14. ur-{d}namma uru16 a2 nun gi4-a {d}en-x x x-ma #tr.en: Ur-Namma the exalted, whom no one dare oppose, ... >>Q000388 01415. [(x)] uri5#{ki} iri?# dagal-ba#? SAR#? x [(x) x x]15. x uri5{ki} iri? dagal-ba? SAR? x x x x #tr.en: ... Urim, the wide city ... >>Q000388 01516. [...] NAM x x GA# pa#? ba-e-ni-a-e316. [...] NAM x x GA pa? ba-e-ni-a-e3 #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 01617. [...] x (x) [(x) x] x nir-gal2-e17. [...] x x x x x nir-gal2-e #tr.en: ..., the authoritative, >>Q000388 01718. [ni2-te-a]-ni mi2 zi i-ri in-ga-am3-me18. ni2-te-a-ni mi2 zi i-ri in-ga-am3-me #tr.en: praised himself exultantly: >>Q000388 01819. ur#-{d}namma# lugal uri5{ki}-ma nam du10 tar-ra-ba giri3 si mu-un-da-ab-sa219. ur-{d}namma lugal uri5{ki}-ma nam du10 tar-ra-ba giri3 si mu-un-da-ab-sa2 #tr.en: Under Ur-Namma, king of Urim, for whom a favorable destiny was determined, the roads have been made passable. >>Q000388 01920. an-e ka ku3#-ga-ni mu-un-ba szegx(|IM.A|) ma-u3-tu20. an-e ka ku3-ga-ni mu-un-ba szegx(|IM.A|) ma-u3-tu #tr.en: An opens his holy mouth, and because of me rain is produced. >>Q000388 020 21. ki-sze3 sza3-ga si ba-an-sa2 he2-gal2 ma-ra-de6 #tr.en: He directs it downward into the earth, and abundance is brought for me. >>Q000388 021 22. {d}en-lil2-le mi2 zi mu-un-du11 UN mu-szi-in-x #tr.en: Enlil treats me kindly, ... >>Q000388 02223. {d}en#-ki-ke4 mi2 zi mu-un-du11 a-esztub{ku6} {d}ezina2 sze gu-nu sag-e-esz mu-un-rig723. {d}en-ki-ke4 mi2 zi mu-un-du11 a-esztub{ku6} {d}ezina2 sze gu-nu sag-e-esz mu-un-rig7 #tr.en: Enki treats me kindly, bestowing early floods, grain and dappled barley. >>Q000388 02324. {d}nin#-tu-re ge26-e mu-un-dim2-dim2-en gaba!(ga)-ri-gu10 nu-tuku24. {d}nin-tu-re ge26-e mu-un-dim2-dim2-en gaba-ri-gu10 nu-tuku #tr.en: Nintur formed me; I am peerless. >>Q000388 024 25. [...] x du10-bi bi2-in-pesz-en lugal kalam-ma-me-en #tr.en: ... brought me up well; I am the king of the Land. >>Q000388 02526. [...] gal2# zi-da-me-en tur3 amasz mu-da-dagal#26. [...] gal2 zi-da-me-en tur3 amasz mu-da-dagal #tr.en: I am ...; under my rule the cattle-pens and sheepfolds are extended wide. >>Q000388 026 27. {d}utu ka-ga2 inim ba-ni-in-gal2 #tr.en: Utu endowed me with eloquence (?); >>Q000388 027 28. di ku5-ru-gu10 ki-en-gi ki-uri gu3 tesz2-a bi2-in-se3 #tr.en: my judgments create concord in Sumer and Akkad. >>Q000388 028 29. {d}nin-gublaga-ke4 a2 ma-an-szum2#tr.en: Ningublaga has given me strength.#tr.en: Ningublaga has given me strength. >>Q000388 029 30. me3-gu10 an ki szu2-a-bi lu2 la-ba-ra-e3 #tr.en: In the whole extent of heaven and earth, no one can escape from a battle with me. >>Q000388 030 31. ur-{d}namma lugal uri5{ki}-ma {d}lamma iri-ga2-me-en #tr.en: I am Ur-Namma, king of Urim, the protecting genius of my city. >>Q000388 031 32. szer7-da mu-dub2 su mu-un-sag3-sag3 #tr.en: I strike against those guilty of capital offences, and make them tremble. >>Q000388 032 33a. ni2 su-e bi2-us2-sa-gu10 x x-a 33b. i-na mu x x ri-ia-asz #tr.en: The fear I cause ... >>Q000388 033 34. di ku5-ru-gu10 ki-en-gi ki-uri us2 dili-a mi-ni-ib-dab5 #tr.en: My judgments make Sumer and Akkad follow a single path. >>Q000388 034 35. ni2-zuh lu2 i-{d}utu-ka gu2-ba giri3 bi2-gub #tr.en: I place my foot on the necks of thieves and criminals. >>Q000388 035 36. erim2-du musz-gin7 szu gid2-gid2-da szu im-da-an-szu2-szu2 #tr.en: I clamp down on evildoers, who will be caught like snakes. >>Q000388 036 37. lu2-kar-da gur5-ru-usz im-da-ab-be2 sza3-bi si bi2-ib-sa2 #tr.en: I ... fugitives, and their intentions will be set right. >>Q000388 037 38. nig2-si-sa2-e pa e3 bi2-ak nig2-erim2 sa2 bi2-du11 #tr.en: I make justice apparent; I defeat wickedness. >>Q000388 03839. {d}gibil6-gin7 sag-ki gid2-da-gu10 gu3# tesz2-a bi2-se3#39. {d}gibil6-gin7 sag-ki gid2-da-gu10 gu3 tesz2-a bi2-se3 #tr.en: As if I were fire, even my frowning is enough to create concord. >>Q000388 03940. inim-gu10 me-me DU8-ba gub-bi UN x A [...] x (x) E40. inim-gu10 me-me DU8-ba gub-bi UN x A [...] x x E #tr.en: My word ... the lands, >>Q000388 04041. DAG x (x)-la ma-da kur-kur#-[ra ...] uri5{ki#}-e?# x kur# [...]41. DAG x x-la ma-da kur-kur-ra ... uri5{ki}-e? x kur [...] #tr.en: the foreign countries ... Urim ... >>Q000388 04142. nidba-bi e2-kisz-nu-gal2#-la#-na# {d}nanna-ar mi-ni-in-hul2-le42. nidba-bi e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-na {d}nanna-ar mi-ni-in-hul2-le #tr.en: Their food offerings make Nanna rejoice in E-kiš-nu-ĝal. >>Q000388 04243. a!-gu10 sza3 ku3-ge ba-ri-a-ta#tr.en: After my seed had been poured into the holy womb,43. a-gu10 sza3 ku3-ge ba-ri-a-ta #tr.en: After my seed had been poured into the holy womb, >>Q000388 043 44. {d}suen-e u6-e ki ag2-ni #tr.en: Suen, loving its appearance (?), >>Q000388 044 45. {d}nanna-ar hi-li-na ba-ni-in-ku4-re #tr.en: made it partake of Nanna's attractiveness. >>Q000388 04546. {d}en-lil2-le {d}utu-gin7 kalam-ma e3-de3 mu du10 mu-un-sa4#46. {d}en-lil2-le {d}utu-gin7 kalam-ma e3-de3 mu du10 mu-un-sa4 #tr.en: Coming forth over the Land like Utu, Enlil called me by an auspicious name, >>Q000388 04647. {d}nin!(nin9)-tu tu-tu#-a mu-un-gub-bu!47. {d}nin-tu tu-tu-a mu-un-gub-bu #tr.en: and Nintur assisted at my birth. >>Q000388 047 48. sza3 ama-gu10 {d}nin-sumun2-ka-ta #tr.en: As I came forth from the womb of my mother Ninsumun, >>Q000388 048 49. nam tar-ra sa6-ga ma-ta-e3 #tr.en: a favorable allotted destiny was determined for me. >>Q000388 04950. ur-{d}namma-me-en ma-da ki-en-gi ki-uri# {d}lamma mu-un-da-an-tuku50. ur-{d}namma-me-en ma-da ki-en-gi ki-uri {d}lamma mu-un-da-an-tuku #tr.en: In me, Ur-Namma, the lands of Sumer and Akkad have their protecting genius. >>Q000388 050 51. kalam-ma ki ur5 sa6-ge-bi ge26-e-me-en zi-gu10 he2-u3-tu #tr.en: I am a source of joy for the Land; my life indeed creates! >>Q000388 05152. ug uszumgal x A KA IGI (x) LA2 a-sza3 mu-da-dadag52. ug uszumgal x A KA IGI x LA2 a-sza3 mu-da-dadag #tr.en: ..., the fields are resplendent (?) under my rule. >>Q000388 05253. gan2?# gi hul mu2-a szuba2 nu-mu-u8-da-lu53. gan2? gi hul mu2-a szuba2 nu-mu-u8-da-lu #tr.en: In the fields growing with ..., ... did not multiply under my rule. >>Q000388 053 54. edimx(EDIN)-ma ezen-gin7 du3-a-ba giri3 si mu-un-da-ab-sa2 #tr.en: In the desert, the roads are made up as for a festival, and are passable because of me. >>Q000388 054 55. lu2 a-sza3-ga nir-gal2-bi mu-un-DU gaba-na ib2-ta-an-zi #tr.en: The owner of the fields ...; it rises (?) up to his chest. >>Q000388 055 56. dumu ukur3-ra u2 il2-i-de3 gen-na ama-ni-ir mu-un-gi4-gi4 #tr.en: I have freed the sons of the poor from their duty of going to fetch firewood. >>Q000388 056 57. a{x}-ma-ru gi4{x}-ba i-ti{x} ma-gi4{x-a-ba} #tr.en: After the storm ..., and the month had been completed (?) for me, >>Q000388 05758. {d}en-lil2-le u4# du10-du10-ga-na masz2-e bi2#-in#-pa3-de3-en58. {d}en-lil2-le u4 du10-du10-ga-na masz2-e bi2-in-pa3-de3-en #tr.en: Enlil chose me by extispicy on a day very auspicious for him. >>Q000388 05859. ki-en-gi-ra# gu3 zi mu-un-de2 e2!-a in-da-an-zi-ge-en59. ki-en-gi-ra gu3 zi mu-un-de2 e2-a in-da-an-zi-ge-en #tr.en: He spoke fairly to Sumer, and caused me to arise (?) from my family (?) >>Q000388 05960. gesztu2# dagal# igi-gal2-tuku-gu10-sze360. gesztu2 dagal igi-gal2-tuku-gu10-sze3 #tr.en: Because of my broad understanding and wisdom, >>Q000388 06061. x [an] lugal#-e szu-gu10-sze3 ba-an-szum261. x an lugal-e szu-gu10-sze3 ba-an-szum2 #tr.en: An the king entrusted ... into my hands. >>Q000388 06162. [ki-en]-gi#-ra ud5-sag-bi ge26-e-me-en62. ki-en-gi-ra ud5-sag-bi ge26-e-me-en #tr.en: I am the cosmic bond of Sumer. >>Q000388 06263. [...] x [(x)] x x sa6-ga-me-en63. [...] x x x x sa6-ga-me-en #tr.en: I am ... good ... >>Q000388 06364. [...]-a?#-me-en64. [...]-a?-me-en #tr.en: I am ... >>Q000388 064 65. [...] x [...] x kalam-ma-me-en #tr.en: I am ... of the Land. >>Q000388 065 66. [...] x tum2-mu #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 066 67. x x x [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 06768. x HI#? x [...]68. x HI? x [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 06869. en-me-en# zi?# x x x [...] x x [...]#tr.en: I am the righteous (?) lord ...69. en-me-en zi? x x x [...] x x [...] #tr.en: I am the righteous (?) lord ... >>Q000388 06970. ur-{d}namma an-sze3 tu-da# ku3-ge-esz x [...]70. ur-{d}namma an-sze3 tu-da ku3-ge-esz x [...] #tr.en: I, Ur-Namma, born on high, ... shining ... >>Q000388 07071. ukken?# igi-gu10-sze3 si im-sa271. ukken? igi-gu10-sze3 si im-sa2 #tr.en: The people line up in front of me. >>Q000388 07172. erin2 silim-ma kalam szu-a gi4-gi4 {d}en-lil2-le ma-ra-an-szum2#72. erin2 silim-ma kalam szu-a gi4-gi4 {d}en-lil2-le ma-ra-an-szum2 #tr.en: Enlil has given me the task of keeping the Land secure, with unscathed (?) troops. >>Q000388 07273. ge6-par4-ra {tug2#?}gada nam-mi-la273. ge6-par4-ra {tug2?}gada nam-mi-la2 #tr.en: I am clad in linen in the ĝipar. >>Q000388 073 74. gesz-nu2 gi-rin-na ki-nu2 du10-ba mu-nu2 #tr.en: I lie down on the splendid bed in its delightful bedchamber. >>Q000388 07475. ug3-e u2 nir-gal2 bi2-ib2-gu7?#-en {d}en-ki-im-du-bi-me-en75. ug3-e u2 nir-gal2 bi2-ib2-gu7?-en {d}en-ki-im-du-bi-me-en #tr.en: I cause the people to eat splendid food; I am their Enkimdu (i.e. the god of irrigation and cultivation). >>Q000388 075 76. sipa zi udu-ni diri gal2-la-me-en #tr.en: I am the good shepherd whose sheep multiply greatly. >>Q000388 076 77. tur3 amasz dagal |KAxMASZ|-bi gal2 bi2-tak4 gaba-ri-gu10 nu-tuku #tr.en: I open the ... of the cattle-pens and sheepfolds. I am peerless. >>Q000388 077 78. sipa u2 nag-ga2-bi szuba2{x-x} ma-szar2{mu?-ni-szar2}#tr.en: ... the pastures and watering-places of shepherds (?).#tr.en: ... the pastures and watering-places of shepherds (?). >>Q000388 078 79. nam-en-na-bi u3-me-ni-tag #tr.en: Since I have been adorned (?) with their rulership, >>Q000388 079 80. buru14 mah-gu10 ni2-bi il2-il2-i nig2-ku5 nu-ak-e #tr.en: no one imposes taxes on my abundant crops which grow tall. >>Q000388 080 81. a2 ag2-ga2-gu10 bad3 gal kur-ra-ka a-ne hul2-la mu-e #tr.en: My commands bring about (?) joy in the great fortresses of the mountains. >>Q000388 081 82. iri-ga2 ki-sur-ra ki-en-gi-ra giri17-zal-bi ma-du10 #tr.en: The joy of my city and the territory (?) of Sumer delights me. >>Q000388 082 83. ki-en-gi i7-ba a szu bi2-ba gesz gu2-ba mu-zi #tr.en: I release water into the canals of Sumer, making the trees grow tall on their banks. >>Q000388 083 84. sag-ur-sag-bi {gesz}szudul4-bi mu-zi #tr.en: I have lifted the yoke of its male prostitutes. >>Q000388 08485. [...] kur#-ra-ka za3-la2-bi?# mu-du8?#85. [...] kur-ra-ka za3-la2-bi? mu-du8? #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 08586. uri5#{ki#} szu#-ba im-mi-gi486. uri5{ki} szu-ba im-mi-gi4 #tr.en: I returned ... to Urim. >>Q000388 08687. x-ba itima?-gin7 kur-ra#-na bi2-gi487. x-ba itima?-gin7 kur-ra-na bi2-gi4 #tr.en: I made ... return (?) to his country ... like ... >>Q000388 08788. sze-bi ma2-gur8-ra-ke4 bi2-la2 ga2-nun-bi bi2#-gi488. sze-bi ma2-gur8-ra-ke4 bi2-la2 ga2-nun-bi bi2-gi4 #tr.en: I loaded its grain on barges, I delivered it to its storehouses. >>Q000388 08889. dumu kig2?#-bi e2-a-ni!(IR) im-mi-gi4 dusu-bi mu-gi489. dumu kig2?-bi e2-a-ni im-mi-gi4 dusu-bi mu-gi4 #tr.en: I returned its ... citizens to their (?) homes. I ... their earth-baskets. >>Q000388 089 90. gu-ti-um{ki} lu2-|SZA3xTAR|?-a-ke4 szu ses-na mu-du8 #tr.en: I ... the savage hands of the Gutians, the .. >>Q000388 090 91. i-{d}utu ka-ba um-mi-gi4 #tr.en: After I had made the evil-doers return (?) to their ... >>Q000388 09192. bad3? bi2-szub?#-ba bi2-gi4 sza3 su3-ra-gu10 x iri? DU mu-gul? esz3 uri5[{ki}] [...]#(squeezed between lines 92 and 93)92. bad3? bi2-szub?-ba bi2-gi4 sza3 su3-ra-gu10 x iri? DU mu-gul? esz3 uri5{ki} [...] #tr.en: I restored (?) the walls that had been torn down; my outstanding mind .... ... the shrine of Urim ... >>Q000388 09293. gurusz? gu2-tuku# {d}en-lil2-la2-me-en nidba x (x) x-me-en##tr.en: I am the foremost workman (?) of Enlil; I am the one who …… food offerings.93. gurusz? gu2-tuku {d}en-lil2-la2-me-en nidba x x x-me-en #tr.en: I am the foremost workman (?) of Enlil; I am the one who ...... food offerings. >>Q000388 09394. x ug3# (x) dagal#-bi AN DA x x (x)#tr.en: ...94. x ug3 x dagal-bi AN DA x x x #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 09495. [...] x-bi an-da NI#? x (x)95. [...] x-bi an-da NI? x x #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 09596. [...] x [(x)] x x [...] du10?#96. [...] x x x x [...] du10? #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 096 97. [...] x [...] x #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 097 $ 1 line missing #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 098 99. [...] x [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 099100. GISZ#? x {gesz}szinig? GISZ# [...]100. GISZ? x {gesz}szinig? GISZ [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 100101. iri-a {gesz}bun-e mu-da#-an#-[...]101. iri-a {gesz}bun-e mu-da-an-[...] #tr.en: ... at a banquet with me in the city. >>Q000388 101 102. e-ne di hul2-la gar-ra-sze3 ge26?-e? x [...] #tr.en: ... joyful dance ... >>Q000388 102103. i7 lugal#-la e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 he2-gal2 mu-un-da-ku4#103. i7 lugal-la e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 he2-gal2 mu-un-da-ku4 #tr.en: I have brought abundance to Enlil's temple on the king's canal: >>Q000388 103104. kar-gesztin-na {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 ma2 na-an-ga-mu-ni-in#-ri104. kar-gesztin-na {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 ma2 na-an-ga-mu-ni-in-ri #tr.en: I have directed ships both to Kar-ĝeština of Enlil >>Q000388 104 105. kar-za-gin3-na {d}nanna-ka ma2 na-an-ga-mu-ni-in-ri #tr.en: and to the lapis-lazuli quay of Nanna. >>Q000388 105 106. {d}en-lil2-ra kurun2 lal3 ba-an-na-de2 #tr.en: Alcohol and syrup have been poured out before Enlil. >>Q000388 106 107. sipa ur-{d}namma-me-en ti nig2-ba-gu10 he2-a #tr.en: To me, the shepherd Ur-Namma, let life be given as a reward! >>Q000388 107 108. {d}nanna lugal-gu10 e2-gal-la-na mu-na-du3 #tr.en: For Nanna, my master, I have built his temple; >>Q000388 108 109. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 hur-sag sig7-ga-gin7 ki gal-la bi2-gub #tr.en: as if it were a verdant hillside, I have set up the E-kiš-nu-ĝal in a great place. >>Q000388 109 110. gi-gun4-na-bi ku3-sig17 {na4}za-gin3-na dub-ba-an ba-la2 #tr.en: I have surrounded (?) its terrace with a gold and lapis-lazuli fence. >>Q000388 110 111. szu du11-ga-e {d}nanna-a-me-en #tr.en: I am the creature of Nanna! >>Q000388 111 112. szesz {d}gilgamesz2 gu-la-me-en #tr.en: I am the older brother of Gilgameš! >>Q000388 112113. [dumu] tu#-da {d}nin-sumun2-ka-me-en numun nam-en-na-me-en113. dumu tu-da {d}nin-sumun2-ka-me-en numun nam-en-na-me-en #tr.en: I am the son borne by Ninsumun, a princely seed! >>Q000388 113114. [an]-ta nam-lugal ma-ra-e11(|SI.DU|)114. an-ta nam-lugal ma-ra-e11(|SI.DU|) #tr.en: For me, kingship came down from heaven! >>Q000388 114115. [sipa] ur-{d}namma-me-en za3-mi2-gu10 du10-ga-am3115. sipa ur-{d}namma-me-en za3-mi2-gu10 du10-ga-am3 #tr.en: Sweet is the praise of me, the shepherd Ur-Namma! >>Q000388 115
&P469690 = ETCSL A praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma C)&P469690 = CDLI Literary 000388 (Ur-Namma C) composite #atf: lang sux @object composite text @surface a 1. iri me du10-du10-ga bara2 mah nam-lugal-la #tr.en: City of the finest divine powers, lofty royal throne-dais! >>Q000388 001 2. esz3 uri5{ki} gu2-gal ki#-en-gi-ra ki ku3-ga du3-a #tr.en: Shrine Urim, pre-eminent in Sumer, built in a pure place! >>Q000388 002 3. iri bad3 gal ki gar-ra-zu! abzu-ta mu2-a #tr.en: City, your well-founded great wall has grown out of the abzu! >>Q000388 003 4. iri an-gin7 sig7-ga hi-li gur3-ru ki gal-la gun3-gun3 #tr.en: City, beautiful as the sky, endowed with beauty, colourfully decorated in a great place! >>Q000388 004 5. esz3 uri5{ki} ge6-par4 ki gar-ra ki-tusz an {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: Shrine Urim, well-founded ĝipar, dwelling of An and Enlil! >>Q000388 005 6. e2-gal mah-zu! e2-kisz-nu-gal2 sza3-ga nam tar-ra #tr.en: Your lofty palace is the E-kiš-nu-ĝal, in which the fates are determined! >>Q000388 006 7. dub-la2-zu me-lem4 du8-du8-a kur-kur-ra diri-ga #tr.en: Your pilasters heavy with radiance tower over all the countries! >>Q000388 007 8. gi-gun4-na-bi dungu babbar-gin7 an-sza3-ga u6 di #tr.en: Its terrace like a white cloud is a spectacle in the midst of heaven. >>Q000388 008 9. {gesz}RU-bi nim gir2-gir2-e-gin7 esz3 sza3-ga kumx(PA)-kumx(PA)-mu #tr.en: Its ... like flashing lightning shines (?) inside a shrine. >>Q000388 009 10. 1(disz) gu4 {gesz}szudul4-a-gin7 ur2 gur-ra x ku3 da-ra-ga #tr.en: Like a single bull under the yoke, .... >>Q000388 010 11. {gesz}banszur sikil#-la# ki ag2 {d}suen-na #tr.en: Suen's beloved pure table; >>Q000388 011 12. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 {gesz}banszur sikil#-la ki ag2 {d}suen-na #tr.en: E-kiš-nu-ĝal, Suen's beloved pure table. >>Q000388 012 13. lugal |KI.LUGAL.GUB|-la he2-du7-bi kisal# mah-e si-a #tr.en: The king, ornament of the royal offering place, occupies the august courtyard; >>Q000388 013 14. ur!#-{d}namma uru16 a2 nun gi4-a {d}en#-x x x-ma #tr.en: Ur-Namma the exalted, whom no one dare oppose, ... >>Q000388 014 15. [(x)] uri5#{ki} iri?# dagal-ba#? SAR#? x [(x) x x] #tr.en: ... Urim, the wide city ... >>Q000388 015 16. [...] NAM x x GA# pa#? ba-e-ni-a-e3 #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 016 17. [...] x (x) [(x) x] x nir-gal2-e #tr.en: ..., the authoritative, >>Q000388 017 18. [ni2-te-a]-ni mi2 zi i-ri in-ga-am3-me #tr.en: praised himself exultantly: >>Q000388 018 19. ur#-{d}namma# lugal uri5{ki}-ma nam du10 tar-ra-ba giri3 si mu-un-da-ab-sa2 #tr.en: Under Ur-Namma, king of Urim, for whom a favorable destiny was determined, the roads have been made passable. >>Q000388 019 20. an-e ka ku3#-ga-ni mu-un-ba szegx(|IM.A|) ma-u3-tu #tr.en: An opens his holy mouth, and because of me rain is produced. >>Q000388 020 21. ki-sze3 sza3-ga si ba-an-sa2 he2-gal2 ma-ra-de6 #tr.en: He directs it downward into the earth, and abundance is brought for me. >>Q000388 021 22. {d}en-lil2-le mi2 zi mu-un-du11 UN mu-szi-in-x #tr.en: Enlil treats me kindly, ... >>Q000388 022 23. {d}en#-ki-ke4 mi2 zi mu-un-du11 a-esztub{ku6} {d}ezina2 sze gu-nu sag-e-esz mu-un-rig7 #tr.en: Enki treats me kindly, bestowing early floods, grain and dappled barley. >>Q000388 023 24. {d}nin#-tu-re ge26-e mu-un-dim2-dim2-en gaba!(ga)-ri-gu10 nu-tuku #tr.en: Nintur formed me; I am peerless. >>Q000388 024 25. [...] x du10-bi bi2-in-pesz-en lugal kalam-ma-me-en #tr.en: ... brought me up well; I am the king of the Land. >>Q000388 025 26. [...] gal2# zi-da-me-en tur3 amasz mu-da-dagal# #tr.en: I am ...; under my rule the cattle-pens and sheepfolds are extended wide. >>Q000388 026 27. {d}utu ka-ga2 inim ba-ni-in-gal2 #tr.en: Utu endowed me with eloquence (?); >>Q000388 027 28. di ku5-ru-gu10 ki-en-gi ki-uri gu3 tesz2-a bi2-in-se3 #tr.en: my judgments create concord in Sumer and Akkad. >>Q000388 028 29. {d}nin-gublaga-ke4 a2 ma-an-szum2 #tr.en: Ningublaga has given me strength. >>Q000388 029 30. me3-gu10 an ki szu2-a-bi lu2 la-ba-ra-e3 #tr.en: In the whole extent of heaven and earth, no one can escape from a battle with me. >>Q000388 030 31. ur-{d}namma lugal uri5{ki}-ma {d}lamma iri-ga2-me-en #tr.en: I am Ur-Namma, king of Urim, the protecting genius of my city. >>Q000388 031 32. szer7-da mu-dub2 su mu-un-sag3-sag3 #tr.en: I strike against those guilty of capital offences, and make them tremble. >>Q000388 032 33a. ni2 su-e bi2-us2-sa-gu10 x x-a 33b. i-na mu x x ri-ia-asz #tr.en: The fear I cause ... >>Q000388 033 34. di ku5-ru-gu10 ki-en-gi ki-uri us2 dili-a mi-ni-ib-dab5 #tr.en: My judgments make Sumer and Akkad follow a single path. >>Q000388 034 35. ni2-zuh lu2 i-{d}utu-ka gu2-ba giri3 bi2-gub #tr.en: I place my foot on the necks of thieves and criminals. >>Q000388 035 36. erim2-du musz-gin7 szu gid2-gid2-da szu im-da-an-szu2-szu2 #tr.en: I clamp down on evildoers, who will be caught like snakes. >>Q000388 036 37. lu2-kar-da gur5-ru-usz im-da-ab-be2 sza3-bi si bi2-ib-sa2 #tr.en: I ... fugitives, and their intentions will be set right. >>Q000388 037 38. nig2-si-sa2-e pa e3 bi2-ak nig2-erim2 sa2 bi2-du11 #tr.en: I make justice apparent; I defeat wickedness. >>Q000388 038 39. {d}gibil6-gin7 sag-ki gid2-da-gu10 gu3# tesz2-a bi2-se3# #tr.en: As if I were fire, even my frowning is enough to create concord. >>Q000388 039 40. inim-gu10 me-me DU8-ba gub-bi UN x A [...] x (x) E #tr.en: My word ... the lands, >>Q000388 040 41. DAG x (x)-la ma-da kur-kur#-[ra ...] uri5{ki#}-e?# x kur# [...] #tr.en: the foreign countries ... Urim ... >>Q000388 041 42. nidba-bi e2-kisz-nu-gal2#-la#-na# {d}nanna-ar mi-ni-in-hul2-le #tr.en: Their food offerings make Nanna rejoice in E-kiš-nu-ĝal. >>Q000388 042 43. a!-gu10 sza3 ku3-ge ba-ri-a-ta #tr.en: After my seed had been poured into the holy womb, >>Q000388 043 44. {d}suen-e u6-e ki ag2-ni #tr.en: Suen, loving its appearance (?), >>Q000388 044 45. {d}nanna-ar hi-li-na ba-ni-in-ku4-re #tr.en: made it partake of Nanna's attractiveness. >>Q000388 045 46. {d}en-lil2-le {d}utu-gin7 kalam-ma e3-de3 mu du10 mu-un-sa4# #tr.en: Coming forth over the Land like Utu, Enlil called me by an auspicious name, >>Q000388 046 47. {d}nin!(nin9)-tu tu-tu#-a mu-un-gub-bu! #tr.en: and Nintur assisted at my birth. >>Q000388 047 48. sza3 ama-gu10 {d}nin-sumun2-ka-ta #tr.en: As I came forth from the womb of my mother Ninsumun, >>Q000388 048 49. nam tar-ra sa6-ga ma-ta-e3 #tr.en: a favorable allotted destiny was determined for me. >>Q000388 049 50. ur-{d}namma-me-en ma-da ki-en-gi ki-uri# {d}lamma mu-un-da-an-tuku #tr.en: In me, Ur-Namma, the lands of Sumer and Akkad have their protecting genius. >>Q000388 050 51. kalam-ma ki ur5 sa6-ge-bi ge26-e-me-en zi-gu10 he2-u3-tu #tr.en: I am a source of joy for the Land; my life indeed creates! >>Q000388 051 52. ug uszumgal x A KA IGI (x) LA2 a-sza3 mu-da-dadag #tr.en: ..., the fields are resplendent (?) under my rule. >>Q000388 052 53. gan2?# gi hul mu2-a szuba2 nu-mu-u8-da-lu #tr.en: In the fields growing with ..., ... did not multiply under my rule. >>Q000388 053 54. edimx(EDIN)-ma ezen-gin7 du3-a-ba giri3 si mu-un-da-ab-sa2 #tr.en: In the desert, the roads are made up as for a festival, and are passable because of me. >>Q000388 054 55. lu2 a-sza3-ga nir-gal2-bi mu-un-DU gaba-na ib2-ta-an-zi #tr.en: The owner of the fields ...; it rises (?) up to his chest. >>Q000388 055 56. dumu ukur3-ra u2 il2-i-de3 gen-na ama-ni-ir mu-un-gi4-gi4 #tr.en: I have freed the sons of the poor from their duty of going to fetch firewood. >>Q000388 056 57. a{x}-ma-ru gi4{x}-ba i-ti{x} ma-gi4{x-a-ba} #tr.en: After the storm ..., and the month had been completed (?) for me, >>Q000388 057 58. {d}en-lil2-le u4# du10-du10-ga-na masz2-e bi2#-in#-pa3-de3-en #tr.en: Enlil chose me by extispicy on a day very auspicious for him. >>Q000388 058 59. ki-en-gi-ra# gu3 zi mu-un-de2 e2!-a in-da-an-zi-ge-en #tr.en: He spoke fairly to Sumer, and caused me to arise (?) from my family (?) >>Q000388 059 60. gesztu2# dagal# igi-gal2-tuku-gu10-sze3 #tr.en: Because of my broad understanding and wisdom, >>Q000388 060 61. x [an] lugal#-e szu-gu10-sze3 ba-an-szum2 #tr.en: An the king entrusted ... into my hands. >>Q000388 061 62. [ki-en]-gi#-ra ud5-sag-bi ge26-e-me-en #tr.en: I am the cosmic bond of Sumer. >>Q000388 062 63. [...] x [(x)] x x sa6-ga-me-en #tr.en: I am ... good ... >>Q000388 063 64. [...]-a?#-me-en #tr.en: I am ... >>Q000388 064 65. [...] x [...] x kalam-ma-me-en #tr.en: I am ... of the Land. >>Q000388 065 66. [...] x tum2-mu #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 066 67. x x x [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 067 68. x HI#? x [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 068 69. en-me-en# zi?# x x x [...] x x [...] #tr.en: I am the righteous (?) lord ... >>Q000388 069 70. ur-{d}namma an-sze3 tu-da# ku3-ge-esz x [...] #tr.en: I, Ur-Namma, born on high, ... shining ... >>Q000388 070 71. ukken?# igi-gu10-sze3 si im-sa2 #tr.en: The people line up in front of me. >>Q000388 071 72. erin2 silim-ma kalam szu-a gi4-gi4 {d}en-lil2-le ma-ra-an-szum2# #tr.en: Enlil has given me the task of keeping the Land secure, with unscathed (?) troops. >>Q000388 072 73. ge6-par4-ra {tug2#?}gada nam-mi-la2 #tr.en: I am clad in linen in the ĝipar. >>Q000388 073 74. gesz-nu2 gi-rin-na ki-nu2 du10-ba mu-nu2 #tr.en: I lie down on the splendid bed in its delightful bedchamber. >>Q000388 074 75. ug3-e u2 nir-gal2 bi2-ib2-gu7?#-en {d}en-ki-im-du-bi-me-en #tr.en: I cause the people to eat splendid food; I am their Enkimdu (i.e. the god of irrigation and cultivation). >>Q000388 075 76. sipa zi udu-ni diri gal2-la-me-en #tr.en: I am the good shepherd whose sheep multiply greatly. >>Q000388 076 77. tur3 amasz dagal |KAxMASZ|-bi gal2 bi2-tak4 gaba-ri-gu10 nu-tuku #tr.en: I open the ... of the cattle-pens and sheepfolds. I am peerless. >>Q000388 077 78. sipa u2 nag-ga2-bi szuba2{x-x} ma-szar2{mu?-ni-szar2} #tr.en: ... the pastures and watering-places of shepherds (?). >>Q000388 078 79. nam-en-na-bi u3-me-ni-tag #tr.en: Since I have been adorned (?) with their rulership, >>Q000388 079 80. buru14 mah-gu10 ni2-bi il2-il2-i nig2-ku5 nu-ak-e #tr.en: no one imposes taxes on my abundant crops which grow tall. >>Q000388 080 81. a2 ag2-ga2-gu10 bad3 gal kur-ra-ka a-ne hul2-la mu-e #tr.en: My commands bring about (?) joy in the great fortresses of the mountains. >>Q000388 081 82. iri-ga2 ki-sur-ra ki-en-gi-ra giri17-zal-bi ma-du10 #tr.en: The joy of my city and the territory (?) of Sumer delights me. >>Q000388 082 83. ki-en-gi i7-ba a szu bi2-ba gesz gu2-ba mu-zi #tr.en: I release water into the canals of Sumer, making the trees grow tall on their banks. >>Q000388 083 84. sag-ur-sag-bi {gesz}szudul4-bi mu-zi #tr.en: I have lifted the yoke of its male prostitutes. >>Q000388 084 85. [...] kur#-ra-ka za3-la2-bi?# mu-du8?# #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 085 86. uri5#{ki#} szu#-ba im-mi-gi4 #tr.en: I returned ... to Urim. >>Q000388 086 87. x-ba itima?-gin7 kur-ra#-na bi2-gi4 #tr.en: I made ... return (?) to his country ... like ... >>Q000388 087 88. sze-bi ma2-gur8-ra-ke4 bi2-la2 ga2-nun-bi bi2#-gi4 #tr.en: I loaded its grain on barges, I delivered it to its storehouses. >>Q000388 088 89. dumu kig2?#-bi e2-a-ni!(IR) im-mi-gi4 dusu-bi mu-gi4 #tr.en: I returned its ... citizens to their (?) homes. I ... their earth-baskets. >>Q000388 089 90. gu-ti-um{ki} lu2-|SZA3xTAR|?-a-ke4 szu ses-na mu-du8 #tr.en: I ... the savage hands of the Gutians, the .. >>Q000388 090 91. i-{d}utu ka-ba um-mi-gi4 #tr.en: After I had made the evil-doers return (?) to their ... >>Q000388 091 92. bad3? bi2-szub?#-ba bi2-gi4 sza3 su3-ra-gu10 x iri? DU mu-gul? esz3 uri5[{ki}] [...] #(squeezed between lines 92 and 93) #tr.en: I restored (?) the walls that had been torn down; my outstanding mind .... ... the shrine of Urim ... >>Q000388 092 93. gurusz? gu2-tuku# {d}en-lil2-la2-me-en nidba x (x) x-me-en# #tr.en: I am the foremost workman (?) of Enlil; I am the one who …… food offerings. >>Q000388 093 94. x ug3# (x) dagal#-bi AN DA x x (x) #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 094 95. [...] x-bi an-da NI#? x (x) #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 095 96. [...] x [(x)] x x [...] du10?# #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 096 97. [...] x [...] x #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 097 $ 1 line missing #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 098 99. [...] x [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 099 100. GISZ#? x {gesz}szinig? GISZ# [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 100 101. iri-a {gesz}bun-e mu-da#-an#-[...] #tr.en: ... at a banquet with me in the city. >>Q000388 101 102. e-ne di hul2-la gar-ra-sze3 ge26?-e? x [...] #tr.en: ... joyful dance ... >>Q000388 102 103. i7 lugal#-la e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 he2-gal2 mu-un-da-ku4# #tr.en: I have brought abundance to Enlil's temple on the king's canal: >>Q000388 103 104. kar-gesztin-na {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 ma2 na-an-ga-mu-ni-in#-ri #tr.en: I have directed ships both to Kar-ĝeština of Enlil >>Q000388 104 105. kar-za-gin3-na {d}nanna-ka ma2 na-an-ga-mu-ni-in-ri #tr.en: and to the lapis-lazuli quay of Nanna. >>Q000388 105 106. {d}en-lil2-ra kurun2 lal3 ba-an-na-de2 #tr.en: Alcohol and syrup have been poured out before Enlil. >>Q000388 106 107. sipa ur-{d}namma-me-en ti nig2-ba-gu10 he2-a #tr.en: To me, the shepherd Ur-Namma, let life be given as a reward! >>Q000388 107 108. {d}nanna lugal-gu10 e2-gal-la-na mu-na-du3 #tr.en: For Nanna, my master, I have built his temple; >>Q000388 108 109. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 hur-sag sig7-ga-gin7 ki gal-la bi2-gub #tr.en: as if it were a verdant hillside, I have set up the E-kiš-nu-ĝal in a great place. >>Q000388 109 110. gi-gun4-na-bi ku3-sig17 {na4}za-gin3-na dub-ba-an ba-la2 #tr.en: I have surrounded (?) its terrace with a gold and lapis-lazuli fence. >>Q000388 110 111. szu du11-ga-e {d}nanna-a-me-en #tr.en: I am the creature of Nanna! >>Q000388 111 112. szesz {d}gilgamesz2 gu-la-me-en #tr.en: I am the older brother of Gilgameš! >>Q000388 112 113. [dumu] tu#-da {d}nin-sumun2-ka-me-en numun nam-en-na-me-en #tr.en: I am the son borne by Ninsumun, a princely seed! >>Q000388 113 114. [an]-ta nam-lugal ma-ra-e11(|SI.DU|) #tr.en: For me, kingship came down from heaven! >>Q000388 114 115. [sipa] ur-{d}namma-me-en za3-mi2-gu10 du10-ga-am3 #tr.en: Sweet is the praise of me, the shepherd Ur-Namma! >>Q000388 115
&P469690 = ETCSL A praise poem of Ur-Namma (Ur-Namma C) #atf: lang sux @object composite text 1. iri me du10-du10-ga bara2 mah nam-lugal-la #tr.en: City of the finest divine powers, lofty royal throne-dais! >>Q000388 001 2. esz3 uri5{ki} gu2-gal ki#-en-gi-ra ki ku3-ga du3-a #tr.en: Shrine Urim, pre-eminent in Sumer, built in a pure place! >>Q000388 002 3. iri bad3 gal ki gar-ra-zu! abzu-ta mu2-a #tr.en: City, your well-founded great wall has grown out of the abzu! >>Q000388 003 4. iri an-gin7 sig7-ga hi-li gur3-ru ki gal-la gun3-gun3 #tr.en: City, beautiful as the sky, endowed with beauty, colourfully decorated in a great place! >>Q000388 004 5. esz3 uri5{ki} ge6-par4 ki gar-ra ki-tusz an {d}en-lil2-la2 #tr.en: Shrine Urim, well-founded ĝipar, dwelling of An and Enlil! >>Q000388 005 6. e2-gal mah-zu! e2-kisz-nu-gal2 sza3-ga nam tar-ra #tr.en: Your lofty palace is the E-kiš-nu-ĝal, in which the fates are determined! >>Q000388 006 7. dub-la2-zu me-lem4 du8-du8-a kur-kur-ra diri-ga #tr.en: Your pilasters heavy with radiance tower over all the countries! >>Q000388 007 8. gi-gun4-na-bi dungu babbar-gin7 an-sza3-ga u6 di #tr.en: Its terrace like a white cloud is a spectacle in the midst of heaven. >>Q000388 008 9. {gesz}RU-bi nim gir2-gir2-e-gin7 esz3 sza3-ga kumx(PA)-kumx(PA)-mu #tr.en: Its ... like flashing lightning shines (?) inside a shrine. >>Q000388 009 10. 1(disz) gu4 {gesz}szudul4-a-gin7 ur2 gur-ra x ku3 da-ra-ga #tr.en: Like a single bull under the yoke, .... >>Q000388 010 11. {gesz}banszur sikil#-la# ki ag2 {d}suen-na #tr.en: Suen's beloved pure table; >>Q000388 011 12. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 {gesz}banszur sikil#-la ki ag2 {d}suen-na #tr.en: E-kiš-nu-ĝal, Suen's beloved pure table. >>Q000388 012 13. lugal |KI.LUGAL.GUB|-la he2-du7-bi kisal# mah-e si-a #tr.en: The king, ornament of the royal offering place, occupies the august courtyard; >>Q000388 013 14. ur!#-{d}namma uru16 a2 nun gi4-a {d}en#-x x x-ma #tr.en: Ur-Namma the exalted, whom no one dare oppose, ... >>Q000388 014 15. [(x)] uri5#{ki} iri?# dagal-ba#? SAR#? x [(x) x x] #tr.en: ... Urim, the wide city ... >>Q000388 015 16. [...] NAM x x GA# pa#? ba-e-ni-a-e3 #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 016 17. [...] x (x) [(x) x] x nir-gal2-e #tr.en: ..., the authoritative, >>Q000388 017 18. [ni2-te-a]-ni mi2 zi i-ri in-ga-am3-me #tr.en: praised himself exultantly: >>Q000388 018 19. ur#-{d}namma# lugal uri5{ki}-ma nam du10 tar-ra-ba giri3 si mu-un-da-ab-sa2 #tr.en: Under Ur-Namma, king of Urim, for whom a favorable destiny was determined, the roads have been made passable. >>Q000388 019 20. an-e ka ku3#-ga-ni mu-un-ba szegx(|IM.A|) ma-u3-tu #tr.en: An opens his holy mouth, and because of me rain is produced. >>Q000388 020 21. ki-sze3 sza3-ga si ba-an-sa2 he2-gal2 ma-ra-de6 #tr.en: He directs it downward into the earth, and abundance is brought for me. >>Q000388 021 22. {d}en-lil2-le mi2 zi mu-un-du11 UN mu-szi-in-x #tr.en: Enlil treats me kindly, ... >>Q000388 022 23. {d}en#-ki-ke4 mi2 zi mu-un-du11 a-esztub{ku6} {d}ezina2 sze gu-nu sag-e-esz mu-un-rig7 #tr.en: Enki treats me kindly, bestowing early floods, grain and dappled barley. >>Q000388 023 24. {d}nin#-tu-re ge26-e mu-un-dim2-dim2-en gaba!(ga)-ri-gu10 nu-tuku #tr.en: Nintur formed me; I am peerless. >>Q000388 024 25. [...] x du10-bi bi2-in-pesz-en lugal kalam-ma-me-en #tr.en: ... brought me up well; I am the king of the Land. >>Q000388 025 26. [...] gal2# zi-da-me-en tur3 amasz mu-da-dagal# #tr.en: I am ...; under my rule the cattle-pens and sheepfolds are extended wide. >>Q000388 026 27. {d}utu ka-ga2 inim ba-ni-in-gal2 #tr.en: Utu endowed me with eloquence (?); >>Q000388 027 28. di ku5-ru-gu10 ki-en-gi ki-uri gu3 tesz2-a bi2-in-se3 #tr.en: my judgments create concord in Sumer and Akkad. >>Q000388 028 29. {d}nin-gublaga-ke4 a2 ma-an-szum2 #tr.en: Ningublaga has given me strength. >>Q000388 029 30. me3-gu10 an ki szu2-a-bi lu2 la-ba-ra-e3 #tr.en: In the whole extent of heaven and earth, no one can escape from a battle with me. >>Q000388 030 31. ur-{d}namma lugal uri5{ki}-ma {d}lamma iri-ga2-me-en #tr.en: I am Ur-Namma, king of Urim, the protecting genius of my city. >>Q000388 031 32. szer7-da mu-dub2 su mu-un-sag3-sag3 #tr.en: I strike against those guilty of capital offences, and make them tremble. >>Q000388 032 33a. ni2 su-e bi2-us2-sa-gu10 x x-a 33b. i-na mu x x ri-ia-asz #tr.en: The fear I cause ... >>Q000388 033 34. di ku5-ru-gu10 ki-en-gi ki-uri us2 dili-a mi-ni-ib-dab5 #tr.en: My judgments make Sumer and Akkad follow a single path. >>Q000388 034 35. ni2-zuh lu2 i-{d}utu-ka gu2-ba giri3 bi2-gub #tr.en: I place my foot on the necks of thieves and criminals. >>Q000388 035 36. erim2-du musz-gin7 szu gid2-gid2-da szu im-da-an-szu2-szu2 #tr.en: I clamp down on evildoers, who will be caught like snakes. >>Q000388 036 37. lu2-kar-da gur5-ru-usz im-da-ab-be2 sza3-bi si bi2-ib-sa2 #tr.en: I ... fugitives, and their intentions will be set right. >>Q000388 037 38. nig2-si-sa2-e pa e3 bi2-ak nig2-erim2 sa2 bi2-du11 #tr.en: I make justice apparent; I defeat wickedness. >>Q000388 038 39. {d}gibil6-gin7 sag-ki gid2-da-gu10 gu3# tesz2-a bi2-se3# #tr.en: As if I were fire, even my frowning is enough to create concord. >>Q000388 039 40. inim-gu10 me-me DU8-ba gub-bi UN x A [...] x (x) E #tr.en: My word ... the lands, >>Q000388 040 41. DAG x (x)-la ma-da kur-kur#-[ra ...] uri5{ki#}-e?# x kur# [...] #tr.en: the foreign countries ... Urim ... >>Q000388 041 42. nidba-bi e2-kisz-nu-gal2#-la#-na# {d}nanna-ar mi-ni-in-hul2-le #tr.en: Their food offerings make Nanna rejoice in E-kiš-nu-ĝal. >>Q000388 042 43. a!-gu10 sza3 ku3-ge ba-ri-a-ta #tr.en: After my seed had been poured into the holy womb, >>Q000388 043 44. {d}suen-e u6-e ki ag2-ni #tr.en: Suen, loving its appearance (?), >>Q000388 044 45. {d}nanna-ar hi-li-na ba-ni-in-ku4-re #tr.en: made it partake of Nanna's attractiveness. >>Q000388 045 46. {d}en-lil2-le {d}utu-gin7 kalam-ma e3-de3 mu du10 mu-un-sa4# #tr.en: Coming forth over the Land like Utu, Enlil called me by an auspicious name, >>Q000388 046 47. {d}nin!(nin9)-tu tu-tu#-a mu-un-gub-bu! #tr.en: and Nintur assisted at my birth. >>Q000388 047 48. sza3 ama-gu10 {d}nin-sumun2-ka-ta #tr.en: As I came forth from the womb of my mother Ninsumun, >>Q000388 048 49. nam tar-ra sa6-ga ma-ta-e3 #tr.en: a favorable allotted destiny was determined for me. >>Q000388 049 50. ur-{d}namma-me-en ma-da ki-en-gi ki-uri# {d}lamma mu-un-da-an-tuku #tr.en: In me, Ur-Namma, the lands of Sumer and Akkad have their protecting genius. >>Q000388 050 51. kalam-ma ki ur5 sa6-ge-bi ge26-e-me-en zi-gu10 he2-u3-tu #tr.en: I am a source of joy for the Land; my life indeed creates! >>Q000388 051 52. ug uszumgal x A KA IGI (x) LA2 a-sza3 mu-da-dadag #tr.en: ..., the fields are resplendent (?) under my rule. >>Q000388 052 53. gan2?# gi hul mu2-a szuba2 nu-mu-u8-da-lu #tr.en: In the fields growing with ..., ... did not multiply under my rule. >>Q000388 053 54. edimx(EDIN)-ma ezen-gin7 du3-a-ba giri3 si mu-un-da-ab-sa2 #tr.en: In the desert, the roads are made up as for a festival, and are passable because of me. >>Q000388 054 55. lu2 a-sza3-ga nir-gal2-bi mu-un-DU gaba-na ib2-ta-an-zi #tr.en: The owner of the fields ...; it rises (?) up to his chest. >>Q000388 055 56. dumu ukur3-ra u2 il2-i-de3 gen-na ama-ni-ir mu-un-gi4-gi4 #tr.en: I have freed the sons of the poor from their duty of going to fetch firewood. >>Q000388 056 57. a{x}-ma-ru gi4{x}-ba i-ti{x} ma-gi4{x-a-ba} #tr.en: After the storm ..., and the month had been completed (?) for me, >>Q000388 057 58. {d}en-lil2-le u4# du10-du10-ga-na masz2-e bi2#-in#-pa3-de3-en #tr.en: Enlil chose me by extispicy on a day very auspicious for him. >>Q000388 058 59. ki-en-gi-ra# gu3 zi mu-un-de2 e2!-a in-da-an-zi-ge-en #tr.en: He spoke fairly to Sumer, and caused me to arise (?) from my family (?) >>Q000388 059 60. gesztu2# dagal# igi-gal2-tuku-gu10-sze3 #tr.en: Because of my broad understanding and wisdom, >>Q000388 060 61. x [an] lugal#-e szu-gu10-sze3 ba-an-szum2 #tr.en: An the king entrusted ... into my hands. >>Q000388 061 62. [ki-en]-gi#-ra ud5-sag-bi ge26-e-me-en #tr.en: I am the cosmic bond of Sumer. >>Q000388 062 63. [...] x [(x)] x x sa6-ga-me-en #tr.en: I am ... good ... >>Q000388 063 64. [...]-a?#-me-en #tr.en: I am ... >>Q000388 064 65. [...] x [...] x kalam-ma-me-en #tr.en: I am ... of the Land. >>Q000388 065 66. [...] x tum2-mu #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 066 67. x x x [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 067 68. x HI#? x [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 068 69. en-me-en# zi?# x x x [...] x x [...] #tr.en: I am the righteous (?) lord ... >>Q000388 069 70. ur-{d}namma an-sze3 tu-da# ku3-ge-esz x [...] #tr.en: I, Ur-Namma, born on high, ... shining ... >>Q000388 070 71. ukken?# igi-gu10-sze3 si im-sa2 #tr.en: The people line up in front of me. >>Q000388 071 72. erin2 silim-ma kalam szu-a gi4-gi4 {d}en-lil2-le ma-ra-an-szum2# #tr.en: Enlil has given me the task of keeping the Land secure, with unscathed (?) troops. >>Q000388 072 73. ge6-par4-ra {tug2#?}gada nam-mi-la2 #tr.en: I am clad in linen in the ĝipar. >>Q000388 073 74. gesz-nu2 gi-rin-na ki-nu2 du10-ba mu-nu2 #tr.en: I lie down on the splendid bed in its delightful bedchamber. >>Q000388 074 75. ug3-e u2 nir-gal2 bi2-ib2-gu7?#-en {d}en-ki-im-du-bi-me-en #tr.en: I cause the people to eat splendid food; I am their Enkimdu (i.e. the god of irrigation and cultivation). >>Q000388 075 76. sipa zi udu-ni diri gal2-la-me-en #tr.en: I am the good shepherd whose sheep multiply greatly. >>Q000388 076 77. tur3 amasz dagal |KAxMASZ|-bi gal2 bi2-tak4 gaba-ri-gu10 nu-tuku #tr.en: I open the ... of the cattle-pens and sheepfolds. I am peerless. >>Q000388 077 78. sipa u2 nag-ga2-bi szuba2{x-x} ma-szar2{mu?-ni-szar2} #tr.en: ... the pastures and watering-places of shepherds (?). >>Q000388 078 79. nam-en-na-bi u3-me-ni-tag #tr.en: Since I have been adorned (?) with their rulership, >>Q000388 079 80. buru14 mah-gu10 ni2-bi il2-il2-i nig2-ku5 nu-ak-e #tr.en: no one imposes taxes on my abundant crops which grow tall. >>Q000388 080 81. a2 ag2-ga2-gu10 bad3 gal kur-ra-ka a-ne hul2-la mu-e #tr.en: My commands bring about (?) joy in the great fortresses of the mountains. >>Q000388 081 82. iri-ga2 ki-sur-ra ki-en-gi-ra giri17-zal-bi ma-du10 #tr.en: The joy of my city and the territory (?) of Sumer delights me. >>Q000388 082 83. ki-en-gi i7-ba a szu bi2-ba gesz gu2-ba mu-zi #tr.en: I release water into the canals of Sumer, making the trees grow tall on their banks. >>Q000388 083 84. sag-ur-sag-bi {gesz}szudul4-bi mu-zi #tr.en: I have lifted the yoke of its male prostitutes. >>Q000388 084 85. [...] kur#-ra-ka za3-la2-bi?# mu-du8?# #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 085 86. uri5#{ki#} szu#-ba im-mi-gi4 #tr.en: I returned ... to Urim. >>Q000388 086 87. x-ba itima?-gin7 kur-ra#-na bi2-gi4 #tr.en: I made ... return (?) to his country ... like ... >>Q000388 087 88. sze-bi ma2-gur8-ra-ke4 bi2-la2 ga2-nun-bi bi2#-gi4 #tr.en: I loaded its grain on barges, I delivered it to its storehouses. >>Q000388 088 89. dumu kig2?#-bi e2-a-ni!(IR) im-mi-gi4 dusu-bi mu-gi4 #tr.en: I returned its ... citizens to their (?) homes. I ... their earth-baskets. >>Q000388 089 90. gu-ti-um{ki} lu2-|SZA3xTAR|?-a-ke4 szu ses-na mu-du8 #tr.en: I ... the savage hands of the Gutians, the .. >>Q000388 090 91. i-{d}utu ka-ba um-mi-gi4 #tr.en: After I had made the evil-doers return (?) to their ... >>Q000388 091 92. bad3? bi2-szub?#-ba bi2-gi4 sza3 su3-ra-gu10 x iri? DU mu-gul? esz3 uri5[{ki}] [...] #(squeezed between lines 92 and 93) #tr.en: I restored (?) the walls that had been torn down; my outstanding mind .... ... the shrine of Urim ... >>Q000388 092 93. gurusz? gu2-tuku# {d}en-lil2-la2-me-en nidba x (x) x-me-en# #tr.en: I am the foremost workman (?) of Enlil; I am the one who …… food offerings. >>Q000388 093 94. x ug3# (x) dagal#-bi AN DA x x (x) #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 094 95. [...] x-bi an-da NI#? x (x) #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 095 96. [...] x [(x)] x x [...] du10?# #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 096 97. [...] x [...] x #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 097 $ 1 line missing #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 098 99. [...] x [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 099 100. GISZ#? x {gesz}szinig? GISZ# [...] #tr.en: ... >>Q000388 100 101. iri-a {gesz}bun-e mu-da#-an#-[...] #tr.en: ... at a banquet with me in the city. >>Q000388 101 102. e-ne di hul2-la gar-ra-sze3 ge26?-e? x [...] #tr.en: ... joyful dance ... >>Q000388 102 103. i7 lugal#-la e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 he2-gal2 mu-un-da-ku4# #tr.en: I have brought abundance to Enlil's temple on the king's canal: >>Q000388 103 104. kar-gesztin-na {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 ma2 na-an-ga-mu-ni-in#-ri #tr.en: I have directed ships both to Kar-ĝeština of Enlil >>Q000388 104 105. kar-za-gin3-na {d}nanna-ka ma2 na-an-ga-mu-ni-in-ri #tr.en: and to the lapis-lazuli quay of Nanna. >>Q000388 105 106. {d}en-lil2-ra kurun2 lal3 ba-an-na-de2 #tr.en: Alcohol and syrup have been poured out before Enlil. >>Q000388 106 107. sipa ur-{d}namma-me-en ti nig2-ba-gu10 he2-a #tr.en: To me, the shepherd Ur-Namma, let life be given as a reward! >>Q000388 107 108. {d}nanna lugal-gu10 e2-gal-la-na mu-na-du3 #tr.en: For Nanna, my master, I have built his temple; >>Q000388 108 109. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 hur-sag sig7-ga-gin7 ki gal-la bi2-gub #tr.en: as if it were a verdant hillside, I have set up the E-kiš-nu-ĝal in a great place. >>Q000388 109 110. gi-gun4-na-bi ku3-sig17 {na4}za-gin3-na dub-ba-an ba-la2 #tr.en: I have surrounded (?) its terrace with a gold and lapis-lazuli fence. >>Q000388 110 111. szu du11-ga-e {d}nanna-a-me-en #tr.en: I am the creature of Nanna! >>Q000388 111 112. szesz {d}gilgamesz2 gu-la-me-en #tr.en: I am the older brother of Gilgameš! >>Q000388 112 113. [dumu] tu#-da {d}nin-sumun2-ka-me-en numun nam-en-na-me-en #tr.en: I am the son borne by Ninsumun, a princely seed! >>Q000388 113 114. [an]-ta nam-lugal ma-ra-e11(|SI.DU|) #tr.en: For me, kingship came down from heaven! >>Q000388 114 115. [sipa] ur-{d}namma-me-en za3-mi2-gu10 du10-ga-am3 #tr.en: Sweet is the praise of me, the shepherd Ur-Namma! >>Q000388 115
Total 3 record(s)