Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2006-10-12 at 12:33:16 with credits to CDLI

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
Berens 011 (P212601) 2112107
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
urim5{ki}-me does not appear in words list
anszu does not appear in words list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in words list
urim5 does not appear in signs list
anszu does not appear in signs list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in signs list
&P212601 = Berens 011
1. 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) 5(asz@c) sila3 zi3
2. sa2-du11 e2-kam
3. 1(ban2@c) dabin
4. 2(asz@c) 1/2(asz@c) sila3 zi3-gu
5. lu2 urim5{ki}-me
6. 1/2(asz@c) udu niga
1. 1/2(asz@c) anszu
$ 1 line blank
2. |SZU+LAGAB| 3(gesz2@c) 7(asz@c) 1/2(asz@c) sila3
BiMes 03, 24 (P212602) 2112108
ATF: Parsing failed on line 17 near character 1
pesz{ku6} does not appear in words list
a-HI-ga does not appear in words list
x-x-tag4 does not appear in words list
&P212602 = BiMes 03, 24
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) pesz{ku6} gurdub
#lem: n; n; pesz[fish]; gurdub[basket]
2. 1(u@c) 4(asz@c) a-a gur8 gurdub
#lem: n; n; aya[father]; gur[unmng]; gurdub[basket]
3. 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) ku6 a-HI-ga gurdub
#lem: n; n; kud[fish]; X; gurdub[basket]
4. szu-nigin2 4(u@c) ku6 gurdub
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; kud[fish]; gurdub[basket]
5. 2(asz@c) [...] sze
#lem: n; u; sze[barley]
6. lagasz#{ki#}
#lem: GN
1. x NE# [x]
#lem: u; u; u
2. lugal x
#lem: lugal[king]; u
3. szu x-x-tag4
#lem: szu[hand]; u
4. lugal sza3
#lem: lugal[king]; szag[heart]
5. i3-de6
#lem: de[bring]
BiMes 03, 25 (P212603) 2112109
{lu2}nu:igi does not appear in words list
NI-la-ke4 does not appear in words list
a-ga-ne does not appear in words list
i3-x-a does not appear in words list
nu:igi does not appear in signs list
&P212603 = BiMes 03, 25
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. [...]
#lem: u
2. 1(asz@c) [...] x
#lem: n; u; u
3. 2(asz@c) [...] x
#lem: n; u; u
4. 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) [...] x
#lem: n; n; u; u
5. {lu2}nu:igi dumu
#lem: X; dumu[child]
1. lugal-ka
#lem: PN
2. u4 NI-la-ke4
#lem: ud[sun]; PN
3. a-ga-ne
#lem: aga[rear]
4. i3-[x-a?]
#lem: PN
BIN 08, 024 (P212605) 2112110
&P212605 = BIN 08, 024
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
#BIN 8:024~
1. 3(u@c) 1/2(asz@c) sag 2(u) 2(asz@c)
#lem: n; n; saj[head]; n; n
2. 1(gesz2) 2(u@c) us2 1(gesz2) 2(u@c)
#lem: n; n; us[side]; n; n
3. GAN2-bi 4(bur3@c) la2 2(iku@c)
#lem: gana[field]; n; lal[small]; n
4. 1(iku@c) GAN2-bi 1(asz) 1(barig) sze gur-ta
#lem: n; gana[field]; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
5. sze-bi 1(gesz2) 2(u) 7(asz) 2(barig) gur
#lem: sze[barley]; n; n; n; n; gur[unit]
6. amar-ezem [x]
#lem: PN; u
BIN 08, 027 (P212607) 2112113
ATF: Syntax error at line 28 col 7: $ rest of
SU does not appear in words list
e-ge does not appear in words list
|NU+NU| does not appear in words list
{d}ANSZE-GIM does not appear in words list
HA-A-DU does not appear in words list
i3-zu only appears a few times in words list
DAM only appears a few times in words list
|NU+NU| only appears a few times in signs list
DAM only appears a few times in signs list
&P212607 = BIN 08, 027
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 3(asz@c) sze gur SU GA?
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; u; u
2. e-ge
#lem: eg[levee]|gi[turn]|gin[establish]
3. dumu ama |NU+NU|?
#lem: dumu[child]; ama[mother]; X
4. 1(asz@c) 1(barig@c) {d}ANSZE#-GIM
#lem: n; n; DN
@column 2
1. 1(asz@c) sag sze
#lem: n; saj[head]; sze[barley]
2. amar? HA?-A-DU?
#lem: amar[young]; X
3. PA x [...]
#lem: u; u; u
4. 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) lugal#? i3#?-zu [...]
#lem: n; n; lugal[king]; i[oil]|zu[know]; u
@column 1
1. 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) lugal#? DAM? x
#lem: n; n; lugal[king]; u; u
$ rest of column blank
@column 2
$ column blank
BIN 08, 029 (P212608) 2112116
ur2-ni-be6-da only appears a few times in words list
GAN2-ga does not appear in words list
bi2-zi-ge-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
i3-na-du8-a only appears a few times in words list
ga-su only appears a few times in words list
ur-su only appears a few times in words list
ansze-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P212608 = BIN 08, 029
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. lugal-nig2-zu
#lem: PN
2. ur2-ni-be6-da
#lem: X
3. GAN2-ga gag bi2-zi-ge-[esz2]
#lem: X; gag[nail]; zig[rise]
4. ansze i3-na-du8-a
#lem: ansze[equid]; du[heap]|du[spread]|duh[loosen]
5. ga-su i3-na-du11
#lem: su[cvve]|su[sink]|sug[replace]; dug[speak]
6. igi ur-su sipa ansze-sze3
#lem: igi[face]; PN; sipad[shepherd]; ansze[equid]
1. e2 x [x (x)]
#lem: e[house]; u; u; u
2. a2 ba KU a
#lem: a[arm]; ba[allot]; u; a[water]
3. inim-<be6> al-til
#lem: X; til[complete]
4. ensi2 nibru{ki}-sze3
#lem: ensik[ruler]; GN
5. x [(x)] a-gal2
#lem: u; u; jal[be]
BIN 08, 030 (P212609) 2112118
|LALxGAB| does not appear in words list
IL does not appear in words list
|LALxGAB| does not appear in signs list
&P212609 = BIN 08, 030
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 2(u@c) 5(asz@c) a su x
#lem: n; n; a[water]; su[flesh]; u
3. 2(u@c) la2 3(asz@c) NI tug2 [x?]
#lem: n; lal[small]; n; u; tug[textile]; u
4. 8(asz@c) ninda BAR BA [x?]
#lem: n; ninda[bread]; u; u; u
5. 3(asz@c) ninda |LALxGAB|
#lem: n; ninda[bread]; u
6. dub gibil [x?] 4(u@c) la2 2(asz@c) IL
#lem: dub[tablet]; gibil[new]; u; n; lal[small]; n; u
$ surface blank
BIN 08, 032 (P212610) 2112121
ATF: Parsing failed on line 9 near character 1
u4-gin7 does not appear in words list
{d}ki-ka does not appear in words list
&P212610 = BIN 08, 032
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u@c) {gesz}gid2-da
#lem: n; gida[spear]
2. e2 u4-gin7 pa e3
#lem: e[house]; ud[sun]; pa[branch]; e[leave]
3. {d}ki-ka
#lem: DN
4. szu# ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
BIN 08, 033 (P212611) 2112124
pesz2 only appears a few times in words list
&P212611 = BIN 08, 033
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 4(iku@c)# 1/8(iku@c)? GAN2
#lem: n; n; iku[unit]
2. pesz2? ba-DU
#lem: pesz[mouse]; X
3. KA UD sig7?
#lem: u; u; sig[worker]
$ surface blank
BIN 08, 036 (P212613) 2112126
lugal-pirig-tur only appears a few times in words list
an-dab5 only appears a few times in words list
x-ki-a does not appear in words list
ud-mud-dar-u5 does not appear in words list
pesz2-ud does not appear in words list
i3-ur11 does not appear in words list
i3-lum-ka-ni does not appear in words list
a-si-a only appears a few times in words list
ur11 does not appear in signs list
&P212613 = BIN 08, 036
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
#BIN 8 , 36
@column 1
1. 3(asz@c) e2 sar
#lem: n; e[house]; sar[garden]
2. lu2#-gesz
#lem: PN
3. sanga
#lem: sajja[official]
4. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
5. lugal-pirig-tur
#lem: PN
6. an-dab5
#lem: dab[seize]
7. 4(asz@c) siki ma-na
#lem: n; siki[hair]; mana[unit]
8. [x]-ki#-a
#lem: PN
9. x#
#lem: u
@column 2
1. ki mu-na-us2
#lem: ki[place]; us[follow]|us[lean]
2. 4(asz@c) siki ma-na
#lem: n; siki[hair]; mana[unit]
3. ud-mud-dar-u5
#lem: PN
4. szu ma-us2
#lem: szu[hand]; us[follow]|us[lean]
5. 4(asz@c) pesz2-ud
#lem: n; PN
6. sze-musz
#lem: szejusz[barley]
7. i3-ur11
#lem: uru[sow]
8. 1(asz@c) sze gur#
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
@column 1
1. i3-lum-ka-ni
#lem: ilum[song]
2. a-si-a e2-kam
#lem: asi[strap]; e[house]
BIN 08, 037 (P212614) 2112127
2(asz@c)-kam only appears a few times in words list
unug{ki}-ke4 does not appear in words list
ba-lah4 only appears a few times in words list
e2-igi-il2-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-lah4 only appears a few times in words list
e2-guru7 does not appear in words list
kar-PESZ2{ki}-ke4 does not appear in words list
A-KID-DA does not appear in words list
bar-ku3-x does not appear in words list
lugal-du11-ge-du10 does not appear in words list
sag-sug5-ke4 does not appear in words list
amar-sun2-sze3 does not appear in words list
HA-A-DU does not appear in words list
sug5 does not appear in signs list
&P212614 = BIN 08, 037
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 1/3(asz@c)? 3(asz@c) ku3 sza-na gin2
#lem: n; n; kug[metal]; szag[heart]|na[cvne]; gij[unit]
2. ur-lugal
#lem: PN
3. kusz7
#lem: kusz[devastation]|kusz[malt-flour]|kusz[official]|kusz[summer]
4. szu ba-ti#
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
5. 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) ud5
#lem: n; n; uzud[goat]
6. 8(asz@c) u8
#lem: n; u[ewe]
7. 7(asz@c) udu-nita
#lem: n; X
8. mu 1(asz@c)-kam
#lem: mu[year]; n
9. 1(u@c) 4(asz@c) udu-nita
#lem: n; n; X
@column 2
1. [x] 1(u@c)#? 3(asz@c) u8
#lem: u; n; n; u[ewe]
2. mu 2(asz@c)-kam
#lem: mu[year]; n
3. udu SZUL-a
#lem: udu[sheep]; X
4. unug{ki}-ke4
#lem: GN
5. ba-lah4
#lem: lah[bring]
6. 1(u@c) ud5
#lem: n; uzud[goat]
7. e2-igi-il2-e
#lem: PN
8. ba-lah4
#lem: lah[bring]
9. 1(asz@c) udu-nita
#lem: n; X
10. e2-guru7
#lem: X
@column 1
1. ur-tul2-sag-ke4?
#lem: PN
2. ba-de6
#lem: de[bring]
3. maszkim-be6
#lem: X
4. 8(asz@c) sze lid2-ga
#lem: n; sze[barley]; lidga[vessel]
5. e2-zi
#lem: PN
6. kar-PESZ2?{ki}-ke4
#lem: X
7. ba-de6
#lem: de[bring]
8. 2(asz@c) 1(barig@c) A-KID-DA
#lem: n; n; X
9. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
10. bar-ku3-x
#lem: u
@column 2
1. lugal-du11-ge-du10
#lem: PN
2. sag-sug5-ke4
#lem: X
3. ba-de6
#lem: de[bring]
4. 1(asz@c) sze lid2-ga
#lem: n; sze[barley]; lidga[vessel]
5. e2-ki-du10-ga szu ba-ti
#lem: X; szu[hand]; tej[approach]
6. sag amar-sun2-sze3
#lem: saj[head]; PN
7. amar HA-A-DU siki
#lem: amar[young]; X; siki[hair]
8. i3-su-su
#lem: su[cvve]|su[sink]|sug[replace]
BIN 08, 038 (P212615) 2112133
sar-kam only appears a few times in words list
nin-pa-da only appears a few times in words list
im-ta-KID only appears a few times in words list
KUM-KU-SZE3 does not appear in words list
&P212615 = BIN 08, 038
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) sze gur
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. nig2-sa10
#lem: nijsam[price]
3. 1(asz@c) e2 sar-kam
#lem: n; e[house]; sar[garden]
4. nin-pa-da
#lem: PN
5. dam lugal-sza3
#lem: dam[spouse]; PN
6. im-ta-KID?
#lem: X
7. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
8. 1(asz@c) ku3 gin2
#lem: n; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
9. 1(asz@c) sze gur
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
1. KUM-KU#-[SZE3]
#lem: X
2. dumu lugal-[sza3]
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
3. szu ba#-[ti]
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
4. nig2-sa10# [x x x]
#lem: nijsam[price]; u; u; u
BIN 08, 039 (P212616) 2112136
al-de2 only appears a few times in words list
urudu does not appear in words list
sza3-da-nu-kam only appears a few times in words list
nin-a-zu only appears a few times in words list
szurupak{ki}-ga does not appear in words list
u2-|KAxSZU| only appears a few times in words list
lugal-en-nu-e only appears a few times in words list
sza-na-kam only appears a few times in words list
nig2-sam2 does not appear in words list
geme2-e2-zi-da-kam only appears a few times in words list
nin-i3-ti-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
nin-i3-gara2 only appears a few times in words list
ama-lal3 only appears a few times in words list
me-zi-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-sam2 does not appear in words list
nin-gissu-kam only appears a few times in words list
ur-lugal-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
a-hu-SIG5 does not appear in words list
na-ni-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
nam-gu2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-ak only appears a few times in words list
urudu only appears a few times in signs list
szurupak does not appear in signs list
SIG5 does not appear in signs list
&P212616 = BIN 08, 039
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [1(u@c) sze] gur
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. u4-ba 1(asz@c) sze gur
#lem: ud[sun]; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
3. al-ag2
#lem: aj[measure]
4. 2(u@c) i3-szah2 sila3
#lem: n; iszah[lard]; sila[unit]
5. u4-ba 6(asz@c) i3 sila3 al-de2
#lem: ud[sun]; n; i[oil]; sila[unit]; de[pour]
6. 1(asz@c) szah2 u2
#lem: n; szah[pig]; u[plants]
7. 1(asz@c) ku3 gin2
#lem: n; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
8. 4(asz@c) siki ma#-na#
#lem: n; siki[hair]; mana[unit]
9. 1(asz@c) ku3 gin2-kam
#lem: n; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
10. 1(asz@c) ha-zi urudu
#lem: n; hazin[ax]|hazin[barley]; urud[copper]
11. 1(asz@c) ku3 gin2-kam
#lem: n; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
12. sza3-da-nu-kam
#lem: X
@column 2
1. nin-a-zu
#lem: DN
2. szurupak{ki}-ga
#lem: X
3. u2-|KAxSZU| i3-de2
#lem: u; de[pour]
4. 3(asz@c) la2 1(barig@c) sze gur
#lem: n; lal[small]; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
5. 1(asz@c) u8 bar ku3 gin2-kam
#lem: n; u[ewe]; bar[outside]; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
6. lugal-en-nu-e
#lem: PN
7. i3-na-szum2
#lem: szum[give]
8. nig2 ku3 1/3(asz@c) sza-na-kam
#lem: nij[thing]; kug[metal]; n; kam[tune?]
9. nig2-sam2 dumu geme2-e2-zi-da-kam
#lem: nijsam[price]; dumu[child]; PN
10. ur-PA i3-szi-szum2
#lem: PN; szum[give]
$ 1 line blank
11. 3(asz@c) ku3 gin2
#lem: n; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
@column 1
1. giri3-ni
#lem: PN
2. nin-i3-ti-ke4
#lem: PN
3. ba-tum2
#lem: tum[bring]|tum[suitable]
4. 5(asz@c) sze gur
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
5. 4(u@c) i3 sila3
#lem: n; i[oil]; sila[unit]
6. 2(asz@c) ku3 gin2
#lem: n; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
7. nin-i3-gara2
#lem: PN
8. ba-tum2
#lem: tum[bring]|tum[suitable]
9. 1(asz@c) ku3 gin2
#lem: n; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
10. ama-lal3
#lem: X
11. dumu me-zi-ke4
#lem: dumu[child]; zid[right]|zig[rise]|zir[break]
12. ba-tum2
#lem: tum[bring]|tum[suitable]
@column 2
1. nig2-sam2
#lem: nijsam[price]
2. nin-gissu-kam
#lem: PN
3. ur-lugal-ke4
#lem: PN
4. i3-szi-szum2
#lem: szum[give]
$ 1 line blank
5. a-hu-SIG5
#lem: PN
6. dumu na-ni-ke4
#lem: dumu[child]; na[man]|na[stone]|nijna[incense]
7. ur-lugal-ra
#lem: PN
8. nam-gu2-sze3
#lem: namgu[oppression]
9. [ba-ni]-ak#
#lem: ak[do]
BIN 08, 040 (P212617) 2112138
|SZU+LAGAB|-be6 does not appear in words list
ur-li-kam only appears a few times in words list
BANSZUR does not appear in words list
ZA does not appear in words list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in signs list
BANSZUR does not appear in signs list
&P212617 = BIN 08, 040
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 7(asz@c) ab2 ama
#lem: n; ab[cow]; ama[mother]
2. 2(asz@c) ab2 mu 3(disz)
#lem: n; ab[cow]; mu[year]; n
3. 1(asz@c) gu4# mu 2(disz)
#lem: n; gud[ox]; mu[year]; n
4. 1(asz@c) amar munus ga
#lem: n; amar[young]; munus[woman]; ga[milk]
5. 1(asz@c) amar gu4 ga
#lem: n; amar[young]; gud[ox]; ga[milk]
6. |SZU+LAGAB|-be6 1(u@c) 2(asz@c)
#lem: X; n; n
7. ur-li-kam
#lem: PN
#lem: u; u; u; u
1. an-si
#lem: si[fill]|si[remember]|sig[cast]|sig[place]
#lem: u; u; u; u
BIN 08, 043 (P212619) 2112141
ATF: Parsing failed on line 34 near character 6
sax(|NINDA2+2(ASZ@c)|) does not appear in words list
sax(|NINDA2+2(ASZ@c)|) does not appear in words list
tug2!(KU) does not appear in words list
mu-nu-gal2-la-kam does not appear in words list
DU-A does not appear in words list
szu-ni-ra only appears a few times in words list
KUM does not appear in words list
tug2!(KU) does not appear in words list
sax(|NINDA2+2(ASZ@c)|) does not appear in signs list
sax(|NINDA2+2(ASZ@c)|) does not appear in signs list
tug2!(KU) does not appear in signs list
tug2!(KU) does not appear in signs list
&P212619 = BIN 08, 043
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 5(asz@c) 2(barig@c) sze gur
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. 1(asz@c) bar tug2 ku3 sax(|NINDA2+2(ASZ@c)|) ma-na-kam
#lem: n; bar[outside]; tug[textile]; kug[metal]; X; kam[tune?]
3. 1(asz@c) a-su tug2 ku3 sax(|NINDA2+2(ASZ@c)|) ma-na-kam
#lem: n; su[cvve]|su[sink]|sug[replace]; tug[textile]; kug[metal]; X; kam[tune?]
4. 1(asz@c) NIG2 NE tug2!(KU) bar gin2-kam
#lem: n; u; u; tug[textile]; bar[outside]; gij[unit]
5. 1(asz@c) NIG2 NE tug2 igi 3(disz) gal2-kam
#lem: n; u; u; tug[textile]; igi[face]; n; jal[be]
6. 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) sze gur 2(disz) ku3 gin2-kam
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; n; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
7. mu-nu-gal2-la-kam
#lem: X
8. 1(asz@c) ku3 gin2
#lem: n; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
9. [x] 1(asz@c) ud5#
#lem: u; n; uzud[goat]
10. [x] ku3# sa10 2(asz@c) ma-na
#lem: u; kug[metal]; sa[pay for]; n; mana[unit]
1. x x [x x?] DU#?-A#?
#lem: u; u; u; u; X
$ n lines missing
1. [...]
#lem: u
2. an-na#-de6#?
#lem: de[bring]
@left edge
1. 1(asz@c) szu-ni-ra? tug2 KUM tug2!?(KU) x [x?]
#lem: n; PN; tug[textile]; u; tug[textile]; u; u
BIN 08, 044 (P212620) 2112143
e2-kiszib does not appear in words list
e2-kiszib does not appear in words list
ur2-ni-kam only appears a few times in words list
amar-ab-zu does not appear in words list
kiszib only appears a few times in signs list
kiszib only appears a few times in signs list
&P212620 = BIN 08, 044
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u@c) sze gur
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. e2-kiszib szu-i
#lem: X; szu'i[barber]
3. 2(asz@c) 2(barig@c) igi-si4
#lem: n; n; PN
4. 2(asz@c) 2(barig@c) nita dumu za3-ge
#lem: n; n; nita[male]; dumu[child]; zag[side]
5. 3(asz@c) e2-kiszib szu-i
#lem: n; X; szu'i[barber]
6. 2(barig@c) ur-gu dumu lugal-en-nu
#lem: n; PN; dumu[child]; PN
7. inim-zi-da
#lem: PN
8. an-da-gal2
#lem: andajal[exalted]
1. sze sag-kam
#lem: sze[barley]; saj[head]
2. ur2-ni-kam
#lem: ur[root]
3. 4(asz@c) 2(barig@c) sze gur
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
4. a-ba-{d}en-lil2
#lem: PN
5. dumu amar-ab-zu
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
6. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
BIN 08, 048 (P212621) 2112146
IG only appears a few times in words list
5(asz@45) does not appear in words list
5(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
&P212621 = BIN 08, 048
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 1/4(iku@c) 1/8(iku@c) GAN2 2(asz@c) la2 1(asz@c@90) lugal KA
#lem: n; n; iku[unit]; n; lal[small]; n; lugal[king]; u
2. 1/2(iku@c) 1/8(iku@c) GAN2 3(asz@c) sze ur x ur x
#lem: n; n; iku[unit]; n; sze[barley]; ur[dog]; u; ur[dog]; u
3. 1(iku@c) 1/4(iku@c) GAN2 sze lugal KA?
#lem: n; n; iku[unit]; sze[barley]; lugal[king]; u
4. 1/2(iku@c) GAN2 2(asz@c) 2(asz@c@90) sze lugal-an-ne2
#lem: n; iku[unit]; n; n; sze[barley]; PN
5. e2-hur-sag
#lem: TN
@column 2
$ column blank
1. sze e3-a
#lem: sze[barley]; e[leave]
2. e2 u4 IG KA?
#lem: e[house]; ud[sun]; u; u
3. u4 1(u) 5(asz@45)
#lem: ud[sun]; n; n
BIN 08, 056 (P212623) 2112150
DA only appears a few times in words list
MA only appears a few times in words list
TA does not appear in words list
KAR does not appear in words list
NA4 does not appear in words list
ba-DU only appears a few times in words list
nisag does not appear in words list
TA only appears a few times in signs list
KAR only appears a few times in signs list
NA4 does not appear in signs list
nisag does not appear in signs list
&P212623 = BIN 08, 056
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) GAN2 DA GESZ MA
#lem: n; n; n; iku[unit]; u; DN; u
2. 1(esze3@c) 2(iku@c) TA?
#lem: n; n; u
3. 4(bur3@c) la2 2(iku@c) KAR NA4
#lem: n; lal[small]; n; u; u
4. ur-{d}en-lil2 dam-gar3
#lem: PN; damgar[merchant]
5. 3(iku@c) ansze ba-DU sze nisag
#lem: n; ansze[equid]; X; sze[barley]; nesaj[offering]
$ 1 line blank
$ surface blank
BIN 08, 060 (P212624) 2112151
SZU only appears a few times in words list
TUR only appears a few times in words list
IG only appears a few times in words list
DUL3 does not appear in words list
|LALxNI| does not appear in words list
SZU only appears a few times in words list
|LALxNI| does not appear in signs list
&P212624 = BIN 08, 060
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) <<GAN2>> 4(asz@c) la2 1(barig@c) sze SZU NI AN
#lem: n; n; n; lal[small]; n; sze[barley]; u; u; PN
2. 1/2(iku@c) GAN2 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 4(ban2@c) sze gur
#lem: n; iku[unit]; n; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
3. lugal hur-sag
#lem: lugal[king]; hursaj[mountain]
4. 1(iku@c) GAN2 4(asz@c) 1(ban2@c) sze gur GAN? GESZ#? SZE3
#lem: n; iku[unit]; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; u; DN; PN
5. 1/4(iku@c) GAN2 2(barig@c) sze gur DI UD AN lu2 GAN#?
#lem: n; iku[unit]; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; u; u; PN; lu[person]; u
6. ur-{d}suen
#lem: PN
@column 2
1. 3(barig@c) sze ur TUR gal dub
#lem: n; sze[barley]; ur[dog]; u; gal[big]; dub[tablet]
2. sze ag2-ga2 UD IG DUL3
#lem: sze[barley]; aj[measure]; u; u; u
$ 1 line blank
$ 1 line blank
2. 1(asz@c) sze# |LALxNI| SZU NI AN
#lem: n; sze[barley]; u; u; u; PN
3. [...]
#lem: u
$ 1 line blank
BIN 08, 066 (P212625) 2112156
lugal-gisz does not appear in words list
nin-i3-ti only appears a few times in words list
nu-banda3-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
ba-lah4 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-sam2 does not appear in words list
geme2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
sag-|KAxBAD|-a does not appear in words list
an-sa10 only appears a few times in words list
gisz does not appear in signs list
|KAxBAD| does not appear in signs list
&P212625 = BIN 08, 066
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. [x] 2(barig@c) sze gur
#lem: u; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. lugal#-gisz
#lem: PN
3. [nin?]-i3-ti
#lem: PN
4. szu ba-ti
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
5. 5(asz@c) udu tur ur-{d}nin-sun2
#lem: n; udu[sheep]; tur[small]; PN
6. nu-banda3-ke4 ba-lah4
#lem: nubanda[overseer]; lah[bring]
7. nig2-sam2
#lem: nijsam[price]
8. geme2-ga2
#lem: geme[worker]
9. dumu ur-gu-kam
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
10. sag-|KAxBAD|-a an-sa10
#lem: u; sa[pay for]
1. inim-bi al-til
#lem: inim[word]; til[complete]
BIN 08, 070 (P212626) 2112159
KAR does not appear in words list
NA4 does not appear in words list
du11-ge-da-me does not appear in words list
NA4 does not appear in signs list
&P212626 = BIN 08, 070
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(u@c) 1(asz@c) 1(u@c) 1/2(asz@c) sze 4(asz@c) kasz DA GESZ MA
#lem: n; n; n; n; sze[barley]; n; kasz[beer]; u; DN; u
2. 2(u@c) sze 1(asz@c) 1(u@c) kasz KAR NA4
#lem: n; sze[barley]; n; n; kasz[beer]; u; u
3. du11-ge-da-me
#lem: dug[speak]
$ 1 line blank
$ surface blank
BIN 08, 071 (P212627) 2112162
ATF: Syntax error at line 28 col 7: $ rest of
PU3 does not appear in words list
EDIN does not appear in words list
|HAR.HAR| does not appear in words list
|HAR.HAR| does not appear in signs list
&P212627 = BIN 08, 071
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. ba-dub
#lem: dub[go around]|dub[heap]|dub[tremble]
2. 3(asz@c) u2-a
#lem: n; ua[provisioner]
3. 3(asz@c) {lu2}lunga3
#lem: n; lungak[brewer]
4. 3(asz@c) i3-du8
#lem: n; idu[doorkeeper]
5. 2(asz@c) lu2
#lem: n; lu[person]
6. A# PU3# LA#
#lem: u; u; u
@column 2
1. 1(asz@c) EDIN?
#lem: n; u
2. 1(asz@c) ad-da?
#lem: n; PN
3. 1(asz@c) BULUG3 SAR
#lem: n; u; u
4. 3(asz@c) |HAR.HAR|
#lem: n; X
$ rest of column blank
$ surface blank
BIN 08, 073 (P212629) 2112166
ATF: Syntax error at line 13 col 7: $ rest of
AD does not appear in words list
|ASZ@cxASZ| does not appear in words list
|ASZ@cxASZ| does not appear in signs list
&P212629 = BIN 08, 073
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ n lines missing
1. [...] DA#? GESZ MA
#lem: u; u; DN; u
@column 2
1. [...] x [...] AD [...] MU#
#lem: u; u; u; PN; u; u
$ rest of column blank
1. 3(u@c) la2 3(barig@c) |ASZ@cxASZ| sze gur
#lem: n; lal[small]; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. 2(u@c) la2 2(asz@c) 2(barig@c) sze gur diri
#lem: n; lal[small]; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]; dirig[exceed]
BIN 08, 074 (P212630) 2112168
ATF: Syntax error at line 25 col 7: $ rest of
3(iku@c)! does not appear in words list
|DA+MA&MA| does not appear in words list
KAR does not appear in words list
NA4 does not appear in words list
KAR does not appear in words list
NA4 does not appear in words list
KAR does not appear in words list
NA4 does not appear in words list
3(iku@c)! does not appear in signs list
|DA+MA&MA| does not appear in signs list
NA4 does not appear in signs list
NA4 does not appear in signs list
NA4 does not appear in signs list
&P212630 = BIN 08, 074
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 6(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c)!? 1/2(iku@c) sze
#lem: n; n; n; n; sze[barley]
2. 1(esze3@c) 4(iku@c) kasz? |DA+MA&MA|
#lem: n; n; kasz[beer]; X
3. 2(bur3@c) 3(iku@c) 1/4(iku@c) KAR NA4
#lem: n; n; n; u; u
4. lugal-ildu3
#lem: PN
5. 2(esze3@c) e2 lu2
#lem: n; e[house]; lu[person]
6. 1(bur3@c) ur-sag DA GESZ MA
#lem: n; ursaj[hero]; u; DN; u
1. 1(bur3@c) 3(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) KAR NA4 e2 lu2
#lem: n; n; n; u; u; e[house]; lu[person]
2. 1(bur3@c) 3(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) KAR NA4
#lem: n; n; n; u; u
3. ur-sag UD
#lem: ursaj[hero]; u
$ rest of column blank
BIN 08, 080 (P212634) 2112171
ATF: Syntax error at line 75 col 7: $ rest of
...-KA does not appear in words list
na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
en-ke4 does not appear in words list
SZA3 only appears a few times in words list
SZA3 only appears a few times in signs list
&P212634 = BIN 08, 080
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [...]-KA
#lem: u
2. [x] x na#?-ke4#?
#lem: u; u; na[man]|na[stone]|nijna[incense]
3. [x] USZ
#lem: u; usz[unit]
4. nig2#-sa10 PI
#lem: nijsam[price]; u
5. 1(asz@c) ku3 gin2
#lem: n; kug[metal]; gij[unit]
6. 2(barig@c)# 4(ban2) sze gur
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
7. sahar GAN2 sze TE?
#lem: sahar[dust]; iku[unit]; sze[barley]; u
8. 2(barig@c)# 4(ban2)# sze gur
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
5. x GAN2 siki TE
#lem: u; iku[unit]; siki[hair]; u
@column 2
1. x ba PI
#lem: u; ba[allot]; u
2. nig2#-sa10 du6 TE?
#lem: nijsam[price]; dud[mound]; u
3. za3-mu
#lem: zagmuk[new year]
4. dumu ur-x
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
5. {d#}dumu-[zi?]
#lem: DN
6. szu ba-ti#
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
7. 1(asz@c) sze gur
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
8. nig2-sa10 du6# [TE?]
#lem: nijsam[price]; dud[mound]; u
9. lugal [x]
#lem: lugal[king]; u
10. szesz [x x?]
#lem: szesz[brother]; u; u
@column 1
1. szu ba-ti#
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
2. 1(asz@c) za3-mu
#lem: n; zagmuk[new year]
3. dumu ur-x
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
4. GAN2 PI NI x
#lem: iku[unit]; u; u; u
5. 1(asz@c)# lugal# nimgir x
#lem: n; lugal[king]; nijir[herald]; u
6. [x x x?] NI
#lem: u; u; u; u
7. 1(asz@c)# x [x?] en#?-ke4
#lem: n; u; u; en[lord]|en[priest]
8. 1(asz@c)# ur# e2 x na
#lem: n; ur[dog]; e[house]; u; na[cvne]
9. 1(asz@c) ur-ki
#lem: n; PN
10. MI AB SZE3
#lem: u; u; PN
11. 1(asz@c) lugal SZA3
#lem: n; lugal[king]; u
12. [x x x?] SZE3#
#lem: u; u; u; PN
@column 2
1. lu2 ki inim-ma ME
#lem: lu[person]; ki[place]; inim[word]; u
$ rest of column blank
BIN 08, 093 (P212641) 2112176
ur-{d}TU does not appear in words list
2(asz@45) does not appear in words list
a-ki-ag2 only appears a few times in words list
TU does not appear in signs list
2(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
&P212641 = BIN 08, 093
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 6(asz@c) sze gur
#lem: n; n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. sze ur-{d#}lamma TE
#lem: sze[barley]; PN; u
3. ur-{d#}TU szu 2(asz@45)
#lem: PN; szu[hand]; n
4. a-ki-ag2
#lem: PN
5. szu ba-ti#
#lem: szu[hand]; tej[approach]
$ 1 line blank
$ surface blank
BIN 08, 094 (P212642) 2112179
{urudu}szum does not appear in words list
ku3-dim2-gal only appears a few times in words list
gisz-sza3-|KAxSZU|-NI does not appear in words list
GIN2-MA2 does not appear in words list
ad-KID does not appear in words list
GIN2 does not appear in words list
MA2 does not appear in words list
gisz-kin-ti-ke4-ne does not appear in words list
urudu only appears a few times in signs list
gisz does not appear in signs list
MA2 does not appear in signs list
MA2 does not appear in signs list
gisz does not appear in signs list
&P212642 = BIN 08, 094
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 1(asz@c) {urudu}szum ku3-dim2-gal
#lem: n; szumme[saw]; X
2. 1(asz@c) gisz-sza3-|KAxSZU|-NI
#lem: n; u
3. 1(asz@c) il2 nagar
#lem: n; il[raise]; nagar[carpenter]
4. 2(asz@c) GIN2-MA2
#lem: n; X
@column 2
1. 3(asz@c) ad-KID gal
#lem: n; adKID[weaver]; gal[big]
2. 3(asz@c) e2-nam
#lem: n; GN
3. szu-a gi4-a
#lem: szu[hand]; gi[turn]
4. 2(asz@c) simug gal
#lem: n; simug[smith]; gal[big]
5. 1(asz@c) ku3-dim2
#lem: n; kugdim[smith]
6. 1(asz@c) nagar
#lem: n; nagar[carpenter]
1. 3(asz@c) aszgab-gal
#lem: n; X
2. 1(asz@c) GIN2 MA2
#lem: n; u; u
3. 1(asz@c) il2 tug2-du8#?
#lem: n; il[raise]; tugdu[felter]
4. ugula gisz-kin-ti-ke4-ne
#lem: ugula[overseer]; jeszkijti[craftsman]|jeszkijti[workshop]
5. e-da-gal2#?
#lem: jal[be]
BIN 08, 100 (P212648) 2112183
urudu does not appear in words list
ib-ki-du10 only appears a few times in words list
en-kur-ki-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
zabalax(|AB.MUSZ3|) does not appear in words list
gesztin-gu2 only appears a few times in words list
amar-ha-a does not appear in words list
en-ki-ag2-ni only appears a few times in words list
di-abzu-ta only appears a few times in words list
urudu does not appear in signs list
zabalax(|AB.MUSZ3|) does not appear in signs list
&P212648 = BIN 08, 100
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
#BIN 8:100 (Lugalzagesi) (UMy)~
@column 1
1. 7(gesz2) 2(u) 1(disz) urudu ma-na
#lem: n; n; n; urud[copper]; mana[unit]
2. ib-ki-du10 simug-gal
#lem: PN; simuggal[smith]
3. 3(gesz2) 1(u) la2 1(asz@c) ur-{d}lum-ma
#lem: n; n; lal[small]; n; PN
4. 3(gesz2) 1(u) la2 1(asz@c) gesz-sza3
#lem: n; n; lal[small]; n; jesz[tree]
5. 3(gesz2) 1(u) la2 1(asz@c) ku3-dim2-gal
#lem: n; n; lal[small]; n; PN
6. 5(u) 3(disz) [...]
#lem: n; n; u
@column 2
1. 2(gesz2) 6(disz) en-kur-ki-sze3 simug zabalax(|AB.MUSZ3|)
#lem: n; n; GN; simug[smith]; PN
2. 2(gesz2) 6(disz) ur-ab kid kid simug an
#lem: n; n; PN; kid[mat]; kid[mat]; simug[smith]; an[tin]
3. 5(gesz2) 3(u) 5(disz) ma-na
#lem: n; n; n; mana[unit]
4. 1(u) 5(disz) gesztin-gu2 ma-na 3(disz)-ta
#lem: n; n; X; mana[unit]; n
1. il2
#lem: il[raise]
2. di-utu
#lem: PN
3. amar-ha-a
#lem: PN
4. en-ki-ag2-ni
#lem: PN
5. 3(gesz2) 1(u) la2 1(asz@c) ma-na di-abzu-ta
#lem: n; n; lal[small]; n; mana[unit]; di[speak]
6. usz-bar-sze3 szu ti-a
#lem: uszbar[weaver]; szu[hand]; tej[approach]
BIN 08, 101 (P212649) 2112184
ATF: Parsing failed on line 7 near character 1
urudu does not appear in words list
urudu does not appear in words list
szen-nu only appears a few times in words list
urudu does not appear in words list
urudu does not appear in words list
en-kur-sza3-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
urudu only appears a few times in signs list
urudu only appears a few times in signs list
urudu only appears a few times in signs list
urudu only appears a few times in signs list
&P212649 = BIN 08, 101
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(u@c) urudu sahar ma-na
=: 1(u@c) URUDU NA MA ISZ
#lem: n; urud[copper]; sahar[dust]; mana[unit]
2. simug-gal
#lem: X
3. 1(u@c) la2 1(disz) urudu szen-nu ma-na
#lem: n; lal[small]; n; urud[copper]; szen[pure]; mana[unit]
4. 5(asz@c) urudu sahar ma:na
#lem: n; urud[copper]; sahar[dust]; mana[unit]
5. 3(asz@c) urudu sahar ma:na
#lem: n; urud[copper]; sahar[dust]; mana[unit]
$ 1 line blank
1. en-kur-sza3-sze3
#lem: PN
2. ur-{d}nagar
#lem: PN
3. usz-bar-sze3 szum2-ma
#lem: uszbar[weaver]; szum[garlic]
$ rest of column blank
BIN 08, 102 (P212650) 2112186
e-li-ASARI only appears a few times in words list
KA-DUG does not appear in words list
lugal-bar-zu does not appear in words list
gisz-sza3 does not appear in words list
gisz does not appear in signs list
&P212650 = BIN 08, 102
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 3(u@c) sze gur
#lem: n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. e-li-ASARI
#lem: X
#lem: X
4. 2(u@c) lugal-bar-zu dub-sar
#lem: n; PN; dubsar[scribe]
5. 5(asz@c) ur-{d}gibil6
#lem: n; PN
@column 2
1. sze e2-ta e3-a
#lem: sze[barley]; e[house]; e[leave]
2. e2 gisz-sza3 sanga
#lem: e[house]; jesz[tree]; sajja[official]
BIN 08, 104 (P212652) 2112189
urudu does not appear in words list
KUR only appears a few times in words list
BAR! does not appear in words list
EREN does not appear in words list
ZU does not appear in words list
SZA3 only appears a few times in words list
nin-tu does not appear in words list
urudu only appears a few times in signs list
BAR! does not appear in signs list
EREN does not appear in signs list
ZU does not appear in signs list
SZA3 only appears a few times in signs list
&P212652 = BIN 08, 104
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 2(u@c) urudu TAG lugal-da
#lem: n; urud[copper]; u; PN
2. 1(u@c) KUR MU BAR!?
#lem: n; u; u; u
3. 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) ur e2 sag-apin#
#lem: n; n; ur[dog]; e[house]; sajapin[plowman]
4. 4(asz@c) e2# IM#
#lem: n; e[house]; u
5. 4(asz@c) lugal lu2 sa6#-ga
#lem: n; lugal[king]; lu[person]; PN
@column 2
1. 1(u@c) 2(asz@c)# EREN x NI#
#lem: n; n; u; u; u
2. 4(asz@c) lugal ki# dub-sar#
#lem: n; lugal[king]; ki[place]; dubsar[scribe]
3. 1(asz@c) tesz2-tesz2#
#lem: n; tesz[pride]|tesz[unity]
4. 3(asz@c) ME ZU# PA GESZ x
#lem: n; u; u; u; DN; u
5. 2(asz@c) GESZ SZA3#
#lem: n; DN; u
6. LAGAB#? nin#-tu#
#lem: u; DN
7. [...]
#lem: u
$ surface blank
BIN 08, 105 (P212653) 2112192
dim2-gal does not appear in words list
ur-TAR-KID does not appear in words list
{d}en:sig7 does not appear in words list
GIN2 does not appear in words list
nu-DU-ba does not appear in words list
en:sig7 does not appear in signs list
&P212653 = BIN 08, 105
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 5(asz@c)# ku3 dim2-gal
#lem: n; kug[metal]; X
2. 2(asz@c) ur-{d}lum-ma
#lem: n; PN
3. 2(asz@c) gesz sza3
#lem: n; jesz[tree]; szag[heart]
4. 2(asz@c) nagar-gal
#lem: n; X
5. 2(asz@c) ur-TAR-KID
#lem: n; PN
6. 2(asz@c) aszgab gal
#lem: n; aszgab[leatherworker]; gal[big]
7. 2(asz@c) KA {d}en:sig7#?
#lem: n; u; DN
$ 1 line blank
2. 1(asz@c) ad e2-gal
#lem: n; ad[bead]|ad[log]|ad[voice]|adda[father]; egal[palace]
3. 1(asz@c) e2 nam
#lem: n; e[house]; nam[fate]
4. 2(asz@c) GIN2 ma2-gal
#lem: n; u; X
5. aszgab# nu-DU-ba
#lem: aszgab[leatherworker]; X
$ 1 line blank
BIN 08, 107 (P212655) 2112195
ATF: Syntax error at line 29 col 7: $ rest of
3(asz@45) does not appear in words list
IL does not appear in words list
1(asz@45) does not appear in words list
IL does not appear in words list
LU2 does not appear in words list
KUN does not appear in words list
AD does not appear in words list
1(asz@45) does not appear in words list
|IL!xASZGAB| does not appear in words list
UR! does not appear in words list
1(asz@45) does not appear in words list
1(asz@45) does not appear in words list
dim2!-gal! does not appear in words list
3(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
1(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
LU2 does not appear in signs list
KUN does not appear in signs list
1(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
|IL!xASZGAB| does not appear in signs list
UR! does not appear in signs list
1(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
1(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
dim2! does not appear in signs list
&P212655 = BIN 08, 107
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 3(asz@45) TAG IL#
#lem: n; u; u
2. 1(asz@45) IL LU2 UR TAR KID
#lem: n; u; u; u; u; u
#lem: u; u; PN; u
4. 1(asz@45) UR# |IL!xASZGAB| UR#! TAR# KID
#lem: n; u; u; u; u; u
@column 2
1. 1(asz@45) lu2# pa3#
#lem: n; lu[person]; pad[find]
2. lu2 X MU
#lem: lu[person]; u; u
3. 1(asz@45) lu2 ku3 dim2!-gal!
#lem: n; lu[person]; kug[metal]; X
4. szu-a gi4-a
#lem: szu[hand]; gi[turn]
$ 1 line blank
@column 1
1. [...] x [...]
#lem: u; u; u
$ rest of column missing
@column 2
$ n lines blank
$ rest of column missing
BIN 08, 109 (P212657) 2112199
ATF: Syntax error at line 14 col 2: @column
n(asz@45) does not appear in words list
3(asz@45) does not appear in words list
{gesz}ha-lu-ub2 does not appear in words list
1(asz@45) does not appear in words list
SZA3 only appears a few times in words list
n(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
3(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
1(asz@45) does not appear in signs list
SZA3 only appears a few times in signs list
&P212657 = BIN 08, 109
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. n(asz@45) 1(barig) sze gur
#lem: u; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. 3(asz@45) 2(barig) abzu nagar gal
#lem: n; n; abzu[water]; nagar[carpenter]; gal[big]
3. 2(barig) e2 {gesz}ha-lu#-ub2
#lem: n; e[house]; halub[tree]
4. 1(asz@45) 2(barig) la2 3(ban2) tir ku3 tir
#lem: n; n; lal[small]; n; tir[forest]; kug[metal]; tir[forest]
@column 2
$ column blank
1. [sze] ag2#
#lem: sze[barley]; aj[measure]
2. e2#? GESZ SZA3#? SZID
#lem: e[house]; DN; u; SZID[pot]
3. gi4#?-a gi4-a
#lem: gi[turn]; gi[turn]
BIN 08, 111 (P212659) 2112201
ATF: Syntax error at line 71 col 7: $ rest of
AB@g does not appear in words list
MES does not appear in words list
ur-gi does not appear in words list
ur-{d}NE-gi does not appear in words list
ur-{d}NE-gi does not appear in words list
dar-e does not appear in words list
dar-e does not appear in words list
ur-{d}NE-gi does not appear in words list
AB@g does not appear in signs list
&P212659 = BIN 08, 111
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 2(asz@c) 2(barig@c) sze gur
#lem: n; n; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
2. ur gigir a AB@g
#lem: ur[dog]; gigir[chariot]; a[water]; X
3. 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) DI UD nin-{d}inanna
#lem: n; n; u; u; PN
4. 1(asz@c) tir ku3 um-mi-a
#lem: n; tir[forest]; kug[metal]; ummia[expert]
5. 2(barig@c) lugal pa e3
#lem: n; lugal[king]; pa[branch]; e[leave]
6. lugal pa e3
#lem: lugal[king]; pa[branch]; e[leave]
7. ba-DU
#lem: X
8. 2(asz@c) la2 1(barig@c) MES e2 dub-sar na4?
#lem: n; lal[small]; n; u; e[house]; dubsar[scribe]; na[stone]
@column 2
1. 3(asz@c) TE KI# lugal#
#lem: n; u; u; lugal[king]
2. 2(barig@c) ba-ti
#lem: n; tej[approach]
3. dumu ur-gi#
#lem: dumu[child]; PN
4. ur-{d}NE-gi
#lem: PN
5. 1(asz@c) lu2 gesz
#lem: n; lu[person]; jesz[tree]
6. ur-ur
#lem: urur[functionary]
7. ur-{d}NE-gi
#lem: PN
8. ba-DU
#lem: X
9. 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) tir ku3 um-mi-a
#lem: n; n; tir[forest]; kug[metal]; ummia[expert]
@column 1
1. lugal nimgir
#lem: lugal[king]; nijir[herald]
2. ba-DU
#lem: X
3. 1(asz@c) la2 4(ban2@c) sze ansze
#lem: n; lal[small]; n; sze[barley]; ansze[equid]
4. gu7-a
#lem: gu[eat]
5. ur sa6-ga
#lem: ur[dog]; PN
6. mu-DU
#lem: muDU[delivery]
7. 5(asz@c) dar-e
#lem: n; dar[split]
8. amar AB lu2 du6
#lem: amar[young]; u; lu[person]; dud[mound]
9. ba-DU
#lem: X
10. 5(asz@c) dar-e#
#lem: n; dar[split]
@column 2
1. ur-{d}NE-gi
#lem: PN
2. ba-DU
#lem: X
3. sze ur sa6-ga e3
#lem: sze[barley]; ur[dog]; PN; e[leave]
$ rest of column blank
BIN 08, 112 (P212660) 2112204
ATF: Syntax error at line 27 col 7: $ rest of
GISZGAL does not appear in words list
SZA3 only appears a few times in words list
{lu2}bappir does not appear in words list
sag!-apin only appears a few times in words list
kal-le only appears a few times in words list
KAR does not appear in words list
NA4 does not appear in words list
ur-{d}NE-gi does not appear in words list
SZA3 only appears a few times in signs list
NA4 does not appear in signs list
&P212660 = BIN 08, 112
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 2(iku@c) 1/4(iku@c) GAN2
#lem: n; n; iku[unit]
#lem: u; u
3. 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) GESZ SZA3 {lu2}bappir
#lem: n; n; DN; u; X
4. UD kasz
#lem: u; kasz[beer]
5. 2(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) szubur sag!-apin
#lem: n; n; szubur[slave]; sajapin[plowman]
6. 1(esze3@c) tir ku3 e2-ne-ne
#lem: n; tir[forest]; kug[metal]; e[house]
7. 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) a2 kal-le
#lem: n; n; a[arm]; kal[rare]
$ 1 line blank
#lem: iku[unit]; u; u; u; u; u
@column 2
1. ur-{d}NE-gi
#lem: PN
$ rest of column blank
$ surface blank
BIN 08, 114 (P212662) 2112207
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 26: 1(iku@c) amar NE |DAG.DAG#
ur-sah does not appear in words list
|IGI+SZA| does not appear in words list
|DAG.DAG| does not appear in words list
su3-ra2 does not appear in words list
mu-DUL3 does not appear in words list
ur-sag! does not appear in words list
nagar-BU does not appear in words list
KUSZU2 does not appear in words list
sah does not appear in signs list
|IGI+SZA| does not appear in signs list
|DAG.DAG| does not appear in signs list
KUSZU2 does not appear in signs list
&P212662 = BIN 08, 114
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [n(iku@c)] GAN2 AB e2
#lem: u; iku[unit]; u; e[house]
2. UD kasz
#lem: u; kasz[beer]
3. 2(iku@c)# ur-sah#? aszgab
#lem: n; PN; aszgab[leatherworker]
4. 2(iku@c) 1/4(iku@c) munus dumu gala
#lem: n; n; munus[woman]; dumu[child]; gala[singer]
5. 4(iku@c) sag {d}en-lil2-da
#lem: n; saj[head]; PN
6. 1(iku@c) |IGI+SZA| ZI?
#lem: n; X; u
7. 2(iku@c) e2 ha-lu-ub2
#lem: n; e[house]; halub[tree]
$ 1 line blank
9. lugal GAN2
#lem: lugal[king]; iku[unit]
@column 2
1. 2(iku@c) la2 1/4(iku@c) ur-{d}TAG-nun
#lem: n; lal[small]; n; PN
2. 1(iku@c) amar NE |DAG.DAG#|
#lem: n; amar[young]; u; X
3. 1(iku@c) 1/4(iku@c) GAM-GAM
#lem: n; n; GAM[vulva]
4. 2(iku@c) la2 1/4(iku@c) ur e11
#lem: n; lal[small]; n; ur[dog]; ed[ascend]
5. 1(iku@c) e2 hur-sag
#lem: n; e[house]; hursaj[mountain]
6. bara2 su3-ra2 DISZ
#lem: u; X; PN
7. 2(iku@c) u4 mu-DUL3 SZID unu{ki}
#lem: n; ud[sun]; X; SZID[pot]; GN
8. 1/2(iku@c) 1/4(iku@c) ur e2 kasz? ME# NI
#lem: n; n; ur[dog]; e[house]; kasz[beer]; u; u
9. 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) lugal nagar
#lem: n; n; lugal[king]; nagar[carpenter]
10. 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) lugal# ur-sag#! nagar#-BU#
#lem: n; n; lugal[king]; ursaj[hero]; X
11. 1(iku@c) KUSZU2? x x
#lem: n; u; u; u
$ surface missing
BIN 08, 115 (P212663) 2112211
ATF: Syntax error at line 29 col 7: $ rest of
TUR only appears a few times in words list
TUK does not appear in words list
TUK only appears a few times in signs list
&P212663 = BIN 08, 115
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(szar2@c)#? 4(bur3@c)# 2(iku@c) GESZ SAR#
#lem: n; n; n; DN; u
2. gu-la#
#lem: gal[big]
3. 5(iku@c) GESZ SAR TUR#
#lem: n; DN; u; u
4. 1(bur3@c)# 3(iku@c)# BAR GAN2 GA#
#lem: n; n; u; iku[unit]; u
5. iri ki an-na e2#
#lem: iri[city]; ki[place]; an[sky]; e[house]
6. 5(bur3)# GESZ SAR#
#lem: n; DN; u
7. GA#? TUK? ur-{d}en#?-[x]
#lem: u; u; PN
8. an#-na# e2# [x? x?]
#lem: an[sky]; e[house]; u; u
9. 4(iku@c) BAR GESZ SAR# [x?]
#lem: n; u; DN; u; u
10. x a zu-zu# [x?]
#lem: u; a[water]; PN; u
1. MU A HI#?
#lem: u; u; u
$ rest of reverse blank
BIN 08, 119 (P212666) 2112215
gur-sag-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in words list
gur-sag-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in signs list
&P212666 = BIN 08, 119
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
#BIN 8:119 Akkadian (OAKK) (UPR)~
1. 5(asz@c) 3(barig@c) 5(disz) _sila3 sze gur-sag-gal2_
2. 6(disz) _iti_
3. 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) _sze gur_
4. 7(disz) _iti_
$ 1 line blank
1. _|SZU+LAGAB|_ 1(u@c) 7(asz@c) 1(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) 5(disz) _sze gur-sag-gal2_
$ (double rule)
2. e2-zi
3. im-hur
BIN 08, 121 (P212667) 2112216
ATF: Syntax error at line 5 col 2: @obverse
da-ne2-a does not appear in words list
i-de3-na-ma only appears a few times in words list
da-ne2-a does not appear in words list
se11-li-tum only appears a few times in words list
da-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
mi-ik-ri2 does not appear in words list
{d}sig5 does not appear in words list
me-se11 only appears a few times in words list
szar-ru-gu2 only appears a few times in words list
sukkal:gal does not appear in words list
la-isz-da-kin does not appear in words list
a-pu3-dingir does not appear in words list
|PU3.SZA| does not appear in words list
e-me-da only appears a few times in words list
su-ma-ma only appears a few times in words list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in words list
|ABxASZ2| does not appear in words list
s'u-ut does not appear in words list
li-ka3-ri-im does not appear in words list
na-si only appears a few times in words list
sukkal:gal does not appear in signs list
|PU3.SZA| does not appear in signs list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in signs list
|ABxASZ2| does not appear in signs list
s'u does not appear in signs list
&P212667 = BIN 08, 121
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
#BIN 8 , 121
@column 1
1. %a i3-li2-isz-da-gal
2. u3 da-ne2-a
3. i-de3-na-ma
4. da-ne2-a
5. se11-li-tum?
6. da-gi4
7. x# mi-ik-ri2
8. %s dumu# lugal
9. di-ku5
10. %a su-mu-lum
11. %s maszkim
12. %a gi-szum
13. %s ensi2
14. di-ku5
@column 2
1. {d}sig5
2. lu2 ansze
3. maszkim
4. gi-szum min
5. ensi2
6. di-ku5
7. da-ti
8. lu2 me-se11
9. szar-ru-gu2
10. szu sukkal:gal
11. 2(asz@c) maszkim
12. 1(asz@c) pu3?-ni-a
13. 1(asz@c) udu-udu#
14. 1(asz@c) la-isz-da-kin?
15. 1(asz@c) a-pu3-dingir
@column 1
1. 1(asz@c)# |PU3.SZA|#? [...]
2. 1(asz@c)# dingir# [...]
3. 1(asz@c) ur-{d}x# [...]
4. 1(asz@c) gal x# x# [...]
5. 1(asz@c) e-me-da# [...]
6. 1(asz@c) sa-tu [x x]
7. 1(asz@c) szu-i3-li2# sipa#?
8. 1(asz@c)# x# x# x# sipa
9. 1(asz@c) en-bu-dingir
10. dumu a-kam?
11. 1(asz@c) su-ma-ma
12. 1(asz@c) i-za-za
$ (double rule)
13. %s |SZU+LAGAB| 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) |ABxASZ2|
@column 2
1. s'u-ut
2. i3-li2-isz-da#-gal#
3. da du3?
4. li-ka3-ri-im
5. a-na
6. na-si
7. lugal
8. 3(disz) ensi2
9. ka3-za-lu{ki}
10. di-ku5
BIN 08, 122 (P212668) 2112218
inim-ma-AN does not appear in words list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in words list
u-ub-lu-ni only appears a few times in words list
be-li2-BU-x does not appear in words list
be-li2-sa-tu only appears a few times in words list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in words list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in words list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in signs list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in signs list
|SZU+LAGAB| does not appear in signs list
&P212668 = BIN 08, 122
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
#BIN 8:122 Akkadian (SKS) (MSG)~
@column 1
1. 1(gesz'u@c) 2(gesz2@c) _sze gur-kam_
2. 1(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) _ziz2 gur_
3. inim-ma#-AN
4. im-hur
5. 5(asz@c) _gur bappir_
6. 5(asz@c) _gur nig2-ar3-ra_
7. 3(asz@c) 1(barig@c) 4(ban2@c) _gur sze munu4_
8. [x] 2(asz)#? _dabin gur_
9. lugal#-_ka_
10. im-hur
11. _|SZU+LAGAB|_ 1(gesz'u@c) 3(gesz2@c) 5(u@c) [x] 1(barig@c) 4(ban2@c) [...]
$ several lines missing
@column 2
1. a-na a-ga#-[de3{ki}]
2. u#-ub#-lu-[ni]
3. lugal#-KA
4. im-hur
5. 3(bur'u@c) 3(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) GAN2 _ki-duru5_
6. _sze-numun sze gu4-e gu7_ 1(gesz2@c) 2(u@c) _gur_
7. 1(asz@c) _gurusz_ 2(barig@c)
8. 6(asz@c) _gurusz_ 1(barig@c) 2(ban2@c)
9. 4(u@c) _la2_ 1(asz@c) _gurusz_ 1(barig@c)
10. 2(u@c) _la2_ 1(asz@c) _geme2_ 3(ban2@c)
11. 7(asz@c) _dumu-nita2_ 3(ban2@c)
12. x _dumu#-nita2_ x
$ several lines missing
@column 1
$ several lines missing
1. [...] 5(ban2@c)#? _gur_
2. szu [x] 1(asz@c)#? _iti_
3. 2(gesz2@c) 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) 3(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) _sze gur_ szu 1(u@c) _iti_
4. 1(u@c) _udu niga_ 3(ban2@c)
5. _sze-ba-bi_ 1(u@c) _gur_ szu 6(asz@c) _iti_
6. 1(u@c) _szah2 niga_ 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c)
7. _sze-ba-bi_ 3(u@c) _gur_ szu 6(asz@c) _iti_
8. me-sag2
9. 1(u@c) 4(asz@c) lu2-{gesz}gigir 1(barig@c) 3(ban2@c)
10. _sze-ba-bi_ 8(asz@c) 2(barig@c) _gur_
11. be-li2-BU-[x]
@column 2
$ several lines missing
1. x x [...]
2. be-li2-sa-tu
3. _|SZU+LAGAB|_ 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) 1(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) _sze gur_ szu 2(asz@c) _iti_
$ (double rule)
4. _|SZU+LAGAB|_ 1(gesz'u@c) 7(gesz2@c)#? 4(asz@c) 3(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) _sze gur#_
5. _sze e3-a_
BIN 08, 125 (P212671) 2112220
gur-sag-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
IN{ki} only appears a few times in words list
IN only appears a few times in signs list
&P212671 = BIN 08, 125
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
#BIN 8:125 Akkadian (OAKK) (ISN)~
1. 1(u@c) 2(asz@c) _zu2-lum gur-sag-gal2_
2. 1(gesz2@c) 1(u@c) 2(asz@c) _gir sa6_
3. 5(asz@c) _ze2-na_
4. 2(asz@c) _zi3 mah_
1. 2(u@c) _ma-na siki?_
2. al nita
3. IN{ki}
4. i-ba-szi4
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