From this page you can access the bibliography relating to cuneiform artifacts and to some entities such as proveniences and periods. Use the search function provided to filter out the publications of your choice and browse below using the pager.
BibTeX key | Authors | Designation | Reference |
1935JAOS55 | JAOS 55 p. 363 |
“Proceedings of the American Oriental Society at the Meeting at Ann Arbor, 1935.” 1935. Journal of the American Oriental Society 55: 345–72.
2006Musikarchäologie5 | Studien zur Musikarchäologie 5 |
2006, Studien zur Musikarchäologie, 5.
96607 | Sumer 24 (includes pages 34-38) |
Aaboe1965JCS19 |
Aaboe, Asger |
JCS 19 (pp. 79-86) |
Aaboe, Asger. 1965. “Some Seleucid Mathematical Tables (Extended Reciprocals and Squares of Regular Numbers).” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 19 (3): 79–86.
Aaboe1966JCS20 |
Aaboe, Asger Sachs, Abraham J. |
JCS 20 (pp. 1-33) |
Aaboe, Asger, and Abraham J. Sachs. 1966. “Some Dateless Computed Lists of Longitudes of Characteristic Planetary Phenomena from the Late-Babylonian Period.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 20 (1): 1–33.
Aaboe1969JCS22 |
Aaboe, Asger |
JCS 22, 088-091 |
Aaboe, Asger. 1969. “Two Atypical Multiplication Tables from Uruk.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 22 (3/4): 88–91.
Aaboe1972JHA3 |
Aaboe, Asger |
JHA 3 (pp. 105-118) |
Aaboe, Asger. 1972. “Remarks on the Theoretical Treatment of Eclipses in Antiquity,” Journal for the History of Astronomy, 3 (2): 105–18.
Aaboe1974PTRSLA.276/1257 |
Aaboe, Asger |
PTRSL A.276/1257 (pp. 21-42) |
Aaboe, Asger. 1974. “Scientific Astronomy in Antiquity,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 276 (1257): 21–42.
Aaboe1975AIHS25/97 |
Aaboe, Asger |
Aaboe, AIHS 25/97 |
Aaboe, Asger. 1975, Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 25/97.
Aaboe1980Centaurus24 |
Aaboe, Asger |
Centaurus 24 (pp. 14-35) |
Aaboe, Asger. 1980. “Observation and Theory in Babylonian Astronomy.” Centaurus 24: 14–35.
Aaboe1991TAPS81/6 |
Aaboe, Asger Britton, John P. Henderson, J. A. Neugebauer, Otto E. Sachs, Abraham J. |
TAPS 81/6 (pp. 1-75) |
Aaboe, Asger, John P. Britton, J. A. Henderson, Otto E. Neugebauer, and Abraham J. Sachs. 1991. “Saros Cycle Dates and Related Babylonian Astronomical Texts,” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 81 (6): 1–75.
Abaslou2021CDLB |
Abaslou, Sina Zamani, Amir |
CDLB 2021/003 |
Abaslou, Sina, and Amir Zamani. 2021. “Newly Found Inscribed Elamite Bricks of Untaš-Napiriša in the Čahār Fasl Museum of Arak.” Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin 2021.
Abaslou2023 |
Abaslou, Sina Zamani, Amir |
CDLN 2023/004 |
Abaslou, Sina, and Amir Zamani. 2023. “Two Brick Inscriptions from the Shrine of Shah Cheragh.” Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2023 (4).
Abdallah2011-V97AIY8L |
Abdallah, Fayssal |
Abdallah, DUJ 27/3+4 (2011) |
Abdallah, Fayssal. 2011. “La Découverte d’un Premier Texte Cunéiforme Á Damas, Tell Sakka Révision Historique.” Damascus University Journal 27 (3+4): 31–34.
Abdi2007-J5PBQ2FC |
Abdi, Kamyar Beckman, Gary |
Abdi, JCS 59 (2007) |
Abdi, Kamyar, and Gary Beckman. 2007. “An Early Second-Millenium Cuneiform Archive from Choga Gavaneh, Western Iran.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 59 (1): 39–91.
Abdul Fattah1985-U8J6Y2M9 |
Abdul Fattah, N. |
Abdul Fattah, Sumer 41 (1985) |
Abdul Fattah, N. 1985. “Cylinder Seals from Tulul Khattab.” Sumer 41: 146–48.
Abdul Fattah1997-NW8K2IP4 |
Abdul Fattah, N. Rashid, R. |
Abdul Fattah, Sumer 49 (1997) |
Abdul Fattah, N., and R. Rashid. 1997. “Cuneiform Tablets from Tulul Khattab.” Sumer 49: 36–47.
Abdulaziz2010 |
Abdulaziz, Abdulrahman Ali |
Abdulaziz 2010 |
Abdulaziz, Abdulrahman Ali. 2010. “The Plimpton 322 Tablet and the Babylonian Method of Generating Pythagorean Triples.” ArXiv.
Abdulrahman2019 |
Abdulrahman, Shaymaa Waleed Habbash Khudhir, Mua'ath |
JAFA 11/39 |
Abdulrahman, Shaymaa Waleed, and Mua’ath Habbash Khudhir. 2019.
Abdulrahman2020-238359 |
Isma’el, Khalid Salim Abdulrahman, Shaymaa Waleed |
Athar Al-Rafedain 5/1, p. 33-61 |
Isma’el, Khalid Salim, and Shaymaa Waleed Abdulrahman. 2020. “Unpublished Economic Texts from the Reign of King Shu-Suen.” Athar Al-Rafedain, Mosul University 5 (1): 33–61.
Abed2024Nabu |
Abed, Basima |
Nabu2024/056 |
Abed, Basima. 2024. “E2-SAGDANA NIBRUKI (Drehim) in Light of Published and Unpublished Cuneiform Texts.” NABU, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 3 (56): 93–96.
Abid2005 |
Abid, Basima Jaleel |
Abid, Sumer 53 |
Abid, Basima Jaleel. 2005. “A New Mathematical Text from the Old Babylonian Era [AR].” Sumer 53: 137-142 [Arabic section].
Abid2009Sumer54 |
Abid, Basima Jaleel |
Abid, Sumer 54 |
Abid, Basima Jaleel. 2009. “Mathematical Texts from the Iraq Museum [AR].” Sumer 54: 239-258 [Arabic section].
Abid2010 |
Abid, Basima Jaleel |
Sumer 55, 096 |
Abid, Basima Jaleel. 2010. “Old Babylonian Mathematical Texts in the Iraqi Museum from Larsa and Pikasi.” Sumer 55: 87–100.
Abid2020-21 |
Abid, Basima Jaleel |
Abid, Basima Jaleel. 2020-21. “Three Mathematical Texts with Reciprocals from the Iraq Museum.” Jaarbericht van Het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap “Ex Oriente Lux” 48: 3–8.
Abraham2013-7QXM3K2F |
Abraham, Kathleen Gabbay, Uri |
ZA 103 |
Abraham, Kathleen, and Uri Gabbay. 2013. “Kaštiliašu and the Sumundar Canal: A New Middle Babylonian Royal Inscription.” Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie 103 (2): 183–95.
Abrahami2007Lyon |
Abrahami, Philippe |
Les cahiers scientifiques 12, 009-014 |
Abrahami, Philippe. 2007. “Un Exemplaire Inédit de l’«Inscription Standard» Du Roi Assyrien Assurnasirpal II Au Muséum de Lyon,” Les cahiers scientifiques, 12: 9–14.
Abusch1974JNES33 |
Abusch, Tzvi |
JNES 33 (pp. 251-262) |
Abusch, Tzvi. 1974. “Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Literature: Texts and Studies Part I: The Nature of Maqlû: Its Character, Divisions, and Calendrical Setting.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 33 (2): 251–62.
Abusch2009RIAA312 |
Abusch, Tzvi Schwemer, Daniel |
Akkadica 130, p.103-109 |
Abusch, Tzvi, and Daniel Schwemer. 2009. “RIAA 312 (O 193) Revisited.” Akkadica 130: 103–9.
Afifi2010-VGYHQNBR |
Afifi, Raihane Heidari, Reza |
Afifi, Aramazd 5/2 (2010) |
Afifi, Raihane, and Reza Heidari. 2010. “Reflections on Glazed Bricks from Rabat Tepe II, Iran.” Aramazd. Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies 5 (2): 152–62.
Ahmad1996Archive |
Ahmad, Ali Yaseen |
al-Rafidan 17, p. 207-288 |
Ahmad, Ali Yaseen. 1996. “The Archive of Aššur-Mātu-Taqqin Found in the New Town of Aššur and Dated Mainly by Post-Canonical Eponyms.” Al-Rafidan, Journal of Western Asiatic Studies, Tokyo 17: 207–88.
Ahmed2012-3RAV7NZ3 |
Ahmed, M. |
Ahmed, JBCH 2/2 (2012) |
Ahmed, M. 2012. “أور في زمـن المـــلك - (آبـي _ سيـن ٢٠٢٨ – ٢٠٠٤ ق.م) (Ur in the Time of the King (Abi-Sen 2028-2004 B.C.).” Journal of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies 2 (2): 212–28.
Ainsworth1841-R4NH8ZGQ |
Ainsworth, William Francis |
Ainsworth, JRGS 11 (1841) |
Ainsworth, William Francis. 1841. “Notes of an Excursion to Ḳal’ah Sherḳát, the U’r of the Persians, and to the Ruins of Al Ḥaḍhr, the Hutra of the Chaldees, and Hatra of the Romans.” Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 11: 1–20.
Akbar2010Sumer55 |
Akbar, N. A. |
Sumer 55, 161 |
Akbar, N. A. 2010. “Copper Tools in an Unpublished Text from the Iraq Museum [in Arabic].” Sumer 55: 161–68.
Akdoğan2009-TJ7448XM |
Akdoğan, Rukiye Fuchs, Andreas |
Akdoğan, ZA 99/1 (2009) |
Akdoğan, Rukiye, and Andreas Fuchs. 2009. “Ein Inschriftenfragment Sargons II. Im Museum Zu Ankara.” Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie 99 (1): 82–86.
Akkermans1988-NKDCPUHE |
Akkermans, Peter M.M.G. |
Akkermans, Iraq 50 (1988) |
Akkermans, Peter M.M.G. 1988. “An Updated Chronology for the Northern Ubaid and Late Chalcolithic Periods in Syria: New Evidence from Tell Hammam Et-Turkman.” Iraq 50: 109–45.
Akyüz2019-VPH338GV |
Akyüz, Faruk |
Akyüz, ArchAn 13/1 (2019) |
al-A'dami1967Sumer23 |
al-A'dami, Khalid Ahmad |
al-A'dami Sumer 23 |
dami, Khalid Ahmad al-A’. 1967. Sumer 23.
al-Fouadi1976Sumer32 |
al-Fouadi, Abdul-Hadi |
Sumer 32, p. 63-76 (English section) |
Fouadi, Abdul-Hadi al-. 1976. “Bassetki Statue with an Old Akkadian Royal Inscription of Naram-Sin of Agade.” Sumer 32: 63–76.
Al-Fouadi1978-LYJ5FW6D |
al-Fouadi, Abdul-Hadi |
Al-Fouadi, Sumer 34 (1978) |
Fouadi, Abdul-Hadi al-. 1978. “Inscriptions and Reliefs from Bitwāta.” Sumer 34: 122–29.
al-Gailani Werr1965-M7Y2WQG6 |
al-Gailani Werr, Lamia |
al-Gailani Werr, Sumer 21 (1965) |
Werr, Lamia al-Gailani. 1965. “Tell Edh-Dhiba’i.” Sumer 21: 33–40.
al-Hayani2000-PB8IHRG5 |
al-Hayani, Hafit |
al-Hayani, MDOG 132 (2000) |
Hayani, Hafit al-. 2000. “Aus Den Irakischen Grabungen in Assur 1999-2000: Spätassyrische Privathäuser in Der Stadtmitte.” Mitteilungen Der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft Zu Berlin 132: 55–63.
Al-Hummeri2018Al-Adab125 |
Al-Hummeri, Hussein Mohammed |
Al-Adab 125, 037-054 |
Al-Hummeri, Hussein Mohammed. 2018. Al-Adab Journal, Baghdad University 125.
al-Husaini1962Sumer18 |
al-Husaini, Muhammad Baqir |
al-Husaini, Sumer 18 (1962) |
Husaini, Muhammad Baqir al-. 1962. “The Excavations at Tel Bakr-Awa.” Sumer 18: 141–64.
Al-Hussainy2019RA113 |
Al-Hussainy, Abbas A. de Boer, Rients Jawdat, Jacob |
RA 113 |
Al-Hussainy, Abbas A., Rients de Boer, and Jacob Jawdat. 2019. “Tell Waresh2, Early Old Babylonian Tablets From The Season Of Rescue Excavations (1990).” Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 113: 059–069.
Al-Hussainy2021-ZB7TSH4R |
Al-Hussainy, Abbas A. |
Al-Hussainy, ISINJournal 1 (2021) |
Al-Hussainy, Abbas A. 2021. “Bricks Inscriptions from the City of Al-Rammahiyah Survey (2020).” ISIN Journal 1: 9–16.
Al-Hussainy2022-8AK8L8B6 |
Al-Hussainy, Abbas A. Jawdat, Jacob |
Al-Hussainy, ISINJournal 3 (2022) |
Al-Hussainy, Abbas A., and Jacob Jawdat. 2022. “Cuneiform Brick Inscriptions from MI.Enlil-Arakhtum.” ISIN Journal 3: 25–32.
Al-Hussainy2022-8RDEWW8W |
Al-Hussainy, Abbas A. |
Al-Hussainy, OrNS 91/1 (2022) |
Al-Hussainy, Abbas A. 2022. “Glyptic Styles at an Isin-Larsa Minor Settlement: Seals and Seal Impressions from Tell Waresh 2.” Orientalia 91 (1): 134–46.
Al-Hussainy2022-S2GC7CWC |
Al-Hussainy, Abbas A. Kareem, Hussam H. Adullah, Mustafa N. |
Al-Hussainy, ISINJournal 4 (2022) |
Al-Hussainy, Abbas A., Hussam H. Kareem, and Mustafa N. Adullah. 2022. “Mi. Enlil Arakhtum Survey (2016-2017).” ISIN Journal 4: 9–30.
al-Jubouri2012-QQVFGFCS |
al-Jubouri, Ahmed Majeed Hameed |
al-Jubouri, JBCH 2/2 (2012) |
Jubouri, Ahmed Majeed Hameed al-. 2012. “The Meanings of Popular Names (Seeb Hill) from the Old Babylonian Era.” Journal of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies 2 (2): 1–30.
al-Mutawalli1989-TPBQVUWD |
al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed |
al-Mutawalli, ASJ 11 (1989) |
Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed al-. 1989. “The Ur III Tablets from Ishān Mizyad.” Acta Sumerologica 11: 327–52.
al-Mutawalli1989Ishan-Mizyad |
al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed |
ASJ 11, p.329-352 |
Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed al-. 1989. “The Ur III Tablets from Ishān Mizyad.” Acta Sumerologica 11: 329–52.
al-Mutawalli1999/2000Nineveh |
al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed |
Sumer 50, 163-165 |
Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed al-. 1999-2000. “Assyrian Stela from Nineveh.” Sumer 50: 163–65.
al-Mutawalli2001-VUHVX24C |
al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed |
al-Mutawalli, Sumer 51/1&2 (2001) |
Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed al-. 2001. “A Stone Tablet Fragment from Tikrit.” Sumer 51 (1–2): 14–17.
al-Mutawalli2002AoF29 |
al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed Miglus, Peter A. |
AoF 29, 003-011 (esp. p. 004-006 and figs. 9-10) |
Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed al-, and Peter A. Miglus. 2002. “Eine Statuette Des Epa’e, Eines Frühdynastischen Herrschers von Adab.” Altorientalische Forschungen 29: 3–11.
al-Mutawalli2009Sumer54 |
al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed |
Sumer 54 (pp. 28-47) |
Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed al-. 2009. “New Agricultural Cuneiform Texts from the Third Dynasty of Ur in The Iraq Museum.” Sumer 54: 28–47.
al-Mutawalli2010Sumer55 |
al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed |
Sumer 55 (pp. 45-86) |
Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed al-. 2010. “Administrative Cuneiform Texts from Umma in the Iraq Museum. Excavation of Shara Temple.” Sumer 55: 45–86.
al-Mutawalli2014Sumer59 |
al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed |
Sumer 59 (pp. 93-112) |
Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed al-. 2014. “From the Archive of DI.KU5-Mīšar: Excavation of Drehem (Ancient Puzriš-dDagan).” Sumer 59: 93–112.
al-Mutawalli2017ZA107 |
al-Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed Sallaberger, Walther Shalkham, Ali Ubeid |
ZA 107 (pp. 151-217) |
Mutawalli, Nawala Ahmed al-, Walther Sallaberger, and Ali Ubeid Shalkham. 2017. “The Cuneiform Documents from the Iraqi Excavation at Drehem.” Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie 107 (2): 151–217.
al-Rawi1982Sumer38 |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
Sumer 38 |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-. 1982. Sumer 38.
al-Rawi1991-1992AfO38/39 |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. George, Andrew R. |
AfO 38/39 (pp. 52-73) |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-, and Andrew R. George. 1991-1992. “Enuma Anu Enlil XIV and Other Early Astronomical Tables.” Archiv Für Orientforschung 38–39: 52–73.
al-Rawi1991ARRIM9 |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
AR RIM 09 (pp. 1-10) |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-. 1991. “More Royal Inscriptions from Babylon.” Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project 9: 1–10.
al-Rawi1992ZA82 |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
ZA 82 (pp. 180-185) |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-. 1992. “Two Old Akkadian Letters Concerning the Offices of Kalaʾum and Nārum.” Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie 82 (2): 180–85.
al-Rawi1993-65QIKIYH |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. Black, Jeremy A. |
Iraq 55 (pp. 147-148) |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-, and Jeremy A. Black. 1993. “A Rediscovered Akkadian City.” Iraq 55: 147–48.
al-Rawi1993Iraq55 |
Cavigneaux, Antoine al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
Iraq 55 (pp. 91-105) |
Cavigneaux, Antoine, and Farouk N. H. al-Rawi. 1993. “New Sumerian Literary Texts from Tell Haddad (Ancient Meturan): A First Survey.” Iraq 55: 91–105.
Al-Rawi1993ZA83 |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
ZA 83, 022-030 |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-. 1993. “A New Old Babylonian Date List from Sippir with Year Names of Apil-Sin and SIn-Muballit.” Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie 83: 22–30.
al-Rawi1994Iraq56 |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
Iraq 56 (p. 35-43) |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-. 1994. “Texts from Tell Haddad and Elsewhere.” Iraq 56: 35–43.
al-Rawi1994manuscript |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. Black, Jeremy A. |
JCS 46, p.131-139 |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-, and Jeremy A. Black. 1994. “A New Manuscript of Enūma Eliš, Tablet VI.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 46 (1): 131–39.
al-Rawi1995Iraq57 |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
Iraq 57 (pp. 199-223) |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-. 1995. “Tablets from the Sippar Library IV. ‘Lugale.’” Iraq 57: 199–223.
al-Rawi1995Iraq57[2] |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. George, Andrew R. |
Iraq 57, 226, IM 124645 |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-, and Andrew R. George. 1995. “Tablets from the Sippar Library V. An Incantation from Mīs Pî.” Iraq 57: 225–28.
al-Rawi1996Iraq58 |
George, Andrew R. al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
Iraq 58 (pp. 147-190) |
George, Andrew R., and Farouk N. H. al-Rawi. 1996. “Tablets from the Sippar Library VI. Atra-Ḫasīs.” Iraq 58: 147–90.
al-Rawi1998Iraq60 |
George, Andrew R. al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
Iraq 60 (pp. 187-206) |
George, Andrew R., and Farouk N. H. al-Rawi. 1998. “Tablets from the Sippar Library. VII. Three Wisdom Texts.” Iraq 60: 187–206.
al-Rawi1999Iraq61 |
Starr, Ivan al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
Iraq 61, 176 |
Starr, Ivan, and Farouk N. H. al-Rawi. 1999. “Tablets from the Sippar Library VIII. Omens from the Gall-Bladder.” Iraq 61: 173–85.
al-Rawi2000-SGWCNFCL |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
al-Rawi, Iraq 62 (2000) |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-. 2000. “Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Collections of the John Rylands Library, University of Manchester.” Iraq 62: 21–63.
al-Rawi2000Iraq62 |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
Iraq 62 (p. 21-63) |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-. 2000. “Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Collections of the John Rylands Library, University of Manchester.” Iraq 62: 21–63.
al-Rawi2000ZA90 |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. Black, Jeremy A. |
ZA 090, 036 and pl.1 |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-, and Jeremy A. Black. 2000. “A Balbale of’ Ninurta, God of Fertility.” Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie 90: 21–39.
al-Rawi2001Iraq63 |
Horowitz, Wayne al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. |
Iraq 63, p. 172 |
Horowitz, Wayne, and Farouk N. H. al-Rawi. 2001. “Tablets from the Sippar Library IX. A Ziqpu-Star Planisphere.” Iraq 63: 171–81.
al-Rawi2014JCS66 |
al-Rawi, Farouk N. H. George, Andrew R. |
JCS 66 (pp. 69-90) |
Rawi, Farouk N. H. al-, and Andrew R. George. 2014. “Back To The Cedar Forest: The Beginning and End Of Tablet V of the Standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgameš.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 66 (1): 69–90.
al-Saraf2010Sumer55 |
al-Saraf, Ishtar S. |
Sumer 55, 163 |
Saraf, Ishtar S. al-. 2010. “One Cuneiform Text from the Third Dynasty of Ur Concerning Plow Parts [in Arabic].” Sumer 55: 153-160` (?).
al-Soof1970-9WKXUKIU |
al-Soof, Behnam Abu |
al-Soof, Sumer 26 (1970) |
Soof, Behnam Abu al-. 1970. “Mounds in the Rania Plain and Excavations at Tell Basmusian, 1956.” Sumer 26: 65–104.
al-Zubaidi2021-CC3ISZI9 |
al-Zubaidi, Ahmed K. Taher Attia, Mohammed S. |
al-Zubaidi, Iraq 83 (2021) |
Zubaidi, Ahmed K. Taher al-, and Mohammed S. Attia. 2021. “A Cylinder Seal from Tell Abu Al-Dhahab Dated to the First Sealand Dynasty (1740-1374 BC).” Iraq 83: 13–24.
Albayrak2000su |
Albayrak, İrfan |
AMMY 2000, p.300-311 |
Albayrak, İrfan. 2001. “Kültepe Metinlerinde Geçen Mā’û ‘Su’ Kelimesi.” Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi. Yıllığı 2000: 300–311.
Albayrak2000vasiyetnâme |
Albayrak, İrfan |
ArAn 4, p.1-16 |
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Albayrak2002listesi |
Albayrak, İrfan |
ArAn 5, p.1-10 |
Albayrak, İrfan. 2002. “Kültepe’den Değişik Bir Masraf Listesi.” Archivum Anatolicum 5: 1–10.
Albayrak2003-2004Kültepe |
Albayrak, İrfan |
AMMY 2003-2004, p.269-277 |
Albayrak, İrfan. 2005. “Kumaş ve Kalay Sevkiyatina Ilişkin Üç Kültepe Tableti.” Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi. Yıllığı 2003–2004: 269–77.
Albayrak2003karum |
Albayrak, İrfan |
ArAn 6, p.1-9 |
Albayrak, İrfan. 2003. “Kaniš-Kārum’unun Bir Mektubu.” Archivum Anatolicum 6: 1–9.
Albayrak2004aklat |
Albayrak, İrfan |
ArAn 7/1, p.1-21 |
Albayrak, İrfan. 2004. “‘... Onlarla Oturacak, Yiyecek ve Yağlanacak’, ... Ušbat Aklat u Paššat Ištīšunu.” Archivum Anatolicum 7/1: 1–21.
Albayrak2004kaspim |
Albayrak, İrfan |
ArAn 7/2, p.1-12 |
Albayrak, İrfan. 2004. “Ana Kaspim Annīm Šamaš-Abī Qātātum.” Archivum Anatolicum 7/2: 1–12.
Albayrak2005belgesi |
Albayrak, İrfan |
TSAD 9/1-2, p.137-147 |
Albayrak, İrfan. 2005. “Kültepe’den Bir Toplu Kayıt Belgesi.” Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi = Turkish Journal of Social Research 9/1-2: 137–47.
Albayrak2005Peruwa |
Albayrak, İrfan |
JEOL 39, p.95-105 |
Albayrak, İrfan. 2005. “Fünf Urkunden Aus Dem Archive von Peruwa, Sohn von Šuppibra.” Jaarbericht van Het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap “Ex Oriente Lux” 39: 95–105.
Albayrak2007Bodenrecht |
Albayrak, İrfan |
AoF 34, p.219-224 |
Albayrak, İrfan. 2007. “Eine Altassyrische Urkunde Zum Anatolischen Bodenrecht.” Altorientalische Forschungen 34: 219–24.
Albayrak2015toponym |
Albayrak, İrfan |
AoF 35, p.28-34 |
Albayrak, İrfan. 2015. “The Toponym Balīhum in the Kültepe Texts.” Altorientalische Forschungen 35: 28–34.
Albenda2017NABU55 |
Albenda, Pauline |
Albenda, Pauline, NABU 2017/055 |
Albenda, Pauline. 2017. “On Geometry and Assyrian Decorative Designs.” NABU, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2017 (2).
Alberti1981TM.75.G.1353 |
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