Albright, W. F.


This profile was last modified on 2024-10-26 at 15:13:27


Albright, W. F. 1927. “Tarqumuwa King of Mera.” Archiv Für Orientforschung 4: 137–38. [AfO 04 (pp. 137-138) (Albright1927AfO4)]

Albright, W. F. 1932. “The Fourth Joint Campaign of Excavation at Tell Beit Mirsim.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 47: 3–17. [Albright, BASOR 47 (1932) (Albright1932-BFWBZNLP)]

Albright, W. F. 1943. “Two Little Understood Amarna Letters from the Middle Jordan Valley.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 89: 7–17. [BASOR 89 (pp. 7-17) (Albright1943BASOR89)]

Albright, W. F. 1943. “An Archaic Hebrew Proverb in an Amarna Letter from Central Palestine.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 89: 29–32. [BASOR 89, p. 30f (Albright1943HebrewProverb)]

Albright, W. F., and William L. Moran. 1948. “A Re-Interpretation of an Amarna Letter from Byblos (EA 82).” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 2 (4): 239–48. [JCS 02, p. 241f (transliteration, translation) (Albright1948JCS2)]

Albright, W. F., and William L. Moran. 1950. “Rib-Adda of Byblos and the Affairs of Tyre (EA 89).” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 4 (3): 163–68. [JCS 04, p. 164f. (Albright1950JCS4)]

Albright, W. F. 1969. “The Amarna Letters.” In Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (Third Edition with Supplement), edited by James B. Pritchard. Princeton University Press. [Albright, ANET (Albright1969ANETArmana)]

Total 7 record(s)

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CDLI contributors. 2024. “Albright, W. F. - Authors.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. December 12, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, December 12). Albright, W. F. - Authors. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Albright, W. F. - Authors, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: December 12, 2024).
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