
CUSAS 35, 457 (P250936)

Update made on 2018-01-05 at 17:55:22 by Foxvog, Daniel A. for Foxvog, Daniel A.
&P250936 = CUSAS 35, 457
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [n] 1(u@c) [...]
2. i3#-lu-sar#
3. [n] 2(u@c) masz
4. [n] la2 1(u@c) mes-e2
5. 2(gesz2@c) 4(u@c) a-da-da
6. 1(gesz'u@c) 1(gesz2@c) 2(u@c) ur-{d}nagar
7. 2(u@c) ildu3
8. 1(gesz'u@c) 4(u@c) ad-da
@column 2
1. [n] 1(u@c) x
2. 1(gesz2@c) u2-ru14
3. 6(gesz2@c) 4(u@c) gesz-sza3-szesz-gal
4. 3(gesz2@c) 2(u@c) e2-musz3
5. 2(gesz'u@c) 5(gesz2@c) 2(u@c) lugal-si-sa2
6. 2(gesz'u@c) 2(gesz@c) lugal-gal-zu#
@column 1
1. 1(gesz'u@c) 6(gesz@c) 4(u@c) lugal-kur enku
2. 1(gesz'u@c)# tesz2-tesz2
$ blank space
@column 2
1. szu-nigin2 szu-nigin2 1(GESZ2xUxKASKAL@c) 2(gesz'u@c) sze12 alurax(BAHAR2)#?
# First numeral is LAK824, must be 6000. Compare P213765, P213894.
# CUSAS 35 translates "4800 bricks" but calculated total of preserved numerals = 6630
2. a2 x [...]
$ blank space
3. [n] mu# 6(disz@t)# iti
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2025. “Text of CUSAS 35, 457, Revision 2300716.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. January 30, 2025.
CDLI contributors. (2025, January 30). Text of CUSAS 35, 457, revision 2300716. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2025) Text of CUSAS 35, 457, revision 2300716, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: January 30, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-01-30]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2025},
	month = {jan 30},
	title = {Text of {CUSAS} 35, 457, revision 2300716},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2025/1/30/
PY  - 2025
ID  - temp_id_546046607898
M1  - 2025/1/30/
TI  - Text of CUSAS 35, 457, revision 2300716
UR  -
ER  - 
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