
OrNS 70, 210-211 (P349945)

Update made on 2017-02-17 at 07:55:29 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P349945 = OrNS 70, 210-211
#atf: use lexical
#link: def A = Q000047 = OB Lu Nippur
#link: def B = Q000050 = OB Izi Nippur
#Jon Taylor, OB Lu/Izi tablet now in Canada
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [x] ha-lam-ma
2'. [kesz2]-da
3'. [kesz2]-da
4'. [kesz2]-da
5'. szir3# gid2-da
#tr.en: 'long'(?) song (a subscript)
#tr.en: ‘long’(?) song
>>Q000047 594
# a subscript
6'. szir3# nam-gala
#tr.en: song of gala-ship
>>Q000047 591
7'. szir3# nam#-geszbun
8'. szir3# nam#-erim2-ma
>>Q000047 593
9'. szir3# nam#-kesz2-da
10'. szir3# ma2-gur8-ra
#tr.en: song of the cargo boat
11'. szir3# szag4 hul2-la
>>Q000047 599
11'. szir3# sza3 hul2-la
#tr.en: song of the happy heart
12'. szir3# gurusz dab5-ba
#tr.en: song of the captured workers
13'. en3-du#
#tr.en: song
>>Q000047 600
14'. en3-du an-na#
#tr.en: high-pitched singing
>>Q000047 601
15'. en3-du-gar-gar#
#tr.en: composer
>>Q000047 602
16'. en3-du du11-du11
>>Q000047 603
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [x]-x-SI
2'. SI#-ak#
3'. SI#-x#
>>Q000047 634
3'. SI#-x
4'. mur#
#tr.en: lungs
>>Q000047 635
5'. mur sza4
#tr.en: to roar
6'. A x# x# [...] x#
>>Q000047 636
6'. A x x [...] x
>>Q000047 ?
7'. za-[pa-ag2]
#tr.en: shout, cry
>>Q000047 638
8'. gesz-[gu3]-di
#tr.en: long-necked lyre(?)
>>Q000047 639
9'. {gesz}[szu]-kar2
#tr.en: equipment, utensils
>>Q000047 640a
10'. [gu2 sa] la2
>>Q000047 640b
11'. nar
#tr.en: cantor
12'. [nar]-gal
#tr.en: senior cantor
#tr.en: singer
>>Q000047 641
12'. [nar] gal
#tr.en: senior singer
>>Q000047 642
13'. [nar] sa
#tr.en: player of string instrument
14'. [nar] pa3-da
#tr.en: selected cantor
>>Q000047 644
14'. [nar] pad3-da
#tr.en: selected singer
15'. [nar] esz3-a
#tr.en: cantor of the shrine
#tr.en: singer of the shrine
>>Q000047 649a
16'. nar ze2-za
#tr.en: cantor ...
>>Q000047 648d
17'. nar# gu3 du10-ga
#tr.en: cantor with a good voice
#tr.en: singer with a good voice
>>Q000047 648b
18'. nar# ka-silim-ma
#tr.en: cantor of glorification
#tr.en: singer of glorification
>>Q000047 648
19'. nar# a2# alan-da
#tr.en: cantor at the side of the statue
#tr.en: singer at the side of the statue
20'. nar hal-la-tusz-a
#tr.en: apprentice cantor
#tr.en: apprentice singer
>>Q000047 649
21'. musz-lah5
#tr.en: snake charmer
22'. musz-lah5-gal
>>Q000047 651
22'. musz-lah5 gal
#tr.en: senior snake charmer
>>Q000047 652
23'. gala
#tr.en: cult singer
>>Q000047 653
24'. gala mah
#tr.en: great cult singer
>>Q000047 654
25'. gala hal-la-tusz-a
#tr.en: apprentice cult singer
26'. gala tur
#tr.en: junior cult singer
>>Q000047 654a
27'. kur-gar-ra
#tr.en: cult performer
#tr.en: armed cult performer (of Inanna)
>>Q000047 280
28'. sag-ur-sag
#tr.en: cult performer
#tr.en: martial cult performer (of Inanna)
>>Q000047 278
29'. pi-li-pi-li
#tr.en: cult performer
30'. {gesz}rab gar
>>Q000047 279
30'. {gesz}raba gar
#tr.en: one carrying a neck stock
31'. sag#-ti-rin2
#tr.en: cult performer
>>Q000047 277
32'. {gesz#}balag#-ga2
#tr.en: drum player
>>Q000047 661
33'. balag# il2-il2
#tr.en: drum carrier
>>Q000047 662
@column 3
$ beginning broken
1'. i3#-[ra2-ra2]
#tr.en: perfume maker
>>Q000047 688
2'. szim#-[mu2]
#tr.en: incantation priest
>>Q000047 689
3'. szim-mu2
#tr.en: perfume maker, oil presser
>>Q000047 690
4'. munu4-mu2
#tr.en: maltster
>>Q000047 691
5'. ku3-gal2
>>Q000047 692
6'. ku3 la2
#tr.en: to pay
>>Q000047 693
7'. ma-na-la2
#tr.en: weighmaster
>>Q000047 694
8'. dam-gar3
#tr.en: merchant
>>Q000047 695
9'. ga-esz8
#tr.en: travelling merchant
>>Q000047 696
10'. gab2-gi-en
#tr.en: guarantor
>>Q000047 697
11'. gab2-zu-zu
#tr.en: trainee
>>Q000047 698
12'. gaszam
#tr.en: money lender
>>Q000047 699
13'. gaszam
#tr.en: artisan
14'. gaszam
#tr.en: clever, gifted
15'. da-ba-ri-ri
#tr.en: twister(?)
16'. munus tilla2
>>Q000047 700
16'. SAL tilla2
#tr.en: (prostitute)
17'. munus szu-ku6
17'. SAL szu-ku6
#tr.en: fisherwoman
18'. munus bar-szu-gal2
19'. munus suhur-la2
18'. SAL bar-szu-gal2
19'. SAL suhur-la2
#tr.en: (prostitute)
20'. munus ur-a-ak
21'. munus szu-gi4-gi4
22'. munus ka-pirig
#kapirij= =aszipu
>>Q000047 708d
20'. SAL ur-a-ak
21'. SAL szu-gi4-gi4
>>Q000047 710
22'. {munus}ka-pirig
#tr.en: incantation priestess, exorcist
23'. munus ze2-ze2-bar
24'. munus ga-an-za-za
# muttikkum < ni'=akum
# kapirig= āšipu
23'. SAL ze2-ze2-bar
24'. {munus}ga-an-za-za
#tr.en: habitual fornicator
25'. munus u3-li-li#
# muttikkum < ni'ākum
25'. SAL u3-li-li#
#tr.en: mourner
26'. dam-ban3-da
#tr.en: lesser wife
>>Q000047 711
27'. nam-lukur#
#tr.en: group of lukur priestesses
>>Q000047 712
28'. lukur kaskal
#tr.en: lukur-priestess of the journey
>>Q000047 710a
29'. kar-kid
#tr.en: prostitute
>>Q000047 713
30'. kar-kid szuhub2 si
#tr.en: prostitute wearing sandals
31'. kar-e-kid?
32'. kar-da gub-ba
#tr.en: one standing at the quay
#tr.en: one stationed at the quay
>>Q000047 719 ?
33'. kar# nigin2
#tr.en: one frequenting the quay
>>Q000047 720
34'. iri# nigin2
#tr.en: one frequenting the city
35'. e nigin2
>>Q000047 721
35'. eg2 nigin2
#tr.en: one frequenting the levee
>>Q000047 722
36'. a-gar3 nigin2
#tr.en: one frequenting the arable tract
>>Q000047 724
@column 1
1. gab2-kar
#tr.en: thief
>>Q000047 732
2. esz2-gar3
#tr.en: assigned work
3. esz2-dam
#tr.en: tavern
4. usz-bar
#tr.en: weaver
>>Q000047 733 ?
5. usz7-zu
# kaszsz=apum; sza ruhtam =id^u
#tr.en: sorcerer
>>Q000047 735
# kaššāpum; ša ruḫtam īdû
6. tu6-dug-ga
# tuduqq^u
#tr.en: (an incantation formula)
>>Q000047 740
# tuduqqû
7. ka-tu6-gal2
# w=aszipu
#tr.en: (an incantation formula), exorcist/incantation priest
# wāšipu
8. ka-pirig
#tr.en: exorcist/incantation priest
9. mu7-mu7
9. mumun
#tr.en: exorcist/incantation priest
10. eh# tag-ga
#tr.en: infected by lice
>>Q000047 741
11. kuszum4# tag#-ga
>>Q000047 742
12. u2-mu-um
#tr.en: mother (?)
13. u3-tu
#tr.en: progenitress
>>Q000047 746
14. u3-nu-tu
#tr.en: barren woman
>>Q000047 747
15. zum
#tr.en: womb
>>Q000047 743
16. zum
#tr.en: to be in labour
17. nam-dumu-zu
>>Q000047 744
18. la-ra-ah
#tr.en: woman in labour
#tr.en: woman in labor
>>Q000047 750
19. la-ra-ah
#tr.en: need
20. gesz3 zi-zi
#tr.en: erection
>>Q000047 748a
21. a ri-a
#tr.en: to beget
>>Q000047 752
22. hul gig
#tr.en: hate
23. gesz3 gig# du11-ga
#tr.en: malformed birth
>>Q000047 748
24. ni2-zuh
#tr.en: thief
25. muzug2
#tr.en: cultically impure person
26. dam
#tr.en: spouse
>>Q000047 753
27. dam
#tr.en: spouse
>>Q000047 754
28. dam-dam
>>Q000047 755
29. dam# [gurusz]
>>Q000047 756
# sic 756 ?
@column 2
1. DUB
1. dub
#tr.en: tablet
>>Q000047 787
2. dub-dim2-me
#tr.en: tool for tablet making
>>Q000047 788
3. sze-ba
#tr.en: barley ration
>>Q000047 791
4. i3-ba
#tr.en: oil ration
5. siki ba
>>Q000047 792
5. siki-ba
#tr.en: wool ration
>>Q000047 793
6. i3-sur
#tr.en: preparer of sesame oil
>>Q000047 789
7. si-il-la2
#tr.en: inspection
>>Q000047 796
8. si-il-la2
>>Q000047 797
9. si-il-la2
#tr.en: grow?
>>Q000047 797a
10. gurum2
#tr.en: delivery
>>Q000047 798
11. erin2
#tr.en: labourer(s)
12. erin2 bu-ra
#tr.en: laborer(s)
>>Q000047 801
12. erin2 bur12-ra
#tr.en: weeders
>>Q000047 802
13. erin2 sig#-ga
#tr.en: weak labourer(s)
#tr.en: weak laborer(s)
14. erin2 kal#-ga
#tr.en: strong labourer(s)
#tr.en: strong laborer(s)
15. erin2 a2!-dah
#tr.en: reinforcements
16. erin2 zu2-kesz2
#tr.en: rented labourers
#tr.en: rented laborers
17. erin2 sa gi4-a
#tr.en: labourers made ready
18. kusz7
#tr.en: laborers made ready
>>Q000047 804
18. szusz3
#tr.en: groom
>>Q000047 805
19. gu4#!(GA)-ab-sar
>>Q000047 806 ?
20. kiri3-dab
#tr.en: groom
>>Q000047 807
21. ad4
#tr.en: lame, cripple
>>Q000047 808
22. ku5-ku5-du
#tr.en: crippled
>>Q000047 809
23. tuhul ku5
#tr.en: crippled thigh
>>Q000047 808c
24. ib2 ku5
#tr.en: crippled leg
>>Q000047 809a
25. szir dili
#tr.en: man with single testicle
26. a-ga-an-tum2
#tr.en: skin disease
>>Q000047 811
27. gin7#-{d}utu
>>Q000047 813
# sic 813 ?
28. LUL?-nun
29. i-bi2-za
#tr.en: financial loss
>>Q000047 812
30. numun gub-ba
#tr.en: planted seed/field?
>>Q000047 816
31. HI#-ak
32. UD-ak
33. edin?# tum2-ma#
34. edin?# x#
35. x# [...]
33. eden#? tum2-ma#
34. eden#? x
35. x [...]
@column 3
1. de3#-dal
#tr.en: ashes
2. de3-dal
#tr.en: embers
3. de3#-dal
#tr.en: flame
4. izi#-gar
#tr.en: light, sunlight
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 6
5. izi#-gar
#tr.en: torch
6. izi-gar#
#tr.en: oven
7. gunni(|KI.NE#|)
7. gunni#
#tr.en: brazier
8. ne#-mur
#tr.en: glowing ashes
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 8
9. ganzer2
#tr.en: flame
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 12
10. u3#-dub2
#tr.en: charcoal
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 11
11. ga-an-ze2-er
#tr.en: flame
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 13
12. i-bi2#
#tr.en: smoke
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 7
13. sag#-izi#
#tr.en: torch
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 9
14. an-bar7
#tr.en: heat of the day,
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 15
15. an#-bar7#
#tr.en: the brightest time of day
16. an-bar7 LU-e-na
17. bad3 an-bar7
18. an-ur2#
#tr.en: horizon
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 19
19. an-pa
#tr.en: zenith
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 20
20. an-ur2# su4-a
#tr.en: red horizon
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 21
21. an-ur2 gesz la2-a
#tr.en: silent horizon
22. an-ur2 su4!(LAGAR@g)-an-ta#?
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 22
22. an-ur2 su4!(LAGAR@g) an-ta#?
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 23
23. an-ur2-e#? su4#!(LAGAR@g) nu-um?-tag#-ga#-ta
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 24
24. an#-szar2!
#tr.en: the whole heavens
25. an# sud
25. an# su3
#tr.en: the distant heavens
26. [an]-usan
#tr.en: the evening
27. [an]-szag4
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 25
27. [an]-sza3
#tr.en: the middle of heaven
28. [AN]-|GU2xKAK|#
#tr.en: the evening
29. [{d}u2-si4]-an
#tr.en: the evening
29. [{d}u2-su4]-an
30. {d}gansis#
#tr.en: the evening
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 27
31. [an-ta]-gal2
#tr.en: the evening
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 28
32. [an-ta]-gal2
#tr.en: the evening
33. [sag-ku3]-gal2
#tr.en: the evening
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 29
34. {d}lamma#
#tr.en: the evening
>>Q000050 Tab.I, 30
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2025. “Text of OrNS 70, 210-211, Revision 2274868.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. March 14, 2025.
CDLI contributors. (2025, March 14). Text of OrNS 70, 210-211, revision 2274868. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2025) Text of OrNS 70, 210-211, revision 2274868, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: March 14, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-03-14]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2025},
	month = {mar 14},
	title = {Text of {OrNS} 70, 210-211, revision 2274868},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2025/3/14/
PY  - 2025
ID  - temp_id_433329158879
M1  - 2025/3/14/
TI  - Text of OrNS 70, 210-211, revision 2274868
UR  -
ER  - 
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