&P448567 = RIME composite
#atf: lang akk
@object composite
@object composite text
@surface a
1. [a]-na {d}[...]
#tr.en: To the god ...,
#tr.en: To ...,
2. be-li2-szu
#tr.en: his lord,
3. [a]-na ba-al-at,
3. a-na ba-al-at,
#tr.en: for the life
4. [i]-pi2-iq-{d}[iszkur]
4. [i]-pi2-iq-{d}iszkur
#tr.en: of Ipiq-Adad,
5. _lugal kisz_
#tr.en: king of the world,
6. _dumu_ i-ba-al-pi-el
#tr.en: son of Ibāl-pî-El,
7. [x]-tu ta/sza ki/na x
7. x-tu sza? na? x
#tr.en: ...,
8. [_dumu_] i-s,i-su-mu-a-bu-um
#tr.en: son of Iși-sūmû-abum,
9. [i]-qi2-isz
#tr.en: presented (this cylinder).
8. _dumu_ i-s,i-su-mu-a-bu-um
#tr.en: son of Iṣi-sūmû-abum,
9. i-qi2-isz
#tr.en: presented (this).
# P448200: cylinder