
AUCT 1, 376 (P103221)

Update made on 2014-11-10 at 07:48:42 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P103221 = AUCT 1, 376
#atf: lang sux
1. 3(u) udu sa2-du11 {d}gu-la
#tr.en: 30 rams, regular offerings of Gula;
2. 1(u) 3(disz) udu
#tr.en: 13 rams,
3. 1(u) 2(disz) u8
#tr.en: 12 ewes,
4. 4(disz) masz2
#tr.en: 4 billy goats,
1. ba-usz2 mu ur-gi7
#tr.en: slaughtered because of the dogs;
2. dingir-ba-ni szu ba-ti
#tr.en: “My-god-is-pretty” received;
3. zi-ga
#tr.en: booked out
4. ki ur-ku3-nun-na
#tr.en: from (the account of) Ur-kununa;
5. iti ezem-{d}szul-gi
6. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#tr.en: month: “Festival-of-Šulgi,”
6. mu us2-sa ki-masz{ki} ba-hul
#tr.en: year: “Kimaš was destroyed.”
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2024. “Text of AUCT 1, 376, Revision 2232056.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. July 4, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, July 4). Text of AUCT 1, 376, revision 2232056. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Text of AUCT 1, 376, revision 2232056, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: July 4, 2024).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2024-07-04]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2024},
	month = {jul 4},
	title = {Text of {AUCT} 1, 376, revision 2232056},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2024/7/4/
PY  - 2024
ID  - temp_id_082852380294
M1  - 2024/7/4/
TI  - Text of AUCT 1, 376, revision 2232056
UR  -
ER  - 
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