
ARM 02, 133 (P273040)

Update made on 2014-05-20 at 16:37:21 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P273040 = ARM 02, 133
#atf: lang akk
1. a-na be-li2-ia
#tr.ts: ana bēliya
#tr.en: To my lord
2. qi2-bi2-ma
#tr.ts: qibima
#tr.en: speak!
3. um-ma i-din-{d}nu-musz-da#
#tr.ts: umma iddin-numušda
#tr.en: Thus Iddin-Numušda,
4. _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma
#tr.ts: waradkama
#tr.en: your servant:
5. i-na pa-ni-ti-im
#tr.ts: ina pānītim
#tr.en: Previously
6. be-li2 asz-szum ka-li
#tr.ts: bēlī aššum kāli
#tr.en: my lord concerning the holding back
7. ge-ri-im sza qa-t,a3-nim{ki}
#tr.ts: gerrim ša qaṭanim
#tr.en: of the expedition of Qaṭanum
8. iq-be2-em-ma
#tr.ts: iqbêmma
#tr.en: spoke to me, and
9. isz-tu _u4 5(disz)-kam_
#tr.ts: ištu ūmim ḫamišat
#tr.en since five days
10. _lu2-mesz_ ka-le-ku
#tr.ts: awīlī kalêku
#tr.en: the men I have held back;
11. u3 pu-ha-di-szu-nu
#tr.ts: u puḫādīšunu
#tr. en: and their lambs
12. i-na ne2-pi2-isz-ti-im
#tr.ts: ina nēpištim
#tr.en: in extispicy
13. ig-da-am-ru
#tr.ts: igdamrū
#tr.en: have been used up.
1. szum-ma li-bi be-li2-ia
#tr.ts: šumma libbi bēliya
#tr.en: If it pleases my lord,
2. be-li2 li-isz-pu-ra-am-ma
#tr.ts: bēlī lišpuramma
#tr.en: my lord should write me, and
3. _lu2-mesz_ szu-nu la i-ka-lu-u2
#tr.ts: awīlū šunu lā ikkallû
#tr.en: these men should not be held back!
4. li-li-ku
#tr.ts: lillikū
#tr.en: Let them go!
5. _lu2-mesz_ i-ta-na-sza-szu
#tr.ts: awīlū ītanaššašū
#tr.en: The men are continuously distressed.
6. a-na _u4 3(disz)-kam_
#tr.ts: ana ūmim šalāšat
#tr.en: On the 3rd day,
7. ha-ra-nu-um u2-s,i2
#tr.ts: ḫarrānum uṣṣi
#tr.en: a caravan will go out.
8. it-ti ha-ra-nim
#tr.ts: itti ḫarrānim
#tr.en: With the caravan,
9. wa-ar-ki-tim
#tr.ts: warkītim
#tr.en: the later one,
10. _dumu-mesz_ szi-ip-ri
#tr.ts: mārū šiprī
#tr.en: may the messengers
11. li-s,u2-u2
#tr.ts: liṣû
#tr.ts: līṣû
#tr.en: go out.
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2025. “Text of ARM 02, 133, Revision 2225660.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. March 16, 2025.
CDLI contributors. (2025, March 16). Text of ARM 02, 133, revision 2225660. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2025) Text of ARM 02, 133, revision 2225660, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: March 16, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-03-16]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2025},
	month = {mar 16},
	title = {Text of {ARM} 02, 133, revision 2225660},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2025/3/16/
PY  - 2025
ID  - temp_id_045273053022
M1  - 2025/3/16/
TI  - Text of ARM 02, 133, revision 2225660
UR  -
ER  - 
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