
ARM 02, 099 (P273010)

Update made on 2014-05-13 at 16:56:06 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P273010 = ARM 02, 099
#atf: lang akk
1. a-na be-li2-ia
#tr.ts: ana bēliya
#tr.en: To my lord
2. qi2-bi2-ma
#tr.ts: qibima
#tr.en: speak!
3. um-ma as3-qu2-du-um
#tr.ts: umma asqudum
#tr.en: Thus Asqudum
4. _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma
#tr.ts: waradkama
#tr.en: your servant:
5. a-na ha-la-as, hi-sza-am-ta{ki}
#tr.ts: ana ḫalaṣ ḫišamta
#tr.en: To the district of Ḫišamta
6. u3 ter-qa{ki} ak-szu-dam-ma
#tr.ts: u terqa akšudamma
#tr.en: and Terqa I arrived, and
7. nu-um-ha-a{ki} ia-mu-ut-ba-al{ki}
#tr.ts: numḫa yamutbal
#tr.en: Numḫaya (and) Yamutbal
8. qa-du-um s,e2-eh-ri-im s,e2-he-er-tim
#tr.ts: qadum ṣeḫrim ṣeḫertim
#tr.en: together with boy and girl,
9. _sag-ARAD2-mesz geme2-mesz gu4-hi-a u3 ansze-hi-a_
#tr.ts: wardī amātim alpī u imērī
#tr.en: male and female slaves, oxen and donkeys,
10. pa-na-am u3 ba-ba-am u2-ul <i>-szu-u2
#tr.ts: pānam u bābam ul īšû
#tr.en: “front and gate” they do not have.
# meaning, are innumerable
11. isz-tu _sze_-em i-ga-ma-ru
#tr.ts: ištu êm igammarū
#tr.en: After they are done with the barley,
12. ur-ba-tam u3 a-pa-am sza a-ah {i7}pu-ra-tim
#tr.ts: urbatam u apam ša aḫ purattim
#tr.en: the rush and reeds of the bank of the Euphrates
13. u2#-ha#-la-qu2 a-mu-ur-ma
#tr.ts: uḫallaqū amurma
#tr.en: their gobbling up I observed, and
14. [t,up-pi2 a]-na# s,e-er be-li2-ia
#tr.ts: ṭuppī ana ṣēr bēliya
#tr.en: my tablet to my lord
15. [asz-pu-ra]-am
#tr.ts: ašpuram
#tr.en: I sent.
16. [szu-ku-ul bu-lim] _lu2#-mesz ARAD2-mesz_
#tr.ts: šūkul bulim awīlī wardī
#tr.en: The feeding of animals, men and servants
17. [u2-ul i-le-u2]-ma
#tr.ts: ul ile’’ūma
#tr.ts: ul ile’’ûma
#tr.en: they cannot do;
18. [_sze_-a-am] sza# ki-ma na-da-nim
#tr.ts: âm ša kīma nadānim
#tr.en: the grain of giving
19. [be-li2 li-id]-di-in
#tr.ts: bēlī liddin
#tr.en: let my lord give;
20. [a-wa-tam] li-isz-ku-un#
#tr.ts: awātam liškun
#tr.en: an order let him set.
21. sza# wa#-ar#-du-ti-ia#
#tr.ts: ša wardūtiya
#tr.en: (Befitting) that of my servitude,
22. [a]-na# be-li2-ia asz2#-[pu-ur]
#tr.ts: ana bēliya ašpur
#tr.en: to my lord I have written.
1. [be]-li2# sza# szar-ru-[ti-szu]
#tr.ts: bēlī ša šarrūtišu
#tr.en: My lord, (befitting) that of his kingship,
2. [li]-isz#-ta#-a-al [li-pu-usz2]
#tr.ts: lištāl līpuš
#tr.en: let him reflect, and act!
3. [isz]-tu qa-at,-t,u2-na-an{ki}
#tr.ts: ištu qaṭṭunan
#tr.en: From Qaṭṭunan
4. la# i-te-qu2-ma#
#tr.ts: la iteqqȗma
#tr.ts: lā iteqqȗma
#tr.en: may they not cross over!
5. sza-ni-tam ki-ma ka-sza-di-ia#
#tr.ts: šanītam kīma kašādiya
#tr.en: Another thing: as for my arrival
6. a-na _lu2-mesz_ ter-qa-i{ki}
#tr.ts: ana awīlī terqa’ī
#tr.en: to the Terqaites
7. a-wa-tam ki-a-am as,-ba!-at um-ma a-na-ku#-ma#
#tr.ts: awātam ki’am aṣbat umma anākuma
#tr.en: I made a statement in the following way, thus I:
8. _a-sza3#_ wa-at-te-ra-nim-ma
#tr.ts: eqlam watterānimma
#tr.en: “Fields add, so that
9. _{gesz}apin-hi-a e2-gal_ lu-usz-ta-as,-bi-it
#tr.ts: epinnēt ekallim luštaṣbit
#tr.en: the plows of the palace I may cause to be seized (for use).”
10. u3 szu-nu ki-a-am i-pu-lu-ni-in-ni
#tr.ts: u šunu ki’am īpulūninni
#tr.en: And they answered me in following way,
11. um-ma szu-nu-ma isz-tu szu-ku-sa-ti-ni{ki}
#tr.ts: umma šunuma ištu šukūsātinni
#tr.en: thus they: “Once our provenience fields
12. ni-s,a-ba-tu _a-sza3 e2-gal_ bu-'i3-ma le-qe2
#tr.ts: niṣabbatu eqel ekallim bu’’ima leqe
#tr.en: we seize, the field of the palace inspect and take!”
13. wa#-ar#-ka-tam ap-ru-us2-ma _a-sza3_ sza i-ti-ru
#tr.ts: warkatam aprusma eqlim ša itīrū
#tr.en: The circumstances I investigated, (and) the fields that they added,
14. a#-[na] _2(disz)# {gesz}apin_ u2-ul ka-szi-id
#tr.ts: ana šina epinnētim ul kašid
#tr.en: for 2 ploughs are not (even) sufficient.
15. [...] be#-li2-ia a-na ter-qa{ki} ka-a-ia-na-at
#tr.ts: bēliya ana terqa kayyānat
#tr.en: ... of my lord for Terqa is constant;
16. [4(disz) u2-lu]-ma 5(disz) _{gesz}apin-hi-a_ i-na ha-la-as, ter-qa{ki}
#tr.ts: erba ūlūma ḫamiš epinnētim ina ḫalaṣ terqa
#tr.en: 4 or 5 ploughs in the district of Terqa
17. [usz]-ta#-as,-bi-it u2-ul na-t,u2
#tr.ts: uštaṣbit ul naṭū
#tr.en: I caused to be seized (for use). But they are not suitable.
18. [i-na-an]-na# i-nu-ma ra-ki-ba-am sza ter#-qa{ki}
#tr.ts: inanna inūma rakībam ša terqa
#tr.en: Now when the r. of Terqa
# rakībum a task connected with irrigation
19. [...]-al u3 ki#-na-at-[tu i]-pu-szu
#tr.ts: ... u kinattū īpušū
#tr.en: ... and the staff members did.
20. [...]-at be-li2-ia i-na ku?-[...]-ar#
#tr.ts: ... bēliya ina ...
#tr.en: ... my lord in ...
21. [...] x x x x [...]
#tr.ts: ...
#tr.en: ...
22. [x x]-ru-szum? [...]-ir
#tr.ts: ...
#tr.en: ...
23. [... wa]-ar#-du-um [...]
#tr.ts: ... wardum  ...
#tr.en:  ... the servant  ...
24. [...]-szu#-nu s,a-bi#-it# [...]
#tr.ts:  ...-šunu sābit ...
#tr.en: their ... who seizes ...
25. [...] x ra-ki-bi-im sza#-a-ti
#tr.ts: ... rakībim šâti
#tr.en: ... of that r.,
26. [x]-x-szu u3 qi2-isz-ta-szu lu-di-in
#tr.ts: ... u qīštašu luddin
#tr.en: ... and I will give him as his gift.
27. _[sze]-gesz-i3_ lu-ri-isz
#tr.ts: šamaššammū lūriš
#tr.en: sesame let me cultivate.
28. [... a-na] _lu2_ ter-qa-i lu-ud-di-in-ma [...]
#tr.ts: ... ana awīl terqa'ī luddimma
#tr.en: to the Terqaites let me give, and ...
29. [...] sza qe2-er-bu i-na-di-nu [...]
#tr.ts: ša qerbū inaddinū
#tr.en: ... that are near (at hand), they will give ...
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2025. “Text of ARM 02, 099, Revision 2225402.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. March 16, 2025.
CDLI contributors. (2025, March 16). Text of ARM 02, 099, revision 2225402. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2025) Text of ARM 02, 099, revision 2225402, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: March 16, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-03-16]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2025},
	month = {mar 16},
	title = {Text of {ARM} 02, 099, revision 2225402},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2025/3/16/
PY  - 2025
ID  - temp_id_779140019379
M1  - 2025/3/16/
TI  - Text of ARM 02, 099, revision 2225402
UR  -
ER  - 
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