
OIP 099, 047 (P225925)

Update made on 2008-05-26 at 01:47:06 by Englund, Robert K. for Englund, Robert K.
&P225925 = OIP 099, 047
#atf: use lexical
#AbS-T 222 = IM 70165
$several columns broken
@column 1'
$ start of column broken
1'. [...]
2'. [...]
3'. x x x
4'. x x x
5'. u2#?-a#-{d}inanna
6'. x x x
7'. x x x
8'. ub#-{d}inanna
9'. GAR3
10'. ad#!?-gal2
11'. te#!?-di
12'. [hubur?]-ZA(LAK798)
13'. [...]
@column 2'
$ start of column broken
1'. [ME?-{d}]nisaba#?
2'. [ME]-{d}nisaba
3'. PAP-PAP-{d}nisaba
4'. sukkal#-{d}nisaba
5'. szidim#?-gal#?-unu#?
6'. i9(|SZITA(LAK503a)+GISZ#+NAM2#|)-UD#?-AB@g#?
7'. i9(|SZITA(LAK503a)#+[GISZ]+NAM2#|)#
8'. ME#? x x x x
9'. lahszu(LAK442)#
10'. HA?-SZUBUR#?-|DIMxSZE|#?
11'. |UD.KUSZU2|#
12'. me-en-ti-nam#
13'. me-en-|SZIMxGAR|#
14'. x x x
@column 3'
$ start of column broken
1'. [...]
2'. x-MUNSUB#!?(LAK777@s)
3'. x ma-sanga2(LAK175) x x x
4'. x x x
6'. sanga2(LAK175)#-[{d}inanna]
7'. sanga2(LAK175)-tur3(LAK78)#?
8'. sanga2(LAK175)#-LAK390#
9'. sanga2(LAK175)-<<AN>>-nibru{ki}
10'. me#-en#-PA-GAL-ki
11'. me-en#-PA-GAL-GAN2#?-ki#
12'. x x x
13'. x x x
14'. me#?-en#?-sza#?
15'. x x x
@column 4'
$ start of column broken
1'. x x x
2'. |PA.LU|? x x
3'. x [...]
4'. sanga#-|LAK79&LAK79xGAN2@t@t|#?
5'. x x x
6'. PAP#-PA#?-IB#
7'. x x x
8'. PAP#-PA#-IB#
9'. PAP-PA-IB-LAK390
10'. nu:banda3-EN-IB#
11'.  sanga-EN#-IB
12'. gal#-ga#-EN#-IB
13'. PA-NAM2#
14'. en-en
@column 5'
$ start of column broken
1'. [...]
2'. x x x
3'. x x x
5'. TAK4-LAK387#
6'. sze#?-unu#?
7'. GAL#?-[LAK61?]-PA#?-dingir?
8'. PAP-SAL-NUNUZ!?-ZI#-x-dingir
9'. PAP-sal-HI-|URUxMIN|#
10'. GAL#-ISZ
11'. ur-TAK4-LAK387#?
12'. ezem#?-si#?-sag#-x
13'. ezem#-x-x-sag#?-x
@column 6'
$ start of column broken
1'. [...]
2'. [...]
3'. x-[...]
4'. ME#? x-[...]
5'. x x [...]
6'. ME {d#?}x [...] x x
7'. ME {d}x x
8'. [...]
9'. [...]
10'. [...]
$1 line broken
@column 7'
$ (start and end of column broken; rest uninscribed)
@column 8'
1. ME# x [...]
2. ME {d}KI-IG#-SZU
3. ME {d}nin-girimax(|A.HA.BU.DU|)
4. ME {d}nin-gal
5. ME {d}ilx(KISZ)-la
6. ME {d}KISZ
7. ME {d}giri3
8. ME {d}ne3-urugal2
9. ME# {d}DUN-nanna
10. ME {d}DUN-nanna-KI-|LAGABxHAL|
11. ME {d}KAK-IG# x
12. ME {d}geszimmar#-x [(x)]
$rest of column broken
@column 9'
1. ME# {d}SUD2#
2. ME {d}{nu}NUNUZ
3. ME {d}{nu}NUNUZ:HI
4. ME {d}HA-ESZ2-LU
5. ME {d}gir2:su
6. ME {d}na-ru2
7. ME {d}|SZITA#+ME#|-GUR7
8. ME {d}PA-GAL-|URUxX|
9. ME {d}NU-SZID#
10. ME {d}NU-BU-DU
11. ME {d}U2-|(SZE.NUN&NUN)%(SZE.NUN&NUN)|
12. ME {d}GAN-ZI#
$rest of column broken
$rest of reverse blank
# save for decorative drawing in upper middle of tablet, and colophon in far left column
@column 10'
$ start of column broken
1'. [il?-su3?]-ERIN2?-x
2'. [il?-su3?]-GAR3
3'. [ur?-{d?}]i7(|A#.(LAGABxHAL)#|)#
$(some number (0 up to N) additional lines of the colophon are broken.)
$rest of column broken
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2025. “Text of OIP 099, 047, Revision 2124119.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. March 14, 2025.
CDLI contributors. (2025, March 14). Text of OIP 099, 047, revision 2124119. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2025) Text of OIP 099, 047, revision 2124119, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: March 14, 2025).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2025-03-14]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2025},
	month = {mar 14},
	title = {Text of {OIP} 099, 047, revision 2124119},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2025/3/14/
PY  - 2025
ID  - temp_id_519998710250
M1  - 2025/3/14/
TI  - Text of OIP 099, 047, revision 2124119
UR  -
ER  - 
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