
OrSP 47-49, 418 (P125308)

Update made on 2006-10-12 at 12:24:31 by CDLI for CDLI
&P125308 = OrSP 47-49, 418
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
1. 2(barig) sze-ba lukur
#lem: n; szeba[ration]; lukur[priestess]
2. ama-e2-mah-e [x]
#lem: X; u
3. 1(barig) sze szuku-ra a2 [...]
#lem: n; sze[barley]; szukur[ration]; a[arm]; u
4. 2(barig) sze szuku-ra ur-{d}szul-pa-e3
#lem: n; sze[barley]; szukur[ration]; PN
5. giri3 e2-gal-e-si
#lem: jiri[via]; PN
1. 1(barig)* 2(ban2) sze-ba szesz-kal-la
#lem: n; n; szeba[ration]; PN
2. iti pa4-u2-e u3 iti diri
#lem: itud[month]; MN; u[and]; itud[month]; dirig[exceed]
3. ki ur-ru*
#lem: ki[place]; PN
4. 1(barig) sze-ba i3-li2-isz!*-<da>-kal
#lem: n; szeba[ration]; PN
5. ki nig2-du10-ga-mu
#lem: ki[place]; PN
6. 2(barig) sze ur5-ra kiszib3 a-gu
#lem: n; sze[barley]; urra[loan]; kiszib[seal]; PN
7. |SZU+LAGAB| 1(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2)
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; n; n
8. iti diri
#lem: itud[month]; dirig[exceed]
9. mu si-ma-num2{ki} ba-hul
#lem: mu[year]; GN; hulu[destroy]
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2024. “Text of OrSP 47-49, 418, Revision 2048180.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. October 18, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, October 18). Text of OrSP 47-49, 418, revision 2048180. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Text of OrSP 47-49, 418, revision 2048180, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: October 18, 2024).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2024-10-18]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2024},
	month = {oct 18},
	title = {Text of {OrSP} 47-49, 418, revision 2048180},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2024/10/18/
PY  - 2024
ID  - temp_id_050507895154
M1  - 2024/10/18/
TI  - Text of OrSP 47-49, 418, revision 2048180
UR  -
ER  - 
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