
MVN 02, 043 (P113342)

Update made on 2006-10-12 at 12:19:47 by CDLI for CDLI
&P113342 = MVN 02, 043
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [x] 4(barig) 3(ban2) [...] gur
#lem: u; n; n; u; gur[unit]
2. [...] in-nu-ha
#lem: u; innuHA[barley]
3. [...] imgaga3 gur
#lem: u; imjaja[emmer]; gur[unit]
4. [...] 2/3(disz) sila3 gig# gur
#lem: u; n; sila[unit]; kib[wheat]; gur[unit]
5. [...] 2(ban2) sze sa-[x] x gur
#lem: u; n; sze[barley]; GN; u; gur[unit]
6. [...] 3(asz) guru7 [...] 2(gesz2) 4(asz) 4(barig) [...] sila3# gin2 [x] gur
#lem: u; n; guru[store]; u; n; n; n; u; sila[unit]; gij[unit]; u; gur[unit]
7. [...] gi#-a gur
#lem: u; gi[reed]; gur[unit]
8. [...] 4(ban2) 3(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 [x] us2-sa gur
#lem: u; n; n; n; sila[unit]; u; us[follow]|us[lean]|us[side]; gur[unit]
9. [...] 4(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 [...] x-tur [...] x x
#lem: u; n; n; sila[unit]; u; u; u; u; u
10. [...]
#lem: u
@column 2
1. 3(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 gin2 za-ha-din gur
#lem: n; n; n; n; sila[unit]; gij[unit]; zahadin[plant]; gur[unit]
2. igi 3(disz) gal2-bi im-ta-e3
#lem: igi[face]; n; jal[be]; e[leave]
3. 7(asz) 1(ban2) 2(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 za-ha-din bala-bi gur
#lem: n; n; n; n; sila[unit]; zahadin[plant]; bala[turn]; gur[unit]
4. 5(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) la2 1(disz) sila3 sum sikil gur
#lem: n; n; n; lal[minus]; n; sila[unit]; szum[garlic]; sikil[pure]; gur[unit]
5. 1(gesz2) 3(u) sa sum sikil 8(disz) gin2-ta
#lem: n; n; sa[bundle]; szum[garlic]; sikil[pure]; n; gij[unit]
6. sag sum sikil-bi 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3
#lem: saj[head]; szum[garlic]; sikil[pure]; n; n; sila[unit]
7. 3(gesz2) 4(u) 5(asz) gu2 4(u) sa sum gaz
#lem: n; n; n; gun[load]; n; sa[bundle]; szum[garlic]; gaz[kill]
8. 5(ban2)? 3(disz) sila3 zi-[x]-NE-a [...]
#lem: n; n; sila[unit]; u; u
9. 2(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 [...]
#lem: n; n; n; n; sila[unit]; u
10. x NE# [...]
#lem: u; u; u
@column 3
1. 4(u) 3(disz) naga-bi naga3{ga2}
#lem: n; n; naja[potash]; naja[mortar]
2. 1(gesz2) 4(u) naga bala-bi
#lem: n; n; naja[potash]; bala[turn]
3. 1(gesz2) 2(u) 6(asz) naga si-e3 gur
#lem: n; n; n; naja[potash]; X; gur[unit]
4. 1(gesz2) 4(u) 6(asz) gu2 4(u) ma-na im-babbar2
#lem: n; n; n; gun[load]; n; mana[unit]; imbabbar[gypsum]
5. 1(u) 6(asz) 2(ban2) 3(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 esir2 e2-a gur
#lem: n; n; n; n; n; sila[unit]; esir[bitumen]; e[house]; gur[unit]
6. 1(asz) gu2 1(u) 8(disz) ma-na# igi-[x-gal2]
#lem: n; gun[load]; n; n; mana[unit]; u
7. 1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 5(asz) [x x gur]
#lem: n; n; n; u; u; gur[unit]
8. [...]
#lem: u
@column 4
$ ([traces of the first signs of some lines])
@column 1
1. [...]
#lem: u
2'. x [...]
#lem: u; u
3. [...]
#lem: u
@column 2
1. [...]
#lem: u
2'. 5(gesz2) 2(u) [...] x
#lem: n; n; u; u
3'. 1(szar2) 7(gesz2) 5(u) 2(disz) gu2 {gesz}ma-nu szu x-[x]
#lem: n; n; n; n; gun[load]; manu[wood]; szu[hand]; u
4'. 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) {gesz}ma-nu x-x
#lem: n; n; manu[wood]; u
@column 3
1. [...]
#lem: u
2'. |SZU+LAGAB| 1(u) 1/2(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2 2/3(disz)? 2(u) 5(disz) 1/2(disz) sze
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; n; mana[unit]; n; gij[unit]; n; n; n; n; sze[barley]
3. ku3-babbar
#lem: kugbabbar[silver]
4'. |SZU+LAGAB| 5(asz) guru7 3(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) [...] 3(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 [...] sze gur
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; guru[store]; n; n; u; n; n; sila[unit]; u; sze[barley]; gur[unit]
5. {d}szul-gi-ra
#lem: RN
@column 4
1. [...]
#lem: u
2'. |SZU+LAGAB| 1(barig) 3(ban2) numun sa-si4{sar}
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; n; numun[seed]; X
3'. |SZU+LAGAB| 1(barig) 3(ban2) numun ta-li2-lum
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; n; numun[seed]; PN
4'. |SZU+LAGAB| 1(barig) 3(ban2) numun {u2}{gesz}kiri6
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; n; numun[seed]; X
5'. |SZU+LAGAB| 1(barig) 3(ban2) numun gu-gu-tum{sar}
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; n; numun[seed]; PN
6'. |SZU+LAGAB| 1(barig) 3(ban2) nig2-nagar{sar}
#lem: szunijin[total]; n; n; X
@column 5
1. [...]
#lem: u
2'. [...] gal [...] kusz3
#lem: u; gal[big]; u; kusz[unit]
3'. [...]-da# 6(disz) kusz3
#lem: PN; n; kusz[unit]
4'. [...]-da 5(disz) kusz3
#lem: PN; n; kusz[unit]
5'. [...]-da# 4(disz) kusz3 [x] {gesz#}u3
#lem: PN; n; kusz[unit]; u; u[planking]
6'. [...] x
#lem: u; u
7. [...] x KU
#lem: u; u; u
8'. [...] us2#
#lem: u; us[side]
9'. [...] x
#lem: u; u
10'. [...] x ma2
#lem: u; u; ma[ship]
Cite this Inscription
CDLI contributors. 2024. “Text of MVN 02, 043, Revision 2010092.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. November 21, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, November 21). Text of MVN 02, 043, revision 2010092. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Text of MVN 02, 043, revision 2010092, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: November 21, 2024).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2024-11-21]},
	author = {{CDLI contributors}},
	year = {2024},
	month = {nov 21},
	title = {Text of {MVN} 02, 043, revision 2010092},
	url = {},
	howpublished = {},

AU  - CDLI contributors
DA  - 2024/11/21/
PY  - 2024
ID  - temp_id_647334564176
M1  - 2024/11/21/
TI  - Text of MVN 02, 043, revision 2010092
UR  -
ER  - 
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