Mayr, Rudolf H.
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Mayr, Rudolf H. 1997. “The Seal Impressions of Ur III Umma.” Phdthesis, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. [Mayr, PhD diss (Mayr1997diss)]
Mayr, Rudolf H. 2002. “The Depiction of Ordinary Men and Women on the Seals of the Ur III Kingdom,” Compte rendu de la Rencontre Assyriologique lnternationale, , no. 47. [Mayr, CRRAI 47-2, (Mayr2002CRRAI47)]
Mayr, Rudolf H. 2002. “The Seals of the Turam-Ili Archive.” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 54 (1): 49–65. [JCS 54 (pp.49-65) (Mayr2002Turam-ili)]
Mayr, Rudolf H., and David I. Owen. 2004. “The Royal Gift Seal in the Ur III Period.” In Von Sumer Nach Ebla Und Zurück. Festschrift Giovanni Pettinato Zum 27. September 1999 Gewidmet von Freunden, Kollegen Und Schülern., 9:145–74. Heidelberger Studien Zum Alten Orient. Heidelberg. [HSAO 9, p.145-174 (Mayr2004-8AMVDIQL)]
Mayr, Rudolf H. 2005. “Seal Impressions on Tablets from Umma.” Lawrenceville, NJ. [Mayr SITU (Mayr2005SITU)]
Mayr, Rudolf H. 2010. “The Seal of Ayalatum and the Dynasty of Larsa.” In Why Should Someone Who Know Something Conceal It? Cuneiform Studies in Honor of David I. Owen on His 70th Birthday, edited by Alexandra Kleinerman and Jack M. Sasson, 189–93. Bethesda: CDL Press. [Fs Owen p.189-193 (Mayr2010Ayalatum)]
Mayr, Rudolf H. 2011. “The Figure of the Worshiper in the Presentation Scene.” In Garšana Studies, edited by David I. Owen, 227–32. Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS), Volume 6. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press. [CUSAS 6, p.227-232 (Mayr2011worshiper)]
Mayr, Rudolf H. 2012. “Seal Impressions on Administrative Tags from the Reign of Šu-Amurru.” In The Ancient Near East, a Life! Festschrift Karel Van Lerberghe, edited by Tom Boiy, 409–24. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 220. Leuven: Peeters. [Fs Van Lerberghe p.409-424 (Mayr2012Šu-Amurru)]
Mayr, Rudolf H. 2025. The Seal Impressions of the Garšana and the Umma Archives. [CUSAS 7 (MayrCUSAS7)]
Owen, David I., and Rudolf H. Mayr. 2007. The Garšana Archives. Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS), Volume 3. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press. [CUSAS 3 (Owen2007CUSAS3)]
Total 10 record(s)
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Created | Type | Description | Role | Status |
2025-01-10 at 11:01:38 | Atf | Author | approved | |
2025-01-10 at 10:59:23 | Atf | Author | approved | |
2025-01-10 at 10:58:32 | Atf | Author | approved | |
2025-01-10 at 10:57:35 | Atf | Author | approved | |
2024-03-27 at 11:37:40 | Artifact | Author | approved | |
2023-09-18 at 11:03:02 | Atf | Author | approved | |
2023-06-15 at 21:30:37 | Atf | Transferring ATF from duplicate entries. ATF generally from Ozaki with additions from Firth and Mayr. | Author | approved |
2022-09-07 at 08:13:29 | Atf | Author | approved | |
2020-02-10 at 13:49:20 | Atf | Author | approved | |
2019-10-13 at 00:00:00 | Artifact | 20191013 firth | Author | approved |