Amiet, Pierre


This profile was last modified on 2024-06-10 at 18:37:01


Amiet, Pierre. 1955. “CYLINDRES-SCEAUX CONSERVÉS A JÉRUSALEM.” Revue Biblique 62 (3): 407–13. [Amiet, RB 62/3 (1955) (Amiet1955-MP8NXK84)]

Amiet, Pierre. 1972. Glyptique Susienne Des Origines à Lʹépoque Des Perses Achéménides. Cachets, Sceaux-Cylindres et Empreintes Antiques Découverts à Suse de 1943 à 1967. Mémoires de La Délégation En Perse 43. Paris. [MDP 43 (Amiet1972MDP43)]

Dossin, Georges, and Pierre Amiet. 1973. [RA 067, 158 (Amiet1973-231421)]

Amiet, Pierre. 1973. “Glyptique Élamite a Propos de Documents Noveaux.” Arts Asiatiques 26: 3–45. [Amiet, ArtsAs 26 (1973) (Amiet1973-QUSHZQDP)]

Amiet, Pierre. 1973. Bas-Reliefs Imaginaires de l’Ancient Orient d’après Les Cachets et Les Sceaux-Cylindres. [Bas-Reliefs (Amiet1973BasReliefs)]

Amiet, Pierre, and Maurice Lambert. 1973. “Objets Inscrits de La Collection Foroughi.” Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 67: 157–62. [RA 67 (pp. 157-162) (Amiet1973RA67)]

Amiet, Pierre. 1976. [RA 070, 007 10-11 (Amiet1976-231488)]

Amiet, Pierre. 1977. [KAO 433, no. 758 (AO 21119) (Amiet1977-231414)]

Amiet, Pierre, Maurizio Tosi, and Piero Meriggi. 1978. “Phase 10 at Shahr-i Sokhta: Excavations in Square XDV and the Later 4th Millennium B.C. Assamblage of Sīstān.” East and West 28 (1–4): 9–311. [Amiet, East and West 28/1-4 (1978) (Amiet1978-7RI4N26W)]

Amiet, Pierre. 1980. “The Mythological Repertory in Cylinder Seals of the Agade Period (c. 2335-2155 B.C.).” Edited by Edith Porada. Ancient Art in Seals, 35–59. [Ancient Art in Seals (pp. 35-59) (Amiet1980AncientArtSeals)]

Page 1 of 2, showing 10 record(s) out of 13 total

Page 1 of 2, showing 10 record(s) out of 13 total

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CDLI contributors. 2024. “Amiet, Pierre - Authors.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. June 28, 2024.
CDLI contributors. (2024, June 28). Amiet, Pierre - Authors. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2024) Amiet, Pierre - Authors, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: June 28, 2024).
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