van der Spek, Robartus J.
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Spar, Ira, Michael Jursa, Robert K. Englund, Grant Frame, Uri Gabbay, J.-F. de Lapérouse, Erle V. Leichty, et al. 2014. The Ebabbar Temple Archive and Other Texts from the Fourth to the First Millennium B.C. Cuneiform Texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (CTMMA) 4. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, Inc. [CCTM 4 (Spar2014-ZUPV6AUE)]
Spek, Robartus J. van der. 1994. “Review: Weisberg D., The Late Babylonian Texts of the Oriental Institute Collection, Malibu 1991.” Bibliotheca Orientalis 51: 600–604. [BiOr 51 (pp. 600-604) (vanderSpek1994BiOr51)]
Spek, Robartus J. van der. 1995. “Land Ownership in Babylonian Cuneiform Documents.” In Legal Documents of the Hellenistic World, 173–245. [van der Spek Land Ownership (VanderSpek1995LandOwnership)]
Spek, Robartus J. van der, and Irving L. Finkel. 2004. Babylonian Chronicles of the Hellenistic Period. Amsterdam. [BCHP (vanderSpek2004BCHP)]
Spek, Robartus J. van der. 2005. [BKL 1 (vanderSpek2005-86868)]
Total 5 record(s)