Potts, Daniel T.
- Institution: ISAW, New York University
- Email: daniel.potts@nyu.edu
- This name should be presented in "Western name order"
Biography and Research
Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and History
Potts, Daniel T. 1986. “The Booty of Magan.” Oriens Antiquus 25: 270–85. [OrAnt 25, 279ff, pls. XXIII-XXIV (P, C) (Potts1986OrAnt25)]
Potts, Daniel T. 1990. The Arabian Gulf in Antiquity: From Alexander the Great to the Coming of Islam. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [Potts Arabian Gulf (Potts1990-EE4SZGEG)]
Potts, Daniel T. 1997. Mesopotamian Civilization. The Material Foundations. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. [Potts1997MaterialFoundations]
Potts, Daniel T. 1999. The Archaeology of Elam. First edition. Cambridge World Archaeology. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511489617. [Potts 1999 (Potts1999)]
Potts, Daniel T. 1999. The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State. Cambridge World Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Potts Archaeology of Elam (Potts1999-F6B5C3LX)]
Potts, Daniel T. 2008. “The Deacon and the Dove: On Some Early Christian (?) Grave Stelae from al-Maqsha and Shakhura (Bahrain).” Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 9: 109–19. [Potts, AAE 9 (2008) (Potts2008-VHRSTMVD)]
Potts, Daniel T. 2010. “Cylinder Seals and Their Use in the Arabian Peninsula.” Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 21 (1): 20–40. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0471.2009.00319.x. [Potts, AAE 21/1 (2010) (Potts2010-3C8JXUE3)]
Potts, Daniel T. 2010. “Adamšah, Kimaš and the Miners of Lagaš.” In Your Praise Is Sweet : A Memorial Volume for Jeremy Black from Students, Colleagues and Friends. London : British Institute for the Study of Iraq. [Fs Black 245 (Potts2010FsBlack)]
Potts, Daniel T., Karen Radner, Andrea Squitieri, A. Ameen, J. Rohde, P. Yawar, J.-J. Herr, et al. 2018. “Gird-i Rostam 2018: Preliminary Report on the First Season of Excavations by the Joint Kurdish-German-American Team.” Jaarbericht van Het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap “Ex Oriente Lux” 47: 91–127. [Potts, JEOL 47 (2018) (Potts2018-D254KY3K)]
Potts, Daniel T. 2018. “The Carian Villages.” Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin 2018. [CDLB 2018/002 (Potts2018CDLB)]
Total 10 record(s)