Hansen, Donald P.
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Hansen, Donald P., and George F. Dales. 1962. “ The Temple of Inanna Queen of Heaven At Nippur.” Archaeology 15 (2): 75-84 + cover photo. [Archaeology 15/2 (Hansen1962Archaeology15)]
Hansen, Donald P. 1970. “Al-Hiba, 1968-1969: A Preliminary Report.” Artibus Asiae 32 (4): 243–58. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3249506. [Hansen, ArtAs 32/4 (1970) (Hansen1970-DBF2VUZM)]
Hansen, Donald P. 1973. [Artibus Asiae 35/2, 70 fig. 19 (Hansen1973-81686)]
Hansen, Donald P. 1973. “Al-Hiba, 1970-1971: A Preliminary Report.” Artibus Asiae 35 (1–2): 62–78. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3249575. [Hansen, ArtAs 35/1-2 (1973) (Hansen1973-FQJSGXXZ)]
Hansen, Donald P. 1978. “Al-Hiba: A Summary of Four Seasons of Excavation, 1968-1976.” Sumer 34 (1–2): 72–85. [Hansen, Sumer 34/1-2 (1978) (Hansen1978-DP5TTYNJ)]
Hansen, Donald P. 1998. “The Art of the Royal Tombs of Ur: A Brief Interpretation.” Edited by Richard L. Zettler, 42–72. [Treasures from the royal tombs of Ur (pp. 42-72) (Hansen1998UrTreasures)]
Total 6 record(s)