&P005984 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang akk @tablet @obverse @column 1 $ beginning broken 1'. [n] 4(bur3@c) _GAN2_ >>Q003640 001' 2'. E2#? HA? GU4? x >>Q003640 002' 3'. in ur-sa6{ki} >>Q003640 003' 4'. 6(bur3@c) _GAN2_5'. x x x;>>Q003640 004' 5'. x x x >>Q003640 005' 6'. x _GAN2#_ [...] >>Q003640 006' 7'. [...] >>Q003640 007' 8'. [...] >>Q003640 008' 9'. 2(bur3@c) _GAN2_ >>Q003640 009' 10'. _GAN2 sa10_ >>Q003640 010' 11'. asz2-te4 >>Q003640 011' 12'. inim-ma-ni#-zi# >>Q003640 012' $ rest broken @column 2 1. en-na-il >>Q003640 013' 2. _lugal_ kisz >>Q003640 014' 3. _alan#?_-[su?] >>Q003640 015' 4. [...] >>Q003640 016' 5. [...] >>Q003640 017' 6. [...] >>Q003640 018' 7. _igi_ inanna8. _mu-gub_>>Q003640 019' 8. _mu-gub_ >>Q003640 020'
&P005984 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang akk @tablet @obverse @column 1 $ beginning broken 1'. [n] 4(bur3@c) _GAN2_#tr.en: 4+ bur3 of field2'. E2#? HA? GU4? x#tr.en: ...3'. in ur-sa6{ki}#tr.en: in Ursa;4'. 6(bur3@c) _GAN2_#tr.en: 6 bur3 of field5'. x x x;#tr.en: ...;6'. x _GAN2#_ [...]#tr.en: the field ...7'. [...]#tr.en: ...8'. [...]#tr.en: ...9'. 2(bur3@c) _GAN2_#tr.en: 2 bur3 of field10'. _GAN2 sa10_#tr.en: a field bought11'. asz2-te4#tr.en: from12'. inim-ma-ni#-zi##tr.en: Inimanizi;$ rest broken @column 2 1. en-na-il#tr.en: Enna-il,2. _lugal_ kisz#tr.en: the king of Kiš,3. _alan#?_-[su?]#tr.en: his statue (?)4. [...]#tr.en: ...5. [...]#tr.en: ...6. [...]#tr.en: ...7. _igi_ inanna#tr.en: before Ištar8. _mu-gub_#tr.en: he stood it up.8. _mu-gub_
&P005984 = RIME, ex. 01 #atf: lang akk @tablet @obverse @column 1 $ beginning broken 1'. [n] 4(bur3@c) _GAN2_ #tr.en: 4+ bur3 of field 2'. E2#? HA? GU4? x #tr.en: ... 3'. in ur-sa6{ki} #tr.en: in Ursa; 4'. 6(bur3@c) _GAN2_ #tr.en: 6 bur3 of field 5'. x x x; #tr.en: ...; 6'. x _GAN2#_ [...] #tr.en: the field ... 7'. [...] #tr.en: ... 8'. [...] #tr.en: ... 9'. 2(bur3@c) _GAN2_ #tr.en: 2 bur3 of field 10'. _GAN2 sa10_ #tr.en: a field bought 11'. asz2-te4 #tr.en: from 12'. inim-ma-ni#-zi# #tr.en: Inimanizi; $ rest broken @column 2 1. en-na-il #tr.en: Enna-il,2. lugal kisz2. _lugal_ kisz #tr.en: the king of Kiš, 3. _alan#?_-[su?] #tr.en: his statue (?) 4. [...] #tr.en: ... 5. [...] #tr.en: ... 6. [...] #tr.en: ...7. _igi inanna_7. _igi_ inanna #tr.en: before Ištar 8. _mu-gub_ #tr.en: he stood it up.
&P005984 = RIME, ex. 01#version: 0.1#atf: lang akk @tablet @obverse @column 11'. n+4(bur3@c) GAN2#tr.en: 4+ bur of field2'. E2? HA? GUD? x$ beginning broken 1'. [n] 4(bur3@c) _GAN2_ #tr.en: 4+ bur3 of field 2'. E2#? HA? GU4? x #tr.en: ... 3'. in ur-sa6{ki}#tr.en: in Ursa,4'. 6(bur3@c) GAN2#tr.en: 6 bur of field5'. x x x#tr.en: ...6'. GAN2 [...]#tr.en: in Ursa; 4'. 6(bur3@c) _GAN2_ #tr.en: 6 bur3 of field 5'. x x x; #tr.en: ...; 6'. x _GAN2#_ [...] #tr.en: the field ... 7'. [...] #tr.en: ... 8'. [...] #tr.en: ...9'. 2(bur3@c) GAN2#tr.en: 2 bur of field10'. GAN2 SA109'. 2(bur3@c) _GAN2_ #tr.en: 2 bur3 of field 10'. _GAN2 sa10_ #tr.en: a field bought 11'. asz2-te4 #tr.en: from 12'. inim-ma-ni#-zi##tr.en: Inimanizi,$ rest of column missing#tr.en: Inimanizi; $ rest broken @column 2 1. en-na-il #tr.en: Enna-il,2. LUGAL kisz2. lugal kisz #tr.en: the king of Kiš,3. ALAM#?-[szu]#tr.en: his statue(?)3. _alan#?_-[su?] #tr.en: his statue (?) 4. [...] #tr.en: ... 5. [...] #tr.en: ... 6. [...] #tr.en: ...7. IGI INANNA7. _igi inanna_ #tr.en: before Ištar8. MU-GUB8. _mu-gub_ #tr.en: he stood it up.
&P005984 = RIME, ex. 01 #version: 0.1 #atf: lang akk @tablet @obverse @column 1 1'. n+4(bur3@c) GAN2 #tr.en: 4+ bur of field 2'. E2? HA? GUD? x #tr.en: ... 3'. in ur-sa6{ki} #tr.en: in Ursa, 4'. 6(bur3@c) GAN2 #tr.en: 6 bur of field 5'. x x x #tr.en: ... 6'. GAN2 [...] #tr.en: the field ... 7'. [...] #tr.en: ... 8'. [...] #tr.en: ... 9'. 2(bur3@c) GAN2 #tr.en: 2 bur of field 10'. GAN2 SA10 #tr.en: a field bought 11'. asz2-te4 #tr.en: from 12'. inim-ma-ni#-zi# #tr.en: Inimanizi, $ rest of column missing @column 2 1. en-na-il #tr.en: Enna-il, 2. LUGAL kisz #tr.en: the king of Kiš, 3. ALAM#?-[szu] #tr.en: his statue(?) 4. [...] #tr.en: ... 5. [...] #tr.en: ... 6. [...] #tr.en: ... 7. IGI INANNA #tr.en: before Ištar 8. MU-GUB #tr.en: he stood it up.
Total 5 record(s)