&P346227 = CDLI Literary 000383, ex. 001 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. iri me nun-na a gal-la diri-ga a-e ba-da-ri x x [...] #tr.en: The city of the princely me floating in the flood water was set/sailed upstream(?) in the water ... 2. sug dagal-bi giri3 ba-an-ga2-ga2 sza3-ba {gesz}ad2 kur-ra KA x [...] #tr.en: (One could?) set foot in its broad marsh (as if it was dry land?), in its midst the thornbush of the mountain ... 3. ma2 giri17-zal-la ma2-durah-abzu a-e ba-da-ab-tak4#? sumur3-bi pesz10#? bi2-ib2-te#? #tr.en: The boat of joy, the ibex of the Abzu, abandoned(?) the water, its reed cabin(?) was brought near(?) to the riverbank(?) 4. {d}sirsir {d}ab-ba-u2 lu2 ma2-u5 na-nam ma2 sag-ga2 x igi-bi-da ba-e-szu2-bu-usz #tr.en: Sirsir (and) Abba'u, who are indeed the men of the barge, at the prow of the boat they ... both eyes(?) 5. e2-a lu2-erim2-e mu-un-hul-usz me-bi szu suh3-a ba#-ab-du11 #tr.en: Within the temple the enemy destroyed, its me were thrown into confusion $ blank space 6. gi-gun4-na eb e2-a lu2-erim2-e ba-ab-gul gesz-hur {gesz}esi? ba#?-ab#?-kur2#?-[...] #tr.en: The enemy destroyed the giguna structure and the oval of the temple, they (irreparably) changed(?) (its) plans ... 7. e2-u6-nir esz3 an-gin7 sag-bi mu-un-il2 gissu x x ab?-te?-ga2? IM#? [...] #tr.en: The Eunir temple, the shrine that had raised its head like heaven(?), (its) protective aegis(?) ... $ blank space 8. ka2 gu-la ka2 igi pirig-ga2 ki# nam tar-ra lu2-erim2-[...] {gesz}ig-bi-ne ba-ab-[...] #tr.en: The greatest gate, the “face of a lion” gate, where fate is determined, the enemy tore out? the doors 9. {d}ka-he-gal2 {d}igi-he-gal2 i3-du8 e2-a a? [...] #tr.en: Kahegal and Igiḫegal, the doorkeepers of the temple ... $ blank space 10. [e2]-mah#? {d}en-ki-ke4 ki u3#-di du7-a gesztu2 kalam-ma#? [...] #tr.en: (At) the Emah temple of Enki, a place suitable for awe, the wisdom of the land ... 11. [...] ki#-szu-pesz zu-zu ME {d}a-nun-x [...] #tr.en: ... who made the cultic place known(?) ... of the Anuna(?) ... 12. [...]-bi# bi2-ib2-de2-a kalam-ma x [...] #tr.en: The one who shouted(?) ... in the land 13. [...] x-gin7 x-ga x [...] #tr.en: ... 14. [...] x sza3 gur-x x [...] #tr.en: ... exuberant? ... $ rest broken @reverse $ beginning broken 1'. eridu#{ki#}-ga# [...] #tr.en: In(?) Eridu ... 2'. iri gesz-gi izi [...] #tr.en: The marshland (of?) the city fire(?) ... 3'. eridu{ki}-ga gu4 du7#?-[...] #tr.en: In Eridu a goring(?) ox ... 4'. szah2 gesz-gi nu-me-a# [...] #tr.en: (Although?) ... was not a marsh boar ... $ blank space 5'. eridu{ki}-ga gu4-gin7 x [...] #tr.en: In(?) Eridu like a bull ... 6'. nin iri-ke4 e2-gu10 im-me iri#? [...] me#-li#-e-[a ...] #tr.en: The lady of the city says “my city” the city ... alas! ... 7'. ki#-ru#-gu2# 3(disz)-kam#-ma-[am3] #tr.en: It is the 3rd kirigu 8'. a-a {d}en-ki a e2-zu a iri-zu a nam-lu2-lu7-zu kur-ra [...] #tr.en: Father Enki, alas, your temple, alas, your city, alas, your people! In the land ... 9'. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-[im]#tr.en: It is the {geš}gigal “response”#tr.en: It is the gešgigal “response” $ blank space
&P346227 = CDLI Literary 000383, ex. 001 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. iri me nun-na a gal-la diri-ga a-e ba-da-ri x x [...] #tr.en: The city of the princely me floating in the flood water was set/sailed upstream(?) in the water ... 2. sug dagal-bi giri3 ba-an-ga2-ga2 sza3-ba {gesz}ad2 kur-ra KA x [...] #tr.en: (One could?) set foot in its broad marsh (as if it was dry land?), in its midst the thornbush of the mountain ... 3. ma2 giri17-zal-la ma2-durah-abzu a-e ba-da-ab-tak4#? sumur3-bi pesz10#? bi2-ib2-te#? #tr.en: The boat of joy, the ibex of the Abzu, abandoned(?) the water, its reed cabin(?) was brought near(?) to the riverbank(?) 4. {d}sirsir {d}ab-ba-u2 lu2 ma2-u5 na-nam ma2 sag-ga2 x igi-bi-da ba-e-szu2-bu-usz #tr.en: Sirsir (and) Abba'u, who are indeed the men of the barge, at the prow of the boat they ... both eyes(?) 5. e2-a lu2-erim2-e mu-un-hul-usz me-bi szu suh3-a ba#-ab-du11 #tr.en: Within the temple the enemy destroyed, its me were thrown into confusion $ blank space 6. gi-gun4-na eb e2-a lu2-erim2-e ba-ab-gul gesz-hur {gesz}esi? ba#?-ab#?-kur2#?-[...] #tr.en: The enemy destroyed the giguna structure and the oval of the temple, they (irreparably) changed(?) (its) plans ... 7. e2-u6-nir esz3 an-gin7 sag-bi mu-un-il2 gissu x x ab?-te?-ga2? IM#? [...] #tr.en: The Eunir temple, the shrine that had raised its head like heaven(?), (its) protective aegis(?) ... $ blank space 8. ka2 gu-la ka2 igi pirig-ga2 ki# nam tar-ra lu2-erim2-[...] {gesz}ig-bi-ne ba-ab-[...] #tr.en: The greatest gate, the “face of a lion” gate, where fate is determined, the enemy tore out? the doors 9. {d}ka-he-gal2 {d}igi-he-gal2 i3-du8 e2-a a? [...] #tr.en: Kahegal and Igiḫegal, the doorkeepers of the temple ... $ blank space 10. [e2]-mah#? {d}en-ki-ke4 ki u3#-di du7-a gesztu2 kalam-ma#? [...] #tr.en: (At) the Emah temple of Enki, a place suitable for awe, the wisdom of the land ... 11. [...] ki#-szu-pesz zu-zu ME {d}a-nun-x [...] #tr.en: ... who made the cultic place known(?) ... of the Anuna(?) ... 12. [...]-bi# bi2-ib2-de2-a kalam-ma x [...] #tr.en: The one who shouted(?) ... in the land 13. [...] x-gin7 x-ga x [...] #tr.en: ... 14. [...] x sza3 gur-x x [...] #tr.en: ... exuberant? ...#tr.en: (blank space?)$ rest broken @reverse $ beginning broken 1'. eridu#{ki#}-ga# [...] #tr.en: In(?) Eridu ... 2'. iri gesz-gi izi [...] #tr.en: The marshland (of?) the city fire(?) ... 3'. eridu{ki}-ga gu4 du7#?-[...] #tr.en: In Eridu a goring(?) ox ... 4'. szah2 gesz-gi nu-me-a# [...] #tr.en: (Although?) ... was not a marsh boar ... $ blank space 5'. eridu{ki}-ga gu4-gin7 x [...] #tr.en: In(?) Eridu like a bull ... 6'. nin iri-ke4 e2-gu10 im-me iri#? [...] me#-li#-e-[a ...] #tr.en: The lady of the city says “my city” the city ... alas! ... 7'. ki#-ru#-gu2# 3(disz)-kam#-ma-[am3] #tr.en: It is the 3rd kirigu 8'. a-a {d}en-ki a e2-zu a iri-zu a nam-lu2-lu7-zu kur-ra [...] #tr.en: Father Enki, alas, your temple, alas, your city, alas, your people! In the land ... 9'. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-[im]#tr.en: It is the {geš}gigal “response”#tr.en: It is the {geš}gigal “response” $ blank space
&P346227 = CDLI Literary 000383, ex. 001 #atf: lang sux @tablet @obverse 1. iri me nun-na a gal-la diri-ga a-e ba-da-ri x x [...] #tr.en: The city of the princely me floating in the flood water was set/sailed upstream(?) in the water ... 2. sug dagal-bi giri3 ba-an-ga2-ga2 sza3-ba {gesz}ad2 kur-ra KA x [...] #tr.en: (One could?) set foot in its broad marsh (as if it was dry land?), in its midst the thornbush of the mountain ... 3. ma2 giri17-zal-la ma2-durah-abzu a-e ba-da-ab-tak4#? sumur3-bi pesz10#? bi2-ib2-te#? #tr.en: The boat of joy, the ibex of the Abzu, abandoned(?) the water, its reed cabin(?) was brought near(?) to the riverbank(?) 4. {d}sirsir {d}ab-ba-u2 lu2 ma2-u5 na-nam ma2 sag-ga2 x igi-bi-da ba-e-szu2-bu-usz #tr.en: Sirsir (and) Abba'u, who are indeed the men of the barge, at the prow of the boat they ... both eyes(?) 5. e2-a lu2-erim2-e mu-un-hul-usz me-bi szu suh3-a ba#-ab-du11 #tr.en: Within the temple the enemy destroyed, its me were thrown into confusion $ blank space 6. gi-gun4-na eb e2-a lu2-erim2-e ba-ab-gul gesz-hur {gesz}esi? ba#?-ab#?-kur2#?-[...] #tr.en: The enemy destroyed the giguna structure and the oval of the temple, they (irreparably) changed(?) (its) plans ... 7. e2-u6-nir esz3 an-gin7 sag-bi mu-un-il2 gissu x x ab?-te?-ga2? IM#? [...] #tr.en: The Eunir temple, the shrine that had raised its head like heaven(?), (its) protective aegis(?) ... $ blank space 8. ka2 gu-la ka2 igi pirig-ga2 ki# nam tar-ra lu2-erim2-[...] {gesz}ig-bi-ne ba-ab-[...] #tr.en: The greatest gate, the “face of a lion” gate, where fate is determined, the enemy tore out? the doors 9. {d}ka-he-gal2 {d}igi-he-gal2 i3-du8 e2-a a? [...] #tr.en: Kahegal and Igiḫegal, the doorkeepers of the temple ... $ blank space 10. [e2]-mah#? {d}en-ki-ke4 ki u3#-di du7-a gesztu2 kalam-ma#? [...] #tr.en: (At) the Emah temple of Enki, a place suitable for awe, the wisdom of the land ... 11. [...] ki#-szu-pesz zu-zu ME {d}a-nun-x [...] #tr.en: ... who made the cultic place known(?) ... of the Anuna(?) ... 12. [...]-bi# bi2-ib2-de2-a kalam-ma x [...] #tr.en: The one who shouted(?) ... in the land 13. [...] x-gin7 x-ga x [...] #tr.en: ... 14. [...] x sza3 gur-x x [...] #tr.en: ... exuberant? ... #tr.en: (blank space?) @reverse $ beginning broken 1'. eridu#{ki#}-ga# [...] #tr.en: In(?) Eridu ... 2'. iri gesz-gi izi [...] #tr.en: The marshland (of?) the city fire(?) ... 3'. eridu{ki}-ga gu4 du7#?-[...] #tr.en: In Eridu a goring(?) ox ... 4'. szah2 gesz-gi nu-me-a# [...] #tr.en: (Although?) ... was not a marsh boar ... $ blank space 5'. eridu{ki}-ga gu4-gin7 x [...] #tr.en: In(?) Eridu like a bull ... 6'. nin iri-ke4 e2-gu10 im-me iri#? [...] me#-li#-e-[a ...] #tr.en: The lady of the city says “my city” the city ... alas! ... 7'. ki#-ru#-gu2# 3(disz)-kam#-ma-[am3] #tr.en: It is the 3rd kirigu 8'. a-a {d}en-ki a e2-zu a iri-zu a nam-lu2-lu7-zu kur-ra [...] #tr.en: Father Enki, alas, your temple, alas, your city, alas, your people! In the land ... 9'. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-[im] #tr.en: It is the {geš}gigal “response”
Total 3 record(s)