Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2019-05-29 at 21:01:58 with credits to Englund, Robert K.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
CDLI Literary 000335, ex. 048 (P346205) 2326444
u3-tu-da-kam only appears a few times in words list
u2-szim!-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
in-dar-... only appears a few times in words list
tar-tar-re-e-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-in-du3! only appears a few times in words list
abzux(DE2)-a only appears a few times in words list
e3-x only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-na-sug2-sug2-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2-x-x-... only appears a few times in words list
du11-x-x only appears a few times in words list
&P346205 = CDLI Literary 000335, ex. 048
#atf: lang sux
1. u4 re-a nam ba-tar-ra-ba#
1. u4 ri-a nam ba-tar-ra-ba
#tr.en: In those distant days when fate was determined
>>Q000335 001
2. mu he2-gal2 an u3-tu-da
2. mu he2-<gal2> an u3-tu-da-kam#?
#tr.en: It was the year (of) abundance fathered by An
>>Q000335 002
3. ug3-e u2-szim-gin7 ki in#-dar#-ra#-ba
3. ug3-e u2-szim!-gin7 ki in-dar#?-[...]
#tr.en: When the people split (through) the earth like vegetation
>>Q000335 003
4. en abzu lugal {d}en-ki-ke4
4. en abzux(DE2) lugal {d}en-ki-ke4
#tr.en: The lord of the Abzu, king Enki
>>Q000335 004
5. {d}en-ki en nam tar-tar-re-de3-x
5. {d}en-ki-ke4 en nam tar-tar-re-e-[...]
#tr.en: Enki, the lord who is to determine fate
>>Q000335 005
6. e2-a-ni ku3 {na4}za-gin3-na tesz2-bi ba-ni-in-du3
6. e2-a-ni ku3 {na4}za-gin3-na tesz2-bi ba-ni-in-du3!
#tr.en: Built his temple (with) the combination of(?) silver and lapis
>>Q000335 006
7. ku3 {na4}za-gin3-bi u4 kar2-kar2-a-ka
7. ku3 {na4}za-gin3-bi u4 kar2-kar2-ka#
#tr.en: The silver and lapis was something that (lit. of) glowing sunlight
>>Q000335 007
8. esz3-e abzu-a ul im-ma-ni-in-de6
8. esz3-e abzux(DE2)-a ul im-ma-ni-in-du3
#tr.en: He made(?) rosette/star decorations(?) in shrine Abzu
>>Q000335 008
9. suh10 ku3 galam du11-ga abzu#-ta# e3#-a#
9. musz3 ku3 ZAG du11-ga abzux(DE2)-ta e3-x
#tr.en: In the pure cultic space/crown(?) that was ..., coming out from the Abzu
>>Q000335 009
10. en {d}nu#-dim2-mu4-ra# mu-un-na-sug2-sug2#-ge#-esz#
10. en {d}nu#-dim2#-mud-ra mu-un-na-sug2-sug2#-[...]
#tr.en: ... stood for/served lord Nudimmud
>>Q000335 010
11. e2# ku3-ga i-ni-in-du3# {na4}za-gin3-na i-ni#-[in-gun3]
11. e2# ku3-ga i-ni-in-du3 {na4}za-gin3-na i-ni-[...]
#tr.en: He built the temple in silver, he made it sparkle it in lapis
>>Q000335 011
1. [gal-le]-esz# ku3#-sig17#-[ga szu tag ba]-ni-in#-[du11]
1. [...] x x ku3-sig17#?-ga#? [...] ba#-ni-x-x
#tr.en: He adorned it(!?) greatly in gold
>>Q000335 012
2. eridu#[{ki}-ga e2] gu2#-a bi2#-[in]-du3#
2. x x gu2#-a bi2#-x-x-[...]
#tr.en: He built(?) the ... on the riverbank
>>Q000335 013
3. szeg12#-[bi] inim# du11#-[du11 ad] gi4#-gi4#
>>Q000335 014
$ blank space
3. szeg12#-bi# inim# du11#-x-x x x gi4-[...]
#tr.en: Its brick work speaks words and gives advice(!?)
>>Q000335 04
CDLI Literary 000778, ex. 044 (P346680) 2326445
&P346680 = CDLI Literary 000778, ex. 044
#atf: lang sux
1. en#-e nig2-ul-e pa na#-[...]
#tr.en: The lord also made manifest an ancient thing
2. en nam tar-ra-na szu# [...]
#tr.en: The lord, in order to never change his decreed fate
3. {d}en-lil2 numun kalam-ma [...]
#tr.en: The lord, in order to bring out the seed of the land from the earth
4. an ki-ta bad-re6-[...] sag# [...]
#tr.en: He also moved forward to make heaven far apart from earth
5. [...] an-ta bad-re6-[...] sag# [...]
#tr.en: He also moved forward to make heaven far apart from earth
UET 6, 0250 (P254863) 2326446
nu-tag-ga only appears a few times in words list
lu2-lux(URU)-lu2-lux(URU) only appears a few times in words list
bi2-tag-ga only appears a few times in words list
&P254863 = UET 6, 0250
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. iri#{ki}-iri{ki}
2. silim nu-tag-ga
3. lu2-lux(URU)-lu2-lux(URU)
4. silim bi2-tag-ga
#tr.en: Cities do not boast(?), men(?) boast(?)
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 054 (P346522) 2326447
ATF: Parsing failed on line 14 near character 2
...-zu-e only appears a few times in words list
{d}anzu2{muszen}-... only appears a few times in words list
bir9-bir2 only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in words list
{d}ga-sza-an-an-na-men3 only appears a few times in words list
er2-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
na4-szu-... only appears a few times in words list
gu4!-... only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in signs list
&P346522 = CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 054
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-zu#?-e#? [...]
#tr.en: At its base a snake that was immune to incantations made a nest
2'. [...] {d#}anzu2{muszen}-[...]
#tr.en: In its branches the Anzu bird placed (its) chick
3'. [...]-bi# ki-sikil-lil2-la2-ke4 e2# [...]
#tr.en: The demon maiden of the empty wind made a house in its middle
4'. [...] zu2# bir9-bir2 [...]
#tr.en: A laughing, rejoicing young woman
5'. [… {d}ga-sza-an]-an-na-men3 er2-e-ne# [...]
#tr.en: I am Inanna, who is(?) now weeping
6'. [...] inim [...]
#tr.en: His sister, the one who spoke a word to him
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] na4#-szu#-[...]
#tr.en: The little ones were hammer-stones/hand-sized stones(?)
2'. [...] na4# gi# gu4!?-[...]
#tr.en: The large ones were stones that made the reeds shake
3'. [... {d}]am#?-[an-ki-ga-...]
#tr.en: The keel of the little boat of Enki
UET 6, 0149 (P346234) 2326448
mu-un-duh-... only appears a few times in words list
nita-ra only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-la2-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-ke4-ke4-ne only appears a few times in words list
u2-e only appears a few times in words list
na-an-de6 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-gu7-e only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-tum3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-nag!(|KAxDISZ|) only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-an-ze2-en only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-da-dab only appears a few times in words list
gidim-ma! only appears a few times in words list
gib-be2 only appears a few times in words list
{sze}in-nu-HA only appears a few times in words list
bur2-da-am3 only appears a few times in words list
kesz2-da-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
{gi}pisan-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
kesz2-da-ni only appears a few times in words list
a-e3-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
he2-si-il-si-le only appears a few times in words list
{i7}idigna-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
HI-ta only appears a few times in words list
te-ga2-x only appears a few times in words list
bi2-de2 only appears a few times in words list
igi-zu-a only appears a few times in words list
i3-gar-ra only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-lug-ga only appears a few times in words list
buluh-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-si-il-le only appears a few times in words list
u3-me-szub only appears a few times in words list
um-me-te-tan2 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-lu7-bi only appears a few times in words list
u3-me-dadag-ge only appears a few times in words list
u3-me-luh-luh only appears a few times in words list
szagan-la2-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-na-su13-su13 only appears a few times in words list
u3-me-dab only appears a few times in words list
dingir!-ra-na-a-ka only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-mi-szi-in-gi4-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
sa6-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
ka-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-sa2-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
abzux(DE2)-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
nag!(|KAxDISZ|) only appears a few times in signs list
tan2 only appears a few times in signs list
&P346234 = UET 6, 0149
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x ki tag-tag [...]
#tr.en: They are sparrows, witches that lay witchcraft (like eggs)
2'. ki-sikil-ra# szu# mu-un-duh-[...]
#tr.en: For the young woman, they bind(?) the hands of the young woman
3'. nita#-ra [a2] mu-un-la2-e-ne#
#tr.en: For the male, they tie up the arms
4'. lu2-lu7 nig2-ak#? im-mi-in-ke4-ke4-ne
#tr.en: They perform magic (against) the man
5'. u2-e na-an-de6 lu2 ba-an-gu7-e
#tr.en: (One of them) brought(?) ... onto(?) the food(?), and the man eats it
6'. mu7#?-mu7 bi2-in-tum3#? a lu2 ba-an-nag!(|KAxDISZ|)
#tr.en: (One of them) brought murmuring (into a beverage)(!?), and the man drank it
7'. {d}utu an-na-sze3 a im-ma-an-ze2#?-en
#tr.en: I/You(!?) raise water to Utu of heaven
8'. {i7}idigna a ka# gal2 tak4-a-bi
#tr.en: Water of(!?) the Tigris, whose intake is open
9'. a inim bi2-in-da-dab#?
#tr.en: (One of them) passed a word(?) through the water(?)
10'. zi3 sze-musz nig2-gig gidim-ma!?
#tr.en: šemuš flour, set apart for the ghost
11'. zi3 sze gib-be2 nig2-gig dingir-re-e-ne
#tr.en: Wheat flour, set apart for the gods
12'. {sze}in-nu-HA usz7# bur2-da-am3
#tr.en: innuha barley, which will dispell witchcraft (take them and mix them together)
13'. lu2-lu7 pa4-hal-la kesz2-da-a-ni he2-duh
#tr.en: (For?) the afflicted man, may his/her bonds be loosened
14'. sza3 {gi}pisan-gin7 kesz2-da-ni he2-duh
#tr.en: May her bonds, like the contents of a bisag basket, be loosened
15'. a-e3-gin7 u4 he2-si-il-si-le
#tr.en: As if (subjected to) gushing water, may the food(?) be torn apart
16'. [{i7}]idigna-gin7 gu3 nun-bi he2-em-de2#?
#tr.en: Like the Tigris river, may she bellow loudly
17'. [...]-gin7# x TUG2? HI-ta he2-em-e3#
#tr.en: Like ..., may it go out from ...
18'. [...] gal2#? szu x x# la2 x
#tr.en: ...
19'. [...] zu2?-kesz2#-bi x [...]
#tr.en: the bindings ...
20'. [...] x [...]
$ beginning broken
1'. x-la#? x-bi#? NIG2 x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. nam-erim2# x x x x x ku5#-da#
#tr.en: Swearing(?) ...
3'. KU# a2 zi-da x lu2-ra bur2#-e
#tr.en: ... of the right side ... unleashed upon the man
4'. KU#-a#? a zi-ga-gin7 lu2-ra szu tag#?-ga#!?
#tr.en: ... like a flood touching/affecting the man
5'. nig2-ak nig2 igi du3-a-bi x x te#-ga2-x
#tr.en: Magic, everything involving the face(!?), which approached(?) ...
6'. ME LU kalam-a dul4 a a-gar3# kur2#?-ra bi2-de2
#tr.en: (Like) a ... covering(?) the land(?), (may it?) pour water onto another meadow
7'. nig2-ak er2 igi-zu#-a i3-gar-ra
#tr.en: The magic that has put tears in your eyes
8'. udu-gin7 ha-ba-lug-ga buluh-gin7 ha-ba-si-il-le
#tr.en: May it pasture like a sheep, may it belch (while ruminating?)
9'. lu2-lu7-ba a nam-iszib-e u3-me-szub
#tr.en: After you cast the water of the art of the incantation priest on that man
10'. i3 nam-iszib-e um-me-te-tan2
#tr.en: After you cleanse him with the oil of the incantation priest(?)
11'. lu2-lu7-bi u3-me-sikil u3-me-dadag-ge
#tr.en: After you purify and cleanse that man
12'. {na4}bur i3-nun-gin7 u3-me-luh-luh
#tr.en: After you clean him like a bowl (used for) ghee
13'. {na4}bur szagan-la2-gin7 szu mu-un-na-su13-su13
#tr.en: (After you) scrub him like a flask(!?)
14'. {d}utu sag-kal dingir-re-e-ne szu-ni u3-me-dab
#tr.en: After you pass his hand(!?) (towards?) Utu, the foremost of the gods
15'. zabar-gin7 szu dingir!-ra-na-a-ka he2-em-mi-szi-in-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: Like a bronze (cup?) may he return him to the hand of his god
16'. dingir lu2-ba-ke4 sa6-ke4 me-tesz2-sze3 he2-e3
#tr.en: May the good god of that man, the good one(?) be praised
17'. inim sa6 ka-ke4 pa e3 he2-ak-ke4
#tr.en: May he make a good word manifest in (his) mouth/may (his) mouth make a good word(?) manifest(?)
18'. x x x x-ke4 si he2-em-sa2-sa2
#tr.en: May ... set ... in order
19'. [...] x abzux(DE2)-ke4
#tr.en: Asalluhi, child of the Abzu(?)
20'. [...] x
CDLI Literary 000778, ex. 045 (P346681) 2326449
dagx(KA2) only appears a few times in words list
du11-ga-ta-a only appears a few times in words list
al-ti-ri2-ki{muszen} only appears a few times in words list
...-lu-am3 only appears a few times in words list
...-lu-hab2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
&P346681 = CDLI Literary 000778, ex. 045
#atf: lang sux
$ broken
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. {gesz}al#-e u3#? ix(|A.SUG|)-da#? [...]
#tr.en: The hoe is the kingal official on/in the u land(?) of the river
2'. dagx(KA2) ki agrun-na-ka {gesz}[...]
#tr.en: At the chamber/door(?) of the site(?) of the agrun chamber, the hoe is the vizier
3'. hul-gal2 u4-nu2-a dumu {gesz#}[...]
#tr.en: Evildoers are children of the hoe during the waning moon(?)
4'. u4 sa2# du11-ga-ta-a an-sze3#? [...]
#tr.en: By means of/in(?) the regular day(?) they are born towards(!?) heaven(?)
5'. an-sze3# al-ti#-ri2#-ki#?{muszen#} muszen# dingir#-[...]
#tr.en: Towards heaven the altirigu bird is the bird of a god
6'. [...] gesz#-gi-a ur#-[...] uszumgal-am3#
#tr.en: Towards the earth it is the hoe, in the reedbed it is a dog, in the thicket it is an ušumgal creature
7'. [...]-lu#?-am3
#tr.en: At the site of battle it is a durallu ax
8'. [...]-lu-hab2-am3
#tr.en: At the site of the fortification, it is an alluhab net(?)
CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 055 (P346523) 2326450
{d}ga-sza-an-ki-gal-la only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-rig7 only appears a few times in words list
zi-zi-x only appears a few times in words list
{gesz!}ellag-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
ab-u5-x only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-kusz-x only appears a few times in words list
&P346523 = CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 055
#atf: lang sux
@column 1'
1. [...] {d}ga-sza-an-ki-gal-la kur-ra sag# [...] im-ma-rig7#
#tr.en: When ... gifted that of the netherworld on behalf of Ereškigal/When that of the netherworld was gifted on behalf of Ereškigal
2. [ba]-u5-a-ba ba-[u5-a-ba]
#tr.en: When he rode, when he rode
3. [...] ba#?-u5#?-[a-ba]
#tr.en: When the father rode towards the netherworld
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-ga#?-ta zi-zi-x [...]
#tr.en: Rising at dawn(?)
2'. [...] {gesz!?}ellag-a-ni ab-u5-x
#tr.en: ... riding his ball(?)
3'. [a] gu2-gu10 a ib2-ga2 er2 im-ga2-ga2-ne#?
#tr.en: They were lamenting (with the phrase) “Oh, my neck, oh, my hips”
4'. [...]-du3-a nu-mu-un-kusz-x
#tr.en: Away from/by means of(?) the accusation of the widows
CDLI Literary 000621, ex. 003 (P346327) 2326451
la-ba-tur-re-en only appears a few times in words list
i3-ib2-e only appears a few times in words list
&P346327 = CDLI Literary 000621, ex. 003
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. lu2-lu7 dingir-da nu-me-a
#tr.en: If a man is without a personal god
2. nu# la-ba-gu-le-en nu# la-ba-tur-re-en
#tr.en: You will neither be increased nor diminished
3. i7-da e11-de3-bi ku6 nu-dab-be2
#tr.en: (During) the “descent” into the river a fish will not pass by
4. a-sza3-ga e11-de3-bi masz-da3 nu-dab-be2
#tr.en: (During) the “descent” into the field a gazelle will not pass by
5. di? gal-gal-e sa2 nu-ub-be2
#tr.en: Great judgements(?) will not occur regularly
6. kasz4 i3-ib2-e sa2 nu-ub-be2
#tr.en: (Even if) he runs (i.e., hurries?), it will not occur readily
7. tukumbi dingir-ra an-na-kam
#tr.en: If (his) god (says) “Yes!”
8. nig2 mu sze21-a an-na gar-gar
#tr.en: Anything that is named is given approval(?)
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000636, ex. 004 &amp; 000638, ex. 006 (P346206) 2326452
szesz-...-en only appears a few times in words list
szesz!(MU) only appears a few times in words list
|SAL.MU.DI| only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-x-x-x-... only appears a few times in words list
...-me-er-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ku7-ku7-de3 only appears a few times in words list
hi{sar} only appears a few times in words list
hi{sar}-am3 only appears a few times in words list
szesz!(MU) only appears a few times in signs list
|SAL.MU.DI| only appears a few times in signs list
&P346206 = CDLI Literary 000636, ex. 004 & 000638, ex. 006
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. szesz#-[...]-en szesz#-[...]
#tr.en: May you be our brother, may you be our brother
2'. SZESZ ka2 e2-gal-la x [...]
#tr.en: May you be our brother/standard(?) of/at the gate of the palace
3'. u3-mu-un si ma2-gur8-me he2#-[...]
#tr.en: May you be our lord of the prow of the barge
4'. nu-banda3 {gesz}gigir2-ra-me he2-me-en#
#tr.en: May you be our captain of the chariot
5'. szusz3 {gesz}gigir2 sar-ra-me he2-me-en
#tr.en: May you be our groom who runs (alongside?) the chariot
6'. ad-da iri# di ku5-ru-me he2-me-en
#tr.en: May you be our city elder who decides cases
7'. mussa IM2 mussa IM2
#tr.en: Son-in-law, ..., son-in-law, ...
8'. szesz!(MU) |SAL.MU.DI| ad-da-me he2-me-en
#tr.en: Brother(!?), may you be the son-in-law(!?) of(?) our father
9'. mussa# gu2 zi-ga-me he2-me-en
#tr.en: May you be our son-in-law whose neck is raised
10'. [...] nig2#-ze2-ba hu-mu#-x-x-x-[...]
#tr.en: May my mother say good things with you(? i.e. converse)
11'. [...]-na#?-zu nam-ti# [...]
#tr.en: Your having come is indeed life
12'. [...] x [...]
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-da#
#tr.en: ...
2'. x [...]-me-er-gu10 ga2-e mu#-[un-ku7]-ku7#-da
#tr.en: ..., my god(?)! He is the one that sweetens me(?)
3'. szu-ni# lal3-e [giri3]-ni# lal3-e ga2-e mu-un-ku7-ku7-da
#tr.en: His hands (are) honey, his feet (are) honey that sweetens me(?)
4'. a2-szu-giri3-ni# lal3-e ku7-ku7-de3 ga2-e mu-un-ku7-ku7-da
#tr.en: His limbs (are) sweet honey that sweetens me(?)
5'. hi{sar} sa6-sa6 x [...] hi{sar}-am3 x [...]
#tr.en: The beautiful hiz plant ..., it is the hiz plant that he has watered
6'. x x x [...]
CDLI Literary 000778, ex. 046 (P346682) 2326453
mu-un-zi2-e only appears a few times in words list
{d}en-lil2-lax(ME) only appears a few times in words list
&P346682 = CDLI Literary 000778, ex. 046
#atf: lang sux
$ broken
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...]
@column 2'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] pa#-ba# mu#-un#-zi2#?-e
#tr.en: It tears it out at its roots, it breaks(?) at its branches
2'. [...] hu#?-ri2-in [...]-sze3#? al-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: The hoe was setting the hirim grass at the hand
3'. [...]-ra# a-a {d}en-lil2-lax(ME)#
#tr.en: The hoe, the wood(en implement) decreed a destiny by father Enlil(?)
4'. [...]-mi2# du11-ga#
#tr.en: Hoe, praise!
5'. [{d}]nisaba# za3-mi2#
#tr.en: Nisaba, praise!
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000769, ex. 003 (P346235) 2326454
ga-ab-sar-... only appears a few times in words list
u-ta only appears a few times in words list
didli-me only appears a few times in words list
nu-sar-en-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
ba-zu-zu-ma only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-da-urin-en-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
an-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4-en-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
ga-ab-sar only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-ag2-en only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-da-an-ag2 only appears a few times in words list
a-na-ta-am3 only appears a few times in words list
nam-szesz-gal-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
nam-dub-sar-ra-ta only appears a few times in words list
mu-diri-ge-ma only appears a few times in words list
mu-ub-du7-du7 only appears a few times in words list
e2-dub-ba-a-asz only appears a few times in words list
u2-pilx(PIRIG) only appears a few times in words list
zu-hu-ul only appears a few times in words list
gi-dub-ba-a only appears a few times in words list
ga2-e-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-be2-en only appears a few times in words list
bala-a-ab only appears a few times in words list
nu-e-gaz only appears a few times in words list
i3-gub-gub-ba only appears a few times in words list
bi2-szid-da-ka only appears a few times in words list
dim2-ma!(LA) only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-da-an-ku4 only appears a few times in words list
ba!-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-da-ba-e-en only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-da-ha-za only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-e-da-du3-e only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-da-an-ku4 only appears a few times in words list
li-bi2-gi4-gi4-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-dab5-be2-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
dub-sar-e-ne-... only appears a few times in words list
nig2-na-me-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ab-du7-un only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-ba-e-en only appears a few times in words list
si-ge-x only appears a few times in words list
ab-hun-ge26 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-du10-ge only appears a few times in words list
a-ra-gar only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-da-e3 only appears a few times in words list
eme-gir15-... only appears a few times in words list
u3-ba-te only appears a few times in words list
puzur5-puzur5 only appears a few times in words list
ur3-ru-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
dub2-... only appears a few times in words list
...-sar-ra-zu only appears a few times in words list
...-lu7-zu! only appears a few times in words list
nam-lu2-lu7-gu10-da only appears a few times in words list
...-an-gur only appears a few times in words list
x-zu-a only appears a few times in words list
im-ri-a-me-en only appears a few times in words list
x-tum3-de3-en-na-gu10-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ma-an-ni-ib-ku4-ku4-un only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}as4-lum-ma only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}dib-dab only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}ki-la2-bi only appears a few times in words list
nu-kar2-kar2-da only appears a few times in words list
ga-pa3-da only appears a few times in words list
gi-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
gi-pa3-da only appears a few times in words list
du10-us2-asz only appears a few times in words list
um-mi-a-ke4-ne only appears a few times in words list
ru-a-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
eme-gir15-ra-am3 only appears a few times in words list
dub-sar-ra-me-en only appears a few times in words list
na-ga2-ah-me-en only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-da-dim2-en only appears a few times in words list
{im}li-gi4-in only appears a few times in words list
nu-e-da-ra-ra-an only appears a few times in words list
nu-e-da-sar-re only appears a few times in words list
he2-da-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
ga2-e-gin7-nam only appears a few times in words list
eme-gir15-ra-me-en only appears a few times in words list
szu2-a-ab-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ma-ra-szid-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
pilx(PIRIG) only appears a few times in signs list
ma!(LA) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346235 = UET 6, 0150
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface unclear)
1. dumu e2-dub-ba-a u4-da egir dub-me-ka a-na-am3 ga-ab-sar#-[...]
#tr.en: Son of the scribal school, if (we reach) the end of our tablet (assignment), what should we write?
2. u4-da u-ta KA-inim-ma didli-me nu-sar-en-de3-en
#tr.en: If we do not write our various texts/text sections ten times
3. na-an-ga-ma um-mi-a ba-zu-zu-ma mu-e-da-urin-en-de3-en
#tr.en: It will indeed also be (that when) the master finds out, we will be on guard with you(?)
4. a-na an-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4-en-de3-en
#tr.en: What should we reply to him with there?
5. gen ga2-e nig2 sza3-ga2 ga-ab-sar a2 mu-da-ag2-en
#tr.en: Come! I shall write what I please, I will give you orders
6. tukumbi a2 ba-e-da-an-ag2 szesz-gal-zu nu-me-en
#tr.en: If he(!) has ordered me, (he has to admit?) I am not your “big brother”
7. a-na-ta-am3 nam-szesz-gal-ga2 i-ni-in-ku4-re
#tr.en: What if(?) I enter into my status as “big brother”
8. nam-dub-sar-ra-ta mu-diri-ge-ma nam-szesz-gal# mu-ub-du7-du7
#tr.en: After (I) surpass over the scribal art and an appropriate for status as “big brother”
9. dab gesztu2 dugud a-ga-asz gi4 e2-dub-ba-a-asz
#tr.en: (I will say to you) ..., (possessor of) cumbersome intelligence, backwards facing towards (i.e., inferior one of) the scribal school
10. u2 hub2 nam-dub-sar-ra u2-pilx(PIRIG)? eme-gir15-ra
#tr.en: Deaf one of the scribal art, deaf one(?) of the Sumerian language
11. szu zu-hu-ul szu gi-dub-ba-a szu nu-du7
#tr.en: (Possessor of a) ... hand, a hand that is not suitable for the stylus
#tr.en: Attinger NABU 2018 no. 43, who translates “main déficient.”
12. im-ma nu-tum2-ma szu ka-ta nu#-[...]
#tr.en: One who is not suitable for clay/tablet, with a hand that does not align with the mouth (i.e., dictated content or rate of speech?)
13. ga2-e-gin7 nam dub-sar-me-en
#tr.en: You are (really) a scribe like me?
$ double ruling
14. [...] za-e-gin7# dub-sar nu-me-en
#tr.en: Why are you not a scribe like me?
15. [...] x x [...]-gin7#? nu-ub-be2-en
#tr.en: And why(?) do you not say thus:
16. [...] bala#-a-ab# [...] bala#-e-de3 ba-ab-du7-un
#tr.en: Converse, I am suitable for conversation
17. [...] zu2 nu-e-gaz i3#-gub#-gub#-ba ba-an-ku4-re
#tr.en: I did not gnaw at sourdough, I(?) enter as the one standing(?)
18. [...] 5(disz) i3-duh KA-inim-ma 5(disz)-am3 bi2#?-szid#?-da#?-ka dub-sar-me-en bi2-du11-du11
#tr.en: Looking two, 5 times (at a text) and being one of reciting(?) 5 texts/text sections, you say “I am a scribe”
19. dub i3-sar dim2-ma!(LA) nu-mu-da-an-ku4
#tr.en: You write a tablet and then you(!) cannot bring (its contents) into the intellect
20. u3-na-a-du11 i3-sar ki-szer11 a-ra-ab-tuku
#tr.en: You write a letter, and that is the extent of it for you (i.e., no comprehension)
21. e2 ba!-e-de3 gen-na e2 nu-mu-da-ba-e-en
#tr.en: Go to divide up an estate! You cannot divide it
22. a-sza3 si-ge-de3 gen-na esz2-GAN2 gi-disz-ninda nu-mu-da-ha-za
#tr.en: Go to “fill"(? i.e., map out?) a field! You cannot hold the measuring line and rod
23. {gesz}gag-a ki nu-mu-e-da-du3-e dim2-ma mu-e-da-an#?-ku4#
#tr.en: You cannot drive a stake into the ground, you cannot bring it into (your) intellect (i.e., comprehend it?)
24. lu2 du14 mu2-a-bi zi# li-bi2-gi4-gi4-[...]
#tr.en: You do not calm down arguing people
25. szesz szesz-da tesz2-bi bi2-ib2-dab5-be2-[...]
#tr.en: You will make brother seize brother
26. lu2-tu15 nu-ub-tum2 dub-sar-e-ne-[...]
#tr.en: Unsuitable idiot among scribes
27. a-na-sze3 ba-ab-du7-un me-sze3 lu2 he2-en-x-[...]
#tr.en: What are you suitable for? Where should someone bring (employ?) you(?)?
$ double ruling
28. a-na-asz nig2-na-me-sze3 la-ba#?-ab-du7-un#?
#tr.en: Why am I not suitable for anything?
29. e2 ba-e-de3 ga-gen e2 mu-da-ba-e-en#?
#tr.en: If I go to divide up an estate, I can divide it
30. a-sza3 si-ge-de3 ga-gen ki si-ge-x [...]
#tr.en: If I go to “fill"(?! i.e., map out?) a field, “filling out” the space ...
31. lu2 du14 mu2-a-bi sza3-bi ab-hun-ge26 zi x-[...]
#tr.en: I(!) pacify the hearts of the arguing people, I can calm them down
32. szesz# szesz-da tesz2-bi bi2-ib2-du10-ge sza3 mu#-[...]
#tr.en: I(!) sweeten brother together with brother, I can cool their hearts
1. za-e gu2-zal dub#-[...]
#tr.en: You are a scoundrel among scribes, a ground dweller among people
2. a-ra2 he2-bi2-szid#? [...]
#tr.en: If you count up//recite a multiplication table, the calculation(?) is labored
3. igi diri he2-bi2-[...]
#tr.en: If you solve the inverted numbers, you cannot return them to one side (invert them again?)
4. sahar-gar-ra x [...]
#tr.en: Volume calculations, “length to front eating each other” (calculation of the volume of a triangle?)
5. ib2-si8 sag-du3 ka#-[sir3 ...]
#tr.en: Squares, triangles, circles, semi-circles
6. us2 us2 i3-gu7 GAN2 pana [...]
#tr.en: Trapezoids, “field of a bow,” “field of a boat”
7. lu2 a-ra-gar szu ba-e-da-e3#? [...]
#tr.en: (If) someone posits them to you, you cannot(!?) produce them, you are blocked in your mouth
8. KA-inim-ma sza3 dub-ba eme-gir15#-[...]
#tr.en: You do not know the solutions of texts/text sections and the contents of Sumerian tablets
9. na-ru2-a-sze3 u3-ba-te u4 zalag [...]
#tr.en: After approach a stela, shining light darkens for you
10. puzur5-puzur5 bar-ra szu ur3-ru-sze3 x [...]
#tr.en: In order to erase extraneous secrets(?), spit(?) is not ... for you, you are blocked in your mouth
11. eme x eme hul-gal2 in dub2#-[...]
#tr.en: (Possessor of) a ... tongue, (possessor) of an evil tongue, abuser, arguer
12. u3# za#-e sza3 dumu e2-dub-ba-a-[...]
#tr.en: And you are among the students of the scribal school?
$ double ruling
13. [...] sza3# dumu e2#-dub-ba-a-ke4-ne nu-me-en
#tr.en: Why am I not among the students of the scribal school?
14. [...]-sar#-ra#-zu dub nam-dub-sar-gu10 za3 ba-ab-tag#
#tr.en: My tablet of the scribal art supplants your tablet of the scribal art
15. [...]-lu7#-zu! nam-lu2-lu7-gu10-da ba-ab-gar
#tr.en: ..., your humanity has been set with my humanity
16. [...]-an-gur ga-ra-ab-du11
#tr.en: I want to roll up/wipe clean ..., I want to speak to you
17. [... nam]-dub#-sar-ra-ka# diri-gu10-usz# x-zu#-a nu#?-me-en#
#tr.en: Among the work of the scribal art, you are not above me in your ...
18. [...] lu2#-ka# [...] lu2# [nu]-me#-en
#tr.en: Among the work of the “son of a man” as a “son of a man” you are not above me
19. [...]-me-en
#tr.en: I want to say, I want to repeat “you are not the son of an established man”
20. [... im]-ri#-a#-me-en
#tr.en: I want to say “peace,” I am the son of a (famous?) family/clan
21. [...] ka#-ta sa2-a-me#-en
#tr.en: The clay/tablet is(?) good ..., my hand compares with the mouth (in dictation speed, content?)
22. [...] x-tum3-de3-en-na-gu10-gin7 ma-an-ni-ib-ku4-ku4-un
#tr.en: When(?) I bring my hand somewhere(?), I bring ... there for myself(?)
23. x-x {gesz#}as4-lum-ma {gesz}dib-dab {gesz}ki-la2-bi
#tr.en: The design(?), the measuring rod, the waterclock and its(?) weight
24. im-la2 gesz szu du7 nu-kar2-kar2-da szu-si ga-pa3-da
#tr.en: Hanging from it(?), fully equipped tools(?) that are not to be checked(?), I shall find with my finger(?)
25. gi-ku5 gi-pa3-da du10-us2-asz
#tr.en: ... on behalf of a friend/companion(?)
26. ku3 dam-gar3-ra siki sa10 na4 4(disz) gin2? a2-ne-ne-sze3 tum3-da#?
#tr.en: In order to bring on behalf of their labor/wage(?) the merchant's silver (for) buying wool, a total of four gin stone weights' worth(?)
27. a2-du3-a geme2 usz-bar zi-zi ga2-ga2-de3
#tr.en: To initiate and conclude/to raise and set (the warp and weft?) the daily labor of the servile female weaver
28. kin2 til-la simug dumu um-mi-a-ke4-ne sza3-bi in-ga-an-zu
#tr.en: The completed task of the metalworker, the member of the experts, I(?) also have known its particulars
29. a ru-a-gu10 eme-gir15-ra-am3 dumu dub-sar-ra-me-en
#tr.en: My engenderer is Sumerian, I am the son of a scribe
30. za-e tur pe-el-la2 na-ga2-ah-me-en
#tr.en: You are a “defiled child,” stupid
31. dub nu-mu-da-dim2-en {im}li-gi4-in szu nu-e-da-ra-ra-an
#tr.en: You cannot form a tablet, you cannot pat out a ligin extract tablet
32. mu ni2-za nu-e-da-sar-re im szu-za nu-du7
#tr.en: You cannot write your own name, the tablet is not suited to your hand
33. al ke3-de3 gub-ba al-szub he2-da-gal2
#tr.en: Get up to do hoeing work, so that the šub hoe is with you
34. lil hu-ru gesztu2 szu2-a-ab szu2-a-ab ga2-e-gin7-nam eme-gir15-ra-me-en
#tr.en: Childish fool, cover your ears(?), cover your ears! Are you Sumeran like me?
$ double ruling
36. a-na-asz gesztu2 szu2-a-ab szu2-a-ab-gu10 ma-ra-szid-de3-en
#tr.en: Why do you recite(?) “cover your ears(?), cover your ears"? for me(?)
CDLI Literary 000621, ex. 004 (P346328) 2326455
la-ba-tur-en only appears a few times in words list
dab!-be2 only appears a few times in words list
di-ir!-ga only appears a few times in words list
&P346328 = CDLI Literary 000621, ex. 004
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface unclear)
$ blank space
1. lu2-lux(URU) dingir-da nu-me-a
#tr.en: If a man is without a personal god
2. u2 la-ba-gu-le-en
3. u2 la-ba-tur-en
#tr.en: You will neither be increased nor diminished
4. i7-da a dab!-be2 ku6 nu-um#?-dab
#tr.en: (While) passing through the water(?) in the river, a fish has not passed by(?)
5. a-sza3-ga-ni dab-be2 masz-da3# nu-um#?-dab
#tr.en: (While) passing through his field, a gazelle has not passed by(?)
6. di-ir!-ga sa2 nu-ub-du#
#tr.en: The ritual arrangement(?) has not occurred regularly(?)
7. di gal-gal-la sa2 nu-ub-du#
#tr.en: Great judgments(?) have not occurred regularly
8. tukumbi nig2 dingir-ra-ni a#?-na#?-[...]
#tr.en: If “that of his god” is approval(?)
9. nig2# mu# [...] a#?-na#? x [...]
#tr.en: Anything that is named is given approval(?)
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 056 (P346524) 2326456
ATF: Parsing failed on line 47 near character 24
ku3-ga-... only appears a few times in words list
ir-sim-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
gidimx(UDUG) only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-de3-x-... only appears a few times in words list
gig-ga-... only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in words list
gidimx(UDUG) only appears a few times in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
&P346524 = CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 056
#atf: lang sux
1. ama {d}nin#-[a-zu ...]
#tr.en: For the mother (of) Ninazu (Ereškigal), the recumbent one
2. dub3 ku3-ga-[...]
#tr.en: Her holy knees are not covered with a garment
3. gaba ku3-ga# [...]
#tr.en: Her holy chest is not spread over with linen
4. en-ki-du10 inim# [...]
#tr.en: Enkidu did not accept the words of his master
5. [...] x-x-ni [...]
#tr.en: He wore his cleanest garment
6. [...] {gesz}kim ba-ni-in#-[...]
#tr.en: (And therefore) they marked him as a stranger
7. i3# du10-ga bur-ra im-[...]
#tr.en: He anointed himself with sweet oil from a stone vessel
8. ir-sim-bi-sze3 ba-e-[...]
#tr.en: They flocked around him because of its scent
9. {gesz}illar kur-ra im-ma#-[...]
#tr.en: He struck the netherworld with a bow/throwstick
10. lu2 {gesz}illar ra-a ba-e-[...]
#tr.en: Those who had been struck by a bow/throwstick flocked around him
11. {gesz}ma-a-nu szu-na [...]
#tr.en: He put a willow stick in his hand
12. gidimx(UDUG) ba-e-de3-x-[...]
#tr.en: Ghosts gathered up around him(!)
13. {kusz}e-sir2 giri3-na [...]
#tr.en: His put sandals on his feet
14. kur-ra ka-ga14 im#-[...]
#tr.en: He spoke aloud(?) in the netherworld
15. dam ki ag2-ga2-ni ne# [...]
#tr.en: He kissed his beloved spouse
16. dam# hul# gig#?-ga#?-[...]
#tr.en: He pelted the spouse he detested
$ beginning broken
1'. lu2# [...]
#tr.en: Did you see the man who had one child? How has he fared?
2'. {gesz}gag e2#-[...]
#tr.en: A nail is fixed in his wall, he makes a bitter cry
3'. lu2# dumu#-ni# [...]
#tr.en: Did you see the man who had two children? How has he fared?
4'. szeg12#? min-am3 [...]
#tr.en: Upon(?) two bricks he is sitting, he is eating food
5'. lu2 dumu-ni esz5-am3# [… bi2-duh]-a# a-na-gin7 an#-[ak]
#tr.en: Did you see the man who had three children? How has he fared?
6'. {kusz#?}ummu3# [...]-ka# a nag-[...]
#tr.en: He is to drink(?) water from the waterskin of the saddle peg
7'. lu2# dumu#-ni# 4(disz)# [...] bi2#-duh#-a a-na-gin7 an-[ak]
#tr.en: Did you see the man who had 4 children? How has he fared?
8'. lu2# ansze# 4(disz)# [...]-gin7# sza3-ga-ni al#-[...]
#tr.en: Like a man who yokes 4 donkeys, his heart is pleased/rejoicing
9'. lu2# dumu-ni [...] bi2#-duh-a a-na-gin7 an-ak#
#tr.en: Did you see the man who had five children? How has he fared?
10'. [dub]-sar#!? sa6#-ga#? [...]-ni# gal2 bi2-in#-tak4 e2-gal-la [...]
#tr.en: Like a good scribe, he has “opened his arms/power,” he enters the palace straightaway
11'. [...] asz3# [... bi2]-duh-a a-na-gin7 an-ak
#tr.en: Did you see the man who had six children? How has he fared?
12'. lu2#?-[...] sza3-ga-ni al#-[...]
#tr.en: Like one who yokes a plow, his heart is pleased/rejoicing
13'. [...] a#-na#-gin7# [an]-ak#
#tr.en: Did you see the man who had seven children? How has he fared?
CDLI Literary 000638, ex. 002 (P346207) 2326457
{gesz}gigir2-... only appears a few times in words list
sar-sar-... only appears a few times in words list
ku5-ru-... only appears a few times in words list
NE-DU only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-u8-da-... only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-gen-na-zu only appears a few times in words list
da-nu2-da only appears a few times in words list
ki-nu2-x only appears a few times in words list
ze2-ba-an-ze2-eg3-i-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
&P346207 = CDLI Literary 000638, ex. 002
#atf: lang sux
1. x# lam-lam-ma [...]
#tr.en: Flourishing ..., ... his birth mother
2. SZA3 i-bi2 sa6-sa6# [...] ad mu-un#-[...]
#tr.en: Brother(!?) with a beautiful face, he has advised his father
3. szesz-me he2-me-en# [...]
#tr.en: May you be our brother, may you be our brother
4. uri3 ka2! e2-gal#-[...]
#tr.en: May you be our ... of/at the gate of the palace
5. u3-mu-un si# [...]
#tr.en: May you be our lord of the prow of the barge
6. nu-banda3 {gesz}gigir2-[...]
#tr.en: May you be our captain of the chariot
7. szusz3 {gesz}gigir2 sar-sar#?-[...]
#tr.en: May you be our groom who runs (alongside?) the chariot
8. ad-da iri di ku5#-ru#?-[...]
#tr.en: May you be our city elder who decides cases
9. mussa NE-DU mussa# [...]
#tr.en: Son-in-law ..., son-in-law ...
10. szesz mussa ad#-da#-[...]
#tr.en: Brother, may you be the son-in-law(!?) of(?) our father
11. mussa gu2 zi-ga-me he2#-[...]
#tr.en: May you be our son-in-law whose neck is raised
1. ama-gu10 nig2-ze2-ba hu-mu-u8-da-[...]
#tr.en: May my mother say good things with you(? i.e. converse)
2. im-ma-gen-na-zu na-ag2-ti na-nam#
#tr.en: Your having come is indeed life
3. e2 ku4-ra-zu he2-gal2-la-am3#
#tr.en: When you enter the house, it is abundance
4. da-nu2-da hul2-la diri#-[...]
#tr.en: "I want to lie down” is my surpassing rejoicing
5. ze2-ba-gu10 ki-nu2-x ze2-ba-an-ze2-eg3-i-de3-en#?
#tr.en: My sweet, let (us?) delight ourselves(!?) in the bedroom
$ blank space
UET 6, 0253 (P346329) 2326458
la-ba-szi-gal2-e only appears a few times in words list
&P346329 = UET 6, 0253
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. lu2#-lu7 dingir-da nu-[...]
2. a2#-tuku i-bi2-za#
3. la-ba-szi-gal2-e#
#tr.en: The man who is without a god, (if) strong, loss does not (necessarily) befall him
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 061 (P346683) 2326459
ki-x-am3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-da13-da13! only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-gu7! only appears a few times in words list
he2-da-BAD only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-dar-dar only appears a few times in words list
nam-nun-na-ra only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-ni-gar only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-ne-la2 only appears a few times in words list
hul-ur2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-szi-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
na-ba-du12-du12 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-da-sa2-a only appears a few times in words list
&P346683 = CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 061
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-ni-ba-re#
1'. [...]-ga# szu# [...]-x-[...]
#tr.en: Evil does not forget the heart (either)
>>Q000782 197
2'. [...] ki dur5 x-am3 sza3-ga nu#-tak4#-tak4
2'. [...] ki-x-am3 sza3-ga nu#-da13-da13#!
#tr.en: Goodness is a fertile spot, it cannot be abandoned in the heart
>>Q000782 198
3'. [...] nig2-gur11-ra HAR-HAR la-ba-an-gu7
3'. [...] nig2#-gur11-ra HAR-HAR la-ba-gu7!?
#tr.en: Evil consumes property (like) fodder/debt(?)
>>Q000782 199
4'. [x x] i7-da ma2? he2-da-BAD
4'. [...] i7-da ma2 he2-da-BAD
#tr.en: May the boat be far away from/block/die along with(?) the evildoer in the river(?)
>>Q000782 200
5'. [x x]-na# {kusz}ummu3 he2-da-dar
5'. [...]-na# {kusz}ummu3 he2-em-dar-dar
#tr.en: The waterskin should split apart in the desert
>>Q000782 201
6'. [...] x nig2 e2 du3!-du3-e
6'. [...] ag2# nig2 e2 du3-du3-e
#tr.en: A loving heart is something that builds a house
>>Q000782 202
7'. [...] nig2# e2 gul-gul-e
7'. [...] nig2#!? e2 gul-gul-e
#tr.en: A hating heart is something that destroys a house
>>Q000782 203
1. [...] du8#-du8 gaba-gal2 me nam-nun-ka#?
1. [...]-du8#-du8 gaba-gal2 me nam-nun-na-ra#?
#tr.en: To the authoritative one, possessor of riches, forcefulness(?), and the “rites” of princeliness
>>Q000782 204
2. [...] gu2# he2-en-ne-ni-x
2. [...] gu2# he2-bi2-ni-gar?
#tr.en: One should submit to the authoritative
>>Q000782 205
3. [x x] ni2#-zu he2-ni-ne-la2
3. [...] ni2#-zu he2-ni-ne-la2
#tr.en: You should attach yourself to(?) the powerful
>>Q000782 206
4. [...]-hul-ur2 he2-en-szi-gal2
4. [...] hul#-ur2 he2-en-szi-gal2
#tr.en: My son, one should be against(?) the evildoer
>>Q000782 207
5. [...]-ka# dam na-an-du12-du12
5. [...]-ka# dam na-ba-du12-du12
#tr.en: One should not marry in “that of a festival”
>>Q000782 208
6. [...] bar#-ra hun-ga2-am3
6. [...] bar#-ra hun!-ga2-am3
#tr.en: Inside ... is rented, outside ... is rented
>>Q000782 209
7. [...] x DUB hun-ga2-am3
7. [...] x x x hun-ga2-am3
#tr.en: The ... is rented, the ... is rented
>>Q000782 210
8. [...] za#-gin3 hun-ga2-am3
8. [...] za#-gin3 hun!-ga2-am3
#tr.en: The silver is rented, the lapis is rented
>>Q000782 211
9. [...]-mu-un-da-sa2-a2
9. [...] x mu-un-da-sa2-a
#tr.en: ... is one that(?) compares with ...
>>Q000782 212
$ rest broken
UET 6, 0151 (P346236) 2326460
gin6-na-bi only appears a few times in words list
ag2-ga2-ta only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-da-an-...-sze only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-ra-ah-a only appears a few times in words list
u4-da-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
he2-tud2-za-na only appears a few times in words list
za-pa-ag2-e only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-du11-ga-am3 only appears a few times in words list
{lu2}szesz-gal-zu only appears a few times in words list
nam-dub-sar-ra-ba only appears a few times in words list
diri-zu-usz only appears a few times in words list
an-zu-a only appears a few times in words list
ka-tar-re-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
in-ne-du11 only appears a few times in words list
in-ta-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
in-ne-mu2 only appears a few times in words list
in-ne-dub2 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-na-me-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
ak-mu-un only appears a few times in words list
szesz-gal-la-na only appears a few times in words list
im-ta-de6-a-asz only appears a few times in words list
gesz-dub-dim2-ta only appears a few times in words list
gesz2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
u3-ba-ab-ra-ah only appears a few times in words list
u3-ub-si only appears a few times in words list
an-ni10-ni10-ma only appears a few times in words list
nu!-ub-ta-e3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-ra-ab-duh only appears a few times in words list
bi2-hur only appears a few times in words list
lu2-u19 only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-an-ne2-ta-du11 only appears a few times in words list
nam-mu-e only appears a few times in words list
{disz}giri3-ni-sa6 only appears a few times in words list
in-ne-en-dab5-be2 only appears a few times in words list
&P346236 = UET 6, 0151
#atf: lang sux
1. a#-na-asz-am3 ur5#?-[gin7 ...]
#tr.en: Why do you behave like this?
2. lu2 lu2-u3 za3 in-ne-[...]
#tr.en: One has rejected the other, cursed the other, insulted the other
3. e2-dub-ba-a za-pa-ag2 mu#?-x-[...]
#tr.en: You put an outcry in the scribal school
4. sza3 gin6-na-bi eme-gir15-ra bi2-in#-[...]
#tr.en: "By (the possessor of?) a truthful heart he been taught(?) Sumerian
5. sag-ki tum2 a2 ag2-ga2-ta ba-e-da-an#-[...]-sze#?
#tr.en: The one who, he ... away from(?) the assignment” it was said
6. zar nu-ub-ra-ah-a x-ni nu-szub-ba
#tr.en: The sheaf that was not threshed, his ... which did not fall off(?)
7. a2 u4-da-bi-sze3 he2-tud2-za-na SU? KA? he2?-en-[...]
#tr.en: You should be beaten on account of (the output of) this daily assignment, ...
8. za-pa-ag2-e sa2 nu-ub-du11-ga-am3
#tr.en: The outcry has not(!) been a regular occurrence(?)
9. a-na-asz-am3 {lu2}szesz-gal-zu al-me-a
#tr.en: Why, the one who is your “big brother”
10. u3 nam-dub-sar-ra-ba? diri-zu-usz an-zu-a
#tr.en: And the one who knows the scribal art better than you
11. a-na-asz-am3 ka-tar-re-a-bi in-ne-du11
#tr.en: Why did you speak with (empty?) praise(?)
12. sag in-ta-tum2 asz2 in-ne-mu2 in in-ne-dub2
#tr.en: You have offended(?) him, you have cursed him, you have insulted him
13. um-mi-a nig2-na-me-a-bi ba-ak
#tr.en: The master did(?) everything
14. diri-sze3 sag ba-gid2 nig2 sza3-zu ak-mu-un
#tr.en: And grew exceedingly angry (saying?) “do as you wish”
15. tukumbi nig2 sza3 ak-en
#tr.en: If you do as you wish
#tr.en: For this auxiliary construction see Attinger ZA 95, 244.
16. lu2 za-e-gin7 ak szesz-gal-la-na sag im-ta-de6-a-asz
#tr.en: Because of the fact that the one who acted like you offended(?) his “big brother”
17. gesz-dub-dim2-ta {gesz}tukul gesz2-am3 u3-ba-ab-ra#?-ah
#tr.en: After being struck with the “tablet shaping board” (as) a weapon sixty times
18. {uruda}szir3-szir3 giri3-na u3-ub-si
#tr.en: After chains were placed on his feet
19. e2 an-ni10-ni10-ma e2-dub-ba-a-ta iti#? min-am3 nu#!-ub-ta-e3
#tr.en: He was confined in the house and did not leave the scribal school for two months
1. i3#-[ne]-esz2 nam-tag ba-e-ra-ab-duh#
#tr.en: Now, the sin has been released for you
2. u4-da-ta gesz igi-ne-ne bi2-hur#
#tr.en: From this day onwards, their faces have been incised
3. lu2-u19 sikil#-du3-a-bi na-an#-ak#-e#
#tr.en: Do not behave insultingly to each other(?)
4. szesz szesz-da#? nam-ba-an-ne2-ta#?-du11 di nam#-mu-e
#tr.en: Do not speak out(?) brother with (against) brother, do not initiate legal proceedings (against each other)
5. du14 mu2 {disz}giri3-ni-sa6 {disz}{d}en-ki-ma-an-szum2 e-ne-bi
#tr.en: (As for) the quarrel of both Girini'isag and Enkimanšum
6. um-mi-a di# in-ne-en-dab5-be2
#tr.en: The master arrives at a verdict(?) for them
7. {d}nisaba za3-mi2
#tr.en: Nisaba, praise!
CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 057 (P346525) 2326461
ATF: Parsing failed on line 31 near character 2
nu-mu-un-de3-gub only appears a few times in words list
eridu{ki}-... only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in words list
mu-un-su-su-ub-... only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-ni-in-kusz2-u3 only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in signs list
&P346525 = CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 057
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [... im]-ma#-an#-[dab5]
#tr.en: ... did not seize him, the netherworld seized him
2'. [...]-x nu#-un#-dab5 [kur-re] im#-ma-an-dab5
#tr.en: ... did not seize him, the netherworld seized him
3'. [...] me3#-a nu-un#-szub kur-re im-ma-an-dab5
#tr.en: The site of(?) manhood did not fell him in battle, the netherworld seized him
4'. [... {d}]nergal# sag du3-a nu-un-dab5 kur-re im-ma#-an#-dab5#
#tr.en: The udug demon begotten by(!?) Nergal, did not seize him, the netherworld seized him
5'. [...]-lil2# inim-bi nu-mu-un-de3-gub eridu{ki}-[...]
#tr.en: Father Enlil did not stand with him in this matter, so he set out alone to Eridu
6'. [...] kur-sze3 mu-da-an#-[...]
#tr.en: ... cast my ball into the netherworld
7'. [...] mu-da#-[...]
#tr.en: ... cast my mallet into the netherworld
8'. [...] x x [...]
$ n lines broken
9'. a-a {d}[...]
#tr.en: Father Enki stood with him(!) in the matter
10'. ur-sag sul {d}utu gu3# [...]
#tr.en: He was speaking to the hero and youth, Utu
1. [...]-x ab-lal3 kur-ra gal2# [...]
#tr.en: Now, after you(!) open a hole in the netherworld
2. [...]-a-ni kur-ta e11#-[...]
#tr.en: Bring up his servant from the netherworld
3. […] sul {d}utu dumu {d}nin-gal [...]
#tr.en: The hero, youth Utu, the son given birth to be Ningal
4. [...] kur#-ra gal2 mu-na#?-[...]-x-[...]
#tr.en: He opened up a hole in the netherworld
5. [...]-x kur-ta im-ma-da#-ra-ab-e11#-de3#
#tr.en: By means of his “breeze” (Utu's son, a dream god), he brought it (an aspect of Enkidu?) out from the netherworld
6. [...]-ni# gu2-da mu-un-la2-la2 e-ne ne mu-un#-su#?-su#-ub#-[...]
#tr.en: He (repeatedly) hugged him and kissed him
7. en3#? tar#-re im-ma-ni-in-kusz2-u3
#tr.en: He was exhausting him with inquiries
8. [nu-usz]-ma#-ab-be2-en gu5-li-gu10 nu-usz-ma-ab-be2-en
#tr.en: Would that you will speak to me, would that you will speak to me
9. [...]-ga2 kur-ra-ke4 igi bi2-duh-am3
#tr.en: You are someone that has seen the orders of the netherworld
10. [nu-usz-ma-ab]-be2#-en gu5-li-gu10 nu-usz-ma-ab#-[be2-en]
#tr.en: Would that you will speak to me, would that you will speak to me
11. [...] x [...]
UET 6, 0254 (P254864) 2326462
na-an-ak-... only appears a few times in words list
am3-ma only appears a few times in words list
dingir-ra-x only appears a few times in words list
&P254864 = UET 6, 0254
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. ku3-zu nam-ku3-zu na-an-ak#-[...]
#tr.en: Wise one, you should not(?) practice wisdom
2. u3 ga2-e am3-ma IM-bi na#-[...]
#tr.en: And I ...
3. umusz lu2-lu7 ki dingir-ra-x
#tr.en: The intellect (of) a man is the domain of his(?) god
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000324 OB Catalogue from Ur 2 (P346208) 2326463
mi3 only appears a few times in words list
me-di-da! only appears a few times in words list
me6-kam only appears a few times in words list
hur!-sag only appears a few times in words list
an-ki-bi-a-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
su3-ag2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ri-da only appears a few times in words list
ki-urx(SILA4) only appears a few times in words list
e2-u4-nir only appears a few times in words list
sag-na only appears a few times in words list
bulug6 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-ni!-IL2 only appears a few times in words list
ke-ta only appears a few times in words list
u-imin does not appear in words list
bulug6 only appears a few times in signs list
&P346208 = CDLI Literary 000324 OB Catalogue from Ur 2
#atf: lang sux
1. nin mul-an-gin7 en
#tr.en: Lady, colored like the stars of heaven,
# Nisaba A
1. nin mul-an-gin7 <me>-en
#tr.en: Your are(!?) a lady like a heavenly star.
# incipit of Nisaba A
>>Q000733 001
2. bur-szim2-ma-gal
# Išbi-Erra E
2. bur-szum2-ma gal
#tr.en: Great matron.
# incipit of Iszbi-Erra E (Nisaba Hymn)
>>Q000441 001
3. zi-gal2
# Peterson, NABU 2014/061: zi-ga
4. lugal-me sza3-tur ur-sag-me-en
# Šulgi A
3. zi-ga
#tr.en: Rise!.
# incipit of Ningešzida's Journey to the Netherworld
4. lugal me-<en> sza3-ta ur-sag-me-en
#tr.en: I am the king, I have been a hero since (emerging) from the womb.
# incipit of Šhulgi A
>>Q000395 001
5. lugal-me du11-ga
# Lipit-Ištar A
5. lugal mi3 du11-ga
#tr.en: (I am) the king who has been cared for.
# incipit of Lipit-Isztar A
>>Q000481 001
6. me-ta-am3 me-di a2
# Dialogue 5
6. me-ta-am3 me-di-da!
#tr.en: From where are ... to go(?).
# incipit of Two Women B/Dialog 5?
7. me-ta-am3 im-du
# E2-dub-ba-a B
#tr.en: From where are you coming?.
# incipit of Eduba'a B
>>Q000755 001
8. nin me szar2-ra#
# Inanna B
8. nin me szar2-ra
#tr.en: Lady of the many cosmic powers.
# incipit of Inanna B
>>Q000623 001
9. en-e kur lu2 ti-la-sze3
# Gilgameš and Huwawa (version A)
#tr.en: The lord towards the mountain that sustains a man.
# incipit of Gilgamesh and Huwawa A
>>Q000365 001
10. i3-a lu2-ulu3
# Gilgameš and Huwawa (version B)
10. i3-a lu2-lux(URU)
#tr.en: ialulu.
# incipit of Gilgamesh and Huwawa B
>>Q000366 001
11. szul me3-kam
# Gilgameš and the bull of heaven
11. szul me6-kam
#tr.en: He is the youth of battle.
# incipit of Gilgamesh and the Bull of Heaven
>>Q000362 001
12. lu2-kin-gi4-a
# Gilgameš and Aga
12. {lu2}kin-gi4-a
#tr.en: The messenger(s).
# incipit of Gilgamesh and Aga
>>Q000361 001
13. in-ni me husz-a
# Inanna and Ebiḫ
13. in-nin me husz-a
#tr.en: Lady of the furious me.
# incipit of Inanna and Ebih
>>Q000339 001
14. e2 e husz an ki
# Nungal A
14. e2-e husz an-ki
#tr.en: House, furious storm? in the universe.
# incipit of Nungal hymn
>>Q000736 001
15. hur-sag an ki-da-ke4
# Debate between Grain and Sheep
15. hur!-sag an-ki-bi-a-ke4
#tr.en: Mountain range of both(!) heaven and earth.
# incipit of Sheep and Grain
>>Q000761 001
16. {d}en-lil2 su3-ra2-sze3
# Enlil A
16. {d}en-lil2 su3-ag2-sze3
#tr.en: Enlil, (his utterance is supreme) profoundly.
# incipit of Enlil A
>>Q000619 001
17. sag-ki gid2-da
# Curse of Agade
#tr.en: The frown (of Enlil).
# incipit of Curse of Agade
>>Q000375 001
18. {gesz}al-e {gesz}al-e
# Debate between Hoe and Plough
#tr.en: Hoe, hoe!.
# incipit of Hoe and Plow
>>Q000760 001
19. u4 ul-e re-da
# Debate between Bird and Fish
19. u4 ul-e ri-da
#tr.en: In ancient times.
# incipit of Bird and Fish?
>>Q000764 001
20. ki-ur3 gal-e
# Debate between Tree and Reed
20. ki-urx(SILA4) gal-e
#tr.en: The great Ki'ur complex.
# incipit of Tree and Reed
>>Q000763 001
21. e2-u4-nir
# Temple Hymns
#tr.en: Eunir temple.
# incipit of Temple Hymns
>>Q000750 001
22. an-ne2 nam-nir-ra
# Debate between Winter and Summer
#tr.en: An (lifted his head) with authority.
# incipit of Summer and Winter
>>Q000762 001
23. nam-nun-e
# Nanna M, Hymn to Nanna or Keš Temple Hymn
#tr.en: Princeliness.
# incipit of various possibile compositions, including (most likely) the Kesz Temple Hymn
>>Q000682 001?
>>Q000686 001?
>>Q000751 001?
24. nam nun-e sag na-il2 [...]
24. nam-nun-e sag-na gaba? gi4
#tr.en: (The possessor) of princeliness opposes his head(?) (unidentified incipit)
25. nam-lugal
# Sumerian King List
#tr.en: Kingship.
# incipit of Sumerian Kinglist
>>Q000371 001
1. 2(u) 5(disz)
#tr.en: (Subtotal:) 25 (entries) on the obverse
1. sza3-ga-a-ni
# Dumuzi’s dream
#tr.en: His heart.
# incipit of Dumuzi's Dream
>>Q000347 001
2. an gal-ta ki gal-sze3
# Inanna’s Descent
>>Q000343 001
3. u4 re-a nam ba-tar-ra#
# Enki’s Journey to Nippur
4. u4 re-a u4 sud4-ta re-a
# Gilgameš, Enkidu and the Netherworld, or Instructions of Šuruppak
#tr.en: From great heaven towards great earth (the netherworld).
# incipit of Inanna's Descent
3. u4 ri-a nam ba-tar-ra#?-ba#?
#tr.en: In distant days when fate was determined.
# incipit of Enki's Journey to Nippur
4. u4 ri-a u4 su3-ra2 ri-a
#tr.en: In distant days, in profoundly distant days.
# incipit of either Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Netherworld or the Instructions of Šurrupak
>>Q000364 001?
>>Q000782 001?
5. u4 re-a nig2-ul-e
6. u4 ma dam-dam na-na
5. u4 ri-a nig2-ul-e
#tr.en: In remote days, a distant thing (unidentified incipit)
6. UD ma da dam na-na
#tr.en: ... (unidentified incipit)
7. di4-di4-la2 u4-da
# Dialogue 2
8. 3(disz) dumu e2-dub-ba
# E-dub-ba A, E-dub-ba C, E-dub-ba E, Dialogue 1, or Dialogue 3
#tr.en: Little one(s), if (we do not do our work).
# incipit of Enkihegal and Enkitalu/Dialog 2
8. esz5 dumu e2-dub-ba
#tr.en: Three (compositions bearing the incipit) “son of the house that distributes tablets”.
# incipit of several possibilities among Eduba'a and Dialog texts
>>Q000754 001?
>>Q000756 001?
>>Q000758 001?
9. x x x ni il2
10. u4-ul-la-ur11
# Farmer’s Instructions
9. ni2 bulug6 nu-<mu>-ni!-IL2
#tr.en: ... does not raise/wield boasting there(?) (unidentified incipit)
10. u4 ul-la uru4
#tr.en: The one who farmed (since) long ago.
# incipit of Farmer's Instructions
>>Q000785 001
11. in-nin me gal-gal
# Inanna and Šu-kale-tuda
#tr.en: Lady of all the great me.
# incipit of Inanna and Šukaletuda
>>Q000340 001
12. u4 ul an ki-ta
# Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave
#tr.en: In distant days when heaven (was separated) from earth.
# incipit of lugalbanda Hurrim
>>Q000367 001
13. lum mah ki-ta
14. {d}lugal-banda3{da}
# Lugalbanda and the Anzu Bird
13. szegx(MURGU2)? x ki-ta
#tr.en: Brickwork(?) of the shrine(?) below/from the earth (unidentified incipit)
14. {d}lugal-banda3{+da}
#tr.en: Lugalbanda.
# incipit of lugalbanda and the Anzu bird
>>Q000368 001
15. iri{ki} gu4 husz
# Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta
#tr.en: City, furious bull.
# incipit of Enmerkar and the lord of Aratta
>>Q000369 001
16. lugal u4 me-lem4-bi nir-gal2#
# Ninurta’s Exploits
16. lugal u4 me-lam2-bi nir-ra#
#tr.en: King, light whose aura is authoritative/lordly.
# incipit of lugale
>>Q000351 001
17. an-gin7 dim2-ma
# Ninurta’s Return to Nippur
#tr.en: Fashioned like An.
# incipit of Angim
>>Q000350 001
18. 1(u) 1(disz) lugal
#tr.en: Eleven compositions (with the incipit lugal, royal hymns or royal inscriptions(?))
19. tur3-ra-na
# Lament for Ur
#tr.en: His cattle pen.
# incipit of the Ur lament
>>Q000379 001
20. u4 szu bala ki-ta
# Lament for Sumer and Ur
20. u4 szu bala ke-ta
#tr.en: In order to overturn the day.
# incipit of the lamentation over Sumer and Ur
>>Q000380 001
21. u4 husz ki-en-gi-ra
21. u4 husz! ki-en-gi-ra
#tr.en: Furious storm in/of Sumer (unidentified incipit)
22. ur-sag-e
# Nanna-Suen’s Journey to Nippur
#tr.en: The hero.
# incipit of Nanna's Journey to Nippur(?)
>>Q000349 001
23. u4-bi-ta
#tr.en: At that time (unidentified incipit)
24. u4 an-ne2
#tr.en: When An
25. i-nu an u3 {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: When An and Enlil
26. {d}en-lil2 diri-sze3
# Išme-Dagan A
27. ku6-mu e2 du3
# Home of the Fish
>>Q000793 001
#tr.en: Enlil exceedingly.
# incipit of Iszme-Dagan A
27. ku6-gu10 e2# du3
#tr.en: My fish, build a house.
# incipit of Home of the Fish
28. ur-sag kur-ra
29. iri-am3 a er2 nir-ra#
#tr.en: The hero in/of the mountain/netherworld (unidentified incipit)
29. iri-am3 er2 <a>-nir-ra
#tr.en: It is the city(?) weeping and lament ... (unidentified incipit)
30. lu2 i-lu di
#tr.en: The lamentation singer (unidentified incipit)
1. 4(u) 2(disz) szunigin 1(gesz2) 7(disz)
1. szu-nigin u-imin
#tr.en: Total (entries): sixty-seven
CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 058 (P346526) 2326464
i3-nu-x only appears a few times in words list
ga-an-szi-du-... only appears a few times in words list
ki-in-dar-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
&P346526 = CDLI Literary 000364, ex. 058
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. dumu# ki ag2#?-[...]
#tr.en: You should not kiss your beloved son
2'. dumu hul# gig#-[...]
#tr.en: You should not pelt your hated son
3'. i {d}utu kur-[...]
#tr.en: The complaint of the netherworld would seize you
4'. i3-nu?-x [...]
#tr.en: For the recumbent one, for the recumbent one
5'. ur#?-[...]
#tr.en: For hero(?) Ninazu, the recumbent one
6'. e2#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
7'. x [...]
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...]
2'. me-sze3#? tum3? [...]
#tr.en: Where will ... be brought to (how will ... succeed?) ...
3'. inim du11-ga-gu10-sze3 er2-bi#? [...]
#tr.en: Because of my uttered words, ... does not ... weeping
4'. tukumbi a2 ag2#-[...]
#tr.en: If I tell you about the regulations of the netherworld
5'. za-e tusz-a er2-ra# x [...]
#tr.en: You must sit and weep, and I shall sit and weep
6'. gesz3 ki? bi2-in-x [...]
#tr.en: The penis that ... has “planted"(?), by which you have pleased your libido
7'. gesz e2 sumun-a-gin7# [...]
#tr.en: Like the wood of a dilapidated house(?), it is infested by parasites(?)
8'. gal4#-la me-na-am3 ga#-an#-szi#?-du#?-[...]
#tr.en: Having said “where is the vagina? I shall go to her”
9'. [...]-la# ki#-in-dar-gin7 x-[...]
#tr.en: (That) vagina is filled with dust like a crevice
10'. [...] x bi2#-du11 [...]
#tr.en: The lord said “alas” and sat in the dust
11'. [...] x [...]
CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 062 (P346684) 2326465
...-de5 only appears a few times in words list
...-an-de5-de5 only appears a few times in words list
x-x-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
na-dab5 only appears a few times in words list
de5-ga-... only appears a few times in words list
x-x-x-bala-e only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-ra only appears a few times in words list
u3-sar-ra-ka only appears a few times in words list
...-gir15 only appears a few times in words list
e2-gar8!-e only appears a few times in words list
...-an-de6 only appears a few times in words list
kin2! only appears a few times in words list
nam-mu-un-lu-lu only appears a few times in words list
dur2-...-un-de6 only appears a few times in words list
bi-in-tum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-ta-ab-e11-de3 only appears a few times in words list
sze-er-tab-ba-asz only appears a few times in words list
sza-ba-ra-an-gul-e only appears a few times in words list
sza-ra-an-zi-zi only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-...-bala-e only appears a few times in words list
&P346684 = CDLI Literary 000782, ex'. 062
&P346684 = CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 062
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-de5#-de5
1'. [...]-de5
#tr.en: (The resident of?) Šuruppak was instructing his son
>>Q000782 143
2'. [...]-tu#-tu-ke4
2'. [...]-tu#-tu#-ke4
#tr.en: (The resident of?) Šuruppak, the son of Ubartutu
>>Q000782 144
3'. [...]-mu#-un-de5-de5
3'. [...]-an#-de5-de5
#tr.en: Was instructing his son Ziusudra
>>Q000782 145
4'. [... na]-de5#-mu he2-dab5
4'. [...] x x x [...] x-x-gu10 na#-dab5
#tr.en: My son, I shall instruct, may (!?) my instruction be seized
>>Q000782 149
5'. [na]-de5-[...]
5'. na# de5-ga#?-[...] x x szu# nam-bi2#?-ib2-bar-re
#tr.en: One should not forget my instruction
>>Q000782 151
6'. [...]-ta#-bala-e
6'. inim# du11#-[...] x-x-x-bala#-e#
#tr.en: One should not transgress (my) spoken word
>>Q000782 152
7'. na-de5 [ab-ba ...] gu2#-zu he2-em-szi-ak
>>A 152a
8'. [...]-ra#-ra e-pa5-zu im-ra-an#?
7'. na de5# [...] gu2#?-zu he2#-em#-szi-ak
#tr.en: The advice of an elder is something precious, one should pay attention to it
>>Q000782 152a
8'. dumu engar# x [...]-ra# e pa5-zu im-ma#-ra
#tr.en: One should not pelt the son of a farmer, your dikes and ditches will have been beaten (as a result)(?)
>>Q000782 153
9'. [...]-sa10# ka u3-sar-ra-ka
9'. [...] x [...] x [...]-x u3-sar-ra-ka
#tr.en: One should not buy a prostitute, she is one of sharp teeth/a bushy(?) mouth(?)
>>Q000782 154
10'. [...] TU [...]-sa10# u2-lipisz gig-ga-am3
10'. [...]-TU [...]-x u2 lipisz gig-ga-am3
#tr.en: One should not buy a house-born slave, he is a plant/food that afflicts the innards
>>Q000782 155
11'. [x] x [...] x za3 e2-gar8-e in-us2
11'. [...]-gir15# [...]-x za3 e2-gar8#!?-e in-us2#
#tr.en: One should not buy a corvee laborer, he leans upon the edge of the wall
>>Q000782 156
12'. [...] dur2#-bi-sze3 e2# gal2-gal2-la-am3
12'. [...] dur2#-bi-sze3 e2 gal2-gal2-la-am3
#tr.en: One should not buy a female worker of the palace, she is one who constantly put a house to the bottom of the path/order(?)
>>Q000782 157
13'. [...]-e11
#tr.en: After one has brought a slave of the mountain down from the mountain
>>Q000782 158
14'. [...]-de6
14'. [...]-an#-de6
#tr.en: After one has brought a man from his unknown location
>>Q000782 159
$ rest broken
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-a na-nam [...]
1'. [...] a#-a na#-nam [...]
#tr.en: The older brother should be a father, the older sister should be a mother
>>Q000782 172
2'. [...]-zu#-sze3 gizzal [...]
2'. [...]-zu#-sze3 gizzal# [...]
#tr.en: You should pay attention to your older brother
>>Q000782 173
3'. [x]-gal ama!-zu-sze3 gu2 he2-em-szi-[x]
3'. [...] gal# ama-zu-sze3 gu2 he2-em-szi-[...]
#tr.en: You should heed an older sister you mother
>>Q000782 174
4'. [x]-e igi-zu-ta kin na-an-[...]
4'. za#-e igi-zu-ta kin2#!? na-an-[...]
#tr.en: You should not work(?) using your eyes
>>Q000782 175
5'. ka-zu-ta nig2-nam-mu-un-x-lu!
5'. ka-zu-ta nig2 nam-mu-un-lu#-lu
#tr.en: You should not proliferate things using your mouth
>>Q000782 176
6'. ga2-la nu-dag-ge e2 dur2-[...]-un#-du
6'. ga2#-la nu-dag-ge e2 dur2#-[...]-un-de6
#tr.en: The one who is not(!) unceasing (in action)(!?) brought the house towards the bottom(?)
>>Q000782 177
7'. ninda-e lu2 kur-ra bi2-[...]
7'. ninda-e lu2 kur-ra bi2-in#?-e11#-de3
#tr.en: Food(?) brings down a “man of the mountain/netherworld(?)”
>>Q000782 178
8'. [x]-e lu2-bar-ra bi2-in-tum2#-mu
8'. lul#-e lu2 bar-ra bi-in#-tum2#-mu
#tr.en: Lying brings the foreigner/stranger
>>Q000782 179
9'. [x]-e# lu2 kur-ra im-ma-da#-ab-e11-de3
9'. [...]-e# lu2 kur-ra im-ma-ta#?-ab-e11-de3
#tr.en: Food(?) brings down a person from the mountain
>>Q000782 180
10'. [x x]-re lugal-bi-[x x] szi-in-ga-u3-tu
10'. [...]-re lugal-bi-ir# amar#? szi-in-ga-u3-tu
#tr.en: The small flood(?) also gives birth to a calf/young for its master
>>Q000782 181
11'. [...]-du3-a szi-hur!-re
11'. [...]-e# [...] du3#-a szi-hur-re
#tr.en: The great flood(?) designs(?) constructed houses
>>Q000782 182
12'. [...]-du7-du7
#tr.en: ... has optimized his power/equipped himself(?)
>>Q000782 183
13'. [...] gig-sze3 im-gar
13'. [...]-x gig-sze3 im-gar
#tr.en: The very rich man has set the poor man towards sickness(?)
>>Q000782 184
14'. [...]-du7#
14'. [...] a2#? szu im-du7-du7
#tr.en: The married man has optimized his power/equipped himself(?)
>>Q000782 185
15'. [...] sze-er-tab-ba-asz mu-un-na2
15'. [...] sze-er-tab-ba-asz mu-un-nu2
#tr.en: The unmarried man has laid down towards/in the manner of(?) the fence
>>Q000782 186
16'. [...] e2 sza-ba-ra-an-ze2#-e
16'. [...] e2 sza-ba-ra-an-gul#?-e
#tr.en: The one who is to destroy a house can(!?) (only) destroy a house
>>Q000782 187
17'. [...] lu2 sza-ba-ra-an-zi-zi
17'. [...] lu2 sza-ra-an-zi#-zi#
#tr.en: The one who is to muster a man can(!?) (only) muster a man
>>Q000782 188
18'. [...] lu2 ba-an-dab5
18'. [...] lu2 ba-an-dab5#-ba
#tr.en: A man who seizes the tail of a great ox
>>Q000782 189
19'. [...]-da# ba-[x]-bala-e
19'. [...] x ba-da#?-[...]-bala-e
#tr.en: Therefore cannot(!?) cross a river
>>Q000782 190
20'. [...]-de5
>>Q000782 191
$ rest broken
20'. [...]-re
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000782 191
CDLI Literary 000768, ex. 013 (P346237) 2326466
tug2!-ga-am3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-tuku-zu only appears a few times in words list
a-ra-ab-la2-e-... only appears a few times in words list
al-kin2-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
al-ak-x only appears a few times in words list
ke3-de3-e only appears a few times in words list
ab-bulug5-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-bulug5 only appears a few times in words list
bulug5-e-de3-e only appears a few times in words list
bulug5-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
in-tar-re-en only appears a few times in words list
sza3-gal-na only appears a few times in words list
gir14-ab-ba only appears a few times in words list
giri17-zal-... only appears a few times in words list
mah-bi! only appears a few times in words list
lu2-si-ga only appears a few times in words list
gaba-ri-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346237 = UET 6, 0152
#atf: lang sux
1. iri-me-a ukur3 u3 lu2-nig2#-tuku# geszkim# [...]
#tr.en: In our city, the poor and the rich take the omens(?) together
2. za-e nig2 tuku-zu tug2!-ga-am3 a-ab#-[...]
#tr.en: As for you, when you possess things, they cover (you) as a garment
3. tukumbi nig2 nu-tuku-zu tug2 nu-x-[...]
#tr.en: But when you do not possess things, you(?) wear no garment at all
4. za-kam a-ra-ab-la2-e-[...]
#tr.en: (Whatever) is yours, you attach it (to yourself)
5. lu2 al-kin2-ga2 lu2 al#-me-a x-x [...]
#tr.en: The “pointed"(?) man and the “existing"(?) man are praised ...
6. za-e-me-en ni2-zu ar2-sze3 al-ak-x
#tr.en: You yourself are praised
7. tukumbi ni2-zu ar2-sze3 ba-ak
#tr.en: (But) if you yourself are praised
8. ar2# ke3-de3-e# la-ba-ab-du11#-[...]
#tr.en: You(?) are not suitable(?) for praising
9. ar2 ke3-de3 la-ba-ab-du11#-[...]
#tr.en: You(?) are not suitable(?) for praising
10. ni2-zu ab-bulug5-e na-an-na ki-sze-er nu#-[...]
#tr.en: Do not boast, indeed, you have no limit (i.e., control)
11. u2-gu de2 lu2 nu-pa3
#tr.en: Lost (one), who is not found!
12. tukumbi ni2-gu10 ba-ab-bulug5#
#tr.en: If I have boasted
13. ni2 bulug5-e-de3-e# la-ba-ab-du-e#-[...]
#tr.en: I am not suitable(?) for boasting
14. ni2 bulug5-e-de3 la-ba-ab-du-e#-[...]
#tr.en: I am not suitable(?) for boasting
$ double ruling
15. en-na-bi-sze3-am3 ga2-e KA-inim-ma x x [...]
#tr.en: How long must I be quarreling with you(!?) in these subjects(?)
16. a-da-lam esz2-gin7 in-tar-re-en a2-ga2# [...]
#tr.en: Now, I cut you like a rope(?), I hang you from my arm
17. zilulu sipa sza3-gal-na# [...]
#tr.en: Peddlar, shepherd of his own sustenance
18. gir14-ab-ba sag ni2-[...]
#tr.en: Gir fish of the sea who thins its head out by itself/denigrates itself?
19. lul du11-[...]
#tr.en: Liar, rider of a distant country
20. an-[ta ...]
#tr.en: I will cut you from above like a rope(?)
$ beginning broken
1'. ukur3# [...]
#tr.en: Poor person, thief, transgressor of the oath
2'. giri17-zal-[...]
#tr.en: Who joyfully serves (among) the slaves
3'. lu2-hun-[ga2 ...]
#tr.en: Hireling, taboo of the temple
4'. u3 za-e [...]
#tr.en: And you are my opponent?
$ double ruling
5'. in#? x [...]
#tr.en: ...
6'. gu3 de2-[de2 ...]
#tr.en: Shouter, croaker among the singers
7'. mah-bi#!? [...]
#tr.en: Eating a great deal, with the sustenance having a destructive effect(?)
8'. dim2-ma [...]
#tr.en: (Possessor of) a confused intellect, with malevolent counsel
9'. ma-ni-[...]
#tr.en: You advise
$ double ruling
10'. ug3-e x-[...] x [...]
#tr.en: The people are diminished(?) (because of you?), the people are diminished(?) (because of you?)
11'. szu dag-dag#-[ge ...]
#tr.en: Roamer who prowls in the street
12'. e2 lu2-u3-ne# [...]
#tr.en: Casing out the houses of men (until) you know the ways of that house (in order to rob it)
13'. lu2-si-ga [...]
#tr.en: Weakling, child reared in toil
14'. inim gaba-ri-[...]
#tr.en: (As if) you can posit the word of an opponent
UET 6, 0255 (P346330) 2326467
lu2-lu7-x only appears a few times in words list
li-bi2-ib2-tak4 only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-UR-e only appears a few times in words list
lu2-u3-lu2-lu7-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P346330 = UET 6, 0255
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. dingir lu2-lu7 sipa lu2-lu7-x
#tr.en: The god of (that) man, the shepherd of (that) man
2. dingir# li-bi2-ib2-tak4
#tr.en: The god has not abandoned him(?)
3. sipa nam-ba-UR-e
#tr.en: May the shepherd not ...
4. dingir# lu2#-u3-lu2-lu7-sze3
5. [...] x a nag mu-un-gar#
#tr.en: The god has set down food(?) and drinking water for the people
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000365, ex. 081 (P346530) 2326468
...-ni-in-de2 only appears a few times in words list
&P346530 = UET 6/3, 492
&P346530 = CDLI Literary 000365, ex. 081
#atf: lang sux
#link: def A = Q000365 = Gilgamesh and Huwawa, version A
$ n lines broken
1. [...]-la-gin7 [x x] / [...]-ni-in-[x]
>>A 47
2. [...] gu3# ba-ni-in#-[x]
>>A 48
3. [...]-ni-in-ra#
>>A 49
4. [...] tuku ama-ni-[x]
>>A 50
5. [...] hu-mu-un-AG-esz#
>>A 51
6. [x x] e2#-a-ni-sze3 ama [...]
>>A 52
7. [...]-sze3 hu-mu-un#-[x x]
>>A 53
8. [...] giri3#-[...]
>>A 54
$ n lines broken
$ (surface unclear)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-la-gin7# [...]-ni-in-[...]
#tr.en: It was made pleasing there for lord Gilgamesh
>>Q000365 047
2'. [...] gu3# ba-ni-in-ra#?
#tr.en: In his city as a single man he sounded the horn
>>Q000365 048
3'. [...]-ni-in-de2#?
#tr.en: As two companions (he and Enkidu?), (they) shouted together
>>Q000365 049
4'. [...] tuku ama-ni-sze3#
#tr.en: The one who has a household to his household, the one who has (lives with) a mother to his mother
>>Q000365 050
5'. [...] hu-mu-un-ak-esz#
#tr.en: May single males acting(?) like me, (fifty of them), act on behalf of my power
>>Q000365 051
6'. [...] e2#-a-ni-sze3 ba-[...]
#tr.en: ... to his house(?) ...
>>Q000365 052
7'. [...]-sze3 hu-mu-un#-[...]
#tr.en: May single males acting(?) like me, (fifty of them), act on behalf of my power
>>Q000365 053
8'. [...] x-ni# [...]
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000365 054
$ rest broken
$ broken
CDLI Literary 000768, ex. 014 (P346238) 2326469
DI-bi! only appears a few times in words list
nu-ra-x-... only appears a few times in words list
kiszi4 only appears a few times in words list
an-ak-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-e-tuku only appears a few times in words list
nu-e-szar2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-e-ni-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-e-tur-tur only appears a few times in words list
ab-kar2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-ra-ab-tuku only appears a few times in words list
eme-sig-zu only appears a few times in words list
gux(EME)-u3-dam only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-zu-a only appears a few times in words list
am3-ti-le-me-en only appears a few times in words list
gi4-me-a-asz-zu-ne only appears a few times in words list
nu-ra-ab-lib4-lib4-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
ni2-zu!-a only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-e-ni-gar only appears a few times in words list
lu2-erim2-ma only appears a few times in words list
gur3-ru-ma only appears a few times in words list
ni2-gu10-a only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-ni-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
ab-diri-ge only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-an-lal-a only appears a few times in words list
ga-ra-ab-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-ra-gal2-la-ta only appears a few times in words list
gi4-me-a-asz-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
ga-bi2-ib-du11 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-du11-a-ta only appears a few times in words list
eme!-sig-gu7!-gu7! only appears a few times in words list
ab-til-le-ne-a only appears a few times in words list
iri!(RA){ki}-ka only appears a few times in words list
giri17-zal-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
zuh-zuh only appears a few times in words list
nu-tusz-u3 only appears a few times in words list
nin9-zu-ne only appears a few times in words list
sa-sa-me-esz only appears a few times in words list
szub{+ub} only appears a few times in words list
ab-ta-ab-ta-e3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
i-ri-dub2-ba-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-tuku-tuku only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-gig-gig only appears a few times in words list
du3-a-kam only appears a few times in words list
gux(EME) only appears a few times in signs list
iri!(RA) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346238 = UET 6, 0153
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...]-ta#? MUNUS# ZI# e3#-[...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. za-e KA DI-bi! nu-ra-x-[...]
#tr.en: You do not speak a conciliatory word(?)
3'. lu2 kiszi4 an-ak-a-gin7 tesz2 la-ba-e-tuku
#tr.en: Like a person whose head is half shaved, you have had no dignity
4'. inim nu-e-szar2 ni2-za ad nu-e-ni-gi4
#tr.en: You have not deliberated, you have not advised yourself
5'. inim-bi sza3-za nu-e-tur-tur
#tr.en: You did not diminish(?) the word in you heart
6'. i-gi4-in-zu szu ab-kar2 na-ab-be2-en# li-bi2-du11
#tr.en: As if insulted, you have not said “do not speak”
7'. ki szu kar2 gi4-zu {gesz}kim nu-ra-ab-tuku
#tr.en: (In) your place where denigration is returned(?) the password (pun?) is not available to you
8'. eme-sig-zu nig2 gux(EME)-u3-dam
#tr.en: Your slander is to be undertaken(?)
9'. ki-umun2 sza3-zu nu-ub-zu-a am3-ti-le-me-en
#tr.en: (And yet) you are dwelling in the place of learning, which your heart does not understand
10'. gi4-me-a-asz-zu-ne nu-ra-ab-lib4-lib4-e-ne ur5-da nir ba-e-gal2
#tr.en: Your colleagues do not attack(?) against(?) you and therefore you were confident
11'. ni2-zu!-a sag-ki# la-ba-e-ni-gar
#tr.en: You did not confront(?) yourself
12'. dub2-dub2-bu lu2-ra gig hul gig gi4-me-a-asz-e-ne
#tr.en: Insulting(?), hurtful(?) to another person, hated by his colleagues(?)
13'. lu2 nig2 hul-dim2-ma sa-hir lu2-erim2-ma
#tr.en: Evildoer, (carrying) net of the enemy
14'. KA hul igi sag3-sag3 lu2 eme si nu-sa2
#tr.en: (Possessor of) an evil mouth/words, (possessor of) a “smiting face,” one of incorrect language
15'. inim kur2 igi bala lu2 nig2 gur3-ru-ma
#tr.en: "Word-changer,” “eye-turner,” “one who carries things"(!?)
16'. ni2-gu10-a sag-ki ba-e-ni-gal2
#tr.en: I (however) confronted(?) myself
1. e2 ad-da-ga2 ka-ta du11-ga-gu10-usz#?
#tr.en: In the estate of my father, according to my utterance
2'. ab-diri-ge na-an-na# la-ba-an-lal-a ga-ra-ab#?-[...]
#tr.en: It is indeed the case that he(?) has made a surplus, he(?) did not diminish (its value), and I can prove it to you
3. ni2-zu nig2-ka9-ra nu-ra-gal2-la-ta
#tr.en: After you yourself were not present for(?) the account
4. in gi4-me-a-asz-gu10-ne ga-bi2-ib-du11 bi2-du11-a-ta
#tr.en: (As for) (my) insults, after my colleagues have said “I want to say (them too?)
5. in-zu sag-bi-sze3 ga2-e ga-mu-ra-ab-til
#tr.en: I want to put an end to your insults at the outset(?)
6. sza3 min bar min lu2 igi bala
#tr.en: (Possessor) of “two insides and two outsides” (duplicitous, hypocritical?), “eye turner”
7. lu2 nig2 nu-gin6-na ka eme!-sig-gu7!-gu7!
#tr.en: One of injustice, with the mouth of a slanderer
8. lu2-tu15 inim# lul-la bala-bala
#tr.en: Idiot who converses falsely
9. a-na-am3 nig2 ab-til-le-ne-a
#tr.en: What is it that you(?) will putting an end to?(?)
10. ama-zu ninda du8-du8 muhaldim iri!(RA){ki}-ka
#tr.en: Your mother bakes (for) the cook of the city
11. ad-da-zu e2 dam-gar3-ra-ka giri17-zal-sze3! gub-ba-am3
#tr.en: You father gladly served at the house of the merchant
12. szesz-zu-ne szah2 zuh-zuh lu2 iri-a nu-tusz-u3 me-esz
#tr.en: Your brothers steal pigs, they do not dwell in the city
13. nin9-zu-ne lu2 sze sa-sa-me-esz
#tr.en: Your sisters are grain roasters
14. gi-gur szub{+ub} sze sa-sa ganba-ka ab-ta-ab-ta-e3-de3
#tr.en: (Who) bring out roasted grain of the market rate from the cast down/abandoned gigur containers
15. in i-ri-dub2-ba-gu10 gaba-ri-bi mu-e-dub2-ba na-an-na
#tr.en: My insults against you are indeed the equal of that which you insulted (me with)
16. [in]-gu10# in-nu tesz2 la-ba-tuku-tuku
#tr.en: My insults are nothing, they are shameless
17. [...] sza3-sze3 la-ba-gig-gig
#tr.en: My words are nothing, they should not trouble the heart
18'. [...] lu2 e2 du3-a-kam
#tr.en: My mother is a matriarch of a (well established) household
19'. [...] al-sug2-ge-esz
#tr.en: Before her ... serve
20'. [...] lugal#-la-kam
#tr.en: My father is a royal general and judge
UET 6, 0256 (P346331) 2326470
he2-szub-ba only appears a few times in words list
a-ab-gu-ul only appears a few times in words list
&P346331 = UET 6, 0256
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. lu2 nig2-gin6-na
2. he2-szub-ba
3. zi-ga-bi a-ab-gu-ul
#tr.en: If a man abandons truth, he increases the expenditure
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 063 (P346685) 2326471
ATF: Parsing failed on line 45 near character 15
na-ab-te-bala-...-x only appears a few times in words list
erin2!-ba only appears a few times in words list
sza-ra-si-il-le only appears a few times in words list
na-bi-ga2-ga2-an only appears a few times in words list
gum-am3 only appears a few times in words list
na-bi-uru4-en only appears a few times in words list
bulugx(BAL) only appears a few times in words list
GAN2!-zu-am3 only appears a few times in words list
szi-ri-ib!-hul only appears a few times in words list
sila-dagal-la! only appears a few times in words list
na-ga-bar-... only appears a few times in words list
nimgir-… does not appear in words list
… does not appear in words list
nig2-UD-NE only appears a few times in words list
nig2-UD-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-in-lal only appears a few times in words list
nam-gig only appears a few times in words list
nam-mu2-... only appears a few times in words list
ab-ba-...-x-TUG2-x only appears a few times in words list
gal2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
szukur2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
al-duru5-x only appears a few times in words list
UR-am3 only appears a few times in words list
gu7-gu7-me-esz only appears a few times in words list
bulugx(BAL) only appears a few times in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
… does not appear in signs list
&P346685 = CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 063
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. inim du11-ga-[...] na-ab-ta-bala-[...]-en#
1'. inim du11-ga [...] na-ab-te-bala#-[...]-x
#tr.en: Do not transgress (my) spoken word
>>Q000782 012
2'. na-de5 ab-ba nig2-kal#-la-am3 gu2-zu he2-em-szi-gal2
2'. na de5 ad-da# kal#?-la-am3#
#tr.en: The advice of a father is precious
>>Q000782 013
3'. dur3-gu3-di na-ab-sa10-sa10-an erin2?-zu sza-ra-si-il-le
3'. gu2-zu he2-em-szi-gal2
#tr.en: You should orient your neck towards it (i.e., respect it)
>>Q000782 014
4'. GAN2 kaskal-[la] na-bi2-ib2-ga2-ga2 nam-silig gum-am3
4'. dur3 gu3 di# na-ab-sa10-sa10-an
#tr.en: Do not buy a braying donkey
>>Q000782 015
5'. a-sza3 ka-giri3-ka na-bi-ur11-en za3-e bulug-gu7-a
5'. erin2!?-ba sza-ra-si-il-le#
#tr.en: It will split apart the workforce(!?)
>>Q000782 016
6'. GAN2-zu-am3? pu2 na-ni-[...] ug3-e szi-re-eb-hul#-[hul]
6'. GAN2!? kaskal# na-bi-ga2-ga2-an nam-silig gum-am3
#tr.en: Do not put down a field (on) a road, there will be crushing/growling(?) force
>>Q000782 017
7'. e2# sila-dagal#-la# na#-[...]
7'. a-sza3 ka-giri3-ka na-bi-uru4-en za3-e bulugx(BAL) gu7#?-a#
#tr.en: Do not sow/cultivate a field in a path, the boundary stake(s)(!?) will be consumed at the border(!?)
>>Q000782 018
$ rest broken
8'. GAN2!?-zu-am3 pu2 na-ni-[...] ug3-e szi-ri-ib!-hul#
#tr.en: Do not construct a well/cistern in(!) your field, the people will(?) destroy it for you
>>Q000782 019
9'. e2# sila#-dagal#-la#!? na#-[...]
#tr.en: Do not attach a house(?) to the broad street/town square, there is “binding” (there)
>>Q000782 020
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] ul-[...]
1'. ul#-[...]
#tr.en: The thief is indeed a pirig monster, (but) after he is caught, he is indeed a slave
>>Q000782 029
2'. dumu-gu10# [...] na-an#-[...]
#tr.en: My son, one should not rob
>>Q000782 030
2'. dumu-mu# [...] na-bi-[...] ni2-zu aga3#-[...] na-bi-bar#-[...]
>>Q000782 030
3'. e2 nimgir-[...] ni2 [...]
3'. ni2#-zu# du5# [...] na-ga-bar#-[...]
#tr.en: Do not “hew” yourself(?)
>>Q000782 031
4'. gesz nimgir#-[…] ni2#? […]
#tr.en: Do not sexually penetrate(?) the bridegroom, do not ... yourself
>>Q000782 032
$ rest broken
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. ki-a nag-e [...]
1. [...] ki NIG2 nag x [...]
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000782 n
2'. lum-lum he2-ni-[...]
2. LUM-LUM he2-ni#-[...]
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000782 n
3'. e gu2 du3 la2-e in-sze3 gal2? [...] addir x ga-ab-[...]
3. e gu2? du3 la2-e#? [...] in szu x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000782 n
4'. u4-min-sze3 x [...] x x x [...]
# second half of line partly over erasure
4. nig2#-UD-NE# nig2-UD#?-[...] mu#?-na#?-ab-[...]
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000782 n
5'. du5? x geme2-gim igi# x? [...] im-da sza3? la2 TUG2 U4 sza3 gal-KU-NI in-la2
5. u4 2(disz@t) x [...] x x [...] x
#tr.en: 2/20(?) days ...
>>Q000782 n
6'. tu-ra du10-ga-a-ni [x?]
6. ur x x geme2#?-gin7 x [...] IM DU# sza3#? x-e sza3#?-gal ba#?-ni-in-lal
#tr.en: ... like a female worker ..., ... diminished(?) sustenance
>>Q000782 n
7'. nam-gig#-ga#-am3 im#-[x] du14 nam-mu2-mu2#-[de3] NI IM ni [...]
7. tur5-ra du10-ga#? x x x
#tr.en: The sick one made better (i.e., healed?) ...
>>Q000782 n
8'. x in [...]
8. nam-gig#? x AN x [...]
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000782 n
$ rest broken
@column 2
9. du14 nam-mu2#?-[...] SAL? IM x [...]
#tr.en: Do not quarrel ...
>>Q000782 n
10'. x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000782 n
@column 2'
$ beginning broken
1'. ab#-[ba ...] zi-[...]
1'. ab#-ba# [...] zi#-[...]
#tr.en: An elder is a god, his word is true
>>Q000782 259
2'. na!-de5 ab-ba gizzal he2-em-szi-gal2
2'. na de5# ab-ba-[...]-x-TUG2-x he2-em-szi#-gal2
#tr.en: You should pay attention to the instruction of an elder
>>Q000782 260
3'. e2 iri bar-ra-ke4 iri sza3-ga szi-du3-du3-e
3'. e2# iri# bar#-ra iri sza3-ga szi-du3#-du3-e
#tr.en: The house(s) of the suburbs continually builds the inner city
>>Q000782 261
4'. dumu-mu GAN2? tur2-sze3 gal2-la#
4'. dumu-gu10 GAN2? tur3-sze3# gal2-am3#
#tr.en: My son, the field(?) is situated towards the cattle pen/the bottom(?)
>>Q000782 262
5'. al kur6-am3 al-dur5-ra#
5'. al-<duru5> szukur2-am3# al-duru5-x
#tr.en: (If) wet, it is a ration, if dry(!?) <it is a ration>
>>Q000782 263
6'. nig2 gu#-de2# nig2-me-gar-ra
6'. nig2# x-x-x nig2-me-gar-ra
#tr.en: Something lost(?) is (stunned) silence(?)
>>Q000782 264
7'. x [...]-na# sa10-sze3 TE
7'. GIN2#? dilmun#?-na sa10-sze3 si!?-ga#
#tr.en: The shekel/copper axe(?) of Dilmun is put for sale(?)
>>Q000782 266a
8'. ki nu-zu# husz-am3 ur nu-zu tesz2-am3
8'. ki nu#?-zu#? husz#?-am3 UR nu#-zu# UR-am3
#tr.en: An unknown place is furious(?), an unknown dog/a lack of shame(?) is evil(!?)
>>Q000782 266b
9'. [x] nu-zu gaba kur-ra-ka
9'. [...] nu-zu! gaba kur-ra-ka
#tr.en: On an unknown road (on) the edge/base(?) of the mountain
>>Q000782 267
10'. [x] kur-ra lu2 gu7-gu7-u-me-esz
10'. [...] kur-ra lu2 gu7-gu7-me-esz
#tr.en: The gods of the mountains are man eaters
>>Q000782 268
11'. [x x]-gim# nu-du3 [...]-du3
11'. [...]-gin7#? nu-du3 [...]-du3#
#tr.en: They do not build houses like man, they do not build cities like man
>>Q000782 269
$ rest broken
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 015 (P346209) 2326472
...-lam-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
x-gu7-e only appears a few times in words list
emedada-e does not appear in words list
kinx(UR4)-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
kar-kar-re-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
ki!-szar2-ra only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-an-gid2-da-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
e2-kisz-nu-gal2-na only appears a few times in words list
an-sza4-an{ki}-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
uru17-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-gur-re-dam only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}ukur-ra only appears a few times in words list
nu-ni10-ni10-de3 only appears a few times in words list
usz-u3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
szu2-szu2-u3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-tar-re-esz only appears a few times in words list
nam-tar-... only appears a few times in words list
ki-...-tusz-ba only appears a few times in words list
iri{ki}-bi-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
ba-sugx(DU)-ge-esz only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-szi-ib2-gur-re only appears a few times in words list
sag-gig2-ga-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
gu-ti-um!{ki} only appears a few times in words list
emedada does not appear in signs list
ukur only appears a few times in signs list
sugx(DU) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346209 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 015
#atf: lang sux
1. u4# szu# bala# ke3#-de3# [...]-lam#?-e-de3
#tr.en: In order to overturn the day, in order to destroy the plans
2. u4#-de3 mar-rux(TE)-gin7# [...] x-gu7-e
#tr.en: The storm ravages like a stormwind
3. me ki#-en-gi-ra# szu# bala# ke3-de3#
#tr.en: In order to overturn the cosmic powers of Sumer
4. bala# sa6-ga e2#-ba# gi4-gi4-de3
#tr.en: In order to confine the good reign in its house
5. iri# gul#-gul-u3-de3 e2 gul-gul-u3-de3
#tr.en: In order to destroy the city, in order to destroy the temple
6. tur3 gul-gul-u3-de3 amasz tab-tab-be2-de3
#tr.en: In order to destroy the cattlepen, in order to flatten the sheepfold
7. gu4-bi tur3-bi-a nu-gub-bu-de3
#tr.en: So that the ox does not does not stand in its cattlepen
8. udu-bi amasz-bi-a nu-dagal-e-de3#
#tr.en: So that the sheep does not expand (in number?) in its sheepfold
9. i7-bi a mun4-na tum3-u3-de3#
#tr.en: So that the canal irrigates with (only) brackish water
10. GAN2-ne2 zi-de3 {u2}hirim mu2-mu2-de3
#tr.en: So that hirin grass grows in the fertile field
11. edin-e u2 a-nir mu2-mu2-de3
#tr.en: So that the “lamentation plant” grows in the plain
12. ama dumu-ni-ir ki nu-kinx(UR4)-kinx(UR4)-de3
#tr.en: So that the mother does not seek the whereabouts of her child
13. ad-da a dam-gu10 nu-di-de3
#tr.en: So that the father does not say “ah, my wife”
14. dam banda3 ur2-ra nu-hul2-le-de3
#tr.en: So that the junior spouse does not delight in (his) lap
15. TUR-TUR dub3-ba nu-bulug3-ge26-e-de3
#tr.en: So that the little ones do not grow on the knee
16. emedada-e u5-a nu-di-de3
#tr.en: So that the nursemaid does not sign a lullaby
17. nam-lugal-la ki#-tusz-bi kur2#-ru-de3
#tr.en: So that the dwelling of kingship is changed
18. esz-bar# kinx(UR4)-ga2 [...]-e-de3
#tr.en: In order to paralyze/actively diminish(?) decision making
19. nam#-lugal# kalam-ma kar#?-kar#?-re#?-e#-[de3]
#tr.en: In order to take away the kingship of the land
20. igi#-bi ki!-szar2-ra ga2-ga2#-[de3]
#tr.en: So that it (the destructive storm) sets its gaze on the entire world
21. inim du11-ga an {d}en#-lil2-ta gesz-hur ha-lam-e-[de3]
#tr.en: So that it ruins the plans according to the command of An and Enlil
22. u4 an-ne2# kur-kur-ra sag-ki ba-da-an-gid2-da-a#-[ba]
#tr.en: It was the time when An frowned upon the lands
23. {d}en-lil2-le igi-ni ki kur2-ra ba-an-gar-ra-a-ba
#tr.en: It was the (time) that Enlil set his gaze on another place
24. {d}nin-tur5-re nig2-dim2-dim2-ma-ni za3 bi2-in-tag-ga-a-ba
#tr.en: It was the (time) that Nintur rejected her creations
25. {d}en-ki-ke4 {i7}idigna {i7}buranun-na szu!? bi2-in-bala-a-ba
#tr.en: It was the (time) that Enki changed (the course of) the Tigris and Euphrates
26. ki-en-gi-ra me-bi ha-lam-e-de3 gesz-hur-bi kur2-ru-de3
#tr.en: In order to destroy the me of Sumer, in order to alter its plans
27. uri2{ki}-ma me nam-lugal-la bala-bi su3-su3-u4-de3
#tr.en: In order to obfuscate the me and the reign of kingship in Ur
28. dumu nun-na e2-kisz-nu-gal2-na szu pe-el-la2 di-de3
#tr.en: In order to defile the princely son in his Ekišnugal temple
29. [{d}]nanna ug3 u8?-gin7 lu-a-na igi-te-en-bi si-il-le-de3
#tr.en: In order to tear apart the “mesh” of the people teeming/pastured like ewes(?) of Nanna
30. uri2{ki} esz3 nindaba gal-gal-la nindaba-bi kur2-ru-de3
#tr.en: In order to change the nindaba offering of Ur, the shrine of great nindaba offerings
31. ug3-bi ki-tusz-bi nu-tusz-u3-de3 ki-erim2-e szum2-mu-de3
#tr.en: So that its people do no dwell in their dwelling, so that they are given into enemy territory
32. szimaszgi?{ki} elam{ki} lu2 ha-lam-ma ki-tusz-bi tusz-u3-de3
#tr.en: So that Šimašgi and Elam, the destructive people, dwell in their dwellings
33. sipa-bi e2-gal-la ni2-te-na lu2-erim2-e dab5-be2-de3
#tr.en: So that the enemy seizes their shepherd in his very own palace
34. i-bi2-{d}suen kur elam{ki}-ma-sze3 gesz-bur-re tum2-u3-de3
#tr.en: So that Ibbi-Sîn is brought to the land of Elam in a {geš}bur trap/restraint
35. isz za-bu gaba a-ab-ba-ka-ta za3 an-sza4-an{ki#}-sze3
#tr.en: From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan
36. sim{muszen} e2-bi-a ba-ra-an-dal-a-gin7 uru17-ni-sze3 nu-gur-re-dam#?
#tr.en: Like a swallow that has flown from(!?) its house (= nest), he is not to return to his city
37. {i7}idigna {i7}buranun-na gu2 min4{min}-a-bi u2 hul mu2-mu2-de3
#tr.en: So that malevolent plants grow on both banks of the Tigris and Euphrates
38. kaskal-e giri3 nu-ga2-ga2-de3# har-ra-an nu-kinx(UR4)-kinx(UR4)-de3
#tr.en: So that no one sets foot on the road, so that no one seeks the path
1. uru17 a2-dam ki gar-gar-ra-ba du6-du6-ra szid-de3
#tr.en: In order to break up the founded city and (outlying) settlements into ruin mounds
2. ug3 sag-gig2 lu-lu-a-ba {gesz}hasz#-e ke3-de3
#tr.en: In order to smite the teeming black-headed people with the haš weapon
3. GAN2-ne2 zi-de3 {gesz}al nu-ru#-gu2#-de3 numun ki nu-tag-ge-de3
#tr.en: So that the hoe does not penetrate the fertile field, so that the seed is not planted
4. e-el-lu szir3 gu4 sub2-sub2-ba edin-na# nu-di-de3
#tr.en: So that the e'ellu, the song of the going oxen, is not sung in the plain
5. e2-tur3-ra i3 ga-ar3-ra nu-ke3-de3 x szu ha-lam-e-de3
#tr.en: So that butter and cheese(?) are not made in the cattlepen, so that ... is destroyed
6. sipa-de3 {gesz}ukur-ra amasz ku3-ga szu nu-ni10-ni10-de3
#tr.en: So that the shepherd does not circle around (herding) within the corral and the holy sheepfold
7. i-lu-lam-ma dun5-dun5 {dug}szakir3-ra amasz-a nu-di-de3
#tr.en: So that the ilulama song, the churning of the churn, is not sung in the sheepfold
8. edin-na masz2-ansze tur-re-de3 nig2-zi-gal2 til-le-de3
#tr.en: In order to diminish the herd, in order to finish the wild animals
9. nig2-ur2-limmu2 {d#}szakkan-ke4 szurim ki nu-tag-ge-de3
#tr.en: So that the dung/bedding of the quadrupeds of Sumuqan does not touch the ground
10. ambar-re szu ki-in-dar di-de3 numun nu-tuku-tuku-de3
#tr.en: So that in the marshes (wet land) is turned into cracked land, so that they do not acquire seeds
11. gesz-gi gi sag hul mu2-mu2-de3 hab2-ba usz-u3-de3
#tr.en: So that the “evil-headed” reed grows in the wetlands, so that (the wetlands) die with a stench(?)
12. pu2 {gesz}kiri6 u2 gibil-la2 nu-me-a ni2-ba szu2-szu2-u3-de3
#tr.en: So that the irrigated orchard with no new growth covers itself over
13. uri2{ki} am gal u3-na gub-ba ni2-bi-ta nir-gal2
#tr.en: Urim, the great wild bull standing wildly, noble in and of itself
14. iri numun nam-en nam-lugal-la ki sikil-la du3-a#
#tr.en: The city where the seed of the en-ship and kingship is planted in a pure place
15. gu4-gin7 saman ul4-la-bi szub-bu-de3 gu2 ki-sze3 la2#-e-de3
#tr.en: In order to fell it quickly with a tethering rope like a bull, in order to bring its neck to the ground
16. an {d}en#-lil2# {d}en-ki {d}nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4 nam-bi ba-an-tar-re-esz
#tr.en: An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag decreed its fate
17. nam-tar-[...] nu#-kur2-ru-dam a-ba szu mi-ni-ib2-bala-e
#tr.en: That determined fate is something that cannot be changed--who can alter it?
18. inim du11-[... {d}]en-lil2-kam sag a-ba mu-un-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: It is the command of An and Enlil--who could confront it?
19. an-ne2 ki-[...]-tusz#-ba bi2-in-hu-luh ug3-e ni2 bi2-in-te
#tr.en: An terrified within the dwelling of Sumer, the people were frightened
20. {d}en-lil2-[...] gig#-ga mu-un-zal iri#-a# me# bi2-ib-gar
#tr.en: Enlil made a painful day elapse, silence befell the city
21. {d}nin-tur5-re ama5# kalam-ma-ke4 {gesz}ig-szu-ur2 im-mi-in-gub
#tr.en: Nintur set (open?) the bolt (in the street) at the women's quarters of the land
22. {d}en-ki-ke4 {i7}idigna {i7}buranun-na a im-ma-da-an-kesz2
#tr.en: Enki bound up the water away from the Tigris and Euphrates
23. {d}utu nig2-si-sa2 inim gin6-na ka-ta ba-da#-an#-kar
#tr.en: Utu took away justice and the true word from the mouth (of anyone that would speak it)
24. {d}inanna-ke4 me3 szen-szen-na# ki-bala-e ba#-an-szum2
#tr.en: Inanna gave the battle and combat (to the enemy) in the rebel land
25. {d}nin-gir2-su-ke4 ki-en-gi ga-gin7# ur-e ba#-ni-in-de2
#tr.en: Ningirsu poured out Sumer like milk among the dogs
26. kalam-ma ga#-ba-ra-hum im-ma-an-szub nig2 lu2 nu-zu-a
#tr.en: Rebellion fell upon the land, it was something no one knew
27. nig2 igi nu-gal2-la inim nu-gal2-la nig2 szu nu-te-ge26#-dam
#tr.en: It was something unseen (before), and (for which) there was no word, something not to be accepted(?)
28. kur-kur-re e2# ni2-ta-bi-a szu suh3-a ba-ab-du11
#tr.en: The lands were confused in their very own temples(!?)
29. iri{ki}-ba dingir iri{ki}-bi-e-ne bar-ta ba-sugx(DU)-ge-esz
#tr.en: In the city, the gods of that city stood outside
30. nam-lu2-lux(URU) e2#? ni2-te-bi-a zi gig# mu#-un-pa-an-pa-an
#tr.en: Humanity breathed painfully in their very own homes(?)
31. u4-de3 szu-ne-ne ba-du3-du3 u4 nu-mu-un#-szi-ib2-gur-re
#tr.en: The storm bound their hands, the storm will not return them
32. u4 gi4-a mu-un-na-tuku-am3 u4 dur2-bi-sze3# nu-um-DU
#tr.en: The storm acquired blocking(?) for them(?), it did not go(?) towards their (sturdy) bottom(?)
33. {d}en#-lil2 sipa sag-gig2-ga-ke4 a-na bi2-in-ak-a-bi
#tr.en: This is what Enlil, the shepherd of the black-headed people, did
34. {d}en#-lil2-le e2 zi gul-gul-lu-de3 lu2 zi tur-re-de3
#tr.en: Enlil, in order for Enlil to destroy the true temple and diminish the true man
35. dumu lu2# zi#-da#?-ke4#? dumu# sag#-e igi hul#-bi dim2-me-de3
#tr.en: In order to exert the evil eye upon the son of the true man, the eldest son
36. u4#-ba# {d#}[...] gu#-ti-um!{ki} kur-ta im-ta-an-e11
#tr.en: At that time Enlil brought down Gutium from the mountain
$ single ruling
37. x x [...]
CDLI Literary 000365, ex. 082 (P346531) 2326473
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 1: 1'.
&P346531 = UET 6/3, 493
&P346531 = CDLI Literary 000365, ex. 082
#atf: lang sux
#link: def A = Q000365 = Gilgamesh and Huwawa, version A
$ broken
$ n lines broken
1. [...] inim mu-[...]
>>A 176
2. [...]-ba-hug eger gaba-ri# us2#-[x] / inim mu-na#-[...]
>>A 177
3. [...] KA mu-na-[...]
>>A 177a
4. [...] ni2-zu ba-szi-[...]
>>A 177b
5. [...] mu-[...]
>>A 177c
$ n lines broken
#tr.en: Gilgamesh and Huwawa A 163f., Delnero Variation in Sumerian lIterary Compositions, source Ur8
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] inim mu-na#?-[...]
#tr.en: Enkidu has defamed me
>>Q000365 176
2'. [...] ba-hun egir gaba-ri us2#-[...] inim mu-na#-[...]
#tr.en: The hireling who is hired by (mere) sustenance, who follows behind his opponent, has defamed (me)
>>Q000365 177
3'. [...] KA mu-na-[...]
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000365 177a
4'. [...] ni2-zu ba-szi-[...]
#tr.en: ... you yourself/your aura ...
>>Q000365 177b
5'. [...] ak#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000365 177c
$ rest broken
$ broken
UET 6, 0257 (P254865) 2326474
he2-su3-u4-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P254865 = UET 6, 0257
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. lu2 nig2-gin6-na
2. zi-bi he2-u3-tu
3. nam-ti he2-su3-u4-de3
#tr.en: If a man engenders the life of truth, he will prolong (his own) lifetime
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000768, ex. 015 (P346239) 2326475
nu-te-ga2-asz only appears a few times in words list
nam-ma-ni-ib-gi4-gi4-in only appears a few times in words list
tusz-u3-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
tar-ra-na-ma only appears a few times in words list
nam-sun7-na only appears a few times in words list
si-ba only appears a few times in words list
nu-sun7-ne-en only appears a few times in words list
nig2-sig8 only appears a few times in words list
4(disz)-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
gi4-me-a-asz-zu only appears a few times in words list
is-hab2-ba-am3 only appears a few times in words list
u3-mu-e-gub only appears a few times in words list
igi-gu10-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
ab-szid-e!-a only appears a few times in words list
ib-il2 only appears a few times in words list
i-ni-in-gar-re-ze2-en only appears a few times in words list
al-zil2-zil2-le only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-ak-ze2-en only appears a few times in words list
gi4-ba-an-ze2-en only appears a few times in words list
u4!-szu2-usz-bi-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-ib-ri-ze2-en only appears a few times in words list
tud2-de3-da only appears a few times in words list
in-ne-hur only appears a few times in words list
al-ak-e-a only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-ni-ib-du11 only appears a few times in words list
al-gal2-la-a only appears a few times in words list
ga-ni-ib-zu-zu only appears a few times in words list
ki-umun2-ma-ka only appears a few times in words list
ugula-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
in-hur only appears a few times in words list
sig8 only appears a few times in signs list
&P346239 = UET 6, 0154
#atf: lang sux
1. a-da-lam ni2# nu-te-ga2-asz
#tr.en: Now, fearless one
2. ur5-gin7 nam-ma-ni-ib-gi4-gi4-in
#tr.en: Do not answer thusly
3. u4 x NIG2#? tusz-u3-na-gu10 a-na-gin7-nam inim i3-bala-e
#tr.en: My time dwelling/sitting ... how will I converse?
4. szesz gal-gu10 en3 tar-ra-na-ma nam-sun7-na mu zu-bi
#tr.en: When(?) my “big brother” makes an inquiry (and says?), (it is?) a reputation(?) of arrogance
5. si-ba lu2-tu15 en-na-bi-sze3-am3 nu-sun7-ne-en
#tr.en: Be silent, idiot, how long until you are not haughty?
6. nig2-sig8 4(disz)-gin7 erin2 tesz2-a nu-ub-si-ge
#tr.en: Like a comb with only 4 teeth(!?) you(?) do not bring the workforce(?) together
7. gi4-me-a-asz-zu is-hab2-ba-am3 za-e ku3-zu-me-en
#tr.en: Your colleagues (say) “he is a rogue, but you are wise”
8. inim sikil-du3-a-bi ba-ra-an-du11#
#tr.en: He should not have spoken insulting words to you
9. inim-bi u3-mu-e-gub igi-gu10-sze3! gar-ra
#tr.en: After you submit the matter, set it before me
10. lu2 sikil-du3-a-bi ab-szid-e!-a
#tr.en: The one reckoned as the insulter(?)
11. nam-tag-ga-ni ib-il2
#tr.en: So that his guilt is imposed (upon him)
12. a-na-gin7-nam ki-umun2-ma lu2 i-ni-in-gar-re-ze2-en
#tr.en: How could you put a man (like) that in the place of learning?
13. al-zil2-zil2-le du14# ba-e-ak-ze2-en
#tr.en: It is good that you (pl.) quarrel
1. 2(disz)-am3 inim 5(disz)-am3 u3-na-du11 zi gi4-ba-an-ze2-en
#tr.en: It has been 2 (times), it has been 5 words(?) I(?) said to (them) “calm down!”
2. a-na-sze-am3 u4-da u4!-szu2-usz-bi-sze3! du14-da ba-ni-ib-ri-ze2-en
#tr.en: Why do you, today(?) and daily (before that?), cast down/pick up(?) quarreling?
3. a-da-al tud2-de3-da a-na szu ba-ni-ti
#tr.en: Now, what (corporeal punishment) is to be smitten should (you) accept?
4. u4-da-ta ki#-umun2-ma lu2 du14# na-an-ak-e
#tr.en: From today onward, no one quarrels in the place of learning
5. igi-ne-ne bi2-zu# gesz in-ne-hur
#tr.en: Their eyes have been taught the design I drew for them
6. lu2 ki-umun2-ma du14 al-ak-e-a
#tr.en: Anyone who has quarreled in the place of learning
7. tukumbi sa2 im-ma-ni-ib-du11
#tr.en: If it has occurred regularly here
8. nam-tag ki-umun2-ma al-gal2-la-a# ga2-e <ga>-ni-ib-zu-zu
#tr.en: The sin that is in the place of learning, I will learn of it
9. du14 ki-umun2-ma-ka gi4-me-a-asz-e-ne
#tr.en: The quarrel of the place of learning that the colleagues
10. igi ugula-sze3 ba-an-gar-ra
#tr.en: Submitted before the overseer
11. ugula#? nam-tag in-hur# di-bi bi2-in-dab5-ba
#tr.en: The overseer “incised” the sin and seized its decision
12. {d}en-ki lugal ki-umun2#-ma za3-mi2
#tr.en: Enki, king of the place of wisdom, praise!
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 016 (P346210) 2326476
ha-lam-me-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P346210 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 016
#atf: lang sux
1. [...] gesz-hur ha-lam-me-[de3]
#tr.en: In order to overturn the day, in order to destroy the plans
2. [...] tesz2#-bi i3-gu7-e#?
#tr.en: The storm ravages like a stormwind
3. [...]-gi#-ra# szu bala ak-de3
#tr.en: In order to overturn the me of Sumer
4. [...] sa6#-ga e2-ba gi4-gi4-de3
#tr.en: In order to confine the good reign in its house
5. [...] gul#-gul-lu-de3 e2 gul-gul-lu#-de3
#tr.en: In order to destroy the city, in order to destroy the temple
6. [...] gul-gul-lu-de3 amasz tab-tab#-[be2]-de3
#tr.en: In order to destroy the cattlepen, in order to flatten the sheepfold
7. [gu4]-bi# tur3-bi-a nu-gub-bu-de3
#tr.en: So that the ox does not does not stand in its cattlepen
8. [udu]-bi# amasz-a nu-dagal-e-de3
#tr.en: So that the sheep does not expand (in number?) in the sheepfold
9. [i7]-de3 a mun4-na tum2-mu-de3#
#tr.en: So that the canal irrigates with (only) brackish water
10. [...] zi-de3 {u2}hirim mu2-mu2-de3#
#tr.en: So that hirin grass grows in the fertile field
11. [...] u2 a-nir mu2-mu2#-[de3]
#tr.en: So that the “lamentation plant” grows in the plain
12. [...]-ni#-ir ki# nu#-[...]
#tr.en: So that the mother does not seek the whereabouts of her child
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...] ki#-tusz-ba bi2#-in#-hu#-luh# ug3#-[...]
#tr.en: An terrified within the dwelling of Sumer, the people were frightened
3'. [...] u4# gig-ga mu-un-zal iri{ki}-a# [...]
#tr.en: Enlil made a painful day elapse, silence befell the city
4'. [...] ama5 kalam-ma-ka {gesz}ig-szu-ur2# [...]
#tr.en: Nintur set (open?) the bolt (in the street) at the women's quarters of the land
5'. [...] {i7#}idigna {i7}buranun-na a# [...]
#tr.en: Enki bound up the water away from the Tigris and Euphrates
6'. [... im]-gid2-da disz-kam-ma
#tr.en: ... first imgida tablet (in a series)
UET 6, 0650 (P346687) 2326477
&P346687 = UET 6, 0650
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface unclear)
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x
2'. [...] AN [...]
#tr.en: ...
@column 2'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...] ka?-ga14?-ni [...]
#tr.en: ... his(?) mouth ...
2'. lu2 AN x [...] ki#-nu2#-a [...] x MU x [...]
#tr.en: The man ... in the bedroom ...
UET 6, 0495 (P346533) 2326478
nu-mu-ra-x-NE only appears a few times in words list
...-ta! only appears a few times in words list
&P346533 = UET 6, 0495
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface uncertain)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...] di AN# [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
3'. [...] nu-mu-ra-x-NE x [...]
#tr.en: ...
5'. [...] {d}gilgamesz2# [...]
#tr.en: ... Gilgamesh ...
$ (surface uncertain)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [...] x
3'. [...] x x
4'. [...] x x x
5'. [...]-ta!?
#tr.en: ...
UET 6, 0258 (P346332) 2326479
&P346332 = UET 6, 0258
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. [...]-gin6-na
2. x-ni al-su3-u4
3. ti sag rig7-ga
#tr.en: The true .../... of justice, his ... is distant/profound, life has been granted
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000367, ex. 037 (P346534) 2326480
mu-na-zalag-ge only appears a few times in words list
mu-na-ta-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346534 = CDLI Literary 000367, ex. 037
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface unclear)
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-x-ta#? [...]
#tr.en: A 2nd time the white bull coming out from the horizon
2'. [...] nam#-me-a [...]
#tr.en: The bull reposing among the cypress trees
3'. [...] ki us2-sa igi# [...]
#tr.en: A shield touching the ground, watched by the assembly
4'. [...]-ta# e3 igi [...]
#tr.en: A shield emerging from the treasury, watched by the young man
5'. [...] an-ta mu#-[...]
#tr.en: The youth Utu was suspended above among his holy rays
6'. [...] ku3 x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
7'. [...] kur#-ra-ka u4 mu#-[...]
#tr.en: He ... sunlight in the mountain cave
8'. [... hur]-ru#-um kur-ra-ka mu-na-zalag?-ge#? [...]
#tr.en: He was illuminating(?) the mountain cave for lugalbanda
9'. [...]-ni# mu-na-ta#-[...]
#tr.en: His good udug protective deity was suspended above him
10'. [...]-ni# hasz4-a-na ba#-[...]
#tr.en: His good lamma protective deity went “at his thigh"(?)
11'. [...]-ni# bar-sze3 ba-[...]
#tr.en: His afflicting god stood aside
12'. [...] igi#? he2#?-[...]
#tr.en: During that of his “may he raise his eyes toward the sky for Utu”
CDLI Literary 000767, ex. 007 (P346240) 2326481
eme-gir15-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
igi-diri only appears a few times in words list
u3-ra-tar only appears a few times in words list
nu-sa6-... only appears a few times in words list
nam-dub-... only appears a few times in words list
nig2-HAR-ra only appears a few times in words list
eh-eh-NE only appears a few times in words list
ra-ah-ta only appears a few times in words list
zi-ir-ir-... only appears a few times in words list
kiszi-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-lu2-lux(URU)-ka only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-da-gaz only appears a few times in words list
al-bil2-la-x only appears a few times in words list
ab-sil2-... only appears a few times in words list
e-da-ra-ah! only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}pu2 only appears a few times in words list
da-gum-ta only appears a few times in words list
al-gu4-... only appears a few times in words list
lu2-ni2-su-ub-ba-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
igi-zu-... only appears a few times in words list
gu2-mur7-zu-ta only appears a few times in words list
gu-du-zu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
kur6-ma only appears a few times in words list
lukur-e-ne-... only appears a few times in words list
al-tur-... only appears a few times in words list
zehda(|SZAH2.TUR|)-gin7 does not appear in words list
am3-ur4-ur4-re-de3-... only appears a few times in words list
gudug-bi only appears a few times in words list
zehda(|SZAH2.TUR|) does not appear in signs list
&P346240 = CDLI Literary 000767, ex. 007
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...] x x [...]
3'. [...] x [...] x x [...]
4'. [...] x [...]
5'. eme#-gir15-sze3! [...] eme#-[...]
#tr.en: Your tongue does not function properly for the Sumerian language
6'. a-ra2 he2#-szid# x [...]
#tr.en: If multiplication (tables) are (i.e., have to be manually) counted(?), you did not (actually) know them
7'. igi-diri he2#-duh# x [...]
#tr.en: If you (manage to) solve(?) the reciprocals, but the foundation (i.e. basis) is not grasped for you
8'. sahar-gar#-ra# x [...]
#tr.en: The problem involving the computation of river silt (volume?)(?) ... is not put in its place for you
9'. KA-inim#-ma# [...]
#tr.en: The topics/vocabularies(?) of the art of the scribal student
10'. szu-zu# [...]
#tr.en: By your hand they are produced(?)
11'. en3 u3-ra#?-tar# szu#? [...] x [...]
#tr.en: (But) when ... asks after you, (they say(?)) “do not entrust(?) it (your tablet?) (to anyone?)”
12'. szu nu#-sa6#-[...] ki# nam#-dub#-[...]
#tr.en: (Possessor) of a hand that is not good that is not read aloud in the school (lit. place of the scribal art)
13'. lu2-tu15# [...] x [...]
#tr.en: Idiot who attempts(?) to remove(!?) parasites and is dying from hunger
14'. nig2-HAR-ra eh-eh#?-NE# [...]-zu#
#tr.en: Going along with(?) parasites and ..., debt(?) is your appropriate thing (i.e., debt typifies you?)
15'. gaba-ri-gu10-me-en#
#tr.en: You are (really) my opponent?
$ double ruling
16'. a#-na#-asz-am3# ga2 x [...] nu#-me-en#
#tr.en: Why would I not be your opponent?
17'. lu2-tu15# lul du11-du11# [...]
#tr.en: Idiot, liar (who is like a) rider of a distant land
18'. gu4 szab ku5-ku5 [...]-x [...]
#tr.en: Ox with crippled hips, lying down in the yoke
19'. gu4 gu3 ra-ah-ta zi-ir-ir#?-[...]
#tr.en: Ox that is distressed by means of (its own) mooing(?)
20'. geme2 szu-ku6 {gesz}ba-an-e# u4# [...]
#tr.en: Female laborer (of?) a fisherman(?) spending time near the ban measure (to alter it in her favor?)
21'. sag lu2-tu15 udun bahar2#-ka# [...]
#tr.en: Slave(?), idiot lying next to the potter's kiln
22'. szagan-la2 ku3 dam#-[...]
#tr.en: Merchant apprentice/purse bearer that exhausts the silver of the merchant
23'. lu2-kurun-na zi3#-[...]
#tr.en: Brewer eating the zidmunu ration
24'. kiszi-a# ak [...]
#tr.en: One who has half (his hair shaved), come, ...
25'. lil hu-ru#-[um ...]
#tr.en: Childish fool, driveller/stammerer(?)
26'. a-na-gin7-nam# [...]
#tr.en: How is it that you compare with me?
$ double ruling
27'. 4(u)? 9(disz)
#tr.en: Forty? nine? (entries, total of entire tablet?)
1. ni2-su-ub lu2-tu15 dim2-ma# [...]
#tr.en: Lunatic, idiot, (possessing) the intellect of a monkey
2. e2 nu-tuku e-sir2-ra nu2#-[nu2]
#tr.en: Homeless one lying in the street
3. {im}szu-rin-na nam-lu2-lux(URU)-ka titab2 i-ni-[...]
#tr.en: Spreading out residue left from fermentation at the “oven of mankind” (a collective oven?)
4. {dug}utul2 ar-za-na {im}szu-rin-na-ta e11#-[...]
#tr.en: When you bring out the bowl (filled with) groats up from the oven
5. ba-e-da-gaz utul2 al-bil2-la-x [...]
#tr.en: It shatters to your detriment(?) due to the heat of the bowl(?)
6. ma-sila3 sa-sal-zu SU-a ab-sil2#?-[...]
#tr.en: Your heel and you Achilles tendon tear away at (your) flesh/skin
7. gi-gur nisi-ga-ta zu2 e-da-ra-ah! gi-gur szu#-[...]
#tr.en: You gnaw at (food from) the vegetable basket, and steal fish from the fisherman's basket
8. u4 didli {gesz}pu2 da-gum-ta igi-zu#? al#?-gu4#?-[...]
#tr.en: Many days your face/eye jumps/twitches from/by crushing holds(?)
9. ga-ab-sa10 ganba lu2#-[...]
#tr.en: Peddlar (who haggles over?) the market price(?), the grain roasters
$ double ruling
10. lu2-ni2-su-ub-ba-gin7 igi-zu#-[...]
#tr.en: They/we(?) fled from before you like lunatics
11. udun bahar2-ka x-[...]
#tr.en: When you ... at the potter's kiln
12. gu2-mur7-zu-ta za3 gu#-[du-zu-sze3 ...]
#tr.en: From your spine to the edge of your anus
13. zu2-kesz2 simx(GIG)-ma ab#?-[...]
#tr.en: (Your) verterbrae are filled with “sores” (i.e., ruptured disks and hemorrhoids?)
14. {gi}pisan ninda kur6-ma# lukur-e-ne#-[...] u3#-mu-ni#-[...]
#tr.en: When you(?) drop the basket (containing) the rations of the lukur priestesses
15. geme2 lukur-ra al-tur#-[...]
#tr.en: (Even) the female laborer of the the lukur priestess are belittled(?)
16. igi-zu zehda(|SZAH2.TUR|)-gin7 am3-ur4-ur4-re#?-de3#-[...]
#tr.en: Your face, like a piglet, they are to pluck (bald, in retaliation?)
17. e2 dingir esz3 didli-ka i3#?-du8#? gudug-bi# u3-[sa2 ...] x x x [...]
#tr.en: At the temple of the god (and its) various shrines, its gatekeeper and gudug priest roam around for you (as if there was?) a deep sleep before them(?), they stand guard (i.e., are suspicious?) for you
UET 6, 0259 (P346333) 2326482
nig2-gen6-na does not appear in words list
e2-ad-da-ta only appears a few times in words list
gen6 does not appear in signs list
&P346333 = UET 6, 0259
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. [... nig2]-gen6-na hul-a
#tr.en: A judge who eradicated truth
2. [...] zi-da bala-e
#tr.en: Cursing with the right hand(!?)
3. [...] tur#-ra e2-ad-da-ta sar-ra
#tr.en: Someone who chases the junior heir away from his father's estate
4. [...] {d}utu-kam
#tr.en: It is anathema of Utu
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0651 (P346688) 2326483
he2-en-dab5 only appears a few times in words list
szu-kar2-bi only appears a few times in words list
x-na-bi only appears a few times in words list
ib2-tag4-a only appears a few times in words list
he2-du10-ga only appears a few times in words list
bar-szegx(|IM.A.AN|) only appears a few times in words list
kasz-ka! only appears a few times in words list
{uruda}kinx(TUK)-bi only appears a few times in words list
&P346688 = UET 6, 0651
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface uncertain)
$ beginning broken
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x x x
2'. [...] sa6-sa6#
#tr.en: Very good/made good ...
$ single ruling
# sic?
3'. [...]-e IN dili-am3 he2-en-dab5
#tr.en: If(?) ... seizes/grasps/dwell in(?) a single ...
4'. x du10-ga-am3
#tr.en: Then(?) ... is good/sweet
5'. dam#-gar3-ra ku3 diri# la2-e
#tr.en: The merchant who weighs out too much silver (for the transaction(?))
6'. [...] x szu#-kar2-bi gin6-na
#tr.en: (While?) the tools of ... are correct (i.e., functioning properly?)
7'. [...] x-na-bi ib2-tag4-a
#tr.en: Its/the ... left over
8'. [...] x he2-du10-ga
#tr.en: May/therefore ... be/is good
$ single ruling
9'. [...] bar-szegx(|IM.A.AN|) nig2-gig-ga
#tr.en: To a junior scribe, fog is a bad thing
10'. [{u2}]numun2#? ki-nu2-bi nu-zi
#tr.en: (Because) rushes are not cut (for) bedding
$ single ruling
11'. [...] dam#-gar3-ra {na4}lagab za-gin3-na
#tr.en: ... of(?) the merchant, a lapis lazuli block
12'. [...] x ib2-si
#tr.en: ... was filled(?)
13'. [...]-ga ba-la2
#tr.en: And weighed(?) ...
14'. [...] x-bi NIG2 szu? x
#tr.en: ...
15'. [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ single ruling
16'. [...] x [...]
@column 2'
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...]
2'. al#?-x [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ single ruling
3'. lu2-lul#?-[...]
4'. e2 kasz-ka#!? [...]
5'. inim-zu [...]
#tr.en: Like a liar, one should not flatter in the tavern/brewery, your word/case(?) is (nevertheless) set/advanced
$ single ruling
6'. lu2-lul-[...]
#tr.en: The liar ...
7'. lu2 nu-gar#-[ra ...]
#tr.en: The inappropriate man ...
8'. {uruda}kinx(TUK)-bi#? [...]
#tr.en: The liar chases the vagina, the inappropriate man ...(?), its sickle (haft)(?) is two
$ single ruling
9'. lu2-lul#-[...]
#tr.en: The liar ...
10'. lu2 [...]
#tr.en: The ... person ...
11'. e2# [...]
#tr.en: ...
12'. x [...]
$ broken
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 023 (P346211) 2326484
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 9: uri2{ki}#
tab-tab-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
turx(SZILAM)-bi-a only appears a few times in words list
tum3-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-bulug3-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}en-lil2-le2 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-dim2-... only appears a few times in words list
ki-en-gi-... only appears a few times in words list
gar-gar-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
du6-... only appears a few times in words list
lu-lu-a-ba! only appears a few times in words list
e2-turx(SZILAM)-ra only appears a few times in words list
x-lu-lam!-ma only appears a few times in words list
{dug}szakir3-a only appears a few times in words list
{d}szakkan-na!-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
di!-de3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-tuku-tuku-de3! only appears a few times in words list
ha-lam-ma-de3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-gar-ra-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-tag-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-x-x-ba only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-ku5-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
kur2-x-x only appears a few times in words list
nam-lugal-na only appears a few times in words list
x-gin7! only appears a few times in words list
igi-ta-bi only appears a few times in words list
si-le-... only appears a few times in words list
nindaba-... only appears a few times in words list
szum2-... only appears a few times in words list
tusz-de3 only appears a few times in words list
ni2-te-a only appears a few times in words list
di-bi2-{d}suen! only appears a few times in words list
elam-ma-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ab-ka-ta only appears a few times in words list
an-sza4-an-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-an-dal-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
min4!{min}-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
hul! only appears a few times in words list
dux(|LAGARxESZ|)-dux(|LAGARxESZ|)-da only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}hasz-a only appears a few times in words list
numun!(TI) only appears a few times in words list
dingir-bi-ne only appears a few times in words list
gesz-hur! only appears a few times in words list
gi4-gi-... only appears a few times in words list
min4! only appears a few times in signs list
numun!(TI) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346211 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 023
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. [...] szu# bala ke3-de3# gesz#-[...]
#tr.en: In order to overturn the day, in order to destroy the plans
2. [u4]-de3# mar-rux(TE)-gin7 tesz2-bi# [...]
#tr.en: The storm ravages like a stormwind
3. me# ki-en-gi-ra szu# [...]
#tr.en: In order to overturn the cosmic powers of Sumer
4. bala sa6#-ga# e2-ba gi4#-[...]
#tr.en: In order to confine the good reign in its house
5. uru17 gul#-gul-lu-de3 e2 gul-gul-lu-[de3]
#tr.en: In order to destroy the city, in order to destroy the temple
6. turx(SZILAM) gul-gul-lu-de3 amasz tab-tab-e-de3#
#tr.en: In order to destroy the cattlepen, in order to flatten the sheepfold
7. gu4#-bi turx(SZILAM)-bi-a nu-gub-bu-de3#
#tr.en: So that the ox does not does not stand in its cattlepen
8. udu#-bi amasz-bi-a nu-dagal-e-de3#
#tr.en: So that the sheep does not expand (in number?) in the sheepfold
9. i7-de3 a mun4-na tum3-e-[de3]
#tr.en: So that the canal irrigates with (only) brackish water
10. ama dumu-ni ki nu-kikken2-[de3]
#tr.en: So that the mother does not seek the whereabouts of her child
11. ad-da a dam-gu10 nu-di-[de3]
#tr.en: So that the father does not say “ah, my wife”
12. dam# banda3 ur2-ra nu-hul2-le-[de3]
#tr.en: So that the junior spouse does not delight in (his) lap
13. [TUR]-TUR# dub3-ba nu-bulug3-e#?-[de3]
#tr.en: So that the little ones do not grow on the knee
14. [emeda]{+da#}-e u5#?-[...]
#tr.en: So that the nursemaid does not sign a lullaby
15. [...]
#tr.en: So that the dwelling of kingship is changed
16. [...]
#tr.en: In order to paralyze/actively diminish(?) decision making
17. nam#?-[...]
#tr.en: In order to take away the kingship of the land
18. igi#-bi ki#-szar2#-ra# ga2#?-[...]
#tr.en: So that it (the destructive storm) sets its gaze on the entire world
19. inim# du11-ga an {d}en#-[...]
#tr.en: So that it ruins the plans according to the command of An and Enlil
20. u4# an-ne2 kur-kur-ta sag#-[ki ...]
#tr.en: It was the time when An frowned upon the lands
21. {d}en-lil2-le2 igi-ni ki# [...]
#tr.en: It was the (time) that Enlil set his gaze on another place
22. {d}nin-tur5-e nig2-dim2-[...]
#tr.en: It was the (time) that Nintur rejected her creations
23. {d}en-ki-ke4 {i7}idigna {i7#}[...]
#tr.en: It was the (time) that Enki changed (the course of) the Tigris and Euphrates
24. {d}utu har-ra-an kaskal#-[...]
#tr.en: It was the (time) that Utu cursed the journeys and caravans
25. ki#-en#-gi#-[...]
#tr.en: In order to destroy the me of Sumer, in order to alter its plans
#tr.en: (several lines missing)
$ beginning broken
1'. isz# za-bu gaba# [...]
#tr.en: From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan
2'. sim e2-bi ba-ra#?-[...]
#tr.en: Like a swallow that has flown (from) its house (i.e., nest), he is not to return to his city
3'. {i7}idigna {i7}buranunx(|KIB.NUN|)?-na# [...]
#tr.en: So that malevolent plants grow on both(?) banks of the Tigris and Euphrates
4'. kaskal#?-la giri3 nu-ga2-ga2-de3# [...]
#tr.en: So that no one sets foot on the road, so that no one seeks the path
5'. iri a2-dam szu gar-gar-a-ba du6#-[...]
#tr.en: In order to break up the founded city and (outlying) settlements into ruin mounds
6'. sag-gig2 lu-lu-a-ba! {gesz}hasz-e#? [...]
#tr.en: In order to smite the teeming black-headed people with the haš weapon
7'. GAN2-ne2 zi-de3 {gesz}al nu-ru-gu2-de3# [...]
#tr.en: So that the hoe does not penetrate the fertile field, ...
8'. e#-lu szir3 gu4 sub2-sub2-ba edin-na nu-di-de3#
#tr.en: So that the e'ellu, the song of the going oxen, is not sung in the plain
9'. e2-turx(SZILAM)-ra i3 gar9 nu-ke3-de3 x szu ha-lam-e-de3
#tr.en: So that butter and cream are not made in the cattlepen, so that ... is destroyed
10'. x-lu-lam!-ma du9-du9 {dug}szakir3-a amasz nu-di-de3
#tr.en: So that the ilulama song, the churning of the churn, is not sung in the sheepfold
11'. edin#-na masz2-ansze tur-re-de3 nig2-zi-gal2 til-le-de3
#tr.en: In order to diminish the herd, in order to finish the wild animals
12'. [... {d}]szakkan#-na!-ke4 x ki-a nu-tag-ge-de3
#tr.en: So that the dung/bedding(?) of the quadrupeds of Sumuqan does not touch the ground
13'. [... ki]-in#-dar# di!-de3 numun#!? nu-tuku-tuku-de3!
#tr.en: So that in the marshes (wet land) is turned into cracked land, so that they do not acquire seeds
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-lugal# kalam-ma kar#-[...]
#tr.en: In order to take away the kingship of the land
2'. [...]-bi# ki-szar2-ra ga2-ga2-[de3]
#tr.en: So that it (the destructive storm) sets its gaze on the entire world
3'. inim du11-ga an {d}en-lil2-la2-ta gesz-hur# ha#-lam-ma#-de3#
#tr.en: So that it ruins the plans according to the command of An and Enlil
4'. u4 an-ne2 kur-kur-ta sag-<ki> ba-da-an-gid2-da#?-ba
#tr.en: It was the time when An frowned upon the lands
5'. {d}en-lil2-le igi-ni ki kur2-ra ba-ra-gar-ra-a#-ba#
#tr.en: It was the (time) that Enlil set his gaze on another place
6'. {d}nin-tur5-e nig2-dim2-dim2-ma-ni za3 bi2-in-tag-a-ba
#tr.en: It was the (time) that Nintur rejected her creations
7'. {d}en-ki-ke4 {i7}idigna {i7}buranunx(|KIB.NUN|)?-na szu bi2-in#-x-x-ba
#tr.en: It was the (time) that Enki changed (the course of) the Tigris and Euphrates
8'. sul#? {d}utu har-ra-an kaskal-e nam ba-ni-ku5-a-ba#
#tr.en: It was the (time) that the youth(?) Utu cursed the journeys and caravans
9'. ki-en-gi-ra me-bi ha-lam-e-de3 gesz-hur-bi kur2-x-x
#tr.en: In order to destroy the me of Sumer, in order to alter its plans
10'. uri2{ki} me nam-lugal-na bala-bi su13-su13-de3#
#tr.en: In order to obfuscate the me and the reign of kingship in Ur
11'. dumu nun-na e2-kisz-nu-gal2 szu pe-el-la di-de3#
#tr.en: In order to defile the princely son in his Ekišnugal temple
12'. {d}nanna ug3 x-gin7!? x-a#-na igi-ta-bi si-le#-[...]
#tr.en: In order to tear apart the “mesh” of the people ... like ... of Nanna
@column 1
1. uri2{ki}# esz3#? nindaba# gal-gal-la# nindaba-[...]
#tr.en: In order to change the nindaba offering of Ur, the shrine of great nindaba offerings
2. ug3 ki-tusz-ba nu-tusz-u3-de3 lu2-erim2 szum2#-[...]
#tr.en: So that its people do no dwell in their dwelling, so that enemy territory gives it away(?)
3. szimaszgi elam{ki} lu2-kur2-ra ki-tusz-bi tusz-de3
#tr.en: So that Šimašgi and Elam, the foreign/enemy people, dwell in their dwellings
4. sipa#-bi e2 ni2-te-a lu2-erim2-e dab5-be2-de3
#tr.en: So that the enemy seizes its shepherd in his very own house
5. di-bi2-{d}suen! kur elam-ma-sze3 gesz-bur2-ra tum2-mu#-[de3]
#tr.en: So that Ibbi-Sîn is brought to the land of Elam in a {geš}bur trap/restraint
6. isz za-[x] gaba ab-ka-ta za3 an-sza4-an-sze3#
#tr.en: From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan
7. x [...] ba#-ra-an-dal-gin7 iri-ni-sze3 nu-gur-re-de3
#tr.en: Like a swallow that has flown from its house (i.e., nest), he is not to return to his city
8. [... {i7}]buranun#-na gu2 min4!{min}-a-ba u2 hul#!
#tr.en: (So that) malevolent plants (grow) on both(?) banks of the Tigris and Euphrates
9. [...]-de3 har-ra-an nu-kikken2-de3#
#tr.en: So that no one sets foot on the road, so that no one seeks the path
10. [...]-ba#? dux(|LAGARxESZ|)?-dux(|LAGARxESZ|)?-da szid#-de3
#tr.en: In order to break up the founded city and (outlying) settlements into ruin mounds
11. [...] {gesz#}hasz-a ke3-de3
#tr.en: In order to smite the teeming black-headed people with the haš weapon
12. [...]-de3 numun!(TI) ki nu-tag#?-ge#?-de3
#tr.en: So that the hoe does not penetrate the fertile field, so that the seed is not planted
13. [...] nu#-di-de3
#tr.en: So that the e'ellu, the song of the going oxen, is not sung in the plain
14. [...] ha#-lam#-[...]
#tr.en: So that butter and cream are not made in the cattlepen, so that ... is destroyed
15. [...] x [...]
$ n lines broken
16'. [...] igi nu-gal2 inim# [...]
#tr.en: It was something unseen (before), and (for which) there was no word, something not to be accepted(?)
17'. kur-kur-re ni2-ta-bi-a [...]
#tr.en: The lands were confused all by themselves(?)
18'. iri-ba dingir-bi-ne bar-ta ba#-[...]
#tr.en: The gods of that city stood outside
19'. nam-lu2-lu7 e2 ni2-te-bi-a# [...]
#tr.en: Humanity breathed painfully in their very own homes(?)
20'. u4 szu bala ak-de3 gesz-hur!? ha-lam#-[...]
#tr.en: In order to overturn the day, in order to destroy the plans
21'. u4-de3 mar-rux(TE)-gin7 tesz2-bi# i3-[...]
#tr.en: The storm ravages like a stormwind
22'. me ki-en-gi-ra szu bala# [...]
#tr.en: In order to overturn the cosmic powers of Sumer
23'. bala sa6-ga e2-ba gi4-gi#?-[...]
#tr.en: In order to confine the good reign in its house
24'. x gul#-gul-lu-de3 e2# [...]
#tr.en: In order to destroy the city, in order to destroy the temple
25'. x-[...] gul#-gul-de3 amasz# [...]
#tr.en: In order to destroy the cattlepen, in order to flatten the sheepfold
26'. gu4#-[...] x-bi-a nu#-[...]
#tr.en: So that the ox does not does not stand in its cattlepen
27'. udu#-[...] amasz#-a [...]
#tr.en: So that the sheep does not expand (in number?) in the sheepfold
28'. i7#-[...]
#tr.en: So that the canal irrigates with (only) brackish water
UET 6, 0500 (P346538) 2326485
mu-ub!-si-ge5-ne only appears a few times in words list
...-na-za only appears a few times in words list
ex(|ITI.DU|)-de3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-tum2-am3! only appears a few times in words list
x-dub-bu-ne only appears a few times in words list
nam-lu2-lu7! only appears a few times in words list
a-da-min3! only appears a few times in words list
ex(|ITI.DU|) only appears a few times in signs list
lu7! only appears a few times in signs list
min3! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346538 = UET 6, 0500
#atf: lang sux
1. u4 nam-lu2-lu7 x UD x NIG2 mu-ub!-si-ge5-ne [...]-na?-za
#tr.en: When humanity was placing ..., ...
2. utah-he ex(|ITI.DU|)-de3-de3 sza3 mu-un-tum2-am3#!?
#tr.en: ... plotted/decided(?) to ascend into(?) heaven
3. ki#? [...] an-na AN igi bar-ra sahar guru7-sze3 x [...] x-dub-bu-ne
#tr.en: The onlooking ... of heaven/An ... were pouring sand/earth in the manner of grain heaps
4. x x LU#? nam-lu2-lu7! a-da-min3#!? [...] x UD x [...]
#tr.en: ... humanity ... a contest ...
5. [...] x KA [...]
#tr.en: ...
1. [...] nam#-lu2-lu7# [...]
#tr.en: ... humanity ...
2. [...] AN lu2 TUR#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
CDLI Literary 000761, ex. 041 (P346337) 2326486
&P346337 = CDLI Literary 000761, ex. 041
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. [ku3] in-[tuku]
#tr.en: The one who has possessed silver
2. {na4#}za-gin3 in-tuku#
#tr.en: The one who has possessed lapis
3. gu4# in-tuku
#tr.en: The one who has possessed oxen
4. [udu] in-tuku
#tr.en: The one who has possessed sheep
5. ka2# lu2 sze in-tuku
#tr.en: (At) the gate (of) the one who has possessed barley
6. u4#? mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e
#tr.en: Will spent the day there
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000767, ex. 009 (P346241) 2326487
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 37: ni2# bulug5# a-sza3-ga-asz#? gesz#!?a
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 2: [.
ba-an-lal only appears a few times in words list
a-sza3-ga-asz only appears a few times in words list
gesz!a-ga2-la2 does not appear in words list
...-il2-il2-i only appears a few times in words list
kin2-ta only appears a few times in words list
ba-zah3-me-en only appears a few times in words list
gub-be2-en only appears a few times in words list
u3-ba-an-...-en only appears a few times in words list
imhur3 only appears a few times in words list
x-x-de3 only appears a few times in words list
tu-qa2-da-ad only appears a few times in words list
gu7-u3!-ta only appears a few times in words list
x-ta-na-szi only appears a few times in words list
e2-me-esz-ka only appears a few times in words list
szed10-da-ka only appears a few times in words list
bala-bala-e-da-zu only appears a few times in words list
a2-szu-giri3-zu only appears a few times in words list
e3-mu-de3 only appears a few times in words list
zu-...-x-ne only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-me-duh-usz only appears a few times in words list
..-me-en does not appear in words list
tak4-tak4-a-x-... only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-an-dab5-en only appears a few times in words list
dingir-ra-ne-ka only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-na!-kal-la only appears a few times in words list
lu2-kar2-ra-ga only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-gi-en only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-ul4-en only appears a few times in words list
mu-...-x only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-ta-de2-... only appears a few times in words list
al-zu-... only appears a few times in words list
sar-re-da-... only appears a few times in words list
ab-ta-kirid-da only appears a few times in words list
nam-mu-ni-du3-du3-en only appears a few times in words list
4(u)! does not appear in words list
ga-ab-sa2!-sa2!-en only appears a few times in words list
gesz!a does not appear in signs list
imhur3 only appears a few times in signs list
4(u)! does not appear in signs list
&P346241 = CDLI Literary 000767, ex. 009
#atf: lang sux
1. al#-gen# al-zal kin2#-e# ba#-an#-lal#
#tr.en: Going, spending time, you(!?) have diminished(?) the working(?)
2. ni2# bulug5# a-sza3-ga-asz#? gesz#!?a#-ga2#-la2# szu-sze3# la2
#tr.en: Boaster (who goes) towards the field holding an agala sack
3. lu2-hun#-ga2# egir# [...]-x-ke4
#tr.en: Hireling (always) behind the prostitute
4. gi-gur u2 de5#-ga [...]-il2#?-il2#?-i
#tr.en: Who carries a basket for collecting plants/food
5. u4 buru14#-ka#? a2#-zu sza3#-gal#-[zu ...]-sa2#?
#tr.en: At harvest time, your labor does not match your sustenance
6. kin2-ta ba-zah3#-me#?-en#? [...] x-bi#? gub-be2-en
#tr.en: Your are the one who(?) disappears from work, (yet) you stand/serve at the market price ...
7. e2 lu2 dingir kasz#-de2#-a#-ka# [...]
#tr.en: After you are to go to the house of a man (giving) a drinking party for a god(?)
8. egir lu2 kasz-de2-a#-ka u3-ba-an#-[...]-en#
#tr.en: After you enter behind the man of the drinking party
9. ugu-zu-sze3 imhur3#? x-x-de3# x-x-[...] x x x-x-x
#tr.en: Beer foam is to be spattered upon you
10. gu2-zu ki-a u3#-ba#?-e#?-ni-gar tu-qa2-da?-ad
#tr.en: After you set your neck upon the ground (Akk. you bow down ...)
11. ni2-zu szu nu-zu# a-ra-ab#-kar2 x-x-x-x
#tr.en: Your own self, which (is so drunk) does not (even) know (how to use?) a hand, is denigrated
12. ninda gu7-u3!?-ta#? szu pa4-hal-la ab-zi#-zi#-i x-ta-na?-szi
#tr.en: (You) raise an afflicted hand in order to(?) eat food(?)
13. e2-me-esz-ka gissu ni10-ni10#
#tr.en: Prowling about in that of the summer (for) shade
14. u4 szed10-da-ka x gaba u4#?-da ni10-ni10
#tr.en: Prowling about in that of the cooling day for the edge of the sunlight
15. lu2-tu15 x gu2 izi#-ka nu2#-nu2
#tr.en: Idiot, slave(?) lying at the edge of the fire
16. bala-bala-e-da-zu a2#-szu-giri3#-zu# SU#?-a ab#-x-[...]
#tr.en: When you move (your joints)(?), your appendages split apart (your) skin/flesh
17. e2 bur3-bur3 dun# [...]
#tr.en: Breaking into houses, digging
18. [a]-na-asz-am3 ga#-ba#-al# [...]
#tr.en: Why would you quarrel (with me)?
19. in mu-e-dub2-ba#? su#-a nu#-gal2
#tr.en: You are the one who has insulted, but it is not there in my flesh/skin (i.e., does not linger?)
20. ga2-nu e-sir2-sze3# e3-mu-de3
#tr.en: Come! Go out into the street with (me?)
21. lu2 zu-[...]-x-ne igi he2-em-me-duh-usz
#tr.en: So that my(?) acquaintances have seen me(?)
22. [...] egir#? inim-ma-zu nu-e-zu
#tr.en: You (by contrast) are a barbarian who has not known the “rear” (i.e., impact?) of your words
23. [..-me]-en# nig2-nam nu-[e]-zu
#tr.en: You are an uncouth one has not known anything
24. [...] tak4#-tak4#-a-x-[...]
#tr.en: You are one who does not abandon being a rogue
25. [...] la-ba-an-dab5-en x?
#tr.en: (Mentally) blocked person, you cannot take hold of words
26. [...]-ka nu2-nu2
#tr.en: Screamer(?) lying in the middle of the fire
27. [...] e2# dingir-ra-ne-ka [...]-bi nu-<mu>-un-na!?-kal-la
#tr.en: Prisoner/One who seizes from(!?) the basket of the temples, (the domain of?) its sagbur functionary(!?) is not valuable for him
1. [...] dag#-gi4-a a-ra-lu3-lu3
#tr.en: Squawker, shouter, the district is disturbed for (i.e., because of?) you
2. lu2# pe#?-el#?-[la2 ...] tuku#-tuku nu-e-zu!
#tr.en: Defiler who has not known any dignity
3. lu2-kar2-ra-ga#? nig2# ur2-ra gu7-gu7
#tr.en: Scorner who eats/consumes “that of the lap/limbs/base"?
4. lu2-sag-DU-a dumu lu2 nu-zu!
#tr.en: One (struck upon) the head(?), you(?) have not known the son of a man (i.e., the status of a man?))
5. ki-ma-an-ze2-er lu2 kal-la nu-e-zu!
#tr.en: "Slippery place,” you have not known a friend
#tr.en: the expression ki ma-an-ze2-er, see Civil leichty FS, 60.
6. [ur]-sag gub#-ba#? szu#-bi#-sze3 la2-a
#tr.en: (Self-proclaimed?) hero, stand and hold (a tablet?)
7. i3-gub nu-mu-un-gi#-en i3#-tusz# li#-bi2#-in-sa6
#tr.en: (You) stand, and you do not (do it) right, (you) sit, and (you) did not (make it) good
8. i3-szid ba-e-ul4-en u2-ha?-li?-iq i3-sar szu mu#?-[...]-x
#tr.en: (You) count (up the lines to be entered on the tablet), and you do it (too) quickly (Akk. ... makes ... get lost), (you) write, and you(?) have to erase from it (because it was wrong)
9. nig2 im sar-re gu3 nu-ub-ta-de2-[...]
#tr.en: You(?) cannot read aloud from that which was written (on) the tablet (i.e., you can't read your own handwriting)
10. dugud-bi ab-sar-re-en szu-ni al#?-zu-[...]
#tr.en: You incise it (too) heavily, your(!) hand is pierced(?) (by the stylus?)
11. szid-da-asz# la-ba#-ab-du7 sar-re-da-[...] in#?-nu#?-u3#
#tr.en: For the purposes of counting (out the proper number of textual lines), it (the tablet) has not been made suitable, in order to be written upon, (its appropriate(ness)) is non-(existent)
12. dub ha-ma-tur ul4-la-bi ga-ab#?-til
#tr.en: (And yet you say(?)) “if the tablet is too small (i.e., short(?)) for me, I will finish it quickly”
13. ki gub-ba-ni u2-gu i-ni-in-de2 u2-ha-li-iq
#tr.en: (You are one who) has forgotten where he(?) stood (i.e., started?)
14. ki tusz-a-ni i3-bir-bir-re
#tr.en: (You are one whose) place where he(?) sat (i.e., stopped?) is scattered about
15. dim2-ma ab-ta-szub-ba gu3 ab-ta-kirid-da
#tr.en: One who has quit from good sense, one who shouts(?) (out of frustration) because of (his predicament?)
16. a-ba-am3 gu3 e-ra-an-de2-ma
#tr.en: Who was it that spoke to you?
17. a-na-zu al-gal2-ma du14-sze3 im-ta-e3
#tr.en: And what is it that is yours (that made you) come out for an argument?
18. gub-ba lu2-tu15 ga-ba-al he2-mu-e-du3 nam-mu-ni-du3-du3-en
#tr.en: Stand, idiot, in order to have an argument! (But) you should not have an argument (again)
$ double ruling
19. a-ra2 3(disz)-kam szid-bi 4(u)!? 5(disz) ga2-nu ga-na ga-ab#-sa2#!-sa2!-en
#tr.en: It is the 3rd time (i.e., the 3rd extract in a series). Its (line) count is 45. (The composition) “Come, come on, we shall compare.”
UET 6, 0652 (P346689) 2326488
e2-nig2-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346689 = UET 6, 0652
#atf: lang sux
1. da-ga-an nam-x di?-ti in x
#tr.en: The whole of/assembly(?) ...
2. gesztu2 di?-ti [...] sag#? rig7#-[...]
#tr.en: ... bestowed ... intelligence
3. [...] x x [...]
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [x] gu4#-da-ri-a us2-sa# x [...]
#tr.en: ... following the ox driver/driven oxen(?) ...
3'. gu4 kur2-ra [...]
#tr.en: A strange/different oxen ...
4'. sa6-ga szu-am3 hul [...]
#tr.en: The good one is the hand, but the bad one is the heart
5'. hul e2-nig2-[...]
#tr.en: Evil does not exploit debt(?) in the depot
CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 021 (P346338) 2326489
an-na-ab-be2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ra-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
i-bi2-za-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
nu-ra-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
&P346338 = CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 021
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. [...] lugal#-a-ni-ir an-na-ab-be2
#tr.en: A dog was speaking to his master
2. tukumbi# nig2 sa6-ga-gu10
3. ba#-ra-ra-gal2
#tr.en: If what is good to me(?) was not here (i.e., relevant?) for you
4. i-bi2-za-gu10 nu-ra-gal2 e-sze
#tr.en: Then my loss was not here for you (either)
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0501 (P346539) 2326490
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 26: u2 gu7-gin7 bi2-in-gi4#?[...
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 18: ga2-e ama-gu10 d<mu
an-ga-... only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ra-ab-ak-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-gi4... does not appear in words list
dmu-ul-lil2-le does not appear in words list
he2-na-DIB only appears a few times in words list
an-ki!-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
an-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
gi4... does not appear in signs list
dmu only appears a few times in signs list
&P346539 = UET 6, 0501
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface uncertain)
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [...] x
3'. [...] x
4'. [...] x
5'. [...] x
6'. [...] x
@column 2'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...]
2'. zi#?-du# sza3 kusz2-u3 x [...]
#tr.en: The contemplating righteous one ...
3'. kin2-gi4-a KA-bi an#?-ga#?-[...]
#tr.en: The messenger also(?) ...
4'. ur5-gin7 hu-mu-ra-ab-ak#-[...]
#tr.en: May(?) ... act thusly ...
5'. {d}en-ki-ke4 hasz2? ra NE x [...]
#tr.en: Enki ... smiting the thigh(?) ...
6'. u2 gu7-gin7 bi2-in-gi4#?[...]
#tr.en: Like a plant eater ...
7'. ga2-e a-a-gu10 a-na bi2-in-[...]
#tr.en: I, what did my father ...?
8'. ga2-e ama-gu10 d<mu>-ul-lil2-le# [...]
#tr.en: I, my mother, Enlil(!?) ...
9'. ga2-e a-a-gu10 AN-gin7 he2-na-DIB [...]
#tr.en: I, may my father like ...
10'. an-ki!-bi-ta he2-en#-[...]
#tr.en: May both heaven and earth ...
11'. [...] an-bi-ta he2-en#-[...]
#tr.en: May both earth? and heaven ...
12'. x an-na-ke4 he2-en#-[...]
#tr.en: May the ... of heaven ...
13'. [...] x x x [...]
UET 6, 0265 (P254866) 2326491
x-an-hul2 only appears a few times in words list
x-an-sa6 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-tuku-tuku only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-tak4-tak4 only appears a few times in words list
&P254866 = UET 6, 0265
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. nig2 gu2 gar-ra nig2 gaba gar-[...]
#tr.en: That of submission (can also be) that of resistance(?)
$ single ruling
2. ku3 tuku x-an-hul2#
#tr.en: One(?) has rejoiced over having silver(?)
3. sze tuku x-an-sa6
#tr.en: One(?) has bettered (himself) by having grain (?)
4. nig2-ur2-limmu2 tuku-e
5. u3 nu-um#-szi#-ku#-ku#
#tr.en: (But) the one who possesses an animal did not sleep
$ single ruling
6. u3-la nu#-mu-un-tuku#-tuku#
#tr.en: He did not acquire ...
7. u3#-la nu-mu-un-tak4-tak4
#tr.en: Nor did he set aside ...
8. [u3]-la# ku4#-ra nu-mu-na-ab-szum2#?
#tr.en: Nor was entry granted to him(?)
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 017 (P346213) 2326492
...-ib-bala-bala only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-ib-i-... only appears a few times in words list
...-ma-ni only appears a few times in words list
...-da-gur only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-in-bar only appears a few times in words list
nam-en-na-... only appears a few times in words list
szeg12-hur-sza3-ga only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-ri only appears a few times in words list
hul-lu-a-na only appears a few times in words list
ur-sag-ga2-e-ne-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
GIR2-e only appears a few times in words list
e2-uru17-ku3-ga-na only appears a few times in words list
gilim-ge26-de3 only appears a few times in words list
su-su-de3 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-kur-ra only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-mar{ki}-ra only appears a few times in words list
gu2-a-ab-zu-ka only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-da-an-ten only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-mar{ki}-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
KA-NE-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
lagasz{asz} only appears a few times in words list
ki-nu-nir-sza3-ba only appears a few times in words list
nam-dumu-gir15-ni-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
uru17-ni only appears a few times in words list
nigin6!{ki}-a only appears a few times in words list
...-AD-TAG{ki}-a only appears a few times in words list
kur2! only appears a few times in words list
ba-szi-in-de2 only appears a few times in words list
...-ra-bi! only appears a few times in words list
im-me-e-da only appears a few times in words list
...-es{ki} only appears a few times in words list
i3-gul-gul-lu-de3 only appears a few times in words list
me-ze-er-ze-re-de3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-an!-kar only appears a few times in words list
gid2-da-bi-a only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-ab-si only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-x-x only appears a few times in words list
...-gur5 only appears a few times in words list
asz-szu2 only appears a few times in words list
i7-...-a-ri only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-an-BU only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-dab only appears a few times in words list
BIR-re only appears a few times in words list
x-an-ba only appears a few times in words list
ki-ab2-rig7-ga{ki} only appears a few times in words list
lu-...-ri only appears a few times in words list
...-gara2-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
e2-gid-da only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-da-RI only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-gub only appears a few times in words list
gal2-la-ri only appears a few times in words list
uru17-a-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
...-hul-lu-de3 only appears a few times in words list
gig-ba-bi only appears a few times in words list
...-ul4-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-mur10 only appears a few times in words list
ba-am3-til! only appears a few times in words list
nigin6! only appears a few times in signs list
kur2! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346213 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 017
#atf: lang sux
1. [...]-ib#-bala-bala numun ba-ni-ib-i-[...]
#tr.en: Gutium procreated there, they issued (their) seed there
2. [...]-ma#-ni er2# gig mu-un#-szesz4#-szesz4#
#tr.en: Nintur wept bitterly on behalf of her creation
3. [...] gul#-la-gu10 gig#-ga#-bi im-me
#tr.en: She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, alas, my destroyed temple” bitterly
4. [... gi]-gun4#-na ku3-ge# szu# lil2-la2 ba-ab-du11
#tr.en: At the site of Zabalam the pure giguna was rendered into an empty wind
5. [... {d}]inanna#? [...]-da#?-gur? ki-erim2-e ba-ab-du11
#tr.en: Inanna turned away(?) from Uruk, enemy territory ...
6. [...] ge6-par4 ku3#?-[...] erim2-e igi mi-ni-in-bar
#tr.en: (In?) the Eanna complex the enemy saw the holy gipar shrine
7. [...] nam#-en-na-[...] szu ba-e-lal-lal
#tr.en: The office of the en priest(ess) of the gipar was actively diminished(?)
8. [...] ge6#-par4-ta ba-x-[...] x ki#-erim2#-e ba-ab-du11
#tr.en: The en priest(ess) turned away from(?) the gipar, enemy territory ...
9. [umma]{ki#?} szeg12-hur-sza3-ga# [...] u4 gig-ga ba#-e-ri
#tr.en: (In) Umma the painful storm/day imposed (itself) in the Šeghurša temple
10. [...]-mah ki#-tusz# ki ag2-ga2-ni giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an#-dab5
#tr.en: (Šara) took to a different path (away from) the Emah temple, his beloved dwelling
11. nin#? mul#?-mul-e uru17{ki} hul#-lu-a-na er2 gig mu-un-szesz2-szesz2
#tr.en: The shining lady(?) wept bitterly on behalf of her destroyed city
12. x# la-la-bi lu2 nu-mu-un-gi4-a-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me
#tr.en: She was saying “The charms of the city satisfy no one(?)” bitterly
13. gir2#-su{ki} iri{ki} ur-sag-ga2-e-ne-ke4 IM GIR2-e ba-ab-du11
#tr.en: ... in Girsu, the city of heroes
14. {d}nin#-gir2-su-ke4# e2-ninnu-ta giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5
#tr.en: Ningirsu took to a different path (away from) the Eninnu temple
15. ama {d}ba-ba6 e2-uru17-ku3-ga-na er2 gig mu-un-szesz2-szesz2
#tr.en: Mother Baba wept bitterly in her temple of the Irikug precinct
16. a iri{ki} gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me
#tr.en: She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple”
17. u4-ba inim u4-dam al-du7-du7 sza3-bi a-ba-a mu-un-zu
#tr.en: At that time, the word, which was a storm, was thrashing about--who could have known its midst?
18. inim {d}en-lil2-la2 zi-da-asz gilim-ge26-de3 gab2?-bu su-su-de3
#tr.en: The word of Enlil is to twist towards(?) the right, it is to drown(?) on the left(?)
19. {d#}en-lil2 lu2 nam tar-tar-re-de3 a-na bi2-in-ak-a-ba
#tr.en: What was it that Enlil, the one who is to determine fates, did?
20. {d}en-lil2-le elam{ki} lu2-kur-ra kur-ta im-ta-an-e3
#tr.en: Enlil brought down the Elamite, the foreigner, from the mountain
21. {d}nansze dumu-gir15 iri bar-ra mu-un-na-tusz-am3
#tr.en: Nanše, the native citizen, was dwelling in the suburbs
22. {d}nin-mar{ki}-ra esz3 gu2-a-ab-zu-ka izi im-ma-da-an-ten
#tr.en: ... could extinguish the fire(?) for Ninmar in the shrine of Gu'a'abba
23. ku3# {na4}za-gin3-bi ma2 gal-gal-e bala-sze3 i3-ke3-e
#tr.en: Its precious metal and lapis lazuli was made to traverse (into the river) in large boats
24. nin nig2-gur11-ra-ni hul-lu ti-la-am3 ku3 {d}nin-mar{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: The lady whose property was destroyed and brought to an end(!?)--pure Ninmar
25. u4-ba u4 KA-NE-gin7 bar7-ra im-ma-da-ab-tar-re
#tr.en: At that time he was able to(?) decree(?) a day scorching like ...
26. ki lagasz{asz} ki-e elam{ki} szu-ni-a im-ma-szi-in-gi4
#tr.en: The site of lagash! It returned it (to) Elam in its (own) hand
27. u4-bi-a nin-ga2 u4-da-a-ni sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-du11
#tr.en: At that time the day of “my lady” was also not regularly performed
28. {d}ba-ba6 lu2-lu7#?-gin7 u4-da-a-ni sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-du11
#tr.en: Baba, like a human, her day was also not regularly performed
29. [me]-li#-e-a u4-de3 szu-ni-a im-ma-szi-in-gi4-gi4#
#tr.en: (Saying) “Woe, the storm returned it in its (own) hand
30. [...] x gul-gul-e szu-ni-a im-ma-szi-in-gi4-gi4#
#tr.en: The storm that destroys the city returned it in its (own) hand
31. [...] gul-gul-e szu-ni-a im-ma-szi-in-gi4-gi4#
#tr.en: The storm that destroys the temple returned it in its (own) hand
32. [...]-abzu# e2#-bi ki-nu-nir-sza3-ba ni2 im-ma-da-an-te#
#tr.en: Dumuzi'Abzu was afraid in the temple (of?) Kinirša
33. [...]{ki#} uru17 nam-dumu-gir15-ni-gin7 kar-kar-re-de3 ba#?-[...]
#tr.en: Kinunir, just as(!?) her native city, (its impending) plundering was spoken/ordered
34. [...] uru17-ni nigin6#!{ki}-a kur-re ba-[...]
#tr.en: The mountain (i.e., the Guti?) set ... in the city of Nanše, in Nigin
35. [...]-AD?-TAG{ki}-a ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni giri3 kur2! ba#?-ra#-[...]
#tr.en: She wandered away from(!) Sirara, her beloved dwelling
36. [...] gul#-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im#-[me]
#tr.en: She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly
37. [...] ku3# nam-en-na-ba szu ba-e-lal-lal#
#tr.en: The office of the en priest(ess) of the holy gipar was actively diminished(?)
38. [...] ge6-par4-ta ba-da-gur ki-erim2-e ba#-ab-du11#
#tr.en: The en priest(ess) turned away from(?) the gipar, enemy territory ...
1. [...]-x {d}nanna-ka a2 dugud ba-szi-in-de2
#tr.en: It brought a heavy arm towards the banks of the princely canal of Nanna
2. [...]-GAN2#? e2 danna {d}suen-na tur3 dugud-gin7 ba-an-gul
#tr.en: He destroyed the settlements and travel houses of Suen like a cattlepen heavy (with dairy products!?)
3. [...]-ra#?-bi! masz kar#-ra-gin7 tesz2-e im-me-e-da
#tr.en: Its fugitivies left(?) together(?) like fleeing goats
4. [...]-es#{ki#} ga-gin7 ur-e# ba-an-de2 i3-gul-gul-lu-de3
#tr.en: He poured out Ga'eš like milk among the dogs, it is to be destroyed
5. [...] dim2#?-ma uludin2 sa6-ga#-bi me-ze-er-ze-re-de3
#tr.en: The beautiful features of the fashioned statues are to be torn out/broken ...(?)
6. [ge6]-par4# ku3 nam-en-na-ba szu ba-e-lal-lal
#tr.en: The office of the en priestess of the holy gipar was actively diminished(?)
7. en-bi# ge6-par4-ta ba#-da#-an#!-kar# ki#-erim2-e ba-ab-du11
#tr.en: He took away the en priestess from(?) the gipar, enemy territory ...
8. x x x bara2 an#-na-da gid2-da-bi#-a# a#-nir ba-da-ab-si
#tr.en: A lament filled(?) the dais that extended with the heavens(?)
9. {gesz#}gu#-za an-na#-bi nu#-ub#?-x-x [...] me#-te#-asz# li-bi2-ib-gal2
#tr.en: The upper part of the throne(?) was not ..., (its) top was not fitting
10. {gesz}geszimmar-gin7# [...]-gur5#? ba-ab-du11# tesz2#-bi ba-ra-an-kad4
#tr.en: Like a date palm it was cut down, he bound them together
11. asz-szu2 e2? i7#-[...]-a-ri [...] ba#?-da-an-BU
#tr.en: Aššu, where the temple was attached to the canal, he muddied the water/removed it from(?) the water(?)
12. nig2-erim2 [... {d}]nanna#-ka lu2-erim2#-e ba-e-dab
#tr.en: At (the place where) evil does not pass of Nanna, the evildoer passed through
13. e2# BIR#?-re#? [...] x-an-ba e2 pu-uh2#-[ru]-um#-ma sza3 sug4-ga ba-ab-gar
#tr.en: The temple ..., in the “house of the assembly” famine was introduced
14. ki#-ab2#-rig7#?-ga{ki} ab2# lu-[...]-ri#? tur3 dugud-gin7 ba-an-gul#
#tr.en: He destroyed Ki'abrig, where cows ...(?) are numerous, like a cattlepen heavy (with dairy products!?)
15. [{d}]nin#-[...] ga2-bur-ta giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5
#tr.en: Ningublaga took to a different path (away from) the gabur temple
16. [...]-gara2#-ke4 ni2-te-na er2 gig mu-un-szesz4-szesz4
#tr.en: Nini'gara wept bitterly by herself
17. a# x [gul]-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me
#tr.en: She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly
18. ge6-par4 ku3# nam#-en#-na-ba szu ba-e-lal-lal
#tr.en: The office of the en priest(ess) of the holy gipar was actively diminished(?)
19. en-bi ge6-par4#-ta# ba-da-an-kar ki-erim2-e ba-ab-du11
#tr.en: The en priestess fled from the gipar, enemy territory ...
20. {d}nin-a-zu e2#-gid#-da {gesz}tukul ub-ba i-ni-gub
#tr.en: Ninazu stood his weapon in the corner in the Egida temple
21. {d}nin-hur-sag e2-nu#-tur-ra-ke4 u4 hul ba-an-da-RI
#tr.en: An evil storm flew on/was cast upon(?) Ninhursag in the Enutur temple
22. tum12{muszen}-gin7 ab-lal3#-ta# ba-da-an-dal edin-na bar bi2-ib2-gub
#tr.en: Like a wild dove she flew away from the window and stood aside in the plain
23. a iri{ki} gul-la e2 gul#-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me
#tr.en: She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly
24. gesz-banda3{+da} e2 er2-re gal2#-la#-ri gi er2-ra# ba-an-mu2
#tr.en: In {geš}banda, the temple where there was mourning, the reed of lamentation grew
25. {d}nin-gesz-zi-da gesz-banda3{+da#} giri3# kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5
#tr.en: Ningešzida took to a different path (away from) the {geš}banda temple, his beloved dwelling
26. da2-zi-mu2#-a nin# uru17-a-ke4# er2# gig# mu-un-szesz4-szesz4
#tr.en: Azimua, the lady of the city, wept bitterly
27. a iri{ki#} gul#-la# e2 gul-la#-gu10# gig-ga-bi im-me
#tr.en: She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly
28. [...]-lu#? lu2 kukku5-a ba-an-dur2-ru-ne-esz
#tr.en: At that time the southern storm made the people dwell in darkness
29. [...]-hul#-lu-de3 lu2 kukku5-a ba-an-dur2-ru-ne-esz
#tr.en: (As a prelude to) destroying the city of Ku'ara, it made the people dwell in darkness
30. [...]-ma#?-ke4 er2 gig# mu-un-szesz4-szesz4
#tr.en: NineHAma wept bitterly
31. [...] gul#-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ba-bi im-me
#tr.en: She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly
32. [...]-ul4-e tug2 ba-da-mur10 giri16#?-lu? mu-un-sza4#?
#tr.en: Asalluhi dressed hurriedly and intoned a lament(?)
33. [...] ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni giri3# kur# ba-ra-an-dab5
#tr.en: Lugalbanda took to a different path (away from) his beloved dwelling
34. [...]-la# e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me
#tr.en: She (Ninsumun?) was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly
35. [...] diri#?-ga a nag-e ba-am3-til!?
#tr.en: (In?) Eridu, which had been floated in a flood, drinking water ceased(?)
CDLI Literary 000771, ex. 022 (P346242) 2326493
x-zu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ga-ab-sa10-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-nuz only appears a few times in words list
gu7-gux(KA) only appears a few times in words list
eg3-gig-ga only appears a few times in words list
bid3-da-... only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-ak-... only appears a few times in words list
um-ma-ne only appears a few times in words list
mu-x-na only appears a few times in words list
|MU.TUG2.PI| only appears a few times in words list
sag-ki-gu4 only appears a few times in words list
i-bi2-ze2-ze2 only appears a few times in words list
mu-du3-du3-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-nuz-... only appears a few times in words list
dimx(LUGAL@s) only appears a few times in words list
mil only appears a few times in words list
ze2-x only appears a few times in words list
bid3-x only appears a few times in words list
pe-... only appears a few times in words list
GAB-GAB-usz-a only appears a few times in words list
na-an-ba-dim2-me-en only appears a few times in words list
sze-en-ka6 only appears a few times in words list
mu-du11-du11! only appears a few times in words list
ga-ab-...-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
...-un-szi-ku-ku only appears a few times in words list
|MU.TUG2.PI| only appears a few times in signs list
dimx(LUGAL@s) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346242 = UET 6, 0157 + 0640
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x-zu-sze3 im#?-x
#tr.en: Her(?) two tongues ...
2'. [...]-da-ni
#tr.en: Your(?) weakness ...
3'. [...]-KU-KU
#tr.en: Diluted beer ...
4'. ga-ab-sa10#-[...] na-ag2-lu2-lu7
#tr.en: Wheeler-dealer who is always standing around(?), the speech of humanity (for gossip)
5'. bun2 du11-du11# gurusz# iri#-[...] si#-si-ge
#tr.en: Enflaming, setting lies among the young men of the city
6'. ki-sikil tur dag-gi4-a ti-la# u3# [...]-ku#?-ku
#tr.en: The little girl(s) living in the district cannot sleep
7'. gaba-ri-gu10-me-en#
#tr.en: You are (really) my opponent?
$ double ruling
8. e-ne-eg3 diri inim bala-e nu-sa6#
#tr.en: (Producer of) excess words(?), conversationalist/interpreter that is not good
9'. nu-nuz sun7-na szu-um-du-um nu-kal-la sza3 gur4 du14#? mu2-mu2
#tr.en: Haughty woman whose lips are worthless, feeling (too) wonderful (about herself?), starting arguments
10'. gu3 de2-de2 ze2-za galga# suh3-e#
#tr.en: Shouter, croaker, (one whose) counsel is confused
11'. e2-e an-na# x ama5-ni-sze3 la-ba-ab-du7
#tr.en: She has destroyed(!?) ... house/temple, it has not been suitable for the women's quarters
12'. szu dag-dag-ge# ha-la-ni
#tr.en: Roaming/loitering (is) her inheritance share
13'. gu7-gux(KA) na8-na8 eg3-gig-ga kin2-ga2 bid3-da#-[...]
#tr.en: Eating and drinking, seeking the taboo item, her anus is scratched/cracked
14'. en#-na-bi-sze3-am3 du14 mu-da-ak-[...]
#tr.en: How long can she argue?
$ double ruling
15'. i-bi2 duh um-ma-ne musz3-me-bi gi4#-[...]
#tr.en: (Possessing) the eyesight of the old women and the face of a servile laborer
16'. sag-du LAGAB siki sal ugu ze2 sag sal#-[...]
#tr.en: Thick/square-headed, (possessing) thin hair, a scraped/cut head?, a thin head(?)
17'. mu-x-na arkab |MU.TUG2.PI| sza3 x-[...]
#tr.en: (Your) spouse (is like) a bat, you have emptied the contents of (his) ear/mind(!?)
18'. sag#-ki-gu4 i-bi2-ze2-ze2 ka ha-az# [...]
#tr.en: "Trapezoid,” “cut/scraped eyes,” “seizing mouth,” scratched/cracked lips
1. ga-ba-al mu-du3-du3-[...]
#tr.en: You will (really) quarrel with me?
$ double ruling
2. hul de3 kalam-ma# nu-ga nu-nuz-[...]
#tr.en: Destructive one/evildoer(?) of the land(?), unsuitable one among women
3. sig7-sig7-ga sza3 lugud [...]
#tr.en: (Emitting) sobbing noises/pale, (possessing) a heart pumping pus
4. gig2-ga me-luh-ha{ki} dimx(LUGAL@s) zi3 mil lu2-tu15# [...]
#tr.en: Black one of Meluhha, weak one (who eats only?) malt flour, idiot, one who is not set/inappropriate for (her) way
5. ib2 gid2# sza3# ti#-ki-il gu2 gur4 gaba ze2-x [...]
#tr.en: (Possessor of) long hips, a bloated stomach, a thick neck, and a “broken” chest
6. bid3-x [...] gal4#-la tur siki gal4-la gid2#-gid2#
#tr.en: (Possessor of) an anus that is a “sheaf"(?), a small vagina, extremely long pubic hair
7. pe-[...] lu2 gal4-la pa4-hal#-la
#tr.en: A cracked/scratched(?) vagina, who (has) a blocked and afflicted womb(?)
8. x [...] x KU GAB-GAB-usz-a
#tr.en: ...
9. [... na]-an-ba-dim2-me#-en
#tr.en: You are one (who says(?)) “do not behave like my ...”
$ double ruling
10. [...]-x sze-en-ka6 mu#-[du11]-du11!
#tr.en: Prostitute who acts like a mongoose(?) in the tavern
11. [...] ga#-ab-[...]-e-ne
#tr.en: Marrying a spouse (and then) divorcing a spouse, idiot, an “I want to follow” among young women
12. [...]-a
#tr.en: Coming up towards the vagina(?), a birth mother daily
13. [...]-di?
#tr.en: A dog with its paw raised ... behind men
14. [...]-un#?-szi-ku-ku
#tr.en: She does not let the young ... living in the district sleep
15. [...] x
UET 6, 0502 (P346540) 2326494
&P346540 = UET 6, 0502
#atf: lang sux
$ (unclear surface)
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...]
2'. AN# [...]
#tr.en: ...
3'. {gesz}ig gal x [...]
#tr.en: The great door ...
4'. {d}nin-lil2 [...]
#tr.en: Ninlil ...
5'. {d}en-lil2-le# [...]
#tr.en: Enlil ...
6'. {d}suen x [...]
#tr.en: Suen ...
7'. ama ugu-gu10# [...]
#tr.en: My birth mother ...
8'. nam AB SZESZ# [...]
#tr.en: ...
9'. nam# AB# [...]
#tr.en: ...
UET 6, 0653 (P346690) 2326495
al-mur10-ra only appears a few times in words list
al-kalx(NIR)-ga only appears a few times in words list
nam-uszbar-ra-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
mar-re-da-kam! only appears a few times in words list
mar-re only appears a few times in words list
...-zu-ne-ne-ta-am3 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-lu7-am3 only appears a few times in words list
nam-za only appears a few times in words list
nu-me-a! only appears a few times in words list
...-ri-ib-dul-dul-... only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-tu11-tu11 only appears a few times in words list
x-na-kam only appears a few times in words list
usz-bar-e only appears a few times in words list
KA-na-kam only appears a few times in words list
...-x-na-kam only appears a few times in words list
ama5-ni-sze3-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ki-in-da-a-kam only appears a few times in words list
al-kikken2-e only appears a few times in words list
kalx(NIR) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346690 = UET 6, 0653
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x-sze3 ga#?-x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...] al#-mur10-ra al-kalx(NIR)-ga al-x-[...]
#tr.en: ... the one who is clothed, the one who is mighty/reinforced(!?), the one who is ...
$ single ruling
3'. [...]-am3 e2-gi4-a nam-uszbar#-ra-ga2 x x x-zu lu2-nig2-tuku he2-am3
#tr.en: ... is ..., my bride of (i.e. subject to) inlaw status, may your ... be a rich man
$ single ruling
4'. [...] gu3# de2 {gesz}kiri6 me-te-bi bi2-za-za gu3 de2
5'. [...]-x me-te-bi dar{muszen} gu3 de2 a-gar3 me-te-bi
#tr.en: The pigeon is the ornament of the orchard, the croaking frog is the ornament of the marsh, and the chirping francolin is the ornament of the meadow
$ single ruling
6'. [...] x su-lum mar-re-da-kam!? su-lum mar-re kesz2-da
#tr.en: The ... of whom is to slander is bound by that slander
$ single ruling
7'. [...]-zu#?-ne-ne-ta-am3 dingir-re-e-ne x-am3
#tr.en: It is by means of/apart from your (pl.)(?) the ... gods are(!)
8'. [...] KA ga am3 x x en!?
#tr.en: ...
$ single ruling
9'. [...] x lu2-lu7-am3 nam-za ga#-ra-an nu-me#?-a#!?
#tr.en: ... is a man, in your destiny(!?) there is not a string of fruit(!?)
10'. [...] x ta AN x [...]
#tr.en: ...
11'. [...] x-a#-ke4#? x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
12'. [...] MU#? x [...]
#tr.en: ...
13'. [...] x x x x x x [...]
1. [...]-ri#?-ib-dul-dul-[...]
#tr.en: ... covered/covers ...
$ single ruling
2. [...] sza3 iri?-a si? mu-un-tu11-tu11 sag-kal? sza3 [...]
#tr.en: ... struck with the horns(?) in the midst of the city(?), the steadfast one(?) in the midst of(?) ...
3. [...] x lugal-a-ni-ir# i3-sag3-ge
#tr.en: ... was smiting for his king/master
$ single ruling
4. [...] szu x x-na#?-kam#? u3 e-ne munus usz-bar-e#?
#tr.en: ... and she(?), the weaver
5. [...] x KA-na-kam
#tr.en: ... of her mouth/nose/tooth(?)
$ single ruling
6. [...] x da? nu-ke3-de3 {gesz}szu-kara2 GIR2 lugal x-a
#tr.en: ... is not to ..., the tool/carpenter(?) ...
7. [...]-ke4? gu2-ni im-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: ... will submit
$ single ruling
8. [...]-x-na-kam he2-ti igi-bi ama5-ni-sze3-am3
#tr.en: ... if ... lives(?) its eye/face towards her women's quarters
$ single ruling
9. [...] lugal ki-in-da-a-kam
#tr.en: The strong one is the king/master of the earth
$ single ruling
10. [...] gal2#?-la#? sa2 nu-ub-du11
#tr.en: ... did not ... regularly/boast(?)
11. [...] x a-ba? al-kikken2-e
#tr.en: ... who seeks ...?
12. [...] x x NIG2 x x [...] x-zu
#tr.en: ...
CDLI Literary 000761, ex. 042 (P346339) 2326496
tuku-ka only appears a few times in words list
&P346339 = CDLI Literary 000761, ex. 042
#atf: lang sux
1. ku3 tuku-e za-gin3# tuku-e
#tr.en: The one who possesses silver, the one who possesses lapis
2. gu4 tuku-e udu tuku#-e
#tr.en: The one who possesses oxen, the one who possesses sheep
3. ka2# lu2 sze tuku-ka
#tr.en: At the gate (of) the one who possesses barley
4. u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e#
#tr.en: Will spend the day there
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 018 (P346214) 2326497
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 12: bar-ba e{d}en
ATF: Parsing failed on line 69 near character 4
e{d}en-lil2-e does not appear in words list
du3-x-... only appears a few times in words list
{d}KA-x-x only appears a few times in words list
TUG2-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
sa6-ga-me-esz only appears a few times in words list
ha-lam-ma-ne only appears a few times in words list
me-ze-er-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-de3-en-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-tah-en-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-tah-... only appears a few times in words list
...-ba-gub-bu-da-nam only appears a few times in words list
...-gub-bu-un-da-nam only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-de3-ti-... only appears a few times in words list
me-de2-en-de3-... only appears a few times in words list
...-ba-e-de3-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
ki!-erim2-e only appears a few times in words list
gal2-la-a-da only appears a few times in words list
...-ga-me only appears a few times in words list
me-gul-gul-lu-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-ak!-me only appears a few times in words list
me-ze-er-ze-... only appears a few times in words list
...-ga-me-esz only appears a few times in words list
ildum2-ba only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in words list
… does not appear in signs list
&P346214 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 018
#atf: lang sux
1. eridu#{ki} a gal#-e# u5#?-[...]
#tr.en: (In?) Eridu, which had been riding(?) on a flood, drinking water ceased(?)
2. bar-ba e{d}en-lil2-e du3-x-[...]
#tr.en: In its outskirts, which had been made into a windblown plain ...
3. lu2 zi ki-lul#-la# x [...]
#tr.en: The true person ... in an ambush ...
4. {d}KA-x-x [...]
#tr.en: KAhegal? and Igihegal? ...
5. gurusz-me-en u4# [...] x x x [...]
#tr.en: You(?) are a young man, the day/storm ...
6. u4# nu-gul-la hi#-li nu-til-la-me-en [...]
#tr.en: Day/storm that does not destroy/is not restrained, you(?) are one whose allure is not exhausted ...
7. [...] TUG2-gin7 su2 sa6#-ga-me-esz i3-[...]
#tr.en: They (the two gatekeepers?)) who are beautiful of body(?) like ..., we will ...
8. alim#?-gin7 igi gun3-gun3-me-esz i3-[...]
#tr.en: They who are speckled of face like an alim creature(?), we will ...
9. alan#-gin7 kusz3-kusz3-a de2-a-me-esz i3-[...]
#tr.en: They who are poured like a statue into molds, we will ...
10. gu#-ti-um{ki} lu2 ha-lam-ma-ne me-ze-er#?-[...]
#tr.en: Gutium, the people who destroy(?), will break them
11. [... {d}]en#-ki-ra abzu eridu{ki}-sze3 szu-a ba-e-de3-en#-[...]
#tr.en: We sent by hand to father? Enki in the Abzu of Eridu
12. [...] a#-na im-me-en-da-na a-na bi2-in-tah-en#-[...]
#tr.en: ... what is it that will we say, what is it that we will add?
13. [...] x a#-na# im-me-en-da-na a-na bi2-in-tah#-[...]
#tr.en: ... what is it that will we say, what is it that we will add?
14. [...]-ga-ta he2#-en#-x-[...]
#tr.en: If(?) it is (the case that) we go out from(?) Eridu
15. [...]-ba#?-gub-bu-da-nam gissu#? [...]
#tr.en: If we stand ... in the day? shade will not ...
16. [...]-gub#-bu#-un-da-nam u4-de3 [...]
#tr.en: If we stand ... at night, the day/storm would not acquire ...
17. [...] a-na szu ba-e-de3-ti#-[...]
#tr.en: (While) standing in the day(?) with(?) our distress, what will we take from you(?)?
18. [...] u2-gu me-de2-en-de3#-[...]
#tr.en: (While) standing in the night(?) with(?) our sleeplessness, what will we forget (i.e., leave behind)?
19. [...]-ba-e-de3-ku5 ki!-erim2-e [...]
#tr.en: Enki, if your city is cursed, it will be given to(?) the enemy land
20. [...] gal2-la-a-da a-na-asz ba-[...]
#tr.en: Why do they diminish us in the status of(!?) being apart from Eridu?
21. [...]-ga-me a-na-asz me-gul-gul-lu#-[...]
#tr.en: Why do they destroy us(?) (in our state of) not being touched (with care?) like a date palm?
22. [...] nu#-ak!-me a-na-asz me-ze-er-ze#-[...]
#tr.en: Why do they break us(?) (in our state of) not being coated (in bitumen) like a new boat?
23. [...] kur2#-ra im-ma-da#-[...]
#tr.en: It is the case that Enki has set his gaze at a different place
24. [...]-x gesz hul-lu mu-e-ni#-[...]
#tr.en: The storm(?) ... of grievous sin gave/placed an evil tree/weapon(?) for him
25. [...]-ga#?-me-esz ildum2-ba# [...]
#tr.en: They are arisen ... who lie down in their packs
26. [...] giri3# kur2 ba-ra-an-[dab5]
#tr.en: Enki took to a different path away from Eridu
27. [...]-x er2 gig mu#-[...]
#tr.en: Damgalnuna, the mother of the Emah temple, wept bitterly
28. [... gul]-la#-gu10# [...]
#tr.en: She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, alas, my destroyed temple” bitterly
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...] x x [...]
3'. [...] x x [...]
4'. [...] x ba x [...]
5'. [...] x x [...]
$ n lines broken
6'. x […]
CDLI Literary 000371, ex. 023 (P346542) 2326498
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 29: [...]-tibirax(|URUDU.BUR2|)[...
...-ak{ki}-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
...-ra-ak{ki} only appears a few times in words list
...-tibirax(|URUDU.BUR2|) only appears a few times in words list
...-tibirax(|URUDU.BUR2|)... only appears a few times in words list
nam-lugal-... only appears a few times in words list
tibirax(|URUDU.BUR2|) only appears a few times in signs list
tibirax(|URUDU.BUR2|)... only appears a few times in signs list
&P346542 = CDLI Literary 000371, ex. 023
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-ak
#tr.en: Two kings reigned for ... years
2'. [...] ba#?-an-szub
#tr.en: ... abandoned Eridu(?)
3'. [...]-bi
4'. [...]-ak#{ki}-sze3 ba-de6
#tr.en: The kingship was brought to larak
5'. [...]-an-na
6'. [...] 5(szar2)# 5(gesz'u) i3#-ak#
#tr.en: Ensipadziana reigned for 21,000 (/21,000+ ...?) years
7'. [...] disz lugal#
8'. [...] 5(szar2) 5(gesz'u) i3-ak#
#tr.en: One king reigned for 21,000 (/21,000+ ...?) years
9'. [...]-ra#-ak{ki} ba-an#-[...]
#tr.en: ... abandoned Larak
10'. [...]-lugal-[...]
11'. [...]-tibirax(|URUDU.BUR2|)# [...]
#tr.en: The kingship was brought to Badtibira
12'. [...]-tibirax(|URUDU.BUR2|)[...]
@column 2
1. mu# [...]
#tr.en: (The antediluvian kings) reigned ... years
2. egir [...]
3. a-ma-ru# [...]
#tr.en: After the flood swept over the land
4. nam-lugal#-[...]
#tr.en: When kingship descended from heaven
5. kisz[{ki} ...]
6. kisz#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: Kish was of the kingship, gušur was king
$ beginning broken
1'. x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. bala x-[...]
#tr.en: ...
3'. [...]
#tr.en: ...
4'. mu-ta [...]
#tr.en: ...
5'. bala x-[...]
#tr.en: ...
6'. [...]
#tr.en: ...
7'. mu#-ta#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
8'. bala x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
9'. mu#-ta# [...]
#tr.en: ...
10'. bala adab{ki} [...]
#tr.en: ...
11'. asz3 [...]
#tr.en: ...
12'. mu-ta x x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
13'. bala x-x{ki#} x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
14'. [...] mu#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ beginning broken
1'. 2(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) [...]
#tr.en: 1343 + ...(?)
CDLI Literary 000771, ex. 033 (P346243) 2326499
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 32: siki#? [nu]-mu#?-[...]-x gesz?[...
ze2-eg3-ze2-eg3 only appears a few times in words list
in-x-us2 only appears a few times in words list
in-tur-tur only appears a few times in words list
in-ar3-ar3-... only appears a few times in words list
i-ni-in-du8 only appears a few times in words list
i-ni-i-ni-in-... only appears a few times in words list
eg3-szu-du11-ga-ni only appears a few times in words list
a-ra2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ma-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4-in only appears a few times in words list
lu2!-ki-e-ne-eg3-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
na-ag2-lu2-tu15-ka only appears a few times in words list
na-ag2-gi4-me-esz3-ka only appears a few times in words list
pad-pad-du only appears a few times in words list
an-na-ab-x only appears a few times in words list
pu-uh2-ru-... only appears a few times in words list
al-suh3-suh3 only appears a few times in words list
al-ur4-ur4-ru only appears a few times in words list
al-kinx(UR4)-kinx(UR4)-... only appears a few times in words list
a-ru-ub-ba only appears a few times in words list
e-ne-eg3-am3-... only appears a few times in words list
x-dur2 only appears a few times in words list
am3-ma-sar-sar-... only appears a few times in words list
na-ag2-munus-e-...-me-en only appears a few times in words list
na-ag2-munus-e only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-...-x only appears a few times in words list
gesz... does not appear in words list
ku4!-ku4-... only appears a few times in words list
al!-... only appears a few times in words list
KA!-tar only appears a few times in words list
u3-x-bala only appears a few times in words list
giri3!-bi-da! only appears a few times in words list
pu-uh2-ru-um-...-x only appears a few times in words list
u3-um-gur only appears a few times in words list
...-x-dub2-... only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}SAL.... does not appear in words list
al-duru5-duru5-x only appears a few times in words list
al-tar-tar-... only appears a few times in words list
na-ag2-usar only appears a few times in words list
...-x-du3-... only appears a few times in words list
e2!-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
a-ab-la2-e only appears a few times in words list
...-ab-su3-e only appears a few times in words list
...-dub2-bu only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-x-x-... only appears a few times in words list
e2-...-ni-... only appears a few times in words list
{na4}kikken does not appear in words list
i-ri-da only appears a few times in words list
...-e11-da only appears a few times in words list
...-x-du11 only appears a few times in words list
I-NE only appears a few times in words list
lu2-x-lu only appears a few times in words list
gesz... does not appear in signs list
SAL.... does not appear in signs list
&P346243 = UET 6, 0158
#atf: lang sux
1. [...]-ra# [...]
#tr.en: One who humiliates, insulting woman
2. [...] gu7#?-gu7 [...]
#tr.en: Slanderer, “head striker”
3. [...]-du11# inim# lul-la# [...]
#tr.en: Speaker of hostility, conversing in lies
4. [...] ze2#?-eg3#-ze2#?-eg3# e2 lu2-ka [...]
#tr.en: Continually “giving” houses(?), (but) not dwelling in the house of a man
5. u3# [za]-e# sza3 munus-e-ne [...]
#tr.en: And you (really) are among women?
$ double ruling
6. a si#? a# lu3#-lu3 zi3#? [...] x [...]
#tr.en: Filling water and roiling water//roiling clear water(?), milling flour
7. in-x-us2#? in-tur-tur in-ar3-ar3#-[...]
#tr.en: She leaned(?), she diminished, she milled
8. i-ni#-in-du8 i-ni-i-ni-in#-[...]
#tr.en: She baked there, she burned there
9. eg3-szu#-du11-ga-ni [a]-ra2#-sze3# nu-mu#?-[...]
#tr.en: She does not set that which she has created “on (its) way”
10. ma-[ni]-ib2-gi4-gi4-in#
#tr.en: You will reply to me
$ double ruling
11. lu2#!?-ki#-e-ne-eg3-ga2 na-ag2#-lu2#-tu15#-ka#?
#tr.en: Witness of idiocy
12. gab2#?-us2#? KA na-ag2-lu2-lu7#
#tr.en: An “I want to follow” of the word/speech of humanity
13. lu2# [na]-ag2#-gi4-me-esz3-ka lu2 e-ne-eg3 pad#-pad#-du#
#tr.en: The one of “collegiality,” the one who “breaks words to pieces"(?)
14. di#-da#-ni# nu-me-a tug2 an-na-ab-x
#tr.en: Her case(?) is non-existent, and yet(?) a garment has been worn
15. lu2#? [...] pu-uh2#?-ru#?-[...]
#tr.en: Litigant who has approached(?) the assembly, the assembly(?) ...
16. al#-suh3#-suh3 al-ur4-ur4-ru al-kinx(UR4)-kinx(UR4)-[...]
#tr.en: She is confused, she is shaking, she is seeking (aimlessly)
17. [lu2] di# tuku x-a-na u3-ba-e-gub e-ne#-[...]
#tr.en: Litigant, after you stand in ... and ... a word
18. [a]-ru#-ub-ba hul# gig e-ne-eg3-am3#-[...]
#tr.en: Pitfall, hater, you utter words
19. [x]-dur2 szu ba-an-ti am3-ma-sar-sar-[...]
#tr.en: They “accept” the ... and chase her away(?)
20. u3# za#-e# na-ag2#-munus-e-[...-me]-en
#tr.en: And you are (really) “of womanhood"?
$ double ruling
21. [ki]-sze-er nu-tuku na-ag2-munus-e# la-ba-ab-du7#?
#tr.en: She has had no limit, (her) womanhood is unsuitable
22. siki#? [nu]-mu#?-[...]-x gesz?[...] nu#-mu#-da#?-[...]
#tr.en: She cannot comb her wool, she cannot spin thread with the spindle
#tr.en: Matušak SANER 13, 233, 246.
23. kin2-e szu# [nu]-mu-un-da-sa2 ku4!?-ku4#-[...]
#tr.en: She cannot keep up(?) with work, entering and going out (from the house?) are diminished(?)
24. e-sir2-ra u3-ba-e-gub in al#!?-[...]
#tr.en: When you stand in the street, (another) abuses
1. KA!?-tar u3-x-bala# giri3!?-bi-da!? ba-x-[...]
#tr.en: When you attempt to converse with praise/quote a proverb(?), it falls at(?) the feet (i.e., fails?)
2. pu-uh2#-ru-um#-[...]-x mu-[...]-x-[...]
#tr.en: When you(?) ... towards/on behalf of the assembly, they take it seriously(?)
3. u3#-um-gur tesz2# [...] x-me-en#? [...] zu2# al-[...]
#tr.en: But after you turn away, you are shameless ..., ... is laughing
4. in#-na [...]-x-dub2#-[...]
#tr.en: This is an insult that you make?
$ double ruling
5. e2# kasz gal2-la# {gi}[...]
#tr.en: In a house where there is beer, she is its trough
6. e2 tu7# gal2#-la {gesz}SAL.[...]
#tr.en: In the house where there is soup, she is its emerah jug
7. e2# ninda# gal2#-la muhaldim gal-bi#-im#
#tr.en: In the house where there is food, she is the chief cook
# left edge
8. e2 szu#-bi al-duru5-duru5#-x [...] al#?-tar-tar-[...]
#tr.en: The house whose “hand is wet,” she asks after
9. lu2#-bi# na-ag2-usar [...]-x-du3#-[...]
#tr.en: She acts neighborly towards its master
10. e2!?-bi-sze3 si sa2-bi ku4#?-ku4#?-[...]
#tr.en: Entering into that house straightaway
11. e2 sa# a-ab-la2-e [...]-ab-su3-e
#tr.en: She sweeps the house, she adorns/sprinkles it
12. a2# [al]-ag2#-e [...]-sag3#-ge#
#tr.en: She is issuing orders and shouting(?)
13. gi4-in# [...] x x [...]-a#-ke4
#tr.en: Servile laborer of the steward, bride, the daughter of the house
14. ur2#-bi# [...]-dub2#-bu#
#tr.en: She smites(?) their legs/lap(?)
15. eg3 szu# [...] x [...]-gal2# im-mi-x-x-[...]
#tr.en: She says to them “Do not take anything, (everything) that is here is mine”
16. u3 za-e# [...] x x
#tr.en: And you ...
$ double ruling
17. ir-da e2#-[...]-ni-[...]
#tr.en: Her house is a pigsty, her inner room is a kiln
18. {gesz}ig gi#-[...]
#tr.en: The door of her house is a reed screen
19. {na4}kikken# [...]
#tr.en: A millstone is her husband, the pounding stone is her son
20. dam i-ri#-[da ...]
#tr.en: Spouse of a slave, consumer of “that which is dragged”
21. ga gu7#-[...]
#tr.en: One who suckled among female slaves, offspring of male slaves
22. e2#? gi4#?-[...]
#tr.en: (Your) house was built by a female slave and cared for by a male slave
23. [...]
#tr.en: And you are (really) “of women"?
$ double ruling
24'. [...]-e11#?-da# [...]
#tr.en: Lunatic, ecstatic, conversing in an ecstatic state
25'. [...]
#tr.en: (User of) hostile speech, “eye turner,” evil person
26'. [...]-dub2#-dub2# [...]
#tr.en: (Saying) “I want to insult,” the words haven fallen out of the mouth
27'. [...]-x-du11# [...]
#tr.en: "I want to talk,” “I want to kill"(?) ... pig of the marshes, dog, one who is “cut off"(?)
$ n lines broken
1. [...] e#-sir2-ra ni10-ni10 I-NE lu2-x-lu#?
#tr.en: Standing in the street, prowling the street, <sitting?> at the threshold(!?) of men(?)
UET 6, 0655 (P346692) 2326500
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 1: 1'.
&P346692 = UET 6, 0655
#atf: lang sux
#tr.en: Ninurta and the Turtle, Zólyomi NABU 2006, note 65, Alster Vanstiphout FS, 14
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...]
2'. dub# nam# tar#-ra# x x [...]
#tr.en: The tablet of fate deciding ...
3'. x en#-e# x x [...]
#tr.en: ... the lord ...
4'. [...] x x x
5'. [...] AN# MI#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
6'. [...] ki-bur2-bi [...]
#tr.en: ... its entry place/solution(?) ...
7'. [...] ki ni2# te#?-na#? [...]
#tr.en: ... a place of relaxation(?) ...
8'. [... {d}]nin#-urta# x [...]
#tr.en: ... Ninurta ...
UET 6, 0267 (P254867) 2326501
eg3-ma-al only appears a few times in words list
SU3 only appears a few times in words list
USZ-ma only appears a few times in words list
lu2-mu7!-mu7!-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-gi-di-da-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
{lu2}di-bi-dal-dal-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
SU3 only appears a few times in signs list
&P254867 = UET 6, 0267
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. dub#-sar#-me#-[en] mu ni2#-[...]
2. igi ni2-zu# [sag3]-ge#
#tr.en: You are a scribe and do not know your own name? Strike your own face!
$ single ruling
3. eg3#-ma#-al#? [...]
4. SU3 USZ-ma# [...]
#tr.en: Possessions(?) ...
$ single ruling
5. dub-sar pe-el#?-[la2]
6. lu2-mu7!?-mu7#!?-sze3#
#tr.en: A disgraced/debased scribe turns into an incantation priest
7. nar pe-el-la2
8. lu2#-gi-di-da-sze3
#tr.en: A disgraced/debased singer turns into a player of the gidi flute
9. x pe-el-la2
10. {lu2#}di-bi-dal-dal-sze3
#tr.en: A disgraced/debased ... becomes a swindler(?)
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000371, ex. 024 (P346543) 2326502
...-un-gin6-na only appears a few times in words list
gesz2-nimin only appears a few times in words list
&P346543 = CDLI Literary 000371, ex. 024
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [nam]-lugal#?-[bi]
2'. kisz#{ki}-sze3 ba#?-de6#
#tr.en: Its kingship was taken to Kish
3'. kisz#{ki}-sze3 lugal [...]
4'. ku3-{d}ba-ba6 munus#?-kurun#?-[na]
5'. suhusz#? kisz{ki}
6'. [...]-un-gin6-na#
#tr.en: On behalf of Kish, there was no? king, Ku-Baba, the female brewer, who solidified the foundation of Kish
7'. [...] gesz2-nimin i3#-[ak]
#tr.en: Reigned for 100 years
8'. [...] x [...]
UET 6, 0159 (P346244) 2326503
mu-...-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-da-ag2-... only appears a few times in words list
im-...-ni10-ni10-... only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-kin2-ge26 only appears a few times in words list
...-lu2-lu7 only appears a few times in words list
su2-zu only appears a few times in words list
lipisz-zu only appears a few times in words list
sag-gu10-da only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-x-... only appears a few times in words list
al-gub-bu-na-x only appears a few times in words list
dumu-na-ka only appears a few times in words list
nu-gub-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-da-si-ge-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-zu!-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
a-ra-dim2-me only appears a few times in words list
umusz-za only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-ab-si-ge-a only appears a few times in words list
ab-szid-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
masz!-zu only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-x-x-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346244 = UET 6, 0159
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-gu10#? [...]
#tr.en: I know(?)--(until) my master has left
2'. [...]-na#?-am3#? [...]
#tr.en: ..., what will I do(?)
3'. [...] x ta? [...]
#tr.en: If ..., what will I do(?)
4'. mu#?-[...]-sze3! x-[...]
#tr.en: Because of you, ... touched the body(?)
5'. a2 mu#?-e#-da-ag2#?-[...]
#tr.en: If I was to(?) give you an order
6'. a2# ag2#-ga2# ma#-x-[...]
#tr.en: You will say “(who are) you, giving orders to me”
7'. x x a#-da#-al# x-[...]
#tr.en: ... now, I shall serve you(?)
8'. za#-e# tilla2#-a# im#-[...]-ni10#?-ni10#-[...]
#tr.en: You are to loiter about in the square
9'. [...] he2#-tuku# [...]
#tr.en: If success is to be obtained, you need to seek it(?)
10'. [...]-ba#-sze3 du#?-[...]
#tr.en: Go to the eduba'a school, it will be good for you
11'. [...]-gu10# mu-e-kin2#-ge26 en3#? [...]
#tr.en: You(?) will seek after my task, you(?) will inquire about it
12'. [...]-lu2-lu7 su2-zu nu-x-[...]
#tr.en: By means of a “humanity” that does not know your body
1. lipisz#?-zu? mu-zu sag-gu10-da DU-[...] szu ba-ab-x-[...]
#tr.en: Your heart/anger and your reputation(?) going apart from(?) my head/lead(?), ...
2. diri ga2-e ugu-za al-gub-bu-na-x
#tr.en: In excess of(?) (the time that) I stand over you
3. lu2 na-me ugu dumu-na-ka nu-gub-[...]
#tr.en: No one (should) stand over their son
4. umun2 ak tud2-ba#? nig2 nu-mu-da-si-ge#?-[...]
#tr.en: Your beatings of (i.e., during?) instruction(?), (in which) nothing compares with you
5. a2 ag2-ga2 nu-ub-zu!?-a-gin7 a-ra-dim2-me umusz?-za lu2 nu-me-en
#tr.en: You behave like someone who does not know the rules, in your understanding(?) you a not a man
6. sza3 gi4-me-a-gu10-ne-ka lu2 bi2-ib2#-x x x lu2 mu-da#-ab-si-ge-a ba-ra-gal2
#tr.en: Among my colleagues, comparing with each man(?) I conducted(?), (and) no one who compares with you is present
7. nig2 ga2-e za-ra ab-szid-na-gu10
#tr.en: This is what I recite to you
8. u2 hub2 ku3-zu ba-an-ku4-ku4
#tr.en: (By it) deafness/stupidity turns into wisdom
9. hu-ru ZI masz!?-zu ba-ak
#tr.en: (By it) wisdom is made (from?) ... inferiority
10. musz-e KA-KA#-e ba-ab-x-x-[...]
#tr.en: It seizes the snake(!?) (as if using!?) incantations/murmuring(?)
11. sag3-ge-de3 sag3-ge-de3 zi ba-ir x [...]
#tr.en: I have become weary of always having to beat (you) and have let (that form of punishment) go
12. x [...]
CDLI Literary 000796, ex. 080 (P254868) 2326504
he2-sa6-sa6 only appears a few times in words list
he2-zu! only appears a few times in words list
nar-am3 only appears a few times in words list
&P254868 = CDLI Literary 000796, ex. 080
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. [...]-x mu#? disz#!-am3 he2-en-zu#
#tr.en: If a scribe knew/learned (only) one line of text
2. [...]-ni#? he2-sa6-sa6
#tr.en: And his hand was (nevertheless) very good
3. [e]-ne#-am3 dub-sar-re
#tr.en: He is a scribe
$ single ruling
4. [...]-e#? en3-du 1(disz)-am3 he2-zu#!?
#tr.en: If a singer knew/learned (only) one song/hymn
5. [...]-ni# du10-ga-am3
#tr.en: And his lament/vocalization(?) was (nevertheless) good
6. [e]-ne-am3 nar-am3#
#tr.en: He is a singer/musician
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 024 (P346215) 2326505
ba-szi-in-x-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-x-... only appears a few times in words list
tul8-la2 only appears a few times in words list
i3-nigin-ne only appears a few times in words list
ne3-bi only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-an-tusz only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-da-tusz! only appears a few times in words list
igi-nigin-nigin-bi only appears a few times in words list
nu-ga2-... only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-in-tum3-... only appears a few times in words list
i3-bara2-bara2-ge-esz only appears a few times in words list
nu-um-zi-zi-... only appears a few times in words list
szukur2-re only appears a few times in words list
...-edin-na only appears a few times in words list
gid2!-da-bi only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-szi-in-... only appears a few times in words list
dingir-re-ne-...-x-gu7 only appears a few times in words list
{na4}kikken does not appear in words list
sag-ga2-a only appears a few times in words list
szex(TU6) only appears a few times in words list
szex(TU6) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346215 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 024
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface unclear)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] u2-a# ba#-szi#-in#-[...]
#tr.en: ... the provider(? i.e., the king?) ...
2'. [... u2]-a# ba-szi-in-x-[...]
#tr.en: ... the provider(?) ...
3'. [...] gub#-bu-bi szukur2 mah-gin7 ba-e-x-[...]
#tr.en: Its standing/serving ... like a supreme ration ...
4'. [...] abul#-la mah {gesz}ig im-ma bi2-[...]
#tr.en: At its great gate Enlil stood the door (open) in the wind(?)
5'. [...]-ma lu2 u2-sze3 nu-DU lu2 a-sze3 nu-DU#
#tr.en: In Ur, no one went towards food, no one went towards water
6'. ug3# a# tul8-la2 de2-a-gin7 szu i3-nigin-ne
#tr.en: The people were circling around like water poured into a well/pond
7'. usu#-bi ni2-bi-a nu-gal2 ne3-bi ba-ra-an-tusz#
#tr.en: Its strength was not present in its aura(?) and thus its strength did not dwell (there)(?)
8'. [{d}]en#-lil2-le sza3-gar lu2 nig2-hul iri-a ba-an-da-tusz#!?
#tr.en: Enlil made starvation (in the form of?) an evil person dwell in the city
9'. nig2# iri gul-gul-e nig2 e2 gul-gul-e iri-a ba-an-da-tusz#
#tr.en: He made that which destroys cities, that which destroys temples, dwell in the city
10'. nig2# igi-bi-ta {gesz}tukul# la-ba-gub-bu-a iri-a ba-an-da-tusz#
#tr.en: He made that which before it a weapon does not stand (against) dwell in the city
11'. sza3# nu-si-si igi-nigin-nigin-bi iri-a ba-an-da-tusz#
#tr.en: He made the hungry/unsatfisfied and the eye-roller dwell in the city
12'. uri2{ki}-ma gi dili du3-a-gin7 sag# sag3-ge nu-ga2-[...]
#tr.en: In Ur, even (the fear/disdain of) head shaking like a single planted reed was not established
13'. ug3#-bi ku6 szu dab5-ba-gin7 zi-bi mi-ni-in-tum3#-[...]
#tr.en: Its people took refuge like a caught fish
14'. tur# mah-bi i3-bara2-bara2-ge-esz lu2 nu-um-zi-zi#-[...]
#tr.en: Meager and great alike spread out, no one arose/was mustered
15'. lugal#-bi dub-la2 u5-a nig2-gu7 la-ba-na-gal2#
#tr.en: The king(?) was mounted atop the gate tower(?), there was no food there for him
16'. lugal# nig2-sa6-ga gu7 nag-a szukur2-re im-ma-an-[...]
#tr.en: The king who had ate and drank good things, (had to now) clutch at a (mere) ration(?)
17'. [...] im#-szu2-szu2 igi im-la2-e sza3-ka-tab i3-zu-zu#
#tr.en: The sun was clouded over, (one) was being envious/watching(?) and knew fasting
18'. [...]-edin#-na kasz nu-gal2 gid2!?-da-bi nu-um-gal2#?
#tr.en: There was no beer in the “house of the plain"(!?), its ... was not present
19'. [...] nig2#-gu7# la-ba-na-gal2 tusz-u3-bi nu-du10#?
#tr.en: There was no food for him in his palace, it was not good(?) for dwelling
20'. [ga2]-nun#? mah#?-[a]-ni sze nu-um-si-si zi-bi# la-ba-szi-in#-[...]
#tr.en: His supreme storehouse was not filled with grain, no one could take refuge there(?)
21'. gur7# du6# gur7 [masz] {d#}nanna-kam {d}asznan nu-x-[...]
#tr.en: (The) grain (goddess) was not present in the large and small grain heaps
22'. kin2#-sig dingir-re-ne#?-[...]-x-gu7#? ki#?-si-ga ba-x-[...]
#tr.en: The afternoon meal of the gods was not? eaten, funerary offerings(?) ...
23'. unu2#? gal-ba kurun2 lal3 gesztin x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: In the great banquet the honeyed liquor and ... wine ceased?
24'. giri2#-PA-a gu4 udu gu7#? gu4 x [...]
#tr.en: The giriPAa knife that consumes oxen and sheep ...
25'. gir4# mah-ba gu4 udu i3-x-[...]
#tr.en: In the great oven the oxen and sheep were not being prepared (i.e., roasted?), one could no longer smell it(?)
26'. bur#-sag a2# sikil {d}nanna-kam [...]
#tr.en: The cry/breath of the “pure-armed” bursag building/functionary(?) stopped(?)
27'. e2 gu4#-gin7 gu3 bi2-in-du11#-[...]
#tr.en: The temple that had once belowed like a bull ... silently
28'. mu-DU ku3-ga si nu-mu-un#-[...]
#tr.en: ... did not execute deliveries properly, ...
29'. {na4}kikken {gesz}naga3 {gesz}gan-[na ...]
#tr.en: The millstone, the mortar, and the pestle sat idle, no one bends down towards them
30'. kar {na4}za-gin3 {d}nanna#-[...]
#tr.en: In the lapis harbor of Nanna (boats?) were “bound in the water” (due to silt?)
31'. a#? ma2 sag-ga2-a szex(TU6)# nu#-[...]
#tr.en: The water of the prow did not scream(?), it did not cast joy?
32'. unu2#?-RI-banda3{+da#} [...]
#tr.en: Sand(?) was piled up in the unuRIbanda building/shrine of Nanna
33'. [{u2}]numun2# SZE3 x [...]
#tr.en: The ... rushes grew, the ... rushes grew, the reed of mourning(?) grew
34'. [...] kar [...]
#tr.en: Boats and barges quit the shining harbor
35'. [...] x x [...]
36'. [...] x x [...]
37'. [...] x [...]
UET 6, 0656 (P346693) 2326506
ATF: Parsing failed on line 12 near character 50
x-mu-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-ab-... only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-e-ri-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
mul-sig7-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in words list
in-gar-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-x-... only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}dag-si only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-ga!-x-... only appears a few times in words list
su-lum-mar-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-tur-me-en only appears a few times in words list
sa6-ga-ba only appears a few times in words list
… does not appear in signs list
&P346693 = UET 6, 0656
#atf: lang sux
$ (unclear surface)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x x [...] x x [...]
2'. [...] x-mu#?-gin7 im-ma-an-ak sza3 ib2-ba-ni [...]
#tr.en: like ..., his angry heart ...
3'. [...] x du11-ga-gu10 HAR-re nam-ba-ab-[...]
#tr.en: ... do not ... my ...
4'. [...] x-gu10 nam-ba-e-ri-a-gin7 mul-sig7-gu10 x […]
#tr.en: ... as one who should not impose/cast(?) my …, my darkness…
5'. [...] giri2#? szu-i ha-ha-za ge6 u4-ba KA nam-[...]
#tr.en: ... grasping a barber's razor(?) during that night and day(?) shall not ...
6'. [...] x-bi nu-la2 KA gig-ga# li# [...]
#tr.en: ... its hair(?) not hanging, a bitter/painful mouth/word ...
7'. [...] x TUR mah gu7-a-gin7 in-gar-gu10 nam-ba#?-x-[...]
#tr.en: ... like a child(?) eating too much(?), do not ... my colon? ...
8'. [...] {gesz}dag?-si# la2-a-gin7 ki-a nam-ba-ga!?-x-[...]
#tr.en: ... like (it was?) hanging from a saddle hook, do not ... on the ground(?)
9'. [...] su#-lum-mar-gu10 nu-gal2 lugal-gu10 [...]
#tr.en: ... my slander was not there, my king ...
10'. [...] zi#!? ir-ir szu2-szu2-a bar-ga2 mu-un-x-[...]
#tr.en: ... overwhelming(?) distress, ... on my back/in my liver
11'. [...] x lu2-tur-me-en UD nu-du11-ga MU [...]
#tr.en: ... I am a junior/child, the one who does not ...
12'. [...] sag#?-ki sa6-ga-ba igi bar-ma-ab sza3# [...]
#tr.en: ... look for me at its “good/beautiful forehead” (i.e., smile?), ...
13'. [...] x lugal-gu10# gu4-gin7 nu2-a [...]
#tr.en: ... my king, lying down like a bull
14'. [...] x [...]
CDLI Literary 000375, ex. 095 (P346544) 2326507
su13-su13-ga only appears a few times in words list
|SZA3xKAR2| only appears a few times in words list
he2-ni-ib-sa2-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
|SZA3xKAR2| only appears a few times in signs list
&P346544 = CDLI Literary 000375, ex. 095
#atf: lang sux
1. x x [...]
2. a-gar3 mah# a-esztub# x [...]
#tr.en: Like(?) a great meadow (in which?) the carp flood expands
3. a-gar3 su13#-su13-ga# [...]
#tr.en: The flooded field did not produce fish (after the water drained)
4. pu2 {gesz}kiri6 lal3# gesztin nu#-[...]
#tr.en: The irrigated orchard did not produce syrup and wine
5. balag# imin an-ur2# [...]
#tr.en: The seven balag drums were set on the ground like the standing horizon
6. |SZA3xKAR2| szem5{zabar} {d}iszkur-gin7 x [...]
#tr.en: The ub(?) and šem(?) drums (resounding) like Iškur ... played in its midst
7. gi#-gun4#-na-zu# szu x [...]
#tr.en: He actively diminished(?) your giguna and therefore should be “made"/bound(?) like Nibru
8. [...]-zu#? sag TUL2-ba he2-ni-ib-sa2-sa2
#tr.en: (In) your city, may heads/corpses ... in its wells/ponds
CDLI Literary 000796, ex. 081 (P254869) 2326508
nu-un-zu-... only appears a few times in words list
he2-im-tum3 only appears a few times in words list
&P254869 = CDLI Literary 000796, ex. 081
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. dub-sar eme-gir15 nu-un-zu-[...]
#tr.en: The scribe that has not known Sumerian
2. inim bala-[...]
3. me-da he2-im-tum3#
#tr.en: At what time should he succeed in conversing in it/translating (it)?
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0160 (P346245) 2326509
nu-ub-zu-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-si-... only appears a few times in words list
a-ab-szid-... only appears a few times in words list
u2-...-x only appears a few times in words list
am3-ku4-... only appears a few times in words list
...-ma-ak-... only appears a few times in words list
mu7-mu7!-e only appears a few times in words list
...-ke3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
x-x-x-sze-... only appears a few times in words list
im!-ma-an-si only appears a few times in words list
im!-ma-an-diri-... only appears a few times in words list
da-de2-a-... only appears a few times in words list
DU-a-... only appears a few times in words list
KA-e-ta only appears a few times in words list
li-bi2-du8-ru-na-... only appears a few times in words list
ib2-til-... only appears a few times in words list
sza3!-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
am3-du-... only appears a few times in words list
di4-di4-la2-ke4-ne only appears a few times in words list
ke3!-de3 only appears a few times in words list
uru4-de3 only appears a few times in words list
u3-mu-x-x only appears a few times in words list
da-da-ni only appears a few times in words list
gi4-me-a-asz-... only appears a few times in words list
gur-... only appears a few times in words list
diri-zu-x only appears a few times in words list
ke3! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346245 = UET 6, 0160
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...] x x [...]
3'. [...] ak#? tud2#-ba nig2# [...]
#tr.en: Your beatings of (during?) instruction(?), (in which) nothing compares with you
4'. a2# ag2#-ga2 nu-ub-zu-gin7 x-[...]
#tr.en: You behave(?) as if the regulations have never been taught
5'. ki?-zu lu2#? x-[...]
#tr.en: In(?) your ..., you are not a man
6'. sza3# gi4#-me-a-gu10-ne#-ka lu2-bi bi2#?-[...]
#tr.en: Among my colleagues, comparing with each man(?) I conducted(?)
7'. [...] mu-da-si#?-[...] ba-ra-[...]
#tr.en: (And) no one who compares with you is present
8'. nig2 ga2#-e za-ra [...] a#?-ab-szid-[...]
#tr.en: This is what I recite to you
9'. u2#-[...]-x ku3-zu am3-ku4#-[...]
#tr.en: (By it) deafness/stupidity turns into wisdom
10'. [...] masz#?-zu [...]-ma?-ak-[...]
#tr.en: (By it) wisdom is made (from?) ... inferiority
11'. [...]-x mu7-mu7!-e [...]-x-[...]
#tr.en: It seizes the snake(!?) (as if using!?) incantations/murmuring(?)
12'. [...] sag3#-ge-de3 zi# [...]
#tr.en: I have become weary of always having to beat (you) and have let (that form of punishment) go
13'. [...]-ke3#-de3 x-x-x-sze#?-[...]
#tr.en: Bringing about reconciliation(?) by means of lies(?), I will not consent to you (on this?)
14'. [...] im#!?-ma-an-si im#!?-ma-an-diri#?-[...]
#tr.en: After I fill my heart and it overflows, (therefore, I scorn you)
15'. [...] zarah nu-mu#-[...]
#tr.en: On your own (behalf), you have not ceased(?) your wailing
16'. zarah#-zu ga2-e [...]
#tr.en: (But) I have set aside(?) your wailing
17'. [...] gu3# da-de2-a-[...]
#tr.en: Because of the content/intent of what you are to speak(!?)
18'. u3 ga2-e KA-gu10-ta# [...]
#tr.en: And (the fact that) I go forth from (according to?) my word(?)
19'. KA-gu10-ta DU-a-[...]
#tr.en: In order to go away from (according to?) my words(?) “here”
20'. u3 ga2-e KA-e-ta DU#?-[...]
#tr.en: I am going(?) away from “here” (according to my?) words
21'. nam-lu2-lux(URU) igi# li-bi2-du8-ru-na-[...]
#tr.en: Because you have not “observed (your) humanity” (reflected upon yourself?)
22'. sza3#-gu10 tu15 hul ba-ab-[...]
#tr.en: My heart is carried away by(?) an evil wind
23'. nam-lu2-lux(URU)-zu KA-KA gesz nu-mu-[...]
#tr.en: You cannot pay attention to your “humanity” ...
1. zarah-zu ib2-til-[...]
#tr.en: You wailing has finished/killed me(?)
2. sza3#!-gu10 edin-na am3-du-[...]
#tr.en: You make my heart go(?) in the plain
3. ga2-e al-me-en-na-ta gesz-gi gi x-[...]
#tr.en: Because of what I am, I did not send (you?) as one charged with the task(?) to carry reeds (from) the reed bed
4. gi sumun GAB lu2 di4-di4-la2-ke4-ne x-[...]
#tr.en: The ... old/dead reeds(?) which (even) the tiny (children) carry
5. za-e al-me-en-na-ta nu-mu-un#-[...]
#tr.en: Because of what you are, you have not carried them
6. a-ra2 na-me-ka egir gu4-da-ka? x-x [...]
#tr.en: In no way/at no time(?) have I said “Stand(?) at the rear of an ox”
7. gu4-de3 us2-u3-de3 kin2-gi4#-[...]
#tr.en: I did not send (you?) as one charged with the task(?) to follow the ox(?)
8. a-sza3 al ke3!-de3 kin2-gi4-[...]
#tr.en: I did not send (you?) as one charged with the task(?) to hoe the field
9. a-sza3 uru4-de3 kin2#-gi4-[...]
#tr.en: I did not send (you?) as one charged with the task(?) to sow/cultivate the field
10. kin2 sza4 ke3#-[de3] kin2#-gi4-[...]
#tr.en: I did not send (you?) as a messenger (charged with a task?) to do a task(?) (or?) to hoe
11. gen-na kin2-sze3 u3#-mu#-x-x x [...]
#tr.en: Come! After you do the work, eat food
12. za-e al-me-en-na-ta x-[...]
#tr.en: Because of who you(?) are, (I) have not spoken to you (about this)
13. za-e al-me-en-na-ta kin2#-sze3#? [...]
#tr.en: Because of who you are, you have not done the task (but) you did eat the food(?)
14. lu2 za-gin7 ak kin2#-[...]
#tr.en: When a person like you does(?) a task
15. da-da-ni u3 ama#!-ni ninda i3#-[...]
#tr.en: His father and mother will eat food
16. tukumbi nig2#?-szu gi4-me-a-asz#?-[...]
#tr.en: If you observe the ... of my colleagues
17. e-ne-ne-gin7-nam [...] sze# gur#-[...]
#tr.en: Like (i.e., each one of?) them, ten gur of barley apiece they fill at the outset/per head(?)
18. di4-di4-la2 lu2#? [...]
#tr.en: (Even) the tiny ones, the “slave of their(!?) fathers”
19. u gur sze-ta sag-ga2 x-x-[...]
#tr.en: Ten gur of barley apiece they place(?) at the head (i.e., provide)
20. sze i3 siki udu mu#-[...]
#tr.en: They have given/brought(?) barley, oil/butter, and sheep wool(?)
21. diri-zu#-x x-[...]
#tr.en: As a man(?), they(?) exceed you(?)
22. e-ne-ne#-gin7#-[...]
#tr.en: You are not a man like (each one of) them
23. diri-zu kin2-gi4#?-[...]
#tr.en: Exceeding you, they do not compare with you in (the performance of) assigned tasks(?)
24. e#-ne#-ne#-gin7#-[...]
#tr.en: Like them ...
CDLI Literary 000375, ex. 096 (P346545) 2326510
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 10: kisz#{ki}#
ATF: Parsing failed on line 12 near character 27
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 8: ka5#? [.
szar-ru-um-ki-… does not appear in words list
… does not appear in signs list
&P346545 = CDLI Literary 000375, ex. 096
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. sag#?-ki# [...]-x {d}en-lil2-la2#-kam#
#tr.en: It was the frown of Enlil
2. kisz#{ki}# [...] an#?-na#-gin7 im#-[...]
#tr.en: After it killed(?) Kish like the bull of heaven
3. e2 ki# unu{ki#}-ga# gu4# [...] sahar#-ra# mi#-ni#-ib#-[...]
#tr.en: After it slew the temple of Uruk in the dust like a great bull
4. ki# u4-ba szar-ru-um-ki#-[…]
#tr.en: Where, at that time to Sargon, the king of Agade
5. sig#-ta igi#-[...]
#tr.en: From the lowland to the highland
6. [{d}]en#-lil2-le nam-[...] mu-un#?-[...]
#tr.en: After Enlil gave the en-ship and kingship to him
7. [...] a#-ga#-de3#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: At that time the sanctuary Agade holy Inanna ...
@column 2
1. x x [...]
#tr.en: reverse
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. e2#-gal# sza3#? hul2#?-[...]
#tr.en: May distress fall upon your palace, which was built (for) rejoicing
2'. lu2#-hul#-gal2# x [...]
#tr.en: May the evildoer shout continually in the ... plain(?)
3'. ki# uz#-[...]
#tr.en: (In) the site of your uzga, where the cleansing rite had been established
4'. ka5#? [..]
#tr.en: May the fox, the one of the destroyed ruin mound, drag its tail there
UET 6, 0657 (P346694) 2326511
mu-ni-in-pesz11 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz!}taszkarin-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-sag12-ga only appears a few times in words list
aga-du-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
sa6-ga-gu10-ka only appears a few times in words list
&P346694 = UET 6, 0657
#atf: lang sux
$ (unclear surface)
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x-da#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. x [...] gu2# mu-ni-in-pesz11 u4 nu-du11-ga# [...]
#tr.en: ... had grown ("thickened his neck")(?), a time that was not appointed(?) ...
3'. {gesz#!}taszkarin-gin7 kusz-a babbar2-ra u4 nu-du11-ga [...]
#tr.en: The one white in the skin like a boxwood tree, a time that was not appointed(?) ...
4'. alan dim2 kusz3-kusz3-ta de2-a alan nig2-sag12-ga a-[...]
#tr.en: A form (as if) cast from a mold, the statue, the beautiful thing ...
5'. alim?-gin7 igi gun3-gun3-a u4 nu-du11-ga mu-ni#?-[...]
#tr.en: The one who is speckled-faced like a bison(?), a time that was not appointed(?) ...
6'. aga-du-na-gu10 alan sa6-ga-gu10-ka u4 nu-du11-ga# [...]
#tr.en: My “beardedness(?),” that of my beautiful form/statue, a time that was not appointed(?) ...
7'. nam-lu2-tur nu-ak nam-tag2 nu-ak# [...]
#tr.en: ... did not act like a juvenile, did not sin(?) ...
8'. a-na bi2-in-ak [...]
#tr.en: What did ... do? ...
9'. ub#? x [...]
#tr.en: ...
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 019 (P346216) 2326512
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 20: {ninda}indaba-bi d<en
la-ba-ab-... only appears a few times in words list
nigin-nigin-bi only appears a few times in words list
pu2-a only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-ib-tum2-tum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
i3-par4-par4-ra-ge-esz only appears a few times in words list
{+du}dub-la2-a only appears a few times in words list
x-...-na-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
szukur2-...-ma-an-dab5 only appears a few times in words list
...-zu-zu only appears a few times in words list
gid2-da-...-x-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-...-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-...-de6 only appears a few times in words list
ba-x-nu2 only appears a few times in words list
mah-ba! only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-du11-ga-a-ri only appears a few times in words list
{na4}kikken does not appear in words list
i3-durun-durun only appears a few times in words list
nu-um-szi-gurum-e only appears a few times in words list
gir-re-e only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-su3-su3-e only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-ab-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
{ninda}indaba-bi does not appear in words list
den-lil2 does not appear in words list
{ab2}szilam only appears a few times in words list
...-ab-dab5 only appears a few times in words list
munzer-e only appears a few times in words list
szurim-ma only appears a few times in words list
i3-dun5-dun5-ne only appears a few times in words list
i3-musz3-musz3-u3-ne only appears a few times in words list
i-ra-a-ri only appears a few times in words list
{ninda}indaba-bi does not appear in words list
ba-szid! only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
tul2-sag only appears a few times in words list
ganbaba-bi-a only appears a few times in words list
li-bi-ib-de5-de5-ge only appears a few times in words list
dili-bi-da! only appears a few times in words list
e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
dili-bi-da only appears a few times in words list
uri2{ki}-ma-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-ha-lam-ma only appears a few times in words list
indaba does not appear in signs list
indaba does not appear in signs list
ganbaba only appears a few times in signs list
&P346216 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 019
#atf: lang sux
1. {d}en#-[lil2]-le sza3-gar lu2# nig2#-hul# iri{ki}-ta ba-da-tusz
#tr.en: Enlil made starvation (in the form of?) an evil person dwell in the city
2. nig2 iri{ki} gul#-gul [nig2] e2# gul#-gul# iri{ki}-ta ba-da-tusz
#tr.en: He made that which destroys cities, that which destroys temples, dwell in the city
3. nig2 igi-bi-sze3 {gesz}tukul-e# la-ba-ab#-[...] iri{ki}-ta ba-da-tusz
#tr.en: He made that which before it a weapon does not stand (against) dwell in the city
4. sza3 nu-si-si igi nigin-nigin-bi iri{ki}-ta# ba-da-tusz
#tr.en: He made the hungry/dissatisfied and the eye-roller dwell in the city
5. uri2{ki}-ma gi dili du3-a-gin7 sag# sag3-ge nu-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: In Ur, even (the fear/disdain of) head shaking like a single planted reed was not established
6. ug3-bi ku6 pu2#-a# lug-ga-gin7 zi#?-[...] mi-ni-ib-tum2-tum2-mu
#tr.en: Its people took refuge like a fish living in a well/pond
7. tur mah-bi i3-par4-par4-ra-ge#-[esz] lu2# nu-um-zi-zi-zi
#tr.en: Meager and great alike spread out, no one arose/was mustered
8. lugal-bi {+du}dub-la2-a u5-a x-[...]-na#?-gal2
#tr.en: The king(?) mounted atop the gate tower(?), there was no food there for him
9. lugal nig2-sa6-ga gu7 x-a szukur2#?-[...]-ma#-an-dab5
#tr.en: The king who had ate and drank(?) good things, (had to now) clutch at a (mere) ration(?)
10. u4 im-szu2-szu2 igi im-la2-e sza3-ka-tab# [...]-zu#-zu
#tr.en: The sun was clouded over, (one) was being envious/watching(?) and knew fasting
11. e2-lunga-na kasz nu-un-gal2 gid2-da#?-[...]-x-gal2
#tr.en: He did not have beer in his brewery, its ... was not present
12. e2-gal-la-na nig2-gu7 la-ba#-na#-gal2 [... la]-ba#-ab-du7
#tr.en: There was no food for him in his palace, it was not suitable for dwelling
13. ga2-nun mah-a-ni sze# nu#?-um#?-si#-si zi-bi# [...]-tum2-mu#
#tr.en: His supreme storehouse was not filled with grain, no one could take refuge there(?)
14. gur7# du6 guru7 masz-e {d#}nanna#-ka {d}asznan nu#?-[...]-gal2
#tr.en: (The) grain (goddess) was not present in the large and small grain heaps
15. kin2-sig dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 szu#!? ba#-e-lal#-lal
#tr.en: The afternoon meal of the gods was actively diminished there
16. unu2 gal-bi kurun# lal3 musz3 im-ma-[...]-de6
#tr.en: In the great banquet the honeyed liquor ceased
17. giri2-PA-a gu4 gu7 udu gu7-ra u2-szim-e ba-x-nu2
#tr.en: (As for?) the giriPAa knife that consumes oxen and sheep, it lay (abandoned) in the plants
18. gir4 mah-ba! gu4 udu nu#-ke3-e ir nu-mu-un-ur5#-ur5#-e
#tr.en: In the great oven the oxen and sheep were not being prepared (i.e., roasted?), one could no longer smell it(?)
19. bur-sag a2 sikil {d}nanna-ka za-pa-ag2-bi ba-ra-gul#
#tr.en: The cry/breath of the “pure-armed” bursag building/functionary(?) stopped(?)
20. e2 gu4-gin7#? gu3 bi2-ib2-du11-ga-a-ri si-ga-bi ba-x
#tr.en: The temple that had once belowed like a bull ... silently
21. mu-un-DU ku3-ga si# sa2-e gar-ra-bi ba-su3-u4
#tr.en: The deposit of the properly executed deliveries was (a) distant (memory)
22. {na4}kikken naga3 gesz-gan-na i3-durun-durun lu2 nu-um-szi-gurum-e
#tr.en: The millstone, the mortar, and the pestle sat idle, no one bends down towards them
23. kar za-gin3-na {d}nanna-ka a-e ba-da-la2
#tr.en: In the lapis harbor of Nanna (boats?) were “bound in the water” (due to silt?)
24. a ma2 sag-ga2-ke4 gu3 nu-mu-un-gi4-gi4 asil-la2 nu-mu-un-szub
#tr.en: The water of the prow did not scream(?), it did not cast joy(?)
25. unu2-RI-banda3{+da} {d}nanna-ka isz ba-da-dub-dub
#tr.en: Sand(?) was piled up in the unuRIbanda building/shrine of Nanna
26. {u2}numun2 ba-da-mu2 {u2}numun2 ba-da-mu2 gir-re-e ba-an-mu2
#tr.en: The ... rushes grew, the ... rushes grew, the reed of mourning(?) grew
27. ma2 ma2-gur8-ra kar za-gin3-na musz3 im-ma-ab-de6
#tr.en: Boats and barges quit the shining harbor
28. i7 ma2-gur8#-ra ba-ab-du7-a-za a2 nu-mu-un-su3-su3-e
#tr.en: In “your” canal that was made suitable for barges, no one was rowing anymore
29. ezem ki garza-ka gesz-hur-bi ba-kur2
#tr.en: The plans of the festival at the place of rites was changed
30. ma2 nesag-ga2 a-a ugu-na-ka nesag nu-mu-un-ab-tum2
#tr.en: The nesag offering ships of his birth father (Enlil) no longer brought the nesag offering
31. {ninda}indaba-bi d<en-lil2> nibru{ki}-sze3 nu-mu#-un-na-da-an-ku4-ku4
#tr.en: ... could not bring its nindaba offerings to Nibru for him
32. i7-bi sza3 sug4-ga i-ni-gal2 ma2-gur8 nu-mu-un-dab-be2
#tr.en: There was emptiness in the river/canal, barges were not traversing it
33. gu2 min4{min}-a-bi giri3 nu-gal2 u2 gid2-da ba-am3-mu2
#tr.en: No foot was set/present on its two banks, tall plants grew
34. e2#-tur3 dagal-la {d}nanna-ka dub-ba-an-bi ba-si-il
#tr.en: The fence of the broad cattle pen of Nanna was torn apart
1. gi-sig {gesz}kiri6#-[...] x [...]-la2 gu2-giri16 ba-an-gar-gar
#tr.en: The reed fence of the orchard was ..., ... established a breach
2. {ab2}szilam amar-bi-da# [...]-ab#-dab5
#tr.en: The cow was seized along with its calf
3. ab2 munzer-e# edin ki nu-zu#-bi#? giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5-be2-esz
#tr.en: The munzer fed cows took to a strange path in an unknown part of the plain
4. {d}ga-a-a-u2 lu2 ab2 ki ag2-ga2 {gesz}tukul szurim-ma ba-szub
#tr.en: Gayau, who loves cows, dropped his weapon in the bedding/dung
5. {d}szu#-ni-du10 i3 ga-ar3-ra du6-ul-du6-ul-e i3 ga-ar3-ra nu-du6-ul-du6-ul
#tr.en: Šunidug, the one who stores butter and cheese, did not store butter and cheese
6. i3-bi lu2 i3 nu-zu-ne i3-dun5-dun5-ne
#tr.en: People who did not know butter were churning its butter
7. ga-bi lu2 ga nu-zu-ne i3-musz3-musz3-u3-ne
#tr.en: People who did not know milk were ... its milk
8. e2-tur3-re {dug}szakir3-e dun5-dun5-e gu3 nun nu-mu-ni-ib-be2
#tr.en: In the cattle pen the churning churn was not bellowing nobly
9. ne-mur dugud-bi i-ra-a-ri i-bi2-bi ba-gul
#tr.en: The heavy coals that had been lit(?), their smoke ceased
10. {d}suen-e a-a-ni {d}en-lil2-ra er2 mu-un-na-szesz4-szesz4
#tr.en: Suen wept to his father Enlil
11. a-a ugu-gu10 uru17{ki}-gu10 a-na-ra-x a-na-asz ba-e-da-gur-re-en
#tr.en: My birth father, my city was ... for you/him(!?), why did you turn away from me?
12. {d}en-lil2 uri2{ki}-gu10 a-na-ra-x a-na-asz ba-e-da-gur-re-en
#tr.en: Enlil, my Ur was ... for you/him(!?), why did you turn away from me?
13. ma2 nesag-ga2 a-a ugu-na-sze3 nesag nu-mu-un-na-ab-tum3
#tr.en: The nesag offering ships of his birth father no longer brought the nesag offering for him
14. {ninda}indaba-bi {d}en-lil2 nibru{ki}-sze3 nu-mu#-un-na-da-an-ku4-ku4
#tr.en: ... could not bring its nindaba offerings to Enlil (at) Nibru for him
15. en# iri bar-ra en iri sza3-ga# lil2-e ha-ba-ab-lah5-e-esz
#tr.en: The wind(s) carried off the en priest(ess) of the outer city and the en priest(ess) of the inner city
16. uri2#{ki} iri{ki} {gesz}al-e ri-a-gin7 du6-du6#-da ba-szid!?
#tr.en: Ur, like a city struck by a hoe, has been broken up into ruin heaps
17. [ki]-ur3 ki ni2 dub2-bu {d}en-lil2#-la2 esz3 lil2-la2 ba-ab-gar
#tr.en: The Ki'ur(?) shrine, the place of relaxation of Enlil, has been made into a windblown shrine
18. {d}en-lil2 iri-zu igi-zu#? igi ba-x e2-ri-a sug4-ga
#tr.en: Enlil, ... your eye at your city, it is an empty wasteland
19. uri2{ki}-ma ur-bi ur2 bad3-da si-im-si-im nu-mu-un-ke3-e
#tr.en: The dogs of Ur are not sniffing at the base of the city wall
20. tul2-sag bulug-ga ganbaba-bi-a ki# li-bi-ib-de5-de5-ge
#tr.en: The one who burrows/demarcates(?) wells is not gathering earth at the market price(?)
21. a-a ugu-gu10 iri{ki}-gu10 dili-bi-ta a2-zu-sze3 nigin2-am3-szi-ib
#tr.en: My birth father, turn around my city back to your arms from its loneliness
22. {d}en-lil uri2{ki}-gu10 dili-bi-da! a2-zu-sze3 nigin2-am3-szi-ib
#tr.en: Enlil, turn around my Ur back to your arms from its loneliness
23. e2#-kisz#-nu-gal2-la-gu10 dili-bi-da a2-zu-sze3 nigin2-am3-szi-ib
#tr.en: Turn around my Ekišnugal temple back to your arms from its loneliness
24. uri2#{ki}-ma-gu10 ha-ra-ni-ib-e3 ug3 hu-mu-ra-ab-dagal-la
#tr.en: So that my Ur is brought out, so that the people are broadened
25. me ki-en#-gi-ra ba#-da#-ha-lam-ma ki ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: So that he returns the me of Sumer which were destroyed to their place
26. ki-ru-gu2 3(disz)-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the 3rd kirugu
27. a e2 zi e2 zi lu2-bi lu2-bi
#tr.en: Alas, the true temple, the true temple, its man, its man
28. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im
#tr.en: It is the {geš}gigal “response”
29. {d}en-lil2-le dumu-ni {d}suen-ra mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: Enlil was replying to his son Suen
30. 1(disz) szu-szi
#tr.en: (Total:) sixty (lines)
31. im-gid2-da dam-qi2-i3-li2-szu
#tr.en: Single column tablet of Damqi-ilišu
32. {iti}ab-e3 u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam
#tr.en: Month of Abe, 21st day
CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 022 (P346340) 2326513
ma2-addir-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
am3-sag3-sag3-ge only appears a few times in words list
&P346340 = CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 022
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. ur-gir15 ma2-addir-sze3
2. nig2-na-me nu-mu-un-szum2
3. u3 {gesz}ma2-addir-ra
4. szu am3-sag3-sag3-ge
#tr.en: The dog gave nothing to the ferryboat, but strikes the ferryboat with his paw
$ blank space
UET 6, 0161 + 0164 + 0619 (P346246) 2326514
...-x-da-ne only appears a few times in words list
nam-bar-bar-en only appears a few times in words list
he2-sun5-ne-en only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-te-ge26 only appears a few times in words list
ugula-zu only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-an-ag2 only appears a few times in words list
{lu2}tab-ba-zu only appears a few times in words list
di-da-ne only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-an-na-gi4-gi4-de3 only appears a few times in words list
...-de3-esz2 only appears a few times in words list
tur-tur-ra-ke4-ne only appears a few times in words list
us2-de3 only appears a few times in words list
a-sza3-gu10-usz only appears a few times in words list
uru4{+ru}-de3 only appears a few times in words list
sza4! only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ra-du11 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-e-ak only appears a few times in words list
za-gin7-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
i3-ib-gu7-... only appears a few times in words list
gi4-me-asz-gu10-ne-ka only appears a few times in words list
ad-da-GISZGAL-ne-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-tah-a only appears a few times in words list
...-x-x-... only appears a few times in words list
ad-da-ad-da-ne-ne only appears a few times in words list
a-ga-x only appears a few times in words list
e-ne-e-ne-gin7-nam only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-e-x-... only appears a few times in words list
...-kusz2-a-... only appears a few times in words list
dumu-ni-... only appears a few times in words list
i3-sug2-ge-za-... only appears a few times in words list
gu5!-li only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-na-ab-si-ge-... only appears a few times in words list
si-ge2-na-ab only appears a few times in words list
si-ge2-na!-ab only appears a few times in words list
ab-tusz-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-dub-sar-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
e-NE-dag only appears a few times in words list
...-ra-zux(SU) only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-gu-ul only appears a few times in words list
x-x-sag3-sag3-ge-esz only appears a few times in words list
...-ub-dub2-dub2-da-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
ma-ab-szid-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
...-x-ak-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
nu-SZE3 only appears a few times in words list
gu5! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346246 = UET 6, 0161 + 0164 + 0619
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-x-da#?-ne# igi nam-bar-bar-en he2-sun5-ne-en#
#tr.en: When you are to cross the street, do not look around. If you are humble
2'. [...] ni2 he2-em-te-ge26#
#tr.en: And (you) fear your overseer
3'. [...] ugula#-zu ki ha-ra-an-ag2
#tr.en: Your overseer will love you
4'. [...] {lu2}tab-ba-zu di-da-ne#
#tr.en: If the objective is to be achieved, when you speak to(?) your companion
5'. [...] nam-ba-an-na#-gi4-gi4-[de3]
#tr.en: Do not turn behind for him
6'. [...] x x [...]-de3#
#tr.en: Do not denigrate your colleagues
7'. [...]-de3-esz2
#tr.en: If (you?) are going because the day is about to arrive(?)
8'. [...]-en
#tr.en: How long shall I stay?
9'. [...]-e3#
#tr.en: I know(?)--(until) my master has left
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...]-en-na-ta gesz-gi gi# [...] kin2-gi4#-a ba-ra#-[szi-...]
#tr.en: Because of what I am, I did not send (you?) as one charged with the task(?) to carry reeds (from) the reed bed
3'. [...] di4-di4-la2 tur-tur-ra-ke4-ne i-im-[...]
#tr.en: The old/dead reeds which (even) the tiny and little (children) carry
4'. [...]-en#-na-ta nu-mu-e-il2
#tr.en: Because of what you are, you have not carried them
5'. [...] egir# gu4-da-ka gub-ba? ba-ra#?-[...]
#tr.en: In no way/at no time(?) have I said “Stand(?) at the rear of an ox”
6'. [...] us2#?-de3#? kin2-gi4-a ba-ra-szi-[...]
#tr.en: Regarding my ox, I did not send (you?) as one charged with the task(?) to follow it
7'. [...]-gu10#-usz al ke3-de3 kinx(UR4)-gi4-a ba-ra-[szi-...]
#tr.en: Regarding my field, I did not send (you?) as one charged with the task(?) to hoe it
8'. a#-sza3#-gu10-usz uru4{+ru}-de3# kinx(UR4)-gi4-[a ba-ra-szi-...]
#tr.en: Regarding my field, I did not send (you?) as one charged with the task(?) to sow/cultivate it
9'. kin2# sza4#! al ak-de3 kinx(UR4)#-gi4-[a ba-ra-szi-...]
#tr.en: I did not send (you?) as a messenger (charged with a task?) to do a task(?) (or?) to hoe
10'. gen-na kin2 sza4 u3-mu-e-ak ninda gu7#?-[...]
#tr.en: Come! After you do the work, eat food
11'. ga2-e al-me-en-na-ta ba-ra-ra-du11#
#tr.en: Because of who I am, (I) have not spoken to you (about this)
12'. za-e al-me-en-na-ta kinx(UR4) sza4 nu-mu-e-ak ninda [...]
#tr.en: Because of who you are, you have not done the task (but) you did eat the food(?)
13'. lu2 za-gin7-na-ke4 kin2 sza4 u3-mu-e#-[ak]
#tr.en: When a person like you does(?) a task
14'. ad-da-ni u3 ama-ni ninda i3-ib-gu7#?-[...]
#tr.en: His father and mother will eat food
15'. tukumbi nig2-szu gi4-me-asz-gu10-ne-ka igi bi2#?-[...]
#tr.en: If you observe the ... of my colleagues
16'. [e]-ne-ne-gin7-nam u sze gur-ta-am3#
#tr.en: Like (i.e., each one of?) them, ten gur of barley apiece
17'. [...]-ga2#? ib2-si-ge-esz
#tr.en: They place(?) at the head (i.e., provide)
18'. [...] sag# ad-da#-GISZGAL#?-ne-ke4 u sze gur-ta-a sag-ga2 ib2-si-ge-esz
#tr.en: (Even) the tiny ones, the “slave of their(!?) fathers,” ten gur of barley apiece they place(?) at the head (i.e., provide)
19'. [...]-ne#-ne sze bi2-in-tah-a
#tr.en: The one(s) who increase (the amount of) grain (for) their fathers
@column 1
1. sze i3 siki# udu#!? [...]-x-x-[...]
#tr.en: They have given/brought(?) barley, oil/butter, and sheep wool(?)
2. diri-zu lu2-lu7# i3-me-en
#tr.en: As a man, I(!) exceed you
3. e-ne-ne-gin7-nam lu2-lu7 nu-me-en
#tr.en: You are not a man like (each one of) them
4. dumu-gu10 ad#-da-ad-da-ne-ne#
#tr.en: My son, their fathers
5. lu2-tur-ne#-ne kin2-gi4-a in-gi4-[...]
#tr.en: Dispatched their children/juniors charged with a task(?)
6. a-ga-x e-ne-e-ne-gin7#-[nam]
#tr.en: My(!?) inferior(?), like them
7. kin2#-gi4#-[a] gi4-gi4-bi nu-mu-e-x-[...]
#tr.en: They do not compare with you in (the performance of) assigned tasks(?)
8. [...]-kusz2-a#-[...]
#tr.en: Excessive (is) my exertion for you
9. [...]-x dumu-ni#?-[...]
#tr.en: Who is it that has exerted himself for his son more that I?
10. [...]-ab-x-[...]
#tr.en: My words which I recite to you (are as follows?)
11. [...] in-nu tesz2# [...]
#tr.en: It has not (previously been the case?)! Have fear! It has not (previously been the case?)! Have shame!
12. [...] {gesz#}szudul4 dili-a i3-sug2-ge-za#?-[...]
#tr.en: Your companion, with whom you are standing in the same yoke
13. [...] x-GI gu5!-li du10-us2-sa-zu igi nu-mu#-[...]
#tr.en: ... your comrade, your friend, you do not observe them
14. [...] nu-mu-un-na-ab-si-ge#-[...]
#tr.en: Why do you not assimilate with them?
15. [...]-ne# si-ge2-na#-ab#
#tr.en: It has not (previously been the case?)! (Now) assimilate with (your) “big brothers”
16. [...]-ne si-ge2-na#!?-ab#
#tr.en: It has not (previously been the case?)! (Now) assimilate with (your) “little brothers”
17. [...] gaszam#?-ta ma-da ab-tusz-a#
#tr.en: From the (ranks of) skilled humanity that resides in the land(?)
18. [...] nig2-nam mu sze21-a
#tr.en: Come!(!?) Enki (himself) has discovered that(?) nothing that has a name (among them)
19. [... nam-dub]-sar#-gin7 al#-gig ga-na mu-ni#?-[...]
#tr.en: Is as painstaking as the assigned task(?) of the place of(?) scribal art
20. [...] tukumbi# nam-nar [...]
#tr.en: Nothing that could be named(?), except for the art of the musician
21. [...]-x bad#?-bad-ra2#
#tr.en: Like the shores of the sea, where one shore is separated far away from the other
22. [...] al#?-[...]
#tr.en: Thus the content of the art of the musician is esoteric
@column 2
1. [...] e?-NE-dag?
#tr.en: You can be idle(?) for eternity
2. [...]-ra#-zux(SU) ba-ab-gu-ul#
#tr.en: Greatly your “that which is released” has been enlarged(?)
3. [...] x-x-sag3-sag3-ge-esz
#tr.en: Because your ... reputation has not been smitten(?)
4. [...]-ub#?-dub2#?-dub2#?-da-ke4-esz
#tr.en: Because (your?) reputation has not been beaten into the dust(?)
5. [...] x NI# ma-ab-szid-de3-en
#tr.en: Because of what has been destroyed(?) I will recite to you (the following(?)) for my benefit(?)
6. [...]-ge-esz
#tr.en: ...
7. [...] x ri i ak
#tr.en: What now to do?(!?)
8. [...]-x-ak#-gu10 nu-SZE3#
#tr.en: That which I did was not ...
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 047 (P346550) 2326515
...-un-du8-du8 only appears a few times in words list
...{ki}-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
{d}nam-at only appears a few times in words list
a.... does not appear in words list
...-sug4-ga only appears a few times in words list
...-ki-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
a.... does not appear in signs list
&P346550 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 047
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...] x ti [...]
#tr.en: ...
3'. [...] x IM# [...]
#tr.en: ...
4'. [...]
5'. [...]-bi# {u2}[...]
#tr.en: Its stolen(?) rushes ... carried (away)(?) the rushes ...
6'. [...]-un#-du8#-du8 [...]
#tr.en: ... piled up and spread .... out ... in the manner of sheaves
7'. [...] x# la2#? x a#? [...]
#tr.en: ... a corpse was in the Euphrates ...
8'. [...]-ta# ba#-da-gur [...]
#tr.en: ... turned away from ... and was not saying “my spouse”
9'. [...]-ta# ba-da-gur dumu#?-[...]
#tr.en: ... turned away from ... and was not saying “my son”
10'. [...]-a#-ni mu-un-szub e2#-[...]
#tr.en: The one of the true temple/productive estate(?) abandoned his temple and was not saying “my temple”
11'. [...]-ta# giri3# kur2# ba#-ra#-an#-[...]
#tr.en: The rich person took a different path away from his possessions
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...] ki# ur-sag#? [...]
#tr.en: ... the hero ...
3'. [...] ag2#?-ga2-ni giri3# [...]
#tr.en: ... took a different path away from his beloved ...
4'. [...]{ki}-gu10 im-me#-a [...]
#tr.en: The one that is saying(?) ... my city(?)
5'. [...] iri#{ki} ni2-ba# lu-a# szu# [...]
#tr.en: Kazallu, the city that teemed by itself, was confused
6'. [...] ki#-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni# [...]
#tr.en: Numušda took a different path away from his city, his beloved dwelling
7'. [...] {d#}nam#-at munus# sa6 a#.[...]
#tr.en: His wife Namrat, the beautiful woman, was weeping bitterly
8'. [...]-sug4#-ga i-im-gal2 a# [...]
#tr.en: Emptiness was in the river, ... could not irrigate
9'. [...]-ki#-ke4 nam ba-an-ku5# [...]
#tr.en: Like a river cursed by Enki, its intake was blocked
10'. [...] nu-un-gal2 [...]
#tr.en: ... did not have(?) grain in the field, the people did not eat
11'. [...]-gin7#? ba-ur5?-ur5? [...]
#tr.en: The watered orchards were baked like an oven, the plain was dispersed.
UET 6, 0660 (P346697) 2326516
nu-tar-ra-bi-ke4-x only appears a few times in words list
gid2-da-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
{d}nu-dim2-mud-de3 only appears a few times in words list
dab5-ba-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-al-du3-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
ba-zi-ga-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
ba-szub-szub-ba-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
nu-li-be2 only appears a few times in words list
tur5-ra-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-gul-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
...-x-da-bi only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-gu7! only appears a few times in words list
im-x-nu2 only appears a few times in words list
x-...-x-sig7-ga{muszen} only appears a few times in words list
uru2-ga2-ka only appears a few times in words list
...-da-an!-gaz only appears a few times in words list
...-an-gurum2 only appears a few times in words list
&P346697 = UET 6, 0660
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [... {d}]en#-lil2#-e en3 [...] nu#?-tar-ra-bi-ke4-x
#tr.en: ... (The city) that Enlil did not inquire ... after
2'. an#-ne#? sag-ki gid2-da#-a-bi
#tr.en: (The city) that An(?) frowned at
3'. {d}nu-dim2-mud-de3# sza3 dab5-ba-a-bi
#tr.en: (The city) that Nudimmud who was angry at
4'. uru2# nam# [...] im-ma#?-al-du3-a-bi
#tr.en: The city that ... fashioned a bitter fate ... (for)(?)
5'. x x x x x ba-zi-ga-a-ba
#tr.en: The city in which the slave raises weapons (against)
6'. x x [...] x ba-szub#?-szub-ba-a-bi
#tr.en: (The city) that (the enemy) did not quit the weapon against
7'. [...] x x nu-hul2#-e ib-be2
#tr.en: (The city that) ... will say(?) “its young woman does not rejoice”
8'. [...] nu#-li-be2#? ib-be2
#tr.en: (The city that) ... will say(?) “its young man does not rejoice”
9'. [...] x tur5-ra gi# x tur5-ra-a-bi
#tr.en: (The city) whose trees and reeds are sick
10'. [...] x ba-an-gul-a-bi
#tr.en: (The city) that ... destroyed in battle
11'. [x] sag gaba ra-ra#-bi#
#tr.en: (The) city that the slave beat the chest (against) in battle (i.e., revolted)
12'. dam szub-ba dumu szub-ba-[bi]
#tr.en: (The city) that the spouse abandoned, that the son abandoned
1. ki#?-[sikil] szub#-ba gurusz szub-ba-[bi]
#tr.en: (The city) that young woman abandoned, the young man abandoned
2. [...] e2#?-a-ni nu-mu-[...]
#tr.en: The deity of the temple (?) was not suitable(!?) for his/her temple anymore
3. [...]-ni#? szu nu-um-x
#tr.en: He/she did not retain(?) his/her possessions(?)
4. [...]-x-da#-bi tug2# nu-mu2#?
#tr.en: Its ... did not wear(?) a garment
5. [...]-ra-bi ninda nu-mu-un-gu7!?
#tr.en: Its ... did not eat bread
6. [...]-bi# ad6-da im-x-nu2#
#tr.en: Its dogs laid down among the corpse(s) (instead of devouring them)
7. x-[...]-x-sig7-ga{muszen} ad6-da gu7-e
#tr.en: The ... bird(s) were eating the corpse(s)
8. mu-lu sag-ga2 ma2 sag-ga2 ba-ab-ug5
#tr.en: The men of the front died at the bow
9. mu-lu egir-ra ma2 egir-[ra] ba-ab-ug5
#tr.en: The men of the rear died at the stern
10. uru2 sza3-ba uru2 sza3-[ba] mu#-da#?-gul
#tr.en: In the middle of the city, ... destroyed the middle of the city
11. uru2 bar-ra uru2 bar-ra#? mu-da#?-gul
#tr.en: In the outside of the city, ... destroyed the outside of the city
12. kar#? uru2-ga2-ka [...]-da#?-an!-gaz
#tr.en: In the harbor(?) of my city ... killed ...
13. [...] KA#? x [...] ba-an-DU
#tr.en: ...
14. [...]-an-gurum2
#tr.en: ... bent over (i.e., died?)
15. [...]-x
UET 6, 0271 (P346341) 2326517
im-ma-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-da-ab-bala-de3 only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-de2-de2-e only appears a few times in words list
&P346341 = UET 6, 0271
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. x im-ma#-ke4
2. ni2-ta-a-ni
3. ix(|A.SUG|)-da nu-mu-un-da-ab-bala-de3
#tr.en: A ... of clay(?) will not be able to cross the river himself
4. lu2 ma2-addirx(|PA.GISAL.PAD.SI.A.GA|)
5. lu2 ma2-addirx(|PA.GISAL.PAD.SI.A.GA|)
6. gu3 im-ma-de2-de2-e
#tr.en: He shouts out “Ferryman, ferryman!”
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 020 (P346217) 2326518
ba-am-mu2 only appears a few times in words list
pu-uh2-ru-ma-ka only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-in-duh-a only appears a few times in words list
kuszx(SAG)-u3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
na-an-kuszx(SAG)-kuszx(SAG)-u3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
iri{ki}-zux(SU) only appears a few times in words list
UR5-ra-ni only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-an-SAR only appears a few times in words list
en-na! only appears a few times in words list
nigin2-na-a-bi-da only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-sa2-sa2-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
{kusz}gur21{+ur3}-ra only appears a few times in words list
szeg3-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
am3-mi-ib2-si only appears a few times in words list
uru17{ki}-ta only appears a few times in words list
nu-szum2-ma-szum2-ma-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-tusz! only appears a few times in words list
im-gurum-me-e only appears a few times in words list
im-lug-gu2-ne only appears a few times in words list
nam-lu2-lux(URU)-bi only appears a few times in words list
ba-szi-ib-de5-de5 only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-szesz2-szesz2-ne only appears a few times in words list
tesz2-bi-a only appears a few times in words list
im-til-la-de3-en-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-ni-ib-til-e-de3-en-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
i-im-til-e-de3-en-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
ga!-nam-ba-til-e-de3-en-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
murgu2-bi-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-si-ge-esz only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-duh-duh-usz only appears a few times in words list
bi2-gub-bu only appears a few times in words list
nu-um-zil-e only appears a few times in words list
im-tab only appears a few times in words list
in-tum3-tum3-mu only appears a few times in words list
{d}nig2-gur11-dugud-gal2-la-a{muszen} only appears a few times in words list
im-zi-ir-zi-re-ne only appears a few times in words list
si-a-bi! only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-in-ak-asz only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-e2-i3-gar9 only appears a few times in words list
erimx(|IRIxKAR2|)-ma only appears a few times in words list
si-musz3-bi-ta only appears a few times in words list
du7-du7-e only appears a few times in words list
gu2-gur7-ru only appears a few times in words list
ba-zi2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-...-gur5-usz only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-hu-hu-az! only appears a few times in words list
ba-x-ra-an-BU-BU-de3-esz only appears a few times in words list
erimx(|IRIxKAR2|) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346217 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 020
#atf: lang sux
1. [...] dumu-ni {d}suen-ra mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: Enlil was replying to his son Suen
2. [...]-x x-bi a-sze-ra gi er2-ra ba-am3-mu2
#tr.en: In the ... of of the windswept city(?), the reed of mourning grows in lamentation
3. [...]-bi# a-sze-ra gi er2-ra ba-am-mu2
#tr.en: In the ..., the reed of mourning grows in lamentation
4. [...]-x-bi a-sze-ra u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e
#tr.en: In the ..., he spends time in lamentation
5. [...]-gu10# dumu-gir15 ni2-za he2-me-en er2-ra-na-bi-me-en
#tr.en: My son, if you yourself are a native son, then it is you who is the one whose tears (they are)
6. [{d}]nanna# dumu-gir15 ni2-za he2-me-en er2-ra-na-bi-me-en
#tr.en: Nanna, if you yourself are a native son, then it is you who is the one whose tears (they are)
7. di#-til-la inim pu-uh2-ru-ma-ka szu gi4-gi4 nu-gal2
#tr.en: There is no revocation of a final verdict, the word of the assembly
8. inim du11-ga an {d}en-lil2-la2-ka szu bala-e nu-zu
#tr.en: The uttered word of An and Enlil knows no change
9. uri2{ki} nam-lugal ha-ba-szum2 bala da-ri2 la-ba-an-szum2
#tr.en: If Ur was given kingship, ... did not give an eternal term of office
10. u4 ul kalam ki gar-ra-ta za3 ug lu-a-sze3
#tr.en: From the distant day when the land was founded to the (current) limit of teeming people
11. bala nam-lugal-la sag-bi-sze3 e3 a-ba-a igi im-mi-in-duh-a
#tr.en: Who has seen a reign of kingship taking precedence (forever)
12. nam-lugal-bi bala-bi ba-gid2-e-de3 sza3 kuszx(SAG)-u3#-de3
#tr.en: In order to lengthen the term of kingship(?), in order to take counsel (to that effect?)
13. {d}nanna-gu10 na-an-kuszx(SAG)-kuszx(SAG)-u3-de3 iri#{ki}-zux(SU) e3-bar-ra-ab
#tr.en: My Nanna, do not become exhausted (doing this), leave your city
14. u4-ba lugal-gu10 dumu-gir15-ra UR5#-ra-ni ba-an-til
#tr.en: At that time, my king, the native son, quit/killed his liver/lungs
15. en {d}dil-im2-babbar dumu-gir15-ra sza3 hul-lu im#-ma-an-dim2
#tr.en: Lord Dilimbabbar “fashioned a destroyed/evil heart”
16. {d}nanna lu2 iri{ki}-ni ki ag2#-ga2 iri#{ki}-ni ba-ra-e3
#tr.en: Nanna, who loved his city, left his city
17. {d}nin-gal-e gir5# iri{ki}-ni-ta ki kur2-sze3 du-u3-de3
#tr.en: Ningal, in order to go (as a) stranger(?) of her city to a strange place
18. SZE3 ul4-ul4-la-bi ba-ra-an-SAR#? iri#{ki#}-ta ba-ra-e3
#tr.en: Hurriedly she got dressed/braided a rope (for escape?) and left the city
19. uri2{ki}-ma {d}a-nun-na-bi bar#?-ra#? ba-sug2-ge-esz
#tr.en: The Anuna of Ur stood outside
20. uri2{ki} izi ni2-bi x x DU#? x-a ba-a-te
#tr.en: In Ur fire(?) that ... by itself was extinguished(?)
21. uri2{ki}-ma gesz-bi tur5#-ra#-am3 gi#-bi# tur5#-ra-am3
#tr.en: In Ur its trees were sick, its reeds were sick
22. bad3#-bi en-na! nigin2-na-a-bi-da a-nir ba#-da-sa2
#tr.en: A lament was competing with the wall up to its circuit (in terms of completeness)
23. u4#-szu2#-usz-e {gesz}tukul-e# igi-bi-sze3 sag i3-sag3-sag3-ge
#tr.en: Daily weapons were smashing heads before it
24. uri2{ki}-ma {uruda}ha-zi-in gal-gal-e igi-bi-sze3 u4-sar i3-ak-e
#tr.en: In Ur great hazin axes were sharpened before it
25. {gesz}gid2-da a2 me3-ke4 si# bi2-ib2-sa2-sa2-e-ne
#tr.en: They were setting the spears, the arms of battle, in order
26. {gesz}pana gal-gal {gesz}illar {kusz}gur21{+ur3}-ra tesz2 im-da-gu7-e
#tr.en: Great bows, throw sticks, and shields were consuming together
27. {gesz}ti zu-ke4 muru9 szeg3-gin7 bar-ba am3-mi-ib2-si
#tr.en: Barbed(?) arrows filled its outside like a rainstorm
28. na4 gal-gal-e ni2-bi-a pu-u4-pa-ad im-mi-ib2-za
#tr.en: Great stones made a thudding pudpad noise by themselves
29. u4-szu2-usz uru17{ki}-ta tu15 hul-e mu-un-da-an-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: Daily an evil wind returns among the city
1. uri2{ki}-ma usu-bi-ta nir-gal2 gab2-gaz-e ba-a-gub
#tr.en: In Ur the noble one, divested of his(?) strength, stood among the murderer(s)
2. ug3 lu2-erim2 a2 bi2-ib2-gar {gesz}tukul-e ba-sug2-ge-esz
#tr.en: The enemy defeated the people, (those who?) stood among the weapons
3. uru17{ki} {gesz}tukul-e sag nu-szum2-ma-szum2-ma-am3 sza3-gar-e ba-e-tusz!?
#tr.en: (In?) the city the ones who did not advance against the weapons dwelled/sat in hunger
4. sza3-gar-e iri{ki} a-gin7 ba-e-si ga2-la nu-um-ta-dag-ge
#tr.en: Starvation thus filled the city, it was not ceasing
5. sza3-gar-e igi-bi im-gurum-me-e sa-bi im-lug-gu2-ne
#tr.en: In hunger they were bowing their heads and twisting their muscles
6. ug3-bi a-nigin2-na ba-e-si zi HAR i-ak-e
#tr.en: Its people filled the ponds, they were ...
7. lugal-bi e2 ni2-te-na-ka zi gig mu-un-pa-an-pa-an
#tr.en: Its king breathed painfully in his own(?) house
8. nam-lu2-lux(URU)-bi szu-bi ba-e-szub {gesz}tukul ki bi2-ib2-tag
#tr.en: Its humanity dropped their hands, (their) weapons touched the ground
9. szu-bi gu2-bi-sze3 ba-szi-ib-de5-de5 er2 mu-un-szesz2-szesz2-ne
#tr.en: They gathered/clasped their hands to their necks(?), they were weeping
10. tesz2-bi-a ad mi-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 inim im-szar2-szar2-e-ne
#tr.en: Together they advised, they discussed
11. me-li-e-a du11-ga-me nam-mu tah-me nam-mu
#tr.en: Alas, what is it that we will say, what is it that we will add?
12. en3-sze3-am3 ka garasz2-a-ka im-til-la-de3-en-de3-en
#tr.en: How long until we are to be finished in the mouth of catastrophe?
13. uri2{ki}-ma sza3-bi nam-usz2-am3 bar-bi nam-usz2-am3
#tr.en: The inside of Ur is death, the outside is death
14. sza3-bi-a nig2 sza3-gar-ra-ka im-mi-ni-ib-til-e-de3-<en-de3-en>
#tr.en: (How long until) we are to be finished within that of starvation inside (the city)?
15. bar-bi-a {gesz}tukul elam{ki}-ma-ka i-im-til-e-de3-en-de3-en
#tr.en: (How long until) we are to be finished among the weapon(s) of Elam outside (the city)?
16. uri2{ki}-ma lu2-erim2-e im-ma-gub ga!?-nam-ba-til-e-de3-<en>-de3-en
#tr.en: The enemy stands in Ur, we must come to an end(?)
17. zi-bi murgu2-bi-sze3 i3-ak-e gu3 tesz2-a bi2-ib2-si-ge-esz
#tr.en: Acting on behalf of their life and their back(?) they spoke together
18. abul-la-bi {gesz}si-gar bi2-in-duh-duh-usz# {gesz}ig-bi u4 bi2-gub-bu
#tr.en: They opened the bolt of the gate, the storm was making its door stand (in the street)
19. elam{ki}-e a mah e3-a-gin7 giri3 im-ma-ni-ib2-gar
#tr.en: Elam set foot there like a great onrushing flood
20. uri2{ki}-ma {gesz}tukul-e {dug}sahar2-gin7 sag gaz i3-ak-e
#tr.en: In Ur (they) were crushing their heads with weapons like a porous pot(?)
21. lu2-kar-ra-bi dub3 nu-um-zil-e bad3 za3-ga im-tab
#tr.en: (They) could not sprint away(?) as fugitives, (they) were seized(?) within the wall's limits
22. ku6 a-nigin2-na# lug-ga-gin7 zi-bi in-tum3-tum3-mu
#tr.en: Like fish living in a pond, they were seeking refuge
23. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 {d}nanna-ka lu2-erim2-e ba-e-tusz
#tr.en: The enemy dwelled in the Ekišnugal temple of Nanna
24. ku3? {d}nig2-gur11?-dugud-gal2-la-a{muszen} im-zi-ir-zi-re-ne
#tr.en: They were breaking the holy “having heavy possessions” bird(!?)
25. alan |AN.ZAG|-gi4 si-a-bi!? gu2-gur5-ru ba-ni-in-ak-asz
#tr.en: They cut down the statue that occupied(?) the uzga shrine
26. {d#}nin-e2-i3-gar9 agrig mah erimx(|IRIxKAR2|)-ma szu bi2-in-dag
#tr.en: Nine'igara, the supreme steward, abandoned the storehouse(!?)
27. [{gesz}]gu-za-bi igi-bi-ta ba-e-szu2 sahar-ra ba-da-tusz
#tr.en: Its throne was covered over from the front(?), she(?) could(?) (only) sit in the dust (instead?)
28. [...] mah-bi si-musz3-bi-ta ba-an-dab5-be2-esz si-bi ba-ra-an-ku5
#tr.en: They seized the great(?) cows at/by(?) their ... horns, ... cut their horns off
29. [...] du7#-du7-e udu u2 gu7-gin7 {gesz}tukul-e ba-an-sag3-sag3
#tr.en: ... smote goring bulls with the weapon like (they were) grazing sheep
30. [{gesz}]geszimmar-gin7 gu2-gur7-ru ba-ab-du11 tesz2-bi ba-ra-an-kad4
#tr.en: ... was cut down and bound together like a date palm
31. {gesz#}geszimmar uruda kal-ga a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2
#tr.en: The date palm (of? like?) strong copper, the arm of heroism
32. {u2#}numun2-gin7 ba-bur12 {u2}numun2 ba-zi2 ur2-ba ti mi-ni-ib-bala
#tr.en: It was torn out like a rush, it was cut like a rush, it was turned sideways(?) in its roots
33. sag# sahar-ra ki ba-ni-ib-us2 lu2 zi-zi# la-ba-tuku
#tr.en: Its top was lodged in the ground, a person to raise it was not available
34. {gesz#}ze2#-na-bi gu2 ba-an-[...]-gur5#-usz sag szu bi2-in-hu-hu-az!?
#tr.en: ... trimmed its midribs and set its top on fire
35. [...]-a2#? zu2-lum-ma-bi pu2 du7-du7 ba-<<x>>-ra-an-BU-BU-de3-esz
#tr.en: ... its spadix with ripe dates, ... the well
36. [...]-zi# x ku3#-ge mu2-a szu ba-e-lal-lal
#tr.en: The gizi reed that grew in the holy ... were actively diminished(?)
$ double ruling
37. disz szu-szi x x x x
#tr.en: Sixty entries ...
UET 6, 0162 (P346247) 2326519
gi-me-a-asz only appears a few times in words list
gi4-gi4-ba only appears a few times in words list
kusz2-u3-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
in-na-kusz2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
gi-me-a-asz-gu10-ne-ka only appears a few times in words list
am3-mi-x only appears a few times in words list
a-ra-ab-szid-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
tuku-na only appears a few times in words list
lu2-tab-ba-zu only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}szu2-dul4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-e-da-si-ge5 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-e-da-si-x only appears a few times in words list
gal-la-zu-ne-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
tur-ra-zu-ne-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
gaszam-... only appears a few times in words list
kin2-gi-a only appears a few times in words list
nam-dub-sar-ra-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
al-gig-ga only appears a few times in words list
a-na-...-e-NE only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-sze21 only appears a few times in words list
pesz10-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
gesz-gid2-da-gu10-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ad-da-gu10-... only appears a few times in words list
ad-da-na-... only appears a few times in words list
li-bi2-ib-tuku-a only appears a few times in words list
nig2-tur only appears a few times in words list
sa7-a only appears a few times in words list
bi2-...-du11-ga-am3 only appears a few times in words list
du3!-du3 only appears a few times in words list
na-an-gig-ga-am3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-kinx(TUK)-ga2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-zu-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
an-bar7-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-...-x-ku-x only appears a few times in words list
ge6-u3-u4-na only appears a few times in words list
i-ni-...-zal-e only appears a few times in words list
mu-ra-NE-ib-bi-bi-x only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-diri-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-pesz-e-en only appears a few times in words list
al-mud-e-en only appears a few times in words list
al-bulug5-e-en only appears a few times in words list
al-sal-... only appears a few times in words list
gi4-me-a-asz-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-hul-gal2-... only appears a few times in words list
li-bi2-x-du8-ru-na-... only appears a few times in words list
e-ne-di-zu only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-tum3-x-... only appears a few times in words list
za-gin7-na-ak only appears a few times in words list
kin2-gi4-a-zu only appears a few times in words list
e-da-si-ge5-da-zu only appears a few times in words list
ga-mu-ra-ab-du11! only appears a few times in words list
si-ge5-da-zu only appears a few times in words list
&P346247 = UET 6, 0162
#atf: lang sux
1. gi#?-me-a-asz ad-da-ne-ne lu2-tur-ne-ne kin2-gi4-a gi4-gi4-ba in-nu?-u3
#tr.en: (As for your?) colleagues, their fathers do not(!?) dispatch their children/juniors charged with a task
2. x ga2-e e-ne-ne-gin7 kin2-gi4-a gi4-gi4 in-nu-u3
#tr.en: ... I, like them, do not dispatch (someone) with a task like them
3. diri#? ga2-e za-ra kusz2-u3-na-gu10
#tr.en: Excessive (is?) my exertion for you
4. a#-ba-am3 e-ne lu2# diri-gu10-usz dumu-ni-sze3 in-na-kusz2-am3
#tr.en: Who is it that has exerted himself for his son more that I?
5. sza3 gi-me-a-asz-gu10-ne-ka nig2 igi gid2-da am3-mi-x
#tr.en: Among my colleagues, that which is observed/disapproved of has been present/open(?)
6. nig2 igi gid2-da-gu10 ba-ra-gal2
#tr.en: (But?) that which I observed/disapproved of(?) has not been present(?)
7. inim# a-ra-ab-szid-na-gu10 in-nu ni2 te-na-ab in-nu tesz2 tuku-na
#tr.en: My words which I recite to you (are as follows?), it has not (previously been the case?)! Have fear! It has not (previously been the case?)! Have pride!
8. lu2-tab-ba-zu {gesz}szu2-dul4 dili#-am3 i3-sug2-ge-esz-za-na
#tr.en: Your companion, with whom you (both) are standing in the same yoke
9. igi nu-mu-un-du8-ru-na-a-asz a-na-asz#-am3 nu-mu-e-da-si-ge5
#tr.en: Because you do not observe him, (that is) why(?) you cannot assimilate with him(?)
10. gu5#-li du10-us2-sa-zu igi nu-mu-un#-du8-ru-na#-a#-asz a-na-asz-am3 nu-mu-e-da#-si-x
#tr.en: Because you do not observe your comrade, your friend, (that is) why(?) you cannot assimilate with him(?)
11. in-nu szesz gal-la-zu-ne-sze3 sigx(NIG2?)-ge-ne-eb#
#tr.en: It has not (previously been the case?)! (Now) assimilate with your “big brothers”
12. in-nu szesz tur-ra-zu-ne#-sze3 sigx(NIG2?)-ge-ne-eb#
#tr.en: It has not (previously been the case?)! (Now) assimilate with your “little brothers”
13. nam#-lu2-lux(URU) gaszam#-[...] ma-da tusz-a
#tr.en: From the (ranks of) skilled humanity that resides in the land(?)
14. {d#}en#-[ki]-ke4#? nig2#-nam sze21-a-ba
15. kin2-gi-a# nam-dub-sar-ra#?-gin7 al-gig-ga mu-sze21#
#tr.en: Enki “named"(?) among everything that has been named the assigned task(?) of the scribal art as the most painstaking
16. a-na#?-[...]-e-NE x x nam-dub-sar [...]
#tr.en: Why(?) ... the scribal art ...
17. ga-na mu-ni#? he2-x-[...]
#tr.en: Come! may you? find its(!) name
18. mu sze21-a# la-ba-sze21# tukumbi# [...]
#tr.en: Nothing named that could be named(?), except for the art of the musician
19. pesz10 a-ab-ba-gin7 pesz10 pesz10#-sze3 [...]
#tr.en: Like the shores of the sea, where one shore is separated far away from(?) the other
20. sza3 nam-nar-ra-ke4# ur5#?-gin7#? [...]
#tr.en: Thus the content of the art of the musician is esoteric(?)
21. za-e gesz-gid2-da-gu10#-sze3#? [...]
#tr.en: You do not pay attention to my “pointed remarks"(?)
22. gesz-gid2-da ad#-da#-gu10#-[...]
#tr.en: You do not say “I want to pay attention to the “pointed remarks"(?) of my father
23. nam# lu2-lux(URU)? [...]
#tr.en: The fate of man (decreed by Enlil?) ...
1. dumu kin2-a ad-da#-na#?-[...]
#tr.en: That the (assigned) task of his father follows the son(?)
2. a-ra2 na-me-ka ka-inim-ma# li#-bi2#?-ib-tuku-a
#tr.en: In no way/at no time(?) has the “formula” (lesson?) been listened to(?) (by you)
3. nig2-tur sa7-a bi2-[...]-du11-ga-am3
#tr.en: As one who speaks of the meager things he created(?)
4. igi du3!-du3 na-an-gig-ga#?-am3 e-sze
#tr.en: Saying(?): One should not pain themselves(?) by “fixing the eyes” (i.e. studying intently?)
5. ki ad-da-ga2 mu-e-kinx(TUK)-ga2-am3 e-sze
#tr.en: Saying(?): I sought the place of my father
6. ga2-e mu-zu-sze3! ge6 an-bar7-[...] u3 du10 nu-mu-[...]-x-ku-x
#tr.en: Because of you, I cannot sleep well (either) at night or at the(?) midday
7. gag-ti-gu10 za-ra x-ku5#
#tr.en: My sternum separates for you(?)
8. ge6-u3-u4-na zu mu-sze3 i-ni#?-[...]-zal-e
#tr.en: I(?) spend(?) the night time ...
9. dug? bar sug4-gin7 mu-ra-NE-ib#?-bi#?-bi#?-x
#tr.en: Like a “bare backed"(?) vessel, I(?) drip for you
10. nig2 gal-gal ba#-e-diri-[...]
#tr.en: (Thinking/speaking of?) great things, you are excessive
11. ba-pesz-e-en#?
#tr.en: You are thick
12. al-mud-e-en al-bulug5-[e]-en al-sal#-[...] x [...]
#tr.en: You are nervous (from excitement?), you are growing/boasting(?), you are “thin,” you are ...
13. gi4-me-a-asz-gu10 lu2-hul-gal2#-[...]
#tr.en: My(!) colleagues stand towards you as evildoers
14. nam-lu2-lu7-zu igi# li-bi2-x-du8#-ru#-na#?-[...]
#tr.en: Because you do not observe your (fellow) man, (you think that?) they(?) delight over you(?)
15. e-ne-di-zu ba#?-an-tum3#-x-[...]
#tr.en: You succeed at/execute(?) your play
16. tukumbi ki a-tar# du3-a-ta
#tr.en: If (your are?) at(?) the site of a derision (contest?)
17. lu2 za-gin7-na-ak za-e igi-bi al-gu4-u4-gu4-u4-de3
#tr.en: The one who behaves like you(?), is jumping around before them(?)
18. kin2-gi4-a-zu e-ne-esz2 al-gu4-u4-gu4-u4-de3
#tr.en: You assigned task(?) now (is) jumping around
19. ur5#-ra me#-te-zu
#tr.en: This is your befitting (role)
20. e-ne-esz2 nig2-ga2 e-da-si-ge5-da-zu?
#tr.en: Now, (regarding?) that which you are able to assimilate with/you are to (do to) assimilate with me(!?)
21. u3 ga-mu-ra-ab-du11!
#tr.en: After(?) I shall to speak to you (about it?)
22. du3-du3 nig2-ga2 si-ge5-da-zu#
#tr.en: Let go(?) that which you are able to assimilate with/you are to (do to) assimilate with me(!?)
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 048 (P346551) 2326520
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 8: gesz#?[...
gesz... does not appear in words list
mah-...-x-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-bur12 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-ib2-...-an-tuku only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-la2-... only appears a few times in words list
...-ni-in-gar-gar-re-esz-a only appears a few times in words list
...-e-szub only appears a few times in words list
gaz2-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
|SUD.NUN.TU| only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-szub-bu-ri only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}erin-na!-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
gesz... does not appear in signs list
|SUD.NUN.TU| only appears a few times in signs list
&P346551 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 048
#atf: lang sux
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. gesz#?[...]
#tr.en: Its throne was covered over from the front(?), she(?) could(?) (only) sit in the dust (instead)
2'. ab2# mah-[...]-x-ku5#?
#tr.en: They seized the great(?) cows at/by(?) their ... horns, ... cut their horns off
3'. gu4# du7-du7-x [...]
#tr.en: ... smote goring bulls with the weapon like (they were) grazing sheep
4'. {gesz}geszimmar uruda kal-ga#? [...]-ga2#
#tr.en: The date palm (of? like?) strong copper, the arm of heroism
5'. {u2}numun2-gin7 ba-an-bur12# [...]-ba#? mi-ni-ib-bala
#tr.en: ... tore it out like a rush, it was cut like a rush, it was turned sideways(?) in its roots
6'. sag# sahar-ra ba#?-ni#?-ib2#?-[...]-an-tuku
#tr.en: Its top was lodged (in the ground), it did not have a person to raise it
7'. {gesz}ze2-na#?-bi# gu2# ba#?-[...]
#tr.en: ... trimmed its midribs and set its top on fire
8'. [...]-an#-na# [...]
#tr.en: ... its spadix with ripe dates, ... the well
1. [...] mu2-a gesz ki ba-e-la2#-[...]
#tr.en: The gizi reeds that grew in the holy ... (and the) trees(?) were bowed to the ground(?)
2. [...]-ni-in-gar-gar-re-esz-a kur-ra i3#-[...]
#tr.en: The great tribute that ... deposited there was carried away into(?) the mountain
3. [...]-e-szub bad3-si-bi ba-e-gul#
#tr.en: In the temple, its {geš}bur ormanment(?) fell, its parapet was destroyed
4. [...]-da#? gab2-bu-ba gu2-da# la2-a-ba
#tr.en: Its ... embracing on its right and left
5. [...] x gaz2-a-gin7 igi-bi-ta ba-e-szu2
#tr.en: Like smitten heroes, they were covered from the front
6. [...] igi# pirig-ga2 ni2 gur3-gur3-ru-bi
#tr.en: Its great storm(-demon)?, with an open mouth and the face of an awe-bearing pirig creature
7. [...] |SUD.NUN.TU|# ba-e-szub-bu-ri ki-erim2 ba-ab-de6
#tr.en: The enemy territory brought away(?) the one felled with a saman rope like a caught wild bull
8. [... {d}]nanna# tir szim {gesz}erin-na!-gin7 ir-si-im-bi ba-gul
#tr.en: The scent of the dwelling of holy Nanna, which was like a juniper forest, was brought to an end
9. [... u6]-di#-bi i3-du10-ga-ri u6-di-bi ba-gul
#tr.en: (And?) the awe of the temple, which had been good(?)--the awe was (now) destroyed
10. [...] i#-im-si-a {d}usan#? [...]
#tr.en: The one that filled(?) the lands like sunlight(?) was (re)built(?) like the evening(?) in(?) heaven (instead?)
UET 6, 0665 (P346702) 2326521
abzux(|SZA3.ZU|)-ta only appears a few times in words list
E2-NUN only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-kesz2 only appears a few times in words list
{i7}hal-hal-la only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-tu-u4 only appears a few times in words list
nam-mi-in-x only appears a few times in words list
abzux(|SZA3.ZU|) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346702 = UET 6, 0665
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...] x [...]-ra [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...] GI x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
3'. [...] engar? dingir-re-e-ne#
#tr.en: ... farmer? of the gods
4'. [...] abzux(|SZA3.ZU|)-ta# mi2#? zi du11-ga
#tr.en: ... cared for in the Abzu
5'. [...] E2-NUN#? [...]-KA kam#?
#tr.en: ...
6'. [...] IM#? [...] x im#-ma-an-x
#tr.en: ...
7'. [...]-ta# nam-bi sikil-[...]
#tr.en: ... its destiny(?) is pure(?)
8'. [...] x-ta gi im-ma-kesz2#?
#tr.en: ... bound/bundled(?) the reed
9'. {d#?}ku3#?-su3 sanga2 mah {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4#
#tr.en: Kusu, the chief sanga priest of Enlil
10'. urin# gal#-e szu ba-an-ti
#tr.en: Took the great standard
11'. x [...] x ba-an-x
#tr.en: ...
1. mu-un-sikil mu-un-dadag-ge
#tr.en: He purifies it, he sanctifies it
$ double ruling
2. ka-inim-ma urin gal-la-[kam]
#tr.en: It is the incantation of the great standard
3. a kur-ra ku3-ga gen-a a hur-sag-ga2 sikil-la gen-a
#tr.en: Water that flowed from the pure mountain, water that flowed from the pure mountain range
4. {i7}hal-hal#-la# ama hur-sag-ga2-ke4
#tr.en: Halhal, the mother of the mountain range
5. sza3 kur-ra mu-un-tu-u4
#tr.en: Gave birth to it in the midst of the mountain
6. ki sikil ki ku3-ga hur-sag-ta e3
#tr.en: The pure place, the holy place, coming out from the mountain range
7. eridu{ki} x x nam nam-mi-in-x
#tr.en: Eridu ...
8. x x [...] x ki x [...]
9. a a#? x [...]
#tr.en: Water ...
UET 6, 0272 (P346342) 2326522
nu-sal-... only appears a few times in words list
TUG2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
&P346342 = UET 6, 0272
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] geme2# [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. x-la nu-sal-[...]
#tr.en: ... not thin/spread out? ...
3'. sug#-a-ni ma2 nu-mu#?-[...]
#tr.en: A boat does not ... her(?) marsh
4'. gu2#? sug-a-ni gi x-[...]
#tr.en: (On?) the bank(?) ... of her(?) marsh(?) reed(s) do not(?) ...
5'. TUG2?-am3 du10-ga-am3 [...]
#tr.en: ... is ..., ... is good, ...
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 049 (P346552) 2326523
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 1: 1'.
{dug}szakir3-... only appears a few times in words list
i3-ra-... only appears a few times in words list
ugu-gu10-... only appears a few times in words list
sza3!-ga only appears a few times in words list
&P346552 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 049
#atf: lang sux
#tr.en: Lamentation over Sumer and Ur 335f., Michalowski MC 1, source NN, Attinger la lamentation sur Sumer et Ur (2.2.3)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] lu2# i3 nu#?-[...]
#tr.en: People who did not know butter were churning its butter
2'. [...] lu2# gar9#? nu#?-[...]
#tr.en: People who did not know cream were ... its cream
3'. [...]-ra# {dug#}szakir3#-[...]
#tr.en: In the cattle pen the churning churn was not bellowing nobly
4'. [...] dugud#-bi i3-ra#?-[...]
#tr.en: The heavy coals that had been lit(?), their smoke ceased
5'. [...] x unu2 gal {d}nanna#-[...]
#tr.en: ... the great dining hall of Nanna ...
6'. [{d}]suen#?-e a-a-ni {d}en-lil2-ra# [...]
#tr.en: Suen wept to his father Enlil
7'. [...] ugu#!?-gu10 iri#-gu10 a-na-x x [...]
#tr.en: My birth father, my city was ... for him(?), why did you turn away from me?
8'. [...] uri2{ki}-gu10 a#-na#-x [...]
#tr.en: Enlil, my Ur was ... for him(!?), why did you turn away from me?
9'. [e2]-kisz#-nu#-gal2#?-gu10 a#-na-x x [...]
#tr.en: My Ekišnugal temple was ... for him(?), why did you turn away from me?
10'. [...] nesag#?-ga2 a-a ugu-gu10#?-[...]
#tr.en: The nesag offering ships of my(?) birth father no longer brought the nesag offering for him
11'. nindaba#-bi {d#}en-lil2 nibru#[{ki}-sze3 ...]
#tr.en: ... could not bring its nindaba offerings to Enlil (of/at) Nibru for him
12'. en iri bar-ra# en iri sza3!-ga [...]
#tr.en: The wind(s) carried off the en priest(ess) of the outer city and the en priest(ess) of the inner city
13'. uri2#{ki} iri# {gesz#}al#-e ri#-[...]
#tr.en: Ur, like a city struck by a pickax, has been broken up into ruin heaps
14'. x-ur2 ki? ni2 dub2#?-bu#? [...]
#tr.en: The Ki'ur? shrine, the place of relaxation of Enlil, has been made into a windblown shrine
UET 6, 0163 (P346248) 2326524
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 51: [... dam]-qi#?-i3-li2-szu {iti}NE-NE-gar u4 7(disz#
...-bur2-ra-zu only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-sag3-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-tag-... only appears a few times in words list
ib2-hul-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
i-dal only appears a few times in words list
ki-x-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-e-zu only appears a few times in words list
nig2-ak-ak only appears a few times in words list
bur3!-... only appears a few times in words list
sikil-du3-a only appears a few times in words list
hab2-... only appears a few times in words list
lu2-mu2-... only appears a few times in words list
lu2-hu-hu-... only appears a few times in words list
ha-an only appears a few times in words list
pel2-pel2-la2 only appears a few times in words list
NIG2-HAR-TUR only appears a few times in words list
gu-du! only appears a few times in words list
in-HAR only appears a few times in words list
in-da-HAR only appears a few times in words list
al!-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
za-gin7-x-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
al!-ni10-ni10-e only appears a few times in words list
sub6-ba only appears a few times in words list
gu7!-gu7! only appears a few times in words list
{d}lugal-ur3-ra-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-mu2-da only appears a few times in words list
nu-gar-... only appears a few times in words list
a-ra-...-dub2-dub2-... only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-x-... only appears a few times in words list
he2-pa3-... only appears a few times in words list
he2-ri-sze21-... only appears a few times in words list
dam-qi-i3-li2-szu only appears a few times in words list
&P346248 = UET 6, 0163
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-bur2#-ra-zu# [...]
#tr.en: Greatly your “that which is released” has been enlarged
2'. [...] x-zu nu-ub-sag3-[...]
#tr.en: Because your ... reputation has not been smitten(?)
3'. [...] sahar#-ra nu-ub-tag#?-[...]
#tr.en: Because (your?) reputation has not been made to touch the dust(?)
4'. [a]-na#-am3 ib2-hul-ke4-esz im-ma-ab-[...]
#tr.en: Because of what has been destroyed(?) I will recite to you (the following(?))
5'. a-na-am3 i-dal [...]
#tr.en: What now to do?(?)
6'. tukumbi# ki-x-[...]
#tr.en: If I(?) have loved you
7'. nig2-ak bi2-[...] nu#-mu#-e-zu#
#tr.en: You have not learned from the deeds which I have done?
8'. sag-DU-a lu2#-tu15# szu# szu2#? giri3 szu2 nig2-ak-ak x [...]
#tr.en: Afflicted person(?), “wind man” (idiot), (possessing?) ... hands and feet, ... sorcery(?)
9'. lu2-tu15 lu2-la-ga e2 bur3!-[...]
#tr.en: "Wind man” (idiot), thief who breaks into houses
10'. lu2 sikil-du3-a lu2 hab2#?-[...]
#tr.en: Insulting person who smells
11'. na-ga2-ah lu2-mu2#-[...]
#tr.en: Barbarian, ecstatic
12'. nundum za3-ga bar-bar szu gig bi2-ib2#-du11-ga
#tr.en: (Possessing) lips spewing scraps(?) that make things painful
13'. sag ur3#-ur3 lu2-hu#-hu#-[...]
#tr.en: "Head dragger,” cripple
14'. ir a-ha-an du11-ga ir hul-a
#tr.en: (Possessing) a scent that induces vomiting, an evil stench
15'. i3 hab2 lu2 [...]
#tr.en: (Stinking like) fetid butter(?), one who stinks
16'. ir ha-an du8 pel2-pel2-la2 [...]
#tr.en: (Possessor) of a scent that induces vomiting, defiling and destroying
1. [...]-szub NIG2-HAR?-TUR hab2#?-ba# gu#?-du#!? hab2-ba#? [...]
#tr.en: (One who makes other people say?) “I want to hide"(?), stinking ..., (possessor of a) stinking anus
2. in-HAR#? in-da-HAR
#tr.en: ...
3. ur#-gir15 sag# us2#?-sa si-im-si-im al#!-ke3-e
#tr.en: Dog with its head pressed to the ground who is sniffing
4. aga#?-us2#? lu2 za-gin7-x-ke4#-esz#? mu sza3#?-gal#-la#-ni-sze3 sila#-a al#!?-ni10-ni10-e
#tr.en: A soldier who, (acting) like you(!?), prowls the streets because of his sustenance
5. x [...] nu#-sa6#? sag# hul AN
#tr.en: (Possessing) a head that is not good(?) for its mouth(?), an evil head
6. ur# gesz3#?-bi eme#-ba#? sub6-ba
#tr.en: Dog that licks its penis with(?) its tongue
7. ansze# ki#-nu2# ni2-ba gu7#!-gu7#!
#tr.en: Donkey that eats its own bedding
8. [...] udun-na nu2-nu2
#tr.en: Wearer of (only) a loincloth, laying down on(?) the oven
9. [...]-x {d#?}lugal#?-ur3#?-ra#-ke4# szub-ba
#tr.en: One who drops things/falls into a well(?), dropped by (the demon) lugalura/Bēl-ūrim (i.e., an attack of epilepsy?)
10. [...] lu2# al#-dab5#?-ba
#tr.en: Sheep afflicted with vertigo(?), one who is “seized” (paralyzed)(?)
11. [...]-x lu2#-mu2#-da# x gu7-gu7
#tr.en: ..., ecstatic who eats stinking things(?)
12. [...] x x x GI#? [...] x# la2
#tr.en: ... wall/figure, stretching out ... behind(?) (someone?)(!?)
13. [...] x [...] e2#?-e# us2#-sa#
#tr.en: (Loose) hair that is deposited along with the foundation in the house(!?)
14. [...] lu2#? x x x x
#tr.en: One whose head is half shaved by(?) ...
15. [...] x x x x KA# [...]
#tr.en: Inappropriate person(?), ..., denouncer/informer(?)
16. [...] x x x ku5# uludin2#? lu2#-lu7# nu-gar-[...]
#tr.en: Cripple, (possessing) thighs(?) but also blunted hips/buttocks, a blunted nose(?), (altogether) a physiognomy that is not fitting (for) a man
17. [...]-un#? a#-ra#-[...]-dub2#?-dub2#-[...]
#tr.en: Until one and as whom(?) will you go (like this?)? The one who insults you
18. [...] szar2#? danna#?-am3# su#?-zu ha-ba-x-[...]
#tr.en: May the one who insults you be 3600 double-leagues away from(?) your person
19. [...] danna#?-am3 su#?-zu ha-ba#-[...]
#tr.en: May your curse(r?) be 3600 double-leagues away from(?) your person
20. [...] sa6-[...]
#tr.en: Be pleasing in the eye of your god!
21. [...]-zu#? he2-[...]
#tr.en: So that your fellow man “raises your neck and chest”
22. [...] x [...]-za [...]
#tr.en: And you will be (reckoned) among the learned people(?) of your city(?)
23. [...]-zu he2-pa3#-[...]
#tr.en: And your city, the good place invokes your name
24. [...]-zu#? he2#?-ri-sze21#?-[...]
#tr.en: And your god names you with a good name, a true word
25. [...] x [...] sa6#-ni#?
#tr.en: Be pleasing in the eye of Nanna, your god!
$ beginning broken
1'. [... dam]-qi#?-i3-li2-szu {iti}NE-NE-gar u4 7(disz#)-kam#
#tr.en: Single column tablet of Damqi-ilišu, month of NENEgar, 7th day
UET 6, 0666 (P346703) 2326525
he2-em-dadag-ge only appears a few times in words list
a-bar-ra-kam only appears a few times in words list
&P346703 = UET 6, 0666
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [{d}]en#-ki-ke4 lugal# [...]
#tr.en: Enki, king of ...
2'. {d#}asal-lu2-hi dumu [...]
#tr.en: Asalluhi, citizen of Eridu? ...
3'. [x]-zu ka-zu giri3-zu [...]
#tr.en: Your ..., your mouth, your foot ...
4'. [an]-gin7# he2-em-ku3-ge ki#?-[gin7 ...]
#tr.en: May ... be holy like heaven, may ... be pure like earth
5'. [sza3 an]-na#-gin7 he2-em-dadag#-[ge]
#tr.en: Like the midst of heaven, may ... be clean
$ double ruling
6'. ka#-inim-ma a-bar-ra-kam#?
#tr.en: Incantation of the water's edge
CDLI Literary 000762, ex. 032 &amp; 000823, ex. 002 (P254870) 2326526
ki-nu2-ni only appears a few times in words list
&P254870 = CDLI Literary 000762, ex. 031 & 000823, ex. 002
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. dub#-sar tur bar numun2 nig2-gig-ga#
#tr.en: The junior scribe for whom the edge of(?) the rushes is (?) is a bad thing(?),
2. {u2}numun2 ki-nu2-ni
#tr.en: rushes for his bedding
3. nu-um-zi
#tr.en: are not cut down.
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 021 (P346218) 2326527
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 34: {iti}sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u) 8(disz#
i3-IL2-IL2 only appears a few times in words list
gesz!-bur2-bi only appears a few times in words list
ur-sag-ur-sag only appears a few times in words list
samanx(|SZE3.SUD.SZE3.TU|) only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-szub-szub-bu only appears a few times in words list
ir-si-im-bi-a only appears a few times in words list
{na4}za-gin3-na! only appears a few times in words list
u3-gun3 only appears a few times in words list
mul! only appears a few times in words list
sag12-ga-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
mu-x-gi4-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
a2-si-bi only appears a few times in words list
lib-lib-be2-esz only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-na-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
ki-lugal-DU-e only appears a few times in words list
ki-lugal-DU-bu-ba only appears a few times in words list
...-ib-be2 only appears a few times in words list
tigix(|KID.NAR.BALAG|) only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-ni-ib-... only appears a few times in words list
{d}alamusz!-a only appears a few times in words list
gu4-u4-gu4-x only appears a few times in words list
nam-un-... only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-...-in-bar only appears a few times in words list
nu-un-gub only appears a few times in words list
{uruda}an-za3-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
x-x-x-x-esz only appears a few times in words list
kiszib3-gal2-x only appears a few times in words list
li-bi2-in-du7 only appears a few times in words list
sza3-gada-la2-bi-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-sug2-sug2-ge-esz only appears a few times in words list
...-ki-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
su2-mu-ug2-ga only appears a few times in words list
hu-luh-ha-ha-za only appears a few times in words list
mi-ri!(HU)-ib-du11-ga only appears a few times in words list
ku10-ku10-da-x only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-szi-gurum-e only appears a few times in words list
{d}asznan-ma-ka only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-mi-in-la2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-na-si-a only appears a few times in words list
{d}muru9-e only appears a few times in words list
na4-szu only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-ib-zal-zal only appears a few times in words list
samanx(|SZE3.SUD.SZE3.TU|) only appears a few times in signs list
tigix(|KID.NAR.BALAG|) only appears a few times in signs list
alamusz! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346218 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 021
#atf: lang sux
1. gi-zi# musz2 ku3-ge# mu2-a szu ba-e-lal-lal
#tr.en: The gizi reeds that grew in the holy enclosure(?) were actively diminished(?)
2. gu2-un gal-gal-e mi-[ni]-in-gar-re-esz kur2-re i3-IL2#-IL2#
#tr.en: The enemy carried (away) the great tribute that ... deposited there
3. e2-e gesz!-bur2-bi ba-e#?-szub# bad3-si ba-a-gul
#tr.en: In the temple, its {geš}bur ormanment(?) fell, its parapet was destroyed
4. GIR3-e zi-da gab2-bu-ba gu2-da# la2-bi
#tr.en: ... embracing on its right and left
5. ur-sag-ur-sag gaz-a-gin7 igi-bi-ta ba-e-szu2
#tr.en: Like smitten heroes, they were covered from the front
6. u4 gal ka duh-a igi pirig-ga2 ni2 gur3-gur3-ru-bi
#tr.en: Its great storm(-demon)?, with an open mouth and the face of an awe-bearing pirig creature
7. am dab5-ba-gin7 samanx(|SZE3.SUD.SZE3.TU|) ba-an-szub-szub-bu ki-erim2 ba#?-ab#?-du11#
#tr.en: ... were felling them with a saman rope like a caught wild bull, enemy territory ...
8. ki-tusz ku3 {d}nanna tir# szim {gesz}erin#-na-gin7 ir-si-im-bi#-a ba-an-gul#
#tr.en: ... brought the scent of the dwelling of holy Nanna, which was like a juniper forest to an end
9. a-sal-bar-bi# ku3#?-sig17 {na4}za-gin3-na#!? u3#?-gun3#? du11-ga-a-bi
#tr.en: Its asalbar feature, the one that was overlaid(?) with gold and lapis ...
10. e2 u6-di#-bi# i3#-du10#-ga#?-ri u6#-di# ba-a-gul
#tr.en: (And?) the awe of the temple, which had been good(?)--the awe was (now) destroyed”
11. u4-gin7 kur-kur-ra i-im-si#-a {d#}usan#? an-na-gin7 ba-e#-du3#?
#tr.en: The one that had filled(?) the lands like sunlight(?) was (re)built(?) like the evening(?) of heaven (instead?)
12. {gesz}ig-bi u4? mul! an#-na#? sag12#?-ga#?-a-gin7#? x DAR#? du11-ga-a-bi
#tr.en: Its door, the one that ... sunlight(?) like a beautiful/verdant star of heaven/constellation(?)
13. {uruda}bulugx(BUR2) gal-gal-e x mu#?-x-gi4#?-gi4#? ba#-ra#-an#-BU-BU-de3#-esz
#tr.en: (And?) the great boundary stakes? shouted(?) so that ... would not(?) tear them out(!?)
14. a2?-si-bi a-ba# lib#-lib#-be2#?-esz#? szu#? pe#?-el#?-la2#? ba#-ab#?-du11
#tr.en: Its hinge ... was defiled(?) with a stunned silence
15. {gesz}nu-kusz2-u3-bi-da#? lu2#-kar#?-ra#?-gin7 er2# gig# mu#-un#-szesz4#-szesz4#
#tr.en: Together with its door fitting, it wept like a fugitive
16. {gesz#}sag#-kul {gesz}suhub4# ku3#-ga# {gesz}ig# gal#? gu2# gid2# nu-mu-un-na-ke3-e
#tr.en: The holy bolt and bar were no longer fixed on/controlling(?) the great(?) door
17. {gesz#}ig gu2 gid2-da za-pa-ag2-bi ba-szub#? lu2# gu2 gid2#-de3# la#-ba#-ab-tuku?
#tr.en: The noise of the (previously?) fixed/controlled(?) door fell(?) (silent?), it had no one to fix/control it
18. x ku3#? x szu ba-e-lal-lal sila dagal-la IM#? [...]
#tr.en: ... was actively diminished(?), it set ... in the broad street
19. ki#?-lugal#?-DU#?-e ki-lugal#-DU-bu-ba#? {ninda#?}nindaba#?-bi [...]
#tr.en: In the royal offering place the nindaba offering of the royal offering place(!?) was changed
20. x ku3-ba tigi2 szem5#?{zabar#} {kusz}a2#-la2-e gu3 nun# [...]-ib#-be2
#tr.en: In its holy ... was not making the tigi, šem, and ala drums sound nobly
21. tigix(|KID.NAR.BALAG|)#? mah-x a#?-u3#-a szir3 ku3 nu-mu-ni-ib#?-[...]
#tr.en: Among its supreme tigi drums(!?) the a'ua functionary did not sing pure songs
22. dub-la2 ki nam tar-re-de3 inim inim-ma nu-gal2#
#tr.en: (At) the gate tower where fates are to be determined there were no affairs(?)
23. {gesz}gu-za di ku5-ru-bi nu-mu-un-gub di si nu-mu#-[...]
#tr.en: The throne (where) cases had been decided no longer stood(?), cases were not undertaken correctly
24. {d}alamusz!?-a {gesz}gidri ba-da-an-szub szu-ni gu4-u4-gu4#-x
#tr.en: (Nanna/Suen's vizier) Alamuš dropped the scepter (with) his hand shaking
25. a2-nu2-da za {d}nanna-ka# giri3-na nam#?-un#-[...]
#tr.en: In the holy(!) bed chamber of Nanna ... shall not ... at his feet(?)
26. dub#-szen# ku3 lu2 igi <nu>-bar-re-dam erim2-e im#-mi#-[...]-in#-bar
#tr.en: The holy treasure box, which no one(!) is to see, the enemy saw (inside of it)
27. gesz-nu2# gi4#-rin#-na nu-un-gub u2 za-gin3# nu-mu-un#-bur2#
#tr.en: ... did not set up the pure bed/bed of flowers, ... did not spread out shining plants (upon it)
28. {uruda#}an#-za3#-gi4 si-a#-bi gu2# guru5# x-x-x-x-esz#
#tr.en: They were cutting down the statue that occupied(?) the uzga shrine
29. ensi# engiz# kiszib3-gal2#-x [...] szu# li-bi2-in-du7
#tr.en: The dream interpreter, the engiz temple cook, and the seal bearer did not use the ešda vessel(?) properly
30. uz-ga#? x-x szu#-luh# dadag-ga sza3#-gada-la2#-bi#-e-ne
#tr.en: In the holy uzga shrine, the šagadala priests of the pure washing rites
31. gu2# ki# gal2#?-bi ba-e-sug2-sug2-ge-esz kur2-re# ba-ab-lah5#-e-esz
#tr.en: They stood in the manner of one whose neck is pushed to the ground(?), the enemies took them away
1. [{d}]suen#?-e# x [...] gal2-la-a-ni a-a-<ni>-ir ba-szi-in-de6
#tr.en: Suen brought his ... there for his father
2. [... {d}]en-lil2-la2-sze3 dub3 ki ba-ni-ib-us2
#tr.en: He knelt there before his birth father Enlil
3. [...]-ki#?-gu10 igi erim2-ma bi2-duh en3-tukum-sze3 x
#tr.en: My birth father, how long will the eye of the enemy have looked at my ..., how long ...
4'. siki-pa# [...] kesz2#?-da#?-ga2
#tr.en: On(?) my hair, bound up with the suh headress/pectoral(?)
5'. u4 sikil#? mah# [...] mu-dur7-ra mi-ni-in-ku4#
#tr.en: The great cleaned pure “day"(?) has become dirty ...(?)
6'. sza3 su2-mu-ug2-ga# i#-zi#-gin7 hu#-luh#-ha-<<ha>>-za igi zi# bar#-mu-un-szi-ib
#tr.en: Examine faithfully your heart darkened (by anger), which terrifies like a wave
7'. {d}en-lil2-le dumu-ni {d}suen-ra inim zi mu-un-na-ab-be2
#tr.en: Enlil was speaking a true word to his son Suen
8'. iri gul bad3 gal bad3-si-bi u4 si-ge u3 ur5#-re bala an-[ga]-am3
#tr.en: The destroyed city, the flattening of the parapet of the great wall by the storm, this too is (a part of) the turn of office
9'. KU mi-ri!(HU)-ib-du11-ga bala u4 ku10-ku10-da#?-x gal2#-lu sza#-ra-du11
#tr.en: One who ..., for the dark days of you term of office, may “open (the temple(?))” be spoken(?)
10'. tusz# ki-tusz e2-temen-ni2-gur3-ru-za zi-de3-esz du3-du3-am3
#tr.en: (Previous) dweller, in your dwelling, the Etemenniguru temple, which was built faithfully
11'. uri2{ki}-ma [...]-x he2-en-du3 ug3 he2-en-szi-gurum-e
#tr.en: May ... (re)build it ..., may the people bow down towards it
12'. ur2#-bi-a ninda he2#-en-gal2# {d}asznan# he2-eb2-da-tusz
#tr.en: May ... have bread (?) at its base, may Ašnan dwell with it
13'. pa-bi-a giri17-zal he2-gal2 {d}utu#? he2-en-da-hul2
#tr.en: May there be joy in its branches, may Utu rejoice with him
14'. x-ba BI AN he2-gal2 {d}asznan#-ma#-ka gu2-da he2#-em#-mi-in-la2
#tr.en: On its ..., ... may the abundance of Ašnan embrace ...
15'. uri2{ki} iri an-ne2 nam tar-ra# ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: May Ur, the city decreed by An, be returned to its place for you
16'. {d}en-lil2-le gu3 zi# de2#-a#?-gin7#? x x x x-zi
#tr.en: May(?) Enlil, like(?) a true speaker, raise his neck towards heaven
17'. {d}nanna-ra sig-x igi#-nim#-ma# x x he2#-en-na-si-a
#tr.en: For Nanna may the high and low (land) assemble(?)
18'. {d}suen-ra kaskal kur-ra-ke4# si# he2#-en-na-sa2-e
#tr.en: For Suen may he set the roads of the land of land in order
19'. {d#?}muru9-e ki us2-sa-a na4#?-szu#? mu-un-na-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: (With a noise like?) a rainstorm touching the earth, (may?) pounding stones(?) be employed(?) for him
20'. inim du11-ga an {d}en-lil2#-la2-kam szu ZI he2-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: It was the spoken word of An and Enlil, and therefore it was being carried out faithfully(?)
21'. a-a {d}nanna iri{ki}-ni uri2{ki}-ma sag il2-la mu-un-gub
#tr.en: Father Nanna stood(?) in his city, Ur, with head held high
22'. szul {d}suen e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-na im-ma-da-an-ku4-ku4
#tr.en: The youth Suen was able to enter into his Ekišnugal temple
23'. {d}nin-gal-e agrun ku3#-ga-na ni2 mu-ni-ib-te-en-te-en
#tr.en: Ningal was relaxing in her pure chamber
24'. uri2{ki}-ma e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-na im-ma-da-an-ku4-ku4
#tr.en: He was able to enter into Ur, into his Ekišnugal temple
25'. ki-ru-gu2 4(disz)-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the 4th kirugu
26'. iri#{ki} lil2-la2-am3 sza3-bi a-sze-ra gi er2-ra ba-an-mu2
#tr.en: The city was an empty wind, in its midst the reed of lamentation grew in(?) lament
27'. sza3-bi a-sze-ra gi er2-ra ba-an-mu2
#tr.en: In its midst the reed of lamentation grew in(?) lament
28'. ug3-bi a-sze-ra u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal
#tr.en: Its people spend the day in lamentation
29'. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im
#tr.en: It is its {geš}gigal “response”
30'. u4 gig-ga u4 gaba-zu zi-ga-ab e2-za gi4-bi
#tr.en: Bitter storm, raise you chest (depart), turn back/confine yourself in your house
31'. {iti}sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u) 8(disz#)-kam#
#tr.en: Month of harvest, 18th day
CDLI Literary 000382, ex. 022 (P346554) 2326528
{tu15}... only appears a few times in words list
munu4-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
&P346554 = CDLI Literary 000382, ex. 022
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. dim2#-ma-bi szu# [...]
#tr.en: Who changed its discernment, who altered its intelligence?
2'. udug sa6-ga-bi [...]
#tr.en: Who struck its good udug protective spirit? Who beat its lamma protective spirit?
3'. ni2 me-lam2 sag-ga2 gal2-la#-[...]
#tr.en: Who ruined the aura and radiance that had been on (its) head?
4'. unu{ki}-ga tesz2-bi a-ba#-[...]
#tr.en: Who ... the dignity(?) of Uruk, who ... the nugig midwife(?)
5'. iri-da kur-kur-[...]
#tr.en: Along with the city the foreign lands ..., in Uruk who ... in its temple?
6'. e-ne# [...]
#tr.en: ...
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. sza3 {tu15}[...] a#? [...]
#tr.en: With the midst/heart of a storm(?) ...
3'. erin2 sag-gin7 mu-un#-[...] AN# [...]
#tr.en: Like elite troops they plundered (all of(?) ...), ...
4'. kaskal munu4-gin7 mu-un#-[...] AN# [...]
#tr.en: They crushed the road like malt, the one apart from them(?) like a god/An? ...
5'. me3 zu-ba szu-ba E bi2#-[...]
#tr.en: They made the battle veterans “fall into their hand"(!?), they ... their tactics/intellect/mood(?)
6'. sag erin2-na lu2-ta e3#-[...] x [...]
#tr.en: The elite of the troops, who emerged (separate) from the (average) man(?) ...
7'. gu-ti-um{ki} UR# x x e-NE [...]
#tr.en: Gutium ..., the weapon ...
8'. igi-[...]
#tr.en: Not even looking with both of their eyes(?), ...
CDLI Literary 000801, ex. 004 (P254871) 2326529
am3-kar-kar-re only appears a few times in words list
lugal-a-ni-sze3-am3 only appears a few times in words list
&P254871 = CDLI Literary 000801, ex. 004
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. szah2 szu am3-kar-kar-re
#tr.en: A pig takes away
2. i-gi4-in-zu ni2-te-ni-sze3
3. lugal-a-ni-sze3-am3
#tr.en: It is (so greedy it is) as if(?) (it does this) for itself and its master
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0668 (P346705) 2326530
uga{muszen}-bi only appears a few times in words list
im-da!-gu7 only appears a few times in words list
&P346705 = UET 6, 0668
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. x [...] x x [...]
2'. uga#{muszen#}-bi# adda# im-da#!?-gu7#?
#tr.en: Its raven(s) are eating the corpse(s)
1. mu-lu sag-ga2 ma2 sag-ga2 ba-ab-ug5
#tr.en: The men of the front died at the bow of the boat
2. mu-lu egir-ra ma2 egir-ra# ba-ab-ug5#
#tr.en: The men of the rear died at the stern
3. uru17# sza3-ba uru17 sza3 szu? mu-[da-gul]
#tr.en: In the middle of the city, ... destroyed the middle of the city
4. uru17 bar-ra uru17 bar szu? mu-[da-gul]
#tr.en: In the outside of the city, ... destroyed the outside of the city
UET 6, 0165 (P346250) 2326531
me-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
i3-x-a only appears a few times in words list
hu-ra only appears a few times in words list
TUG2-KU-TUG2 only appears a few times in words list
du10-x-de3 only appears a few times in words list
i3-in-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-DU-DU-ga2-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
e2-ad-da-ga2-kam only appears a few times in words list
ad-da-ga2-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
szar2-szar2-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
NIG2-x-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
sag-ki-gu4-da-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
us2-us2 only appears a few times in words list
i3-gu7-e-en only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}pana-zu only appears a few times in words list
gi-ninda-disz only appears a few times in words list
a2-ur2-a2-ur2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
gesz-TAG-a only appears a few times in words list
mu-TAG-TAG only appears a few times in words list
ge-en-en-e only appears a few times in words list
TAR-a only appears a few times in words list
du5-la2-bi only appears a few times in words list
gur3-gur3-ru only appears a few times in words list
us2-bar only appears a few times in words list
gun3-x only appears a few times in words list
{e2}turx(SZILAM) only appears a few times in words list
a-ra2-hi-a only appears a few times in words list
szeg12-ansze only appears a few times in words list
ix(|A.AMBAR|) only appears a few times in words list
ba-al-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
til-la-de3 only appears a few times in words list
galam!-ma only appears a few times in words list
ga-mu-zu only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-gar-re only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-e2-gal-ka-kam only appears a few times in words list
ba-szu4 only appears a few times in words list
NE-ra only appears a few times in words list
am3-x-x only appears a few times in words list
silim-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-ni10-ni10 only appears a few times in words list
x-e-da-ze2-er only appears a few times in words list
nu-gar-bi only appears a few times in words list
na-an-na-ab-be2! only appears a few times in words list
dugud-dugud-da only appears a few times in words list
IM-zu only appears a few times in words list
na-an-gar-ra only appears a few times in words list
he2-eb-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-silig-ge4 only appears a few times in words list
ix(|A.AMBAR|) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346250 = UET 6, 0165
#atf: lang sux
1. [...] ul#-am3#? me-sze3! i3-du-de3-en#
#tr.en: Veteran(?) son of the scribal school, where are you going?
2. [...] i3#-du#?-de3-en
#tr.en: I am going to the scribal school
3. [...] x a-na-am3# i3#-ak
#tr.en: What(?) have (you) done at the scribal school?
4. [...]-gu10#? i3#?-[...]
#tr.en: I tallied up (the lines to be entered on) my tablet, I ate my meal(?), I fashioned my tablet, I wrote it and finished it
5. [...]-usz#
#tr.en: They assign my line assignment/passage for me
6. [...]-gu10-usz#? [...] x
#tr.en: Come to where I am, ...
7. [nig2] um#-mi-a-gu10 mu-un-pa3#-de3# za#-e# ga#?-x-x-[...]
#tr.en: That which my master revealed (to?) me(?), I will reveal for you
8. [...]-nam nam-lu2-tur i3-ak#? szesz-gal a? i3-x-a
#tr.en: Like you (I) was a novice, one who had(?) a “big brother” mentor/supervisor
9. [na de5]-ga#?-ni-ta lu2 hu-ra? szu dab#?-ba-e
#tr.en: From his instruction (only) the (foolish) novice passes by freely/forgetfully(?)
10. [...]-ga2 szu ni2 te-ga2#? ki za-ba alan gesz#?-ge-na-gu10 TUG2-KU-TUG2 igi#?-ni#?-sze3# gub-bu-de3
#tr.en: Fear that is to scare(?) the (writing) hand, wearing(?) on my figure/trunk and limbs(?) in order to stand before him in the “place of prostration”
11. [lipisz]-bi#? du10#-x-de3# murgu3?-bi giri3 si-ge-de3
#tr.en: In order to ameliorate the rage, to attend to(?) the anger
12. [...] x x AB? si i3-in#?-sa2#?
#tr.en: I(?) did ... correctly for you
13. [...]-ra# gu2 ki-sze3 la2-a du-gu10-ne
#tr.en: When (I go) in the street with neck bowed to the ground
14. [...] bir9#?-bir9# nu-DU-DU-ga2-ke4?
#tr.en: Laughing(?) does not ...
15. [sun5]-na-bi e2#?-ad-da-ga2-kam ku4-ku4-de3#?
#tr.en: In order to humbly enter the house of my father
16. [... ad]-da-ga2-ke4 ama-ga2 szesz-gal-ga2 x x-ga2
#tr.en: ... is before my father, mother, older brother, older sister, and female servant(!?)
17. [...] dim2#? gin6-na igi-sze3 bar-bar-re#?-de3
#tr.en: (With?) affirmed intention, in order that ... could be seen(!?) <he instructed>
18. [e2-dub]-ba dub-sar ku3-zu szu?-ni-sze3? mu#-x-x
#tr.en: (At?) the eduba'a school, the learned scribe ... into my(!) hand(?)
19. [dub ki]-en-gi ki-uri-ka nam-dub#?-sar#? mi#?-ni-dab5
#tr.en: Within the tablets of Sumer and Akkad, I(?) grasped the scribal art
20. [ka]-inim#?-ma inim# szar2-szar2-gu10# [...]
#tr.en: My explicated 'sayings'(?), I am a scribe ...
21. [...] x-zu? TUG2? NIG2-x-ke4 mu [...]
#tr.en: ...
22. szid#? zi#?-zi#? gar#-gar#?-ra#?-bi# [...]
#tr.en: The addition and subtraction of(?) tabulation, ...
23. igi SI a-ra2# x [...] MU [...]
#tr.en: Reciprocals(?), multiplication, ...
24. sag us2 sag-du3 zu2# kesz2#-bi ib2-si
#tr.en: The arrangment of the short and long side of(?) a triangle (within) a square (? i.e., subdivisions of a square?)
25. GAN2 u4-sakar sag-ki-gu4-da-gin7
#tr.en: The semicircle, like(?) a trapezoid/right triangle(?)
26. us2-us2 i3-gu7-e-en ha-la-bi i3-dab5#?
#tr.en: 'I make the side consume side' (shape of a trapezoid), I(?) grasp their division
27. {gesz}pana?-zu us2 dili a-sza3 SAR esz2-GAN2 gi-ninda-disz UD? a-sza3-ga gid2
#tr.en: Your bow(?), one side(?) to expand(?) a field(area?), to survey with the measuring line and measuring rod ...
28. ban2 il2-la-gu10-ne a2-ur2-a2-ur2-sze3
#tr.en: When I carry the ban measuring container(?) towards(?) the hidden places
29. gesz-TAG-a mu-TAG-TAG a-sza3-ga ge-en-en-e
#tr.en: I? ..., establishing(?!) ... in the field
30. gi TAR-a gi pa3-da il2-la du5-la2-bi x-x
#tr.en: ... the height and depth of ...
31. im-du3-a gur3-gur3-ru SIG7 lam a2-du3-a
#tr.en: Raising a mud wall, ..., the daily task(?)
32. us2#-bar siki? gun3#?-x
#tr.en: The weaver ... wool
1. {e2}turx(SZILAM) ab-sin2 a#-ra2#-hi-a
#tr.en: Cattlepen, furrow, ...
2. e2 du3-a arah4? szeg12-ansze
#tr.en: The building of a house (and?) a storehouse and brickpiles
3. ix(|A.AMBAR|) ba-al-sze3 gu2 gar-ra
#tr.en: Subjugating (a workforce)(?) in order to dig a canal
4. e! zi-zi pa5 ga2-ga2
#tr.en: Raising dikes, putting down ditches
5. kin2 til-la-de3? galam!?-ma? ga?-mu-zu#?
#tr.en: I want to know how to complete the task skillfully(?)
6. 2(disz@t)-<kam>-ma-sze3 um-mi-a-gu10 hu-mu-x hu-mu-gar-re
#tr.en: A 2nd time may my master ... and “establish”
7. dub-sar me-en e2 {d}nin-e2-gal-ka-kam
#tr.en: I am a scribe, one of the temple of Ninegala (i.e., Nungal, a prison?)
8. nin nig2-gal2 nig2-na-me sa2-sa2#
#tr.en: The lady with whose possessions nothing compares
9. igi bar nu-zi-zi sa-szu2-usz-gal ba-szu4
#tr.en: She has covered those who do not raise a glance (in acknowledgement?)/did not muster scouts(?) with the šugal net
10. [...] NE x GIR3#? NE NE NE-ra KA-a-ni am3-x-x
#tr.en: ...
11. [...] x gub-ba x [...] KID2#? x [...] x x [...] NI? sag3-ge-de3 IM x
#tr.en: ... stood ... in order to strike ...
13. [...] x x sag3-ge-de3 ni2-bi [...]
#tr.en: ... in order to strike ...
14. [...] x [...] x gub-bu-de3#
#tr.en: ... in order to stand(?)
15. [...]-na# inim#? bur2#?-ra#? ni2 bulug5 silim-sze3? di#?
#tr.en: The arrogant, indiscreet(?), boasting, self-important
16. [...] x igi x x mu-szi-ni10-ni10
#tr.en: ... circle towards ...
17. [...] x x-e-da-ze2-er x gal2-bi hul2-le
#tr.en: ... removed from you/me(?), ... rejoicing
18. [...] x lu2#? ib2#?-ba DU nu-gar-bi na-an-na-ab-be2!?
#tr.en: ... the angry man should not speak unsuitable(?) ... to ...
19. [...] x {d}nin-e2-gal-la-kam
#tr.en: It is the ... of Ninegala
20. [...] x x x nig2 sza3-sze3 gal2-la-am3
#tr.en: ... that which is present in(!?) the heart
21. [...] x x lu2# tesz2 he2-tuku-tuku
#tr.en: ..., the man should have dignity
22. [...] NE# EN#? dugud-dugud-da du10-du10-ga?-am3
#tr.en: ... is very important and very good
#tr.en: DUGUD in Gadd's UET 6 copy.
23. [...] IM?-zu na-an-gar-ra
#tr.en: ... who(?) should/should not(?) place
24. [...] ka-ga14 na-an-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: ... should/should not(?) vocalize ...
25. [...] x e2#? lugal-la-kam he2-eb-sa2
#tr.en: ... shall vie with(?) ... in the palace(?)
26. [...] x x ni2 a2#? nu-silig-ge4
#tr.en: ... an aura, unceasing strength
27. [...] lugal-la-kam
#tr.en: It is the possession of the king
28. [...] x x KA AB hul-dim2-ma KA hul x x-me#-en#?
#tr.en: ... evil ... you are(?)
29. [...] x-zu ha-ra-ab-sa2 me-en
#tr.en: It is you whose ... is set in order(?) for you
30. [...]-zu en nu-x
#tr.en: ...
31. [...] um-mi#-a#-gu10 na de5 sar-sar-de3
#tr.en: ... my master, in order to write/foster(?) instruction
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000382, ex. 023 (P346555) 2326532
ki-usz2-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-hul-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346555 = CDLI Literary 000382, ex. 023
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] ba#?-ab#?-gar x [...]
#tr.en: ... put water in the field, the city(?) was “consumed by the marsh” (i.e. destroyed)
2'. [...] gi# ki#-usz2#?-a-gin7 tu#-[...]
#tr.en: ... was being done(?), like the reeds of a wasteland, giving birth was not being established
3'. [...] x ba#-du11# iri#?-a nig2#-hul#?-[...] x mu-un-da-an#-[...]
#tr.en: They(?) scattered ... away, in the city evil ...
1. [...] te# ug3-ba nig2-me-gar tug2-gin7# [...]
#tr.en: A stupor covered? the terrified heart of the people like a garment
2. [{d}]udug sa6-ga-bi ib2-ta-[...] {d}lamma-bi ba-da-[...]
#tr.en: Its good udug protective deity left, its lamma protective deity fled
3. [...] edin-e bar bi2-ib-[...] giri3# kur2 ba#-ra-[...]
#tr.en: The lamma protective deity roamed(!?) in the plain, it took a different path
UET 6, 0277 (P346345) 2326533
ga-kin2-zu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P346345 = UET 6, 0277
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. ga-kin2-zu-sze3 mu-nu2 ba-an-[x]
#tr.en: On behalf of your “I want to work” ... a bed
2. ga-du8 ga-du8 a#?-[...]
3. u3-mu-un {im}szu-rin-na#
4. ba-an-ku4
#tr.en: "I want to bake, I want to bake, the owner of the oven has entered”
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 022 (P346219) 2326534
...-um-... only appears a few times in words list
nu-x-ge-NE! only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-sug2-esz only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-DU-DU-na-esz only appears a few times in words list
dadag-ga-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
sza3-gada-la2-bi-ne only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-re7-esz only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-duh only appears a few times in words list
na-mu-e-szi-NE only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-an-du8-du8-x only appears a few times in words list
sza-ra-da-du only appears a few times in words list
ba-szi-ib-kin2! only appears a few times in words list
bad3-si-ba only appears a few times in words list
ux(|IGI.SZE3xU|) only appears a few times in words list
an-x-x only appears a few times in words list
ku10-ku10-ga-bi-ir only appears a few times in words list
sza-ra-zu only appears a few times in words list
tusz-u3-ri only appears a few times in words list
du3-x only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-szi-x-... only appears a few times in words list
{d}asznan-ka only appears a few times in words list
he2-x-zi only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-na-x-x only appears a few times in words list
he2-na-x-x only appears a few times in words list
mu-ni-ib2-te-en-... only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-da-ku4-ku4 only appears a few times in words list
zi!-ga-ab only appears a few times in words list
gaba-zu! only appears a few times in words list
ba-zal-la-a-ri only appears a few times in words list
...-um-ma-ka only appears a few times in words list
he2-eb!-zal only appears a few times in words list
...-na-ka! only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-nu2 only appears a few times in words list
su13-u4-bi only appears a few times in words list
ba-de5-de5 only appears a few times in words list
ki-ru-gu only appears a few times in words list
eb! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346219 = CDLI Literary 000380, ex. 022
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. {gesz#}gu#-za# ki di ku5-ru-bi#? [...]-um#?-[...]
#tr.en: The throne (where) cases had been decided no longer stood(?), cases were not undertaken correctly
2'. {d}alamusz gidri ba-an-da-szub szu-ni# [...]
#tr.en: (Nanna/Suen's vizier) Alamuš dropped the scepter (with) his hand shaking
3'. a2-nu2-da ku3 {d}nanna-ka giri3-na nu#?-x-ge-NE#!?
#tr.en: In the holy bed chamber of Nanna ... he(?) does not ... at/on his feet(?)
4'. dub-szen ku3 lu2 igi nu-bar-re-dam erim2-e igi i-ni-in-bar
#tr.en: The holy treasure box, which no one(!) is to see, the enemy saw (inside of it)
5'. gesz-nu2 gi4-rin-na nu-um-gub u2 za-gin3 nu-mu-un-bur2#
#tr.en: ... did not set up the pure bed/bed of flowers, ... did not spread out shining plants (upon it)
6'. {uruda}alan |AN.ZAG|-gi4 si-a-ba gu2-guru5 ba-an-ne-esz
#tr.en: They were cutting down the statue that occupied(?) the uzga shrine
7'. engiz ensi kiszib3-gal2-bi esz-da szu# li-bi2-in-du7-usz#
#tr.en: The engiz temple cook, dream interpreter, and seal bearer did not use the ešda vessel(?) properly
8'. gu2 ki gal2-la-ba ba-e-sug2-esz kur-re ba-ab-DU-DU-na-esz
#tr.en: They stood in the manner of one whose neck is pushed to the ground(?) the mountain(dwellers?) carried(?) them away
9'. uz-ga ku3 szu-luh dadag-ga-ke4 sza3-gada-la2-bi-ne
#tr.en: In the holy uzga shrine, the šagadala priests of the pure washing rites
10'. gesz-hur me ku3-ga ba-da-ha-lam-e iri kur2-sze3 ba-ab-re7-esz
#tr.en: They(?) were forsaking the pure plans and the me, they(?) went to another city
11'. {d}suen-e sza3 hul-la-ni a-a-ni-ir ba-szi-in-de6
#tr.en: Suen brought his ruined heart there for his father
12'. igi a-a ugu-na {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 dub3 ki ba-ni-in-us2
#tr.en: He knelt there before his birth father Enlil
13'. a-a ugu-gu10 en3-tukum-sze3 nig2-ka9 igi erim2-e# mu-e-duh x [...]
#tr.en: My birth father, how long will the eye of the enemy have looked at the accounts(?), how long ...
14'. nam-en nam-lugal szum2-ma#-za-am3 na-mu-e-szi-NE?
#tr.en: When you give lordship and kingship, do not ... towards me/on my behalf
15'. a-a {d}en-lil2 lu2 a2 ag2-e du11-ga zi
#tr.en: Father Enlil, the one of the true order and command
$ blank space
16'. a-a {d}en-lil2 nam mu-e-tar-ra galga# ba-ra-an-du8-du8-x
#tr.en: Father Enlil, it is the fate that you decreed and therefore no one can release (its) logic(?)
$ blank space
17'. siki-pa nam-en-na suh kesz2-da#?-ga2#
#tr.en: On(?) my hair, bound up with the suh headress/pectoral(?)
$ blank space
18'. {d}en-lil2-le dumu-ni {d}suen-ra inim zi mu-un-na-ab-be2
#tr.en: Enlil was speaking a true word to his son Suen
19'. dumu-gu10 iri nam-he2 giri17-zal sza-ra-da-du bala-zu ba-szi-ib-kin2!?
#tr.en: My son, a city of abundance was built(?) for you, your turn of office sought (you?) out(?)
1. iri gul bad3 gal bad3-si-ba# si-ge5 ux(|IGI.SZE3xU|)? ur5-re bala an-x-x
#tr.en: The destroyed city, the flattening of the parapet of the great wall by the storm, this too is (a part of) the turn of office
2. KU mi-ri-ib-du11-ga bala u4 ku10-ku10-ga-bi-ir gal2-lu sza-ra-zu#?
#tr.en: One who ..., for the dark days of you term of office, may “open (the temple(?))” be known(?)
3'. tusz-u3-ri? ki-tusz e2-temen-ni2-gur3-ru-za zi-de3-esz du3#?-x [...]
#tr.en: Previous dweller, in your dwelling, the Etemenniguru temple, which was built faithfully
4'. uri2{ki} giri17-zal-la? he2-en-du3 ug3 he2-em-szi-x-[...]
#tr.en: May ... (re)build it in joy, may the people bow down towards it
5'. ur2-bi-a ninda he2-en-gal2 {d}asznan he2-em-da#-hul2#?
#tr.en: May ... have bread (?) at its base, may Ašnan rejoice with him
6'. pa-bi-a giri17-zal he2-en-gal2 {d}utu#? he2-em-da-hul2#
#tr.en: May ... have joy in its branches, may Utu rejoice
7'. {gesz}banszur-ba he2-gal2 {d}asznan-ka gu2-da he2-em-mi#?-la2#
#tr.en: On its table may the abundance of Ašnan embrace ...
8'. uri2{ki} iri# an-ne2 nam tar-re ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: May Ur, the city decreed by An, be returned to its place for you
9'. {d}en-lil2-le gu3 zi de2-am3 gu2 an-sze3 he2-x-zi
#tr.en: May Enlil, who is the true speaker, raise his neck towards heaven
10'. {d}nanna-ar ma-da sig nim-ma gu2 hu-mu-na-x-x
#tr.en: For Nanna may the high and low (land) assemble(?)
11'. {d}suen kaskal kur-ra-ke4 si he2-na-x-x
#tr.en: For Suen may he set the roads of the land of land in order
12'. muru9-gin7 ki us2-sa-a-gin7 x x x [...]
#tr.en: Touching the ground like a rainstorm(?) ...
13'. inim du11-ga an {d}en-lil2-la2-kam#? szu zi# [...]
#tr.en: It was the spoken word of An and Enlil, and therefore it was being carried out faithfully(?)
14'. {d}nanna iri-ni! uri2{ki}-ma sag il2# mu-[...]
#tr.en: Nanna stood(?) in his city, Ur, with head held high
15'. {d}suen-e e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-sze3 im-ma-da-an-ku4#-[ku4]
#tr.en: Suen was able to enter the Ekišnugal temple
16'. {d}nin-gal-e agrun-na ku3-ga-na ni2 mu-ni-ib2-te-en#-[...]
#tr.en: Ningal was relaxing in her pure chamber
17'. szul {d}suen e2-kisz-nu-gal2 im-ma-da#-ku4#-ku4
#tr.en: The youth Suen was able to enter into his Ekišnugal temple
18'. u4 gig-ga u4 gaba-zu zi!-ga-ab#? u4#? e2-za gi4#-bi#
#tr.en: Bitter storm, storm, raise you chest (depart), storm, turn back/confine yourself in your house
19'. u4 iri gul-gul u4 gaba-zu! zi#-[ga-ab] u4# e2-za gi4-bi
#tr.en: Storm, destroyer of cities, storm, raise you chest (depart), storm, turn back/confine yourself in your house
20'. u4 e2 gul-gul u4 gaba-zu zi#-[ga-ab] u4# e2#?-za gi4#-bi
#tr.en: Storm, destroyer of temples, storm, raise you chest (depart), storm, turn back/confine yourself in your house
21'. u4 ki-en-gi-ra ba-zal-la-ri kur#-kur#-ra# he2-eb-zal#
#tr.en: May the storm that once spent time in Sumer spend time in the (other) lands instead
22'. u4 ma-da <<ib?>> ba-zal-la-a-ri kur-kur-ra# he2#-eb#-zal#
#tr.en: May the storm that once spent time in the land spend time in the (other) lands instead
23'. kur ti#-id#?-nu-um-e he2-eb-zal kur-re he2#-eb-zal
#tr.en: May it spend time in the land of Tidnum instead, may it spend time in (that) land
24'. [...]-um#-ma-ka#? he2-eb-zal# [kur]-re# he2-eb#!-zal
#tr.en: May it spend time in the land of Gutium instead, may it spend time in (that) land
25'. [...]-na#-ka!? he2-eb-zal# [...] he2#-eb#-zal#
#tr.en: May it spend time in the land of Anšan instead, may it spend time in (that) land
26'. [...] x x [...]
@column 1'
1. uri2{ki}-ma bala nam-he2 u4! he2-ni-ib-su3-u4-de3
#tr.en: So that in Ur the term of office and abundance last long
2. ug3#-bi u2-sal-la he2-em-nu2 e-ne su13-u4-bi im-ak?
#tr.en: (So that) the people lay down in the meadows and copulate
3. [...] nam-lu2-lux(URU) ba-tu11 ba-de5-de5
#tr.en: Alas, humanity is stricken(?) and gathered up(?)
4. egir3#?-re mu-lu er2 a-sze-re
#tr.en: The princess(?) the one (of) weeping and lament (says)
@column 2'
1. {d}nanna a iri-zu a e2-zu a nam-lu2-lux(URU)-zu
#tr.en: “Nanna, alas, your city, alas, your temple, alas, your humanity”
2. ki-ru-gu 5(disz)-kam-ma#?-am3#?
#tr.en: It is the 5th kirugu
UET 6, 0669 (P346706) 2326535
x-ru-uk-x only appears a few times in words list
ap-su-x only appears a few times in words list
...-ma-ri-im only appears a few times in words list
&P346706 = UET 6, 0669
#atf: lang sux
#tr.en: Nisaba A, bilingual, (new identification) surface mostly highly worn, parts of lines 35-36, 38 preserved
$ (surface uncertain)
@column 1'?
$ beginning broken
1'. x-ru?-uk?-x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. abzu#? men x [...]
#tr.en: ...
3'. eridu{ki} esz3 hal#-[...]
#tr.en: ...
4'. ap-su#?-x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
5'. e-ri-du# x [...]
#tr.en: Abzu, great crown, shrine that makes divisions
6'. nun#? x x hal#?-[...]
#tr.en: Its ruler is a ruler that makes divisions(?)
7'. x x x
#tr.en: ...
8'. x x x
#tr.en: ...
9'. x x x
#tr.en: ...
10'. x x x
#tr.en: ...
11'. e2#? ni2#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
12'. |HIxNUN|#? [...] eridu#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: Great pirig creature of rulership, temple bearing an aura, the luhšu functionary of Eridu
@column 2'?
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
3'. [...]-ma#?-ri-im#?
#tr.en: ...
4'. [...] x
#tr.en: ...
UET 6, 0166 (P346251) 2326536
dub-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
...-gub-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
gub-...-usz2 only appears a few times in words list
um-mi-a-...-en only appears a few times in words list
za-gin7-nam only appears a few times in words list
nam-...-ak only appears a few times in words list
al-gu2-u4-da-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
in-gu2-de3 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-si-ge-... only appears a few times in words list
te-ge26-dam! only appears a few times in words list
gesz-ge-en-na-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
TUG2-TUG2-TUG2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-il2-i-de3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-da-szub-e only appears a few times in words list
bir9-bir only appears a few times in words list
nu-DU-DU-ga2-x only appears a few times in words list
geme2-ga2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
gin6-na-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
bar-bar-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
&P346251 = UET 6, 0166
#atf: lang sux
1. [...] x x x-am3# i3-du-en
#tr.en: Veteran(?) son of the scribal school, where are you going?
2. e2#-dub#-ba#-sze3 [...] i3#-du-en
#tr.en: I am going to the scribal school
3. e2-dub-ba x x x i3#-ak#
#tr.en: What(?) have (you) done at the scribal school?
4. dub-gu10 i3-szid# [...]-gub#-gu10# i3#-gu7#?
#tr.en: I tallied up (the lines to be entered on) my tablet , I ate my meal(?), <I fashioned my tablet, I wrote it and finished it>
5. mu gub#-[...]-usz2#
#tr.en: They assign my line assignment/passage for me
6. ga2#-nu# ki#-gu10-usz#? x x x x-im#?
#tr.en: Come to where I am, ...
7. nig2 um-mi-a-[...]-en za#-e# ga#-an#-pa3-pa3
#tr.en: That which my master revealed (to?) me(?), I will reveal for you
8. za-gin7-nam nam#-[...]-ak
#tr.en: Like you (I) was a novice, <one who had a “big brother” mentor/supervisor>
9. gi al-gu2-u4-da-gin7 in#?-gu2-de3 kin2-ga2 bi2-in-si-ge-[...]
#tr.en: I jumped about like a dancing(?) reed (as) he put me to work
1. na de5-ga-ni-ta lu2 hu-ru szu bar dab?-ba-e#
#tr.en: From his instruction (only) the (foolish) novice passes by freely/forgetfully(?)
2. ni2 te-ge26 szu ni2 te-ge26-dam!? ki za-ba alan gesz-ge-en-na-ga2 TUG2-TUG2-TUG2 igi-ni-sze3 gub-bu-de3
#tr.en: Fear that is to scare(?) the (writing) hand, wearing it(?) on my figure/trunk and limbs(?) in order to stand before him in the “place of prostration”(!?)
3. lipisz-bi du10-ge-de3 murgu3#?-bi giri3 si-ge-de3
#tr.en: In order to ameliorate the rage, to attend to(?) the anger
4. si ma#-ra-ni-in-sa2
#tr.en: I(?) did (the assignment?) correctly for you
5. e-sir2-ra gu2 ki-sze3 la2 du-a-gu10-ne
#tr.en: When (I go) in the street with neck bowed to the ground
6. sag-gu10 nu-il2-i-de3 lu2 <gu2> nu-mu-un-da-szub#-e#
#tr.en: And my head not to be raised, no one scorned(?) me
7. zu2 bir9-bir nu-DU-DU-ga2-x
#tr.en: Laughing(?) does not ...
8. sun5-na-bi? e2-ad-da#-[...] ku4#?-ku4#
#tr.en: Humbly ... enters the house of my father
# left edge
9. igi ad-da-ga2 ama-ga2 szesz-gal-ga2 nin9# gal#-ga2 u3 geme2-ga2-am3#
#tr.en: ... is before my father, mother, older brother, older sister, and female servant
10. dim2-ma gin6-na-gu10-ne igi-sze3 bar-bar-e-de3 na-sze3 mu-un-de5-de5
#tr.en: When I affirmed my intention(?), he instructed in order that ... could be seen(!?)
CDLI Literary 000395, ex. 058 (P346558) 2326537
{d}sul-gi-me-en only appears a few times in words list
uszumgal-... only appears a few times in words list
sag-gig2-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346558 = CDLI Literary 000395, ex. 058
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. lugal#?-me-en sza3-ta# [...]
#tr.en: I am the king, from the womb I was a hero
2. {d#}sul-gi-me-en# [...]
#tr.en: I am Shulgi, after I was born, I was a mighty male
3. [...] igi# husz uszumgal-[...]
#tr.en: I am a pirig creature with a furious face that was given birth to by an ušumgal creature
4. [...] an#-ub-ta# limmu2#?-[...]
#tr.en: I am the king of the four quarters
5'. [...] sipa# sag-gig2#-[...]
#tr.en: I am the herder and shepherd of the black-headed
6'. [...]-gal2# dingir# kur#-[...]
#tr.en: I am the authoritative one, the god of the lands
7'. [...] x [...]
UET 6, 0278 (P346346) 2326538
i3-du-du-na-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
i3-kasz4-kasz4-na-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-tum2 only appears a few times in words list
&P346346 = UET 6, 0278
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. i3-du-du-na-ke4#-esz#
#tr.en: Because he(?) is going
2. i3-kasz4-kasz4-na-ke4#-esz
#tr.en: Because he(?) is running
3. ba-an-tum2 ba#-an#-tum2
#tr.en: "He shall succeed(?), he shall bring/succeed(?)
4. mu-gu10-sze3 ba#-an#-du11#?
#tr.en: One said as my name
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0670 (P346707) 2326539
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 27: e us,-s,i2-pi-ra-a-x [....]
{gesz}gu-za-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
us,-s,i2-pi-ra-a-x only appears a few times in words list
.... only appears a few times in words list
ne2-me-e-di-im only appears a few times in words list
i-pi-... only appears a few times in words list
i-pi-isz-tim only appears a few times in words list
wa-at-... only appears a few times in words list
ru-bu-ti-i-szu only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi-SI-... only appears a few times in words list
pa-sza-al-lam only appears a few times in words list
uh-hi-i-... only appears a few times in words list
us2-ba only appears a few times in words list
{na4}nir7-musz-BU-... only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi-us2-... only appears a few times in words list
.... only appears a few times in signs list
&P346707 = UET 6, 0670
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface uncertain)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...] ZI x [...]
#tr.en: ...
3'. {gesz}gu#-[za]-sze3#? za3 us2#?-[...]
#tr.en: As for/towards(?) the throne, its back/armrests
4'. me#?-dim2-bi me-dim2-ma x-[...]
#tr.en: Its “limbs” surpass? (other) limbs
5'. nam-nun-na-ni-sze3#? mu-x-[...]
#tr.en: For/on account of his rulership ...
6'. e us,-s,i2-pi-ra-a-x [....]
#tr.en: It should not be trimmed/inlaid (with gems)(?) ...(?)
7'. ne2-me-e-di-im sza? i-pi-[...]
#tr.en: A chair back/socle, whose fabrication ...
8'. i-na i-pi-isz-tim wa-at-[...]
#tr.en: Was surpasssing among (other) fabrication(s)
9'. a-na ru-bu-ti-i-szu u2-x-[...]
#tr.en: For his princeship ...
10'. ku3-si2 husz-a he2-bi-SI-[...]
#tr.en: May ... with/in “red gold”
11'. pa-sza-al-lam lu2-u2 uh-hi-i#?-[...]
#tr.en: May it be inlaid with gold alloy
12'. za3 us2-ba {na4}nir7-igi# [...]
#tr.en: On its armrests/back ... nirigi stone
13'. {na4}nir7-musz-BU-[...]
#tr.en: nirmuš... stone ...
14'. mul#?-la sag12-ga he2-bi-us2-[...]
#tr.en: May it be abutted by? beautiful(?) star(-shaped ornaments)(?)
15'. [...] x x x [...] x x x [...]
16'. [...] x [...]
UET 6, 0279 (P254872) 2326540
ama-a-tu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
su11-lum only appears a few times in words list
in-bul-bul only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-bir2 only appears a few times in words list
&P254872 = UET 6, 0279
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. ama-a-tu-sze3 su11-lum in-na-[...]
#tr.en: ... treated him/her with contempt, as a household slave
2. er2 ba-an-pa3
#tr.en: He wept
3. in-bul-bul szu-na mu-un-gal2
#tr.en: He held the blown away straw/chaff in his hand
4. zu2 ba-an-bir2
#tr.en: He laughed/sneered
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 021 (P346220) 2326541
ATF: Parsing failed on line 60 near character 1
amasz-a-na! only appears a few times in words list
{d}ga-sza-an-i3-si-in{ki}-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
{d}ga-sza-an-an-na-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
agrun!-ku3-ga only appears a few times in words list
iri-ze2-ba{ki}-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
iri-ze2-ba-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
de4-du11 only appears a few times in words list
amax(|E2xSAL|)-na only appears a few times in words list
ma2-gu2-... only appears a few times in words list
e2-e-... only appears a few times in words list
garza-... only appears a few times in words list
gesz-gi4-... only appears a few times in words list
ka-na-... only appears a few times in words list
a-sze-... only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-ne-... only appears a few times in words list
uru2-ga2-da only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-ga-a-x-... only appears a few times in words list
nu!-kur2-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-da-gul-... only appears a few times in words list
gesz-gi4-gal2-... only appears a few times in words list
agrun! only appears a few times in signs list
amax(|E2xSAL|) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346220 = UET 6/2, 135
&P346220 = CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 021
#atf: lang sux
#link: def A = Q000379 = Lament for Ur
1. tur3-a-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na [lil2-le]
>>A 1
2. am-e tur3-a-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a#-[na lil2-le]
>>A 2
3. u3-mu-un kur-kur-ra-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in#-[ga amasz-a-na lil2-le]
>>A 3
4. {d}mu-ul-lil2-le esz3-e nibru{ki}-a musz3 mi-ni-in#-[ga amasz-a-na lil2-le]
>>A 4
5. dam-a-ni {d}nin-lil2-le musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 5
6. nin kesz3{ki}-a-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 7
7. ga-sza-an-mah-e e2-bi kesz3{ki}-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 8
8. mu-lu i3-si-in{ki}-na-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 9
9. {d}ga-sza-an i3-si-in{ki}-na-ke4 esz3 e2-gal-mah-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz#-a-na lil2-le
>>A 10
10. nin ki unu{ki}-ga-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 11
11. {d}ga-sza-an-an-na-ke4 e2-bi ki unu{ki}-ga musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 12
12. {d}nanna uri2{ki}-ma musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na [lil2]-le
>>A 13
13. {d}suen-e e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 14
14. {d}am-a-ni {d}ga-sza-an-gal-e musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 15
15. {d}ga-sza-an-gal-e agrun-ku3-ga-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 16
16. {d}am uru2-ze2-ba{ki}-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 17
17. {d}am-an-ki-ke4 e2-bi uru2-ze2-ba{ki}-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 18
18. {d}szara e2-mah#-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 19
19. {d}u4-sahar-ra e2-bi umma{ki}-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 20
20. {d}ba-ba6 uru2-ku3-ga musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 21
21. {d}a du11 ama5-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le
>>A 22
22. ama-ni {d}ab-ba-u2# musz3 mi-ni-in#-ga# [amasz-a-na lil2-le]
>>A 23
23. {d}ab-ba-u2 ma-gu2-[en-na-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le]
>>A 24
24. {d}lamma e2-e#? [ku3-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le]
>>A 25
25. {d}lamma-x [e2-tar-sir2-sir2-ra musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-le]
>>A 26
$lines missing
@column 1
1. tur3-a-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz#-a-na [...]
#tr.en: He has ceased in the cattlepen, an empty wind (is set?) in his sheepfold
>>Q000379 001
2. am-e tur3-a-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na#!? [...]
#tr.en: The wild bull has ceased in the cattlepen, an empty wind (is set?) in his sheepfold
>>Q000379 002
3. u3-mu-un kur-kur-ra-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in#-ga# [...]
#tr.en: The lord of the lands has ceased there, an empty wind (is set) in his sheepfold
>>Q000379 003
4. {d}mu-ul-lil2-le esz3-e# nibru{ki} musz3 mi-ni-in-ga# amasz#-a#-na# lil2#-le#
#tr.en: Enlil has ceased in shrine Nippur, an empty wind (is set?) in his sheepfold
>>Q000379 004
5. dam-a-ni {d}nin-lil2-le musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: His spouse Ninlil has ceased there, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 005
6. nin kesz3{ki}-a-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: The lady of Keš has ceased there, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 006
7. ga-sza-an-mah-e e2-bi# kesz3{ki}-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: Ninmah has ceased in the temple in Keš, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 007
8. mu-lu i3-si-in{ki}-na-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: The one of Isin has ceased there, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 008
9. {d}ga-sza-an-i3-si-in{ki}-na#-ke4# esz3 e2-gal-mah-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz#-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: NinIsina has ceased in shrine Egalmah, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 009
10. nin ki unu{ki}-ga-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: The lady of the region of Uruk has ceased there, an empty wind (is set?) in his sheepfold
>>Q000379 010
11. {d}ga-sza-an-an-na-ke4#? e2-bi ki unu{ki}-ga-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: Inanna has ceased in the temple in the region of Uruk, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 011
12. {d}nanna esz3 uri2{ki}-ma musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz#-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: Nanna has ceased in shrine Urim, an empty wind (is set?) in his sheepfold
>>Q000379 012
13. {d}suen-e e2-kisz-nu-gal2 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz#-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: Suen has ceased in the Ekišnugal temple, an empty wind (is set?) in his sheepfold
>>Q000379 013
14. dam#-a-ni {d}ga-sza-an-gal-e musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: His spouse Ningal has ceased there, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 014
15. {d}ga-sza-an-gal-e agrun!-ku3-ga musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: Ningal has ceased in her holy cella, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 015
16. dam iri-ze2-ba{ki}-ke4# musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: The wild bull of Eridu has ceased there, an empty wind (is set?) in his sheepfold
>>Q000379 016
17. dam-an-ki e2 iri-ze2-ba#?-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: Enki has ceased in the temple of Eridu, an empty wind (is set?) in his sheepfold
>>Q000379 017
18. {d}szara2 e2-mah#-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: Šara has ceased in the Emah temple, an empty wind (is set?) in his sheepfold
>>Q000379 018
19.{d}u4-sahar#-ra e2-bi umma{ki}-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le
#tr.en: Usaḫara has ceased in the temple in Umma, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 019
20. {d}ba-ba6 iri-ku3-ga musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na# lil2-le#
#tr.en: Baba has ceased in the Irikug precinct, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 020
21. de4-du11 amax(|E2xSAL|)-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a#-na# [lil2-le]
#tr.en: She has ceased the Eduga(!?), her chamber, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 021
22. ama-ni {d}ab-ba-u2# musz3 mi-ni-in#-ga# amasz#-[a-na# lil2-le]
#tr.en: Her mother, Abba'u, has ceased there, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 022
23. {d}ab-ba-u2 ma2-gu2-[...]
#tr.en: Abba'u has ceased in the Maguena shrine, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 023
24. {d}lamma e2-e#-[...]
#tr.en: The protective lamma spirit of the temple has ceased there, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 024
25. {d}lamma-re# [...]
#tr.en: The protective lamma spirit has ceased in the Etarsirsir temple, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 025
26. um#?-[...]
#tr.en: The matron of lagaš has ceased there, an empty wind (is set?) in her sheepfold
>>Q000379 026
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. uru2#? [...]
#tr.en: City, your walls may (still) be upright/may be “those of encircling"(?), but your land is finished to my/your detriment(?)
2'. uru2#-[...]
#tr.en: My city, like a fecund ewe, your lamb is finished to my detriment(?)
3'. uri2#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: Urim, like a fecund goat, your kid is finished to my detriment(?)
4'. uru2 garza#-[...]
#tr.en: City, your rites are changed to my detriment(?)
5'. me-zu me [...]
#tr.en: Your ordinances have been changed into strange ordinances
6'. a-sze-er gig-ga# [...]
#tr.en: The lament is bitter, your great lady (Ningal), who weeps, how long will it exhaust her?
7'. a-sze-er gig-ga x [...]
#tr.en: The lament is bitter, Nanna, who weeps, how long will it exhaust him?
8'. ki-[ru-gu2 ...]
#tr.en: It is the 2nd kirugu
9'. uru2 zi gul-la#-ni#? [...]
#tr.en: When ... destroys the true city, the lament is bitter
10'. uri2{ki}# gul#-la#?-[ni ...]
#tr.en: When ... destroys Urim, the lament is bitter
11'. gesz-gi4#?-[...]
#tr.en: It is the {geš}gigal “response”
12'. nin-bi iri#? hul#-a-ta iri#?-[...]
#tr.en: The lady, after the city was destroyed, her city initiated a lament along with her(?)
13'. {d}nin-gal lu2 ka-na#?-[...]
#tr.en: Ningal, whose land was finished to her detriment(?)
14'. uri2{ki} a-sze-[...]
#tr.en: (The former inhabitants of) Urim join with her at its outside/is exiled with her in lamentation(!?)
15'. munus zi nin iri-[...]
#tr.en: The true woman, the lady who is to exhaust herself on behalf of her city
16'. {d}nin#-gal# ka#?-[...]
#tr.en: Ningal, who is not to sleep on behalf of her land
17'. e#?-[...]
#tr.en: For her the fate of the city approaches, she weeps bitterly
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. x-[...]
#tr.en: After they ordered the obliteration of Urim
2'. ug3-bi ug5-ge#-de3#? [...]
#tr.en: After(?) they ordered(?) the killing of its people
3'. me-e nig2-KA-gu10 mu-un-ne#?-[...]
#tr.en: I, as one who gave my advice(?) to them
4'. me-e uru2-ga2-da he2-en-ga-a-x-[...]
#tr.en: They therefore shall also bind me with my city
5'. uri2{ki}-gu10 ma-da he2-en-ga#-[...]
#tr.en: They therefore shall also bind my Urim with me
6'. an-na du11-ga-a-ni hur# nu!?-kur2#-[...]
#tr.en: The utterance of An(?) is not to be changed ever again(?)
7'. {d}en-lil2-le ka-ta e3-[...]
#tr.en: When Enlil brings forth (words) from his mouth, it is not to be changed
8'. ki-ru-gu2 [...]
#tr.en: It is the 4th kirigu
9'. nin-da uru2-ni ba-an-da-gul#-[...] me-ni [...]
#tr.en: To the detriment of(?) the lady, her city is destroyed, to her detriment her cosmic powers are altered
10'. gesz-gi4-gal2#-[...]
#tr.en: It is its {geš}gigal “response”
11'. {d}en-lil2-le u4-de3# [...]
#tr.en: Enlil spoke to the storm, and the people wailed
12'. u4 he2-gal2-la# [...]
#tr.en: He deprived the land of days of abundance, and the people wailed
13'. u4 du10 ki-en-[...]
#tr.en: He deprived Sumer of good days, and the people wailed
14'. u4# hul# gal2# [...]
#tr.en: He commanded the malevolent storm, and the people wailed
CDLI Literary 000757, ex. 003 (P346252) 2326542
e2-dub-ba-... only appears a few times in words list
e-zu-u3-am3 only appears a few times in words list
al-tur-re-en only appears a few times in words list
ab-bala-e-en only appears a few times in words list
um-mi-a-ga2-ka only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-tuku-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ga-mu-ra-ab-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
ab-gi4-gi4-na-zu only appears a few times in words list
he2-ib-da-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
ab-sar-re-en-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-szi-tar-re only appears a few times in words list
i-in-ti-e-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ab-lal only appears a few times in words list
me-me-ta only appears a few times in words list
x-x-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}inanna-tesz2-ta only appears a few times in words list
gu-szum2-bi only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-pa3-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
egir-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ha-za-mu-un only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-ra-da-gib-be2-en only appears a few times in words list
im-szu-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ma-an-gub-ba only appears a few times in words list
1(gesz'u)-kam only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-ab-szum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
i3-tusz-u3-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
duh-a-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
i-in-ti-i-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
nig2-sur-ru-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mu-ub-szum2-mu only appears a few times in words list
i3!-zu-a-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-tum3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-de3-ga2-ga2-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
nig2-sur-ru only appears a few times in words list
nu-u3-gar only appears a few times in words list
ba-ba-e-de3-KA only appears a few times in words list
du10-u4 only appears a few times in words list
mu-ub-zu-zu only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-szi-ib-sir3-re-en only appears a few times in words list
mu-pa3-de3-a only appears a few times in words list
gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)-gu10-ta only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib-tah-e-en only appears a few times in words list
uludin-gu10-usz only appears a few times in words list
a-ba-da-tusz-u3-na only appears a few times in words list
e-da-sa2-sa2-e-en only appears a few times in words list
he2-eb-da-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
KA-gir15 only appears a few times in words list
i-ri-dul-la-asz only appears a few times in words list
sar-re-de3! only appears a few times in words list
uludin only appears a few times in signs list
&P346252 = CDLI Literary 000757, ex. 003
#atf: lang sux
1. lu2-tur dumu# [...]
#tr.en: Young man, are you a student of the eduba'a? (Yes,) I am a student of the eduba'a
2. tukumbi dumu# e2-dub-ba-[...]
#tr.en: If you are a student of the eduba'a
3. [eme]-gir15 e#-zu#-u3#-am3#
#tr.en: Do you know Sumerian?
4. [eme]-gir15-ta inim# e-da-bala-e-en
#tr.en: I can converse by means of Sumerian
5. [...] al#?-tur#-re-en a-na-gin7-nam x-za inim# ab-bala-e-en
#tr.en: ... (if) you are young/junior, how can you converse in/translate your ...
6. nig2# ka# um#-mi-a-ga2-ka# disz min gesz ba-ni-tuku-am3
#tr.en: If I hear that of the mouth of my master once or twice
7. inim#-bi# ga-mu-ra-ab-gi4
#tr.en: I can repeat that speech (lit. answer) for you
8. nig2#? <<AB?>> ab-gi4-gi4-na-zu he2-ib-da-gal2 a#-na-am3 ab-sar-re-en
#tr.en: (But even) if your reproduction of that is present, what will you write?
9. tukumbi# nig2 ab#?-sar-re-en-na-gu10 en3 mu#-e-szi-tar-re
#tr.en: If you(?) inquire after that which I write (you will find out that)
10. x x x e2#-dub#-ba#-a i-in-ti-e-na-gu10 [...] x iti esz5-am3 ba-ra-ab-lal
#tr.en: ... my dwelling in the eduba'a ... could not have been less than three months(?)
11. x ki#-en#-gi# ki#-uri-ke4 a-a me-me-ta
#tr.en: ... of Sumer and Akkad, from the “syllable alphabet(s)” a-a (Syllable Alphabet B) and me-me (Syllable Alphabet A)
12. x-x-sze3#? i3#?-szid# u3 i3-sar
#tr.en: To ... (I) counted out (the number of lines in a given manuscript?) and (I) wrote
13. mu# didli# {d}inanna-tesz2-ta
#tr.en: From the various entries/names of (the personal name list) Inanna
14. en#-na nig2-zi#-gal2 edin-na za3 lu2 szu-ka i3-sar
#tr.en: Until “the animals of the steppe” (commentary or perhaps the ur5-ra list of animals) to the end of “person” (=) “he” (the lexical list lu2 = ša), (I) wrote
15. gu#-szum2#-bi mu-da-pa3-de3-en
#tr.en: I can find their signs
16. sar#-re-bi u3 ki-bur2-bi inim-gu10 a-ab-si
#tr.en: Thus I explain their writings and solutions
17. egir-gu10 ha#-ha-za-mu-un
#tr.en: Follow me (lit. seize behind me)
18. nig2-na-me nu-mu-ra-da-gib-be2-en
#tr.en: I cannot block anything for you
19. u3 lu2 szu im-szu-ga2 lu2 ma-an-gub-ba
#tr.en: And the (extract of) the professions list lu2 = šu that was assigned to me on my “hand tablet”
20. mu 1(gesz'u)-kam a-ra2-bi mu-da-ab-szum2-mu
#tr.en: I(?) can produce a sequence of six hundred entries
21. nig2#-ka9# u4 e2-dub-ba-a i3-tusz-u3-na-gu10 gar-ra
#tr.en: The account of my days residing in the school are established
1. u4 duh-a-gu10 iti-da u4 esz5-am3
#tr.en: My idle days are three days per month
2. ezem didli-bi iti-da u4 esz5-am3
#tr.en: The various festivals are three days per month
3. sza3-ba iti-da u4 2(u) 4(disz)-am3
#tr.en: In the midst (of what remains) in the month there are 24 days
4. e2-dub-ba-a i-in-ti-i-na-gu10 u4-da gid2-da nam-me
#tr.en: My dwelling in the school is not (measured with) deductible days
5. u4 disz-e um-mi-a-gu10 nig2-sur-ru-gu10 4(disz)-ta-am3 mu-ub-szum2-mu
#tr.en: In each single day, my master (requires) that I produce my nigsuru assignment(?) 4 times
6. nig2-ka9-bi gar-ra nam-dub-sar i3!-zu-a-gu10 nu-ub-tum3
#tr.en: The account having been established, my knowledge of the scribal art is not taken away(?)
7. a-da-al-ta sza3 dub-ba a-ra2 nig2-ka9-sze3 ba-e-de3-ga2-ga2-de3-en
#tr.en: Now I can apply myself(?) to the contents of tablets, to multiplication tables and calculations(?)
8. nam-dub-sar mu gar nig2-sur-ru nu-u3-gar NIG2 ba-ba-e-de3-KA
#tr.en: The scribal art, putting entries (in their context)(!?), without(?) nigsuru assignments(?) ...
9. um-mi-a-gu10 inim sa6-sa6-ge du10-u4 ak
#tr.en: My master, speaking pleasantly, (his) prayer (on my behalf!?)
10. nam-gi4-me-esz3 ak nig2 sza3 hul2-le-dam
#tr.en: (His) treating (me) as a colleague, it is something that is to make the heart rejoice
11. nam-dub-sar-gu10 mu-ub-zu-zu
#tr.en: I know my scribal art
12. nig2-na-me nu-mu-szi-ib-sir3-re-en
#tr.en: I do not restrict ... concerning anything
13. um-mi-a-gu10 gu-szum2 disz#-am3# mu-pa3-de3#-a
#tr.en: My master selects one sign
14. gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)-gu10-ta disz [...] bi2#-ib-tah-e-en
#tr.en: From my memory I add one or two (more)
15. ki uludin-gu10-usz a-ba#?-da#?-tusz-u3-na
#tr.en: At the agreed point, after I reside (there)
16. eme-gir15 nam-dub-sar sza3 dub-ba szid nig2-ka9-sze3
#tr.en: Regarding the Sumerian language, the scribal art, (its) content, counting and accounting(?)
17. e-da-sa2-sa2-e-en
#tr.en: I equal you
18. eme-gir15-ta inim e-da-bala-e-en
#tr.en: I (would) converse with you by means of Sumerian
19. he2-eb-da-gal2 KA-gir15 i-ri-dul-la-asz
#tr.en: But (even) if it (the option of my answering!?) is present(?), on account of the fact that Sumerian is obscure for you
20. dub# sar-re-de3! ga#-DU#
#tr.en: I shall go to write a tablet (instead)
21. dub asz sze gur-ta za3 1(gesz'u)# [...]
#tr.en: The tablet of one gur of barley until 600 gur of barley (metrological table)
22. dub disz gin2-ta za3# [...]
#tr.en: The tablet of one gin silver until 10 mana of silver (metrological table)
23. nam-tab-ba gurum2 asz gu2# [...]
#tr.en: Partnership (model contracts), so that one can choose (to include) the inspection of a one gun amount (of silver)
24. e2# a#-sza3# {gesz#?}[kiri6 ...]
#tr.en: Purchasing a house, field, orchard, or male or female slave (model contracts)
UET 6, 0521 (P346559) 2326543
...-e-x only appears a few times in words list
kin2-kin2 only appears a few times in words list
kur2-kur2-x only appears a few times in words list
...-erim2-ra only appears a few times in words list
lu2-hul-gal2-x only appears a few times in words list
sur-sur-x only appears a few times in words list
geli3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-x-sur-ra only appears a few times in words list
x-erim2-gal2-la-ne2 only appears a few times in words list
urin-e only appears a few times in words list
nu2-u3 only appears a few times in words list
...-re-zu only appears a few times in words list
mu-zu! only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-x only appears a few times in words list
geli3 only appears a few times in signs list
&P346559 = UET 6, 0521
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-e#?-x
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...] x-NE
#tr.en: ...
3'. [...]-sa
#tr.en: ...
4'. [...] za3-sze3 [... ru]-gu2
#tr.en: ... to the border/extreme ... advance/withstand
5'. [...]-e?
#tr.en: ...
6'. [...] x
7'. [...] x x x
8'. [...] szu kin2#-kin2#
#tr.en: ... seeking(?)
9'. [...] x kur2?-kur2?-x
#tr.en: ... changing/estranging(?) ...
10'. [...] x [...] RI e3#?-e
#tr.en: ... coming/bringing out(?)
11'. [...] x x [...] RI ga-i-i
#tr.en: ... I shall praise ...
$ double ruling
12'. [...] szud3#?-de3
#tr.en: ... the šud prayer(?)
13'. [...] x x x x-a
#tr.en: ...
14'. [...] x [...]-ru#?
#tr.en: ...
15'. [...]
16'. [...]
17'. [...] {d#}suen#? mah-am3# [...]
#tr.en: Youth Suen(?) is supreme ...
18'. [...] x AN ku3-za [...]
#tr.en: Your holy ...
19'. [...] nam#?-mah-zu [...]
#tr.en: ... your superiority ...
20'. [...] x sa2-sa2 x [...]
#tr.en: ...
21'. [...] MU#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...] mah#-am3# x x [...]
#tr.en: ... is supreme ...
3'. [...] ki x [...]
4'. [...] mah unu2 gal x [...]
#tr.en: Supreme ..., the great banquet hall/sanctum ...
5'. [...]-zu#? kur-kur#-ra# sag#? [...]
#tr.en: ... your ... in the lands ...
6'. [...] x [...] x [...]
7'. [...]-ra#? su3-su3 IM# [...]
#tr.en: ... hovering towards man ...
8'. [...]-erim2#-ra x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ... for/to the enemy ...
9'. [...] lu2#-hul-gal2-x [...]-gin7 sur-sur#-x
#tr.en: ... flashing(?) like sunlight at(?) the evildoer
10'. [...] x x x? ZA#? x [...] gal# ka#?! duh-a#
#tr.en: ... great howling pirig creature
11'. [...] x geli3 gal2-la#? a ba-an#-x-sur-ra [...]
#tr.en: ... one who ... in the throat(?), one who has salivated
12'. [...] x-erim2-gal2-la#-ne2 szeg10 im#-ma#-ni#-in#-[gi4]
#tr.en: ... he has screamed at his evildoer
13'. [...] x uszumgal-am3# bad3-da gal2#-la#
#tr.en: ... is an ušumgal creature who is on the city walls
14'. [...] x x-bi nam?-x ulu3{+lu} uh3 ak#?-bi [...]
#tr.en: ... southern wind/mighty(?), its frothing(?) ...
15'. [...] x x urin-e mu-na#-[...]-x-[...]
#tr.en: .... blood/the standard(?) …
16'. [...] x gal#?-gal-e x x [...] x
#tr.en: The very great ...
17'. [...] am3 DU-DU x x x x
#tr.en: ...
18'. [...]-erim2 {d}szul-gi#-re e-ne x [...] x x
#tr.en: Shulgi ... the enemy
19'. [...] {d}szul-gi#-re [...] x x
#tr.en: ... Shulgi ...
20'. [...] x x [...] x [...] x [...] x-le
#tr.en: ...
21'. [...] x-na x x
#tr.en: ...
22'. [...] nu2#?-u3 x [...] x
#tr.en: ... lying/crouching(?) ...
23'. [...] mah#-am3 x nu-x [...] x ga2-ga2
#tr.en: ... is supreme, ... setting/establishing
24'. [...] {d}nanna a mu#-zu#
#tr.en: Alas, your name, Nanna, alas, your name
25'. [...]-re-zu {d}nanna# lu2-erim2 x? nam#?-[...]
#tr.en: Your supremacy and praise(?) Nanna ... the enemy shall not approach(?)
26'. [...] a mu-zu!? [...]
#tr.en: Alas, your name, Nanna, alas, your name
$ double ruling
27'. [...] mu#-da-x [...]
UET 6, 0673 (P346710) 2326544
ha-za-ab only appears a few times in words list
kid7-ab-ta only appears a few times in words list
sag3-a only appears a few times in words list
sal-sal-la-ab only appears a few times in words list
ru-... only appears a few times in words list
gar!-ni only appears a few times in words list
ka-la-ga-ab only appears a few times in words list
BU-BU-mu-x only appears a few times in words list
sar-... only appears a few times in words list
gub!-ba-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346710 = UET 6, 0673
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. im ha-za-ab# [...]
#tr.en: Take hold of the clay
2. im kid7-ab-ta [...]
#tr.en: Pinch off the clay/soften the clay(?)
3. im sag3-a [...]
#tr.en: Beat the clay
4. sal-sal-la-ab ru-[...]
#tr.en: Thin it out
5. sag bala gar!-ni ki?-[...]
#tr.en: Set the “head turning"(?) in motion(?)
6. sza ka-la-ga-ab pi#-[...]
#tr.en: Build up the middle (Akk.) twist it/turn it around
7. dub dim2-ma-ab [...]
#tr.en: Create a tablet (using the wooden tool)
8. BU-BU-mu-x [...]
#tr.en: Lengthen (i.e., stretch) it/thicken it(?)
9. AB sag x [...]
#tr.en: ...
10. sar-[...]
#tr.en: Write/incise the rulings(?)
11. gub!?-ba#?-[...]
#tr.en: Stand it up(?)
UET 6, 0280 (P346347) 2326545
in-na-du3-e-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346347 = UET 6, 0280
#atf: lang sux
1. lu2 U [...] {d}MUSZ2 [...]
2. e2 in-na-du3-e-[...]
#tr.en: ... builds a temple for(?) the deity Tišpak/Inšušinak(?) ...
$ single ruling
3. sag x
#tr.en: ...
$ single ruling
4. sag x
#tr.en: ...
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0168 (P346253) 2326546
muszen-na-x only appears a few times in words list
gam-ma-ka only appears a few times in words list
gam-ma-... only appears a few times in words list
kisal-la2-... only appears a few times in words list
dur2-ru-un only appears a few times in words list
im!-szu-ka-ne-ne-a-ka only appears a few times in words list
ke3-da-ni only appears a few times in words list
tag-tag-ge-da-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
ab-DU only appears a few times in words list
al-DU-x only appears a few times in words list
e2-dub!-ba-a-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
&P346253 = UET 6, 0168
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. e2#?-dub#?-ba?-a-sze3 x [...]
#tr.en: ... going(?) towards the eduba'a school ...
2'. szu MU x x szu#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
3'. lu2 kisal-la2-ke4 szu x [...]
#tr.en: The “man of/attached to the courtyard”... touched/adorned/chose the ground(?) ...
4'. lu2 pa muszen-na-x [...] mu x [...]
#tr.en: “The man of the bird feather” ... ... brings out ... at? the “place of kneeling”
5'. ki dub3 gam-ma-ka# [...]
#tr.en: At the “place of kneeling” ... struck(?) ...
6'. tukumbi [...]
#tr.en: If ... touched ...
7'. im pa muszen-[na ...]
#tr.en: The “clay of the bird feather”/clay ... on the bird feather(?) ... stood/positioned/entered (on a tablet?)
8'. ki dub3 gam-ma#-[...]
#tr.en: From the “place of kneeling” ... bring out(?)
9'. lu2 kisal-la2#-[...]
#tr.en: The “man of/attached to the courtyard”... touched/adorned/chose the ground(?) ...
10'. tusz-u3 IGI [...]
#tr.en: Sit!(?) ...
11'. tukumbi# [...]
#tr.en: If ...
12'. dur2-ru-un# [...]
#tr.en: Sit! (pl.)(?) ...
13'. lu2# x [...]
#tr.en: ...
$ beginning broken
1'. x x [...]
2'. szesz gal-e [...]
#tr.en: The “big brother” ...
3'. im#!?-szu-ka-ne-ne-a-ka x [...] an#?-na x e#?-NE [...]
#tr.en: Their “tablets of the hand” ...
4'. umun2 ke3-da-ni x x x [...] al-du-un x [...]
#tr.en: His instruction to be given(?) ... comes ...
5'. lu2 tag-tag-ge-da-ke4#? x [...] sahar SZESZ ab-DU x [...]
#tr.en: The man “who is to (repeatedly) touch” ...
6'. lu2 bur2-ra-bi# al-DU-x [...] im-ma# bi2-in-x-[...]
#tr.en: The man ... the solution/release(?) ... on(?) clay
7'. dumu e2#?-dub#!?-ba#?-a#?-ke4#? x [...] x x [...]
#tr.en: Member of the eduba'a school(?) ...
8'. x x-na [...] x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
9'. [...] x [...]
UET 6, 0522 (P346560) 2326547
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 35: [...] x-ta mu-szi-mah ka-ta mu#?-[.
ur-{d}lamma-ra only appears a few times in words list
ki-gal-la-ta only appears a few times in words list
ulutim only appears a few times in words list
za3-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
PI-PI only appears a few times in words list
|MUSZxMUSZ| only appears a few times in words list
SUH only appears a few times in words list
asz-ba only appears a few times in words list
{d}szul!-gi only appears a few times in words list
ki-ur3-ba only appears a few times in words list
na5 only appears a few times in words list
e2-bur-se3-ga-ra only appears a few times in words list
na5{+na} only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}UL-bi only appears a few times in words list
TIR only appears a few times in words list
GAN-GAN only appears a few times in words list
LUL-bi only appears a few times in words list
URU-nam only appears a few times in words list
bar!-re only appears a few times in words list
|SZITAxUD| only appears a few times in words list
gi-x-ne only appears a few times in words list
|GISZGALxX| only appears a few times in words list
kun-zi-de3 only appears a few times in words list
in-TU only appears a few times in words list
SZESZ-zu only appears a few times in words list
ur-e2-un-nu11-si only appears a few times in words list
ur!-{d}lamma-ra only appears a few times in words list
gesz2-da-am3 only appears a few times in words list
PAD-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-mah only appears a few times in words list
mu-.. does not appear in words list
gesztux(|TUG2.PI|)-mah only appears a few times in words list
kikki only appears a few times in words list
ulutim only appears a few times in signs list
|MUSZxMUSZ| only appears a few times in signs list
|SZITAxUD| only appears a few times in signs list
|GISZGALxX| only appears a few times in signs list
gesztux(|TUG2.PI|) only appears a few times in signs list
kikki only appears a few times in signs list
&P346560 = UET 6, 0522
#atf: lang sux
@column i
1. ur-{d}lamma-ra {d}lamma ki-gal-la-ta [...]
#tr.en: For/that of(?) Ur-Lamma, the lamma protective deity, from/at (remotely) the platform(?) ...
2. ulutim sa6 alan za3-sze3#! gar AN {gesz}gal#? [...]
#tr.en: Beautiful features, a statue set in place, ... stand(?) ...
3. nar sag kesz2 i3-gal2 szir3 nam-nar PI-PI |MUSZxMUSZ| BI? x [...]
#tr.en: The “careful”(?) singer is present, the “song of musicianship” ...
4. kin2? mah kin2? galam eme SUH dara3 banda3{+da} za3 GALAM? x [...]
#tr.en: The supreme work(?), the crafty/elaborate work(?), (done in) the ... dialect/vocabulary(?), the “junior/rampant wild goat” (Enki?) ...
5. {d}szul-gi asz-ba a2 TE me di#?-ir-ga HI? RI IM#? [...]
#tr.en: Shulgi, alone(?), ... the rites and observances(?) ...
6. RI? szu UN NE NIR x TAR? IG x x SILA3? balag? mu x [...]
#tr.en: ... the balag drum(?) ...
7. {d}szul!-gi ki-ur3-ba x AN NUN kun? na5 de5-ga x he2-me-[...]
#tr.en: Shulgi ... in its Ki'ur building/foundations(?), ...., purified/set aside(?) ... you shall be(?)
9. ul |GA2xX| kalam-ma UD bar-ra-na NE x TUK bi2-in-x x [...]
#tr.en: The ... joy(?) of the land, the daylight? of/on his back(?) ...
10. e2?-bur?-se3-ga-ra ki x nam SI?-A na5{+na} de5 {gesz#}UL-bi x [...]
#tr.en: For(?) the “temple/shrine where the stone vessels are placed” the place ... purified/set apart ...
11. TIR? GAN?-GAN da RI LUL-bi na RU e EN? sza3 x [...]
#tr.en: …
12. |U.GA| dara3 banda3{+da} |SAL.LAGAR| la2 DU URU-nam nam SI?-A la2 [...]
#tr.en: ... the “junior/rampant wild goat” (Enki?), the emeš/usuh priestess(?) ...
13. dingir sza3-ne-sza4 a RU? bar!?-re TE? gesz-nu11 BAD? x [...]
#tr.en: The god who... compassion(?) ... light/eyesight ...
14. |SZITAxUD| {d}nun-bar-sze-gu-nu [...]
#tr.en: ... Nunbaršegunu (Nisaba) ...
15. x x x i x x x [...]
#tr.en: reverse
@column 1'?
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x x x [...]
2'. a#?-lal3? gi-x-ne x [...]
#tr.en: The alal structure/stone/pipe/water hoisting device(?) ...
3'. x NE DAR? SILA3? x u2 gi a x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
4'. KID2 x x x-na a |GISZGALxX| x BU a NIG2? [...]
#tr.en: ...
5'. kun-zi-de3 ku6#? nu-me-a x [...]
#tr.en: At the weir/dam there are no fish(?), ...
6'. suhur-la2 in#?-TU? x x nu#?-tuku#? x x da x [...]
#tr.en: The (wearer of?) the suhurla hairstyle(?) ... who does not have ...
7'. x GA2 NE x hul-gal2 x x [...]
#tr.en: ... evil ...
8'. si? du5? x x x x x x x ra x x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
9'. SI RU zu#? ME ra mud la2#? x ur3# x ga a RI x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
10'. SZESZ?-zu gir2? gal GI KA gig? AN da-ra x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
11'. |KAxX|#? KU? x sa?-hir#? szu IN sza-ra x x x x x [...]
#tr.en: ... the carrying net(?) ...
12'. x RU#? na IN LA x NIR NE x x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
13'. ur#?-e2-un#?-nu11#?-si x ba#? x x a x x [...]
#tr.en: Ur-Enenusi(?)...
14'. x x im?-DU x x bur NIG2? x-ra#?-na x da#? x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
15'. [...] x x GI x x MU x a x x x [...]
#tr.en: ....
16'. x x TE#? ti-la-bi#? a#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
17'. ur!-{d}lamma-ra gesz2-da-am3 x [...]
#tr.en: For/that of(?) Ur-Lamma, ... is sixty(?) ...
18'. PAD?-gu10 ga-i-i x [...]
#tr.en: ... I shall praise my ...
1. [...] x-ta mu-szi-mah ka-ta mu#?-[..]
#tr.en: Apart from/by means of ... made superior on behalf of ...(?), ... from the mouth(?)
2. [...] x gesztux(|TUG2.PI|)?-mah {d}en-ki-ke4 kikki? ga sag-e-esz SILA3? x [...]-rig7# [...]
#tr.en: ... superior wisdom(?) given as a gift ... by Enki ...(?)
UET 6, 0688 (P346725) 2326548
&P346725 = UET 6, 0688
#atf: lang sux
1. x [...]
2. lu2 x [...]
#tr.en: A man ...
3. munus nu-x-[...]
#tr.en: A woman does not ...
4. mu du-lum-ma x
#tr.en: A year(?) of toil ...
5. du5-mu du-lum-ma
#tr.en: A son(?) of toil
6. igi bar-bar-re
#tr.en: Look around!
7. gurusz kal-ga
#tr.en: A mighty man
8. u4 dili-am3
#tr.en: In one day (it being one day)
9. ba-an-ku4-re-en
#tr.en: You will become
UET 6, 0281 (P254873) 2326549
&P254873 = UET 6, 0281
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. dub3-tuku bar? in-dab5
#tr.en: The runner roamed around(?)
2. usu-tuku ba-da#-an#-kar
#tr.en: The strong person robbed
3. ka tuku e2-gal-la-sze3 ba#-ni-in-ku4
#tr.en: The “possessor of a mouth” entered into the palace
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000421, ex. 003 (P346562) 2326550
tar-tar-re-da-ni only appears a few times in words list
amar-{d}suen only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-zu-zu! only appears a few times in words list
&P346562 = CDLI Literary 000421, ex. 003
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface uncertain)
$ beginning broken
1'. en3#? tar-tar-re-da-ni [...] x [...] x x x [...]
#tr.en: His inquiry to be made ...
2'. amar-{d}suen# lu2 tar-ra-ni sza3-bi nu-mu-un-zu-zu!
#tr.en: Amar-Suen, the one making the inquiry(!?), did not ascertain its contents
$ (surface uncertain)
1. en nun gal-an#-zu {d}[...]
#tr.en: Lord, ruler, wise one, ...
UET 6, 0282 (P254874) 2326551
&P254874 = UET 6, 0282
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. kiszi6 {gesz}asal2#-gin7
2. al-e11#
3. al-e11#-de3
#tr.en: Like ant (on?) a poplar tree(?), ... came up and (keeps) coming up
$ blank space
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 026 (P346221) 2326552
keszx(|SZU2.AN|){ki}-kam only appears a few times in words list
e3-kisz-nu-gal2-la-na only appears a few times in words list
{d}ud-sahar-ra only appears a few times in words list
e4-du11-ga only appears a few times in words list
dab-ba-ba6 only appears a few times in words list
dab-ba-u2 only appears a few times in words list
lagaszx(|SZIR.BUR.LA.DIL.BUR|){ki}-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
{d}ma-ze2-ze2 only appears a few times in words list
sirarax(|UD.DAR.AB.BI.DAR|)-a only appears a few times in words list
{d}ga-sza-an-mar{ki} only appears a few times in words list
lil2-...-in-gar only appears a few times in words list
nu-e-du7 only appears a few times in words list
im-mu-e-de3-kur2-ra only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-ib-bala only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-da-til-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-da-tab2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-ku-ku-u3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
pe-el-na only appears a few times in words list
ma!-al-DA-al-la only appears a few times in words list
{lu2}nu-nuz only appears a few times in words list
men3 only appears a few times in words list
ma-al-ma-al-...-bi only appears a few times in words list
ma-al-ma-al-la-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-...-duh-a only appears a few times in words list
gul-lu-da only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-la2-... only appears a few times in words list
ge6-u3-na-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ge6-u3-na-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-mu-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-usz-in-ga-ma-ni-ib-de6 only appears a few times in words list
ma-gal2-la-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
amar-bi-gin7-nam only appears a few times in words list
ni2-sze3-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-mu-da-an-sa2-e only appears a few times in words list
uru2{ki}-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
gar-ba only appears a few times in words list
...-ra-mu-da-ab-... only appears a few times in words list
na-ag2-...-an-na-... only appears a few times in words list
...-re-esz-am3 only appears a few times in words list
...-ab-us2-e only appears a few times in words list
...-me-a-ke4-esz only appears a few times in words list
...-ga-ba-e-da-tab-... only appears a few times in words list
...-an-gar-ra-... only appears a few times in words list
lagaszx(|SZIR.BUR.LA.DIL.BUR|) only appears a few times in signs list
sirarax(|UD.DAR.AB.BI.DAR|) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346221 = CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 026
#atf: lang sux
1. [...] musz3 mu-ni-in-ga#-[am3 ...]
#tr.en: He has ceased in the cattlepen, an empty wind (is set, smites?) his sheepfold is an empty wind
2. [...] musz3 mu-ni-in-ga-am3# [...]
#tr.en: The wild bull has ceased in the cattlepen, his sheepfold is an empty wind
3. [...] musz3 mu-ni-in-ga-am3# [...]
#tr.en: The lord of the lands has ceased there, his sheepfold is an empty wind
4. [...]{ki#?} musz3 mu-ni-in-ga-am3# [...]
#tr.en: The lord of the lands has ceased there, his sheepfold is an empty wind
5. [...] musz3 mu-ni-in-ga-am3# [...]
#tr.en: His spouse Ninlil has ceased there, her sheepfold is an empty wind
6. [... ki]-ur3-ra musz3 mu-ni-in-ga-am3# [...]
#tr.en: Ninlil has ceased in the temple in the Ki'ur complex, her sheepfold is an empty wind
7. [...] musz3 mi-ni-in-[ga-am3 ...]
#tr.en: The lady of Kesh has ceased there, her sheepfold is an empty wind
8. [...]-bi keszx(|SZU2.AN|){ki}-kam? musz3 mi-ni-in#-<ga>-am3# [...]
#tr.en: Ninmah has ceased in the temple in Kesh, her sheepfold is an empty wind
9. [...] musz3 mi-ni-in-ga-am3 amasz-[...]
#tr.en: The one of Isin has ceased there, her sheepfold is an empty wind
10. [...]-ke4# e2-bi esz3 e2-gal-mah musz3# mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3# [...]
#tr.en: NinIsina has ceased in shrine Egalmah, her sheepfold is an empty wind
11. [... musz3] mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 [...]
#tr.en: The lady of the region of Uruk has ceased there, her sheepfold is an empty wind
12. [...] unu{ki}-ga musz3# mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3# [...]
#tr.en: Inanna has ceased in the temple in the region of Uruk, her sheepfold is an empty wind
13. [...] uri2#{ki#}-ma musz3# mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 [...]
#tr.en: Nanna has ceased in shrine Urim, his sheepfold is an empty wind
14. [...] e3-kisz-nu-gal2-la#?-na musz3# mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 [...]
#tr.en: Suen has ceased in his Ekišnugal temple, his sheepfold is an empty wind
15. dam#-ni# ga-sza-an#-[gal]-e musz3# mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 [...]
#tr.en: His spouse Ningal has ceased there, her sheepfold is an empty wind
16. {d}ga-sza-an-<gal>-e e2#-bi# agrun-ku3-ga musz3 mi-ni#-in-<ga>-am3 amasz#-[a-ni] lil2#-la2
#tr.en: Ningal has ceased in the temple, in her holy cella, her sheepfold is an empty wind
17. am uru2-ze2#{ki}-ba-ke4# musz3 mi-ni-in#-<ga>-am3 amasz#-a-ni# lil2-la2
#tr.en: The wild bull of Eridu has ceased there, his sheepfold is an empty wind
18. dam#-an#-ki-ke4 uru2-ze2{ki}-ba-ke4 musz3# mi#-ni-[in-<ga>-am3] amasz#-a-ni# lil2-la2
#tr.en: Enki has ceased in the temple of Eridu, his sheepfold is an empty wind
19. {d}szara2 e2-mah-a musz3# [mi]-ni#-in#-[<ga>-am3 amasz]-a#-ni# lil2-la2
#tr.en: Šara has ceased in the Emah temple, his sheepfold is an empty wind
20. {d}ud-sahar-ra e2-bi umma{ki} musz3# mi#-ni-in-[<ga>-am3 amasz-a-ni] lil2-la2
#tr.en: Udsahara has ceased in the temple in Umma, her sheepfold is an empty wind
21. {d}ba-ba6 iri-ku3-ga musz3# mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3# [amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2]
#tr.en: Baba has ceased in the Irikug precinct, her sheepfold is an empty wind
22. e4-du11-ga ama5#-na musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 [amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2]
#tr.en: She has ceased the Eduga(!?), her chamber, her sheepfold is an empty wind
23. ama-ni dab-ba-ba6 musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 [amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2]
#tr.en: Her mother, Abbaba, has ceased there, her sheepfold is an empty wind
24. dab-ba-u2 ma-gu2#-en-na musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 [amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2]
#tr.en: Abbau has ceased in the Maguena shrine, her sheepfold is an empty wind
25. {d}lamma e2-[...] musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga> am3# amasz#-[a-ni# lil2-la2]
#tr.en: The protective lamma spirit of the temple has ceased there, her sheepfold is an empty wind
26. {d}lamma-re e2-tar-sir2-sir2-ra musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3# amasz-a#-ni# [lil2-la2]
#tr.en: The protective lamma spirit has ceased in the Etarsirsir temple, her sheepfold is an empty wind
27. um-ma# lagaszx(|SZIR.BUR.LA.DIL.BUR|){ki}-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3# amasz-a#-ni# lil2#-la2#
#tr.en: The matron of lagaš has ceased there, her sheepfold is an empty wind
28. {d}ma-ze2-ze2 e2-bi lagasz#{ki}-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2
#tr.en: gatumdug has ceased in the temple in lagaš, her sheepfold is an empty wind
29. mu-lu nigin6?{ki} musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2
#tr.en: The one of Nina has ceased there, her sheepfold is an empty wind
30. {d}ga-sza-an gu-la e2-bi# sirarax(|UD.DAR.AB.BI.DAR|)-a musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2
#tr.en: The greatest lady (Nanše) has ceased in the temple in Sirara(?), her sheepfold is an empty wind
31. mu-lu ki-nir-sza4{ki}-ke4# musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2
#tr.en: The one of Kinirša has ceased there, his sheepfold is an empty wind
32. {d}dumu-zi-abzu e2#-bi# ki-nir-sza4{ki}-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2
#tr.en: Dumuzi-Abzu has ceased in the temple in Kinirša, his sheepfold is an empty wind
33. mu-lu gu2-ab#-ba{ki} musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2
#tr.en: The one of Gu'abba has ceased there, her sheepfold is an empty wind
34. {d}ga-sza-an-mar#{ki#} e2-bi gu2-ab-ba{ki} musz3 mi-ni-in-<ga>-am3 amasz-a-ni# lil2-la2
#tr.en: Ninmar has ceased in the temple in Gu'abba, her sheepfold is an empty wind
35. ki-ru-gu2 disz-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the first kirugu
36. amasz-a-ni# lil2#-[...]-in-gar i-si-isz-bi mu-un-kusz2-u3
#tr.en: An empty wind is set in his sheepfold, its lament exhausts him
37. ab2 gu3#-zu#? tur3-ra nu-ma-al tur3 nun nu-e-du7
#tr.en: Cow, your moo is not present in the cattlepen, the cattlepen is no longer suitable for the prince(?)
38. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im
#tr.en: It is its {geš}gigal “response”
39. uru2# [...] gig-ga a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: City whose lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
40. a-[...] gig-ga uru2# a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Your lament is bitter, city, initiate your lament!
41. uru2 zi gul-la#-na a-sze-er-bi gig-ga-am3
#tr.en: The lament of his destroyed true city is bitter
42. uri2#{ki} gul#-la#-na a-sze-er-bi gig-ga-am3
#tr.en: The lament of his destroyed Urim is bitter
43. a-sze-er-zu gig#-ga#-am3 ga-sza-an gal-zu mu-lu er2-ra en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3
#tr.en: Your lament is bitter, your “great lady” (Ningal), the one who laments, how long will it exhaust her?
44. a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 {d}nanna mu-lu er2-ra en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3
#tr.en: Your lament is bitter, Nanna, the one who laments, how long will it exhaust him?
45. sze-eb e2-kur-ra a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Brickwork of Ekur, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
46. ki-ur3 ki gal-la a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Ki'ur, the great place, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
47. ub#-szu#-ukken-na a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Ubšu'ukken assembly place, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
48. esz3 nibru#{ki} uru2 a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Shrine Nibru, city, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
49. sze-eb i3-si#-[in]-na{ki} a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Brickwork of Isin, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
50. esz3 e2-gal-mah a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Shrine Egalmah, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
51. sze-eb uri2{ki}-ma a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Brickwork of Urim, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
52. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Ekišnugal temple, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
53. esz3 agrun-ku3-ga a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Shrine Agrunkuga, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
54. sze-eb uru2-ze2{ki}-ba-ke4 a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Brickwork of Eridu, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
55. sze-eb uru2-ku3-ga a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Brickwork of the Irikug precinct, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
56. ma-gu2-en-na a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: Maguenna shrine, the lament is bitter, initiate your lament!
57. a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 ga-sza-an gal-zu mu-lu er2-ra en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3
#tr.en: Your lament is bitter, your “great lady” (Ningal), the one who laments, how long will it exhaust her?
58. a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 {d}nanna mu-lu er2-ra en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3
#tr.en: Your lament is bitter, Nanna, the one who laments, how long will it exhaust her?
59. uru2 mu-zu i3-ma-al za-e ba-e-da-gul-e
#tr.en: City, your name is (still) present, but you will be destroyed to my/your detriment(?)
1. uru2 bad3-zu nigin2#-na-ka kalam-zu ba-e-da-til
#tr.en: City, your walls (may be) “those of encircling/totality"(i.e., they may still be complete?), but your land is finished to my/your detriment(?)
2. uru2-gu10 u8 zi-gin7 sila4-zu ba-e-da-til
#tr.en: My city, like a fecund ewe, your lamb is finished to my/your detriment(?)
3. uri2{ki}-ma ud5 zi-gin7# masz2-zu ba-e-da-til
#tr.en: Urim, like a fecund she-goat, your kid is finished to my/your detriment(?)
4. uru2{ki} garza-zu# im-mu-e-de3-kur2-ra
#tr.en: City, your rites are changed to my/your detriment(?)
5. me-zu me kur2-ra szu bala ba-ni-ib-bala
#tr.en: Your ordinances have been changed into strange ordinances
6. a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 ga-sza-an gal-zu mu-lu er2-ra en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3
#tr.en: Your lament is bitter, your “great lady” (Ningal), the one who laments, how long will it exhaust her?
7. a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 {d}nanna mu-lu er2-ra en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3
#tr.en: Your lament is bitter, Nanna, the one who laments, how long will it exhaust him?
8. ki-ru-gu2 2(disz)-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the 2nd kirugu
9. uru2 zi gul-la-na a-sze-er-bi gig-ga-am3
#tr.en: When ... destroys the true city, the lament is bitter
10. uri2{ki} gul-la-na a-sze-er-bi gig-ga-am3
#tr.en: When ... destroys Urim, the lament is bitter
11. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im
#tr.en: It is its {geš}gigal “response”
12. nin-bi iri hul-a-ta iri-ni er2-ra ba-an-di-ni#-ib#-gar
#tr.en: The lady, after the city was destroyed, her city initiated a lament along with her(?)
13. {d}nin-gal lu2 kalam-ma ba-e#-da-til#-e#
#tr.en: Ningal, who is finished in the land to my/your detriment(?)
14. uri2{ki}-ma a-sze-er gig-ga bar-ba ba-e-da-tab2#?
#tr.en: (The former inhabitants of) Urim are inconsolable(!?) with bitter lamentation to my/your detriment(?)
15. munus zi nin iri-ni-sze3 kusz2-u3-de3
#tr.en: The true woman, the lady who is to exhaust herself on behalf of her city
16. {d}nin-gal kalam-ma-ni-sze3 u3 nu-ku-ku-u3-de3
#tr.en: Ningal, who is not to sleep on behalf of her land
17. e-ne-ra nam iri{ki}-na mu-un-te er2 gig mu-sze8-sze8
#tr.en: For her the fate of the city approaches, she weeps bitterly
18. nin-ga2 nam e2-na mu-un#-te# er2 gig mu-sze8-sze8#
#tr.en: Upon my lady/that of my lady(?) the fate of the temple approaches(?), she weeps bitterly
19. nam iri hul-a-na mu-un#-te# er2 gig mu-sze8-sze8#
#tr.en: The fate of her destroyed city approaches, she weeps bitterly
20. nam# e2 pe-el-na mu-un#-te er2 gig mu-sze8#-sze8#
#tr.en: The fate of her defiled city approaches, she weeps bitterly
21. [...]-e ad-da-a balag er2-ra ki# al-gar-ra-ba
#tr.en: The lady, after that of the voice(!?), the balag drum/lyre of lamentation, was being 'founded'(?)
22. [...] x si-ga tur-tur-bi ni2-te-na mi-ni-ib-be2
#tr.en: She herself was minimally( i.e., softly?) intoning an ilu lament/intoning little ilu laments(?) (of) the silenced ...
23. [...] ma#!?-al-DA-al-la i-si-isz-bi ma-la2
#tr.en: The storm that is set (for me), its sorrow/wailing hangs upon me
24. {lu2#}nu#-nuz# men3 u4 ma-al-ma-al-la
#tr.en: I am the woman whom the storm is set (for)
25. u4 ma-al-ma-al#-[...]-bi mu-un-kusz2-u3
#tr.en: The storm that is set (for me), its sorrow/wailing exhausts me(!)
26. u4-da u4 gig-ga <<ga>> ma#-ra# ma-al-ma-al-la-am3?
#tr.en: The storm, the bitter storm, is set for me
27. me!-e u4-bi-sze3 zarah# he2-em-szi-ak#
#tr.en: And therefore I wail because of that storm
28. u4-da a2-bi-sze3 ba#-ra-ba-ra-an-e3-[e]
#tr.en: Because of the power/wing(?) of the storm, I(!) cannot bring out(?) ...
29. u4 tur-bi-sze3 bala-ga2 u4 sa6-ga bala#-ga2# u4 sa6-ga igi ba-ra-[...]-duh#-a
#tr.en: And therefore, (even) for a short length of days(?), in my reign, propitious days, in my reign, propitious days ... has not seen
30. ge6-da ge6 a2-bi-sze3 ma-ra ma-al#-ma-al-la#?
#tr.en: Along with(?) the night, because of the power of the night that is set for me
31. me ge6-bi-sze3 zarah# he2-em-szi-ak
#tr.en: And therefore I wail because of that night
32. ge6-da a2-bi-sze3 ba-ra-ba#-ra-an-e3-e
#tr.en: Because of the power/wing(?) of(!) the night, I(!) cannot bring out(?) ...
33. u4 uru2-gin7 gul-lu-da ni2-bi-a ha-ma-la2-[...]
#tr.en: The storm that is about to destroy like a flood, hangs for me by itself/in its aura(?)
34. na-ag2-bi-sze3 ki-nu2 ge6#-u3-na-ga2#?
#tr.en: Because of this, in my bed chamber of the night
35. ki-nu2 ge6-u3-na-gu10 lib ba-ra-mu-gal2
#tr.en: Calm sleep is not put (in?) my bedchamber of the night
36. na-ag2-bi-sze3 ki-nu2 gesz#-la2-a-bi
#tr.en: Because of this, the silencing of the bedchamber
37. ki-nu2 gesz-la2-a-bi nu-usz-in-ga#-ma#-ni-ib-de6
#tr.en: If only ... would also bring the silencing of the bedchamber
38. ka-na-ag2-gu10 ag2-gig-ga ma-gal2-la-ke4-esz
#tr.en: Because anathema was placed (in?) my land for me(!?)
39. ab2 amar-bi-gin7-nam ki zu he2-em#-mi-ib#-ak
#tr.en: Like a cow with its calf, it ... the ground
40. ka-na-ag2-gu10 ni2-sze3-am3 ba-ra#-mu-da-an-sa2-e
#tr.en: My land, regarding itself(?), does not compare with (me)(!?)
41. uru2{ki}-gu10 du-lum gig ba-gal2#-[la]-ke4#?-[esz]
#tr.en: Because bitter toil was placed (in?) my city
42. muszen an-na-gin7 a2 dub2 [...]
#tr.en: I flap my wings towards it like a bird of the sky
43. me uru2-ga2 [...]
#tr.en: I fly towards my city
44. uru2 ki gar-ba he2-en-ga-[...]
#tr.en: (But) so to (i.e., nevertheless?) the city is destroyed where it was founded to my detriment
45. uri2#{ki#}-ma# ki-nu2-bi-a he2-en#-[...]
#tr.en: (But) so to (i.e., nevertheless?) Urim is finished in its bedchamber to my detriment
46. [...] an-ta# ba-gal2#-[...]
#tr.en: Because the power of the storm was placed from above/superior (to me)(?)
47. [...]-dub2#? edin#-na u4 [...]-e# he2#-em#-ma#-na#?-du11#?
#tr.en: I screamed and said to him “storm, you shall stay confined to the steppe”
48. [...]-ra#-mu-da#-ab-[...]
#tr.en: But the breast of the storm would not rise away from me
49. [...]-ga#? e2 na-ag2#-[...]-an-na-[...]
50. [...]-re-esz-am3#
#tr.en: (Saying?) The lady, they must not put distant days (for me) into the reign of the Agrunkug temple, (the temple of my ladyship)
51. [...]-ab-us2#-e#?
#tr.en: She shall found (only) weeping and lamentation
52. [...]-me-a#-ke4-esz#
#tr.en: Because this temple is the site of liver pleasing of the black-headed
53. [...]-ga#?-ba-e-da#-tab#?-[...]
#tr.en: Anger and distress shall also be doubled on behalf of/by means of its festival to your detriment
54. [...] x-a e2 IGI# [...]
#tr.en: ...
55. [...] hu-mu#-[...]
#tr.en: They shall continually bring despair, lament and anathema, lament and anathema
56. [...]-an-gar-ra-[...]
#tr.en: My temple which was established by the just man
CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 008 (P346254) 2326553
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 10: dur3{urx}(
na-mu-un-de5-ga only appears a few times in words list
szuruppak{ki!} only appears a few times in words list
nam-bi2-bar-ra only appears a few times in words list
na-ab-ta-bala-e only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-szi-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
dur3{urx}|GA2xKAL| does not appear in words list
ga-GA2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-e-uru4-re only appears a few times in words list
na-an-ni-dun-... only appears a few times in words list
nam-bi2-ib2-la2-e only appears a few times in words list
gal2-la!-am3 only appears a few times in words list
sza-ba-dab5-be2 only appears a few times in words list
nam-mu-ak-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-sal-la-e-a only appears a few times in words list
na-an-...-bi only appears a few times in words list
dux(|LU2xKAR2|)-da-ka only appears a few times in words list
...-bi2-gub-...-x only appears a few times in words list
lu2-...-ku4 only appears a few times in words list
nigin2-nam-ma-ni-ib only appears a few times in words list
mi-si-ISZ-x only appears a few times in words list
ul-dab only appears a few times in words list
nam-bi2-ib-bar-ra only appears a few times in words list
...-an-ak only appears a few times in words list
nam-mu-un-KA-x only appears a few times in words list
...-mu2-de3 only appears a few times in words list
...-gur5-gu2-gu2 only appears a few times in words list
...-tar-tar-re only appears a few times in words list
nig2-zuh-a only appears a few times in words list
sza-ba-...-ib-su-su only appears a few times in words list
gesz-bur-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
x-szi-ib2-la2-e only appears a few times in words list
nu-kin2-ga2-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
nu-si-ga-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
...-hun-e only appears a few times in words list
na-ab-...-e-zal only appears a few times in words list
na-an-...-in-sa4 only appears a few times in words list
...-ra-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
x-...-x-szub-be2 only appears a few times in words list
szul-hi only appears a few times in words list
na-...-x-gul-... only appears a few times in words list
na-an-gur!-re only appears a few times in words list
sza-ba-e-...-x-kur2 only appears a few times in words list
szi-mu-un-szi-ib2-da13-da13 only appears a few times in words list
na-ab-ta!-bala-e only appears a few times in words list
nam-bi2-duh-e only appears a few times in words list
...-mu-gu7-en only appears a few times in words list
nam-us2-sa only appears a few times in words list
GISZ-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-x-du11 only appears a few times in words list
szi-sir5-re only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-e-KAR2-... only appears a few times in words list
urx does not appear in signs list
|GA2xKAL| does not appear in signs list
&P346254 = CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 008
#atf: lang sux
1. [...] u4 su3-ra2 re-a
1. [...] u4 su3-ra2 ri-a
#tr.en: In those distant days, in those (even more) distant days
>>Q000782 001
2. [...] ge6 bad-ra2 re-a
2. [...] ge6 bad-ra2 ri-a
#tr.en: In those distant nights, in those (even more) distant nights
>>Q000782 002
3. [...] re#-a# mu su3-ra2 re-a
3. [...] ri#-a# mu su3-ra2 ri-a
#tr.en: In those distant years, in those (even more) distant years
>>Q000782 003
4. [...]-ba gesztu2-tuku inim-galam inim-zu-a kalam-ma til-la-am3
4. u4#-ba gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|) tuku-ga14-kam inim# zu-a kalam-ma til#?-la#-am3
#tr.en: At that time he was the one of wisdom, the one aware of events, was resident in the land
>>Q000782 004
5. szuruppak{ki} gesztu2 tuku inim galam inim zu-a kalam-ma til-la-a
5. szuruppak{ki}-e gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|) tuku-ga14-kam# inim zu-a kalam-ma til-la-am3
#tr.en: (The resident of?) Šuruppak, he was the one of wisdom, the one aware of events, was resident in the land
>>Q000782 005
6. szuruppak{ki}-e dumu-ni-ra na na-mu-un-de5-ga-am3
6. szuruppak{ki}-e dumu#-ni#-ra na na-mu-un-de5-ga#?
#tr.en: (The resident of?) Šuruppak instructed
>>Q000782 006
7. szuruppak{ki} dumu ubar-tu-tu-ke4
7. szuruppak{ki!} dumu# ubur-tu-tu-ke4
#tr.en: (The resident of?) Shuruppak, the son of Ubartutu
>>Q000782 007
8. zi-u4-su3-ra2 dumu-ni-ra na na-mu-un-de5-de5
8. zi-u4-su3-ra2 dumu#-ni-ra na na-mu-un-de5-de5
#tr.en: Was instructing his son Ziusudra
>>Q000782 008
9. dumu-mu na ga-de5 na-de5-mu he2-dab5
9. dumu-gu10 na ga-de5# na de5-gu10 he2-dab5
#tr.en: My son, I shall instruct, may my instruction be grasped
>>Q000782 009
10. na-de5-ga-mu szu nam-bi2-bar-ra
10. na de5#-ga#-gu10# szu nam-bi2-bar-ra
#tr.en: One should not forget my instruction
>>Q000782 011
11. inim du11-ga-mu na-ab-ta-bala-e
11. inim# du11-ga na#-ab-ta-bala-e
#tr.en: One should not transgress (my) spoken word
>>Q000782 012
12. na#-de5 ab-ba nig2-kal-la gu2-zu he2-em-szi-ak-e
12. na# de5 ab-ba nig2 kal-la gu2-zu# he2#-em-szi-ke3-e
#tr.en: The advice of an elder is something precious, one should pay attention to it
>>Q000782 013
13. dur3 ur3# gu3-di na-ab-sa10#-sa10# erin2-zu sza-ra-ab-si-il
13. dur3{urx}(|GA2xKAL|) gu3 di na-ab-sa10#-sa10 erin2#-zu sza-ra#-ab#-si-il#
#tr.en: One should not buy a braying male donkey, it will split apart your workforce
>>Q000782 014
14. GAN2 kaskal-[la] nam-bi2-ib2-ga2-ga2 nam#-silig ga-ga2-am3
14. GAN2# kaskal#?-[...] nam-bi2-ib2-ga2-ga2 nam-silig ga-GA2-am3
#tr.en: One should not put down a field (on) a road, there will be crushing/growling(!?) force
>>Q000782 015
15. a-sza3# kaskal# ka#-giri3-ka nam-ba-e-ur11#-re# ze2-bulug-ga-am3
15. a-sza3#? kaskal# ka#?-giri3-ka nam-ba-e#-uru4#?-re x-u3 bulug-ga-am3
#tr.en: One should not cultivate a field on a road or pathway, there will be ... of the boundary stake(s)
>>Q000782 016
16. GAN2# [...]-am3 pu2 na-an-du3-[...]-e# sza-ri-eb-hul-hul
16. GAN2#-zu#?-am3 pu2 na-an-ni-dun#?-[...] ug3# sza-ri-ib-hul-hul
#tr.en: Do not dig(?) a well/cistern in(!) your field, the people will(?) destroy it for you
>>Q000782 017
17. e2# [x x]-la nam-bi2-ib2-la2-e kesz2#-da# gal2#-la-am3
17. e2#!? [...]-la nam-bi2-ib2-la2-e kesz2#?-da#? gal2-la!-am3
#tr.en: Do not attach a house(?) to the broad street/town square, there is “binding"(?) (there)
>>Q000782 018
18. szu du3#-a# nu#-mu-un-ti lu2#-bi# sza-ba-e-dab5-be2
18. szu-du3#?-a# nu#-mu-un-ti lu2#-bi sza-ba-dab5-be2
#tr.en: If one has not accepted(?) a pledge(?) (on his behalf?), that man will seize (you)(?)
>>Q000782 019
19. za-e# [szu] du3-a nam-mu-e-[ak] lu2# sag bi2-ib2-sal-la-e-a
19. za-e# [szu] szu#?-du3#-a nam-mu-ak#-[...] lu2# sag bi2-ib2-sal-la-e-a
#tr.en: You, do not make a pledge(?), the one (on whose behalf it was made) will denigrate it(?)
>>Q000782 020
20. lu2#-[ra] igi-du8-a na-an-[...]-bi sza-re#-eb#-su#-su#
20. lu2#-[...] igi# duh-a na-an#-[...]-bi sza-ri#?-ib#-su#-su
#tr.en: One should not look at (spy on, inspect?) a man, the flood will devastate you(?)
>>Q000782 021
21. ki du14#-da#-ka nam#-bi2#-DU#-[x]-de3#
21. ki dux(|LU2xKAR2|)#?-da#?-ka [...]-bi2#?-gub#?-[...]-x
#tr.en: One should not stand (i.e., remain) where there is a quarrel
>>Q000782 022
22. du14-de3 lu2 [...]-ku4
22. dux(|LU2xKAR2|)#?-de3# lu2#-[...]-ku4
#tr.en: One should not become a witness in the quarrel
>>Q000782 023
23. du14#-de3 ni2-[...]
23. dux(|LU2xKAR2|)#?-de3# ni2# [...]
#tr.en: Do not make yourself known in the quarrel (i.e., conceal your identity?)
>>Q000782 024
24. x x x [...]
24-25. [...] x [...]
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000782 025
25. [...]-x ba-sig
26. [...] x x
#tr.en: Set quarreling aside
>>Q000782 026
26. [...]-ra#? nam#-ma#-ni-ib
27. [...]-x nigin2-nam-ma#-ni-ib
#tr.en: Regarding abuse, go around it with a different street (instead)
>>Q000782 027
27. [...] ni2-zu na-an-usz2-e
28. [...] ni2#-zu na-an-usz2#-e
#tr.en: One should not steal anything (and thus) kill yourself (by incurring punishment)
>>Q000782 028
28. [...] x mi-si-sahar al nam-me
29. [...]-x mi-si-ISZ-x? al nam-me
#tr.en: One should not break into a house (and thus) desire the treasure box
>>Q000782 029
29. [...] na#-nam# ul-dab5 sag na-nam
30. [...] na#-nam# ul-dab sag na-nam#
#tr.en: The thief is indeed a pirig monster, (but) after he is caught, he is indeed a slave
>>Q000782 030
30. [...] gaz# nam-mu-u3-ak-e [...] x bur2#-re nam-bi2-ib-bar-ra
31-32. [... sa]-gaz# nam-mu-u3-ak-e [...] x bur2#-re nam-bi2-ib-bar-ra
#tr.en: My son, one should not rob, do not “hew” yourself(?)
>>Q000782 031
31. [...] na#-an-ak ni2-zu na-an-[x-x]
33. [...]-an-ak ni2-zu na-an-[...]
#tr.en: Do not sexually penetrate(?) the bridegroom, do not ... yourself
>>Q000782 032
1. [ki-sikil dam] tuku#-da# [...] nam-mu-un-KA-e inim sig-ga# mah#-[am3]
1. [...] tuku#-da# [...] nam-mu-un-KA-x inim-sig-ga [...]
#tr.en: Do not “play”(?) with a married young woman, the slander (arising from it) is formidable
>>Q000782 033
2. [...] lu2 dam tuku#-da# dur2 nam-bi2#-e-ga2-ga2
2. [...] lu2# dam tuku#-da# dur2# nam-bi2#-e#-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: My son, one should not sit in a chamber(?) with someone who is married
>>Q000782 034
3. [...]-mu2#-de3 ni2 zu na-an-[pe]-el-la2
3. [...]-mu2#?-de3 ni2-zu na-an-pe#-el-la2
#tr.en: One should not quarrel and (thus) spoil yourself
>>Q000782 035
4. [...]-gur5#-gur5 sag gu2 sal#-sal#-la
4. [...]-gur5#?-gu2-gu2 sag gu2 sal#-sal#-la#
#tr.en: Do not ... lies, (the act?) “thins out/flattens the head/denigrates and ...?”
>>Q000782 036
5. [...]-tar#-re inim-zu gar-ra#-am3#
5. [...]-tar#-tar#-re inim-zu gar-ra#-am3#
#tr.en: One should not boast/(overly) praise, your word is set (within it)
>>Q000782 037
6. [x] nam#-gi4-gi4 igi-dugud nu-mu-un-da-il2
6. [...] nam#-gi4-gi4 igi dugud nu-mu-un-da-il2#
#tr.en: One should not advise, a serious gaze is(?) never lifted away from him(?)
>>Q000782 038
7. lu2#-[da] nig2#-zuh-a nam-mu-da-gu7-e
7. lu2#-[...] nig2-zuh-a nam-mu-da-gu7-e
#tr.en: One should not eat/consume something stolen(?) with someone else
>>Q000782 039
8. szu#-[zu usz2]-am3# na-di-ni-ib-su-su
8. szu#-[...] x na-di-ni-ib#-su-su#?
#tr.en: If your hands are bloody(?) one should not submerge them in ...(?)
>>Q000782 040
9. giri3# ur5#-re gu4 sza-ba#-[re]-eb-su-su udu sza-ba-re-eb-su-su
9. giri3#? HAR#?-re gu4 sza-ba#?-[...]-ib-su-su# udu# sza#-ba-ri-ib-su#-su#
#tr.en: One should replace a scratched/ground down(?) bone/foot(?) with an (entire) ox or a sheep(?)
>>Q000782 041
10. u3-nu-gar-ra na-ab-be2-e#
10. u3-nu-gar-ra x-[...] na-ab-be2-e
#tr.en: One should not speak ... with inappropriateness
>>Q000782 042
11. egir-bi gesz-par3-gim szi#-i#-szi-ib2-la2-e
11. egir-bi gesz-bur-gin7 [...] x x-szi-ib2-la2-e
#tr.en: Or else in the future(?), like a trap, ... will bind ... to you(?)
>>Q000782 043
12. u2 nu-kin-ga2-sze3 udu-zu sag2# nam-me
12. u2 nu-kin2-ga2-sze3 udu-zu sag2# nam-me
#tr.en: One should not scatter your sheep towards (a place where) pasture has not been sought (before)
>>Q000782 044
13. usz nu-se3-ga-sze3 [...]-x
13. us2 nu-si-ga-sze3 [...]-hun-e
#tr.en: One should not hire the ox of another man for (work on) a property line that is not set
>>Q000782 045
14. usz se3 [...]-am3
14. us2 si-ga [...]-am3
#tr.en: A set property line is a set road
>>Q000782 046
15. kaskal ge6 na-an-du-un# [...] hul#-a
#tr.en: Do not go (on) a road (at) night, its midst is (both) good and evil (portending?)
>>Q000782 047
16. ansze-edin-na na-ab#-[...]-e-zal
#tr.en: One should not buy an onager you will have spend the day with at its side
>>Q000782 048
17. geme2-zu gesz3 na-an-[...]-in-sa4
#tr.en: One should not have sex with your female worker, she will chew you up(?)
>>Q000782 049
18. u2 a2 zi-da# [...]-nigin#
18. u2 a2 zi-da#? [...]-ni10#-ni10
#tr.en: One should not curse(!) with/at your right side(?), ... will return ... towards (your?) hand(?)
>>Q000782 050
19. a szu nu-gid2-de3# [...]-ra-gal2
19. a szu nu-gid2#-de3# [...]-ra-gal2
#tr.en: Do not pour/bring out(?) water that has not been examined/accepted(?), weakened arms(?) are there for you
>>Q000782 051
20. mah-bi# [...]-szub-be2
20. mah-bi# nig2#?-[...] x-[...]-x-szub-be2#
#tr.en: Abandon something that is long/offered(?) with pomp(?) and it will abandon ...(?)
>>Q000782 052
21. a2-tuku na-an-usz2-e szul#-hi na-[an-gul]-e
21. a2#-tuku na-an#-usz2#?-e szul#-hi na-[...]-x-gul#?-[...]
#tr.en: One should not kill a strong man or destroy the outer wall
>>Q000782 063
22. [x] na-an-usz2-e ere#-ta na-an-gur-re#
22. x-x na-an#-usz2#-e iri#-ta na-an#-gur!-re#
#tr.en: One should not kill a young man/worker(?) (or) turn him away from the city
>>Q000782 064
23. [x x] na-an-bad-e lu2-bi sza-ba-e-x-x-kur2
23. [... na]-an#-bad#-e lu2-bi sza-ba-e#-[...]-x-kur2?
#tr.en: One should not remove a debt-bearer, that man will be(?) estranged to you
>>Q000782 053
24. [...] asza5 nam-ba-e-ga2-[ga2-an]
24. [...] GAN2 nam-ba-e-ga2-ga2#
#tr.en: One should not put down a field adjacent to an arrogant/shy(?) (person)
>>Q000782 054
25. [...]-de3# szi-mu-en-szi-ib-szub-szub
25. [...]-de3# szi-mu-un-szi-ib2-da13#?-da13#?
#tr.en: He will leave it to you to go to(?) that female worker
>>Q000782 055
26. ere#{ki#?} lu2#-ka na-ab-ta-bala-e
26. x [...] lu2#-ka na-ab-ta!-bala-e
#tr.en: One should not rebel from the ... of that man
>>Q000782 056
27. igi# du-un [igi] du#-un szi-mu#-un#-szi-ib2-be2-e-ne
27. igi# du-un# [igi] du#-un szi-mu#-un#-szi-ib2-be2-e-ne
#tr.en: (Even if?) “Lead, lead!” they say to you
>>Q000782 057
28. gi-sig#?-ga#? {gesz}kiri6#-ka da-[x] nam-bi2-du8-e
28. gi#-sig# {gesz#}kiri6#-ka da-x nam-bi2-duh-e
#tr.en: One should not release the bond(?) at the reed fence of an orchard
>>Q000782 058
29. su3-ga-ab# su3#-ga-ab szi-mu-un-szi-ib2-be2-e-ne
29. sug4-ga-ab# sug4#-ga-ab szi-mu-un-szi-ib2-be2-e-ne
#tr.en: “Replace it, replace it!” they will say on (the owner's) behalf(?)
>>Q000782 059
30. ur nam-mu#-un#-gu7-en LU2 nam-ur3-ur3-re
30. ur nam-mu#-un#-gu7-en dux(LU2) nam-ur3-ur3-re
#tr.en: Do not feed a dog/stranger, one should not drag around(?) a quarrel(?)
>>Q000782 060
31. [...] x sig#-ga-a# szi-sir5-re#
31. [...]-mu#-gu7-en lu2 ki nam-us2-sa
#tr.en: My son, do not use(!?) force, do not put a man on the ground
>>Q000782 061
32. [...] gesz3# a2 zi na-an-e3 GISZ-e ba#-e#-x-du11?
#tr.en: One should not rape the child of a man, ...
>>Q000782 062
33. [...] x igi#?-bi x szi-sir5-re#
#tr.en: The slanderer, (like) a spindle(?), spins his(!) eyes/gaze
>>Q000782 065
32. [...] sza3-ge nu-mu-e-kar2-[kar2]
34. [...] sza3-ge nu-mu-e-KAR2#-[...]
#tr.en: One is not to stand at the front, you will not have changed your mind (once getting there?)
>>Q000782 066
33. [x]-mu# [...]-mu-gu7-me-en lu2 ki nam-us2-sa
>>Q000782 061
34. [...] gesz3# a2 zi na-an-ne-e3 kisal-e ba-e-su-su
>>Q000782 062
35. [...] {disz}dam-qi2-i3-li2-szu
#tr.en: Single column tablet of Damqi-ilišu
>>Q000782 colophon
36. [...] u4# 3(disz)-kam
#tr.en: It is the month of ..., 3rd day
>>Q000782 colophon
UET 6, 0689 (P346726) 2326554
galla-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
&P346726 = UET 6, 0689
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface unclear)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...] x x [...]
3'. [...] x u2 ses [...]
#tr.en: ... bitter plants(?) ...
4'. x x {d}inanna? x [...] usz2-am3 x IGI NE [...]
#tr.en: ... Inanna ... its was blood/death/blocked(?) ...
5'. x galla?-gin7#? NI [...]
#tr.en: ... like? a galla demon(?)
6'. ki-nu2 x [...] x [...]
#tr.en: The bedchamber ...
$ (surface uncertain)
1. esz3 gal-e a x [...]
#tr.en: In(?) the great shrine ...
2. lu2?-gu10 x x [...]
#tr.en: My man(?) ...
CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 023 (P346348) 2326555
u4-bi-ta-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
&P346348 = CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 023
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
1. [...] bar# la2-[...]
2. [u3]-mu-ni-in-szub#
#tr.en: A donkey threw off/abandoned its bound sack
3. du#-lum u4-bi-ta-gu10
4. gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)-ga2 ulu3{+lu}-un e-sze
#tr.en: (Saying) “I will forget my toil of that (previous) time”
$ blank space
$ blank space
UET 6, 0525 (P346563) 2326556
&P346563 = UET 6, 0525
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface uncertain)
@column 1
1. x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2. lugal-e kur x [...]
#tr.en: The king ...
3. nibru{ki} lu2 NE [...]
#tr.en: Nibru ...
4. disz-bi-er3-ra x [...]
#tr.en: Išbi-Erra ...
5. szeg12 e2-kur-ra mu-un-x [...]
#tr.en: He ... the brickwork of the Ekur temple
6. ka2 sze nu-ku5 {d}en-lil2-la2 [...]
#tr.en: The “gate where grain is not harvested” of Enlil ...
7. szu mah-a nindaba# [...]
#tr.en: With(?) a supreme hand(?) the nindaba offerings ...
8. {d}nuska sukkal!? x x x [...]
#tr.en: Nuska, vizier(?) ...
9. {d}szu-zi-an-na x a x [...]
#tr.en: Šuziana ...
10. {d}en-lil2-le sag#-ki#? zalag-ga [...]
#tr.en: Enlil, the one who looked favorably ...
11. {d}nin-lil2 igi hul2#-la x [...]
#tr.en: Ninlil, the one who looked happily ...
12. {d}nin-i3-si-in-na#? dumu mah [an-na ...]
#tr.en: NinIsina, supreme daughter of An ...
13. [{d}]en#-lil2-ra x x iri#? AN da [...]
#tr.en: For Enlil ...
14. [{d}]en#?-lil2 sag# x palil# x x [...]
#tr.en: Enlil ... foremost ...
15. [...] x x x x [...]
UET 6, 0690 (P346727) 2326557
...-de3-en-ze-en only appears a few times in words list
...-ug5-ge-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
...-mu-un-ti-ti-le-en-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
turx(|NUN.LAGARxU|)-ra only appears a few times in words list
ki!-gub only appears a few times in words list
...-en-ne2-ug5-ge-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
...-mu-un-ti-ti-le-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
x-na-ni only appears a few times in words list
nu-KU-me-esz only appears a few times in words list
...-de3-en-ze2-en only appears a few times in words list
x-IL2 only appears a few times in words list
turx(|NUN.LAGARxU|) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346727 = UET 6, 0690
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface unclear)
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...]-de3#-en-ze-en
#tr.en: ... you(pl.) are to .../ ... you(pl.)(?)
3'. [...-ug5]-ge-de3-en [...]-de3-en
#tr.en: May(?) ... kill us? ... and not sustain us(?)
4'. [... nu-mu]-un-gi4-esz
#tr.en: .... they did not return/kill(?) ...
5'. [...] nu#-mu-un-gi4-esz
#tr.en: .... they did not return/kill(?) ...
6'. [...] x nu-mu-un-x [...]-szu2
#tr.en: ...
$ (surface uncertain)
1. [...] x nu-x-x
#tr.en: ... does not rejoice(?)
2. [...]-mu-un-ti-ti-le-en-de3-en
#tr.en: May(?) ... kill us? ... and not sustain us(?)
3. [...] turx(|NUN.LAGARxU|)-ra nu-tuku
#tr.en: ... does not have ... in the cattle pen
4. [...] amasz-a nu-tuku
#tr.en: ... does not have ... in the sheepfold
5. [...] ki!?-gub nu-mu-un-DU x-bi? nu-ke3-e
#tr.en: ... did not ... a standing place(?) and will not ...
6. [...] x x kin2-nim kin2? di-da [...] x-ga-sze3? nu-mu-un-DU
#tr.en: ... the morning meal that is to be worked on(?) ... did not bring(?) ... towards ...
7. [...] kur#?-ra nu-mu-un-DU
#tr.en: ... did not bring(?) ... into ...
8. [...] x nu-sed4-de3
#tr.en: ... is not cooled
9. [...]-en#-ne2?-ug5-ge-de3-en [...]-mu-un-ti-ti-le-de3-en
#tr.en: May(?) ... kill us, ... and not sustain us(?)
10. [...] x-na-ni? nu-KU-me-esz
#tr.en: ... his(?) ... do not dwell/are not seized(?)
11. [...]-de3#?-en-ze2-en
#tr.en: ... you(pl.) are to .../ ... you(pl.)(?)
12. [...] x-me-esz
#tr.en: ... they are ...
13. [...] x-IL2?
#tr.en: ...
CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 009 (P346255) 2326558
...-x-ib-DU only appears a few times in words list
nam-mu-zuh-... only appears a few times in words list
nam-usz2-... only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-ni-...-bur3-...-e-en only appears a few times in words list
mi-si-ISZ-... only appears a few times in words list
nam-me-en only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-ma-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
du5-am3 only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-bi2-bar-re-e only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-ma-... only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-x-x-... only appears a few times in words list
inim-si-ga only appears a few times in words list
sal-...-la-am3 only appears a few times in words list
nam-tar-...-e-en only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-gi4-gi4-e only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-...-e-en only appears a few times in words list
...-da-gu7-e only appears a few times in words list
...-si-ga-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
na-hun-... only appears a few times in words list
da-bi-esz only appears a few times in words list
i3-za-al only appears a few times in words list
na-a-du3 only appears a few times in words list
szu-mu-ri-in-sza3 only appears a few times in words list
na-an-ni-sa2-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
gi-in-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
du-...-szi-ib-szub-szub only appears a few times in words list
...-ab-bala-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
szi-ib-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
gi-HI-ga only appears a few times in words list
x-...-duh-e only appears a few times in words list
nam-NI-gu7-e-... only appears a few times in words list
nam-ur2-ur2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
na-silig only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-us2-am3 only appears a few times in words list
na-ne2-e only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-gul-e-en only appears a few times in words list
szu-mu-ra-ab-gur-re only appears a few times in words list
inim-sig-ga-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}balag-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
szi-in-szir5-... only appears a few times in words list
na-am3-ba-gub-gub-bu-de3 only appears a few times in words list
me-kur2-kur2 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-lul-la-x only appears a few times in words list
e2-KASZ-x only appears a few times in words list
na-ku5-ku5-de3-... only appears a few times in words list
&P346255 = CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 009
#atf: lang sux
1. [x] x ka e2-x-la-ka# szeg3 ba-ra-si-ga#
1. [...] x x x x x [...]
#tr.en: ... at the gate(?) of the palace
>>Q000782 025
2. [...]-am3# ba-ra-si-ga#? [...]
#tr.en: ... occupies for you(?)
>>Q000782 026
2. du14-de3 bar-bar-ta gub-gub-[ba] in-nu-usz sila kur2-x-ra?# nam#-ma#-e3?
3-4. du14#?-de3 bar-bar-ta gub-gub-[ba] in-nu-usz sila kur2 [...]-x-ib#?-DU#
#tr.en: Set the quarrelling(?) aside, regarding abuse, ... a different street
>>Q000782 027
3. nig2 nam-mu-zuh#-zuh# ni2-zu nam-usz2-e#-en#
5-6. nig2 nam-mu-zuh#?-[...] ni2-zu nam-usz2#-[...]
#tr.en: Do not steal anything, do not kill yourself (by incurring punishment)
>>Q000782 028
4. e2 na-a-an-ni-bur3-e-en mi-si-sahar-ra al nam-me-en
7-8. e2# na-am3-ni#-[...]-bur3-[...]-e-en mi#-si-ISZ#?-[...] al# <nam>-me-en
#tr.en: Do not break into a house, do not desire the treasure box
>>Q000782 029
5. ni2-zu pirig# na#-na-am3 ul-dab5 sag na-na-am3
9-10. ni2-zu [...] na#-na-am3 ul-dab5# sag#? na-na-am3
#tr.en: The thief(!) is indeed a pirig monster, (but) after he is caught, he is indeed a slave
>>Q000782 030
6. dumu-mu sa gaz nam-am3-ma-[ak]-e ni2-zu aga3-am3 nam-am3-bi2-[ib-bar]-re#-e
>>Q000782 030
7. nita-nimgir-si na-[...] x ni2-zu na-am3-x-x
11-12. dumu-gu10# sa-gaz na-am3-ma#-ke3#-e ni2-zu du5?-am3 na-am3-bi2-[bar]-re#-e#
#tr.en: My son, one should not rob, do not “hew” yourself(?)
>>Q000782 031
13-14. gesz3 nimgir#-si na#-[am3]-ma#?-[...] ni2-zu na-am3-x-x-[...]
#tr.en: Do not sexually penetrate(?) the bridegroom, do not ... yourself
>>Q000782 032
8. ki-sikil dam tuku-da# e-ne# [...] inim si-bi mah#-[am3]
15-16. ki-sikil dam? tuku e-ne# [...] inim-si-ga mah#-[...]
#tr.en: Do not “play”(?) with a married young woman, the slander/whisper(?) (arising from it) is formidable
>>Q000782 033
9. dumu-[mu] x-na lu2 [...] dur2 nam#-bi2-[...]
17-18. dumu-[gu10 ...]-na-AN x [...] dur2 [...] nam#?-bi2#-[...]
#tr.en: My son, do not sit in a chamber(?) with someone who is married
>>Q000782 034
10. du14 [...]
19. du14 [...]
#tr.en: One should not quarrel and (thus) spoil yourself
>>Q000782 035
11. [...] sag KU [...] x-am3
20-21. [...] sag KU sal#?-[...]-la#?-am3#
#tr.en: Do not ... lies , (the act?) “thins out/flattens the head/denigrates and ...(?)”
>>Q000782 036
12. KA nam-tar-[tar-re]-e#-en inim-zu gar-ra-am3
22-23. ka nam-tar-[...]-e#-en inim#-zu gar-ra#-am3#
#tr.en: Do not (overly) praise, your word is set (within it)
>>Q000782 037
13. ad#? na-am3-gi4-gi4-e igi-dugud nu-mu-un#-[x x]-e#-en
24-25. ad# na-am3-gi4-gi4#-e igi dugud nu-mu-un#-[...]-e#-en
#tr.en: One should not advise, a  serious gaze is(?) never lifted away from him(?)
>>Q000782 038
14. lu2-da nig2 gu7-[a] na-mu#-da#-gu7-e
26. lu2-da nig2-gu7# [...]-da#-gu7-e
#tr.en: One should not eat food(?) with someone else
>>Q000782 039
15. szu-zu usz2-am3 [...]-su#-su#
27. szu-zu mud2-am3 [...]-an
#tr.en: If your hands are bloody(?) do not submerge them in ...(?)
>>Q000782 040
16. [x] ur5-e [...]
28. [...] HAR-ra [...]
#tr.en: Replace a scratched/ground down(?) bone/foot(?) with an (entire) ox or a sheep(?)
>>Q000782 041
17. [...]
>>Q000782 042
1. [...]
>>Q000782 043
1'. [...]-ga2#-sze3 udu-zu# [...]
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-ga2#-sze3 udu sag2# [...]
#tr.en: Do not scatter (your) sheep towards (a place where) pasture has not been sought (before)
>>Q000782 044
2'. [x x]-szi3#-ga-sze3 gu4#-lu2 na-hun-[x]
2'. [...]-si#-ga-sze3 gu4# lu2 na-hun-[...]
#tr.en: Do not hire the ox of another man for (work on) a property line that is not set
>>Q000782 045
3'. [x] se3-ga kaskal se3-ga-am3
3'. [...] si#-ga kaskal si#-ga-am3
#tr.en: A set property line is a set road
>>Q000782 046
4'. kaskal ge6 nu-du sza3-bi sa6 hul-a
4'. kaskal ge6 nu-du sza3-bi sa6 hul-a#
#tr.en: Do not(!) go (on) a road (at) night, its midst is (both) good and evil (portending?)
>>Q000782 047
5'. ansze-edin-na na-ab-sa10-sa10# u4 da-bi-esz i3-za-al
5'. ansze-edin-na na-ab-sa10#?-[sa10] u4# da#-bi-esz i3-za-al#
#tr.en: One should not buy an onager, the day will be spent at its side
>>Q000782 048
6'. geme2-zu-ur2 gesz3 na-a-du3 zu-ur2 szu-mu#-ri-in-sza3
6-7'. geme2-zu-ur2 gesz3#? na-a-du3 zu ur2 szu-mu#-ri-in-sza3#?
#tr.en: Do not have sex with your female worker, she will chew you up(?)
>>Q000782 049
7'. asz2 a2-zi na-ab-bala-e szu#-[...]
8'-9. asz2! a2! zi nu-bala-e szu-usz im#?-szi-ni10-ni10
#tr.en: One should not(!) curse violently(?), (it) will return towards (your?) hand(?)
>>Q000782 050
8'. a szu nu-du8 na-an#-ne3-de-de a2-sig szu-mu-e#-ra-gal2
10-11'. a szu nu-du8 na#-an#-ni-sa2-sa2 a2 sig szu#-mu#-e#-ra-gal2
#tr.en: Do not ... water that is not “held"/"perfect"(?), weakened arms(?) are there for you
>>Q000782 051
9'. a2-x-x-x ag-ga2-ga2
12'. a2#? x x x [...]-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: One should not put down a field adjacent to ...(?)
>>Q000782 054
10'. gi-in#-sze3# du-[...]-szi-ib-szub-szub
13'. gi-in#-sze3# du#-[...]-szi-ib-szub-szub
#tr.en: He will leave it to you to go to(?) that female worker
>>Q000782 055
11'. ki-tusz lu2-ka [na]-ab#-bala-e-de3
14'. ki-tusz lu2-ka [...]-ab#?-bala-e-de3
#tr.en: One is not to rebel from the dwelling of that man
>>Q000782 056
12'. igi i3-du igi-[du szi-me]-szi-ib-e-ne
15'. igi i3-du igi i3-[du] szi-ib-e-ne
#tr.en: (Even if?) “He leads, he leads(?)!” they say to you
>>Q000782 057
13'. gi-se3-ga {gesz}kiri6-ka# nam#-bi2#-du8#-e#
16'. gi-HI-ga {gesz}kiri6 x x-[...]-duh#?-e#?
#tr.en: One should not release the bond(?) at the reed fence of an orchard
>>Q000782 058
14'. su-ga-ab su-ga-ab szi-x-[...]
17'. su-ga-ab su-ga-ab szi-x-[...]
#tr.en: “Replace it, replace it!” they will say on (the owner's) behalf(?)
>>Q000782 059
15'. ur nam-mu-un-ni-gu7-e-[en] du14 nam-ur3-ur3-am3
18-19'. ur nam-NI-gu7-e-[...] du14 nam-ur2-ur2-am3
#tr.en: Do not feed a dog/stranger, one should not drag around(?) a quarrel(?)
>>Q000782 060
16'. dumu-mu na-silig nam-am3-ak-e lu2 ki na-am3-us2-am3
20-21'. dumu#-gu10# na-silig na-am3-ke3-e lu2 ki na-am3-us2-am3
#tr.en: My son, one should not use force, one should not put a man on the ground
>>Q000782 061
17'. dumu lu2-ra gesz3 a2-zi na-an-ne2-e kisal-e bi2-zu-zu
22-23'. dumu lu2-ra gesz3 a2 zi na-ne2-e kisal-e bi2-zu-zu
#tr.en: One should not rape the child of a man, it will be learned of(?) in the courtyard(?)
>>Q000782 062
18'. a2-tuku na-am3-usz2-e-en bad3-szul-hi na-am3-gul-e-en
24-25'. a2-tuku na-am3-usz2-e-en  bad3-szul-hi na-am3-gul-e-en
#tr.en: Do not kill a strong man, do not destroy the outer wall
>>Q000782 063
19'. gurusz na-an-am3-usz2-e-en ere{ki}-sze3 mu-ra-ab-gur-re-en#
26'. gurusz na-am3-usz2#-e-en iri{ki} szu-mu-ra-ab-gur-re#
#tr.en: Do not kill a young man/worker(?), the city will turn him back for you/roll him up (in a reed mat) for you(?)
>>Q000782 064
20'. lu2 inim-se3-ga-gim igi {gesz}bala-ke4 szi-in-sir5-sir5
27'. lu2 inim-sig#-ga-gin7 igi {gesz}balag-ke4 szi-in-szir5-[...]
#tr.en: Like a slanderer, the “eye” of a spindle(?) spins
>>Q000782 065
21'. igi-am3 na-am3-ba-gub-gub-bu-de3 sza3-ge me-kur2-kur2
28'. igi am3 na-am3-ba-gub-gub-bu-de3 sza3-ge me-kur2-kur2
#tr.en: One is not to stand at the front, you(?) may have changed your mind(?)
>>Q000782 066
22'. inim-zu gar-ra-[am3]
29-30'. lu2#-lul#-la#-x e2#-KASZ#-x ka# nam-tar-tar-re inim-zu gar-ra
#tr.en: ... do not boast/(overly) praise like a liar in a tavern, your word is set (within it)
>>Q000782 067
23'. lu2-lul-la-gin7 e2-kasz-ka KA nam-tar-tar-re inim-zu gar-ra-[am3]
>>Q000782 067
24'. igi nam-nita-ka um-me-te szu# na-an-ku5-ku5-de3-[en]
31'. ki# nam#-nita-ka um-me-te#? szu# na-ku5-ku5-de3-[...]
#tr.en: After you have approached the “place of manhood,” do not make your hand shake(?)
>>Q000782 068
25'. [...] na-na-am3 dili-ni lu2# szar2#-ra-am3#
32'. [ur-sag dili] na-na-am3 dili-ni [lu2 szar2]-ra#?-am3#
#tr.en: He is indeed a hero, he alone is (the equivalent) of many men
>>Q000782 069
1. [...] dili# na-na-am3 [dili]-ni# lu2 szar2-ra-am3
1. [{d}utu dili] na#-na-am3 [dili]-ni lu2 szar2-ra-am3
#tr.en: He is indeed Utu, he alone is (the equivalent) of many men
>>Q000782 070
2. ur-sag-da gub-bu-de3# zi-zu he2-en-da-gal2
#tr.en: In order to stand with the hero, he must have your life with him
>>Q000782 071
3. {d}utu-da gub#-bu-de3 zi-zu he2#-en#-da-gal2
#tr.en: In order to stand with Utu, he must have your life with him
>>Q000782 072
UET 6, 0690 (P346727) 2326559
&P346727 = UET 6, 0690
#atf: lang sux
$ (unclear surface)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x GIM x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...] MI MU [...]
#tr.en: ...
3'. [... {d}en]-lil2 e2# [...]
#tr.en: ...
4'. [...] x zu2 kesz2# [...] x e2 x [...]
#tr.en: ... the organized/gathered up(?) ...
5'. [...] ME? sa6 [...]
#tr.en: ...
6'. [...] x LIL e2 [...]
#tr.en: ...
7'. [...] x bar? sa6 x [...]
#tr.en: ... gladdened/bettered liver(?) ...
8'. [...] lu2#? x [...]
#tr.en: ...
CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 022 (P346222) 2326560
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 13: ki-ru#-<gu2>#
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 48: ge6 giri17-zal# a# sed4-de3 gar#-ra {tu15}ulu3(+
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 9: uri2{ki}#
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 17: adda-ba#? uzu#?[...
hu-mu-un-dub2 only appears a few times in words list
nam-lugal-la-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-di-ni-ib-gar-re-... only appears a few times in words list
lul-...-esz only appears a few times in words list
gul-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
na-ma-...-gar-... only appears a few times in words list
si-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-bu-bu-bu only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-an-bur12-bur12 only appears a few times in words list
ma-ma-al-ma-al-la only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-ab-SI only appears a few times in words list
ba-si-si-ga-ba only appears a few times in words list
ba-dim2-dim2-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-dag-ge only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-ra-ab-ak only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-...-in-ni-ak only appears a few times in words list
...-usz2-a only appears a few times in words list
ba-...-x-da-ab-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ab-sed4-de2 only appears a few times in words list
a-ba-an-da-an-gal2-le-esz only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-...-ru-ne-esz only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-ni-in-ak only appears a few times in words list
uru2-gu10! only appears a few times in words list
en-ne-eg3-bi only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-ra-ab-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
...-KA-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-da-szum2-ma-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
...-gu10-da only appears a few times in words list
...-bala-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-da-kur2-ru only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-an-szum2-mu-usz only appears a few times in words list
am3-sza4! only appears a few times in words list
sag-gaz only appears a few times in words list
u4-de only appears a few times in words list
izi-ge6-edin-na-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
{d}usanx(DUR)-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
{tu15}ulu3(+lu} does not appear in words list
ba-ab-dab only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-da-ri only appears a few times in words list
gesz-bur2-gin8 only appears a few times in words list
i3-gul-gul-la only appears a few times in words list
bar7-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-tab2 only appears a few times in words list
im-bur2 only appears a few times in words list
ug-a only appears a few times in words list
al-du7-ru only appears a few times in words list
u4-UD only appears a few times in words list
am-sza4 only appears a few times in words list
zarx(SUG)-re only appears a few times in words list
alal-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
uzu... does not appear in words list
in-til-la-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-an-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-bi2-in-la2 only appears a few times in words list
e-gi4-in-zu only appears a few times in words list
mu-in-sze21-sze21 only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-la2-esz only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-de6 only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-duh only appears a few times in words list
ulu3(+lu does not appear in signs list
gin8 only appears a few times in signs list
uzu... does not appear in signs list
&P346222 = CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 022
#atf: lang sux
1. e2 lu2 zi-de3 ba-ab-gar-ra-gu10
#tr.en: My temple which was established by the just man
2. gi-sig {gesz}kiri6#-gin7# bar-ba hu-mu-un-dub2
#tr.en: Therefore (the storm) has beaten it at its outside
3. e2-kisz-nu-gal2 e2 nam-lugal-la-ga2#
#tr.en: In(?) my Ekišnugal, the temple of kingship
4. e2 zi# e2 er2-re# ba-an-di-ni-ib-gar-re-[...]
#tr.en: My true temple that initiates lamentation there along with her (i.e., me?)
5. lul#-[...]-esz du3-a-ba zi#-de3-esz gul-a-ba ha-la ba#-bi# na-ma#-[...]-gar#-[...]
#tr.en: After being built falsely and destroyed truthfully ... must not establish as its allocated share for me
6. za-lam-gar e2 ki-buru14 bur12-ra-gin7 e2 ki-buru14 bur12-ra-gin7 tu15 szeg3 ha-ba-[...]
#tr.en: Therefore like a tent, a building torn out at the harvest site, like a building torn out at the harvest site, it was subjected to(?) wind and rain
7. uri2{ki}-ma esag2 ninda si-gu10
#tr.en: Urim, my grain storage filled with food(!?)
8. lil2 iri# si-ga hu-mu-un-bu-bu-bu
#tr.en: Therefore the empty wind howls in the silent city
9. amasz {lu2}sipa-da#-gin7# ha-ba-an-bur12-bur12
#tr.en: Like the sheepfold of the shepherd, it was torn out
10. nig2-gur11 uru2 ma-ma#-al#-ma-al#-la sug-ge4 hu-mu-un-ab-SI
#tr.en: The possessions which the city acquired for me are eradicated(!)
11. [ki]-ru#-gu2# 3(disz)-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the 3rd kirugu refrain
12. uri2{ki}-ma er2-ra ba-an-di-ni-ib-gar
#tr.en: Urim has initiated lamentation to her detriment(?)
13. uru2-ni ba-an-da-gul-la [me]-ni# ba-an-da-kur2-ra
#tr.en: Her city is destroyed to her detriment, her cosmic powers are changed to her detriment
14. gesz-gi4-gal2#-[bi]-im
#tr.en: It is the {geš}gigal “response”
15. u4-ba u4 ne-en ba-si#-[si]-ga-ba
#tr.en: At that time, this time after (the city) was flattened
16. nin-da uru2{ki}-ni ba-an#-da#-gul
#tr.en: To the detriment of the lady, her city is destroyed
17. uru2{ki}-ni ba-an-da-gul me-ni ba-an-da-kur2-ra
#tr.en: Her city is destroyed to her detriment, her cosmic powers are changed to her detriment
18. u4-ba u4 ne ba-dim2-dim2-a-ba
#tr.en: At that time, this time after (the city) was created
19. uru2-gu10 gul-gul-da im#-ma-an-ag2-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: When they have ordered(!) my city to be destroyed
20. uri2{ki} gul-gul-da im#-ma-an-ag2-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: When they have ordered(?!) Urim to be destroyed
21. ug3-bi# ug5#-ge#-de3# im#-ma-an-ag2-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: When they have ordered(?!) its people to be killed
22. u4#-[...] uru2#?-[...] ga2#-la# ba#-ra#-ba#-dag#-ge#
#tr.en: At that time (I) will not be indifferent to my city
23. [...] IM szub#-be2 ba-ra#-ba#-ra#-ab#-ak
#tr.en: (I) will not neglect my land
24. [...]-ga2 me-e he2-[em]-ma#-na#-de2
#tr.en: For An, (I) shall pour the tears of my eyes
25. [...]-la2# ni2#-gu10 sza3-ne-sza4 he2-em#-ma#-[...]-in-ni-ak
#tr.en: I shall supplicate myself to Enlil(?)
26. iri#-gu10# nam-ma#-gul [he2-em]-mi#-in#-ne-du11
#tr.en: I shall say to him/them(?) “My city must not be destroyed”
27. uri2#{ki#} nam#-ma#-gul [he2-em]-mi#-in#-ne-du11
#tr.en: I shall say to him/them(?) “Urim must not be destroyed”
28. ug3-bi [...]-usz2#-a he2#-[em]-mi#-in#-ne#-du11
#tr.en: I shall say to him/them(?) “Its people must not be killed(!?)”
29. an-ne2 e#-ne#-[...] ba#?-[...]-x-da#?-ab#-gi4
#tr.en: Despite this An did not rescind his word
30. {d}mu-ul#-lil2-la2 i3#-sa6#-ga he2-a#-bi# [...] ba#-ra#-ab-sed4-de2#?
#tr.en: Despite this (the statement) “It is good, so be it” of Enlil was not soothing my heart
31. uru2-gu10 gul-gul-de3# he2-em#-ma#-an#-ag2#-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: Therefore when they have ordered(!) my city to be destroyed
32. uri2{ki} gul-gul#-de3# he2#-em-ma#-an#-ag2#-[esz]-a#-ba
#tr.en: When they have ordered(!) Urim to be destroyed
33. ug3-bi ug5-ge-de3# he2-em-ma-an-[ag2]-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: When they have ordered(!) its people to be killed
34. 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3# pu-uh2-ru-um ki-sag-ki a-ba-an-da-an-gal2#-le#-esz
#tr.en: For a 2nd time, after they convened an assembly, a “solemn place”
35. {d}a-nun-na-ke4-e-ne e-ne-eg3# zu2 kesz2-da-bi ba-an-[...]-ru-ne-esz
#tr.en: The Anuna rested on the “organized” (i.e., finalized?) word
36. ur2 he2-em#-ma-BU-BU siki he2-em-ma-sur5-sur5
#tr.en: Therefore (I?) shall extend(?) (my) limbs/lap and tie up(?) (my) hair
37. an-ra i-bi2#-ga2 me-e he2-em-ma-na#-de2
#tr.en: For An, I shall pour the tears of my eyes
38. {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2 ni2#-gu10 sza3-ne-sza4 he2-em-ma-ni#-in-ak#
#tr.en: I shall supplicate myself to Enlil(?)
39. uru2-gu10! nam#-ma-gul he2-em-mi-in-ne-du11
#tr.en: I shall say to him/them(?) “My city must not be destroyed”
40. uri2{ki} nam-ma-gul he2-em-mi-in-ne-du11
#tr.en: I shall say to him/them(?) “Urim must not be destroyed”
41. ug3-bi nam-usz2-a he2-em-mi-in-ne-du11
#tr.en: I shall say to him/them(?) “Its people must not be killed(!?)”
42. an-e en-ne-eg3-bi ba-ra-ba-ra-ab-gi4
#tr.en: Despite this An did not rescind his word
43. {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2 i3-sa6-ga he2-a-bi sza3-gu10 ba-ra-ab-sed4-de3
#tr.en: Despite this (the statement) “It is good, so be it” of Enlil was not soothing my heart
44. uru2-gu10 gul#-gul-de3 he2-em-ma-an-ag2-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: Therefore when they have ordered(!) my city to be destroyed
45. uri2#{ki#} gul#-gul-de3 he2-em-ma-an-ag2-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: When they have ordered(!) Urim to be destroyed
46. [ug3]-bi# ug5-ge-de3 he2-em-ma-an-ag2-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: When they have ordered(!) its people to be killed
47. [...]-KA#-gu10 ba#-e#-da#-szum2-ma-gin7
#tr.en: I, as one who gave my advice(?) to my detriment(?)
48. [...]-gu10-da he2-en-ga-ba-e-da-ab-la2-e
#tr.en: ... therefore shall also bind me with my city
49. uri2#{ki#} ga2-da he2-en-ga-ba-e-da-ab-la2-e
#tr.en: ... therefore shall also bind Urim with me
50. an-ne2 e-ne#-eg3-bi hur nu-<kur2>-ru#-da
#tr.en: An is never to change this word
51. {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2 ka#-ta e3-a-ni szu [...]-bala#-e-de3
#tr.en: That which issues from the mouth of Enlil is not to be changed
52. ki-ru#-<gu2># 4(disz)-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the 4th kirugu
53. nin-da uru2{ki}-ni ba-an-da-gul-la2
#tr.en: To the detriment of the lady, her city is destroyed
54. uru2{ki} ba-an-da-gul#-la me-ni ba-an-da-kur2-ru
#tr.en: Her city is destroyed to her detriment, her cosmic powers are changed to her detriment
55. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im
#tr.en: It is the {geš}gigal “response”
56. {d}en-lil2-le u4-de3 gu3 ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: Enlil spoke to the storm, and the people wailed
1. u4 he2-gal2-la# kalam-e ba-da-an-kar ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He deprived the land of(?) days of abundance, and the people wailed
2. u4 du10 ki-en-gi#-ra# ba-da-an-kar ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He deprived Sumer of good days, and the people wailed
3. u4# hul a2 ba-da#-ag2# ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He commanded the malevolent storm, and the people wailed
4. kin2-gal u4-da u4-da gub#-ba#-ni szu-ni im-ma-an-szum2-mu-usz
#tr.en: He gave them to(?) the kiggal official(?) of the storm, his attendant storm/who stood within the storm(?)
5. u4 kalam til-til-e gu3 ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He spoke to the storm annihilating the land, and the people wailed
6. u4 gal-e# an-na-ke4 gu3# ba#-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He spoke to the great storm, the one of An, and the people wailed
7. {d#}en#-lil2#-le# {d#}gibil6# a2-tah-a#-ni#-a mu-un-na-ni-in-ku4#-re
#tr.en: Enlil was making Gibil (fire) into his helper
8. [...] gu3 ba-an-de2# ug3-e sze am3-sza4!
#tr.en: He spoke to the great storm of An, and the people wailed
9. [...] gu3 im-me ug3#-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The great storm was shouting from above, and the people wailed
10. u4# [...]-e# ki-a murum mi-ni-ib2#-sza4
#tr.en: The storm annihilating the land roared upon the earth
11. tu15 hul a mah e3-a-gin7 a2-bi nu-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: An evil wind, overflowing like a great flood, which does set down its power/wing(?)
12. uru2{ki}-a {gesz}tukul-e sag-gaz i3-ak-e# tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e
#tr.en: In the city the weapon was murdering and consuming (as if) in a pack
13. an-na ur2-ba tukur2 mu-ni-in-du11 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: At the base of heaven (the storm?) gnawed(?), and the people wailed
14. u4-de igi-bi izi mu-un-bar7-bar7-re ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The storm was burning with fire at its front, and the people wailed
15. u4 mir-mir-re izi-ge6-edin-na-gin7 bar-ba hu-mu-un-x
#tr.en: And therefore(?) the raging storm, like a “fire-shade,” ... at its back
16. an-bar7 tu15 szeg3 il2-il2-i izi mu-un-bar7-bar7-re
#tr.en: Noon, (which usually) raises the “rainy wind” (fog?) was burning with fire (instead)
17. an-bar7#-GAN2 u4 zalag e3-a u4-mud-e ba-da-an-ku4
#tr.en: Mid-day, (which usually) brings out bright sunlight, brought darkness along with it(!?)
18. kalam-ma u4 zalag# la-ba-ra-e3# {d}usanx(DUR)-gin7 ba-zal
#tr.en: The shining sun did not come out in the land, it dissipated like the evening
19. ge6 giri17-zal# a# sed4-de3 gar#-ra {tu15}ulu3(+lu} ba-ab-dab
#tr.en: The southern wind seized(?) the joyful night which initiates the cooling of water(?)
20. szika bar-bar-ra sahar im-da#-tab-tab ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: Burning(?) sherds combined with the soil, and the people wailed
21. sag-gig2-ga tu15 im-ma#-da-ri ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: (The storm) blew a wind upon the black-headed people, and the people wailed
22. ki-en-gi gesz-bur2-gin8 i3-bala-e ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: Sumer was tripping(?) as if (in) a {geš}bur snare, and the people wailed
23. ug3-e sag e2-gar8 i3-ke3-e# tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e
#tr.en: The people(?) (were erecting) a wall of heads(?), (the storm) devouring (as if) in a pack
24. u4 gig-ga er2-re na-ag2-bi nu#-tar-re ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The bitter storm, for which weeping was not decreed as its fate(?), (because of this) the people wailed
25. u4# szu ur4-ur4-re# kalam i3-ur4-ur4-re
#tr.en: The eradicating/gathering(?) storm was sweeping the land/making the land tremble
26. u4# a#-ma#-ru#-gin7# uru2 i3-gul-gul-la
#tr.en: The storm utterly destroyed the city like a flood
27. u4 kalam til-til uru2-a me bi2-ib2#-gar
#tr.en: The storm that was finishing the land established silence in the city
28. u4 izi-gin7 bar7-[...] ug3-e bar bi2-ib2-tab2
#tr.en: The storm burning like fire was enraged with/corporeally burned(?) the people/land(?)
29. u4 nig2 u2-gu de2-de3# hul gal2-e bi2-gub
#tr.en: The storm that is to cause (everything) to be forgotten stood among the malevolent (ones?)
30. u4 hul gig du11-ga {d}en-lil2-la2 u4 kalam-ta ba-sa2-e
#tr.en: The hateful storm, ordered by Enlil, the storm that ... the land
31. uri2{ki}#-ma tug2-gin7 im-dul gada-gin7# im-bur2
#tr.en: It covered Ur like a garment, spread over it like linen
32. ki-ru-gu2 5(disz)-kam#-ma
#tr.en: It is the 5th kirugu
33. u4 ug#-a al-du7#-ru# ug3-e sze# am3-sza4
#tr.en: The storm is a lion(?), thrashing(?), and the people wail
34. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im
#tr.en: It is the {geš}gigal “response”
35. u4-UD u4 uru2 ba#-da-an#-gar uru2-bi du6-du6-da
#tr.en: At that time(!) the storm was placed together with the city, the city was ruin heaps
36. a-a {d}nanna uru2-bi# du6#-du6-da ba-da-an-gar ug3-e sze am-sza4
#tr.en: Father Nanna, the city has been placed into ruins, and the people wailed
37. u4# ka-na-ag2 ba-da-an#-kar ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The storm deprived the land of ..., and the people wailed
38. ka-na-ag2-e szika ku5-da# nu-me-a sug-ge4 bi2-in-gu7 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The land was devastated (until) there was not even a broken sherd, and the people wailed
39. bad3-bi gu2-giri16 im-mi#-in-gar ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: (The storm) made a breach in the wall, and the people wailed
40. abul# mah-ba giri3 gal2-la-ba adda im-mi-in-gar-gar-re
#tr.en: At the great gate where there was a path, it was piling up corpses
41. sila dagal ezem-gin7 du3-a-ba sag numun-e-esz ba-ab-gar
#tr.en: In the broad lane prepared as if for a festival, head(s) were placed as seeds
42. e#-sir2-e-sir2-ra giri3 gal2#-la-ba adda im-mi-in-gar-gar-re
#tr.en: In the streets, where there were paths, it was piling up corpses
43. eszemen ezem gal2-la-ba ug3 zarx(SUG)-re mu-un-sal
#tr.en: In the playground, where there was a festival, it spread out people (as) sheaves
44. u3-mun kalam#-ma alal?-gin7# an-na-ke4 sur-sur ba-gar-gar
#tr.en: Ditches/burial pits were put down (for) the blood of land like (it would be done for?) the drainpipe of heaven(?)
45. adda-ba#? uzu#?[...] u4#-de3 gal2#-la#-ba ni2-bi mu-un-zal-le#-esz
#tr.en: (That of) the corpses, (like) sheep fat in sunlight, dissolved by themselves
46. lu2# {uruda}ha#-zi-in-e in-til-la-gin7 sag TUG2 la-ba#-an-ke3-e
#tr.en: Like a man ended by a hazin axe, one was not (bothering to) “clothe his head"/wear a turban (as a bandage?)
47. masz-nita# gesz-bur2 dab5-ba-gin7 ka sahar-ra bi2-in-us2
#tr.en: Like a goat buck caught by a snare, (one) lodged his mouth in the dirt
48. lu2 {gesz}mitum-e i-im-til#-la-gin7 {tug2}nig2-la2 ba-ra-bi2-in-la2
#tr.en: And therefore(?) like a man ended by the mitum weapon, one did not (bother to) wear bandages
49. e#-gi4-in-zu ki ha-ri#-isz-tum ama-ba nu2-a mud2-ba mu-in-sze21-sze21
#tr.en: As if lying in the birthing place of their mother, one laid in his(!) blood
50. [...] gesztin# nag nu-me-esz# gu2 za3-ga bi2-ib2-la2-esz
#tr.en: Those who had not drunk wine nonetheless hung their necks down (lit. on the shoulder)
51. {gesz#}tukul-e gub#-ba {gesz}tukul-e bi2-in-gaz
#tr.en: Those who served with weaponry(?) were slaughtered by weaponry
52. [...]-bi masz-da3 kar-ra-bi u4 im-ma-de6 ug3#-e# sze# am3#-sza4
#tr.en: The storm took away(?) fugitive men and gazelles (alike?), and the people wailed
53. uri2#{ki#}-ma# si!-ga kal-ga-bi sza3-gar-re ba-til
#tr.en: In Urim the weak and strong alike came to an end out of hunger
54. um#-ma# ab#-ba# e2#-ta nu-e3 izi mu-ni-in-si-ge5-esz
#tr.en: The elder women and men who did not leave the house were set on fire
55. di4#-di4#-la2# ur2# ama#-bi# ne#-a# ku6-sze6 a ba-ab-[...]
#tr.en: Water brought away(?) the tiny ones ... (from) the lap of the mother like(!) fish
56. emeda{da#} lirum kal#-ga-bi# lirum ba-an#-duh#
#tr.en: The strong grasp of the wetnurse, (this) grasp was loosened
57. dim2-ma# u2#-gu# ba#-an-de2# ug3#-e# sze am3#-[sza4]
#tr.en: Allegiance/sense was forgotten, and the people wailed
58. erim3
#tr.en: The treasury <of the land was eradicated, and the people wailed>
CDLI Literary 000451, ex. 007 (P346564) 2326561
he2-em-ma-an-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
...-x-in-gin6-... only appears a few times in words list
kalx(DAG)-ga only appears a few times in words list
tab-e-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin9-ki only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin9-ul only appears a few times in words list
he2-...-in-... only appears a few times in words list
kalx(DAG) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346564 = CDLI Literary 000451, ex. 007
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
@column 1'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [...] szu# ti#-a
#tr.en: Possessed of everything and anything of the cosmic powers
3'. [...] nig2#-ul-la
4'. [...] kesz2-da
#tr.en: Girded with ancient designs
5'. [...]-da# limmu2#-[...]
6'. [...]-dul4#?
#tr.en: Southern storm that covers the four corners of the world
@column 2'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [...] x-a
3'. [{d}en]-lil2#-la2-sze3
#tr.en: On behalf/because of the ... of Enlil(?)
4'. an-ne2
5'. gu3 zi-de3-esz
6'. ga2-ar
7'. ha-ma-an-de2
#tr.en: Thus An spoke faithfully to be
8'. szibir2 eszkiri2
9'. szu-gu10 he2-em-ma-an-szum2
#tr.en: And gave my hand the staff and nose-rope
10'. {d}urasz-e
#tr.en: Thus Uraš took care of me on her holy knee
@column 3'
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-x-in-gin6#-[...]
#tr.en: Thus he (Nuska) established (these things) by means of making the heart of Enlil rejoice
2'. {d}nin-urta#
3'. ur-sag kalx(DAG)-ga#
4'. {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4#
5'. [{d}]nu-nam-nir
6'. [...]-ma#? ha-ma-[ni]-in#-gub#
#tr.en: Thus Ninurta, mighty hero of Enlil, submitted a matter to Nunamnir
7'. [...]-ga#
8'. [{d}en]-lil2
9'. [{d}]nin#-lil2#-la2
10'. ga2#-ar hu-mu-na-ag2
#tr.en: "Measured for himself" (?) the good words of (i.e., to win over) Enlil and Ninlil on my behalf
11'. nam-lugal-la
12'. bala-gu10
13'. he2-bi2-in-diri
#tr.en: He made my turn of kingship surpassing
14'. nam-en-na
15'. ga2-e
16'. he2-em-mi-in-gal-e
#tr.en: He makes me great in lordship
17'. a2-tah-gu10 he2-e
#tr.en: He acts as my helper
18'. e2#-kur-ra
19'. szu hu-mu-da-gal2-gal2
#tr.en: He sets his hands along with (me?) in the Ekur temple
20'. maszkim
#tr.en: He acts as baliff of my kingship
@column 4'
$ beginning broken
1'. u4#? su3#?-su3#?-re-ga2
#tr.en: Regarding my long-lasting (residence) in the gipar residence
2'. nam-en
3'. nam-lugal-da tab-e-ga2
#tr.en: Regarding my pairing of the en priesthood with the kingship
4'. e2-an-na-ka
5'. musz3 nu-tum2-mu-ga2
#tr.en: Regarding my unceasing (activity) in the Eanna temple
6'. ki unu{ki}-ga
7'. am-gin7 gu2 pesz-ga2
#tr.en: Regarding my neck-thickening like a wild bull in the region of Unug
8'. kul-aba4{ki}
9'. me-lam2-gu10 dul4-lu-da
#tr.en: Regarding my aura, which is to cover Kulaba
10'. inim ku3 nu-kur2-ru-da
11'. he2-bi2-in-du11
#tr.en: She orders/effects(?) by means of her unchanging command
12'. {d#}en#-ki#
13'. {d}nin9-ki
14'. {d}en-ul
15'. {d}nin9-ul
16'. {d}a-nun-na
17'. en nam tar-re-bi
18'. {d}udug nibru{ki}
#tr.en: Enki, Ninki, Enul and Ninul (ancestors of Enlil), the Anuna, the fate-determining lord(s), the udug protective spirit of Nibru, the lamma protective spirits of the Ekur temple, (all?) the great gods who have determined fate, spoke the irrevocable “it is so”
@column 5'
$ beginning broken
1'. x-[...]
2'. ki#-[...]
3'. nig2#-[...]
#tr.en: And thus (I) have set justice in place in Sumer
4'. x-[...]
5'. gu2# [...]
#tr.en: Nibru has embraced(?) the heavens
6'. e2#-[...]
7'. me-bi# [...]
#tr.en: (I) have gathered up the cosmic powers into the Ekur temple
8'. gesz-hur# [...]
9'. en3# [...]
#tr.en: (I) have made inquiries about the ancient plans
10'. garza#
11'. szu-ta szub#-[...]
12'. ki-bi he2#-[...]-in#-[...]
#tr.en: I have restored the rites that have “fallen from the hand” (into disuse)
13'. {d}en-lil2#-[...]
14'. me# [...]
#tr.en: I am Išme-Dagan and thus(?) ... the most precious cosmic powers of Enlil
@column 1'?
1. gesz [...]
#tr.en: ...
@column 2'
1. x [...]-a
#tr.en: ...
2. x [...]
3. [...]
4. gada#?-la2 [...]
5. he2#-ni#-[...]
#tr.en: May the gadala priest(?) ...
6. x [...]
#tr.en: column 3'
1. [...] x he2-ni-zi
#tr.en: ... shall rise there(?)
2. gaba gi4
3. na-an-tuku-tuku
#tr.en: ... shall have no rival
4. nam#-sa6-ga [...]-x-ta
#tr.en: By(?) goodness and ...
5. [...] x-nu
#tr.en: ...
6'. [...] x
@column 4'
1. [...] x
2. [...]-gar [...]-a
#tr.en: ...
UET 6, 0694 (P346731) 2326562
mu-un-szub-be2-en only appears a few times in words list
musz2-me-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
&P346731 = UET 6, 0694
#atf: lang sux
$ (surface unclear)
#tr.en: ... my ...
2'. [...] x x bur-ra szu-zu mu-un-da-gal2
#tr.en: ... your hand holding(?) ... on(?) the stone bowl(?)
3'. [...]-zu#? mu-un-szub-be2-en
#tr.en: ... you will cast down your ...
4'. [...] mu-un-kesz2 sed4-de3 ki nam-ti-la-ka#? ni2-gu10 ba-gub-be2-en#
#tr.en: ... bound/sang ..., In order to cool(!?), you will set up my aura(?) at the “place of life”
5'. [...] zabar# musz2-me-ga2 sag12-ga du11-ga-ra [...] nam-gal-zu i3-in#?-[...]
#tr.en: ... for the one who says(?) good things about(?) the mirror (image)(?) of my face,” ... your greatness
6'. [...] NE? siskur2 ezem-zu TUG2 x [...]
#tr.en: ... your siskur rites (for) a festival(?) ...
7'. [...] x x x [...]
CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 010 (P346256) 2326563
sza-ba-ri-... only appears a few times in words list
szi-me-szi-ib2-szub-... only appears a few times in words list
na-ab-ta-bala-...-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
szi-me-szi-ib2-x-x only appears a few times in words list
nam-bi-duh-e only appears a few times in words list
nam-mu-gu7-e only appears a few times in words list
mu-ur3-ur3-re only appears a few times in words list
us2-en only appears a few times in words list
...-an-usz2-en only appears a few times in words list
bad3-sila3 only appears a few times in words list
na-an-gul-x-x only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}balak-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
szi-szir5-szir5 only appears a few times in words list
na-...-bu-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
bi2-kur2-kur2 only appears a few times in words list
x-nita-ka only appears a few times in words list
na-an-gu4-gu4-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
szar2-ra-am3! only appears a few times in words list
...-sag-... only appears a few times in words list
mu-ri-ni-in-de5 only appears a few times in words list
...-un-de5-... only appears a few times in words list
zi-u4-su13-ra2-ra only appears a few times in words list
de5-ga-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
nam-bi2-bar-... only appears a few times in words list
sza3-...-x only appears a few times in words list
x-ur3-ur3-...-in only appears a few times in words list
...-x-ur3-ur3-re only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-ni-il2-il2 only appears a few times in words list
...-za-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
inim-sig-ga-am3 only appears a few times in words list
e3!-e only appears a few times in words list
nu-siligx(AK)-ge-de3 only appears a few times in words list
ga-ra-ab-szum2-bi! only appears a few times in words list
si!-ga-a-da only appears a few times in words list
balak only appears a few times in signs list
siligx(AK) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346256 = CDLI Literary 000782, ex. 010
#atf: lang sux
1. ur5 tuku na-an-bad-e lu2-bi sza-ba-e-[...]
1. ur5 tuku na-an-bad-e lu2-bi sza-ba-ri#-[...]
#tr.en: Do not remove a debt-bearer, that man will be(?) estranged to you
>>Q000782 053
2. sun7-na-da asza5 na-an-da-ga2-ga2-an#
2. sun7-na-da GAN2 na-an-da-ga2-ga2-an#
#tr.en: Do not put down a field adjacent to an arrogant/shy(?) (person)
>>Q000782 054
3. gi4-in-sze3 du-de3 szi-me-szi-ib2-szub#-[x]
3. gi4#-in#-sze3 du-de3 szi-me-szi-ib2-szub#-[...]
#tr.en: He will leave it to you to go to(?) that female worker
>>Q000782 055
4. ere-tusz lu2-ka na-ab-ta-bala-[e]-de3#-en
4. uru17 tusz lu2#-ka na-ab-ta-bala-[...]-de3#-en
#tr.en: You are not to rebel from the resident city of that man
>>Q000782 056
5. igi# du#-un szi-du-un szi-me-szi-ib2-be2#-en
5. igi# du#-un# igi du-un szi-me-szi-ib2-x-x <<en>>
#tr.en: (Even if?) “Lead, lead!” they(!) will say to you
>>Q000782 057
6. gi#-sig-ga {gesz}kiri6-ka da-ga nam-bi-du8-e-en
6. gi#-sig#-ga {gesz}kiri6-ka da-ga nam-bi-duh#-e
#tr.en: Do not release the bond(?) at the reed fence of an orchard
>>Q000782 058
7. su-ga#-ab# su-ga-ab szi-me-szi-ib2-be2-ne
7. su#-ga#-ab# su-ga-ab szi-me-szi-ib2-be2-ne <<en>>
#tr.en: “Replace it, replace it!” they(!) will say
>>Q000782 059
8. ur nam#?-mu-un-gu7#-e du14 mu-ur3-ur3-re
8. ur# nam#-mu#-gu7#?-e# du14? mu-ur3-ur3-re
#tr.en: One should not feed a dog/stranger, one should not drag around(?) a quarrel(?)
>>Q000782 060
9. dumu-mu# nam#-silig nam-mu-ak-en lu2 ki us2-en
9. dumu#-gu10# nam#?-silig#? nam-mu-ak-en lu2 ki us2-en?
#tr.en: Do not use force, put(!?) a man on the ground
>>Q000782 061
10. dumu [lu2]-ra# gesz3 a2-zi na-an-ne-en kisal-e bi2-zu-zu
10. dumu# x-x gesz3 a2# zi# na-an-ne-en x-e bi2-zu-zu
#tr.en: Do not rape the child of a man, it will be learned of(?) in the assembly(?)
>>Q000782 062
11. [...]-an-usz2-e-en bad3-sil3 na-an-gul-e
11. [...]-an#-usz2-en# bad3#-sila3 na-an-gul#-x-x
#tr.en: Do not kill a strong man, do not destroy the outer wall(?)
>>Q000782 063
12. [...]-en ere-sze3 na-an-gur-ru-un
12. [...]-en iri x na-an-gur-ru <<re>>
#tr.en: Do not kill a young man, do not return him ... the city(?)
>>Q000782 064
13. lu2# [...]-ke4 igi {gesz}bala-gim szi-sir5-sir5
13. lu2#? [...]-ke4 igi# {gesz}balak-gin7 szi-szir5-szir5
#tr.en: The slanderer, like a spindle, spins his eyes/gaze
>>Q000782 065
14. igi-sze3 [...]-en sza3-ge bi2-kur2-kur2
14. igi na#?-[...]-bu#-de3#?-en sza3-ge bi2-kur2-kur2
#tr.en: Do not to stand at the front, you(?) may have changed your mind(?)
>>Q000782 066
15. lu2-lul-la#-ka KA nam-tar-tar-re
15. lu2#-lul#-la#-gin7#? x-x-ka# ka nam#-tar-tar-re
#tr.en: Do not (overly) praise/boast like a liar in a tavern(?)
>>Q000782 067
16. ki# [nam]-nita-ka um-ma-te [...] na-an-gu4-gu4-de3
16. ki#!? x-nita-ka um-ma-te# szu# na#-an-gu4-gu4-de3#-en#
#tr.en: After you have approached the “place of manhood(?),” do not make your hand shake
>>Q000782 068
17. ur-sag# dili# na-nam dili-ni# lu2# szar2-ra#-am3#
17. ur-sag#? dili na#-nam dili-ni lu2# szar2-ra#-am3#?
#tr.en: He is indeed a hero, he alone is (the equivalent) of many men
>>Q000782 069
18. {d}utu# x x-nam dili-ni lu2 [szar2]-ra
18'. {d#}utu# dili# na#-nam# dili-ni# lu2 szar2#-ra#-am3#!?
#tr.en: He is indeed Utu, he alone is (the equivalent) of many men
>>Q000782 070
19. [...] su8-bu-da zi-zu [he2]-en#-da-an-gal2
19'. [...]-sag#?-[...] x gub#?-bu-da zi-zux(SU) [he2]-en#-da#-an-gal2
#tr.en: In order to stand with the hero, he must have your life with him
>>Q000782 071
20. [su8-bu]-da zi-zu he2#-en#-da-an-gal2
>>Q000782 072
21. [...] na sze3-mu-un-ni-in-de5
20'. {d}[utu-... gub]-bu#-da zi-zux(SU) he2#-en#-da-an-gal2
#tr.en: In order to stand with Utu, he must have your life with him
>>Q000782 073
22. [...]-ra2# dumu-ni-ra [na] na-mu-un-de5-de5
21'. [... dumu]-ni#-ra#? na-sze3 mu-ri-ni-in-de5
#tr.en: (The resident of?) Šuruppak instructed his son
>>Q000782 075
23. [...] dumu#-ni-ra [...]-un#-de5
22'. [...] dumu#-ni-ra [...]-un#?-de5-[...]
#tr.en: He was instructing his son Ziusudra
>>Q000782 076
1. dumu-mu na ge-de5 na-de5-mu he2-dab5#
1. dumu-gu10 na ge-de5 na# de5#-gu10 he2#-dab5#
#tr.en: My son, I shall instruct, may (you) grasp my instruction
>>Q000782 079
2. zi-u4-su3-ra2-ra inim [ga]-ra#-ab-du11 gizzal# he2-em-szi-[x]
2. zi-u4-su13-ra2-ra inim ga#-ra#-ab-du11 gizzal# he2-em-szi#-[...]
#tr.en: Ziusudra, I want to speak a word to you, may (you) pay attention to it
>>Q000782 080
3. na-de5-ga-mu [nam]-bi2-bar-[re-...]
3. na de5-ga-ga2 [...] nam#-bi2-bar#-[...]
#tr.en: Do not forget my instruction
>>Q000782 081
4. inim du11-ga-ga2 [na-ab]-ta#-bala-[e]-de3#-en
4. inim# du11-ga-ga2# [...]-ta#-bala-[...]
#tr.en: Do not transgress my spoken word
>>Q000782 082
5. ka kasz nag-a [...]
5. ka kasz nag#-a [...]
#tr.en: The mouth that drinks beer(?)
>>Q000782 083
6. lu2-tur [...] lu2 x [...]
6. lu2-tur-gu10# x x [...]-x
#tr.en: My child, you are corrupting (another) man(?)
>>Q000782 084
7. ka kasz [...] x
7. ka kasz#! nag-a# [...]-x
#tr.en: You multiply things with (your) mouth that drinks beer
>>Q000782 085
8. {d#}nin#-ka#-si# [...]
8. {d#}nin#-ka#-si# sza3#-[...]-x
#tr.en: Ninkasi ... his heart/stomach ...
>>Q000782 086
9. [...] KA# x ur3 x [x]-em
>>Q000782 087
10. [...]-ur3-ur3-re
9-10. [...] x-ur3-ur3#?-[...]-in? ... [...]-x-ur3-ur3-re
#tr.en: ... drags ...
>>Q000782 088
11. [...] x a mu-un#-ni-ib2-[il2]-il2
11. [...] x a# mu-un#-ni#-il2#-il2
#tr.en: ... raised ...
>>Q000782 089
12. [...] x im-sar-re
12. [...] x im#-sar-re
#tr.en: ... chases ...
>>Q000782 090
13. [x] sag# im-ta-ab-dur2-dur2-re
13. [...] x im#-ta-ab-gur4-gur4-re
#tr.en: ...
>>Q000782 091
14. [...]-za-ke4 nu-e-szi-su-su
#tr.en: "Your own man"(?) should not(!) repay(?) ... because of you(?)
>>Q000782 092
15. gesz#-[gi] masz2# u2 na-nam sza3-bi inim sig-ga-am3
15. x-x [...] gi u2 na-nam sza3-bi inim#?-sig-ga-am3#
#tr.en: The reed bed is indeed (consisting of) reeds and plants/reeds of one cubit length(?), its midst is slander
>>Q000782 093
16. e2-gal i7-da mah-e sza3-bi gu4 du7-du7-dam
16. e2#-gal# i7-da mah-e sza3-bi gu4 du7-du7-dam#
#tr.en: The palace, the great river, its midst is a bull that is to gore
>>Q000782 094
17. [x]-ku4-ku4 [nig2] sa2 nu-di-dam
17. nig2# ku4-ku4 nig2#? sa2 nu-di-dam
#tr.en: That which enters is not to be regular
>>Q000782 095
18. [x]-e3-e nig2 nu-silig-ge-de3
18. nig2# e3!-e nu-siligx(AK?)-ge-de3
#tr.en: That which leaves is to be unceasing(!)
>>Q000782 096
19. ninda lu2-ka ga-ra-ab-szum2-bi ku-nu-a
19. nig2 lu2-ka ga-ra-ab-szum2-bi! ku-nu-a
#tr.en: That of a man(?) (which makes him say?) “I want to give ... to you"(?) is close (i.e., easy?)
>>Q000782 097
20. szum2-mu-da-bi an bad-ra2-am3
#tr.en: (But) the (actual) giving to be done is distant (like) the heavens (i.e., hard?)
>>Q000782 098
21. ga-ra#-ab-szum2-bi lu2-ra ga-ni-in-us2
21. ga#-ra#-ab#-szum2-bi lu2-ra ga-<ni>-in-us2
#tr.en: (You say) I shall follow the (one who says) I shall give ... to you
>>Q000782 099
22. nu-ra-ab-szum2-mu ninda igi-bi-sze3 ti-la-am3
22. nu#-ra#-ab-szum2-mu nig2 igi-bi-sze3 ti-la-am3
#tr.en: But he will not give it to you(?), (saying) “that which is before it(?) is used up”
>>Q000782 100
23. [x] u2-rum nig2 a2 se3-ga-a-da
23. [nig2]-u2-rum nig2 a2! si!-ga-a-da
#tr.en: Property is something to be ...
>>Q000782 101
24. lu2-tur-mu nig2 nu-mu-un-da-sa2
>>Q000782 102
24. lu2#-tur-gu10 nig2 nu-um-da-sa2
#tr.en: My child, nothing compares with it
>>Q000782 102
25. 4(u) 6(disz)
#tr.en: (Total:) 46 (entries).
>>Q000782 colophon
UET 6, 0695 (P346732) 2326564
ATF: Parsing failed on line 37 near character 1
… does not appear in words list
… does not appear in signs list
&P346732 = UET 6, 0695
#atf: lang sux
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-la#?
#tr.en: Its ruler is a ruler that makes divisions
2'. [...] nam-nun-na
#tr.en: The great pirig creature of rulership
3'. [...] eridu{ki}-ga
#tr.en: Temple that bears an aura, the luhšu functionary of Eridu
4'. [...]-nun#? di4-di4#-la2!
#tr.en: The great ruler(?), with hair (adorned) with an abundance of tiny ...(?)
5'. [...] x x en!? gal-e#?
#tr.en: ..., the great en priest(?)
6'. [... {d}en]-ki#-ke4
#tr.en: ... Enki
7'. [...] ki-tusz-a-ni
#tr.en: When he dwells there(?) in the E'engur temple
8'. [...]-a-ni
#tr.en: When he builds the Abzu of Eridu
9'. [...]-ni
#tr.en: When he takes counsel at the Halankug shrine
$ (surface uncertain)
1. [...]-gu#?-u2#? x x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2. u3 ru-bu-u2# ga#-x-[...]
#tr.en: And the prince ...
3. dumu nun siskurx(|AMAR.AMAR|)# x [...] x-bi [...]
#tr.en: The princely son ... a siskur offering
4. x x x [...]
5. x UN#? [...]
#tr.en: ...
6. x x x [...]
7. ZI#? [...]
8. x [...]
9. x [...]
10. x […]
CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 023 (P346223) 2326565
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 4: d<<x
badx(EZEN)-bi only appears a few times in words list
zarx(SUG)-re-esz only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-an-ak-... only appears a few times in words list
...-bi2-in-la2 only appears a few times in words list
e-gi4-in-zu! only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib2-lax(ME)-esz only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-gaz2 only appears a few times in words list
emedada does not appear in words list
lirum-ba only appears a few times in words list
irix(ERIM3)-ni only appears a few times in words list
dumu-ni-ta! only appears a few times in words list
ba!-da-an-gur only appears a few times in words list
nig2-gur11! only appears a few times in words list
ba-birx(HAR)-birx(HAR)-re only appears a few times in words list
ki-sag-gal2-la-na only appears a few times in words list
im-me-de3-re7{+re}-esz only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-da-ab-gux(KA) only appears a few times in words list
erimx(URU2)-ma only appears a few times in words list
x-ab-du12-du12 only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-lah5 only appears a few times in words list
a2-nigin2-na only appears a few times in words list
sikil-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
al-du3-du3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-ak-ak only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-ra-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
dx-nin-gal does not appear in words list
im-me! only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-gul-la only appears a few times in words list
ba-da-bir-birx(HAR)-re only appears a few times in words list
nu-nuz-e only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-de3-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
asz2!(TUG2) only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-ib-bala-e only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ISZ-ra only appears a few times in words list
du-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ni-szub only appears a few times in words list
igi-nim-ma-ni only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-tag! only appears a few times in words list
ba-gulx(GIR4)-gul-e only appears a few times in words list
ba-gul-gulx(GIR4)-e only appears a few times in words list
gab2-bar-bi only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-an-gub only appears a few times in words list
mu-nu10-bi only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-an-dur2-ru-un only appears a few times in words list
uru2{ki}-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ab-gur4-gur4 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ab-tum3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-mu-un-gal2 only appears a few times in words list
mu-gar3-bi only appears a few times in words list
GAN2-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mul-GAN2-mul{sar} only appears a few times in words list
du8-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
SI-A-ba only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ab-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-bir-bir-re only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-un-da-gu7 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ma-da-ab-si only appears a few times in words list
{iti}gur10-{d}inanna only appears a few times in words list
badx(EZEN) only appears a few times in signs list
emedada does not appear in signs list
irix(ERIM3) only appears a few times in signs list
gur11! only appears a few times in signs list
erimx(URU2) only appears a few times in signs list
dx does not appear in signs list
asz2!(TUG2) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346223 = CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 023
#atf: lang sux
1. u4-ba u4 uru17 ba-da-an-gar iri-bi du6-du6-da
#tr.en: At that time(!) the storm was placed together with the city, the city was ruin heaps
2. a-a {d}nanna uru17#-bi du6-du6-da ba-da-an-gar ug3 sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: Father Nanna, the city has been placed into ruins, and the people wailed
3. u4# ka-na-ag2 ba-da-an-kar ug3 sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The storm deprived the land of ..., and the people wailed
4. ka-na-ag2-e szika ku5-da nu-me-a sug!-ge4 bi2-in-gu7 ug3 sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The land was devastated (until) there was not even a broken sherd (left), and the people wailed
5. badx(EZEN)-bi gu2-giri16 im-mi-in-gar ug3 sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: A breach was made in the wall, and the people wailed
6. abul mah-ba giri3 gal2-la-ba adda im-mi-in-gar-gar-re
#tr.en: At the great gate where there was a path, it was piling up corpses
7. sila dagal ezem-gin7 du3-a-ba sag numun-e-esz ba-ab-gar
#tr.en: In the broad lane prepared as if for a festival, head(s) were placed as seeds
8. e-sir2-e-sir2-ra giri3 gal2-la-ba adda im-mi-in-gar-gar-re
#tr.en: In the streets, where there were paths, it was piling up corpses
9. eszemen ezem gal2 ug3 zarx(SUG?)-re-esz mu-un-sal
#tr.en: In the playground, where there was a festival, it spread out people (as) sheaves
10. u3-mun kalam-ma alal an-na-ke4 sur-sur ba-gar-gar
#tr.en: Ditches/burial pits were put down (for) the blood of land like (it would be done for?) the drainpipe of heaven(?)
11. adda-ba i3-udu u4-de3# gal2-la-ba ni2-bi mu-un-zal-le-esz
#tr.en: (That of) the corpses, (like) sheep fat in sunlight, dissolved by themselves
12. lu2 {uruda}ha-zi-in-e i-im-til-la-gin7 sag TUG2 la-ba-an-ak#-[...]
#tr.en: Like a man ended by a hazin axe, one was not (bothering to) “clothe his head"/wearing a turban (as a bandage?)
13. masz-nita gesz-bur2 dab5-ba-gin7 ka# sahar-ra bi2-in-us2#
#tr.en: Like a goat buck caught by a snare, (one) lodged his mouth in the dirt
14. lu2 {gesz}mitum-e i-im-til-la-gin7# {tug2#}nig2-la2# [...]-bi2#-in-la2
#tr.en: And therefore(?) like a man ended by the mitum weapon, one did not (bother to) wear bandages
15. e-gi4-in-zu! ki ha-ri-isz-tum ama#-ba#? [...] mud2#-ba mu-un-sze21-sze21
#tr.en: As if lying in the birthing place of their mother, one laid in his(!) blood
16. lu2 gesztin nag nu-me-esz gu2 za3-ga bi2-ib2-lax(ME)-esz
#tr.en: Those who had not drunk wine nonetheless hung their necks down (lit. on the shoulder) (as if drunk)
17. {gesz}tukul-e gub-ba {gesz}tukul-e bi2-in-gaz2#
#tr.en: Those who served with weaponry(?) were slaughtered by weaponry
18. lu2-kar-ra-bi u4 im-ma-an-de6 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The storm took away(?) fugitive men and gazelles (alike?), and the people wailed
19. uri2{ki}-ma si-ga kal-ga-bi sza3-gar-re ba-til
#tr.en: In Urim the weak and strong alike came to an end out of hunger
20. um-ma ab#-ba e2-ta nu-e3 izi mu-ni-in-si-ge5-esz
#tr.en: The elder women and men who did not leave the house were set on fire
21. di4-di4#-la2# ur2 ama-bi ne-a ku6-sze6 a ba-ab-de6
#tr.en: Water brought away(?) the tiny ones ... the lap of the mother like(!) fish
22. emedada# lirum kal-ga# lirum-ba ba-an-du8-du8
#tr.en: The strong grasp of the wetnurse, (this) grasp was loosened
23. dim2-ma kalam-ma u2-gu ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The allegiance/sense of the land was forgotten, and the people wailed
24. erim3-ma kalam-ma u2-gu ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The treasury of the land was forgotten, and the people wailed
25. ama dumu-ni-ir irix(ERIM3?)-ni ba-ra#-e3 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The mother left her city(!?) for (to the detriment of?) her son, and the people wailed
26. ad-da dumu-ni?-ta!? ba!-da-an-gur? ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The father turned away from his son, and the people wailed
27. iri{ki}-a dam ba-szub dumu ba-szub nig2-gur11! ba-birx(HAR)-birx(HAR)-re
#tr.en: In the city the spouse was abandoned, the child was abandoned, possessions were scattered
28. sag-gig2-ga ki-sag-gal2-la-na im-me-de3-re7{+re}-esz
#tr.en: The blackheaded people went into ...'s solemn place
29. nin-bi muszen ni2 te-a-gin7 uru17{ki}-ni ba-ra-e3
#tr.en: The lady left her city like a frightened bird
30. {d}nin-gal muszen# ni2# te#-a#-gin7 uru17{ki}-ni ba-ra-e3
#tr.en: Ningal left her city like a frightened bird
31. nig2-gur11 x-[... ma]-al#-ma-al-la sug!-ge4 hu-mu-da-ab-gux(KA)
#tr.en: And therefore(?) the possessions ... amassed(?) (there) were annihilated
32. erimx(URU2)-ma [...] x-ab-du12-du12 ni2 im-ma-lah5
#tr.en: In the treasury(?) (which) had possessed ... plundered itself(?)
33. a2-nigin2-na {d#?}gibil6# lu2 sikil-ke4 kin2-ga2 al-du3-du3
#tr.en: (Even) in the ponds, Gibil, the purifier, was performing(?) work
34. hur-sag sukud#?-[...] szu#? nu-te-ge26-e en e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-ke4
#tr.en: The high mountain range which no hand approaches, oh lord(?) of the Ekišnugal temple
35. e2 zi-de3 {uruda}ha-zi-in gal-gal-e tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e
#tr.en: The true temple, the great hazin axes were consuming as if in a pack
36. szimaszgi{ki} elam{ki} lu2 ha-lam-ma uszu3 kin2 ba-da-ak-ak
#tr.en: (The troops of) Šimašgi and Elam, the destructive ones, were treating it as if it was worth thirty shekels(!?)
37. e2 zi-de3 uru17 {gesz}al-e ba-ab-ra-a-gin7 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: When(?) the pickaxes struck the true temple and city, the people wailed
38. uru17# du6-du6-da mu-un-ga2-ga2-e-ne ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: They were making the city into ruin heaps, and the people wailed
1. nin-bi a uru17-gu10 im-me a e2-gu10 im-me
#tr.en: Its lady was crying “Alas, my city,” she was crying “Alas, my temple”
2. d<<x>>-nin-gal a uru2-gu10 im-me a e2-gu10# im#-me!?
#tr.en: Ningal was crying “Alas, my city,” she was crying “Alas, my temple”
3. {lu2}nu-nuz-e u4 uru17 ba-da-gul u4 e2 ba-da-gul
#tr.en: The woman, the storm destroyed (her) city, the storm destroyed her temple
4. {d#}[...] esz3# uri2{ki}-ma ba-da-gul-la ug3 ba-da-bir-birx(HAR)-re
#tr.en: Nanna(?), shrine Urim is destroyed, and the people are scattering
5. ki-ru-gu2 6(disz)-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the 6th kirugu
6. tur3-a-na amasz-a-na nu-nuz-e gu3 gig-ga mu-ni-ib2-be2 iri u4-de3 am3-gul-e
#tr.en: In her cattlepen, in her sheepfold, the woman shouts bitterly, the storm is destoying the city
7. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im
#tr.en: It is its {geš}gigal “response”
8. ama {d}nin-gal uru17{ki}-ni lu2-erim2-gin7 bar-ta ba-ra-gub
#tr.en: Mother Ningal stands apart from her city like an enemy
9. {lu2}nu-nuz-e na-ag2 uru17 hul-a-na gig-ga-bi im-me
#tr.en: The woman cries bitterly about the fate of her destroyed city
10. {d}nin-gal-e na-ag2 e2 hul-a-na gig-ga-bi im-me
#tr.en: Ningal cries bitterly about the fate of her destroyed temple
11. an-ne2 uru17 na-ag2 ha-ba-de3-ku5 uru17{ki}-gu10 hu-mu-da-gul
#tr.en: An must curse (my) city, my city must be destroyed
12. {d}en-lil2-le e2-gu10 asz2!(TUG2) he2-bi2-ib-bala-e {gesz}al ha-ba-ISZ-ra
#tr.en: Enlil must curse my temple, the pickaxe must strike(!)
13. sig-ta du-ga2 izi ba-ni-szub uru17{ki}-gu10 hu-mu-da-gul
#tr.en: He (must) cast fire upon my ... coming from the lowland, my city must be destroyed
14. {d}en-lil2-le igi-nim-ma-ni u3-bu-bu-ul ha-ba-ni-tag!?
#tr.en: Enlil must touch down lightning flame upon his(!?) highland
15. [...] bar-ra uru17 bar hu-mu-da-gul a uru17-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: At the outskirts of the city, the outer city must be destroyed, and I shall say “Alas, my city”
16. uru2#? sza3-ba uru2 sza3-ab hu-mu-da-gul a uru2-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: In the middle of the city, the inner city must be destroyed, and I shall say “Alas, my city”
17. e2# uru2#? bar-ra-gu10 ba-gulx(GIR4)-gul-e a uru2-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: My temple (in) the outskirts of the city is being destroyed, and I shall say “Alas, my city”
18. [...] uru17? sza3-ba-gu10 ba-gul-gulx(GIR4)-e a uru2-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: My temple (in) the middle of the city is being destroyed, and I shall say “Alas, my city”
19. x-gu10 u8 zi-gin7 ba-ra-ma-lug sipa zi-bi ba-ra-gub
#tr.en: Therefore, the city is not pastured for me like a fertile ewe, its true shepherd is not present
20. uri2{ki} ud5 zi-gin7 ba-ra-ma-lug gab2-bar-bi ba-ra-gub
#tr.en: Therefore, Urim is not pastured for me like a fertile she-goat, its herder is not present
21. gu4-gu10 tur3-bi-a ba-ra-an-gub mu-nu10#-bi ba-ra-gub
#tr.en: My ox does not stand in the cattlepen, its herder is not present
22. e-ze2-gu10 amasz#-bi#-a# ba#-ra#-an#-dur2-ru-un# [...]-bi ba-ra-gub
#tr.en: My sheep do not dwell in their sheepfold, their herder is not present
23. i7 uru2{ki}-ke4 sahar ha-ba-ab-gur4-gur4 e2# [...] x ha#?-ba-ab-tum3
#tr.en: The canal of the city thickens with silt and produces(?) fox dens(?)
24. sza3-ba a zal-le ba-ra-mu-un-de6 mu#-[...] ba#-ra-gub
#tr.en: In its course it does not bring flowing water, its canal inspector is not present
25. GAN2 uru2-ga2-ke4 sze ba-ra-mu-un-gal2 mu-gar3-bi ba-ra-gub
#tr.en: In the fields of my city, grain is not present, its farmer is not present
26. GAN2-gu10 GAN2 {gesz}al ri-a-gin7 mul-GAN2-mul{sar} ha-ba-mu2
#tr.en: (In?) my field, like a field that the pickax has struck (to destroy it and render it unusable!?), (only) the “star of the field(?)” plant grows
27. pu2 {gesz}kiri6 lal3 gesztin du8-a-ba {gesz}AD2 kur-ra ha-ba-mu2
#tr.en: In the irrigated orchards that heap up(?) syrup and wine, the thornbush of the mountain grows grows
28. edin giri17-zal-bi SI-A-ba gir4-gin7 ba-ur5-ur5
#tr.en: In the steppe whose “joy” was surpassing/filled it(?), (it was) emitting (a baking scent?) like an oven(?)
29. mu-un-gur11-gu10 buru4{muszen} dugud zi-ga-gin7 dal-dal-bi ha-ba-ab-[...] mu-un-gur11-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: My possessions are taken away flying like a flock of crows taking flight, I must cry “My possessions!”
30. mu-un-gur11-gu10 sig-ta di-ga2 sig-sze3 ha-ba-ab-de6 mu-un-gur11-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: My possessions coming from the lowland are brought back to the lowland, I must cry “My possessions!”
31. mu-un-gur11-gu10 igi-nim-ta di-ga2 igi-nim-sze3 ha-ba-ab#-de6 mu-un-gur11-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: My possessions coming from the highland are brought back to the highland, I must cry “My possessions!”
32. ku3 {na4}za-gin3-gu10-ta ba-e-bir-bir-re mu-un#-gur11-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: (The storm?) scatters me away from(?) my precious metal and lapis, I must cry “My possessions!”
33. gil-sa-gu10 sug-ge4 hu-mu-un-da-gu7 mu-un-gur11-gu10 ga-am3-du11
#tr.en: My treasure is annihilated, I must cry “My possessions!”
34. ku3-gu10 lu2 ku3 nu-zu-ne szu-bi ba-ni-in-si mu-un-gu7
#tr.en: People who know nothing(?) of precious metal fill the hand with my precious metal and consume it
35. {na4}za-gin3-gu10 lu2 {na4}za-gin3 nu-zu-ne gu2-bi ha-ma-da-ab-si
#tr.en: People who know nothing(?) of lapis load their necks with my lapis
36. {iti}gur10-{d}inanna u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam
#tr.en: It is the month of Gur-Inanna, the 14th day
1. mu-x-x-x
#tr.en: ...
UET 6, 0697 (P346734) 2326566
lugal-la-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
&P346734 = UET 6, 0697
#atf: lang sux
$ (unclear surface)
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] {gi#}gakkul3# [...]
#tr.en: The grain of the ... of the Ekur, a mash tub ...
2'. [... e2-kur]-ra# ninda he2#-[em-...]
#tr.en: May the ... of the Ekur eat(?) bread ...
3'. [... kesz2]-kesz2#? lu2 nu-mu-ni?-[...]
#tr.en: ... no one ...
4'. [...] x NI kesz2-kesz2 lu2 nu-mu-ni#?-[...]
#tr.en: ... no one ...
5'. e2#?-kur#?-ra#?-ke4 inim lugal-la-ga2 [...] gizzal#!? in-ak zu2-kesz2-bi? x [...]
#tr.en: That of the Ekur? ... the word of my king ..., ... paid attention(?), its groups/bundles/joints ...
6'. {gesz}ig-e e2-kur-ra-ke4 gu2-bi he2-em-mi#?-[...]
#tr.en: May the door of the Ekur ... its neck …
7'. [...]-bi gu2-gal an-na-ke4 bar-bi? he2-em#-[...]
#tr.en: Its ..., the foremost of heaven, may it ... its back/outside(?)
8'. [...] e2-kur-ra sze-bi {gi}gakkul3 x [...]
#tr.en: The grain of the ... of the Ekur, a mash tub ...
9'. [...] x e2-kur-ra ninda he2-em-[...]
#tr.en: May the ... of the Ekur eat(?) bread ...
10'. [...] NI# kesz2-kesz2 lu2 nu-mu#-[...]
#tr.en: ... no one ...
11'. [...] za#?-gin3#?-na#? x [...]
#tr.en: ... of lapis(?) ...
1. [...] x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
CDLI Literary 000784, ex. 005 (P346257) 2326567
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 17: a-sza3 uru4{+ru}#
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 16: u4# sze birx(HI#
uru4-e only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-de5-... only appears a few times in words list
dib2-da-zu-ne only appears a few times in words list
sux(|LAGARxDISZ|) only appears a few times in words list
duh-u3-de3 only appears a few times in words list
kar2-kar2-... only appears a few times in words list
i-im-me-e11-de3-x only appears a few times in words list
ki!-duru5-bi only appears a few times in words list
na-ra-ab-zukumx(|LAL2.SAR|)-e only appears a few times in words list
u2-sagx(UR4)-bi only appears a few times in words list
u3-bi2-zi2 only appears a few times in words list
{uruda}gin2-sal only appears a few times in words list
sa2!-a-ab only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ab-szu2-szu2 only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ab-tag-tag only appears a few times in words list
a-sza3!-ga only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ab-ni10-ni10 only appears a few times in words list
al-sze6-sze6-ga2-dam only appears a few times in words list
a-ra-ab-si-ge5 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}szu-gar6-zu only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ab-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}szudul4-zu only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ab-kesz2 only appears a few times in words list
gaszam-e-ne only appears a few times in words list
du10-UD only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ab-ak-en only appears a few times in words list
a2-zu! only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ab-us2-en only appears a few times in words list
he2-en-ha-za only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-an-ke3-en only appears a few times in words list
nam-mu-un-szub-be2-en only appears a few times in words list
a-ra-ab-tuku-a only appears a few times in words list
bi-ib2-tu-lu-a only appears a few times in words list
du3-da-ab only appears a few times in words list
kusz2-u3-da-zu-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
disz-ta only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}apin-... only appears a few times in words list
uru4{+ru}-... only appears a few times in words list
{kusz}im-x-... only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}dam!-zu only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-tal2-tal2 only appears a few times in words list
absin3-zu only appears a few times in words list
ussu-am3 only appears a few times in words list
absin2 only appears a few times in words list
dur2-dur2-ru-na only appears a few times in words list
uru4{+ru}-da-zu-ne only appears a few times in words list
gar-ra-zu-usz only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-an-gar only appears a few times in words list
nu-um-suhur only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-ra-ab-x only appears a few times in words list
lu-gu2-zu only appears a few times in words list
ku5-da-x only appears a few times in words list
uru4-... only appears a few times in words list
henbur2-... only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-gi4-x-... only appears a few times in words list
bir5{muszen}-a only appears a few times in words list
bala-x-... only appears a few times in words list
absin3-na-ka only appears a few times in words list
sag-ga2-ka only appears a few times in words list
{gi}kid-ma2-szu2-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
a-ab-gub-ba only appears a few times in words list
{sze}lillan-bi only appears a few times in words list
lu-ha only appears a few times in words list
am3-si-a only appears a few times in words list
sa-ma-na-asz only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-gig only appears a few times in words list
birx(HI) only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}ban2{+an} only appears a few times in words list
gurx(UR4)-gurx(UR4)-ru-da-zu-ne only appears a few times in words list
gurx(UR4)-ru-a-ab only appears a few times in words list
|KID2xIM| only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-na-ab-tag-ge only appears a few times in words list
hu-mu-ra-ab-gurx(UR4)-gurx(UR4)-ru-ne only appears a few times in words list
na-an-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
garadin-na only appears a few times in words list
na-ab-si-il-si-le-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
szid-bi! only appears a few times in words list
tuku-a-... only appears a few times in words list
gu7-gu7-zu-usz only appears a few times in words list
ab-e11-... only appears a few times in words list
har-ra-an-... only appears a few times in words list
gesz-bad-ra2-zu only appears a few times in words list
KU-KU-ru-da-zu-ne only appears a few times in words list
bad-du8-zu only appears a few times in words list
he2-ri-gub-bu-usz only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-|LAGARxDISZ|!-a only appears a few times in words list
al-la2-e-na-gub only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}gidri-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
sa9-a-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
sux(|LAGARxDISZ|) only appears a few times in signs list
sagx(UR4) only appears a few times in signs list
absin2 only appears a few times in signs list
birx(HI) only appears a few times in signs list
|KID2xIM| only appears a few times in signs list
|LAGARxDISZ|! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346257 = CDLI Literary 000784, ex. 005
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. u4 ul uru4-e dumu-ni na# mu-un-de5#-[...]
#tr.en: The one who sows (since) ancient time was the one who instructed his son
2. a#-sza3 dib2-da-zu-[ne]
#tr.en: When you pass through the field
3. e pa5 sux(|LAGARxDISZ|)? duh-u3-de3 igi kar2-kar2-[...]
#tr.en: Inspect the dikes, ditches, and/of the threshing floor(?) that are to be opened
4. a-sza3! a de2-a-zu-ne a-bi sza3-bi nu-x-[...]
#tr.en: When you irrigate the field, its water (should) not rise (too high) in its midst
5. u4# a-ta i-im-me-e11-de3-x [...]
#tr.en: When (the field) (re)emerges from the water
6. a#-sza3 ki!-duru5-bi en-nu-ug3 ak-ab ki-sze-er a-ra-ab#-[...]
#tr.en: Watch the wet patches of the field, after it has been fenced/reached the appropriate limit
7. gu4# suhub giri3 na-ra-ab-zukumx(|LAL2.SAR|)?-e#
#tr.en: Do not let the suhub oxen trample it
8. u2-sagx(UR4)-bi u3-bi2-zi2 a-sza3 ki-gar u3-bi2-du11#
#tr.en: After you cut down the bundles (for reinforcement) and establish the suitable area (of) the field
9. u {uruda}gin2-sal szanabi ma-na-ta sa2!-a-ab
#tr.en: Ten (times) level it with a light hoe weighing two-thirds mana
10. {gesz}al-szub-be2 umbin gu4 ha-ra-ab-szu2-szu2 sa ha-ra-ab-la2-la2
#tr.en: The alšub implement should cover up the oxen hoof (marks), may it sweep (the field clean)
11. ki ka sal-la-bi u2-tag ha-ra-ab-tag-tag
#tr.en: The utag tool should touch the places (of?) “narrow intake"(?) for you
12. gu2 a-sza3!-ga ub-da# limmu2 {gesz}al-la ha-ra-ab-ni10-ni10
#tr.en: The hoe should encircle the four edges of the field
13. en-na a-sza3-ga al-sze6-sze6-ga2-dam tesz2# a-ra-ab-si-ge5
#tr.en: Until (the field) is dried, ... should be employing (the tools) together(?) for you
14. {gesz}szu-gar6-zu sa ha-ra-ab-gi4
#tr.en: The implements should be prepared (their bindings restored?) for you
15. {gesz}szudul4-zu a2-szita4 ha-ra-ab-kesz2
#tr.en: The equipment of your yoke should be bound for you
16. {kusz}usan3 gibil-zu {gesz}gag-ta ha-ra-ab-la2
#tr.en: May your new whip hang from a nail for you
17. {kusz}usan3 sumun-zu mud# la2-la2-bi
#tr.en: The handle bindings of your old whip
18. dumu# gaszam-e-ne du10-UD ha-ra-ab-ak-en
#tr.en: The craftsmen should repair (! this ms.: “pray”!?) it for you
19. {uruda}gin2 {uruda}bulugx(BUR2) {uruda#}dur10# szum-me nig2 ak {gesz}szu-kar2#-zu a2-zu!? sag ha-ra-ab-us2-en
#tr.en: The adze, chisel/drill, dur maul(?) and šumme saw, that which does/makes(???), your implements, your strength(?), should be constant(?) for you
20. {kusz}sag-kesz2 bar-e11#-de3# {kusz}ka-du10 {kusz}usan3 [...]-za#?-a#? he2-en-ha-za
#tr.en: The leather thong, braiding lever, cover/wrapping, and whip should be at your disposal
21. {gi}ba-an-du8-zu kab2#? di# mu-ra-an-ak a2 kal?-ga#-zu? ha-ra-an-ke3-en
#tr.en: ... (should) check your basket for you, you should strengthen your arms
22. a2-asz2 a-sza3-zu e2?-za-a he2-en-gal2 kin2-zu nig2 nam-mu-un-szub-be2-en
#tr.en: You should have what you require (for) the field in your house(?), do not neglect anything (pertaining) to your work
23. gu4# {gesz}apin gu4 diri a-ra-ab-tuku-a
#tr.en: The plow ox has acquired an extra ox for you
24. gu4 gu4-da dur bi-ib2-tu-lu-a
#tr.en: The bond between oxen was made (sufficiently) slack
25. {gesz#}apin#-bi? {gesz}apin-na a-ab-diri
#tr.en: The plow was made to have an extra plow
26. [...] {gesz}apin 1(disz)-e 1(bur'u) GAN2-am3
#tr.en: The assignment(?) of 1 plow is 10 bur
27. [...] 8(bur3) GAN2-am3 gesz du3-da-ab
#tr.en: (When) it is eight bur, (re)build the wood(en) object(?)
28. [...] kusz2#?-u3-da-zu?-gin7 a-ra-ab-dim2-e
#tr.en: ... will make ... for you according to what you are to toil(?)
29. 1(bur3)# GAN2-ba 3(gesz2) sze gur-am3 ba-an-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: It is ... gur of barley that will be expended (for oxen feed)(?) in the 1 bur area
30. usu# {gesz}apin disz-ta a-sza3 {gesz}bar-dili-bi u3-bi2-ak
#tr.en: After working the field (with) the bardili plow by means of the force of one seed plow
31. {gesz}bar#-dili-bi {gesz}apin-[...] u3#-bi2-ak tug2-gur#-ra#-ab
#tr.en: After working the field (with) the bardili plow and the tugsig plow, use the tuggur plow
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. u4#? mul# [...]
#tr.en: After the stars of heaven are appropriate (in the proper place)
2'. u {gesz#}apin# x [...]
#tr.en: Ten (times) the plow ...
3'. {gesz}al du3#-[...]
#tr.en: The hoe should work everything for you
4'. a-sza3 uru4{+ru}#-[...]
#tr.en: When you sow the field
5'. {gesz}apin-zu gu ha#-[...]
#tr.en: Your plow should be marked/aligned
6'. {gesz}ka-szu2 {gesz}apin-na-zu {kusz}im-x-[...]
#tr.en: Lay down a ... on the kašu of your plow (to prepare it for seeding?)
7'. {gesz}dam!-zu {gesz}gag sal-la szub#-[...]
#tr.en: Lay down your beam (with) a thin nail
8'. {gesz}le-um-zu a2 he2-bi2-tal2-tal2 absin3-zu# x
#tr.en: Your boards/ears should be spread out, ... your furrow
9'. disz ninda-ta-am3 absin3 ussu-am3 gub-ba-ab
#tr.en: Set up eight furrows per one ninda (of width)
10'. absin2 dur2-dur2-ru-na sze-bi gu2 a-ab-gid2
#tr.en: The barley would have lodged in ... furrows
11'. a-sza3 uru4{+ru}-da-zu#-ne
#tr.en: When you sow a field
12'. lu2 sze numun gar-ra-zu-usz igi-zu gar-ni
#tr.en: Look (carefully) towards the one planting the barley seed
13'. min szu-si-ta-am3 {d}asznan he2-en-szub
#tr.en: At a depth of two fingers, he should drop grain
14'. disz ninda-ta-am3 sze disz gin2 ha-ra-an-gar
#tr.en: He should set one gig of barley per one ninda
15'. tukumbi sze numun# e2-tur3-ra nu-um-suhur
#tr.en: If the barley seed was not “incised/scratched in the stall”
16'. {gesz}nig2-ku5 {gesz}eme {gesz}apin-na-zu kur2-ra-ab
#tr.en: Change your wedge(?) of the plowshare
17'. tukumbi dur a-ab-tu-lu dur tur-ra-ab
#tr.en: If the bindings have slackened, reduce (i.e. tighten) the bindings
18'. ki absin3 si sa2 i3-uru4{+ru}-ab absin3 {gesz}szibir uru4{+ru}-ab
#tr.en: Where straight furrows were sown(?), sow “shepherd's crook” furrows
19'. ki absin3 {gesz}szibir i3-uru4{+ru}-ab absin3 si sa2! uru4{+ru}-ab
#tr.en: Where “shepherd's crook” furrows were sown(?), sow straight furrows
20'. absin3 si sa2 gu4 ku5 gu4 TAG nu-mu-ra-ab-x
#tr.en: The straight furrow will not(!?) be ... with ... and ... edges(?) for you
21'. absin3 lu-gu2-zu si ha-ra-ab-sa2
#tr.en: Your twisted furrows should be straightened out
22'. absin3 ab-ki-iz-bi DU-a absin3 gib-ba#? x GAN2 ku5-da-x uru4#?-[...]
#tr.en: ... the “unobstructed"(?) furrows, ... the traversal furrows, and sow your “separated field”
23'. szeg12 lag-bi ha#-[...]
#tr.en: Its brick(like?) clods should be collected for you
24'. ki-sahar us2-[...]
#tr.en: The blocking(?) deposits of the furrow should be beaten
25'. ki-sahar [...]
#tr.en: The covering(?) deposits of(?) the furrow should be thinned out/weakened
26'. henbur2#-[...]
#tr.en: Regarding the seedlings, it is good for you
@column 1
1. u4 henbur2-e [...]
#tr.en: After the seedlings have split the ground
2. siskur2 {d}nin-gi4#-x-[...]
#tr.en: Perform the rites of Ninkilim
3. zu2 bir5{muszen}-a bala#-x-[...]
#tr.en: Turn away the bite of the locust
4. u4 sze ka sal-la absin3-na-ka a-ab#-[...]
#tr.en: When the barley exceeds the “narrow intake” of the furrow
5. a numun sag-ga2-ka du11-ga-[ab]
#tr.en: Water it with the water of the first seed
6. u4 sze {gi}kid-ma2-szu2-a-ba a-ab-gub-ba a du11-ga#-[ab]
#tr.en: When the barley stands in (the form of?) a reed mat, water it
7. {sze}lillan-bi a du11-ga-ab
#tr.en: Water the ripe grain
8. u4 sze# lu-ha am3-si-a a na-ab-be2-en sa-ma-na-asz#? ba-e-gig
#tr.en: When the grain is filled with(?) offshoots, you should not water it, you would have(?) afflicted it in the manner of the samana disease
9. u4# sze birx(HI#?) ke3-de3 ba-ab-du7-a a du11-ga-ab
#tr.en: When the grain has become suitable for dehusking, water it
10. {gesz}ban2{+an} 1(u) 1(disz) sila3-ta ku-dun ba-an-tuku-tuku
#tr.en: It(?) will acquire a profit of one sila grain for each ban
11. sze gurx(UR4)-gurx(UR4)-ru-da-zu-ne sze ur5 gurum nam-ba-ak-e
#tr.en: When you are to harvest the grain, do not let the grain bend itself over (overripe)
12. u4 a2-ba-ka gurx(UR4)-ru-a-ab
#tr.en: Harvest at that of its appropriate time
13. |KID2xIM| disz-e lu2# sze zar kesz2-da min-am3
#tr.en: There is one cutter(?) and two(!?) people to bind the barley sheaves
14. u3 lu2 disz-e igi-ni-sze3 sze zar hu-mu-na-ab-tag-ge
#tr.en: And one who will “touch” the barley sheaves before him
15. esz5-am3# hu-mu-ra-ab-gurx(UR4)-gurx(UR4)-ru-ne
#tr.en: (They) are three, they should harvest for you
16. lu2# sze de5-de5-ga-zu sze hum na-an-ke3-e
#tr.en: Your grain gatherers should not break(?) the barley
17. sze# garadin-na na-ab-si-il-si-le-de3-en
#tr.en: They(!?) are not to split apart the barley of the stacks of sheaves
18. kin2 u4-da-zu u4 tur-gin7
#tr.en: Your work of the day, when the day is young (i.e. at dawn)
19. usu# di4-di4-la2-zu-ne u3 lu2 sze de5-de5-ga-zu-ne
#tr.en: The force of your “little ones” and your grain gatherers
20. szid?-bi#!? du6#-ul-la-ab zar#?-re-esz nu2-de3-eb
#tr.en: Store/gather its number(?), lay down (the grain) in the manner of sheaves
21. kin2-zu# mi2 zi a-ra-ab-[...]
#tr.en: Your work should be executed with care
22. sze sumun-e#? tuku#-a-[...]
#tr.en: After having old grain (for so long before the harvest?)
23. gu7-gu7-zu-usz# lu2 sze gesz# [...]
#tr.en: Do not have someone thresh the barley for your eating(?)
24. sze# zar#?-ra ne#-[...]
#tr.en: Give your barley sheaves a rest
25. siskur2# [...]
#tr.en: The rites of the barley sheaf should be performed for you daily
26. u4 sze ab-e11#-[...]
#tr.en: When you bring up the barley (for transportation)
27. har-ra-an-[...]
#tr.en: Set your paths in order
28. x [...]
29. x [...]
30. x [...]
#tr.en: column 2
1. zu2# gesz-bad-ra2-zu# kusz# la2-la2-bi esir2 ha-ra-ab-sub6-sub6
#tr.en: The leather (straps) that bind together the teeth of your threshing sledge should be coated with bitumen for you
2. gu4 KU-KU-ru-da-zu-ne lu2 sze gesz bad-du8-zu usu he2-ri-gub-bu-usz
#tr.en: When your oxen ..., the ones threshing the grain (by sledge) should stand for you (by their own?) strength
3. u4 sze bi2-in-|LAGARxDISZ|!?-a
#tr.en: When he ... the barley
4. siskur2 sze nu-nir-ra du11-ga-ab
#tr.en: Perform the rites of grain that is not winnowed (impure grain)
5. u4 sze al-la2-e11-de3-en-na-zu
#tr.en: When you are to bring up(!?) the barley
6. lu2 sze al-la2-e11-de3-en-na-zu
#tr.en: When you are to have someone who is to bring up(!?) the barley
7. lu2 sze ki-ta al-la2-e-na-gub lu2 gesztu2 tuku gub-ba-ab
#tr.en: Station an intelligent person (in the role of) standing “below” (winnowing/bringing up(!?)) the barley
8. lu2 sze DU-a esz5-am3 ha-ra-gub-bu-usz
#tr.en: Three grain movers(?) should be stationed there for you
9. sze nir-ra-zu {gesz}gidri-sze3 nu2-de3-eb
#tr.en: Lay your winnowed grain down for the (measuring) stick
10. siskur2 u4-te-en ge6-ba du11-ga-ab
#tr.en: Perform the rites of its evening and night
11. u4 sa9-a-gin7 sze bur2-ra-ab
#tr.en: When it is midday, spread out the grain
12. na de5 {d}nin-urta engar {d}en-lil2-la2
#tr.en: The instruction of Ninurta, the farmer of Enlil
13. {d}nin-urta en dumu {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4
#tr.en: Ninurta, lord, son of Enlil
14. za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3
#tr.en: Your praise is sweet
$ blank space
CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 024 (P346224) 2326568
nu-mu-um-... only appears a few times in words list
hul2-la-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
ezem-ma-zu only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-ni-ib2-du10-ge only appears a few times in words list
hul2-le-a only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-ra-du12 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-tu5-tu5-a only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-ni-ku5 only appears a few times in words list
uludin2-bi only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-da-an-gub only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-dur2-ru-un only appears a few times in words list
szu-kux(PESZ) only appears a few times in words list
ma-rux(TE)-re only appears a few times in words list
ama-bi-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ha!-lam-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-kikken2 only appears a few times in words list
he2-me-am3-bi only appears a few times in words list
im-me-e only appears a few times in words list
erim2-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-da-sa2 only appears a few times in words list
kalam-ma-a-ni-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
ba-tag-ge only appears a few times in words list
musz2-am3-zu only appears a few times in words list
nam-zu-sze3! only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-ib-tar-re only appears a few times in words list
iri{ki}-zu!(BA) only appears a few times in words list
ussu-kam-ma only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-kur2-ra only appears a few times in words list
i-ni-ib-ri only appears a few times in words list
bi2-la2-a-bi only appears a few times in words list
aratta-a-ka only appears a few times in words list
bi2-in-de2-a-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
uru17-zu-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
nam-ba-gur only appears a few times in words list
im-mu-e-da-ab-ri only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-gul-e only appears a few times in words list
ge6-u3-na-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
he2-bi2-ib2-kesz2-da only appears a few times in words list
gar-ra-a-ba only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-an-szub-szub-bu-usz-a only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-ab-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
nam-mu-ha-lam-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-lux(URU)-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
{d}dil-im2-babbar2 only appears a few times in words list
mi-ni-ib2-du11-ga-ta only appears a few times in words list
lu2-lux(URU)-ba only appears a few times in words list
u3-mu-e-duh only appears a few times in words list
ha-ba-na-hun-e only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-gub-ba! only appears a few times in words list
sza3-szu-nigin2 only appears a few times in words list
lu2-lux(URU)-bi only appears a few times in words list
duh-a-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-da-x-... only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-da-szi-... only appears a few times in words list
kux(PESZ) only appears a few times in signs list
&P346224 = CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 024
#atf: lang sux
1. [a]-a# {d}nanna iszib-zu esz2#-da# [...] szu# [...]
#tr.en: Father Nanna, your išib priest did not perfect the holy šita prayer(?) for you
2. lu2#-mah-zu gi-gun4-na ku3-zu sza3 gada nu-mu-um#?-[...]
#tr.en: Your lumah priest did not wear the šaggada garment
3. en zi sza3 hi-li pa3-da-zu e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la
#tr.en: Your true en priestess, chosen in the heart (for her) beauty, the one of the Ekišnugal temple
4. esz3-ta ge6-par4-sze3 hul2-la-a-ni nu-mu-ni-in-ku4
#tr.en: Did not enter as she rejoices(?) into the gipar structure (coming from) the shrine
5. a-u3-a kisal ezem-ma-zu ezem nu-mu-ni-ib2-du10-ge
#tr.en: The a'ua musicians are not sweetening the festival (in) your courtyard (hosting) the festival
6. szem5 {kusz}a2-la2-e nig2 sza3 hul2-le-a tigi nu-mu-ra-du12
#tr.en: Neither the šem and ala drums, those which make the heart rejoice, nor the tigi instrument was played for you
7. sag-gig2-ga ezem#-zu-sze3 a# la-ba-tu5-tu5-a
#tr.en: The blackheaded, who no longer bathed for your festival
8. gu-gin7 sag BU-ra zi ha-ba-ni-ku5 uludin2-bi ba-kur2
#tr.en: If(!?) like a thread ... (their) life was cut, their features were changed
9. en3-du-zu er2-re ba-da-an-ku4 en3-tukum-bi-sze3 SAR-e
#tr.en: Your songs have become weeping, how long ...?
10. tigi-zu a-nir-ra ba-da-an-ku4 en3-tukum-bi-sze3 SAR-e
#tr.en: Your tigi songs have become lamentation, how long ...?
11. gu4-zu tur3-a-na ba-ra-ba-da-an-gub en3-tukum-bi-sze3 SAR-e
#tr.en: If your bull does not stand in its stall, how long ...?
12. udu-zu amasz-bi-a ba-ra-ba-dur2-ru-un en3-tukum-bi-sze3 SAR-e
#tr.en: If your sheep does not stand in its fold, how long ...?
13. szu-kux(PESZ) ku6 gur3-ru-zu hul-gal2-e ba-dab5
#tr.en: An evildoer has seized your fisherman who brings fish
14. muszen-du3 muszen gur3-ru-zu ul4-ul4-e im-gen#
#tr.en: Your fowler who bring birds hurriedly goes (away)
15. i7 ma-rux(TE)-re ba-ab-du7-za# sza3-ba {u2}numun2 ba-an-mu2#
#tr.en: In your canal, (formerly) made suitable for a barge, rushes(!?) grew in its bed
16. har-ra-an {gesz}gigir#-ra# ba-ab-du7-za sza3-ba {gesz}AD2 kur-ra ba-an-mu2
#tr.en: On your roads, (formerly) made suitable for a chariot, thorn bushes grew in its midst
17. uru2-zu e2-zu ama-bi-gin7 er2# gig i3-sze8-sze8
#tr.en: Your city and you temple weep (for you) bitterly like their(?) mother
18. uri2{ki}-ma dumu sila-a ha!-lam-gin7# ki mu-szi-kikken2
#tr.en: Urim, like a child lost in the street, seeks (your) place
19. szeg12-zu# e2 zi-za lu2-lu7-gin7 he2-me-am3-bi im-me-e
#tr.en: The brickwork of your true temple, like a human, says “So be it!"(in resignation!?)
20. nin-gu10 e2-ta e3-me-en uru17-ta e3-me-en
#tr.en: My lady, you have left the temple, you have left the city
21. en3-sze3-am3 iri-zu lu2-erim2-gin7 bar-ta ba-gub-be2
#tr.en: How long will (you) stand apart from your city like an enemy?
22. ama {d}nin-gal e2-zu ki erim2-gin7 gaba-na ba-e-da-sa2
#tr.en: Mother Ningal, (how long) will your temple align with you at its chest like a hostile place
23. kalam-ma-a-ni-sze3 kusz2-u3 he2-me-en-na za3 e-ne ba-tag-ge
#tr.en: If you are one who is concerned about her land, why do (you) reject it?
24. gu4-gin7 tur3-zu-sze3 udu-gin7 amasz-zu-sze3
#tr.en: Like an ox towards/on behalf of(?) your cattlepen, like a sheep towards/on behalf of(?) your sheepfold
25. dumu banda3{+da}-gin7 ama5-zu#-sze3 nin-gu10 e2-zu-sze3
#tr.en: Like a younger child towards/on behalf of(?) your (mother's?) chamber, my lady, towards/on behalf of(?) your temple
26. an lugal dingir-re-e-ne musz2-am3-zu he2-em-me
#tr.en: May An, the king of the gods, speak your “It is enough”
27. {d}en-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 nam-zu-sze3!? he2-bi2-ib-tar-re
#tr.en: Enlil, the king of the lands, shall decree your fate
28. iri{ki}-zu!(BA) ki-bi-a ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4 nam-eresz-bi ak
#tr.en: He shall restore your(!) city to its place, exercise its queenship!
29. uri2#{ki#} ki#-bi-a ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4 nam-eresz-bi ak
#tr.en: He shall restore Urim to its place, exercise its queenship!
30. ki#-ru#-gu2 ussu-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the eighth kirugu
31. [...] mu#-da-kur2-ra me-zu#? ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: Your(?) me that were changed to your detriment, may he restore your(?) me to their place
32. gesz#-gi4-gal2-bi-im
#tr.en: It is its {geš}gigal “response”
33. e# u4-de3 u4-de3 kalam tesz2-a i-ni-ib-ri
#tr.en: Oh, the storm, the storm has been cast down in the land together
34. u4 gal an-na-ke4 u4 gu3 dub2-dub2-be2
#tr.en: Great storm of An, continually shouting storm
35. u4 gig#-ga# kalam-ma ba-e-zal-la ri
#tr.en: That bitter day (storm) passed in the land
36. u4# uru2#? gul-gul-e u4 e2 gul-gul-e
#tr.en: The storm destroying the city, the storm destroying the temple
37. u4# tur3 gul-gul-e u4 amasz tab-tab-be2
#tr.en: The storm destroying the cattlepen and flattening the sheepfold
38. garza# ku3#-ga szu bi2-la2-a-bi
#tr.en: That one that paralyzed the pure rites
39. garza#? aratta#-a-ka szu pe-el-la2 im-mi-in-du11-ga
#tr.en: The one who defiled the rites, (those) of Aratta (i.e., important?)
40. u4#!? kalam-ma nig2-du10-ge im-mi-in-ku5# ri#
#tr.en: That storm that cut off a good thing in the land
1. u4 sag-gig2-ga a2 bi2-ib2-la2#-a ri
#tr.en: That storm that bound the arms of the black-headed people
2. ki-ru-gu2 9(disz)-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the 9th kirugu
3. u4 ri u4 igi tesz2 nu#-gal2#-la# ri
#tr.en: That storm, that storm that has no shame (in) its face
4. u4 ama nu-zu ri u4 a-a nu-zu ri
#tr.en: That storm that knows no mother, that storm that knows no father
5. u4 dam nu-zu ri u4 dumu nu-zu ri
#tr.en: That storm that knows no spouse, that storm that knows no child
6. u4 nin9 nu-zu ri# u4 szesz nu-zu ri
#tr.en: That storm that knows no sister, that storm that knows no brother
7. u4 usar nu-zu ri ma-la nu-zu ri
#tr.en: That storm that knows no neighbor, that storm that knows no girlfriend
8. u4 dam szub-ba u4 dumu szub-ba
#tr.en: The storm that cast the spouse, the storm that cast down the child
9. u4 ri u4 kalam-ma u2-gu bi2-in-de2-a-ke4
#tr.en: That storm, the storm of having made the land forgotten
10. u4 hul gig du11-ga {d}en-lil2-la2-ta im-mi-in-zal-la ri
#tr.en: The hating day (storm) that was made to pass by Enlil
11. a-a {d}nanna u4-bi uru17-zu-sze3 hur nam-ba-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: Father Nanna, that storm must never again be placed upon your city
12. u4-bi im an-ta szeg3-ga2-gin7 ki-bi-sze3 nam-ba-gur
#tr.en: That storm, like a rain storm raining from above, must not turn towards that place
13. nig2-zi-gal2 an-ki sag-gig2 ni2 im-mu-e-da-ab-ri
#tr.en: It has cast a fearful aura (upon) the creatures of the universe (and) the black-headed
14. u4 szu du3-a-ba he2-em-ma-gul-e
#tr.en: When the storm is bound by the hands(?), it must be destroyed
15. abul ge6-u3-na-gin7 ig he2-bi2-ib2-kesz2-da
#tr.en: Like a gate at nighttime, the door must be tied shut (to keep it out)
16. nig2-ka9-bi e2 {d}en-lil2-la2-ke4 {gesz}gag-ta he2-em-ta-si-ig
#tr.en: Its balanced account in the temple of Enlil must be torn away from its peg
17. ki-ru-gu2 1(u)-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the 10th kirugu
18. ul-la u4 kur2-ra u4-da egir-bi-sze3
#tr.en: In distant time and future time, today and in the future/"the end of day(s)"(?)
19. u4 ul kalam ki gar-ra-a-ba
#tr.en: In distant time, after the land(?) was founded (again, like before(?))
20. {d}nanna lu2 sun5-na giri3-zu mu-un-dab5-ba
#tr.en: Nanna, the humble man who took to your path (i.e., followed you)/seized your feet
21. er2-ra e2 si-ga mu-ra-an-du11 igi-zu-sze3 du12-a-bi
#tr.en: Has performed the lament of the silent house for you, the one/as one performing before you
22. sag-gig2 ba-ra-an-szub-szub-bu-usz-a giri17 szu ha-ra-ab-tag-ge-ne
#tr.en: The black headed that had fallen away (from the path?), they shall stroke the nose in submission for you
23. iri du6-du6-dam ba-an-gar-ra-ba i-si-isz-bi hu-mu-ra-an-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: ... shall initiate the wailing of the city that had been rendered into ruin heaps for you
24. {d}nanna uru17 ki-bi-a gi4-a-za pa e3 ha-ra-ab-ke3-e
#tr.en: Nanna, ... shall make your city that has been restored to its place resplendent (again) for you
25. mul-an ku3-gin7 nam-mu-ha-lam-e-de3 igi-zu-sze3 ba-dab5-be2
#tr.en: Like a pure heavenly star which must never be forgotten, it will pass(!?) before you
26. dingir lu2-lux(URU)-ke4 kadra mu-ra-an-de6
#tr.en: The personal god has brought a kadra greeting gift for you
27. lu2 siskur2-ra-ke4 a-ra-zu mu-ra-ab-be2
#tr.en: The one of the siskur prayer/rites makes an arazu prayer for you
28. {d}nanna arhusz sug4 kalam-ma-me-en
#tr.en: Nanna, you are the one filled with mercy of the land
29. en {d}dil-im2-babbar2 sza3-zu mi-ni-ib2-du11-ga-ta
#tr.en: Lord Dilimbabbar, after your heart has spoken
30. {d}nanna lu2-lux(URU)-ba nam-tag-bi u3-mu-e-duh
#tr.en: Nanna, after you has released the sin of that man
31. lu2 a-ra-zu im-me-a sza3 ha-ba-na#-hun-e
#tr.en: The one who makes an arazu prayer shall pacify (your) heart for him
32. lu2 siskur2-ra-ke4 mu-un-gub-ba! igi zi u3-mu-un-szi-in-bar
#tr.en: After you have looked faithfully towards the one of the siskur prayer/rites who has served(?)
33. {d}nanna igi zi bar-ra-zu sza3-szu-nigin2#? sug4#-ga
#tr.en: Nanna, your true look is full of mercy
34. lu2-lux(URU)-bi u4 hul duh-a-ke4 he2-em-da#-x-[...]
#tr.en: May the man who the storm unleashed evil against shine towards (you)
35. sza3 kalam-ma-ke4 gal2-la-gin7 he2-em-da#-szi#-[...]
#tr.en: As one who is in the midst of the land(?) may he bow towards (you?)
36. {d#}nanna# iri ki-bi gi4-a-za me#-tesz2# [...]
#tr.en: Nanna, may you be praised in your restored city
37. ki-ru-gu2 1(u) [1(disz)-kam-ma]
#tr.en: It is the 11th kirugu
UET 6, 0698 (P346735) 2326569
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 2: @column
...-me-de3-en only appears a few times in words list
ur-ra-ba only appears a few times in words list
sila-a!-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
&P346735 = UET 6, 0698
#atf: lang sux
# sic?
@column 1'
1. [...]-me-de3-en
#tr.en: We .../... us
2. [...] x-am3
#tr.en: ...
3. [...] x ur-ra-ba
#tr.en: Its/the ... of a dog/stranger is ...
4. [...] x x x x x
@column 2'
1. ARAD x [...]
#tr.en: A slave ...
2. sila-a!?-sze3 [...]
#tr.en: Towards the street ...
3. NIG2 MU [...]
#tr.en: ...
4. szu x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
CDLI Literary 000561, ex. 017 &amp; 000564, ex. 009 &amp; 000575, ex. 013 &amp; 000582, ex. 013 &amp; 000599, ex. 001 (P346258) 2326570
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 43: {disz}inim-{d}en-lil2-la2 dub-sar dumu <d>suen
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 9: iri#{ki}gibil
ga2-...-me-en only appears a few times in words list
lu2-ku5-ra2 only appears a few times in words list
dsuen-pa-lil2 does not appear in words list
u11-ri2-... only appears a few times in words list
mu-un-da-si-ge only appears a few times in words list
mu-du3-na only appears a few times in words list
dan6-dan6-a only appears a few times in words list
ba-e-gub-bu only appears a few times in words list
ib2-gu7-e only appears a few times in words list
ukur3!-ra-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
im-szi-in-tum4 only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-kusz-me-en only appears a few times in words list
me-e-a-na-am3 only appears a few times in words list
ama!-gu10-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
si2-ik-ka-tum-ma only appears a few times in words list
e2-danna{+da-na} only appears a few times in words list
e2-danna{+da-na}-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
{disz}at-ta-ma-nu-um only appears a few times in words list
iri{ki}gibil-am3 does not appear in words list
al-dur2-ru-ne!-esz only appears a few times in words list
{i7}amar-{d}suen-... only appears a few times in words list
...-al-e-de3 only appears a few times in words list
MI-MI-bi-ke4 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ab-szu2-un only appears a few times in words list
giggi-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
en-nu-ug3-ga2-en-nu-ug3 only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-isin2{+si-na} only appears a few times in words list
lugal-ga2-kam only appears a few times in words list
bi2-ib-duh only appears a few times in words list
ib2-ta-an-zi-ga-asz only appears a few times in words list
tidnumx(|PIRIG.PIRIG|) only appears a few times in words list
eszkiri-bi only appears a few times in words list
ab-szid!-de3-a only appears a few times in words list
lugal-nesag-ge26 only appears a few times in words list
...-in-sza4 only appears a few times in words list
dsuen does not appear in signs list
ukur3! only appears a few times in signs list
&P346258 = CDLI Literary 000561, ex. 015 & 000564, ex. 009 & 000575, ex. 013 & 000582, ex. 013 & 000599, ex. 001
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...]-zi#
#tr.en: She (should) raise the Asag demon that is in my body from my body
2'. [...]-en#
#tr.en: And set my foot (back) on the “earth” of life
3'. u3 ga2#-[...]-me-en
#tr.en: I will be your maidservant
4'. e2-za-a kisal-luh-bi he2-me-en igi-zu-sze3 he2-gub
#tr.en: And therefore I will be the courtyard sweeper in your temple who(?) stands before you
5'. u3-ba-sa6-ge nin-gu10 lu2-ku5-ra2 du7-du7
#tr.en: After (I!?/the situation) improves, my lady, as “the one who makes cripples viable”
6'. mu-zu ga-am3-mi-ib2-sze21
#tr.en: I will invoke your name
$ double ruling
7'. lugal inim sa6-sa6-ge dingir-re-e-ne-er gub-ba
#tr.en: The king, the flattering/praying one who serves the gods(?)
8'. {ninda}nindaba si bi2-sa2 u3-na-a-du11
#tr.en: (Who) has set in order the nindaba offering(?), when you speak to him
9'. alan sukud-da dim2-ma ad#? gi4-gi4 in-tuku
#tr.en: One tall of stature, (who) has obtained discernment and counsel
10'. sza3-la2 sug4 sza3 kalam-ma du10-ga
#tr.en: Who is filled with pity, who sweetens the heart of the land
11'. u3-ne-de3-tah
#tr.en: When you repeat (this) to him
12'. {disz}inim-{d}en-lil2-la2 dub-sar dumu <d>suen-pa-lil2
#tr.en: Inim-Enlila, the scribe, son of Sin-palil(?)
13'. ARAD-zu na-ab-be2-a
#tr.en: Your servant, thus speaks
14'. nam-tag-gu10 nu-zu nam-tag-ga2 gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|) la-ba-szi-gal2
#tr.en: My sin is unknown, my sin is unheard of
15'. nam im-ri-a HI-x i-si-isz-bi ib2-gu7-en
#tr.en: The bitterness of the fate of my family/professional group ... has consumed me(?)
16'. giri3-pad-ra2-gu10 sza3 iri kur2-ra-sze3 a nam-ba-an-tum3
#tr.en: My bones should not be carried by water towards a strange city
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...]
$ double ruling
2'. [...]-ra# u3#-[...]
#tr.en: When you speak to my king
3'. [...] hur#-sag-ga2 a2 sa6-[...]
#tr.en: To my buck of the mountain range with beautiful horns
4'. sisi hur-sag-ga2 umbin u11#-ri2#-[...]
#tr.en: Horse of the mountain range with claws of an eagle
5'. {gesz}geszimmar ki sikil-e mu2-a zu2-lum {na4}za#-[...]
#tr.en: My date palm grown in a pure place from which shining dates hang down
6'. u3-ne-de3-tah
#tr.en: When you repeat (this message) to him
7'. {disz}a-ba-in-da-sa2 ugula aga-us2 zu2-kesz2
#tr.en: For(!?) Abaindasa, the overseer of the troops
8'. sag-ki zalag lugal-la-na-sze3 sza3 lugal-a-ni-ir du10-du10-ge-ra
#tr.en: He who in order to delight his king is pleasing for the heart of his king
9'. ARAD2-zu na-ab-be2-a
#tr.en: Your servant, thus says
10'. kal-ga me-en lugal-gu10 ga-ab-us2
#tr.en: I am powerful, and shall follow my king
11'. inim-ma-zu ra-gaba-zu he2-me-en
#tr.en: (By/of) your word I shall be your rider
12'. {gesz}ma2 gub-ba {gesz}gisal mu-un-si-ge
#tr.en: (When) the boat is idle, (I) prepare the oars
13'. a gub-ba a mu-un-da-ak-e
#tr.en: When the water is standing still, (I) can make it flow
14'. tu15 gub-ba sze mu-un-da-la2-a
#tr.en: When the wind is standing still, (I) am the one who can winnow the grain
15'. dub-sar-me-en na-ru2-a ab-sar-re-en
#tr.en: As a scribe, I incise a stele
16'. inim pu-uh2-ru-um-ma szub-ba e11-de3-bi mu-un-da-si-ge
#tr.en: (I) am able to reproduce/clarify the dropped and excised(?) words of the assembly
17'. gesz-gin7 {gesz}tir-ga2 mu-du3-na mu-dur7-re im-gurum-e
#tr.en: (But now, as if) I was planted like a tree in my forest, (I) bend over (as one who is) dirty(?)
18'. {gesz}gu-za-ga2 lu2 mu-un-da-la2-a szu-gu10 esz2 im-ma-an-la2
#tr.en: The one who could tie (me) in my chair(?) has bound my hands with rope
19'. lag-e# a nig2 dan6-dan6-a sahar igi-ga2 ba-e-gub-bu
#tr.en: Using dirt clods as a cleaning solvent(?), I cake my face with dirt
20'. ur-e# adda? ib2-gu7 gaba-bi ib2-zi-zi
#tr.en: A dog that has eaten carrion has (also) retreated
21'. uszumgal-e sag gesz ib2-ra-ra ka-ta ab-tak4 i3-ib2-tak4
#tr.en: An ušumgal creature that kills has (also) opened its mouth(?) and left behind scraps(?)
@column 1
1. gesz#-gi# izi ib2-gu7-e x i3-da13-da13
#tr.en: (After) the reedbed is consumed by fire, the ponds(?) remain
2. {d}[utu] i3 gu7 ga-ar3 mu-un-nag [{gesz}]banszur!? ukur3!-ra-sze3 szu-ni im-szi-in-tum4
#tr.en: (After) Utu has eaten butter and cream, he touches(?) the table/platter of the poor person
3. zi-gu10 ba-e-i szu-gu10 ha-za-a-ab
#tr.en: I have “brought out” my life/breath(?), take hold of my hand
4. dumu nu-mu-un-kusz-me-en lu2 en3 tar-re# la-ba-an-tuku
#tr.en: I am the child of an widow, one who has not had anyone to inquire after him
5. ga2-e me-e-a-na-am3 sza3 {d}szul-gi lugal-gu10 ki-bi ha-ma-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: As for me, when will the heart of Shulgi my king be returned to its place on my behalf?
6. lugal-gu10 en3-gu10 he2-tar-re ki ama!-gu10-sze3 he2-em-mi-ib-gi4-gi4
#tr.en: (Akk. translation, right side) li#? l-RI-x-an-ni-i-ma? a-na x-x-x-x li-te-ra l-...
#tr.en: May my king inquire after me and restore me(!) to the “place of my mother”
$ double ruling
7. lugal-gu10 u3-na-a-du11
#tr.en: When you speak to my king
8. {d}nanna-ki-ag2 ra-bi si2-ik-ka-tum-ma
9. ARAD-zu na-ab-be2-a
#tr.en: Thus says Nanna-kiag, the city commander, your servant
10. e2-danna{+da-na} ki lugal-gu10 ba-an-da-bala
#tr.en: Edana has turned against my king
11. sza3# e2-danna{+da-na}-sze3 6(disz) me-at
12. ugnim gu-un-gu-nu-um
13. [{disz}]at-ta-ma-nu-um ba-ni-in-ku4
#tr.en: Into Edana, Attamannum brought a six hundred (man) force of Gungunum
14. iri#{ki}gibil-am3 al-dur2-ru-ne!-esz
15. ugnim# gu-un-gu-nu-um
16. [...] {i7#}amar#-{d#}suen-[...]
17. [...] du#-un-nu-um{ki#} [...]
18. [...]-al#?-e-de3#? [...]
#tr.en: This army of Gungunum, at the (far?) bank of the Amar-Suen canal, serves(?) by constructing brickwork, working/fortifying Dunnum(?), and excavating the canal
@column 2
1. x MI-MI-bi-ke4 tum12{muszen} x-x mi-ni-in-DU
#tr.en: That of the darkened(?) ... has brought(?) ... doves(?)
2. su#?-lim si-ga? ba-ab-szu2-un
#tr.en: An aura set in place(!?) has covered/overwhelmed me
3. u8#?-e-a-e mu-un-DU-DU hur?-sag giggi-gu10 babbar2-ra
#tr.en: (I) go crying “u'a,” my black mountain range (is now) white
4. en-nu-ug3-ga2-en-nu-ug3 nu-me-a nam-usz2-ta sa2-a
#tr.en: There being no guard is tantamount to death
5. nam lugal-zu-sze3 gesztux(|GISZ.TUG2|)-gu10 im-szi-gal2
#tr.en: My ears are set in order to (hear about) the fate of your king/your kingship
6. inim {d}nin-isin2{+si-na} musz3 lugal-ga2-kam
#tr.en: The word of Ninisina, the “it is enough” of my king
7. igi-bi bi2-ib-duh
#tr.en: Has been seen(?)
$ double ruling
8. lugal {d}utu-gin7 sza3 kalam-ma mu-un-zalag-ga
9. u3-na-a-du11
#tr.en: When you speak to the king who has shined in the middle of the land like Utu
10. i-{d}utu ab-sin2-ta ib2-ta-an-zi-ga-asz
#tr.en: Because he removed the cries to Utu from the furrow
11. tidnumx(|PIRIG.PIRIG|) nim szu-bi in-gar eszkiri-bi mu-un-dab-be2
#tr.en: He has made the Tidnum tribe set down their hand(?), he holds their nose-rope
12. lugal til-bi-sze3 ab-szid!?-de3-a#
#tr.en: King who counts them(?) in their entirety/towards their spring (i.e., origin?)
13. u3-ne-de3-tah
#tr.en: When you repeat (this message) to him
14. lugal-nesag-ge26 dumu nibru{ki} ARAD-zu na-ab-be2-a
#tr.en: Thus says lugalnesag, citizen of Nippur, your servant
15. szul-a-lum nu-zu-gu10 sag-ki ba-gid2 tal3 ak-gu10 mu-e-pa3
#tr.en: My not knowing punishment was frowned upon(?), I have found my (ability) to make noise
16. [...]-in-sza4
#tr.en: In a strange city, I have moaned like a dove
UET 6, 0700 (P346737) 2326571
ATF: Syntax error at line 6 col 1: 1'.
he2-eb-x only appears a few times in words list
&P346737 = UET 6, 0700
#atf: lang sux
#tr.en: Ningešzida and Ninazimua
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x-ba-al [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...] mu#-un-DU-a x [...]
#tr.en: ...
3'. [...] x-gu10-ta x [...]
4'. [...]-da#?-gu10 he2#-eb-x [...]
#tr.en: ...
5'. [...]-da-gu10 he2-en-x [...]
#tr.en: From(?) the house of my mother my tilimda vessel(?) ...
6'. [...] mu-un-DU-a# [...]
#tr.en: The one who has ... his own house ...
7'. [...] mu-un-gar-ra# [...]
#tr.en: The one who has established(?) his own dwelling
8'. [...]-ra# ur5-gin7 gu3 mu#-un#-[...]
#tr.en: To lady Ninazimua ... thus spoke
9'. [...] nin# {d#}nin#-a2#-zi#-mu2#-a-ra#? [...]
#tr.en: Several of the messengers(?) repeated to(?) lady Ninazimua
10'. [...] x x ba-an-[...]
#tr.en: ...
11'. [...] x x [...]
CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 025 (P464308) 2326572
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 9: uri2{ki}#
ba-si-si-ga-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-da-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-dim2-dim2-... only appears a few times in words list
uru17-ga2 only appears a few times in words list
2(disz@t)-kam-ma-...-uh2-ru-um only appears a few times in words list
a-x-x-...-le-... only appears a few times in words list
ba-an-da-dur2-ru-ne-esz only appears a few times in words list
he2-em-ma-ni-in-ne2 only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ba-ra-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
mu-e-de3-szum2-ma-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
uru17-gu10-ta only appears a few times in words list
mu-ul-lil2-la2-e only appears a few times in words list
im-ma-an-szum-mu-usz only appears a few times in words list
uru17{ki}-a only appears a few times in words list
x-ke3-e only appears a few times in words list
mu-...-re only appears a few times in words list
izi-...-mu-un-BI only appears a few times in words list
il2-...-bar7-re only appears a few times in words list
e3-...-an-ku4 only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ra-... only appears a few times in words list
&P464308 = CDLI Literary 000379, ex. 025
#atf: lang sux
1. [...]-x er2-ra# ba#-[...]
#tr.en: Urim has initiated lamentation to her detriment(?)
2. [...] ba#-an#-da-gul-la me-ni ba-[...]
#tr.en: Her city is destroyed to her detriment, her cosmic powers are changed to her detriment
3. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-[im]
#tr.en: It is its {geš}gigal “response”
4. u4#-ba u4 ne#-en ba-si-si-ga#-[...]
#tr.en: At that time, this time after (the city) was flattened
5. nin-da uru17#{ki}-ni ba-an-da#-[...]
#tr.en: To the detriment of the lady, her city is destroyed
6. iri{ki}-ni ba-an-da-gul# me-ni ba-[...]
#tr.en: Her city is destroyed to her detriment, her me are changed to her detriment
7. u4-ba u4 ne-en ba-dim2-dim2#-[...]
#tr.en: At that time, this time after (the city) was created
8. uru17-gu10 gul-gul-da im-ma#-[...]
#tr.en: When they have spoken (the order for)/ordered(!?) my city to be destroyed
9. uri2{ki} gul-gul-da im-ma#-[...]
#tr.en: When they have spoken (the order for)/ordered(!?) Urim to be destroyed
10. ug3-bi ug5-ge-de3 im-ma#-[...]
#tr.en: When they have ordered(!?) its people to be killed
11. u4-ba me-e uru17-ga2 ga2-la# [...]
#tr.en: At that time I will not be indifferent to my city
12. ka-na-ag2-ga2 IM szub-be2 ba-ra#-[...]
#tr.en: (I) will not neglect my land
13. an-ra i-bi2-ga2 me-e# [...]
#tr.en: For An, I shall pour (the tears!) of my eyes
14. {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2 ni2-gu10 sza3-ne-sza4 he2#-[...]
#tr.en: I shall supplicate myself to Enlil(?)
15. uru17-gu10 nam-ma-gul [...]
#tr.en: I shall say to him “My city must not be destroyed”
16. uri2{ki} nam-ma-gul [...]
#tr.en: I shall say to him “Urim must not be destroyed”
17. ug3-bi nam-usz2-a [...]
#tr.en: I shall say to him “Its people must not be killed(!?)”
18. an-ne2 e-ne-eg3-bi [...]
#tr.en: Despite this An did not rescind his word
19. {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2 i3-sa6-ga he2-a-bi [...]
#tr.en: Despite this (the statement) “It is good, so be it” of Enlil was not soothing my heart
20. uru17-gu10 gul-gul-de3 [...]
#tr.en: Therefore when they have ordered(!) my city to be destroyed
21. uri2{ki} gul-gul-de3 [...]
#tr.en: When they have ordered(!) Urim to be destroyed
22. ug3-bi ug5#-ge#-de3 [...]
#tr.en: When they have ordered(!) its people to be killed
23. 2(disz@t)-kam#-ma#-[...]-uh2#-ru-um ki-sag-ki a#-x-x-[...]-le#?-[...]
#tr.en: For a 2nd time, after they convened an assembly, a “solemn place”
24. {d#}a-nun-na#-ke4#-e#-ne e-ne-eg3# [...] kesz2-da#?-bi# ba#-an-da-dur2-ru-ne#-esz
#tr.en: The Anuna rested on the “organized” (i.e., finalized?) word?
25. ur2# he2-em-ma-BU-BU siki he2-em-ma#-sur5-sur5
#tr.en: Therefore (I?) shall extend(?) (my) limbs/lap and tie up(?) (my) hair
26. an-ra i-bi2-ga2 me-e he2-em-ma-na-de2
#tr.en: For An, I shall pour the tears of my eyes
27. {d}mu-ul#-lil2-la2 ni2-gu10 sza3-ne-sza4 he2-em-ma-ni-in-ne2
#tr.en: I shall supplicate myself to Enlil(?)
28. iri{ki}-gu10# nam-ma-gul he2-em-mi-in-ne-du11
#tr.en: I shall say to them(?) “My city must not be destroyed”
29. uri2{ki}# nam-ma-gul he2-em-mi-in-ne-du11
#tr.en: I shall say to them(?) “Urim must not be destroyed”
30. ug3-bi nam-usz2-a he2-em-mi-in-ne-du11
#tr.en: I shall say to them(?) “Its people must not be killed(!?)”
31. an-e e-ne-eg3-bi ba-ra-ba-ra-gi4
#tr.en: Despite this An did not rescind his word
32. {d}mu-ul-lil2-la2 i3-sa6 he2-a-bi sza3-gu10 ba-ra-ab-sed4-de3
#tr.en: Despite this (the statement) “It is good, so be it” of Enlil was not soothing my heart
33. uru17#{ki}-gu10 gul-gul-de3 he2-em-ma-ag2-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: Therefore when they have ordered(!) my city to be destroyed
34. uri2{ki} gul-gul-de3 he2-em-ma-ag2-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: When they have ordered(!) Urim to be destroyed
35. ug3-bi ug5-ge-de3 he2-em-ma-ag2-esz-a-ba
#tr.en: When they have ordered its people to be killed
36. me-e nig2-KA-gu10 mu-e-de3-szum2-ma-gin7
#tr.en: I, as one who gave my advice(?) to my detriment(?)
37. me-e uru17-gu10#-ta#? he2-en-ga-ba-e-da-ab-la2-e
#tr.en: ... therefore shall also bind me with my city
38. uri2{ki} ga2-da he2-en-ga-ba-e-da-ab-la2-e
#tr.en: ... therefore shall also bind Urim with me
39. an-ne2 e-ne-eg3-bi hur nu-kur2-ru-da
#tr.en: An is never again to change this word
40. mu-ul-lil2-la2-e ka-ta e3-a-ni szu nu-bala-e-de3
#tr.en: That which issues from the mouth of Enlil is not to be changed/Enlil will not change that which issues from his mouth(?)
41. ki-ru-gu2 4(disz)-kam-ma
#tr.en: It is the 4th kirugu
1. nin-da uru17{ki}-ni ba-an-da-gul-la2
#tr.en: To the detriment of the lady, her city is destroyed
2. uru17{ki}-ni ba-an-da-gul-la me-ni ba-an-da-kur2-ra
#tr.en: Her city is destroyed to her detriment, her cosmic powers are changed to her detriment
3. gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im
#tr.en: It is the {geš}gigal “response”
4. {d}en-lil2-le u4-de3 gu3 ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: Enlil spoke to the storm, and the people wailed
5. u4 he2-gal2-la kalam-e ba-da-an-kar ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He deprived the land of(?) days of abundance, and the people wailed
6. u4 du10 ki-en-gi-ra ba-da-an-kar ug3-bi sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He deprived Sumer of good days, and the people wailed
7. u4 hul gal2 a2 ba-da-ag2 ug3-bi sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He commanded the malevolent storm, and the people wailed
8. kin2-gal u4-da u4-da gub-ba-ni szu-ni im-ma-an-szum-mu-usz
#tr.en: He gave them to(?) the kiggal official(?) of the storm, his attendant storm/who stood within the storm(?)
9. u4 kalam til-til gu3 ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He spoke to the storm annihilating the land, and the people wailed
10. u4 gal-e an-na-ke4 gu3 ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He spoke to the great storm, the one of An, and the people wailed
11. {d}en-lil2-le {d}gibil6 a2#?-tah-a-ni-a mu-un-na-ni-in-ku4-re
#tr.en: Enlil was making Gibil (fire) into his helper
12. u4 gal an-na-ke4 gu3 ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: He spoke to the great storm of An, and the people wailed
13. u4 gal an-ta gu3 im-me ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The great storm was shouting from above, and the people wailed
14. u4 gal kalam til-til-e ki-a murum mi#-ni-ib2-sza4
#tr.en: The storm annihilating the land roared upon the earth
15. tu15# hul# a mah# [...]-gin7 a2!?-bi nu-ga2-ga2
#tr.en: An evil wind, overflowing like a great flood does not set down its power/wing(?)
16. uru17{ki}-a [...]-gaz#? x-ke3-e tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e
#tr.en: In the city the weapon was murdering and devouring (as if) in a pack
17. an-na ur2-ba tukur2#? [...]-x-DU? ug3-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: At the base of heaven (the storm?) gnawed(?), and the people wailed
18. u4-de3 igi-bi izi mu#-[...]-re# ug3#-e sze am3-sza4
#tr.en: The storm was burning with fire at its front
19. u4 mir-mir-re izi-[...]-mu#-un-BI
#tr.en: And therefore the raging storm(?), like a “fire-shade"... at its back/... fire like deep shade(?) at its back
20. an-bar7 im szeg3 il2-[...]-bar7#-re
#tr.en: Noon, (which usually) raises the “rainy wind” (fog?) burned fire
21. an-bar7-GAN2 u4 babbar2 e3#-[...]-an-ku4
#tr.en: Mid-day, (which usually) brings out bright sunlight, brought darkness along with it(!?)
22. kalam-ma u4 zalag# la-ba-ra#-[...]
#tr.en: The shining sun did not come out in the land, it dissipated like the evening
23. ge6 giri17-zal a sed4-de3 x [...]
#tr.en: The southern wind blocked/combined with (to negate) the joyful night which initiates the cooling of water(?)
24. szika bar-bar-ra sahar im-da-x-[...]
#tr.en: Burning(?) sherds combined with the soil, and the people wailed
25. sag-gig2-ga tu15 im-ma#?-[...]
#tr.en: (The storm) blew a wind upon the black-headed people, and the people wailed
26. ki-en-gi gesz-bur2-gin7 i3-[...]
#tr.en: Sumer was tripping(?) as if (in) a snare, and the people wailed
27. ug3-e sag e2-gar8 du3 i3-ak#?-[...]
#tr.en: The people(?) were erecting a wall of heads(?), (the storm) devouring (as if) in a pack
28. u4 gig-ga er2-re na-ag2-bi# [...]
#tr.en: The bitter storm, for which weeping was not decreed as its fate(?), (because of this) the people wailed
29. u4 szu ur4-ur4-re [...]
#tr.en: The eradicating/gathering(?) storm was sweeping the land/making the land tremble
30. u4 a-ma-ru-gin7 [...]
#tr.en: The storm utterly destroyed the city like a flood
31. u4 kalam til-til [...]
#tr.en: The storm that was finishing the land established silence in the city
32. u4 izi-gin7 bar7-a [...]
#tr.en: The storm burning like fire was enraged with/corporeally burned(?) the people(?)
33. u4# [...] u2#-gu# de2-de3 hul gal2#-e#? bi2#-[...]
#tr.en: The storm that is to cause (everything) to be forgotten stood among the malevolent (ones?)
34. [...] du11-ga {d}en-lil2-la2 x [...]
#tr.en: The hateful storm, ordered by Enlil, the storm that ... the land
35. [...]-gin7# im-dul gada-gin7# [...]
#tr.en: It covered Ur like a garment, spread over it like linen
36. [ki]-ru#-gu2 5(disz)-kam#-[ma]
#tr.en: It is the 5th kirugu
37. [...]-ru# [ug3]-e# sze am3-[sza4]
#tr.en: The storm is a lion(?), thrashing(?), and the people wail
38. [gesz-gi4]-gal2-bi-im
#tr.en: It is its {geš}gigal “response”
39. [...] x du6-du6-da
#tr.en: At that time(!) the storm was placed together with the city, the city was ruin heaps
CDLI Literary 000539, ex. 014 &amp; 000540, ex. 016 &amp; 000559, ex. 017 &amp; 000574, ex. 015 &amp; 000582, ex. 012 (P346259) 2326573
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 20: alan-gu10-ne gesz?!szu
...-sa2-ra only appears a few times in words list
nibru!{ki} only appears a few times in words list
i-ni-til only appears a few times in words list
nu-ub-ta-la2-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
...-ubur-ra only appears a few times in words list
...-ab-diri-ge only appears a few times in words list
ib2-ta-gub-bu-... only appears a few times in words list
i3-gub-bu-ne only appears a few times in words list
nu-mu-un-szi-ku4-ku4 only appears a few times in words list
ma-x-de6 only appears a few times in words list
ag2-...-ga2-kam only appears a few times in words list
i3-gub-be2-... only appears a few times in words list
ib2-bala-...-esz only appears a few times in words list
{iti}ezem-{d}nin-a-zu only appears a few times in words list
mu!-da-... only appears a few times in words list
{iti}u5-gu7{muszen} only appears a few times in words list
lu2-kasz4-... only appears a few times in words list
na-ab-...-a only appears a few times in words list
la-ba-ra-ab-ti only appears a few times in words list
i-me only appears a few times in words list
nu-um-me-x only appears a few times in words list
i3-bi2-{d}suen only appears a few times in words list
u3-a-na-du11 only appears a few times in words list
{disz}puzur5-{d}szul-gi! only appears a few times in words list
ka-zal-lu!(KU){ki} only appears a few times in words list
disz-bi-er3-ra-ka only appears a few times in words list
ugu-gu10-...-DU-en only appears a few times in words list
ka-ga14-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
{i7}buranun-... only appears a few times in words list
{+ab2}abgal-x only appears a few times in words list
iri-bi-ne-ne only appears a few times in words list
dingir-bi-... only appears a few times in words list
ma2-gan-... only appears a few times in words list
i3-si-in{ki}-... only appears a few times in words list
{gesz}za3-gu-la2-ne-ne only appears a few times in words list
DA-la-a-ne-ne only appears a few times in words list
alan-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
gesz!szu-nir-gu10-ne does not appear in words list
en-gu10-ne only appears a few times in words list
e2-kisz-... only appears a few times in words list
...-di-il-KA-szu-... only appears a few times in words list
ga-bi-NE-... only appears a few times in words list
...-in-du11-ga-gin7-... only appears a few times in words list
...-ma-ra only appears a few times in words list
u3-ne-du11! only appears a few times in words list
...-ga-a-ni only appears a few times in words list
...-um-zu only appears a few times in words list
...-mu-da-an-tar only appears a few times in words list
x-ra-an-x only appears a few times in words list
nibru! only appears a few times in signs list
gesz!szu does not appear in signs list
&P346259 = CDLI Literary 000539, ex. 014 & 000540, ex. 016 & 000559, ex. 017 & 000574, ex. 015 & 000582, ex. 012
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] kur#?-kur#?-ra#
2'. [...]-du11#
#tr.en: When you speak to the king whose shining is like the moon manifested in the lands
3'. [...] ku5-da#?
4'. [...]-sa2#-ra#
5'. [...] gesz# tuku-gu10-ur2
6'. [...]-de3#-tah#
#tr.en: When you repeat (the message) to the king who justly decides legal decisions, who properly executes decisions like Ištarān, who is attentive to the šud prayer
7'. [...] nibru#!{ki#} na#?-ab#?-be2#?-a#
#tr.en: Thus says lugal-nesag, a citizen of Nibru, <you servant(?)>
8'. [...] u2 gu7 mu-ni-in-szub
#tr.en: ... has cast (me) into (the role of?) eating plants with my mouth like a sheep
9'. [...] naga# dub2#-ba i-ni-til
#tr.en: I ceased scrubbing (myself)
10'. [...]-x nu-ub-ha-za-gin7
11'. [...] ba-ab-gen-ne-en
#tr.en: Like a bull that is not held in the yoke, I was compelled to go in the plain
12'. [...] nu#-ub#-ta-la2-gin7
13'. [...] arhusz#?-a i-im-me
#tr.en: Like a cow not in the proximity of its calf, (I) shout with compassion
14'. [...]-ubur#-ra dab5#?-ba#-gin7#
15'. [...] ba-ab-dab5#?-be2
#tr.en: Like a ewe whose lamb was seized in the milking pen, ...'s hand has seized (me)
16'. [...] li#-bi2-ib-tak4-a-gin7
17'. [...]-ab#-diri#-ge
#tr.en: Like a boat that was not left behind in a reliable harbor, the wind has floated (me) downstream
18'. [...] x x
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x [...]
#tr.en: ...
2'. [...]-ga2-na 5(disz)# li#-mu#-[...]
#tr.en: His elite soldiers, which were 5 thousand in number
3'. zi#?-da#? gab2-bu-ba ib2-ta-gub#?-bu#-[...]
#tr.en: Stood apart from ... at its right and left
4'. asz3#? gu4 niga gesz2 udu niga-am3 zu2-gub-sze3 in-[...]
#tr.en: He established six fattened bulls and sixty fattened sheep as a meal
5'. szu#-luh lugal-ga2-ke4 sa2 bi2-in-du
#tr.en: He had appropriated/regularly performed(?) the šuluh rite of my king
6'. ka2#? e2-gal-la-ta i3-gub-bu-ne
#tr.en: They(?) were standing (idle) at the gate of the palace
7'. [...] nu#-mu#-un#-szi#-ku4-ku4
#tr.en: No one was letting (me) enter towards him
8'. ku4-ku4-da#-gu10-ne
#tr.en: When I was to enter
9'. {gesz#}gu-za# gar3#-ba ku3-si2 gar-ra#!?
10'. lu2# ma#?-x-de6#? tusz-a bi2-in#-[...]
#tr.en: Someone brought(?) a chair whose knobs were inlaid with gold for me and said “sit!”
11'. a2 ag2#-[...]-ga2-kam# i3#-gub#-be2#?-[...] nu#-tusz#-a# bi2-in#-[...]
#tr.en: (I said:) It is the orders of my king that I am serving, who has said not to sit
12'. disz gu4 niga asz3 udu niga {gesz}banszur# [...]-gar#
#tr.en: They placed one fattened bull and six fattened sheep (on) the table
13'. nu-kar2-kar2-de3 aga-us2 lugal-[...] {gesz}banszur ib2-bala-[...]-esz#
#tr.en: In order to not insult (me?), the soldiers of my king overturned the table
14'. {iti}ezem-{d}nin-a-zu u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam ba-[zal]-le#?
#tr.en: The 15th day of the month "festival of Ninazu,” (the day) elapsing
15'. lugal-gu10 a2-szu mu!?-da-[...]
#tr.en: My king thereupon(?) made orders
16'. {iti}u5-gu7{muszen} u4 1(disz)-kam ba-[zal]-le#?
#tr.en: It is the 1st day of the month "Ubi,” (the day) elapsing
17'. lugal#-gu10 lu2-kasz4#?-[...]
18'. lu2# mu#-un-szi-in#-gi4#-gi4#
#tr.en: To my king, (I) am sending someone as a messenger
19'. u4# nu-mu-un-da#-sa9 szen#-e# ba-te
#tr.en: The day has not yet been half completed, and it has (already) approached battle
20'. lugal#-gu10 he2-en-zu
#tr.en: My king should know (this)
$ double ruling
21'. [...]-ra# u3-na-a-du11#
#tr.en: When you speak to Aradgu
22'. [...] lugal#?-zu#? na-ab#-[...]-a#
#tr.en: Thus Shulgi, your king, speaks
23'. [...]-x lu2-x-x
#tr.en: Your man who I sent to ..., ...
24'. [...]-zu#-ta x am3# [...] x szu# la-ba-ra-ab-ti
#tr.en: Aren't orders(!?) taken from your own hand ...?
25'. a-na-asz-am3 nig2-nam-bi? x ur5 i-me nu-um-me#?-x
#tr.en: Why do you not ... anything ..., such as it is(?)
@column 3
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x x x-ne
#tr.en: Come into agreement, establish the foundation of the land!
$ double ruling
2'. i3-bi2-{d}suen lugal-gu10-ra
3'. u3-a-na-du11
#tr.en: When you speak to Ibbi-Sîn, my king
4'. {disz}puzur5-{d}szul-gi! ensi2 ka-zal-lu!(KU){ki}
5'. ARAD-zu na-ab-be2-a
#tr.en: Thus Puzur-Shulgi, the governor of Kazallu, speaks
6'. {lu2}kin-gi4-a disz-bi-er3-ra-ka#?
7'. ugu#-gu10#-[...]-DU#-en
#tr.en: The messenger of Išbi-Erra ... before me
8'. igi#-ni ma-an-gar#-ma
#tr.en: He devoted his attention to me (and said)
9'. disz-bi-er3-ra lugal-gu10
10'. ugu#-zu-usz kin2-gi4-a# im-mi#?-[...]
#tr.en: Išbi-Erra, my king, has sent a message to you
11'. {d}en-lil2 lugal-gu10 nam-sipa kalam-ma#
12'. ka-ga14#-a#-ni ba-an-szum2#
#tr.en: Enlil, my king, has expounded upon(?) the shepherdship of the land
13'. gu2# {i7}idigna gu2# {i7}buranun#?-[...]
14'. gu2 i7 {+ab2}abgal-x
15'. u3 gu2 {i7#}me-{d}en-lil2-la2#
#tr.en: The banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, Abgal and Me-Enlil canals
16'. u3#? iri#?-bi-ne#?-ne#? dingir#?-bi#?-[...]
17'. u3 ugnim x [...]
#tr.en: Their cities, gods, and ... armies
18'. ma#-da# ha-ma-zi2#[{ki} ...]
#tr.en: From the land of Hamazi
19'. en#-na# a#-a#-[...]
#tr.en: Until the Persian Gulf(?)
20'. u3 ma2-gan#-[...]
#tr.en: And Magan
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. x-[...]
2'. sza3# i3#-si#-in#?{ki#?}-[...]
3'. {gesz}za3-gu-la2-ne-ne#?
4'. ga-bi2-ib-du3-du3#
#tr.en: I shall have their shrines/places of honor built inside Isin
5'. DA?-la-a-ne-ne ga-x-[...]
#tr.en: I shall ... their ...
6'. alan-gu10-ne gesz?!szu-nir#-gu10#-[ne]
7'. en-gu10-ne eresz#-dingir#?-gu10-[ne]
8'. ge6-par4#-ra-ne-ne-a# ga#?-[...]
#tr.en: I shall make my statues and emblems and my en and erešdigir priestesses dwell in their cloisters
9'. igi {d}en-lil2-la2-sze3 sza3 e2-kur-ra#-[...]
10'. igi {d}nanna-sze3 sza3 e2-kisz#-[...]
11'. TUR-TUR-gu10 siskur2#?-bi#? he2#?-[...]
#tr.en: Before Enlil in the Ekur temple, before Nanna in the Ekišnugal temple my children(?) shall enact the siskur rites
12'. u3 za-e lu2# x-[...]
#tr.en: And you, the one who you trust(!?)
13'. sza3 ma-da-ni#-ta# [...]
#tr.en: I shall stand him apart from his land
14'. i3-si#-in{ki} bad3#-bi# [...]
#tr.en: I shall build the walls of Isin
15'. [...]-di-il-KA-szu#-[...]
16'. [...] x ga-bi?-NE-[...]
#tr.en: And shall name them(?) Idil-pašunu
17'. [...]-in#-du11#-ga#?-gin7#-[...]
#tr.en: It was as he said
18'. [...] x [...]
@column 2
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] x [...]
2'. [...]-ma#-ra u3#-ne#-du11#!?
#tr.en: When your speak to Nintinuga, the true steward of the Ekur temple, the physician of the land
3'. [...]-ga#-a-ni ug3# 1(szar2)# ti-le#
4'. [...]-x-ni ug3 si-ge
#tr.en: The lady whose performed spell sustains the many people, whose incantations/murmuring ... the people
5'. [...]-sza4 lu2 ti-ti
#tr.en: Lady of compassion who sustains a man
6'. [...] u3#-ne-de3-tah
#tr.en: ... when you repeat to her
7'. [...] {d#}en-lil2-a2#-mah
8'. [...]-a
#tr.en: Thus says Inannaka, daughter of Enlilamah
9'. [...] x min-ta#?
#tr.en: Twice/twofold(?) (in) the midst of my bedroom
10'. [...]-gu10#
11'. [...]-um#?-zu
12'. [...]-mu-da-an-tar
#tr.en: ...
13'. [...] x-ra-an#?-x
14'. [...]-du3
15'. [...]-tusz
#tr.en: My mistress, ... built a house for me (and) (I) dwell (in it) suspiciously(?)
16'. [...]-x
UET 6, 0140 (P346225) 2326574
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 9: iri#{ki}na
ATF: Parsing failed on line 90 near character 15
kul-ab-ba{ki} only appears a few times in words list
i-ra-bi only appears a few times in words list
tur-x-bi only appears a few times in words list
du11-ga-am3-ta only appears a few times in words list
la-ha-bi only appears a few times in words list
hu-ul-hu-ul-ti only appears a few times in words list
ba-bi-ra-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
x-URU2!-ta only appears a few times in words list
LAGAB{ki}-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mu-me-en only appears a few times in words list
li-bi-tar-ru-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
mu-da-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
sa5-ki-ne only appears a few times in words list
du6-ba-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
dub-ba-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
im!-ZU-du-a-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
u4-du10-ta-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
ba-zi-ga-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
u4-du10-ta only appears a few times in words list
gar-ra-x only appears a few times in words list
ha-ra-x-x only appears a few times in words list
mu-szi-im-x only appears a few times in words list
URU-gin7 only appears a few times in words list
du5-ba-la-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
du6-ba-la-sze3 only appears a few times in words list
mu-gi-ba only appears a few times in words list
an-na-ke5 only appears a few times in words list
nin9! only appears a few times in words list
si-si-ga-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
kunga-la-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
a-ga-ak-nu only appears a few times in words list
lu-lim-ma-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
a-ga-ag-al only appears a few times in words list
a2-mi-in-du11 only appears a few times in words list
in-ga-am-DU only appears a few times in words list
gig-ga! only appears a few times in words list
im!-ma-du-a-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
{d}nin-lil2-da-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
e2-kur-ra-gu10 only appears a few times in words list
im-mi-a only appears a few times in words list
iri{ki}na-na-a does not appear in words list
e2-an-...-x only appears a few times in words list
banda3{+da}-szub-ba-ta only appears a few times in words list
banda3{+da}-bu-la-ta! only appears a few times in words list
u4-da-GIM only appears a few times in words list
am-mi-in-du only appears a few times in words list
im-dam-si-ge-ta only appears a few times in words list
szir3-sag-ga2-e only appears a few times in words list
ma-ma-la only appears a few times in words list
mi-lam-ma-bi only appears a few times in words list
balag!-di only appears a few times in words list
i-NIMIN only appears a few times in words list
i-NIMIN-NIMIN-e only appears a few times in words list
mu-ul-ti-la only appears a few times in words list