OIP 104, 023 (P247616)

Legal kudurru excavated in Girsu (mod. Tello), dated to the ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) period and now kept in Eski Şark Eserleri Müzesi, Arkeoloji Müzeleri, Istanbul, Turkey

Metadata / catalogue

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Text / annotations

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Chemical Data

Seal Chemistry


Museum Collection(s)

Eski Şark Eserleri Müzesi, Arkeoloji Müzeleri, Istanbul, Turkey, Louvre Museum, Paris, France

Museum Number

AO 04464 (+) Ist EŞEM 04808 (+) Ist EŞEM 02517


ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC)


Girsu (mod. Tello)

Artifact Type



Sedimentary rock > Limestone

Genre / Subgenre(s)






column 1
  beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [...] x
  rest broken
column 2
  beginning broken
1'. [siki]-bi#? [n] 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) ma#-na#
2'. [nig2]-sa10 GAN2-kam
3'. szu ba-ti
4'. 4(u@c) 5(asz@c)#? siki# [bar udu]
  rest broken
column 3
  beginning broken
1'. [...]-sa10
2'. [GAN2] 1(iku@c)#-a
3'. [siki] nig2#-zi3-ta# 3(asz@c)# ma-na
4'. siki-bi 1(gesz2@c) 7(asz@c) ma-[na]
5'. nig2-sa10 GAN2-kam
6'. szu ba-ti
7'. 3(u@c) 3(asz@c) siki bar udu
  rest broken
column 4
  beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [...]-bara2#-si
  n lines broken
3'. [...]
4'. 5(asz@c) ninda sze
5'. 1(asz@c) ninda sig15
6'. 3(asz@c) tu7 sila3
7'. 1(asz@c) sa ga-rasz{sar}
8'. nig2-ba-sze3
9'. szu ba-ti
10'. du11-ga-ni
11'. gag-bi e2-gar8# bi2-du3
12'. [i3-bi] za3-[...]
  rest broken
column 5
  beginning broken
1'. [...] mu#-zu
2'. [...]-bi e2-gar8 bi2-du3
3'. i3-bi za3-ge# [bi2-ag2]
  n lines broken
4'. [...] x x [x]
5'. lum-ma-tur
6'. dumu en-an-na-tum2
7'. ensi2
8'. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
9'. e-ne-sze3-sa10
10'. GAN2 1(iku@c)-[a]
11'. sze gur# [2(disz@t)] UL 2(asz@c)-ta#
12'. GAN2 1(iku@c)#-[a]
13'. [siki] sza3#-[...]
  rest broken
column 6
1. [...]
2. [...]
3. [sze] gur# UL# 2(asz@c)-ta
4. GAN2# 1(iku@c)-a
5. siki nig2-zi3-ta 3(asz@c) ma-na
6. sze-bi 3(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) gur 2(disz@t) UL
7. siki-bi 4(u@c) 3(asz@c) ma-[na]
  n lines broken
8'. [...]
9'. 1(asz@c) [...]
10'. 2(u@c) ku6 [dar-ra]
11'. 1(asz@c) [...]
12'. 2(asz@c) [...]
13'. 1(asz@c) [...]
  rest broken
column 7
1. [n ninda] sig15
2. [n] ku6 dar-ra
3. 2(asz@c) tu7 sila3#
4. 1(asz@c) x
5. 1(asz@c) sila3 sze-sa
6. 1(asz@c) sa ga-rasz{sar!}
7. sirara6-du10
8. dumu ur-{d}dumu-zi#-da#
  rest broken
column 8
1. sze-bi 3(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) gur 2(disz@t) UL
2. siki-bi 4(u@c) 3(asz@c) ma-na
3. nig2-sa10 GAN2-kam
4. szu ba#-ti
5. 2(u@c) siki bar# udu
6. 1(asz@c) i3 szakan#
7. 1(asz@c) szu-kesz2
8. [n] ninda# sze#
  rest broken
column 9
1. 5(asz@c) ku6 dar-ra
2. 2(asz@c) tu7 sila3
3. 1(asz@c) udu
4. 1(asz@c) sila3 sze sa
5. 1(asz@c) sa ga-rasz{sar}
6. nig2-ba-sze3
7. szu# ba-ti
8. inim#-ma-ni#-zi
9. [...]-bi [...]
  rest broken
column 10
1. 1(asz@c) pu3-la-li2
2. nu-banda3 e2-gal
3. 1(asz@c) lugal-he2-gal2-su3
4. dub-sar-mah
5. 1(asz@c) e2-nam-zu-sze3
6. gal-UN
7. ARAD2 e2-sza3-ga
  rest broken
column 11
1. lu2 ki inim-ma-bi-me
2. sza3-TAR
3. lugal-nam-mu-szub-be2
4. dub-sar-me
5. lu2 GAN2# [gid2-da-me]
  rest broken
column 1
  beginning broken
  blank space
column 2
  beginning broken
1'. x [...]
2'. lugal-nig2-lu-lu
3'. x x NI [x]
  rest broken
column 3
  beginning broken
1'. [x] x x x
2'. nig2-ba GAN2-kam
3'. szu# [ba-ti]
  rest broken
column 4
  beginning broken
1'. lu2 1(asz@c)-sze3
2'. 7(asz@c) ninda sze
3'. 1(asz@c)# ninda sig15
  rest broken
column 5
  beginning broken
1'. [n] gur# 2(disz@t) UL 2(asz@c)-ta
2'. GAN2 1(ban2@c)-a
3'. [x x]-x-bi [n] ma-na
  rest broken
column 6
  beginning broken
1'. [...]
2'. 2(u@c) [...]
3'. [...]
  rest broken
column 7
  beginning broken
1'. [...]
2'. dumu# [...] x x [x]
3'. ga2 [...]
4'. dumu [...] lu2 x [...]
5'. 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) ninda [...]
  rest broken
column 8
  beginning broken
1'. [...]
2'. [...] sze
3'. 1(asz@c) ninda sig15
4'. 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3#
5'. 2(u@c) ku6 dar-ra
6'. 1(asz@c) ninda i3
7'. 3(asz@c) sila3 [x]
8'. 1(asz@c) sila3 sze
9'. 1(asz@c) szum2 x x
10'. 1(asz@c) sa [...]
11'. [...]
  rest broken
column 9
  beginning broken
1'. [...] x
2'. [...] x
3'. GAN2# 1(iku@c)-a
4'. [n] gur# 2(disz@t) [UL 2(asz@c)]-ta
5'. [GAN2 1(ban2@c)]-a
6'. [...] x
  rest broken
column 10
column 11

Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC)
Consult word list of ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC)

  • Artifact type: Kudurru Artifact type comments:


  • Material: Sedimentary rock > Limestone
  • Measurements (mm):
  • Weight:
  • Artifact Preservation:
  • Condition Description:
  • Join Information:
  • Seal no.:
  • Seal information:
  • Artifact comments:


  • Composite No.:
  • Museum No.: AO 04464 (+) Ist EŞEM 04808 (+) Ist EŞEM 02517
  • Accession No.:

  • Provenience: Girsu (mod. Tello)
  • Elevation:
  • Stratigraphic Level:
  • Excavation No:
  • Findspot Square:
  • Findspot Comments:

Created Creator Type Authors Project Reviewer Status Action
2024-07-21 at 10:38:45 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2024-07-03 at 16:55:41 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2024-05-24 at 15:00:20 Firth, Richard Artifact, Other Entity Firth, Richard Firth, Richard approved View
2017-10-26 at 13:20:50 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2015-05-05 at 09:59:31 CDLI Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2015-01-23 at 11:29:41 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2014-12-13 at 12:39:23 Englund, Robert K. Atf Englund, Robert K. CDLI approved View
2011-10-09 at 07:21:08 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View
2008-10-09 at 16:05:24 Foxvog, Daniel A. Atf Foxvog, Daniel A. CDLI approved View
2006-10-12 at 12:38:21 CDLI Atf CDLI CDLI approved View
2004-08-04 at 00:00:00 CDLI Artifact Foxvog, Daniel A.; Guerra, Dylan; Johnson, J. Cale CDLI approved View

Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects:

    There is no external resource for this artifact yet.

General Notes: -
CDLI Notes: -
Cite this Artifact
“OIP 104, 023 Artifact Entry.” (2004) 2024. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). July 21, 2024. https://cdli.ucla.edu/P247616.
OIP 104, 023 artifact entry (No. P247616). (2024, July 21). Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). https://cdli.ucla.edu/P247616 (Original work published 2004)
OIP 104, 023 artifact entry (2024) Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI). Available at: https://cdli.ucla.edu/P247616 (Accessed: September 10, 2024).
	note = {[Online; accessed 2024-09-10]},
	year = {2024},
	month = {jul 21},
	title = {OIP 104, 023 artifact entry},
	url = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P247616},
	howpublished = {https://cdli.ucla.edu/P247616},

DA  - 2024/7/21/
PY  - 2024
ID  - P247616
LB  - CDLI:P247616
M1  - 2024/9/10/
TI  - OIP 104, 023 artifact entry
UR  - https://cdli.ucla.edu/P247616
ER  - 
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