Update made on 2024-06-03 at 18:58:25 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard
publications_key AlsterProverbs1997; Gordon1958-KYWARV6E 1432999;1481765
publications_type history; history history;citation
publications_exact_ref 119 A, CBS 14104; 007, pl. 1-2
publications_comment ;
Update made on 2023-06-14 at 22:28:20 by Rattenborg, Rune for Rattenborg, Rune

Added external links to ARMEP (http://armep.gwi.uni-muenchen.de) based on CC0 data dump dated 1 June 2023

external_resources ETCSL transliterations; ETCSL translations; Penn; eBL; ARMEP ETCSL transliterations;ETCSL translations;Penn
external_resources_key 6.1.5; 6.1.5; 587557; CBS.14104; P231595 6.1.5;6.1.5;587557


external_resources ETCSL transliterations; ETCSL translations; Penn; eBL ETCSL transliterations;ETCSL translations;Penn
external_resources_key 6.1.5; 6.1.5; 587557; CBS.14104 6.1.5;6.1.5;587557
Update made on 2003-09-11 at 00:00:00 by CDLI for Veldhuis, Niek

20030911 veldhuis_nippurlexical

designation CDLI Literary 000799, ex. 031
artifact_type tablet
period Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)
provenience Nippur (mod. Nuffar)
composites Q000799
museum_no CBS 14104
is_provenience_uncertain 0
is_period_uncertain 0
is_artifact_type_uncertain 0
is_school_text 0
external_resources ETCSL transliterations;ETCSL translations;Penn
external_resources_key 6.1.5;6.1.5;587557
genres Wisdom or proverb
genres_comment ETCSL 6.01.05 Proverbs Collection 05 (witness) Obv: Proverb collection 5; Rev: Proverb collection 5
genres_uncertain 0
languages Sumerian
languages_uncertain 0
materials clay
materials_uncertain 0
publications_key 1432999;1481765
publications_type history;citation
retired 0
has_fragments 0
is_artifact_fake 0

Total 4 record(s)

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