New and old joins in the Louvre proto-Elamite tablet collection

CDLN 2012:6

Cuneiform Digital Library Notes (ISSN: 1546-6566)

Published on 2012-01-15

© Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative

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Jacob L. Dahl ORCID logo

University of Oxford

During the course of my work on the proto-Elamite tablets in the Louvre Museum I have been able to identify a number of new joins. I list them here with brief discussions of the content of the tablet and the nature of the join. At the end of this short note I list all other joins in the proto-Elamite collection known to me.

  • MDP 26S, 5019 (Sb 15328) + 5027 (Sb 15336) + 5032 (Sb 15342): the lower third of pillow-shaped proto-Elamite tablet listing named(?) individuals. It presumably dates to the very end of the proto-Elamite period (see Dahl 2009). The tablet has not been formally reconstructed and glued by museum conservators, and the image of the joined tablet is preliminary.
  • MDP 17, 314 (Sb 22471) + 376 (Sb 22530): small tablet recording large number of small barley containers. The join is based on the scribal design: there is no definite point of contact. I have discussed the use of scribal designs elsewhere (Dahl 2005a and forthcoming).
  • MDP 6, 246 (Sb 15098) + 269 (Sb 15116) + 302 (Sb 15141) + 332 (Sb 15168): about half of a very large tablet, listing teams of workers and their rations. Sb 15098 and 15168 were already joined by Damerow and Englund (1989: 57 n. 156), Sb 15141 and 15116 were added by me in 2011. Note the total on the reverse with the unusual notation 1N14 11N1.
  • MDP 6, 316 (Sb 15153) + 322 (Sb 15159) + 324 (Sb 15161) + MDP 26S, 335 (Sb 15255) + Sb 15247: about two thirds of a very large tablet, listing teams of workers and their rations. The text appears to lack a total (the text of the obverse spills over onto the reverse, rotating the tablet on its vertical axis; a total would be written on the reverse rotating the tablet on its horizontal axis, in some instances resulting in text running in opposite directions on the reverse). Sb 15247 is mentioned in the catalogue to MDP 6, although it was neither copied or included on the photographic plates (catalogue has N. F = non figuré.). A small piece has been joined to Sb 15161 since its publication in MDP 6; there is now a physical join between Sb 15247 and 15161. Sb 15247 and 15159 have not been fired, and are very different in color from the remaining three fragments that have all been fired and have had a glossy surface treatment done. The tablet has not been formally reconstructed and glued by museum conservators, and the image of the joined tablet is preliminary.
  • MDP 17, 96 (Sb 22286) + 325 (Sb 22480) + 380 (Sb 22534): about two thirds of a large tablet listing the animals of some 15 herds. The text was edited in Dahl 2005b. The image of the joined tablet is preliminary.
  • MDP 17, 297 (Sb 22454) + 299 (Sb 22456): a small late period proto-Elamite tablet listing named(?) individuals.
  • MDP 6, 366 (Sb 15190) + MDP 26S, 5025 (Sb 15334): an almost complete standard period proto-Elamite account, with unknown contents. Note that Sb 15190 has been treated, whereas Sb 15334 has not, accounting for their difference in color. See MDP 6, 386 (Sb 15208) for a close parallel with same break pattern.
  • MDP 17, 77 (Sb 22269) + 212 (Sb 22380) + 226 (Sb 22393): an almost complete tablet, recording rations to mid-level officials. The text was edited in Dahl 2005a.
  • MDP 17, 189 (Sb 22360) + 336 (Sb 22491): the upper right quarter of a tablet with similar content to the previous.
  • MDP 26S, 4846 (Sb 15321) + 5241 (Sb 15243): part of a very large, flat, and squarish tablet.

The following joins were made prior to my work in the Louvre collection.




Dahl, Jacob L.
  2005a “Complex Graphemes in Proto-Elamite.” CDLJ 2005/3
  2005b “Animal Husbandry in Susa During the Proto-Elamite Period.” SMEA 47 81-134.
  2009 “Early Writing in Iran, a Reappraisal.” Iran 47: 23-31.
  forthcoming “The Marks of Early Writing.”
Damerow, Peter and Robert K. Englund
  1989 The Proto-Elamite Texts from Tepe Yahya. Cambridge, Mass: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Harvard University.
Meriggi, Piero
  1974 La Scrittura Proto-Elamica: Parte IIIa: Testi. Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Cite this Article
Dahl, Jacob L. 2012. “New and Old Joins in the Louvre Proto-Elamite Tablet Collection.” Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2012 (6).
Dahl, J. L. (2012). New and old joins in the Louvre proto-Elamite tablet collection. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes, 2012(6).
Dahl, J. L. (2012) “New and old joins in the Louvre proto-Elamite tablet collection,” Cuneiform Digital Library Notes, 2012(6). Available at: (Accessed: March 12, 2025).
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