Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2017-09-07 at 12:01:32 with credits to Englund, Robert K.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
ARM 01, 050 (P254251) 2295385
ba-at,-t,a3-li only appears a few times in words list
ansze-nun-na-ka only appears a few times in words list
ansze-kur-ra-ka only appears a few times in words list
li-ir-du-ni-im only appears a few times in words list
su2-uh-ra-tim only appears a few times in words list
ud-du-szu only appears a few times in words list
i-szi-t,am-ma only appears a few times in words list
s,e-ri-ka-ma only appears a few times in words list
ansze-hi-a-ka only appears a few times in words list
e-be2-et-tu only appears a few times in words list
&P254251 = ARM 01, 050
#atf: lang akk
1. a-na ia-as2-ma-[ah-{d}iszkur]
1. a-na ia-as2-ma-ah#-[{d}iszkur]
#tr.ts: ana yasmaḫ-addu
#tr.en: To Yasmaḫ-Addu
2. qi2-bi2-ma
#tr.ts: qibima
#tr.en: speak!
3. um-ma _{d}utu_-szi-_{d}iszkur
3. um-ma {d}utu-szi-{d}iszkur
#tr.ts: umma šamšī-addu
#tr.en: Thus Šamšī-Addu,
4. a-bu#-ka-a-ma
#tr.ts: abukama
#tr.en: your father.
5. _iti_ an-nu-u2-um _iti sze-sag11-ku5_
#tr.ts: warḫum annûm waraḫ addarim
#tr.en: This month is the month of Addarum.
6. _u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ i-la-ak-ma
#tr.ts: ūmum šeššeret illakma
#tr.en: When the sixteenth day arrives,
7. a-ki-tum isz-sza-ka-an
#tr.ts: akītum iššakkan
#tr.en: the Akitu festival will be established.
8. _dumu# mesz_ szi-ip-ri _lu2_ esz3-nun-na{ki}
#tr.ts: mārī šipri awīl ešnunna
#tr.en: The messengers of the man of Ešnunna
9. wa-asz-bu
#tr.ts: wašbū
#tr.en: are here;
10. asz-szum ba-at,-t,a3-li
#tr.ts: aššum baṭṭali
#tr.en: Concerning ...
# after li erased gigir
11. s,i#-im#-da-at _ansze-nun-na_-ka#
#tr.ts: ṣimdāt damdammīka
#tr.en: your teams of draft donkeys
1. u3 _ansze-kur-ra_-ka
#tr.ts: u sisîka
#tr.en: and your horses
2. a-na a-ki-tim li-ir-du#-[ni]-im#
#tr.ts: ana akītim lirdūnim
#tr.en: for the Akitum may they drive here.
3. _{gesz}gigir hi-a_ u3 e-nu-ut su2-uh-ra#-[tim] lu# ud-du-szu
#tr.en: for the Akītum may they drive here.
3. _{gesz}gigir-hi-a_ u3 e-nu-ut su2-uh-ra#-[tim] lu# ud-du-szu
#tr.ts: narkabātum  u enūt suḫrātim lu uddušū
#tr.en: The chariots and equipment should be made new again;
4. i-na a-ki-tim i-szi-t,am-ma
#tr.ts: ina akitim išiṭamma
#tr.en: during the Akitum ...,
#tr.ts: ina akītim išiṭamma
#tr.en: during the Akītum ...,
5. a-na s,e-ri-ka-ma
#tr.ts: ana ṣērīkama
#tr.ts: ana ṣērikama
#tr.en: to you
6. li-tu-ru
#tr.ts: litūrū
#tr.en: may they return.
7. _u4_-um t,up-pi2 an-ne2-e-em te-sze-em-mu-u2
#tr.ts: ūm ṭuppī annêm tešemmū
#tr.ts: ūm ṭuppī annêm tešemmû
#tr.en: The day you hear this tablet,
8. _ansze hi-a_-ka la e-bi-it-tu
8. _ansze-hi-a_-ka la e-be2-et-tu
#tr.ts: imērūka lā ebêttu
#tr.en: your donkeys should not be stabled!
9. ar-hi-isz li-ik-szu-du#-nim
#tr.ts: arḫiš likšudūnim
#tr.en: Let them quickly come!
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