Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2016-07-28 at 15:18:40 with credits to CDLI

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
MAD 5, 098 (P215420) 2263897
x-mu-pi5 only appears a few times in words list
zu-zu-AN only appears a few times in words list
...-sal-la-... only appears a few times in words list
bi2 only appears a few times in words list
su-ba-ri2-um only appears a few times in words list
be-li2-sa-qi2 only appears a few times in words list
u3-nu-... only appears a few times in words list
&P215420 = MAD 5, 098
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
$ broken
@column 2
1. mug-da-an{ki}
2. 3(asz@c) [sze] gur# en-bu-[dingir]
3. 3(barig@c)#? [n ...] x-mu-pi5
4. [...] 2(ban2@c) zu-zu-AN
5. [...] sze gur u3-u3
6. [...] en-na-num2
7. [...] 3(ban2@c) |PU3.SZA|-hal#
7. [...] 3(ban2@c) puzur4-hal#
8. [...] 1(barig@c) su-ku-kum
$ blank space
9. [szu]-nigin2 7(asz@c) sze gur
10. [...]-sal-la-[...]
$ rest broken
@column 1
$ beginning broken
1'. [...] bi2 [...]
2'. [...] lu#-lu [...]
3'. [...] i#-lu5#?-[dingir?]
4'. [...] la [...]
5'. [...]
6'. 1(barig@c) su-ba-ri2-um
7'. 1(barig@c) 1(ban2@c) 5(asz@c) sila3 be-li2-sa-qi2
$ blank space
8'. szu-nigin2 9(asz@c)#? 3(barig@c) 5(disz@t) sila3 sze gur
9'. u3#-nu-[...]
@column 2
$ broken
MAD 5, 102 (P215424) 2263898
puzur4-ISZ-su only appears a few times in words list
er3-du10 only appears a few times in words list
pu3-sa-szum only appears a few times in words list
&P215424 = MAD 5, 102
#atf: lang akk
1. [...] _gin2 [ku3-babbar_]
2. 1(asz@c) i-ku8#-[num2]
3. 1(asz@c) |PU3.SZA|-ISZ-su#?
3. 1(asz@c) puzur4-ISZ-su#?
4. 1(asz@c) i3-li2-tab-ba
5. u3 _dam_-su2
6. 1(asz@c) zu-zu
7. 1(asz@c) er3-du10#?
8. [1(asz@c)] i-nin?-um?
9. [...] _gin2 ku3-babbar_
10. [...]
1. [...]
2. u-bil3
3. 1(asz@c) bu3-bu3
4. 1(asz@c) pu3-sa-szum
5. be-lu _ku3-babbar_
MAD 5, 116 (P212426) 2263899
pu3-su-... only appears a few times in words list
x-ra-ra only appears a few times in words list
&P212426 = MAD 5, 116
#atf: lang sux
1. 1(asz@c) dingir-su-kal
2. dumu szu-i3-li2-su ku3#?-gal2
3. 1(asz@c) szu-i3-li2-su#?
4. dumu ur?-[...]
5. 1(asz@c) pu3-su-[...]
6. dumu dingir-a#-ba#
$ rest broken
$ beginning broken
1'. 1(asz@c) [...]
2'. dumu AN-[...]
3'. 1(asz@c) [...]
4'. dumu [...]
5'. 1(asz@c) |PU3.SZA|#-[{d}]za#-ba4-ba4
5'. 1(asz@c) puzur4#-[{d}]za#-ba4-ba4
6'. dumu x?-ra-ra
7'. [1(asz@c)] gi-szum dumu i3-la-la
Anonymous 315410 unpublished unassigned ? (P315410) 2263900
Words list not available
Signs list not available
&P315410 = Malter 20060313aa
#atf: lang sux
$ blank space
$ seal impression
$ blank space
# seal impression
$ blank space
@seal 1
1. |PU3.SZA|-{d}li9-si4
1. puzur4-{d}li9-si4
2. dub-sar
3. dumu la-gi-pu-um?
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