approved by CDLI
Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2016-06-06 at 08:55:55 with credits to CDLI
Artifact | Revision | Changes |
ARET 09, 106 (P240685) | 2259128 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 1: 1.
sze-gur10-ku5 does not appear in words list
&P240685 = ARET 09, 106 |
ARET 09, 108 (P240701) | 2259129 |
NINDA-... only appears a few times in words list
&P240701 = ARET 09, 108 |
ARET 11, 3 (P241245) | 2259130 |
ATF: Parsing failed on line 6 near character 37
GESZ-MA-ir only appears a few times in words list
A-MU-su3 only appears a few times in words list
na-u2-ba-ad only appears a few times in words list
du-ru12-ra only appears a few times in words list
ma2-ra-szum2 only appears a few times in words list
nu-u2-ba-asz2 only appears a few times in words list
sa-ba-a-tim only appears a few times in words list
{d}ba-ra-ma-isz only appears a few times in words list
si-du3-su3 only appears a few times in words list
dub-su3 only appears a few times in words list
sa-ba-a-ti-su-ma only appears a few times in words list
isz11-da-wa only appears a few times in words list
a-ba-ga-ra only appears a few times in words list
du-la-ti-su-ma only appears a few times in words list
'a5-ne only appears a few times in words list
ba-ra-ma only appears a few times in words list
ma2-na-ga-tim only appears a few times in words list
tug2-NA2 only appears a few times in words list
tug2-na2 only appears a few times in words list
&P241245 = ARET 11, 3 |
ARET 12, 0001 + 0007 (P357322) | 2259131 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 2 col 2: @obverse
...-gu2-ra only appears a few times in words list
|PU3.SZA|-ra-i3 does not appear in words list
ku3:babbar-gi-2(disz) only appears a few times in words list
dasz-na only appears a few times in words list
surx-|BAR.AN| only appears a few times in words list
szu2+sza-2(disz) only appears a few times in words list
sza-pi-2(disz) only appears a few times in words list
gu-gi only appears a few times in words list
|PU3.SZA| does not appear in signs list
|BAR.AN| only appears a few times in signs list
szu2+sza only appears a few times in signs list
&P357322 = ARET 12, 0001 @obverse? @column 1' 1'. [...]-gu2#-ra 2'. _lu2_ a#-tir5-da#-ba-an 3'. [...] @column 2' |