Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2015-05-07 at 08:46:11 with credits to CDLI

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
Nik 1, 138 (P221907) 2243412
sag+gal2 does not appear in words list
kas-ta only appears a few times in words list
lugal-x-x-na only appears a few times in words list
e-ma-gi4 only appears a few times in words list
sag+gal2 does not appear in signs list
&P221907 = Nik 1, 138
#version: 0.4
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 1(asz@c) 4(ban2@c) gu2 mun gur sag-gal2
1. 1(asz@c) 4(ban2@c) gu2 mun gur sag+gal2
2. nig2-[...]
3. 1(asz@c) [...]
4. [...]
@column 2
1. [...]
2. [...] kas-ta [x]
3. lugal-[x-x]-na
4. x [x x]
5. [x] ki [x]
@column 1
1. i3-kux(DU)
2. e-ma-gi4
3. ki-a mu-da-tak4 4(|ASZxDISZ@t|)
Nik 1, 139 (P221908) 2243413
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 32: 5(asz@c) 1(barig@c) szum2 sikil*
sag+gal2 does not appear in words list
sag+gal2 does not appear in signs list
&P221908 = Nik 1, 139
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang sux
@column 1
1. 5(asz@c) 1(barig@c) szum2 sikil* gur sag-gal2
1. 5(asz@c) 1(barig@c) szum2 sikil* gur sag+gal2
2. ki szum2-ma GAN2 {d}ab-u2-ka-ta
@column 2
1. en-ig-gal
2. nu-banda3
3. mu-ba-al
4. U2-U2
5. ugula
@column 1
1. e-na-ag2 4(|ASZxDISZ@t|)
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