Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2015-05-05 at 09:38:09 with credits to CDLI

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
ARET 03, 748 (P242944) 2239941
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @column
za-ba-x only appears a few times in words list
mu-tag4! only appears a few times in words list
tag4! only appears a few times in signs list
&P242944 = ARET 03, 748
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qeb
@column 1
1'. [...N] _aktum{tug2}_ 1(asz@c) _|IB2+3(ASZ@45)| dar sa6 tug2_
1'. [... n] _aktum{tug2}_ 1(asz@c) _|IB2+3(DISZ@t)| dar sa6 tug2_
2'. ba-da-lum
3'. sa-nab#-zu-gum2#[{ki}]
4'. za-ba#?-[x]
5'. _szu mu-tag4#!_
6'. [...]
ARET 03, 749 (P242945) 2239942
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 1: 1'.
&P242945 = ARET 03, 749
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qeb
1'. [...] 1(u@c) 4(asz@c) _gu-dul3{tug2}_
2'. ra-u3-dum
3'. _szu ba4-ti_
4'. 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) {gesz}KIN SIKI
5'. _tug2 dumu-munus_
6'. _sukkal-sukkal_
7'. [x] x [...]
@column 2
1'. sza-du-ur2{ki}
2'. _sipa_
3'. GU4
4'. ib-ri2-um
5'. 1(asz@c) {gesz}KIN SIKI
6'. _|IB2+3(ASZ@45)|{tug2} babbar_
6'. _|IB2+3(DISZ@t)|{tug2} babbar_
7'. {d}NI-da-KUL
8'. lu-ba-an{ki}
9'. [x x] KIN# SIKI [...]
@column 3
1'. [...] 3(asz@c) _gu#-dul3{tug2}_ 3(asz@c) _|IB2+3(ASZ@45)| dar tug2_
1'. [...] 3(asz@c) _gu#-dul3{tug2}_ 3(asz@c) _|IB2+3(DISZ@t)| dar tug2_
2'. wa-ti-lu
3'. BE-su3-i3-mur
4'. ib-UR-da-mu
5'. mu-szar
6'. 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) _gu-dul3{tug2}_ [N+]3 _SAL{tug2}_ [...]
6'. 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) _gu-dul3{tug2}_ [n] 3(asz@c) _SAL{tug2}_ [...]
@column 4
1'. szu-i3#-lum#
2'. nab-ha-il
3'. kum-la
4'. ib-dur-isz-lu
5'. PUZUR4-ra-ma-lik
6'. ir3-PESZ2-ze2#
7'. [...]
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