Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by CDLI on 2015-05-05 at 09:24:15 with credits to CDLI

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
ARET 03, 301 (P242494) 2239647
&P242494 = ARET 03, 301
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qeb
@column 1
1'. 4(u@c) 1(asz@c) _SAL{tug2}_
2'. 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) _|IB2+3(ASZ@45)| dar sa6 tug2_
3'. 1(asz@c) _|IB2+3(ASZ@45)|{tug2} u2-hab2_
2'. 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) _|IB2+3(DISZ@t)| dar sa6 tug2_
3'. 1(asz@c) _|IB2+3(DISZ@t)|{tug2} u2-hab2_
4'. 2(asz@c) _nig2-la2 sag_
5'. 4(u@c) _|IB2+3(ASZ@45)| dar tug2_
6'. _szu-nigin2_ 1(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) _la2_ 3(asz@45) _tug2-tug2_
5'. 4(u@c) _|IB2+3(DISZ@t)| dar tug2_
6'. _szu-nigin2_ 1(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) _la2_ 3(disz@t) _tug2-tug2_
7'. _e3_
8'. ITI _diri_
9'. [...]
ARET 03, 304 (P242497) 2239648
ATF: Syntax error at line 4 col 2: @column
&P242497 = ARET 03, 304
#version: 0.1
#atf: lang qeb
@column 1
$ column blank
$ blank space
@column 2
1'. _szu-nigin2_ 1(asz@c) mi-at 3(u@c) _la2_ 1(asz@45) _tug2-tug2_
1'. _szu-nigin2_ 1(asz@c) mi-at 3(u@c) _la2_ 1(disz@t) _tug2-tug2_
2'. 2(asz@c) _nig2-la2 sag_
3'. 2(u@c) _gu-mug{tug2}_
4'. [...]
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