Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2014-05-27 at 16:14:19 with credits to Cancik-Kirschbaum, Eva;

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
ARM 03, 040 (P273087) 2225709
{d}ik-ru-ub-el2 only appears a few times in words list
ki-is3-pi2 only appears a few times in words list
i-t,e4-em-mi-im only appears a few times in words list
t,a3-ba-at only appears a few times in words list
&P273087 = ARM 03, 040
#atf: lang akk
1. [a-na] be-li2-ia
#tr.ts: ana bēliya
#tr.en: To my lord,
2. qi2#-bi2-ma
#tr.ts: qibima
#tr.en: speak!
3. um-ma ki-ib-ri-{d}da-gan
#tr.ts: umma kibri-dagan
#tr.en: thus Kibrī-Dagan,
4. _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma
#tr.ts: waradkama
#tr.en: your servant:
5. {d}da#-gan u3 {d}ik-ru-ub-el2 [sza]-al-mu
#tr.ts: dagan u yakrub-el šalmū
#tr.en: Dagan and Yakrub-El are well.
6. a-lum ter#-qa#{ki} u3 ha-al-s,u2-<um> sza#-lim
#tr.ts: ālum terqa u ḫalṣum šalim
#tr.en: The city of Terqa and the district are well.
7. sza-ni-tam _u4_-um t,up-pi2 an-ne2-e-em
#tr.ts: šanītam ūmum ṭuppi annêm
#tr.en: Another thing: the day this tablet
8. a-na s,e#-er be-li2-ia u2-sza#-bi#-lam
#tr.ts: ana ṣēr bēliya ušābilam
#tr.en: to my lord I sent.
9. _lu2_ mu#-uh-hu-um sza {d}da#-gan
#tr.ts: muḫḫûm ša dagan
#tr.en: the ecstatic of Dagan
10. il-li-kam#-ma
#tr.ts: illikamma
#tr.en: came and
11. a-wa-tam ki-a-am iq#-be2-e#-[em]
#tr.ts: awātam kiam iqbêm
#tr.en: a word in the following way spoke to me,
12. um-ma-a-mi
#tr.ts: ummami
#tr.en: thus:
13. _dingir_-lum isz-pu-ra-an-[ni]
#tr.ts: ilum išpuranni
#tr.en: The god sent me.
14. hu-mu-ut, a-na _lugal#_
#tr.ts: ḫumuṭ ana šarrim
#tr.en: Come quickly! To the king
1. szu-pu-ur-ma
#tr.ts: šupurma
#tr.en: write, and
2. ki-is3-pi2 a-na i-t,e4-em-mi#-[im]
#tr.ts: kispī ana iṭemmim
#tr.en: funerary offerings to the spirit
3. sza ia-ah-du-un-li#-[im]
#tr.ts: ša yaḫdun-lim
#tr.en: of Yaḫdun-Lim
4. li-ik-ru-bu
#tr.ts: likrubū
#tr.en: they must dedicate.
5. an-ni-tam _lu2_ mu-uh-hu-um szu-u2
#tr.ts: annītam muḫḫûm šū
#tr.en: This that ecstatic
6. iq-be2-e-em-ma a-na be-li2-ia
#tr.ts: iqbêmma ana bēliya
#tr.en: said to me, and to my lord
7. asz-ta-ap-ra-am
#tr.ts: aštapram
#tr.en: I have written.
8. be-li2 sza# e-li#-szu t,a3-ba-at
9. li-pu-usz2
#tr.ts: bēlī ša elišu ṭabat
#tr.en: My lord what is pleasing to him
9. li-pu-usz2
#tr.ts: līpuš
#tr.en: must do.
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