approved by CDLI
Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2014-05-20 at 09:22:45 with credits to Cancik-Kirschbaum, Eva;
Artifact | Revision | Changes |
ARM 04, 025 (P338787) | 2225656 |
szu-szar-ra-a{ki} only appears a few times in words list
id-da-al-la-hu only appears a few times in words list
ku-ul-la-sza only appears a few times in words list
{disz}li-da-a-ia only appears a few times in words list
a-la-ni{ki} only appears a few times in words list
ni-isz7-ta-al-ma only appears a few times in words list
ir-re-du-u2 only appears a few times in words list
as-hu-up-ma only appears a few times in words list
li-sze-szi-ib-x only appears a few times in words list
ip-pa-at,-t,a3-ar only appears a few times in words list
&P338787 = ARM 04, 025 #atf: lang akk @tablet @obverse 1. a-na ia-as2-ma-ah-{d}iszkur #tr.ts: ana yasmaḫ-addu #tr.en: To Yasmaḫ-Addu 2. qi2-bi2-ma #tr.ts: qibima #tr.en: speak! 3. um-ma isz-me-{d}da-gan a-hu-ka-a-ma #tr.ts: umma išme-dagan aḫukama #tr.en: Thus Išme-Dagan, your brother: 4. asz-szum ma-a-at szu-szar-ra-a{ki} #tr.ts: aššum māt šušarrâ #tr.en: Concerning the country Šušarrâ 5. sza ta-asz-pu-ra-am #tr.ts: ša tašpuram #tr.en: (about) which you wrote me, 6. ki-ma ma-tum szi-i id-da-al-la-hu #tr.ts: kīma mātum šī iddallaḫu #tr.en: since this country is in confusion 7. u3 ku-ul-la-sza la ni-le-u2 #tr.ts: u kullaša lā nile’’û #tr.en: and we are unable to hold it back, 8. {disz}i-szar-li-im li-id-bu-ba-kum #tr.ts: išarlim lidbubakkum #tr.en: let Išar-Lim speak to you; 9. {disz}li-da-a-ia _lu2_ tu-ru-ku-u2# #tr.ts: lidaya awīlum turukkû #tr.en: Lidaya, the Turukkean, 10. u3 _lu2_ tu-ru-ku-u2 sza it-ti-szu #tr.ts: u awīlum turukkû ša ittišu #tr.en: and the Turukkean with him 11. sza i-na ma-a-tim sza-a-ti wa-asz-bu #tr.ts: ša ina mātim šâti wašbū #tr.en: who in that country reside, 12. ik-ki-ru-ma 2(disz) a-la-ni{ki} ig-mu-ru #tr.ts: ikkirūma šina ālānī igmurū #tr.en: became hostile, and two cities finished off. 13. an-ha#-ri-ir-ma #tr.ts: anḫarrirma #tr.en: I came to help, and 14. [a-na] li#-ib-bi _kur_-i i#-ru-bu #tr.ts: ana libbi šadî īrubū #tr.en: to the heart of the mountains they entered. 15. ni-isz7-ta-al-ma #tr.ts: ništalma #tr.en: We reflected, and 16. ki-ma ma-tum szi-i #tr.ts: kīma mātum šī #tr.en: since that country @reverse 1. a-na ku-ul-lim la ir-re-du-u2 #tr.ts: ana kullim lā irreddû #tr.en: for keeping back would not be led, 2. ma-a-tam sza-a-ti #tr.ts: mātam šâti #tr.en: that country 3. as-[hu-up]-ma #tr.ts: asḫupma #tr.en: I attacked, and 4. [isz-tu ma-a-at] ar#-ra-ap-hi-im{ki} #tr.ts: ištu māt arrapḫim #tr.en: from the country Arrapḫum 5. u3 [isz-tu ma-a]-at# qa-ab-ra-a{ki} #tr.ts: u ištu māt qabrâ #tr.en: and from the country Qabrâ 6. a-di# [...] li#?-sze-szi-ib-x #tr.ts: adi ... lišešib-x #tr.en: up to... let colonize(?). 7. [s,a-bu-um] sza li-ib-bi ma-tim #tr.ts: ṣābum ša libbi mātim #tr.en: Troops of the heart of the country 8. [ip-pa]-at,#-t,a3-ar #tr.ts: ippaṭṭar #tr.en: will be freed. 9. [sza-al]-ma#-ku mi-im-ma li-ib-ba-ka #tr.ts: šalmāku mimma libbaka #tr.en: I am well; your heart at all 10. [la] i-na-hi-id #tr.ts: lā inaḫḫid #tr.en: may not fear. |