approved by CDLI
Atf update submitted by Englund, Robert K. on 2014-05-11 at 09:11:06 with credits to Price, Jason R.;
Artifact | Revision | Changes |
ARM 02, 133 (P273040) | 2225350 |
ATF: Syntax error at line 31 col 7: #tr.en since five days
pa-ni-ti-im only appears a few times in words list
pu-ha-di-szu-nu only appears a few times in words list
ne2-pi2-isz-ti-im only appears a few times in words list
ig-da-am-ru only appears a few times in words list
i-ta-na-sza-szu only appears a few times in words list
&P273040 = ARM 02, 133 #atf: lang akk @tablet @obverse 1. a-na be-li2-ia #tr.ts: ana bēliya #tr.en: To my lord 2. qi2-bi2-ma #tr.ts: qibima #tr.en: speak! 3. um-ma i-din-{d}nu-musz-da# #tr.ts: umma iddin-numušda #tr.en: Thus Iddin-Numušda, 4. _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma #tr.ts: waradkama #tr.en: your servant: 5. i-na pa-ni-ti-im #tr.ts: ina pānītim #tr.en: Previously 6. be-li2 asz-szum ka-li #tr.ts: bēlī aššum kāli #tr.en: my lord concerning the holding back 7. ge-ri-im sza qa-t,a3-nim{ki} #tr.ts: gerrim ša qaṭanim #tr.en: of the expedition of Qaṭanum 8. iq-be2-em-ma #tr.ts: iqbêmma #tr.en: spoke to me, and 9. isz-tu _u4 5(disz)-kam_ #tr.ts: ištu ūmim ḫamišat #tr.en since five days 10. _lu2-mesz_ ka-le-ku #tr.ts: awīlī kalêku #tr.en: the men I have held back; 11. u3 pu-ha-di-szu-nu #tr.ts: u puḫādīšunu #tr. en: and their lambs 12. i-na ne2-pi2-isz-ti-im #tr.ts: ina nēpištim #tr.en: in extispicy 13. ig-da-am-ru #tr.ts: igdamrū #tr.en: have been used up. @reverse 1. szum-ma li-bi be-li2-ia #tr.ts: šumma libbi bēliya #tr.en: If it pleases my lord, 2. be-li2 li-isz-pu-ra-am-ma #tr.ts: bēlī lišpuramma #tr.en: my lord should write me, and 3. _lu2-mesz_ szu-nu la i-ka-lu-u2 #tr.ts: awīlū šunu lā ikkallû #tr.en: these men should not be held back! 4. li-li-ku #tr.ts: lillikū #tr.en: Let them go! 5. _lu2-mesz_ i-ta-na-sza-szu #tr.ts: awīlū ītanaššašū #tr.en: The men are continuously distressed. 6. a-na _u4 3(disz)-kam_ #tr.ts: ana ūmim šalāšat #tr.en: On the 3rd day, 7. ha-ra-nu-um u2-s,i2 #tr.ts: ḫarrānum uṣṣi #tr.en: a caravan will go out. 8. it-ti ha-ra-nim #tr.ts: itti ḫarrānim #tr.en: With the caravan, 9. wa-ar-ki-tim #tr.ts: warkītim #tr.en: the later one, 10. _dumu-mesz_ szi-ip-ri |