Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Brumfield, Sara on 2011-11-18 at 09:59:07 with credits to Brumfield, Sara

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
CUSAS 13, 043 (P329068) 2156267
ATF: Syntax error at line 1 col 20: a-ra2-1(u) 4(disz)?#
en-na-DU only appears a few times in words list
tug2-ni3-la2 does not appear in words list
m does not appear in words list
tug2-sza3-ga-du3 does not appear in words list
uru-tar-re2 does not appear in words list
tug2-sza3-ga-du3 does not appear in words list
lu2-gazi does not appear in words list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in words list
tug2-bar-dul5 does not appear in words list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in words list
tug2-nig2-lam2 does not appear in words list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in words list
tug2-sza3-ga-du3 does not appear in words list
a-ra2-1(u) does not appear in words list
ni3 only appears a few times in signs list
m does not appear in signs list
uru only appears a few times in signs list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in signs list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in signs list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in signs list
&P329068 = CUSAS 13, 043
1. 1(asz@c) bar-dul5
2. {d}en-lil2
3. en-na-DU
4. 1(asz@c) lugal-iti-da
5. dub-sar
6. 2(asz@c) tug2-ni3-la2 m
7. ma-ma-um-mi
8. 2(asz@c) tug2-sza3-ga-du3
9. 1(asz@c) bar-dul5
10. uru-tar#-re2
1. 1(asz@c) tug2-sza3-ga-du3
2. szu#-na
3. lu2-gazi
4. |SZU.NIGIN2| 1(asz@c) tug2#-bar-dul5
5. |SZU.NIGIN2|# 1(asz@c) [tug2-nig2]-lam2
6. |SZU.NIGIN2|# [3(asz@c) tug2-sza3-ga]-du3#
7. [...]
8. x x kam#
9. x NI KA?#
10. [...]
11. a-ra2-1(u) 4(disz)?#
CUSAS 13, 149 (P329076) 2156268
ATF: Parsing failed on line 13 near character 1
tug2-bar-dul5 does not appear in words list
tug2-igi-du8 does not appear in words list
tug2-bar-dul5 does not appear in words list
aga3-la2 only appears a few times in words list
tug2-bar-dul5 does not appear in words list
&P329076 = CUSAS 13, 149
1. 1(asz@c) tug2-bar-dul5
2. szu-na
3. [1(asz@c)] tug2-igi-du8
4. [1(asz@c)] tug2-bar-dul5 aga3-la2
5. 1(asz@c)# tug2-bar-dul5
6. x x [...]
$ (2 lines with traces of a sealing on a fragment not belonging to the tablet)
$ (uninscribed)
CUSAS 13, 037 (P329089) 2156269
ATF: Parsing failed on line 16 near character 1
esz4-dar does not appear in words list
tug2-na-asz2-ba-ru does not appear in words list
tug2-nig2-lam2-usz-bar does not appear in words list
tug2-sza3-ga-du3 does not appear in words list
tug2-sza3-gi-da5 does not appear in words list
&P329089 = CUSAS 13, 037
$ about 2 lines missing
$ (upper part of obverse filed out)
1'. [...]-bi# 4(u)# 3(disz)# x
$ blank space
2'. esz4#-dar
3'. 1(asz@c) tug2-na-asz2-ba-ru
4'. 4(asz@c) tug2-nig2-lam2-usz-bar
5'. [n] tug2-sza3-ga-du3
6'. [n] tug2-sza3-gi-da5
1. [...] tug2# szabra
$ (traces of signs underneath a hard patina of modern clay)
CUSAS 13, 210 (P329107) 2156270
u2-da-da only appears a few times in words list
tab-si-ga-szu does not appear in words list
masz-ni only appears a few times in words list
&P329107 = CUSAS 13, 210
$ (unknown number of lines missing)
$ (right edge filed out, possibly a column missing)
1'. szu# [2(disz)? mu?] siki#
2'. szu 3(disz) mu siki
3'. u2-da-da
4'. tab-si-ga-szu#
5'. maszkim#
6'. 1(asz@c) ud5#
7'. masz-ni
8'. 1(asz@c) siki ud5 ma-[na]
$ (unknown number of lines missing)
$ (unknown number of lines missing, broken space, end missing)
CUSAS 13, 059 (P329108) 2156271
ATF: Parsing failed on line 22 near character 1
1(u)+n does not appear in words list
...-ESZ2 does not appear in words list
lu2-nig2-bara4-ga only appears a few times in words list
a-zu-gal only appears a few times in words list
e2-du10-ga only appears a few times in words list
sukkal-kasz4 does not appear in words list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in words list
en-nu-... only appears a few times in words list
1(u)+n does not appear in signs list
ESZ2 does not appear in signs list
kasz4 only appears a few times in signs list
|SZU.NIGIN2| does not appear in signs list
&P329108 = CUSAS 13, 059
$ about 2 lines missing
1'. [n ...]-gal
2'. [n] ma2#-lah5#-gal
3'. 1(u)#+[n] [...]-ESZ2
4'. 1(u) 3(disz) lu2#-nig2-bara4-ga#
5'. 2(disz) lu2#-esz2#-gid2
6'. 3(disz) dam-gar3
7'. 1(disz) a-zu-gal
8'. 1(disz) sukkal e2-du10-ga
9'. [n] sukkal-kasz4
10'. [n] x gesz#-kin#-ti
1. [...] x
$ blank space
2. |SZU.NIGIN2| 2(u) 4(disz) lu2
3. en-nu-[...]
4. [...]-AN
$ about 2 lines missing
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