Update event

approved by Rattenborg, Rune

Other Entity update submitted by Rattenborg, Rune on 2024-05-27 at 18:31:06 with credits to Johansson, Carolin; Melin-Kronsell, Nils; Nett, Seraina; Rattenborg, Rune; Smidt, Gustav Ryberg; project: Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Batch no. 10 of article records drawn from the GLoW Zotero bibliography (available at https://www.zotero.org/groups/2345127/glow_rj/library).

Changes to other entities in this update

Entity Revision Changes
Publication "Excavations at Tell Brak, 1978-81" 91926
bibtexkey Oates1982-U5IDJV8G
year 1982
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/4200162
journal_id 51
number 2
pages 187-204
title Excavations at Tell Brak, 1978-81
volume 44
designation Oates, Iraq 44/2 (1982)
1 Oates, David
sequence 0
Publication "Eine Tontafel aus der Zeit Išbi'eras von Isin" 91927
bibtexkey Oberhuber1967-F887EIJP
year 1967
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 12
pages 426-428
title Eine Tontafel aus der Zeit Išbi'eras von Isin
volume 36
designation Oberhuber, OrNS 36 (1967)
1 Oberhuber, Karl
sequence 0
Publication "A New Inheritance Contract from Nippur" 91928
bibtexkey O'Callaghan1954-LFM4Y3C8
year 1954
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/1359104
journal_id 21
number 4
pages 137-143
title A New Inheritance Contract from Nippur
volume 8
designation O'Callaghan, JCS 8/4 (1954)
1 O'Callaghan, Roger T.
sequence 0
Publication "Old Babylonian Linen Weaving" 91929
bibtexkey Oefele1916-ZEWTY765
year 1916
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/592699
journal_id 40
pages 415-415
title Old Babylonian Linen Weaving
volume 36
designation Oefele, JAOS 36 (1916)
1 Oefele, Felix von
sequence 0
Publication "Der „Hilprecht-Text“: die Jenaer astronomisch-mathematische Tafel HS 245 (früher HS 229) und die Paralleltexte Sm 162 (CT 33, 11) Rs. sowie Sm 1113 (AfO 18, 393f.)" 91930
bibtexkey Oelsner2005-5INDZN56
year 2005
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/41670233
journal_id 2
pages 108-124
title Der „Hilprecht-Text“: die Jenaer astronomisch-mathematische Tafel HS 245 (früher HS 229) und die Paralleltexte Sm 162 (CT 33, 11) Rs. sowie Sm 1113 (AfO 18, 393f.)
volume 51
designation Oelsner, AfO 51 (2005)
1 Oelsner, Joachim
sequence 0
Publication "Eine Rechtsurkunde aus dem seleukidischen Uruk in der Hilprecht-Sammlung Vorderasiatischer Altertümer" 91931
bibtexkey Oelsner1970-46VQLAX8
year 1970
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 244
number 5
pages 905-912
title Eine Rechtsurkunde aus dem seleukidischen Uruk in der Hilprecht-Sammlung Vorderasiatischer Altertümer
volume 19
designation Oelsner, WZJ 19/5 (1970)
1 Oelsner, Joachim
sequence 0
Publication "Ein keilschriftliches Palimpsest (HS 1616+1844+CBS 6599)" 91932
bibtexkey Oelsner1997-773RNH6R
year 1997
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1515/zava.1997.87.2.219
journal_id 10
number 2
pages 219-246
title Ein keilschriftliches Palimpsest (HS 1616+1844+CBS 6599)
volume 87
designation Oelsner, ZA 87/2 (1997)
1 Oelsner, Joachim
sequence 0
2 Veldhuis, Niek
sequence 1
Publication "The Early Dynastic Monumental Buildings at Umm al-Aqarib" 91933
bibtexkey Oraibi2014-SRQT4X46
year 2014
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 51
number 1
pages 149-187
title The Early Dynastic Monumental Buildings at Umm al-Aqarib
volume 76
designation Oraibi, Iraq 76/1 (2014)
1 Oraibi, Almamori Haider
sequence 0
Publication "An Old Babylonian Business Archive of Historical Interest" 91934
bibtexkey Ormsby1972-UVZXXH2R
year 1972
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/1359625
journal_id 21
number 4
pages 89-99
title An Old Babylonian Business Archive of Historical Interest
volume 24
designation Ormsby, JCS 24/4 (1972)
1 Ormsby, Dorothy L.
sequence 0
Publication "Eine urartäische Inschrift in Avnik" 91935
bibtexkey Orthmann1968-6B63PE98
year 1968
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 2
pages 77-78
title Eine urartäische Inschrift in Avnik
volume 22
designation Orthmann, AfO 22 (1968)
1 Orthmann, Winfried
sequence 0
Publication "Archeological Perspectives on the Localization of Naram-Sin's Armanum" 91936
bibtexkey Otto2006-NMSNMXGZ
year 2006
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 21
number 1
pages 1-26
title Archeological Perspectives on the Localization of Naram-Sin's Armanum
volume 58
designation Otto, JCS 58/1 (2006)
1 Otto, Adelheid
sequence 0
Publication "Tablet Fragments from Taxila (Pakistan)" 91937
bibtexkey Owen1993-AME6BGKD
year 1993
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 13
pages 289-291
title Tablet Fragments from Taxila (Pakistan)
volume 15
designation Owen, ASJ 15 (1993)
1 Owen, David I.
sequence 0
Publication "Neo-Sumerian Texts in the University of Utah" 91938
bibtexkey Owen1997-DT73JGLK
year 1997
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 13
pages 147-228
title Neo-Sumerian Texts in the University of Utah
volume 19
designation Owen, ASJ 19 (1997)
1 Owen, David I.
sequence 0
2 Wasilewska, Ewa
sequence 1
Publication "Random Notes on a Recent Ur III Volume" 91939
bibtexkey Owen1988-IMYA734E
year 1988
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/603250
journal_id 40
number 1
pages 111-122
title Random Notes on a Recent Ur III Volume
volume 108
designation Owen, JAOS 108/1 (1988)
1 Owen, David I.
sequence 0
Publication "Incomplete Year Formulae of Iddin-Dagān Again" 91940
bibtexkey Owen1971-BRBG4YQX
year 1971
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/1359342
journal_id 21
number 1-2
pages 17-19
title Incomplete Year Formulae of Iddin-Dagān Again
volume 24
designation Owen, JCS 24/1-2 (1971)
1 Owen, David I.
sequence 0
Publication "Texts and Fragments 83-84" 91941
bibtexkey Owen1974-VXFW9RDE
year 1974
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/1359200
journal_id 21
number 1
pages 63-65
title Texts and Fragments 83-84
volume 26
designation Owen, JCS 26/1 (1974)
1 Owen, David I.
sequence 0
Publication "Cuneiform Texts in the Arizona State Museum, Tucson" 91942
bibtexkey Owen2000-8PDGBPJF
year 2000
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/1359684?refreqid=excelsior%3Ab69cb27b6b7d3375ba4956926396f1db&seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents
journal_id 21
pages 1-53
title Cuneiform Texts in the Arizona State Museum, Tucson
volume 52
designation Owen, JCS 52 (2000)
1 Owen, David I.
sequence 0
2 Wasilewska, Ewa
sequence 1
Publication "A Receipt for Fish from Garšana" 91943
bibtexkey Owen2015-EG3FBRIY
year 2015
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 3
pages 100-101
title A Receipt for Fish from Garšana
volume 2015
designation Owen, NABU 2015/3 (2015)
1 Owen, David I.
sequence 0
Publication "Ur III letter-orders from Nippur in the University Museum" 91944
bibtexkey Owen1971-YEFHQLUD
year 1971
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rfh&AN=ATLA0000726982&site=ehost-live
journal_id 12
number 4
pages 386-400
title Ur III letter-orders from Nippur in the University Museum
volume 40
designation Owen, OrNS 40/4 (1971)
1 Owen, David I.
sequence 0
Publication "Garšana Notes" 91945
bibtexkey Owen2016-3AFZSVJY
year 2016
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/44646390
journal_id 7
pages 23-34
title Garšana Notes
volume 110
designation Owen, RA 110 (2016)
1 Owen, David I.
sequence 0
Publication "An Akkadian Letter from Ugarit at Tel Aphek" 91946
bibtexkey Owen1981-5GRIZ947
year 1981
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1179/033443581788440954
journal_id 240
number 1
pages 1-17
title An Akkadian Letter from Ugarit at Tel Aphek
volume 8
designation Owen, Tel Aviv 8/1 (1981)
1 Owen, David I.
sequence 0
Publication "The Texts formerly owned by St. Paul Public Library and published in SET" 91947
bibtexkey Ozaki2008-JBLGLEW7
year 2008
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 64
pages 65-70
title The Texts formerly owned by St. Paul Public Library and published in SET
volume 23
designation Ozaki, JAC 23 (2008)
1 Ozaki Tohru
sequence 0
Publication "Cuneiform Texts in Japanese Collections" 91948
bibtexkey Ozaki2009-WN3CQ7XJ
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 64
pages 55-76
title Cuneiform Texts in Japanese Collections
volume 24
designation Ozaki, JAC 24 (2009)
1 Ozaki Tohru
sequence 0
Publication "Neue Ur-III Texte in den Nippur und Puzriš-Dagan-Sammlungen der Archäologischen Museen zu Istanbul" 91949
bibtexkey Ozaki2002-S7RWXT5B
year 2002
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/1360039
journal_id 21
pages 1-23
title Neue Ur-III Texte in den Nippur und Puzriš-Dagan-Sammlungen der Archäologischen Museen zu Istanbul
volume 54
designation Ozaki, JCS 54 (2002)
1 Ozaki Tohru
sequence 0
2 Yıldız, Fatma
sequence 1
Publication "A Stela of Adad-nirari III and Nergal-ereš from Tell al Rimah" 91950
bibtexkey Page1968-Q629EQZQ
year 1968
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www-jstor-org.ezphost.dur.ac.uk/stable/4199848
journal_id 51
pages 139-153
title A Stela of Adad-nirari III and Nergal-ereš from Tell al Rimah
volume 30
designation Page, Iraq 30 (1968)
1 Page, Stephanie
sequence 0
Publication "An Old Persian Text of Darius II (D2Ha)" 91951
bibtexkey Paper1952-39JMFG7T
year 1952
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 40
number 4
pages 169-170
title An Old Persian Text of Darius II (D2Ha)
volume 72
designation Paper, JAOS 72/4 (1952)
1 Paper, Herbert H.
sequence 0
Publication "Tell Leilan 1987: Sceaux et empreintes des sceaux" 91952
bibtexkey Parayre1987-U25VIYJG
year 1987
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 146
pages 128-141
title Tell Leilan 1987: Sceaux et empreintes des sceaux
volume 37/38
designation Parayre, AAAS 37/38 (1987)
1 Parayre, Dominique
sequence 0
Publication "Kudurru archaïque provenant de Senkereh" 91953
bibtexkey Parrot1937-GJMSM82S
year 1937
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/41680355
journal_id 2
pages 319-324
title Kudurru archaïque provenant de Senkereh
volume 12
designation Parrot, AfO 12 (1937)
1 Parrot, André
sequence 0
Publication "Les Fouilles de Tello et de Senkereh-Larsa: Campagne 1932-1933 (Rapport préliminaire)" 91954
bibtexkey Parrot1933-EPDA5E5E
year 1933
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 7
number 4
pages 169-182
title Les Fouilles de Tello et de Senkereh-Larsa: Campagne 1932-1933 (Rapport préliminaire)
volume 30
designation Parrot, RA 30/4 (1933)
1 Parrot, André
sequence 0
Publication "Les Fouilles de Larsa. Deuxième et troisième campagnes (1967)" 91955
bibtexkey Parrot1968-CNN3E2NM
year 1968
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 91
number 3-4
pages 205-239
title Les Fouilles de Larsa. Deuxième et troisième campagnes (1967)
volume 45
designation Parrot, Syria 45/3-4 (1968)
1 Parrot, André
sequence 0
Publication "New Evidence for the 'Craftsmen's Charter'" 91956
bibtexkey Payne2008-TQYRSVUW
year 2008
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/23281371
journal_id 7
pages 99-114
title New Evidence for the 'Craftsmen's Charter'
volume 102
designation Payne, RA 102 (2008)
1 Payne, Elizabeth E.
sequence 0
Publication "A New Urartian Inscription from Elaziǧ/Bahçecik, Eastern Turkey" 91957
bibtexkey Payne2001-7I6I9V33
year 2001
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 23
number 1
pages 111-119
title A New Urartian Inscription from Elaziǧ/Bahçecik, Eastern Turkey
volume 43
designation Payne, SMEA 43/1 (2001)
1 Payne, Margaret
sequence 0
2 Sevin, Veli
sequence 1
Publication "A New Urartian Inscription from Ağri-Pirabat" 91958
bibtexkey Payne2003-7T4MQ8E6
year 2003
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 23
number 2
pages 191-201
title A New Urartian Inscription from Ağri-Pirabat
volume 45
designation Payne, SMEA 45/2 (2003)
1 Payne, Margaret
sequence 0
2 Ceylan, Alpaslan
sequence 1
Publication "More Inscribed Urartian Stones from Erzurum Museum" 91959
bibtexkey Payne2011-A23IP5B3
year 2011
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 23
pages 189-194
title More Inscribed Urartian Stones from Erzurum Museum
volume 53
designation Payne, SMEA 53 (2011)
1 Payne, Margaret
sequence 0
2 Ceylan, Alpaslan
sequence 1
Publication "The Survey of Pir Hüseyin, 2004" 91960
bibtexkey Peasnall2010-55BQNENC
year 2010
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 120
pages 165–195
title The Survey of Pir Hüseyin, 2004
volume 36
designation Peasnall, Anatolica 36 (2010)
1 Peasnall, Brian
sequence 0
2 Algaze, Guillermo
sequence 1
Publication "One of Iraq's earliest towns: Excavating Tepe Gawra in the Archives of the University of Pennsylvania Museum" 91961
bibtexkey Peasnall2003-PA4C6AK6
year 2003
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.penn.museum/sites/expedition/one-of-iraqs-earliest-towns/
journal_id 45
number 3
pages 34-39
title One of Iraq's earliest towns: Excavating Tepe Gawra in the Archives of the University of Pennsylvania Museum
volume 45
designation Peasnall, Expedition 45/3 (2003)
1 Peasnall, Brian
sequence 0
2 Rothman, Mitchell
sequence 1
Publication "A New Manuscript of the Lament for Eridu" 91962
bibtexkey Peled2015-I2YTV9QT
year 2015
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.5615/jcunestud.67.2015.0039
journal_id 21
pages 39-43
title A New Manuscript of the Lament for Eridu
volume 67
designation Peled, JCS 67 (2015)
1 Peled, Ilan
sequence 0
Publication "Review: Tell Mohammed Diyab 3: Travaux de 1992-2000 sur les buttes A et B by Christophe Nicolle" 91963
bibtexkey Peltenburg2008-9UAKVE5Q
year 2008
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 101
pages 96-97
title Review: Tell Mohammed Diyab 3: Travaux de 1992-2000 sur les buttes A et B by Christophe Nicolle
volume 352
designation Peltenburg, BASOR 352 (2008)
1 Peltenburg, Edgar
sequence 0
Publication "Cuneiform Tablets in the Collection of the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature" 91964
bibtexkey Peters1986-HS5VJKJK
year 1986
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 139
pages 1-26
title Cuneiform Tablets in the Collection of the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature
volume 4
designation Peters, ARRIM 4 (1986)
1 Peters, Celeste A.
sequence 0
Publication "Cuneiform Texts at the University of British Columbia" 91965
bibtexkey Peters1990-3VQRDKLJ
year 1990
entry_type_id 1
how_published http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/arrim/downloads/arrim8/arrim8-8.pdf
journal_id 139
pages 49-62
title Cuneiform Texts at the University of British Columbia
volume 8
designation Peters, ARRIM 8 (1990)
1 Peters, Celeste A.
sequence 0
2 Frayne, Douglas R.
sequence 1
Publication "A New Sumerian Fragment Preserving an Account of the Mesopotamian Antediluvian Dynasties" 91966
bibtexkey Peterson2008-4P68S7KD
year 2008
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 30
number 2
pages 257-262
title A New Sumerian Fragment Preserving an Account of the Mesopotamian Antediluvian Dynasties
volume 26
designation Peterson, AuOr 26/2 (2008)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragmentary Erotic Sumerian Context Featuring Inana" 91967
bibtexkey Peterson2010-YPVMWKZB
year 2010
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 30
number 2
pages 253-258
title A Fragmentary Erotic Sumerian Context Featuring Inana
volume 28
designation Peterson, AuOr 28/2 (2010)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "Nanna/Suen Convenes in the Divine Assembly as King" 91968
bibtexkey Peterson2011-8RZS4XQ8
year 2011
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 30
pages 279-288
title Nanna/Suen Convenes in the Divine Assembly as King
volume 29
designation Peterson, AuOr 29 (2011)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "An Archive of Simple Ledgers Featuring the e2 um-mi-a(k), "House of the Master," at Old Babylonian Nippur: The Daily Rosters of a Scribal School?" 91969
bibtexkey Peterson2015-N47D6YU8
year 2015
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 30
number 1
pages 79-113
title An Archive of Simple Ledgers Featuring the e2 um-mi-a(k), "House of the Master," at Old Babylonian Nippur: The Daily Rosters of a Scribal School?
volume 33
designation Peterson, AuOr 33/1 (2015)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "An Adab Composition of Nergal/Meslamtaea at Lagaš and Ĝirsu for Šulgi" 91970
bibtexkey Peterson2015-XJ78FQG9
year 2015
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.5615/jcunestud.67.2015.0045
journal_id 21
pages 45-63
title An Adab Composition of Nergal/Meslamtaea at Lagaš and Ĝirsu for Šulgi
volume 67
designation Peterson, JCS 67 (2015)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "The Divine Appointment of the First Antediluvian King: Newly Recovered Content from the Ur Version of the Sumerian Flood Story" 91971
bibtexkey Peterson2018-9556AZBS
year 2018
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.5615/jcunestud.70.2018.0037
journal_id 21
pages 37-51
title The Divine Appointment of the First Antediluvian King: Newly Recovered Content from the Ur Version of the Sumerian Flood Story
volume 70
designation Peterson, JCS 70 (2018)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "Sumerian Cultic Songs from Old Babylonian Nippur with a Connection to the Temple Hymns" 91972
bibtexkey Peterson2020-PXJN6UCB
year 2020
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1086/709312
journal_id 21
pages 129-142
title Sumerian Cultic Songs from Old Babylonian Nippur with a Connection to the Temple Hymns
volume 72
designation Peterson, JCS 72, 129-142 (2020)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragmentary Explanatory God List from Old Babylonian Nippur with a Thematic Connection to Lugale and An : Anum: A Glimpse into the Origins of Mesopotamian Hermeneutical Tradition" 91973
bibtexkey Peterson2020-27LK78QJ
year 2020
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1086/709311
journal_id 21
pages 117-128
title A Fragmentary Explanatory God List from Old Babylonian Nippur with a Thematic Connection to Lugale and An : Anum: A Glimpse into the Origins of Mesopotamian Hermeneutical Tradition
volume 72
designation Peterson, JCS 72, 117-128 (2020)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "An old Babylonian incantation collective with incantations involving a counter-measure against oath-breaking and the alteration of a dream of the king" 91974
bibtexkey Peterson2009-I2BZWMCM
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1163/156921109X12520501747750
journal_id 123
number 2
pages 125-141
title An old Babylonian incantation collective with incantations involving a counter-measure against oath-breaking and the alteration of a dream of the king
volume 9
designation Peterson, JNER 9/2 (2009)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Middle Babylonian Nippur Extract of An = Anum 1" 91975
bibtexkey Peterson2007-AHKMM494
year 2007
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 4
pages 79-80
title A Middle Babylonian Nippur Extract of An = Anum 1
volume 2007
designation Peterson, NABU 2007/4 (2007)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Post-OB Extract of Lugal-e from Nippur" 91976
bibtexkey Peterson2013-42ZT3VCM
year 2013
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 4
pages 110-111
title A Post-OB Extract of Lugal-e from Nippur
volume 2013
designation Peterson, NABU 2013/4, 110-111 (2013)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragment of a <i>Kurzzeilen</i> Exemplar of Išme-Dagan and Enlil's Chariot (Išme-Dagan I)" 91977
bibtexkey Peterson2013-RV5BLSSZ
year 2013
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 4
pages 113
title A Fragment of a <i>Kurzzeilen</i> Exemplar of Išme-Dagan and Enlil's Chariot (Išme-Dagan I)
volume 2013
designation Peterson, NABU 2013/4, 113 (2013)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A New Source for Diri tablet 7" 91978
bibtexkey Peterson2007-K5DZLDIU
year 2007
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 1
pages 5-6
title A New Source for Diri tablet 7
volume 2007
designation Peterson, NABU 2007/1 (2007)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A New Manuscript of the Nannaia Elegy (First Pushkin Elegy)" 91979
bibtexkey Peterson2009-G3IVRTBW
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 1
pages 22-23
title A New Manuscript of the Nannaia Elegy (First Pushkin Elegy)
volume 2009
designation Peterson, NABU 2009/1, 22-23 (2009)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "An Unplaced OB Nippur Lexical Passage Based in Initial ni<sub>2</sub>" 91980
bibtexkey Peterson2009-CNK85V64
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 1
pages 1-2
title An Unplaced OB Nippur Lexical Passage Based in Initial ni<sub>2</sub>
volume 2009
designation Peterson, NABU 2009/1, 1-2 (2009)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragment of a Sumerian Incantation-Prayer?" 91981
bibtexkey Peterson2011-7ADVVH9R
year 2011
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 1
pages 8-10
title A Fragment of a Sumerian Incantation-Prayer?
volume 2011
designation Peterson, NABU 2011/1, 8-10 (2011)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragment of a Hymn to Ninisina for Šulgi?" 91982
bibtexkey Peterson2011-6ECT79T8
year 2011
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 1
pages 10-13
title A Fragment of a Hymn to Ninisina for Šulgi?
volume 2011
designation Peterson, NABU 2011/1, 10-13 (2011)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragmentary Sumerian Hymn to the God Inimanizi" 91983
bibtexkey Peterson2011-Y7JCJY9U
year 2011
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 1
pages 13-15
title A Fragmentary Sumerian Hymn to the God Inimanizi
volume 2011
designation Peterson, NABU 2011/1, 13-15 (2011)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "The Banishment of Inana" 91984
bibtexkey Peterson2012-UPMCXPKV
year 2012
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 1
pages 9-10
title The Banishment of Inana
volume 2012
designation Peterson, NABU 2012/1, 9-10 (2012)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "An Addition to the Catalog of Curricular Personal Name Lists in Peterson, ZA 101" 91985
bibtexkey Peterson2012-Z8UUVKRV
year 2012
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 1
pages 9
title An Addition to the Catalog of Curricular Personal Name Lists in Peterson, ZA 101
volume 2012
designation Peterson, NABU 2012/1, 9 (2012)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "Neo-Babylonian Exemplars of the Weidner Godlist from Nippur in the University Museum, Philadelphia" 91986
bibtexkey Peterson2008-EZUF75VQ
year 2008
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 2
pages 46-48
title Neo-Babylonian Exemplars of the Weidner Godlist from Nippur in the University Museum, Philadelphia
volume 2008
designation Peterson, NABU 2008/2 (2008)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "Bilingual Fragments of the g̃iš List from Middle Babylonian Nippur" 91987
bibtexkey Peterson2009-RVLY6UI5
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 2
pages 46-48
title Bilingual Fragments of the g̃iš List from Middle Babylonian Nippur
volume 2009
designation Peterson, NABU 2009/2, 46-48 (2009)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Ritual Procedure Against Acid Reflux Caused by a Demon?" 91988
bibtexkey Peterson2009-F2E5EVK9
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 2
pages 43-46
title A Ritual Procedure Against Acid Reflux Caused by a Demon?
volume 2009
designation Peterson, NABU 2009/2, 43-46 (2009)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragment of a Ledger Involving Cultic Meals in the e<sub>2</sub> <sup>d</sup>Nuska from OB Nippur" 91989
bibtexkey Peterson2009-NFLCPUWS
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 2
pages 33-35
title A Fragment of a Ledger Involving Cultic Meals in the e<sub>2</sub> <sup>d</sup>Nuska from OB Nippur
volume 2009
designation Peterson, NABU 2009/2, 33-35 (2009)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Sumerian Literary Fragment Mentioning Šulgi's Northern Campaigns" 91990
bibtexkey Peterson2010-465T3XTM
year 2010
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 2
pages 36-37
title A Sumerian Literary Fragment Mentioning Šulgi's Northern Campaigns
volume 2010
designation Peterson, NABU 2010/2, 36-37 (2010)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragment of a Distribution List from Old Babylonian Nippur" 91991
bibtexkey Peterson2011-V5MFJK6R
year 2011
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 2
pages 46-47
title A Fragment of a Distribution List from Old Babylonian Nippur
volume 2011
designation Peterson, NABU 2011/2, 46-47 (2011)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Sumerian Literary Fragment Involving the God Irḫan" 91992
bibtexkey Peterson2009-M8I8UUP9
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 3
pages 51-52
title A Sumerian Literary Fragment Involving the God Irḫan
volume 2009
designation Peterson, NABU 2009/3, 51-52 (2009)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "The Deified Orchard in the Onomasticon of OB Nippur?" 91993
bibtexkey Peterson2010-IYL55FBF
year 2010
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 3
pages 80-82
title The Deified Orchard in the Onomasticon of OB Nippur?
volume 2010
designation Peterson, NABU 2010/3, 80-82 (2010)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Unique Old Babylonian Text in the University Museum, Philadelphia" 91994
bibtexkey Peterson2010-5BZ7K7RS
year 2010
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 3
pages 82-84
title A Unique Old Babylonian Text in the University Museum, Philadelphia
volume 2010
designation Peterson, NABU 2010/3, 82-84 (2010)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragmentary Sumerian Context Involving the Removal of Clothing and Accoutrements" 91995
bibtexkey Peterson2012-V6W9H2T9
year 2012
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 3
pages 56-57
title A Fragmentary Sumerian Context Involving the Removal of Clothing and Accoutrements
volume 2012
designation Peterson, NABU 2012/3, 56-57 (2012)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragmentary Sumerian Context Involving Banqueting and a Literary Parallel to Proverb Collection 1.99" 91996
bibtexkey Peterson2012-AS5RN23K
year 2012
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 3
pages 53-56
title A Fragmentary Sumerian Context Involving Banqueting and a Literary Parallel to Proverb Collection 1.99
volume 2012
designation Peterson, NABU 2012/3, 53-56 (2012)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragmentary Attestation of the <i>lama</i> of King Ur-Ninurta of Isin" 91997
bibtexkey Peterson2017-8R8R8L39
year 2017
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 3
pages 115-116
title A Fragmentary Attestation of the <i>lama</i> of King Ur-Ninurta of Isin
volume 2017
designation Peterson, NABU 2017/3 (2017)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "Another Middle Babylonian Nippur Extract of the Code of Hammurabi" 91998
bibtexkey Peterson2007-ADKT4T8C
year 2007
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 4
pages 96-97
title Another Middle Babylonian Nippur Extract of the Code of Hammurabi
volume 2007
designation Peterson, NABU 2007/4, 96-97 (2007)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Fragment of an Adoption Text From Old Babylonian Nippur" 91999
bibtexkey Peterson2008-DJJUSGSY
year 2008
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 4
pages 107
title A Fragment of an Adoption Text From Old Babylonian Nippur
volume 2008
designation Peterson, NABU 2008/4 (2008)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "An Unplaced Fragment of a Sumerian City Lament" 92000
bibtexkey Peterson2009-6NHVSIHE
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 4
pages 93-95
title An Unplaced Fragment of a Sumerian City Lament
volume 2009
designation Peterson, NABU 2009/4 (2009)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A List of Ancestral Deities in the Pre-OB en<sub>2</sub>-e<sub>2</sub>-nu-ru Incantation CBS 13408" 92001
bibtexkey Peterson2009-F49JDRM3
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 4
pages 91-93
title A List of Ancestral Deities in the Pre-OB en<sub>2</sub>-e<sub>2</sub>-nu-ru Incantation CBS 13408
volume 2009
designation Peterson, NABU 2009/4, 91-93 (2009)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A New Shulgi Hymn or Hymnic Passage" 92002
bibtexkey Peterson2011-8U5ZSAN6
year 2011
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 4
pages 88-90
title A New Shulgi Hymn or Hymnic Passage
volume 2011
designation Peterson, NABU 2011/4 (2011)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A Sumerian Proverbs Extract from Nippur Mentioning Kazallu, Marad, and Nippur" 92003
bibtexkey Peterson2013-4BH5IXUN
year 2013
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 4
pages 113-115
title A Sumerian Proverbs Extract from Nippur Mentioning Kazallu, Marad, and Nippur
volume 2013
designation Peterson, NABU 2013/4, 113-115 (2013)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "Direct Interconnections between the Lexical Traditions of Kassite Babylonia and the Periphery" 92004
bibtexkey Peterson2006-INX4GGNF
year 2006
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 94
pages 577-592
title Direct Interconnections between the Lexical Traditions of Kassite Babylonia and the Periphery
volume 38
designation Peterson, UF 38 (2006)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "A New Old Babylonian Sumerian Literary “Catalog”?" 92005
bibtexkey Peterson2010-PBEKIWXQ
year 2010
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1515/za.2010.009
journal_id 10
number 2
pages 169-176
title A New Old Babylonian Sumerian Literary “Catalog”?
volume 100
designation Peterson, ZA 100/2 (2010)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication (deleted) 92006
bibtexkey Peterson2011-YRRTME4M
year 2011
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1515/za.2011.013
journal_id 10
number 2
pages 246-273
title The Personal Name Lists in the Scribal Curriculum of Old Babylonian Nippur: an Overview
volume 101
designation Peterson, ZA 101/2 (2011)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "An Early ša3-zi-ga Prescription from Nippur" 92007
bibtexkey Peterson2008-IUE4B382
year 2008
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1515/ZA.2008.011
journal_id 10
number 2
pages 195-200
title An Early ša3-zi-ga Prescription from Nippur
volume 98
designation Peterson, ZA 98/2 (2008)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "Two New Sumerian Texts Involving The Netherworld and Funerary Offerings" 92008
bibtexkey Peterson2009-GDIBWJ8W
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1515/ZA.2009.006
journal_id 10
number 2
pages 233-246
title Two New Sumerian Texts Involving The Netherworld and Funerary Offerings
volume 99
designation Peterson, ZA 99/2 (2009)
1 Peterson, Jeremiah
sequence 0
Publication "Developing Societies and Economies in Fourth Millennium B.C. Fars: Further Excavations at Tol-e Spid" 92009
bibtexkey Petrie2007-X7BM4X92
year 2007
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/25651425
journal_id 24
pages 301-309
title Developing Societies and Economies in Fourth Millennium B.C. Fars: Further Excavations at Tol-e Spid
volume 45
designation Petrie, Iran 45 (2007)
1 Petrie, C. A.
sequence 0
2 Sardari Zarchi, A.
sequence 1
3 Javanmard Zadeh, A.
sequence 2
Publication "Urban Developments in Northeastern Mesopotamia from the Ninevite V to the Neo-Assyrian Periods. Excavations at Bassetki in 2017" 92010
bibtexkey Pfälzner2018-WZWTU8TE
year 2018
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 99
pages 42-87
title Urban Developments in Northeastern Mesopotamia from the Ninevite V to the Neo-Assyrian Periods. Excavations at Bassetki in 2017
volume 11
designation Pfälzner, ZOA 11 (2018)
1 Pfälzner, Peter
sequence 0
2 Qasim, Hasan A.
sequence 1
Publication "A Cylinder-Seal Inscribed in Hieroglyphic and Cuneiform in the Collection of the Earl of Carnarvon" 92011
bibtexkey Pinches1921-QLU8NIV7
year 1921
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/3853566
journal_id 186
number 3-4
pages 196-199
title A Cylinder-Seal Inscribed in Hieroglyphic and Cuneiform in the Collection of the Earl of Carnarvon
volume 7
designation Pinches, JEA 7/3-4 (1921)
1 Pinches, Theophilus G.
sequence 0
2 Newberry, Percy E.
sequence 1
Publication "The Fragment of an Assyrian Tablet Found at Gezer" 92012
bibtexkey Pinches2013-4SKHM2Z8
year 2013
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1179/peq.1904.36.3.229
journal_id 228
number 3
pages 229-236
title The Fragment of an Assyrian Tablet Found at Gezer
volume 36
designation Pinches, PEQ 36/3 (2013)
1 Pinches, Theophilus G.
sequence 0
Publication "A New Babylonian King of the Period of the First Dynasty of Babylon; with Incidental References to Immerum and Anmanila" 92013
bibtexkey Pinches1899-58L6LL3J
year 1899
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 53
pages 158-163
title A New Babylonian King of the Period of the First Dynasty of Babylon; with Incidental References to Immerum and Anmanila
volume 21
designation Pinches, PSBA 21 (1899)
1 Pinches, Theophilus G.
sequence 0
Publication "Some Texts of the Relph Collection, with Notes on Babylonian Chronology and Genesis XIV" 92014
bibtexkey Pinches1917-757A9YC5
year 1917
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 53
pages 55-72
title Some Texts of the Relph Collection, with Notes on Babylonian Chronology and Genesis XIV
volume 39
designation Pinches, PSBA 39 (1917)
1 Pinches, Theophilus G.
sequence 0
Publication "The Assyrian King List from Khorsabad" 92015
bibtexkey Poebel1942-MLEIXNGE
year 1942
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/543052
journal_id 29
number 3
pages 247-306
title The Assyrian King List from Khorsabad
volume 1
designation Poebel, JNES 1/3 (1942)
1 Poebel, Arno
sequence 0
Publication "The Assyrian King List from Khorsabad (Continued)" 92016
bibtexkey Poebel1942-QLM9WDY7
year 1942
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/542479
journal_id 29
number 4
pages 460-492
title The Assyrian King List from Khorsabad (Continued)
volume 1
designation Poebel, JNES 1/4 (1942)
1 Poebel, Arno
sequence 0
Publication "The Assyrian King List from Khorsabad (Concluded)" 92017
bibtexkey Poebel1943-HPPYSU6N
year 1943
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/3693710
journal_id 29
number 1
pages 56-90
title The Assyrian King List from Khorsabad (Concluded)
volume 2
designation Poebel, JNES 2/1 (1943)
1 Poebel, Arno
sequence 0
Publication "Una Sammelurkunde da Fara" 92018
bibtexkey Pomponio1997-ZAYETY84
year 1997
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 3
pages 94-96
title Una Sammelurkunde da Fara
volume 1997
designation Pomponio, NABU 1997/3 (1997)
1 Pomponio, Francesco
sequence 0
Publication "The Cylinder Seals Found at Thebes in Boeotia" 92019
bibtexkey Porada1981-467P9PKV
year 1981
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/41637770
journal_id 2
pages 1-70
title The Cylinder Seals Found at Thebes in Boeotia
volume 28
designation Porada, AfO 28 (1981)
1 Porada, Edith
sequence 0
Publication "The cylinder seal from Tell el-Dab'a." 92020
bibtexkey Porada1984-62WC2NGE
year 1984
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 46
pages 485-488
title The cylinder seal from Tell el-Dab'a.
volume 88
designation Porada, AJA 88 (1984)
1 Porada, Edith
sequence 0
Publication "The Dynamics of Death: Ancestors, Pastoralism, and the Origins of a Third-Millennium City in Syria" 92021
bibtexkey Porter2002-UTCCN22T
year 2002
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 101
pages 1-36
title The Dynamics of Death: Ancestors, Pastoralism, and the Origins of a Third-Millennium City in Syria
volume 325
designation Porter, BASOR 325 (2002)
1 Porter, Anne
sequence 0
Publication "An Inscribed Jar from Tell al Rimah" 92022
bibtexkey Postgate1978-USFD8Y53
year 1978
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/4200087
journal_id 51
number 1
pages 71-75
title An Inscribed Jar from Tell al Rimah
volume 40
designation Postgate, Iraq 40/1 (1978)
1 Postgate, J. Nicholas
sequence 0
Publication "Inscriptions from Tell al-Wilayah" 92023
bibtexkey Postgate1976-TKW9TAK4
year 1976
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 90
pages 77-100
title Inscriptions from Tell al-Wilayah
volume 32
designation Postgate, Sumer 32 (1976)
1 Postgate, J. Nicholas
sequence 0
Publication "Gird-i Rostam 2018: Preliminary Report on the First Season of Excavations by the Joint Kurdish-German-American Team" 92024
bibtexkey Potts2018-D254KY3K
year 2018
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 81
pages 91-127
title Gird-i Rostam 2018: Preliminary Report on the First Season of Excavations by the Joint Kurdish-German-American Team
volume 47
designation Potts, JEOL 47 (2018)
1 Potts, Daniel T.
sequence 0
2 Radner, Karen
sequence 1
3 Squitieri, Andrea
sequence 2
4 Ameen, A.
sequence 3
5 Rohde, J.
sequence 4
6 Yawar, P.
sequence 5
7 Herr, J.-J.
sequence 6
8 Salih, H.
sequence 7
9 Petchey, F.
sequence 8
10 Hogg, A.
sequence 9
11 Gratuze, B.
sequence 10
12 Raheem, K. R.
sequence 11
13 Potts, H. B.
sequence 12
Publication "Nouvelle Inscription en Alphabet Cunéiforme Court à Sarepta" 92025
bibtexkey Puech1989-AIZ74R3Y
year 1989
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/44088970
journal_id 104
number 3
pages 338-344
title Nouvelle Inscription en Alphabet Cunéiforme Court à Sarepta
volume 96
designation Puech, RB 96/3 (1989)
1 Puech, Émile
sequence 0
Publication "Neo-Assyrian Royal Monuments from Lake Zeribar in Western Iran: A Stele of Sargon II and a Rock Relief of Shalmaneser III" 92026
bibtexkey Radner2020-LULY2879
year 2020
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 10
number 1
pages 84-93
title Neo-Assyrian Royal Monuments from Lake Zeribar in Western Iran: A Stele of Sargon II and a Rock Relief of Shalmaneser III
volume 110
designation Radner, ZA 110/1 (2020)
1 Radner, Karen
sequence 0
2 Masoumian, Mohammad
sequence 1
3 Karimian, Hassan
sequence 2
4 Azizi, Eghbal
sequence 3
5 Omidi, Kazem
sequence 4
Publication "Cuneiform Texts and Fragments in the Harvard Art Museum / Arthur M. Sackler Museum" 92027
bibtexkey Ragavan2010-JY6VWT5K
year 2010
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://cdli.ucla.edu/pubs/cdlj/2010/cdlj2010_001.html
journal_id 18
number 1
title Cuneiform Texts and Fragments in the Harvard Art Museum / Arthur M. Sackler Museum
volume 2010
designation Ragavan, CDLJ 2010/1 (2010)
1 Ragavan, Deena
sequence 0
Publication "Two Cuneiform Fragments from Tel Aphek" 92028
bibtexkey Rainey1975-FJ7NUGXX
year 1975
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 240
number 3
pages 125-129
title Two Cuneiform Fragments from Tel Aphek
volume 2
designation Rainey, Tel Aviv 2/3 (1975)
1 Rainey, Anson F.
sequence 0
Publication "A Tri-Lingual Cuneiform Fragment from Tel Aphek" 92029
bibtexkey Rainey1976-ZDWDFFGB
year 1976
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 240
number 4
pages 137-140
title A Tri-Lingual Cuneiform Fragment from Tel Aphek
volume 3
designation Rainey, Tel Aviv 3/4 (1976)
1 Rainey, Anson F.
sequence 0
Publication "Akkad or Bab-Aya" 92030
bibtexkey Rasheed1984-VQK8Z3FR
year 1984
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 90
pages 183-214
title Akkad or Bab-Aya
volume 43
designation Rasheed, Sumer 43 (1984)
1 Rasheed, Fawzi
sequence 0
Publication "Die Au-grabung Von Tell el-Wilayah Und Die Bedeutung Ihrer Rollsiegel" 92031
bibtexkey Rashid1963-TYR3IDJ6
year 1963
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 90
pages 82-106
title Die Au-grabung Von Tell el-Wilayah Und Die Bedeutung Ihrer Rollsiegel
volume 19
designation Rashid, Sumer 19 (1963)
1 Rashid, Subhi Anwar
sequence 0
Publication "On cereal crops in the Middle Bronze Age Jazīrah and the meaning of burrum" 92032
bibtexkey Rattenborg2016-63BYWPFN
year 2016
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 2
pages 67-70
title On cereal crops in the Middle Bronze Age Jazīrah and the meaning of burrum
volume 2016
designation Rattenborg, NABU 2016/2 (2016)
1 Rattenborg, Rune
sequence 0
Publication "Art. X.—On the Inscriptions of Assyria and Babylonia" 92033
bibtexkey Rawlinson1849-KUNSG6XK
year 1849
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 62
pages 401-483
title Art. X.—On the Inscriptions of Assyria and Babylonia
volume 12
designation Rawlinson, JRAS 12 (1849)
1 Rawlinson, Henry C.
sequence 0
Publication "Babylonian Boundary-Stones and Comparable Monuments in the British Museum" 92034
bibtexkey Reade1987-CF8M8P6N
year 1987
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 139
pages 47-51
title Babylonian Boundary-Stones and Comparable Monuments in the British Museum
volume 5
designation Reade, ARRIM 5 (1987)
1 Reade, Julian E.
sequence 0
Publication "Tell Taya (1967): Summary Report" 92035
bibtexkey Reade1968-SRI2CH7V
year 1968
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/4199854
journal_id 51
number 2
pages 234-264
title Tell Taya (1967): Summary Report
volume 30
designation Reade, Iraq 30/2 (1968)
1 Reade, Julian E.
sequence 0
Publication "Tell Taya (1968-9): Summary Report" 92036
bibtexkey Reade1971-93NYAQFJ
year 1971
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/4199917
journal_id 51
number 2
pages 87-100
title Tell Taya (1968-9): Summary Report
volume 33
designation Reade, Iraq 33/2 (1971)
1 Reade, Julian E.
sequence 0
Publication "Tell Taya (1972-73): Summary Report" 92037
bibtexkey Reade1973-9VQA4M5Y
year 1973
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/4199963
journal_id 51
number 2
pages 155-187
title Tell Taya (1972-73): Summary Report
volume 35
designation Reade, Iraq 35/2 (1973)
1 Reade, Julian E.
sequence 0
2 Postgate, J. Nicholas
sequence 1
3 Farrant, George
sequence 2
4 Waines, J. Giles
sequence 3
Publication "Rassam's Excavations at Borsippa and Kutha, 1879-82" 92038
bibtexkey Reade1986-V5MT6Z8L
year 1986
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 51
pages 105-116
title Rassam's Excavations at Borsippa and Kutha, 1879-82
volume 48
designation Reade, Iraq 48 (1986)
1 Reade, Julian E.
sequence 0
Publication "Hormuzd Rassam and His Discoveries" 92039
bibtexkey Reade1993-F9F6CNVS
year 1993
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 51
pages 39-62
title Hormuzd Rassam and His Discoveries
volume 55
designation Reade, Iraq 55 (1993)
1 Reade, Julian E.
sequence 0
Publication "The Wadi Tumilat and the "Canal of the Pharaohs"" 92040
bibtexkey Redmount1995-UF285AG8
year 1995
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/545471
journal_id 29
number 2
pages 127-135
title The Wadi Tumilat and the "Canal of the Pharaohs"
volume 54
designation Redmount, JNES 54/2 (1995)
1 Redmount, Carol A.
sequence 0
Publication "Die Urartäischen Hohlmasse für Flüssigkeiten" 92041
bibtexkey Reindell2001-8U4P2QM2
year 2001
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 23
number 1
pages 121-141
title Die Urartäischen Hohlmasse für Flüssigkeiten
volume 43
designation Reindell, SMEA 43/1 (2001)
1 Reindell, Ingrid
sequence 0
2 Salvini, Mirjo
sequence 1
Publication "Another Volume of Sultantepe Tablets" 92042
bibtexkey Reiner1967-DEMAEVCY
year 1967
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1086/371909
journal_id 29
number 3
pages 177-211
title Another Volume of Sultantepe Tablets
volume 26
designation Reiner, JNES 26/3 (1967)
1 Reiner, Erica
sequence 0
2 Civil, Miguel
sequence 1
Publication "Iddin-Dagan's Sacred Marriage Hymn" 92043
bibtexkey Reisman1973-3JWQQC9A
year 1973
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/1359221
journal_id 21
number 4
pages 185-202
title Iddin-Dagan's Sacred Marriage Hymn
volume 25
designation Reisman, JCS 25/4 (1973)
1 Reisman, Daniel
sequence 0
Publication "Drei „kassitische“ Rollsiegel" 92044
bibtexkey Reiter1995-8IGDV473
year 1995
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1524/aofo.1995.22.2.229
journal_id 33
number 2
pages 229-239
title Drei „kassitische“ Rollsiegel
volume 22
designation Reiter, AoF 22/2 (1995)
1 Reiter, Karin
sequence 0
Publication "Once more, ana še'im" 92045
bibtexkey Richardson2007-X7FNETNJ
year 2007
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 26
number 3
pages 57-58
title Once more, ana še'im
volume 2007
designation Richardson, NABU 2007/3 (2007)
1 Richardson, Seth F. C.
sequence 0
Publication "Tontafelfunde in Kayalıpınar 2006-2009" 92046
bibtexkey Rieken2009-GC8JG79J
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 38
pages 208-214
title Tontafelfunde in Kayalıpınar 2006-2009
volume 141
designation Rieken, MDOG 141 (2009)
1 Rieken, Elisabeth
sequence 0
Publication "L'Activité de la Mission Archéologique Danoise sur la Cote Phénicienne en 1960" 92047
bibtexkey Riis1961-JRQM6EV2
year 1961
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 260
pages 133-144
title L'Activité de la Mission Archéologique Danoise sur la Cote Phénicienne en 1960
volume 11-12
designation Riis, AAAS 11-12 (1961)
1 Riis, P. J.
sequence 0
Publication "Excavations in Iraq, 1981-82" 92048
bibtexkey Roaf1983-V29HSYSH
year 1983
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/4200202
journal_id 51
number 2
pages 199-224
title Excavations in Iraq, 1981-82
volume 45
designation Roaf, Iraq 45/2 (1983)
1 Roaf, Michael
sequence 0
Publication "Excavations at Tell Mohammed 'Arab in the Eski Mosul Dam Salvage Project" 92049
bibtexkey Roaf1984-ZA55VSRR
year 1984
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/4200223
journal_id 51
number 2
pages 141-156
title Excavations at Tell Mohammed 'Arab in the Eski Mosul Dam Salvage Project
volume 46
designation Roaf, Iraq 46/2 (1984)
1 Roaf, Michael
sequence 0
Publication "An Unusual Dating System from Isin-Larsa Period Nippur: New Evidence" 92050
bibtexkey Robertson1983-NDYS89WY
year 1983
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 13
pages 147-161
title An Unusual Dating System from Isin-Larsa Period Nippur: New Evidence
volume 5
designation Robertson, ASJ 5 (1983)
1 Robertson, John F.
sequence 0
Publication "The Internal Political and Economic Structure of Old Babylonian Nippur: The Guennakkum and His "House"" 92051
bibtexkey Robertson1984-KSJVNW6N
year 1984
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/1360054
journal_id 21
number 2
pages 145-190
title The Internal Political and Economic Structure of Old Babylonian Nippur: The Guennakkum and His "House"
volume 36
designation Robertson, JCS 36/2 (1984)
1 Robertson, John F.
sequence 0
Publication (deleted) 92052
bibtexkey Robson2009-RTMHAV5K
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 18
number 2
title The Cuneiform Tablet Collection of Florida State University
volume 2009
designation Robson, CDLJ 2009/2 (2009)
1 Robson, Eleanor
sequence 0
2 Clark, Kathleen
sequence 1
Publication "The University of Iowa Cuneiform Texts" 92053
bibtexkey Rochberg-Halton1979-VL8EHA9R
year 1979
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 21
number 3
pages 127-148
title The University of Iowa Cuneiform Texts
volume 31
designation Rochberg-Halton, JCS 31/3 (1979)
1 Rochberg-Halton, Francesca
sequence 0
2 Zimansky, Paul
sequence 1
Publication "Some Rīm-Anum Texts from the Bīt Asīrī Kept at the British Museum" 92054
bibtexkey Rositani2009-MW8HUJ7F
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/41913261
journal_id 54
number 1-4
pages 97-121
title Some Rīm-Anum Texts from the Bīt Asīrī Kept at the British Museum
volume 82
designation Rositani, RSO 82/1-4 (2009)
1 Rositani, Annunziata
sequence 0
Publication "Note on Two Journeys from Baghdád to the Ruins of Al Hadhr, in Mesopotamia, in 1836 and 1837" 92055
bibtexkey Ross1839-RZ8QI724
year 1839
entry_type_id 1
how_published http://www.jstor.com/stable/1797735
journal_id 251
pages 443-470
title Note on Two Journeys from Baghdád to the Ruins of Al Hadhr, in Mesopotamia, in 1836 and 1837
volume 9
designation Ross, JRGS 9 (1839)
1 Ross, John
sequence 0
Publication "The Scholastic Exercise "Laws about Rented Oxen"" 92056
bibtexkey Roth1980-MQ6WGGY8
year 1980
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.2307/1359651
journal_id 21
number 3
pages 127-146
title The Scholastic Exercise "Laws about Rented Oxen"
volume 32
designation Roth, JCS 32/3 (1980)
1 Roth, Martha T.
sequence 0
Publication "Missione archeologica di Terqa-Ashara: rapporto preliminare 2000" 92057
bibtexkey Rouault2001-9BM8MKKG
year 2001
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 197
number 2
pages 621-644
title Missione archeologica di Terqa-Ashara: rapporto preliminare 2000
volume 2001
designation Rouault, Athenaeum 2001/2 (2001)
1 Rouault, Olivier
sequence 0
2 Mora, C.
sequence 1
Publication "Old Babylonian Texts from Tell Yelkhi (Hamrin Project, Iraq)" 92058
bibtexkey Rouault1985-MRV2ZCJS
year 1985
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 15
pages 23-52
title Old Babylonian Texts from Tell Yelkhi (Hamrin Project, Iraq)
volume 20
designation Rouault, Mes 20 (1985)
1 Rouault, Olivier
sequence 0
2 Saporetti, Claudio
sequence 1
Publication "Assyrians, Aramaeans and Babylonians: the Syrian Lower Middle Euphrates Valley at the End of the Bronze Age" 92059
bibtexkey Rouault2009-3IYEPDFI
year 2009
entry_type_id 1
how_published http://journals.openedition.org/syria/520
journal_id 91
pages 133-139
title Assyrians, Aramaeans and Babylonians: the Syrian Lower Middle Euphrates Valley at the End of the Bronze Age
volume 86
designation Rouault, Syria 86 (2009)
1 Rouault, Olivier
sequence 0
Publication "Recently Discovered Ancient Sites in the Hammar Lake District (Southern Iraq)" 92060
bibtexkey Roux1960-ZLSVH8FD
year 1960
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 90
pages 20-30
title Recently Discovered Ancient Sites in the Hammar Lake District (Southern Iraq)
volume 16
designation Roux, Sumer 16 (1960)
1 Roux, George
sequence 0
Publication "The 1927 Excavations at Beisan" 92061
bibtexkey Rowe1928-KZJBAEVH
year 1928
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.penn.museum/sites/journal/9094/
journal_id 246
number 2
pages 145-168
title The 1927 Excavations at Beisan
volume XIX
designation Rowe, MJ XIX/2 (1928)
1 Rowe, Alan
sequence 0
Publication "Shishin - a fortress controlling the Euphrates" 92062
bibtexkey Rumaiydh2010-T7YBPADV
year 2010
entry_type_id 1
journal_id 99
pages 26-34
title Shishin - a fortress controlling the Euphrates
volume 3
designation Rumaiydh, ZOA 3 (2010)
1 Rumaiydh, Salah S.
sequence 0
Publication "The Flooding of Ešnunna, the Fall of Mari: Hammurabi's Deeds in Babylonian Literature and History" 92063
bibtexkey Rutz2016-AVL3N8CR
year 2016
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.5615/jcunestud.68.2016.0015
journal_id 21
pages 15-43
title The Flooding of Ešnunna, the Fall of Mari: Hammurabi's Deeds in Babylonian Literature and History
volume 68
designation Rutz, JCS 68 (2016)
1 Rutz, Matthew T.
sequence 0
2 Michalowski, Piotr
sequence 1
Publication "Threads for Esagil-kīn-apli. The Medical Diagnostic-Prognostic Series in Middle Babylonian Nippur" 92064
bibtexkey Rutz2011-I77KK7JJ
year 2011
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://doi.org/10.1515/za.2011.015
journal_id 10
number 2
pages 294-308
title Threads for Esagil-kīn-apli. The Medical Diagnostic-Prognostic Series in Middle Babylonian Nippur
volume 101
designation Rutz, ZA 101/2 (2011)
1 Rutz, Matthew T.
sequence 0
Publication "Ausgrabungen bei Chodsliali 1895" 92065
bibtexkey Rösler1896-ZUT9FQ59
year 1896
entry_type_id 1
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/23033657
journal_id 190
pages 171-187
title Ausgrabungen bei Chodsliali 1895
volume 28
designation Rösler, ZfE 28 (1896)
1 Rösler, E.
sequence 0
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