Update event

approved by Firth, Richard

Artifact, Other Entity update submitted by Firth, Richard on 2024-05-26 at 13:08:42 with credits to Firth, Richard

Changes to artifacts in this update

Artifact Revision Changed Deleted
BSOAS 20, 263 (P357128) 799502 3 1
BSOAS 20, 263 (P357077) 799503 3 1
BSOAS 20, 263 (P357100) 799504 4 0
BSOAS 20, 263 (P357107) 799505 3 1
CDLI Literary 002397, ex. 007 (P357076) 799506 3 1
CDLI Literary 002397, ex. 008 (P357082) 799507 3 1
CDLI Literary 002397, ex. 009 (P357117) 799508 3 1
CDLI Literary 002397, ex. 010 (P357120) 799509 3 1

Changes to other entities in this update

Entity Revision Changes
Publication "Fragments of Assyrian Scholastic Literature" 88496
entry_type_id 1
bibtexkey Gadd1957BSOAS20
designation BSOAS 20 (pp. 255-265)
title Fragments of Assyrian Scholastic Literature
journal_id 259
volume 20
number 1
pages 255-265
Publication (deleted) 88497 [Entity deleted]
Publication (deleted) 88498 [Entity deleted]
Publication (deleted) 88499 [Entity deleted]
Publication (deleted) 88500 [Entity deleted]
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