Update event

approved by Rattenborg, Rune

Other Entity update submitted by Rattenborg, Rune on 2024-05-24 at 17:26:44 with credits to Rattenborg, Rune; project: Geomapping Landscapes of Writing Correcting wrongly assigned external resource links

Changes to other entities in this update

Entity Revision Changes
Publication "A Cylinder Seal from Tell Abu al-Dhahab Dated to the First Sealand Dynasty (1740-1374 BC)" 87341
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/44090622
Publication "Textes de l'Époque Babylonienne Ancienne" 87343
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/23282230
Publication "Textes de L'Époque Babylonienne Ancienne II : Les Archives de ŠĒP-SÎN" 87344
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/23282222
Publication "Textes de l'Époque Babylonienne Ancienne III" 87345
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/23282052
Publication "An Account Tablet of Sheep from Ancient Hebron" 87346
how_published https://doi.org/10.1179/tav.1986.1986.1.3
Publication "Third Millennium Cuneiform Texts in a Swedish Private Collection" 87347
Publication "Some Cuneiform Texts from the Haldar Collection. Two Old Babylonian Contracts" 87348
Publication "Die Umgebung von Fara und Abu Hatab" 87349
how_published http://idb.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/diglit/MDOG_1902_016/0025
Publication "Réflexions sur Puzur-Inšušinak" 87350
Publication "The urartian rock inscription of Razliq and Nasteban (East Azerbaijan, Iran)" 87351
Publication "The Bilingual Stela of Rusa I from Movana (West-Azerbaijan, Iran)" 87352
Publication "Excavations in Iraq, 1977-78" 87353
Publication "Excavations in Iraq 1987-88" 87354
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/4200307
Publication "Magical and Medical Knowledge on the Fringe of the Neo-Assyrian Empire: The Cuneiform Tablets from the Danish Excavations of Ḥamа̄ in Syria (1931-1938)" 87355
Publication "Hittites at Tell Afis (Syria)" 87356
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/43078115
Publication "Collection of Cuneiform Texts in the Egyptian Museum (Museo Egizio), Turin" 87357
Publication "West of Edin: Tell al-Deylam and the Babylonian city of Dilbat" 87358
Publication "Conférence de M. Daniel Arnaud" 87359
how_published https://www.persee.fr/doc/ephe_0000-0002_1982_num_95_91_15923
Publication "Deux "Kudurru" de Larsa: II. Étude Épigraphique" 87360
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/23295865
Publication "Textes Relatifs a l'Histoire de Larsa : I" 87361
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/23282359
Publication "Larsa. Catalogue of texts and inscribed objects found during the seventh campaign" 87362
Publication "Catalogue des textes trouvés au cours des fouilles et explorations régulières de la maison à Tell Senkereh-Larsa en 1969 et 1970" 87363
Publication "Larsa. Catalogue des textes et des objets inscrits trouvés au cours de la sixième campagne" 87364
Publication "Larsa. Catalogue des textes et des objets inscrits trouvés au cours de la septième campagne" 87365
Publication "Textes en cunéiformes syllabiques découverts en 1977 à Ibn Hani" 87366
Publication "2. Catalogue des documents inscrits trouvés au cours de la huitième campagne (1978), avec une annexe de textes divers concernant le royaume de Larsa" 87367
how_published https://www.persee.fr/doc/syria_0039-7946_1981_num_58_1_8661
Publication "La lettre Hani 81/4 et l'identification du site de Ras Ibn Hani (Syrie)" 87368
how_published https://doi.org/10.3406/syria.1984.6849
Publication "≪Note utilitaire≫ to W.L. Moran, The El-Amarna Tablets, The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London 1992 (abbrev.:EAMrE), p. XV, n.12, numeraion of the EA documents" 87369
Publication "Nabu-Enlil-Īterpīša (ANL 7)" 87370
Publication "Inana et Ebiḫ" 87371
how_published https://doi.org/10.1515/zava.1998.88.2.164
Publication "Une tablette néo-assyrienne de Syrie (?) et le dieu Aramis" 87372
how_published https://www.jstor.org/stable/23301681
Publication "The First Assyrian Level at Tell Billa" 87373
how_published https://www.penn.museum/sites/journal/9467/
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